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Volume 16 | Issue 15 | Fall 2014
in this issue

Aphesis: Zodiacal
Releasing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

CAAE Teaching
Books. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Aphesis: Zodiacal Releasing
By Rey dela Merced
President’s Message . . . 14
The information on Aphesis is scant and was described only in “Anthologies” by Vettius
Valens (circa 150 – 170 CE). It was popularized and taught by Chris Brennan. In Dec. 31,
My Dad’s Tent is
1997 Curtis Manwaring released Version 1 of a free program for Windows called “Zodiacal
Bigger Than Your Releasing” which calculates periods. On 2003, he released Delphic Oracle which is written
specifically for Hellenistic and Medieval astrology .I would like to thank Lina Grosso for
Dad’s Tent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 bringing to my attention that the latest version of Solar Fire can do Aphesis. However,
Rulerships setting has to be changed from Modern to Traditional. For comments or questions
on this article, and suggestions regarding future traditional astrology topics you can email me
Ask the Teacher . . . . . . . . . . 17

What is Aphesis?
Course Information . . . . . 20
Originally described by Vettius Valens in his “Anthologies” , Aphesis is a greek word which means
“to release,” “letting go,” or “send away.” Since the releasing involves the zodiac signs, it was aptly
called as Zodiacal Releasing (ZR) in the English language. (Henceforth, I will be using Aphesis and
Zodiacal Releasing interchangeably).

In Traditional Astrology, which is astrology as practiced during the Hellenistic period (150 BCE)
up to the 17th century , there are several ways to categorize predictive techniques and one of them
is by the Timing Method used. We have two:

Canad Direct Timing methods tells us when the significations of a planet, sign, house, lot or aspects/
AE ia
n configurations between two or more planets/points will become activated. Under this classification

the most popular one is transits. Included in this category is the use of the Minor Planetary
duc ion

Periods, Ascensional Times of a sign, and the various combinations of the two.

The second method of timing is by Time Lords (Gr. chronocrator – ruler of time). Time Lord
systems have two distinctive features. A planet, sign or house becomes activated for a period of

time the length of which would depend on the method used. Time Lord techniques also divides


Ast the life of the native into sections or chapters which is then governed by the Time Lord.

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A commonly employed metaphor for Aphesis and other time lord Level 4 which only lasts for days, is the simple sentence or one liner
techniques is that of writing a book about ones life. You may write a within a complex sentence.
book about career using the Lot of Fortune; your health by releasing
Levels below Level 1 is an oddity. For any period that last roughly more
from the Lot of Fortune; for love and relationships we would release
than 17 years, instead of continuing with the sign where the cycle started,
from the Lot of Eros or Lot of Marriage, etc. Aphesis consists of four
it jumps to the opposite sign – this is called the “loosing of the bond.” In
levels. Level 1 is the General Period that lasts for years; this can be the
Delphic Oracle this is marked by the letters LB but in the Aphesis you will
chapters of the book. The succeeding levels are then called Sub-periods
just notice a “jump” to the opposite sign of the sign that is supposed to be
or Specific Periods. Level 2 lasts for months; this can represent the
next in the sequence. Please refer to the illustration below.
paragraphs of each chapter. The next one has a period of weeks and is
labeled Level 3 representing the sentences within the chapter. Finally,

Another unique property of Time Lord techniques is that it utilize 360 Basic Principles
day year and 30 day month. Quarters of the Moon is slightly different –
Based on the above, we can then label Aphesis as a “Topical Time Lord
it has a 365.25 day year.
Technique.” Zodiacal Releasing normally starts from the Sign where the
Another way we can classify predictive techniques is as to the Topic of Lot being investigated is located. One exception to this rule is when the
Inquiry: Lot of Spirit (LOS) is in the same sign as the Lot of Fortune (LOF) and
we want to release from the LOS. In this case, we start releasing the LOS
• G
 eneral or Universal – this looks at the life of the native as a whole
from the next sign in zodiacal order. For example they are both in the
without any specific subject or topic in mind.
sign of Taurus, then we start the releasing the LOS from Gemini.
• T
 opical – the inquiry is directed to one particular topic like marriage,
travel, career, children, parents, etc.

[ two ]

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Starting at birth, the Sign and its Domicile Ruler (House Ruler) are having a career vs being unemployed; healthy vs bed ridden; wealthy vs
activated or awakened for a period that is allocated to that Sign. In deprived, etc.
Aphesis these time periods are based on the Minor Planetary Periods
Zodiacal Releasing normally starts at the sign where the Lot you are
of the planets. Thus Aries period would be 15 yrs (ruled by Mars) and
interested in is located. The only exception to the rule is when the Lot of
so on. However, Capricorn is allocated 27 yrs instead of 30 yrs like
Spirit is the one you are examining and it is in the same sign as the Lot
Aquarius and yet both are ruled by Saturn. Once this designated period
of Fortune. In this case, you start releasing from the next sign.
ends, the releasing jumps to the next Sign in zodiacal order and the
process continues. In order to use Aphesis, we have to cover some concepts and that can
be alien and even unsettling to practitioners of modern astrology. But
ZR is generally used to determine periods of reduced or heightened
this should not prevent us from integrating this wonderful and accurate
activity with regards to the topic of inquiry whether for good or bad.
predictive technique in our practice. As my childhood hero once said:
The “good and bad” referred to here has no moral connotations. It is
“Absorb what is useful. Discard what is not. Add what is uniquely your own
has do more with the idea of conventional good and bad. For example,
– Bruce Lee.” I urge the reader to experiment with it before discarding it.

Planetary Periods

Moon Mercury Venus Sun Mars Jupiter Saturn

Minor Periods 25 20 8 19 15 12 30
Mean Periods 66.5 48 45 69.5 40.5 45.5 43.3
Great Periods 108 76 82 120 66 79 57

The Four Levels and Their Periods

Sign Ruler Level 1 Period Level 2 Period Level 3 Period Level 4 Period
Aries, Scorpio Mars 15 years 15 months 1 mo., 7 days, 15
Taurus, Libra Venus 8 years 8 months 20 days 1 day, 16 hrs
Gemini, Virgo Mercury 20 years 20 months 1 month, 20 4 days, 4 hrs
Cancer Moon 25 years 25 months 2 mo., 12 days, 5 days, 4hrs,
2 hrs 48 min
Leo Sun 19 years 19 months 1 mo., 17 days, 3 days, 23 hrs
2 hrs
Capricorn Saturn 27 years 27 months 2 mo., 7 days, 5 days, 15 hrs
12 hrs
Aquarius Saturn 30 years 30 months 2 months, 15 6 days, 6 hrs
Pisces, Sagittarius Jupiter 12 years 12 months 1 month 2 days, 12 hrs

[ three ]

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Tools of the Trade Take note that in traditional astrology “opposition” is not considered
an aspect but for brevity sake we will consider it as such. Two or more
planets in the same sign are called “copresent.” The term “conjunction”
In ZR we will only be using Whole Sign House system. In this house
is exclusively used for those planets making bodily conjunction.
division, the sign where the ASC falls in becomes the 1st house, the 2nd
Hellenistic astrology uses 3 deg orb for planets and 13 deg orb for the
house then becomes the next sign in zodiacal order, and so on for the rest
moon. Since we will only be using Whole Sign based aspect we will not
of the houses. All the house cusps starts at 0 degrees.
be bothering with orbs.

Aspects are thought of as a relationship between two planets. It is the

In Whole Sign house division:
aspecting planets’ nature that is more important in delineation than the
• there are no intercepted signs aspect itself. Thus a square between two benefics will not create much
problem but a trine between two malefics would.
• no intermediary cusps
One other important concept here is called aversion. A planet is in aversion
• t he MC can be found anywhere from the 9th up to the
to a house or sign (and planet/s placed in it) if it cannot form a Ptolomaic
11th house
aspect to it. In traditional astrology there are no inconjuncts or semi-sextiles.
• the ASC is always on the lower hemisphere Benefics in aversion do not help. Malefics in aversion do no harm.

• the DESC is always located on the top hemisphere

• House and Sign are equivalent

The 7 traditional planets are the only ones used. There are no asteroids.

C. Traditional Rulerships

Mars (not Pluto) rules Scorpio. Jupiter (not Neptune) rules Pisces. Saturn
(not Uranus) is the lord of Aquarius.


Only the 5 Ptolemaic aspects are used in traditional astrology: conjunction,
sextile, square, trine and opposition. Take note that in traditional astrology
“opposition” is not considered an aspect but for brevity sake we will
consider it as such. Two or more planets in the same sign are called “co-
present.” The term “conjunction” is used for those planets making bodily
conjunction. Hellenistic astrology uses 3 deg orb for planets and 13 deg
orb for the moon. In ZR we will be using Whole Sign based aspects so we
do not have to worry about orbs.

Aspects in traditional astrology are based on: geometry and affinity between
signs. Visual connotation is always used when referring to aspects. (i.e.
witnessing, testimony, regarding, etc.). For example, Venus “regards” Jupiter E. WHOLE SIGN ANGLES (WSA)
with a trine. For degree based aspect they would employ “scrutinize.” WSA are simply signs with the same quadruplicity. Let us say the Annual
Profection landed on Taurus then all the fixed signs (Leo, Scorpio, and
Sextiles or Hexagon – signs are of the same gender. Aquarius) are said to be the WSA of Taurus. We can also say that the
Squares or Tetragon – same quadruplicity 4th, 7th and the 10th houses from Taurus (including Taurus itself ) are
Trine or Trigon – the same triplicity and gender WSA of Taurus. The aspects formed are the conjunction, superior square
Opposition or Diameter – the same quadruplicity and gender (10th house from Taurus) , opposition (7th house) and inferior square
(4th house).

[ four ]

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WSA to the ASC, the Lot of Fortune (LOF), and the Sign of the Year (in Basically, planets are divided into two “teams” or Sect. If the Sun is above
Annual Profection) are very important in traditional astrology. Planets the ASC/DESC axis then the chart is said to be Diurnal or Day. If below
transiting or located in WSA are more “stimulated.” They have more the axis, then it is called the Nocturnal or Night chart. Mercury is a
mojo and more oomph. Accordingly, events that happen here are more special case, it is Diurnal when it is rising before the Sun and Nocturnal
memorable, important and significant. These WSA also indicate peak when setting after the Sun. The easy way to determine this is to imagine
periods of activity. Thus if the releasing is from the Lot of Spirit (for yourself standing in the middle of the chart and face the Suns location.
investigating the topic of career) lands on one of the WSA to the LOF, If Mercury is on your right then it is a rising star and belongs to the
the native’s career life will be stimulated. However, the event/s occurring Diurnal team. If it is on your left then Mercury is setting star and is of
may not necessarily be desirable or advantageous to the native since the the Nocturnal team.
main attribute of WSA is quantitative. The quality of the event or period
Sect is not an indication of a planet’s strength or weakness (quantitative).
is determined by the planet/s in them, the state of the dispositor (house/
Generally speaking, a planet is said to be “strong” if in a “Busy” House
domicile ruler) or planets regarding (aspecting) the particular WSA.
or Angular. Being in a Succedent house is also considered acceptable; the
There is also a hierarchy as to the amount of “oomph” the four angles planet placed there are moderately busy.
impart. The 1st or conjunction provides the most stimulation; followed
Planets that are of the Sect in Favor are said to be in their “domain,” have
by the 10th or superior square; and then the 7th or opposition; and
the most authority in the native’s chart, it is reliable, happy (“rejoicing”)
finally the 4th or the inferior square offering the weakest stimulation.
and “at ease.” They can do a better job at bringing forth their favorable
In Robin William’s chart below, I only marked the WSA to Mars which significations.
is the Malefic contrary to the Sect. I deliberately left out Jupiter, the
Benefics of the Sect in Favor will do the most good for the life of the
Benefic of the Sect in favor, to avoid overcrowding the illustration.
native in a secure and stable manner. They can tone down or even
prevent the “evil” significations of the house they are in or the malefics
they are connected with.

Benefics that are Contrary to the Sect in Favor can do some good albeit
in a lesser way. Their benefic significations are held back or diminished.

Malefics of the Sect in Favor are like the “enforcer” of the team they are
in. They can act as protector against the malefic that is Contrary to the
Sect. If they are in a good state they can act for the native’s best interest.
Challenges and obstacles they present are surmountable and those are the
ones were we learn something from.

Malefics that are Contrary to the Sect will do the most harm in the chart
- especially if they are in a bad state. They can be a source of difficulty
and hardship. They will corrupt, deny, de-stabilize the significations of
whatever house they are located at or planets they are connected with. In
a bad state and a bad house, they could increase “evil.”


Before delineating a chart, we must first asses each of the planets’ ability
and willingness to bring about their significations as well as determine
if they are working for the overall good and benefit of the native. One
of the ways to accomplish this is through the notion of Sect or Domain.
The word Sect in greek is hairesis. Domain in arabic is hayyiz. Both
words mean “to taking” or “choosing of sides.”

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From the Diagram above, in a Day chart: a) the most Benefic planet is person never bought a lottery ticket before in her entire life but decided
Jupiter, b) Venus will not be as Benefic since she is Contrary to the Sect, to buy one that particular evening. And yes guess what? - she won the
c) Saturn is made less malefic. Its maleficence is toned down since it is of jackpot. Or someone who decided to call in sick at work and so he can
the Sect in Favor, d) Mars, however, who is Contrary to the Sect will be work in his backyard. Well a car goes out of control and crashed in his
the most malefic in the Day chart. backyard killing him. We hear all kinds of stories like that. So Fortune
is something that can happen to us through limitless number of causes
In a Night chart: a) the most Benefic planet is going to be Venus since
which can either be good or bad.
it is of the Sect in Favor, b) Jupiter will be less benefic because it is
Contrary to the Sect, c) Mars who is of the Sect in Favor will be less Most of the Lots date as far back as the Hellenistic period. There are lot
malefic, d) Saturn who is Contrary to the Sect will be the most malefic of Lots in fact, Al-Birunu’s “The Book of Instructions in the Elements of
in a night chart. the Art of Astrology” lists more than 150 lots - both natal and mundane.

What it is telling us is that if you have a Day chart the two planets to Lots have to do with portions and/or proportions involving three
watch out for or focus on are: 1) Jupiter for he will be the one that will do points or planets. It is better to calculate the Lots “visually” instead of
the most “good” and 2) Mars who will do the most “evil” in the chart. In a mathematically so we get sense of what is the rationale behind the formula.
Night chart, we keep an eye on: 1) Venus because she will be the one doing It seems that there is a dynamic interplay between the two Sects – like the
the most “good” and 2) Saturn because he will do the most “evil.” Yin and Yang. But in other Lots, it is between planets of the same Sect –
but one planet being more of that Sect than the other. For example, for a
On the other hand, Mercury is considered Benefic when configured with
Diurnal chart, the formula for the Lot of the Father is: Sun -> Jupiter: ASC
a Benefic; Malefic when configured with a Malefic. Mercury is said to be
(Distance from the Sun to Jupiter and project the result from the ASC).
“strong in his work” when setting because he is direct than when he is
So we are starting from the most Diurnal to the least Diurnal. Notice that
rising because he is retrograde.
I am also using a different notation. This is the notation that is now being
One practical application of this concept is that just by looking at promoted by contemporary traditional astrologers rather than the algebraic
a chart we can determine right away which area of life the native is form where we have the “plus” and “minuses.”
experiencing success and fulfillment; and which area of life the native
To calculate the Lot, we get the shortest longitudinal distance or arc
finds challenging and experiencing difficulties just by determining the
between two points or planets and then project that same distance from
house placement of the Most Benefic and Most Malefic. Of course there
a third point – which is usually the ASC. Where the projection lands
are other consideratons and mitigating factors – but this procedure just
that is where the Lot is. We calculate algebraically only when the Lot is
gives us a general idea.
close to a cusp. In Aphesis we are not concerned with the exact degree
Please take note that the “good” and “evil” as discussed has nothing to and minutes of the Lot only its house/sign location. This is because the
do with morality but rather with the concept of “conventional goods.” Lot marks the whole house it is in with its own significations.
We see good and find it desirable to have a fulfilling career, happy
Below are some of the lots, their formula and the topic of inquiry they
relationship, being healthy and having children. But deprived with
can be used for.
one of these, we call that situation “bad” and undesirable.
Lot of Fortune (LOF), also called the “Lot of the Moon.” This lot
represents the body; that it why it can be used as a substitute for the ASC.
The word “Lot suggests something that is allotted and apportioned
This lot is used for topics of health, accident, luck, and things that happen
and therefore does not involve choice. Lots have been associated with
passively to us, events that we experience that is not directly by choice.
luck, fate, and fortune. The word Lot in greek is kleros. In Arabic it is
sahamr which means arrow, share, and lot. In the olden times they would Lot of Fortune (Day) = Sun -> Moon: ASC
shuffle marked arrows to draw “lots.” Up to the present day, Chinese Lot of Fortune (Night) = Moon -> Sun: ASC
soothsayers still use yarrow sticks for divination. In Latin it is pars or
Lot of Spirit (LOS), the “Lot of the Sun.” Signifies our mind and the
sors which means a portion or lot. From these we can surmise that all
intellect. Event that we experience because of our intention or choice. Career.
the Lots are derived from the principle of Fortune (Gr. tyché). It is what
we get (whatever that is). It has nothing to do with merit or deserving Lot of Spirit (Day) = Moon -> Sun: ASC
it. It is indirectly related to choice. A good example would be this Lot of Spirit (Night) = Sun -> Moon: ASC
person who ran out of milk and so goes out to a convenience store. This

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Lot of Eros (LOE), is primarily used for finding potential times for Initial Preparatios
meeting and forming romantic relationships with someone.
Now that we have covered enough of the basic concepts necessary to be
Lot of Eros (Day) = LOS -> Venus: ASC able to interpret ZR, there are just a few more steps we have to do. We
Lot of Eros (Night) = Venus -> LOS: ASC have to find the following:
Lot of Marriage (LOM), is very useful for determining potential dates a) The Significator of the topic
for meeting the future significant other, as well as potential dates for b) The House whose affairs are related to the topic. We can use
marriage. The following formula is attributed to Hermes and it can also Profection to locate the Sign of the Year (SOY) and see if the SOY’s
be used for same sex relationships. theme is “hit” with the topic of inquiry.
Lot of Marriage (Day. Male) = Saturn -> Venus: ASC c) The relevant Lot.
Lot of Marriage (Night, Male) = Venus -> Saturn: ASC Since we are examining the topic of Robin William’s death, we will look
Lot of Marriage (Day, Female) = Venus -> Saturn: ASC for the significators of death and see if they were activated sometime
Lot of Marriage (Night, Female) = Saturn -> Venus: ASC around the time of his passing.
LOT OF DEATH (LOD), for potential dates when the native could be In choosing the significators of a topic, we have to bear in mind that the
in mortal danger either through his/her or other’s hands. planets can signify in three ways:
Lot of Death (Day) = Saturn -> Moon: ASC 1) Naturally - This has to do with the essential and archetypal nature
Lot of Death (Night) = Moon-> Saturn: ASC of the planet. Venus is the natural significator of love, relationships
Depicted below is an example of “Visual” calculation for the Lot of and pleasurable things, etc. We will be using Saturn as the natural
Fortune in a Night chart. Depicted below is an example of “Visual” significator of death.
calculation for the Lot of Fortune in a Night chart. 2) Accidentally – This has to do with the planets location and rulership.
In Robin’s chart we have Gemini on the 8th house ruled by Mercury
who is on the 10th of Leo – a WSA to the Profected ASC. Thus we
can say that Mercury is the accidental significator of death in this
particular chart because of its rulership.

We can also look at the 4th house of endings which is Aquarius ruled
by Saturn. We can also turn to the Triplicity Lords of the 8th house
of death. The First Triplicity is about death. We have airy sign in the
Diurnal chart so we have the following triplicity lords: the first lord is
Saturn, the second lord is Mercury and the third lord is Jupiter. So we
have Saturn again as the main significator of death in this chart.

According to Dorotheus the first Triplicity Lord of the 4th signifies

death. The 4th is Aquarius an airy sign and in the Day chart the first
Triplicity Lord is Saturn.

3) Specifically – This is obtained typically through calculations like the

Hyleg, Alcocoden, Anareta, Almuten, the Lots, etc. Let us look at the
Lot of Death.

The Lot of Death formula we will be using is from Paul of Alexandria

which is: Lot of Death = Saturn -> Moon: ASC

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We get the distance from Saturn to the Moon and project the result possessed dominion of the 8th house - “threatens the fury of slaves, or
from the ASC. The result is 12 deg Aries. (This will be the sign we will the sword.” Did he die primarily from a self-inflicted wound/cut?
zodiacally release from later.) This Mars the “specific” significator of
Jupiter the domicile ruler of Pisces, conjuncts the Lot of Death. He is
death. Mars can help us identify the cause or nature of death as well
also the dispositor or Lord of the Moon - the physical body.
as that of the sign in the 8th house (Gemini). Mars severs and cuts.
And according to Masha’Allah regarding the cause of death, if Mercury

The Procedure


Robin was 63 years old at the time of his passing so we Profect the The WSA to the Sign of the Year (SOY) are the Fixed Signs: Taurus, Leo
ASC to 63 yrs. We find that the Profected ASC lands on the 4th house and Scorpio. Mark on your printed birth chart the WSA to the SOY. Do
Aquarius. The theme of the year will be about home, end of things the same to the WSA of the Lot of Fortune.
(death). The Lord of the Year is Saturn which we know already is the
main significator of the topic of death in this chart.

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Zodiacal Releasing from the Lot of Death, located in Aries ruled by Mars, we generate the following

Level 1 (4/7/2011): Capricorn, which is ruled by Saturn. With “loosing of the bond.”
Level 2 (6/25/2013): Aquarius, ruled again by Saturn
Level 3 (7/23/2014): Scorpio, with Mars as ruler
Level 4 (8/9/2014): Pisces, with Jupiter as the Ruler

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To use the free ZR program enter the name, date and time of birth. Select the sign you will be releasing from. I would also set
“Sign Names” in “Long.” Clear the list and then click “List Periods.”

Level 1 (Capricorn) is on the WSA of the Lot of Death (in Aries)

Level 2 (Aquarius) and Level 3 (Scorpio) are on the WSA of the ASC
Level 4 (Pisces) is on the WSA of the Lot of Fortune

All the Levels/signs related to the topic of death are “activated.” The rulers of those signs activated are all significators of death. We also
were able to determine the possible cause or instrument of death which is a sharp metallic object – knife (aka “sword”). b
Part 2 will continue in our Winter edition of IDEAS.

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By Bryan Trussler

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Writing books can be like this. Intimidating at first,
each word makes the next sentence go a little easier; each paragraph makes the next page go a little easier; each
chapter makes the next book go a little easier. In time the words and paragraphs and chapters take the shape of
a book. And then one is no longer staring at a blank page in search of words, but staring at pages of words in
search of blanks.

My journey has grown to about 600 pages. It began six years ago when printed in colour, with illustrations also in colour, and colour is used as
the teachers of the CAAE were all, rather suddenly, thrown back onto a navigational aid. The lessons are organised coherently across all three
the need to create our own teaching materials. Our customary resources volumes, grouped into fifteen modules and about seventy lesson chapters.
all were out of print or otherwise made unavailable to us at a most
The Chart Collection volume contains about sixty charts, all presented on
inconvenient moment.
worksheet blanks and ready for students to fill in, right on the page, beside
Since then, my sense is that most teachers have turned to a favoured book and below a chart in colour! The collection includes both notable Canadians
or series of books (the March and McEvers series in particular) augmented (like Leonard Cohen and Pierre Trudeau) and international standards (Jane
by personal notes, handouts or exercises. March and McEvers were among Fonda and the Royals), plus the recently newsworthy (Robin Williams and
the sources caught out-of-print at that time but, for myself, even so, after Edward Snowden). It also includes all the most famous members of the
almost forty years in print, they felt to be in need of freshening up and too “27 Club” (Amy Winehouse, Kurt Cobain, Janis Joplin, ...). This volume is
American overall. For me, faced with these choices, the question was first functionally complete in that it has all sixty charts, but it does not yet have
“Do I continue teaching, at all? Is the universe trying to show me an Exit biographical summaries of the chart subjects. There is a separate section
sign?” Or was the universe trying to show me which mountain to climb containing the answers for benefit of the teachers. It is usable as it stands, but
next? I have too much Scorpio and too much Virgo to do anything by half it will be much more helpful when done.
measures. It was either do it up right and go big or go home.
The volumes of lessons for Level I (Foundations) and Level II (Explorations)
What I have created and what I am now prepared to share are four are functionally and substantially complete. Foundations has 140 pages
books. Three of the four books are tailored to follow faithfully the CAAE across eighteen chapters. Explorations has 180 pages across thirty-one
curriculum for Levels I, II and III. The fourth book is a companion volume chapters. There are some rough spots and one or two holes to fill, but a
of charts suitable for all three levels of the curriculum. The volumes are teacher can get through a year with them now. Currently, I am creating

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about 700 questions for homework exercises for the Foundations text, the text over the time of the class. Also for the teacher, I shall provide
with similar intentions for Explorations later this year. The volume of a copy of the companion chart collection, with its answer section,
lessons for Level III (Predictions) is “under development” — it is not as these are at this time (but I do not expect the biographies will be
yet ready to be unveiled and perhaps not until 2016. brought to completion this year). And when these manuscripts take
a more permanent shape as real books, I will further give that teacher
What I am looking for at this time are “beta testers” — teachers willing
acomplimentary copy as thanks.
to use my manuscripts as their textbook for at least one run of a Level
I class or Level II class, with fresh eyes and real students, and then to But I must charge a price for copies sold to students. Colour printing
report back to me with feedback, suggestions, complaints, verdicts. ... is very expensive. And it is not likely I will get feedback directly from
I have been my own “alpha tester” and I have used my notes through students — in fact, it is preferable that feedback be filtered through
four classes already, two at each level, over three years. This year, six the teachers. For Foundations and Explorations, $40 for one copy of
more students will be progressing in astrology using these manuscripts the text, looseleaf, with one copy of the companion chart collection
as sole textbook. included (sixty charts, in colour, without its answer section).

What I am offering is a FREE copy of the Level I or Level II For more information and sample lessons by email, please contact the
manuscript for any teacher who adopts it as the textbook for a Level I author, Bryan Trussler, at 519.576.6333 or b
or Level II class this year and agrees to provide feedback along the way.
I will also provide that teacher with any substantial additions made to

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PPresident’s Message
Janet Markham and Shannon Cunningham prepared the CAAE Level
Three Exam. Your President designed the Level 2 exam and Bryan
Trussler and yours truly created the Level 1 exam. Janet developed the
Math Exam. Four new exams are designed each year. Kate Preston, the
Registrar, got the Level 2 and 3 exams sent out on time. Special thanks
By Joan Ann Evelyn

CAAE and Astrology Toronto held a joint workshop on September 6 and

7. Nick Dagan Best, a Montreal-based Astrologer, researcher, speaker
and writer give a lecture on Uranus and the Shining Sun. Nick went
through two centuries of Uranus Transits through the tropical signs.
Andrew Morton is an Astrologer from the United Kingdom. His topic
to Kate for a job well done and to Jim Schaefer for looking after the was Up Close and Personal — The Inner Solar System. Both presented
financial end of things. I would also like to thank Janet Markham important knowledge to add to our understanding of Astrology.
and Shannon Cunningham (Toronto), Alison Price and Anne
Best of luck to all the CAAE teachers who are staring new classes this
Massey (Vancouver), Bryan Trussler (Kitchener) and Jim Schaefer
Fall and to the students who are challenged to learn Astrology. Until
(Penetanguishene) for their help in marking the exams. Three students
we meet again... b
wrote the Math Exam. Five students wrote the Level 1 exam. Four
students wrote Level 2 and three students completed Level 3 exam. Joan Ann Evelyn
In all, fifteen students wrote and passed the exams. It takes a lot of
co-ordination to put the exam package together. Special thanks to
everyone who helped to make this year’s exams a great success and to
the teachers who willingly share their knowledge. Congratulations to
the students who passed the exams! The date of the CAAE Certificate
Party will be announced.

Regan Jane, our website designer, had to take a leave of absence due to
family illness, but will be back on the job in October. We have received bios
and pictures from teachers, but if you would like to update your bio, picture

or course information, please forward same to The
website is a work in progress and we are still working to perfect it.
A E ia
My time as President has truly been a learning experience. I had been
A n
Secretary of the CAAE Board for several years, but never served on the


Education Committee. If you truly want to learn Astrology, I invite you to

duc ion

get involved in the exam preparation process.If you are close to graduation

or even just interested, consider joining the board. At this time, we are

looking for a candidate to fill the position of Treasurer. But, we would

welcome you in any capacity. Please e-mail me:


[ fourteen ]
a c
ogi Ast

Fall |

“My Dad’s Tent is Bigger

than Your Dad’s Tent!”
Rey dela Merced

When speaking of planetary strength, one of the things we normally To understand what makes the angles so pivotal in traditional astrology
look for is angularity. We also call this the Whole Sign Angles (WSA) to we need to go back how the astrologers of antiquity defined it. The Greeks
the ASC. Whole Sign Angles are the conjunction, the inferior square, called the four angles “kentra” (sing. kentron). You can think of “kentron”
opposition, and superior square to the ASC or any point we are looking as a sharp pointed object to prod an animal the purpose of which is to
at. One way of looking at it is to think of the WSA as the 4th (inferior make it move faster. The Arabs used the word “watad” when they translated
square),7th(opposition), and 10th house (superior square) from the point kentron which means a stake, pivot or peg with reference to the ones used
under consideration. You will also notice that the WSA are based on the for holding down tents. A Bedouin chief, having a much larger tent than
modality (Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable signs) of the point of interest. It is the rest of his tribe, was called “he of many tent poles.” Thus watad has been
also important to remember that WSA are “foundational’ to the point being used as a metaphor to indicate power and authority. (The Arabic verb watada
examined and that any point in a chart have their own WSA. is part of a phrase which means “to stay at home.” This is the reason why in
horary questions about missing object or person, a planet in one the angles
To illustrate this, let us say we have Taurus on the 3rd house, then all of the
are interpreted as being close to home or at home.) If we look at a medieval
Fixed signs: Leo in the 6th, Scorpio in the 9th and Aquarius in the 12th will
style chart, you will notice that the four angles are also the four corners of the
be the WSA to Taurus (3rd house).
chart – thus angelus in Latin. This was later anglicized to angles, the word
There is also a ranking in terms of how intense or notable the events will be we know today but whose original meaning was lost to us. In summary,
when those WSA and the planets located in them are activated by a Time planets in the angles are said to be “excited”, stimulated, powerful and their
Lord system, Solar Revolution, transit, etc. The ranking is indicative of how significations firmly established.
heightened or intensified that period will be in relation to the topic. For
When reading the old texts one should identify which of angles the author is
example, if you are inquiring about career. This can be a period of shuffling
talking about. The texts mention four kinds of angles:
around of positions at work, opportunities for career change, more job
interviews if one happen to be looking for work. In relationships, this can 1. WSA to the ASC
be a period when you meet a lot of prospective partners, meet your future
2. W
 SA to a point; the Lot of Fortune or Solar Revolutions’ Sign of the Year
spouse or even get married. The place of conjunction is the most notable and
in particular
active, followed by the superior square, then a moderate opposition and the
least notable or active, the inferior square. 3. Axial Degrees itself

Being notable or intense has nothing to do with the quality of the event. 4. R
 egion or Zone of Power which identified as 15 deg after
All things considered, quality is based on the type of planet/s in the sign the Axial Degree of the ASC
that was activated and whether that sign is aspected by malefics or benefics.
Remember we are talking about whole sign aspects where a planet can aspect
by sextile, square, trine or opposition in a whole sign/house.

[ fifteen ]

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We interpret planets in angular houses as “strong,” in succeedent houses when they become Time Lords themselves and then they would bring about,
they are called “middling” and in cadent we call them “weak.” An alternative albeit, temporarily their negative attributes.
way of looking at it is to relate the relative angularity of a planet to how
This is also the main reason why we want Benefic planets to be Angular or
“busy” they are working in bringing about their significations in the life
even Succeedent. If Benefics are in Cadent houses, then we get only a trickle
of the native. Thus planets that are Angular are focused, work harder, and
of their goods. As for the Malefics, we want them doing something else aside
busy in bringing about its significations. Planets that are Succeedent can be
from their negative significations. So we do not want the Malefics in Angular
thought of as initially taking a “detour”; but later in life redirect its efforts
houses but rather in Cadent houses where they will do less harm. Now where
to bring about whatever it signifies. Cadent planets - I like to think that
they have “attention deficit disorder.” They are always diverting from their was I… b
significations. From time to time they would get a jolt from a Time Lord or

A Medieval Style Chart

[ sixteen ]

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ask the teacher

By Joan Ann Evelyn
Q. A client, who decided to move in 24 hours,
asks what was happening in her chart?

Seven years ago, my client moved into a ground floor
apartment and stated “This is definitely my last move”.
This summer, my client had to deal with a mold problem
in her apartment. She has suffered from Asthma from
the time she was a child and the mold problem made
the disease unbearable. All the challenges seemed to
culminate in the past two weeks and she was feeling
tense and distraught. Natally, Saturn opposes her Moon.
When she moved into the apartment seven years ago,
Saturn was making a T-square to her birth Moon and her
birth Saturn. Seven years later, Saturn is now conjoining
her birth Moon and opposing her birth Saturn. Saturn
(restrictions) and the Moon (emotions), making a difficult
aspect to each other, can result in depression. At the
same time, Pluto is opposing her Birth Venus and Uranus
is squaring her Progressed Venus, ruler of the 4th house of
her home. These two transits are starting to wind down.

nt s
& e ve
The CAAE News and Events page
We invite News and Events items from CAAE teachers and students.
Your news and events such as; lecture spots you are presenting, television or radio appearances and other
news of interest to our community.

Please send your news or event details to Joan Ann Evelyn for approval who then
forwards it to Alison Price and she posts the item on the CAAE News and Events page.

You may include one or two copyright free images for each post. Please include the relevant links and
contact details including your email and website address for each event. Items are listed by date. The first
item is the next event. So current items are seen above the fold.

You may contact Alison directly for edits or to correct links, typos or errors to a
posted item. Please note: Class information does not go on the News and Events page.

[ seventeen ]

Fall |

Christine Skinner Returns to Toronto!

December 5th, 6th, and 7th, 2014

Friday Evening, Dec. 5, 2014: 7:30 to 9:30 p.m.

Using Financial Astrology to Understand Economic Cycles
What’s the outlook for 2015, 2016, and beyond? Adding astrology to your trading tool-box yields valuable and practical
information to help you manage your money and investments and understand the greater economic and financial cycles.
We’ll first consider trends for the Toronto Stock Exchange, and gold and silver trading. Later we’ll focus on potential areas for
investment in view of breakthroughs likely to occur between now and 2018.

Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 6 & 7, 2014


Saturday, Dec. 6, 2014: 10:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. n Declinations, Latitude, and Midpoints
This workshop focuses on the inner landscape of your chart. The morning covers the position of the planets, Sun, and Moon
by declination and latitude in both natal and progressed charts to better understand how they work together, with special
emphasis on Out-of-Bounds planets in both.

In the afternoon we’ll examine midpoints and midpoint trees. Each day the ASC and MC pass through all 12 signs, aligning
with each of your planets and always in order, triggering hidden points between the planets: the midpoints. Habits can become
ingrained as the sequence of midpoints is activated over and over again. Slow-moving planetary transits over a midpoint “tree”
or sequence offer opportunities to break patterns. Families may share midpoint sequences, revealing astro-genetics. This
workshop offers helpful and PRACTICAL ways of working with midpoints.

Sunday, Dec. 7, 2014: 10:00 a.m. to 7 p.m. n Harmonics and Eclipses

The morning concentrates on Harmonics. A Grand Trine natally shows up as a conjunction in the third harmonic chart—easy to
see in the natal. But what about planetary pictures that aren’t so obvious? Harmonics are invaluable in exploring links between
planets and how—and when—they will work together. Best known is the 9th harmonic chart—or Navamsa--popular in Vedic
astrology. Yet the 7th tells us what turns a person on while the 13th alerts us to mischievous malformations. We’ll look at some
major harmonics and see how using them enriches the consultation process.

The afternoon covers Eclipses and Occultations. Significant events in our lives (as in history) often correlate with either a solar
or lunar eclipse. Less well noted are occultations of the planets. The Moon can occult a planet for several months. If that planet
is itself highlighted, then these special transits become significant. Looking back at the last 30 years we’ll see how occultations
have impacted world affairs and our own lives.

[ eighteen ]

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Christine Skinner Returns to Toronto!

December 5th, 6th, and 7th, 2014

If you would like your chart used as an example, please send data directly to

Cost: $35 for Friday evening

$225 for Saturday and Sunday

Location: Victoria College, University of Toronto

CHRISTEEN SKINNER is a consulting astrologer specializing in business affairs. She is author of The Financial Universe
(2004) in which she forecast the financial crisis of 2008. Christeen works in London, UK, with a clientele that includes CEOs,
City traders, entrepreneurs, and private investors. She has taught for the Faculty of Astrological Studies, was previously Chair of
the Astrological Association of Great Britain, and is currently a trustee of the Urania Trust. Christeen is now Chair of the Advisory
Board of NCGR and is a Director of Cityscopes London Ltd.

(She will be hosting a webinar for NCGR on October 19th, 2014 between 12 and 1 p.m. using 4 case studies to show how to
choose techniques to fit each case, ranging from astrocartography and local space to progressions and the draconic zodiac.)

For more information or to register, contact:

Janet Markham or
Priscilla Costello

[ nineteen ]

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Course information
CAAE Level 3, Semester 1
This course will run monthly over the Winter 2014 and Spring 2015. Each trending technique (transits, secondary
progression, solar returns, solar arcs, eclipses) will be covered in depth. This course will be of interest to those
studying Level 3 for the first time or for those requiring a refresher or more practice in other areas.

Instructor: Janet Markham
Location: Bayvew/Lawrence (Toronto)
Cost: $65. CDN
Dates: Runs monthly Winter 2014 – Spring 2015
Email Sign up:


Basic Astrology Level I (CAAE Curriculum)

This course introduces the language of astrology including the signs and planets, elements and modes, essential
dignities and sign rulerships, houses, aspects, Sun/Moon/Ascendant blend, chart ruler, chart signature and Moon
phases. Students study their own chart as well as those of famous people. No prerequisite.

Instructor: Shannon Cunningham
Location: Greenwood and Danforth (Toronto)
Cost: $240. CDN (for 8 classes)
Dates: Fall, 2014 (as soon as three or more people sign up)
Time: : 10-12:30pm Sunday mornings
Email Sign up:

[ twenty ]

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Course information continued…

Foundations in Astrology (CAAE Curriculum)

This prepares students to write the CAAE Level I examinations in May 2015. We begin with the building blocks and
vocabulary of astrology, including the planets, signs, houses and aspects, mythology and archetypes. We apply this
vocabulary to chart profiles, essential dignities, aspect synthesis and chart patterns, ending with the problem of orbs
and retrograde motion. The goal is always internal coherence -- understanding Why it hangs together the way
it does goes a long way to helping students to Use it the right way.

Instructor: Bryan Trussler
Location: Kitchener, Ontario
Cost: $240. CDN (16 classes) plus Book
Dates: September 2014 until April 2015
Time: Tuesday Evenings, 7:00-9:30pm
Email Sign up:

Explorations in Astrology, Pt 2 (CAAE Curriculum)

This course continues from the first semester and prepares students for Level II exams next May. We begin with
exploration of the Moon and her cycles in greater depth and then settle in to aspect configurations and chart
patterns for most of the course, ending with declinations and antiscia.

Instructor: Bryan Trussler
Location: Kitchener, Ontario
Cost: $240. CDN (10 classes) including TextBook
Dates: January 2015 until April 2015
Time: Thursday Evenings, 7:00-9:30pm
Email Sign up:

[ twenty one ]

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Course information continued…

Explorations in Astrology, Pt 2 (CAAE Curriculum)

This prepares students to write the CAAE Level III exams in May 2015. This course is about the natal chart in motion
-- taking the totality of the natal energy and carrying it forward into the future, watching it as it interacts with the sky
above (transits and returns) and with the sky within (progressions and directions) with age and experience.

Instructor: Bryan Trussler
Location: Kitchener, Ontario
Cost: $240. CDN per semester
Dates: Sunday Afternoons, bi-weekly, Sept 2014 - Apr 2015, 1pm-4pm
Email Sign up:

Morin for Intermediate Astrologers Part 2 – Level II
A continuation of the first set of classes, Part 2 will focus on Morin’s archetype, house distortions, radical and
derived houses, universal significators as well as a detailed analysis of the lights and their connections to each
other and the Ascendant.

*** If you have not taken part one but are interested in part two, I am considering offering a one day workshop prior to
this course that will cover Morin essentials. Email me ASAP if you are interested.

Instructor: Melanie Joy
Location: Niagara Region or Skype
Cost: $200 CAD for eight weeks
Dates: October 13, 2014 – December 1, 2014
Time: Mondays or Tuesdays 7 to 9 pm
Email sign-up:

[ twenty two ]

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Course information continued…

Online Basic Astrology CAAE Level I

This class teaches the basic language and interpretation in Astrology using your own Natal chart as a reference. 8
classes total, Text (Purchased separately) - Understanding The Birth Chart by Kevin Burk. Classes are sent out every
Tuesday by email, and questions are answered through the week.

Instructor: Beverley Rostant
Location: Marlbank, Ontario
Cost: $176.99 CDN
Dates: Ongoing continual start date.
Time: Tuesdays
Email Sign up:

Intermediate Astrology Level II – Online Solar Return Series Classes

These classes moves forward in teaching you how to interpret your Solar/Lunar/Mercury/Venus/Mars/Diurnal/Jupiter
and Saturn Returns. 8 classes total. Class material sent out every Tuesday, and questions answered each week via
email. Text - Predicting Events with Astrology by Celeste Teal and Identifying Planetary Triggers by Celeste Teal
(To be purchased separately).

Instructor: Beverley Rostant
Location: Marlbank, Ontario
Cost: $176.99 CDN
Dates: Ongoing continual start date
Time: Tuesdays
Email Sign up:

[ twenty three ]

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Course information continued…

Intermediate Astrology – Online Solar Return Series Classes

If you wanted to know what is coming up in your future then this is your course. Taken in the comfort of your home
at your own pace, these classes moves forward in teaching you how to interpret your Solar/Lunar/Mercury/Venus/
Mars/Diurnal/Jupiter and Saturn Returns.

Instructor: Beverley Rostant
Location: Marlbank, Ontario
Cost: $176.99 CDN
Dates: Ongoing continual start date
Time: Tuesdays
Email Sign up:

Other Elective Classes – Online Medical Astrology class

This class teaches the basics of medical astrology by understanding the stress points in your chart. 7 classes
total. Class material sent out every Tuesday, and questions answered each week via email. Text - An Astrological
Comparison of Planets in Medical Diagnosis. Volume 1: The Arterial System by Beverley Rostant.

Instructor: Beverley Rostant
Location: Marlbank, Ontario
Cost: $154.99 CDN
Dates: Ongoing continual start date
Time: Tuesdays
Email Sign up:

[ twenty four ]

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Course information continued…

Natal Chart Interpretation

In this 12 week class you learn to interpret the complete natal horoscope. There are 25 steps required for a
competent interpretation of a natal horoscope. Students develop a multi-level interpretation of each planet. When
students complete this level they are able to interpret natal horoscopes with respect for the individual and his or her
life challenges.

Instructor: Robin Armstrong
Location: Aurora, Ontario
Cost: $250 CDN (in class) $100 CDN (home study)
Dates: TBA (open wait list)
Time: 7:00 to 9:00 pm
Email Sign up:

[ twenty five ]

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ATTENTION writers:
If you would like to contribute to the next
newsletter, forward your articles to by December 1st, 2014.
CAAE Membership

The CAAE offers two types of membership: Student or Associate

Student Membership: A student member is usually taking one or more of the
CAAE courses. FEE: $15.00 annually
Associate Membership: An associate is usually a member who has a working For more info go to
knowledge of astrology and typically has completed the Level II training in the
CAAE education program. FEE: $45.00 annually
or mail in this
The Benefits of Membership application.
For Both Types of Membership: Access to the CAAE Study guides
• CAAE Newsletter • Opportunities to network with CAAE teachers and other students

Additional Benefits for Associates: Access to a teacher training program

• Access to teaching notes and course material • Mentorship wth experienced CAAE staff



City Province Postal Code


STUDENT: Enclosed is my cheque for $15.00 for one year

ASSOCIATE: Enclosed is my cheque for $45.00 for one year

Please mail completed form to: The CAAE, 226 Cromwell Avenue, Oshawa, L1J 4T8.

AE ia


Design & Layout: Wendy Squirell



Newsletter Coordinator: Joan Ann Evelyn

Contributors: Rey dela Merced | Bryan Trussler

Published by: CAAE



ic Ast

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