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Port City International


“Given Problems”
Course Code:CSE 317
Course Title: Theory of Computing

Submitted To
Teacher’s name : Mohammed ArmanuzzamanChowdhury
DepartmentOf CSE
Port City International University,

Submitted By
Rahat Alam
ID: CSE 01406358
Batch: 014th(Day)
Program: B.Sc. in CSE
Department of CSE
Port City International University,

Date of Submission: 17/08/2020

Sl. No. Exercise Section Exercise Number Page Remarks

1. 1.2

2. 1.3


3. 2.1

4. 2.2


5. 2.3

6. 2.4
Find grammars for Σ = {a, b} that generate the sets of
(a) all strings with exactly two a’s.
(b) all strings with at least two a’s.
(c) all strings with no more than three a’s.
(d) all strings with at least three a’s.
(e) all strings that start with a and end with b.
(f) all strings with an even number of b’s.
In each case, give convincing arguments that the grammar you give does
indeed generate the indicated language.

To all strings with exactly two a’s

the grammar
G = ({A,S} , { a, b} , S, P) ,
with P given by
S → aaA | Aaa | AaAaA [String with exactly 2 a’s]
A → bA,A → λ [‘A’ can be replaced with bA|λ]
S ⇒aaA⇒aabA⇒aabb

S ⇒Aaa⇒bAaa⇒bbaa
S ⇒AaAaA⇒bAabAabA⇒babab

The string aabb,bbaa,bababis a sentence in the language generated by G, while

aabbA,babAabis a sentential form.
To all strings with at least two a’s

the grammar
G = ({A,S} , { a, b} , S, P) ,
with P given by
S → aaA | Aaa | AaAaA [String with at least 2 a’s]
A → bA|aA,

A→λ [‘A’ can be replaced with bA|aA|λ]

S ⇒aaA⇒aabA⇒aabbA⇒aabbaA⇒aabba

S ⇒Aaa⇒bAaa⇒bbAaa⇒bbaAaa⇒bbabAaa⇒bbabaa
S ⇒AaAaA⇒bAabAabA⇒baAabaAabaA⇒baabaaba

The string aabba,bbabaa,baabaabais a sentence in the language generated by G,

aabbaA,bbabAaa, baAabaAabaAis a sentential form.
To all strings with no more than three a’s

the grammar
G = ({S} , { a, b} , S, P) ,
with P given by
S → A | aAa | AaAaAa [String with no more than three a’s]
A → bA,

A→λ [‘A’ can be replaced with bA|λ]


S ⇒A⇒bA⇒bbA⇒bbb
S ⇒aAa⇒abAa⇒abbAa⇒abbbAa⇒abbba

S ⇒AaAaAa⇒bAabAabAa⇒bababa

The string bbb ,abbba,bababais a sentence in the language generated by G, while

bbA,abbbAa, bAabAabAais a sentential form.

To all strings with at leastthreea’s

the grammar
G = ({A,S} , { a, b} , S, P) ,
with P given by
S → AaAaAaA [String with at least Three a’s]
A → bA|aA,

A→λ [‘A’ can be replaced with bA|aA|λ]

S ⇒AaAaAaA⇒bAabAabA⇒baAabaAabaA⇒baabaaba

The string baabaabais a sentence in the language generated by G, while

baAabaAabaAis a sentential form.
To all strings start with a and end with b

the grammar
G = ({A,S} , { a, b} , S, P) ,
with P given by
S → aAb [String with start with a and end with b]
A → bA|aA|abA|baA,

A→λ [‘A’ can be replaced with bA|aA|λ]

S ⇒aAb⇒abAb⇒abaAb⇒abaabAb⇒abaabbaAb⇒abaabbab

The string abaabbabis a sentence in the language generated by G, while

abaabbaAbis a sentential form.
To all strings with with an even number of b’s

the grammar
G = ({A,S} , { a, b} , S, P) ,
with P given by

S → A | bbA, [String with an even number of b’s]

A → aS, [‘A’ can be replaced with aS]
S → λ. [‘S’ can be replaced with λ]

S ⇒A⇒aS⇒aA⇒aaS⇒aabbA⇒aabbaS⇒aabba

[ A→aS, S→A, A→aS, S→bbA,A→aS, S→λ]

The string aabba, is a sentence in the language generated by G, while

aabbA, aabbaSis a sentential form.
Question:Give a simple description of the language generated by the grammar
S → aaA,
A → bS,
S → λ.


G = ({S,A,},{a,b}, S, P)

Set of productions P:

S → aaA,
A → bS,

We start from the start state S. We then need to use the production step S → aaA

• To determine A, we can use A → bS. Thus A then contains strings with 2n a's followed
by n b's (where n > 0; when n = 0, then the string is the empty string).

S ⇒aaA⇒aabS⇒aabaaA⇒aabaabS⇒aabaab

{a2nbn|n≥ 0}

Thus the strings in the language generated by G contains the strings a2nbn, which results
in the string a2nbn.

L(G) = {a2nbn| n≥ 0}
What language does the grammar with these productions generate?
S → Aa,
A → B,
B → Aa


G = ({S,A,B},a, S, P)

Set of productions P:

S → Aa,
A → B,
B→ Aa

There is no terminating productionin the given grammar .

So the given grammar accepts ø that means the given grammar doesn’t generate any

Show that the grammar G = ({S} ,{a, b} , S, P ), with productions
S → SS |SSS| aSb|bSa| λ,
is equivalent to the grammar in Example 1.13.

Take Σ = {a, b}, and let na(w) and nb(w) denote the number of
a’s and b’s in the string w, respectively. Then the grammar G with
S → SS,
S → λ,
S → aSb,
S → bSa
generates the language
L = {w : na(w) = nb(w)} .
This claim is not so obvious, and we need to provide convincing arguments.
Show that the grammars
S → aSb|ab|λ
S → aaSbb|aSb|ab|λ
are equivalent.

say that two grammars G1 and G2 are equivalent if they generate the samelanguage, that
is, if
L (G1) = L (G2)


G1=(S,{a,b}, S, P1)

Production, P1

S → aSb|ab|λ

We start from the start state S. We then need to use the production step S → aSb|ab.
To determine S, we can use S → aSb|ab. Thus S then contains strings with n a's followed
by n b's (where n ≥ 0; when n = 0, then the string is the empty string).

S ⇒aSb⇒aaSbb⇒aabb

S ⇒ab

{anbn| n ≥ 0}

Thus the strings in the language generated by G contains the strings a2nbn, which results
in the string anbn .

L(G1) = {anbn| n ≥ 0}


G2=(S,{a,b}, S, P2)

Production, P2

S →aaSbb|aSb|ab|λ
We start from the start state S. We then need to use the production step S → aaSbb|aSb|
ab. To determine S, we can use S → aaSbb|aSb|ab. Thus S then contains
strings with n a's followed by n b's (where n ≥ 0; when n = 0, then the string is the empty
S ⇒aaSbb⇒aabb

S ⇒aSb⇒aaSbb⇒aabb

S ⇒ab

{anbn| n ≥ 0}

Thus the strings in the language generated by G contains the strings a2nbn, which results in the string
anbn .

L(G2) = {anbn| n ≥ 0}


L(G1) =L(G2)

thistwo grammars G1 and G2 are equivalent

Show that the grammars
S → aSb|bSa|SS|a
S → aSb|bSa|a
are not equivalent.

say that two grammars G1 and G2 are equivalent if they generate the samelanguage, that is, if
L (G1) = L (G2)


G1=(S,{a,b}, S, P1)

Production, P1

S → aSb|bSa|SS|a

We start from the start state S. We then need to use the production step S → aSb|ab. To determine S,
we can use S → aSb|ab. Thus S then contains strings with n a's followed by n b's (where n ≥ 0; when n =
0, then the string is the empty string).

S ⇒aSb⇒aaSbb⇒aabSabb⇒aabSSabb⇒aabaaabb

{anbn| n ≥ 0}

Thus the strings in the language generated by G contains the strings a2nbn, which results in the string
anbn .

L(G1) = {anbn| n ≥ 0}


G2=(S,{a,b}, S, P2)

Production, P2

S →aaSbb|aSb|ab|λ

We start from the start state S. We then need to use the production step S → aaSbb|aSb|ab.
To determine S, we can use S → aaSbb|aSb|ab. Thus S then contains strings with n a's followed by n b's
(where n ≥ 0; when n = 0, then the string is the empty string).

S ⇒aaSbb⇒aabb

S ⇒aSb⇒aaSbb⇒aabb

S ⇒ab

{anbn| n ≥ 0}

Thus the strings in the language generated by G contains the strings a2nbn, which results in the string
anbn .

L(G2) = {anbn| n ≥ 0}


L(G1) ≠L(G2)

thistwo grammars G1 and G2 are not equivalent

3. Give a grammar for the set of integer numbers in C.
4. Design an accepter for integers in C.
5. Give a grammar that generates all real constants in C.
7. Modify the grammar in Example 1.15 so that the identifiers satisfy the following rules:
(a) C rules, except that an underscore cannot be the leftmost symbol.
(b) C rules, except that there can be at most one underscore.
(c) C rules, except that an underscore cannot be followed by a digit.

1. Which of the strings 0001, 01101, 00001101 are accepted by the dfa in
Figure 2.1?.
4. For Σ = {a, b}, construct dfa’s that accept the sets consisting of
(a) all strings with exactly one a.
(b) all strings with at least two a’s.
(c) all strings with no more than two a’s.
(d) all strings with at least one b and exactly two a’s.
(e) all the strings with exactly two a’s and more than three b’s
2. 11. Consider the set of strings on {0, 1} defined by the requirements below. For
each, construct an accepting dfa.
(a) Every 00 is followed immediately by a 1. For example, the strings
101, 0010, 0010011001 are in the language, but 0001 and 00100
are not.
(b) All strings that contain the substring 000, but not 0000.
(c) The leftmost symbol differs from the rightmost one.
(d) Every substring of four symbols has, at most, two 0’s. For example, 001110 and
011001 are in the language, but 10010 is not
because one of its substrings, 0010, contains three zeros.
(e) All strings of length five or more in which the third symbol from
the right end is different from the leftmost symbol.
50 Chapter 2 Finite Automata
(f) All strings in which the leftmost two symbols and the rightmost
two symbols are identical.
(g) All strings of length four or greater in which the leftmost two
symbols are the same, but different from the rightmost symbol.

(a) FIGURE 2.1

the strings 0001, 01101, 00001101

The graph in Figure 2.1 represents the dfa

M = ({q0, q1, q2} ,{0, 1} , δ, q0, {q1})
where δ is given by
δ (q0, 0) = q0,
δ (q1, 0) = q0,
δ (q2, 0) = q2,

δ(q0, 1) = q1,
δ (q1, 1) = q2,
δ (q2, 1) = q1.

Forthe string0001⇒q0q0q0q1 . As q1 is the final state the string will be accepted.

Forthe string01101⇒q0q1q2q2q1 . As q1 is the final state the string will be

Forthe string 00001101⇒q0q0q0q0q1q2q2q1 . As q1 is the final state the string
will be accepted.

2. Translate the graph in Figure 2.5 into δ- notation

Figure 2.5:
The graph in Figure 2.1 represents the dfa
M = ({λ,0,00,001} , {0, 1} , δ, λ, {λ ,0,00})
where δ is given by
δ (λ, 0) = 0,
δ (0, 0) = 00,δ (00, 0) = 00
δ (001, 0) = 001,δ (λ,1) = λ,
δ (0, 1) = λ,
δ (00, 1) = 001,δ (001, 1) = 001

3. For Σ = {a, b}, construct dfa’s that accept the sets consisting of
(a) all strings of even length.
(b) all strings of length greater than 5.
(c) all strings with an even number of a’s.
(d) all strings with an even number of a’s and an odd number of b’s.


a,b q1
a,b q2

(b) all strings of length greater than 5.


a,b a,b q1
a,b a,bq1 q1
q0 q1


q2 a,b

(c) all strings with an even number of a’s.

b b b

q0 a a q1

4. For Σ = {a, b}, construct dfa’s that accept the sets consisting of
(a) all strings with exactly one a.
(b) all strings with at least two a’s.
(c) all strings with no more than two a’s.
(d) all strings with at least one b and exactly two a’s.
(e) all the strings with exactly two a’s and more than three b’s

b b a,b

a a q2 q1


b b a,b

a a q1 q2


b b b

a a q1 q2


b b a,b

a a q1 q1
a q1



(e) all the strings with exactly two a’s and more than three b’s



bb a aa

a q1
a, q1
a a
q0 q1

a b

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