Pratishtha Jain.... Etiquette in Spain

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Pratishtha jain

Spanish hons.

I have been given an assigment on social etiquette of spain. As i have never been to spain so i dont know
much about it. But i have an online friend from barcelona, spain. I have discussed this topic with her. All
i have got know from this conversation and my knowledge is as follows-:

-That family is the most important aspect for spaniards. Celebration would be incomplete without
family. it’s not uncommon to have older relatives being cared for in the family home. Likewise, children
are absolutely adored, and included in everything. Food has a significant influence in Spanish family life,
with lunch (la comida) the biggest meal of the day, which last from 2 to 4pm. It's normal for shops and
entire towns to halt for the evening dinner and siesta.

- Basic etiquette
1. Spaniards use to say hello and goodbye when they enter and exit from shop which is you wont find in

2. As we have seen that in india, mostly indian throw the object which they want to pass whereas
spaniards politely pass it to them

3. We also know this indians rarely tip for services whereas its common in spain. But still they tip for
small amount as large amount tips are considered rude.

4. Well this 'not being punctual' is not important both in india as well as spain.

5. It is considered very polite action when the one who invited others pay for the sevices and food. And
to not argue for paying bills as it is considered rude.

- While visiting
Spaniards are very enthusiastic person. They always welcome guest with open arms. Actually it is
common in spain to say "mi casa es tu casa"( my house is yours). My friend has said that they mostly
invite their guest to dine out side in restaurant or bars. It isnt necessary to bring something with you as
they dont minds even if you dont. And they actually like to eat their meals late so dont be offended. It is
expected from guest to stay after dinner for 'la sobremesa( it means to stay for drink and relaxation). It
is actually new for me as i have never heard about this. I have also got to know one interesting things
that is if you are confused when to leave then please remember when they start talking about 'la
penultima' which means one last drink, it is time for you to leave. Weird i know.

Spaniards prefer to dine at restaurant or bars that serves tapas(snacks) and raciones(kind of main
course). They either eat with their own family or they bring additional guest. In india people go to
restaurant without reserving in advance whereas spaniards always reserve a vacant seat. Spaniards
loves to drink. So host always gives the first toast to others by saying 'salud'(basicall. You shouldnt start
eating if the host hasnt indicates it time to start. It is considered very rude and the hosy may get
offended and your image will get down the drain. They like to take a leisurely stroll (paseo) outdoors
before or after dinner. People also sit around the table talking for a long time after the meal concludes.
This is called ‘la sobremesa’ which i have mentioned above. My friend have warned me to not dine alone
at restaurant or bars at night and not to insist for paying the bill when you are with male spaniard.

In case you're meeting someone for the first time, you should shake their hand. If in future you become
friends or get close, you may move on to embracing (men) or kisses on each cheek (ladies), beginning
with the left. I found this type of greetings very sweet. Men are also mostly like to kiss on cheeks of
women to say hello or bid them goodbye, than to shake their hand. To greet or to say hello, they use
Buenos días before lunch and Buenas tardes after that. My friend has told me to Remember that in
Spain the feeling of time is to some degree versatile, so except if you're meeting for business (while
being late is extremely inappropriate behavior) don't be irritated in the event that you are left sitting for
a ten or twenty minutes. Spaniards like to stand close to their friends while speaking so dont be
uncomfortable or think that they are taking advantage and also do not back out as it is seemed quite
rude and they will get offended. My friend has also warned me to never touch, hug or back slap a
Spaniard you do not know well, unless a friendly Spaniard touches you first. She has also said that male
friends can hug or embrace each other or touch each other’s arms or kiss each other, depending on how
good their friendship is. In Spain this is not a sign that one is gay like in india.

-Giving gifts
When we visit someone we should bring something with us like fruits, desserts, wine and chocolates and
should bring perfectly wrapped gifts. I have also heard that Flowers are also an appropriate gift. But do
not give chrysanthemums (yellow or white) because they are the symbol of death, the flowers most
commonly used in funerals. So a big NO to white or yellow coloured flowers. One thing that suprised me
is that when a guest bring gifts for you it is expected to open gift in front of the guest tp give remark and
thank the person whereas in india it is quite shameful.
Well this conversation with her was quite an eye opening and useful for me as i got to know a lot about
spanish etiquette.

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