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Dr. Mai Cao Lan,

November, 2016




11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 2
Course Objective
• To review the background of petroleum reservoir
simulation with an intensive focus on what and how
things are done in reservoir simulations

• To provide guidelines for hands-on practices with

Microsoft Excel

11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 3








 T. Eterkin et al., 2001. Basic Applied Reservoir Simulation,

SPE, Texas

 J.H. Abou-Kassem et al., 2005. Petroleum Reservoir

Simulation – A Basic Approach, Gulf Publishing Company,
Houston, Texas.

 C.Mattax & R. Dalton, 1990. Reservoir Simulation, SPE,


11/11/2019 Mai Cao Lân – Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering - HCMUT 5




11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 6
Numerical Simulation – An Overview

11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 7
Mathematical Formulation

11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 8
Numerical Methods for PDEs

11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 9
Numerical Methods for Linear Equations

11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 10
Components of a Reservoir Simulator

Physical Model Computer Code


Mathematical Model Numerical Model

11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 11
What is Reservoir Simulation?

• A powerful tool for evaluating reservoir performance

with the purpose of establishing a sound field
development plan

• A helpful tool for investigating problems associated with

the petroleum recovery process and searching for
appropriate solutions to the problems

11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 12
Reservoir Simulation Basics
• The reservoir is divided into a number of cells

• Basic data is provided for each cell

• Wells are positioned within the cells

• The required well production rates are specified as a

function of time

• The equations are solved to give the pressure and

saturations for each block as well as the production of
each phase from each well.

11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 13
Simulating Flow in Reservoirs

• Flow from one grid block to the next

• Flow from a grid block to the well completion
• Flow within the wells (and surface networks)

Flow = Transmissibility * Mobility * Potential Difference

Geometry & Fluid Well

Properties Properties Production

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11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 15
Essential Physics

The basic differential equations are derived from the

following essential laws:

 Mass conservation law

 Momentum conservation law

 Material behavior principles

11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 16
Conservation of Mass

Mass conservation may be formulated across a control element with one fluid
of density r, flowing through it at a velocity u:


Mass into the Mass out of the  Rate of change of mass

   
element at x  element at x + Dx  inside the element 

11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 17
Continuity Equation
Based on the mass conservation law, the continuity equation can be
expressed as follow:

 
  Ar u   A r 
x t

For constant cross section area, one has:

 
  r u   r 
x t
11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 18
Conservation of Momentum

Conservation of momentum for fluid flow in porous materials

is governed by the semi-empirical Darcy's equation, which for
one dimensional, horizontal flow is:

k P
 x

11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 19
Equation Governing Material Behaviors

 The behaviors of rock and fluid during the production

phase of a reservoir are governed by the constitutive
equations or also known as the equations of state.

 In general, these equations express the relationships

between rock & fluid properties with respect to the
reservoir pressure.

11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 20
Constitutive Equation of Rock
The behavior of reservoir rock corresponding to the
pressure declines can be expressed by the definition of the
formation compaction

 1    
cf    
    P T

For isothermal processes, the constitutive equation of rock

 c f
11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 21
Constitutive Equation of Fluids
The behavior of reservoir fluids corresponding to the
pressure declines can be expressed by the definition of fluid
compressibility (for liquid)

1  V 
cl     , l  o, w, g
V  P T

For natural gas, the well-known equation of state is used:


11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 22
Single-Phase Fluid System

Normally, in single-phase reservoir simulation, we would

deal with one of the following fluids:

Fluid System

One Phase Gas One Phase Water One Phase Oil

11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 23
Single-Phase Gas

The gas must be single phase in the reservoir, which means

that crossing of the dew point line is not permitted in order
to avoid condensate fall-out in the pores. Gas behavior is
governed by:

r gs
rg  
Bg Bg

11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 24
Single-Phase Water

One phase water, which strictly speaking means that the

reservoir pressure is higher than the saturation pressure of
the water in case gas is dissolved in it, has a density
described by:

r ws constant
rw  
Bw Bw

11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 25
Single-Phase Oil

In order for the oil to be single phase in the reservoir, it

must be undersaturated, which means that the reservoir
pressure is higher than the bubble point pressure. In the
Black Oil fluid model, oil density is described by:

r oS  r gS Rso
ro 

11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 26
Single-Phase Fluid Model

For all three fluid systems, the one phase density or

constitutive equation can be expressed as:


11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 27
Single-Phase Flow Equation
The continuity equation for a one phase, one-dimensional system of
constant cross-sectional area is:
 
 ru   r 
x t
The fluid model:
The conservation of
momentum for 1D, k P r
u B
horizontal flow is:  x
Substituting the momentum equation and the fluid model into the
continuity equation, and including a source/sink term, we obtain the
single phase flow in a 1D porous medium:

  k P  qsc    
    
x   B x  Vb t  B 
11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 28
Single-Phase Flow Equation for Slightly
Compressible Fluids

  k P  qsc  c f d (1/ B)  P
      t
x   B x  Vb  B dP 

Based on the fluid model, compressibility can now be defined in terms of

the formation volume factor as:
d (1/ B)
cl  B , l  o, g , w
Then, an alternative form of the flow equation is:

  k P  qsc  P  ct P
   c f  cl  
x   B x  Vb B t B t

11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 29
Single-Phase Flow Equation for Compressible

  k P  qsc    
    
x   B x  Vb t  B 

11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 30
Boundary Conditions (BCs)

Mathematically, there are two types of boundary conditions:

• Dirichlet BCs: Values of the unknown at the boundaries

are specified or given.

• Neumann BCs: The values of the first derivative of the

unknown are specified or given.

11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 31
Boundary Conditions (BCs)

From the reservoir engineering point of view:

 Dirichlet BCs: Pressure values at the boundaries are

specified as known constraints.

 Neumann BCs: The flow rates are specified as the known


11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 32
Dirichlet Boundary Conditions
For the one-dimension single phase flow, the Dirichlet boundary
conditions are the pressure the pressures at the reservoir boundaries,
such as follows:

Px  0, t  0  PL
Px  L, t  0  PR

A pressure condition will normally be specified as a bottom-hole

pressure of a production or injection well, at some position of the

11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 33
Newmann Boundary Conditions
In Neumann boundary conditions, the flow rates at the end faces of the
system are specified. Using Darcy's equation, the conditions become:

kA  P  kA  P 
Q0     QL    
  x  x 0   x  x  L

For reservoir flow, a rate condition may be specified as a production or

injection rate of a well, at some position of the reservoir, or it is
specified as a zero-rate across a sealed boundary or fault, or between
non-communicating layers.

11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 34
General 3D Single-Phase Flow Equations
The general equation for 3D single-phase flow in field units (customary
units) is as follows:

  Ax k x     Ay k y  
 c  Dx    c  Dy
x   B x  y   B y 
  Az k z   Vb    
  c  Dz  qsc   
z   B z   c t  B 
  p  Z Z: Elevation, positive in downward direction
c, c, c: Unit conversion factors
  cr g
11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 35
3D Single-Phase Flow Equations for
Horizontal Reservoirs
The equation for 3D single-phase flow in field units for horizontal
reservoir is as follow:

  Ax k x p    Ay k y p 
 c  Dx    c  Dy
x   B x  y   B y 
  Az k z p  Vb    
  c  Dz  qsc   
z   B z   c t  B 

11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 36
1D Single-Phase Flow Equation with
Depth Gradient

  Ax k x p  Vb    
  c Dx  qsc   
x  B x   c t  B 
  Ax k x Z 
   c  Dx
x  B x 

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Quantities in Flow Equations

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Quantities in Flow Equations

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11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 40
Numerical Solution of Flow Equations

 The equations describing flui flows in reservoirs are of

partial differential equations (PDEs)

 Finite difference method (FDM) is traditionally used for

the numerical solution of the flow equations

11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 41
Fundamentals of FDM
In FDM, derivatives are replaced by a proper difference formula based on
the Taylor series expansions of a function:

(Dx)1 f (Dx) 2  2 f (Dx)3  3 f (Dx) 4  4 f

f ( x  Dx)  f ( x)      
1! x x 2! x 2 x
3!  x 3
4!  x 4

The first derivative can be written by re-arranging the terms:

f f ( x  Dx)  f ( x) Dx  2 f (Dx) 2  3 f
    
x x Dx 2! x 2 x
3!  x 3

Denoting all except the first terms by O (Dx) yields

f f ( x  Dx)  f ( x)
  O(Dx)
x x Dx
The difference formula above is of order 1 with the truncation error being
proportional to Dx
11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 42
Fundamentals of FDM (cont.)
To obtain higher order difference formula for the first derivative, Taylor series
expansion of the function is used from both side of x

(Dx)1 f (Dx) 2  2 f (Dx)3  3 f (Dx) 4  4 f

f ( x  Dx)  f ( x)      
1! x x 2! x 2 x
3!  x 3
4!  x 4

(Dx)1 f (Dx)2  2 f (Dx)3  3 f (Dx) 4  4 f

f ( x  Dx)  f ( x)      
1! x x 2! x 2 x
3!  x 3
4!  x 4

Subtracting the second from the first equation yields

f f ( x  Dx)  f ( x  Dx) (Dx) 2  3 f
   
x x 2Dx 3! x3 x

The difference formula above is of order 2 with the truncation error being
proportional to (Dx)2
f f ( x  Dx)  f ( x  Dx)
  O(Dx 2 )
x x 2Dx
11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 43
Typical Difference Formulas

Forward difference for first derivatives (1D)

f f ( x  Dx)  f ( x)
  O(Dx)
x x Dx

or in space index form

f fi 1  fi
  O(Dx)
x i Dx

i-1 i i+1


11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 44
Typical Difference Formulas

Backward difference for first derivatives (1D)

f f ( x)  f ( x  Dx)
  O(Dx)
x x Dx

or in space index form

f f f
 i i 1  O(Dx)
x i Dx

i-1 i i+1


11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 45
Typical Difference Formulas
Centered difference for first derivatives (1D)

f f ( x  Dx)  f ( x  Dx)
  O(Dx 2 )
x x 2Dx

or in space index form

f f f
 i 1 i 1  O(Dx 2 )
x i 2Dx

i-1 i i+1


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Typical Difference Formulas

Centered difference for second derivatives (1D)

2 f f ( x  Dx)  2 f ( x)  f ( x  Dx)
  O ( Dx 2
x 2 x
Dx 2

or in space index form

2 f fi 1  2 fi  fi 1
  O ( Dx 2
x i
Dx 2

i-1 i i+1


11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 47
Typical Difference Formulas

Forward difference for first derivatives (2D)

f f ( x, y  Dy )  f ( x, y )
  O(Dy )
y ( x , y ) Dy

or in space index form

f fi , j 1  fi , j
  O(Dy )
y (i , j ) Dy i-1,j i,j i+1,j


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Typical Difference Formulas

Backward difference for first derivatives (2D)

f f ( x, y )  f ( x, y  Dy )
  O(Dy )
y ( x , y ) Dy

or in space index form


f fi , j  fi , j 1
  O(Dy) i-1,j i,j i+1,j
y (i , j ) Dy


11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 49
Typical Difference Formulas
Centered difference for first derivatives (2D)

f f ( x, y  Dy )  f ( x, y  Dy )
  O(Dy 2 )
y ( x , y ) 2Dy

or in space index form


f fi , j 1  fi , j 1
  O(Dy 2 ) i-1,j i,j i+1,j
y (i , j ) 2Dy


11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 50
Typical Difference Formulas
Centered difference for second derivatives (2D)

2 f f ( x, y  Dy )  2 f ( x, y)  f ( x, y  Dy)
  O ( Dy 2
y 2 ( x, y )
Dy 2

or in space index form


2 f fi , j 1  2 fi , j  fi , j 1
  O(Dy 2 ) i-1,j i,j i+1,j
y 2 (i , j )
Dy 2


11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 51
Solving time-independent PDEs

 Divide the computational domain into subdomains

 Derive the difference formulation for the given PDE by replacing all
derivatives with corresponding difference formulas

 Apply boundary conditions to the points on the domain boundaries

 Apply the difference formulation to every inner points of the

computational domain

 Solve the resulting algebraic system of equations

11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 52
Exercise 1

 Solve the following Poisson equation:

2 p
 16 2
sin(4 x) 0  x 1
x 2

subject to the boundary conditions:

p=2 at x=0 and x=1

11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 53
Exercise 2

 Solve the following Poisson equation:

 2u  sin( x) sin( y )
0  x  1, 0  y  1
subject to the boundary conditions:

u  0 along the boundaries x  0, x  1, y  0, y  1

11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 54
Boundary Condition Implementation

Newmann BCs:

x b

p p1  p0 p pnx 1  pnx
 C  C
x 11/2 x1  x0 x nx 1/2 xnx 1  xnx
p0  p1  C Dx1 pnx 1  pnx  C Dxnx

11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 55
Boundary Condition Implementation

Dirichlet BCs:

pb  C

1    p1  p2  C 1    pn x
 pnx 1  C
Dx1 Dxnx
 
Dx1  Dx2 Dxnx  Dxnx 1

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Exercise 3

 Solve the following Poisson equation:

 2u  ( 2   2 ) exp( x   y )
0  x  1, 0  y  1,   2,   3
subject to the boundary conditions:

u  exp( x   y); y  0, y  1
  exp( x   y ); x  0, x  1

11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 57
Solving time-dependent PDEs

 Divide the computational domain into subdomains

 Derive the difference formulation for the given PDE by replacing all
derivatives with corresponding difference formulas in both space
and time dimensions

 Apply the initial condition

 Apply boundary conditions to the points on the domain boundaries

 Apply the difference formulation to every inner points of the

computational domain

 Solve the resulting algebraic system of equations

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Exercise 4

 Solve the following diffusion equation:

u  2u
 2 , 0  x  1.0, t  0
t x
subject to the following initial and boundary conditions:

u ( x  0, t )  u ( x  1, t )  0, t  0
u ( x, t  0)  sin( x),0  x  1
 Hints: Use explicit scheme for time discretization

11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 59
Explicit Scheme

 The difference formulation of the original PDE in Exercise 4 is:

uin 1  uin uin1  2uin  uin1

Dt (Dx) 2

n=0,NT: Time step
i =1,NX: Grid point index

11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 60
Implicit Scheme

 The difference formulation for the original PDE in Exercise 4

n 1 n 1 n 1 n 1
u u u n
 2u  u
 i i 1 i i 1

Dt (Dx) 2

n=0,NT: Time step
i =1,NX: Grid point index

11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 61
Semi-Implicit Scheme

Semi-Implicit Scheme for the Diffusion Equation in Exercise 4 is

uin 1  uin uin11  2uin 1  uin11 uin1  2uin  uin1

  (1   )
Dt (Dx) 2
(Dx) 2

n=0,NT: Time step
i =1,NX: Grid point index

When =0.5, we have Crank-Nicolson scheme

11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 62
Discretization in Conservative Form
   P i-1 i i+1
 f ( x)
x  x 

 P   P 
f ( x )  f ( x )
P   x  i 1/2  x  i 1/2
 
x 
f ( x )
x  i

 O 
 Dx 

 P  Pi 1  Pi  P  Pi  Pi 1
  1  O(Dx)     O(Dx)

 i 1/2 2
x ( Dx i  D x i 1 )  x i 1/2 2 (Dxi  Dxi 1 )

( Pi 1  Pi ) ( Pi  Pi 1 )
2 f ( x)i 1/2  2 f ( x)i 1/2
  P  (Dxi 1  Dxi ) (Dxi  Dxi 1 )
 f ( x)    O(Dx)
x  x  i Dxi

11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 64
FDM for Flow Equations

 FD Spatial Discretization

 FD Temporal Discretization

11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 65
Single-Phase Flow Equations

 For slightly compressible fluids (Oil)

  Ax k x p  Vb ct p
 c  Dx  qsc 
x   B x   c B t

 For compressible fluids (Gas)

  Ax k x p  Vb    
 c  Dx  qsc 
x   B x   c t  B 

11/11/2019 Mai Cao Lân – Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering - HCMUT 66
FDM for Slightly Compressible Fluid Flow

 FD Spatial Discretization

 FD Temporal Discretization

11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 67
FD Spatial Discretization of the LHS

Discretization of the left side term

 P   P 
f ( x )i  1    f ( x )i  1  
  P 
 x i  1 2
 x i  1
 f ( x )   2 2
 O(Dx)
x  x  i Dxi

Ak  P  ( Pi 1  Pi )  P  ( Pi  Pi 1 )
where f ( x)   c x x   1    
B  x i  (Dxi 1  Dxi ) / 2  x i  1 (Dxi 1  Dxi ) / 2
2 2

The discretization of the left side term is then

  Ax k x p   Ax k x   Ax k x 

 c D 
 i  c
x   ( Pi 1  P )  
 c  ( Pi  Pi 1 )
x   B x i   BDx i  12
  BDx i  12

11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 68

Define transmissibility as the coefficient in front of the

pressure difference:

 Ax k x   1 
Tx   c   
i 1
2  Dx i  1  B i  1
2 2

11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 69
FD Spatial Discretization

The left side term of the 1D single-phase flow equation is

now discritized as follow:

  Ax k x P 
 c  Dxi  Txi  12 ( Pi 1  Pi )  Txi  12 ( Pi 1  Pi )
x   B x i

11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 70

 Ax k x   1 
Tx   c  1  1
i 1
2  Dx i    B i 
2 2

11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 71
Transmissibility (cont’d)

 Ax k x 

1  Ax k x 
 Ax k x  

  c Dx  1    c    c
Dx i 1  
Dx i 

 i  2 


 Ax k x   Ax k x i 1  Ax k x i
 c  1  2 c
 Dx i   Ax k x i Dxi 1   Ax k x i 1 Dxi

11/11/2019 Mai Cao Lân – Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering - HCMUT 72
Weighted Average of Mobility

i  
Dxi 1i 1  Dxi i 
Dxi1  Dxi 
i  1 
Dxi 1i 1  Dxi i 
Dxi1  Dxi 
11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 73
Discretized Transmissibility

 Ax k x   1 
Tx   c   
i 1
2  Dx i  1  B i  1
2 2

 Ax k x i 1  Ax k x i
Tx  2 c
 Ax k x i Dxi 1   Ax k x i 1 Dxi
1   1   1  
  Dxi 1  
  Dx 
 
 
Dxi 1  Dxi   i
 
  B i 1  B i 

11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 74
FD Temporal Discretization

Explicit Method
 Vb ct   i i 
n 1

n n
p p
Txni1/2  pin1  pin   Txni1/2  pin1  pin   qsc n  
 c B i Dt

Implicit Method
Txi1/2  pi 1  pi   Txi1/2  pi 1  pi   qsc  
n 1 n 1 n 1 n 1 n 1 n 1 n 1  Vb ct 
n 1
p n 1
i  pin 


 c i
B Dt
Semi-implicit Method  0    1
qsc n 1   Txni1/21  pin11  pin 1   Txni1/21  pin11  pin 1  

 Vb ct 
 1    Txi1/2  pi 1  pi   Txi1/2  pi 1  pi    
 n n n n n n

n 1
 i i
p n 1
 p n

 c B i Dt

11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 75
Exercise 5
For the 1D, block-centered grid shown on the screen,
determine the pressure distribution during the first year of
production. The initial reservoir pressure is 6000 psia. The
rock and fluid properties for this problem are:
Dx  1000ft; Dy  1000ft; Dz  75ft
B  1RB/STB; =10cp;
k x =15md;  =0.18; c t =3.5  106 psi -1 ;
Use time step sizes of =10, 15, and 30 days.
Assume B is unchanged within the pressure range
of interest.
11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 76
Exercise 6
For the 1D, block-centered grid shown on the screen,
determine the pressure distribution during the first year of
production. The initial reservoir pressure is 6000 psia. The
rock and fluid properties for this problem are:
Dx  1000ft; Dy  1000ft; Dz  75ft
B  1RB/STB;  =10cp; cf=1.0 10-6 psi-1
k x =15md;  =0.18 at p=3000psia; ct =3.5  106 psi-1 ;
Use time step sizes of =15 days.
Assume B and  are unchanged within the pressure range
of interest. Also, the reservoir rock is considered as
a slightly compressible material.
11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 77
Exercise 5 (cont’d)

1000 ft
qsc  150 STB/D p
75 ft
1 2 3 4 5
1000 ft

11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 78
Exercise 6 (cont’d)

qsc  150 STB/D p

1 2 3 4 5 ft
p  6000psia ft

11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 79
FDM for Slightly Compressible Fluid Flow

 FD Spatial Discretization

 FD Temporal Discretization

11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 80
FD Spatial Discretization of the LHS for
Compressible Fluids

Same as that for slightly compressible fluids

  Ax k x p 
 c  Dxi  Txi  12 ( pi 1  pi )  Txi  12 ( pi 1  pi )
x   B x i

11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 80

 Ax k x   1 
Tx   c   
i 1
2  Dx i  1  B i  1
2 2

11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 82
Upstream Average of Mobility


i 1 if pi 1  pi
i  
 i if pi 1  pi

11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 82
FD Spatial Discretization of the RHS for
Compressible Fluids

 Vb       
 Vb   
n 1
   

          
  c t  B   i  c Dt  B 
  B   

  ref
exp c f  p  p 
 ref

11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 83
Exercise 7

For the 1D, block-centered grid shown on the screen,

determine the pressure distribution during the first year of
production. The initial reservoir pressure is 5000 psia. The
rock and fluid properties for this problem are:
Dx  1000ft; Dy  1000ft; Dz  75ft
k x =15md;  =0.18; c t =3.5 106 psi -1
Use time step sizes of =10 days.

11/11/2019 Mai Cao Lân – Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering - HCMUT 85
Exercise 7 (cont’d)

PVT data table:

p (psia)  (cp) B (bbl/STB)

5000 0.675 1.292

4500 0.656 1.299
4000 0.637 1.306
3500 0.619 1.313
3000 0.600 1.321
2500 0.581 1.330
2200 0.570 1.335
2100 0.567 1.337
2000 0.563 1.339
1900 0.560 1.341
1800 0.557 1.343

11/11/2019 Mai Cao Lân – Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering - HCMUT 86
Exercise 7 (cont’d)

1000 ft
qsc  150 STB/D p
75 ft
1 2 3 4 5
1000 ft

11/11/2019 Mai Cao Lân – Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering - HCMUT 87




11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 88
Multiphase Flow Equations
 Continuity equation for each fluid flowing phase:

 
  Ar l ul   A r l Sl  l  o, w, g
x t

 Momentum equation for each fluid flowing phase:

kkrl Pl Pcow  Po  Pw

ul   Pcog  Pg  Po
 l x
l  o, w, g
l  o, w, g
l 1

11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 89
Oil-Water Flow Equations

• Considering the fluid phases of oil and water only, the

flow equations for the two phases are as follows:

  kro  Po Z  Vb   So 

 c k x Ax  o  Dx     qosc
x  o Bo  x x   c t  Bo 

  krw  Pw Z  Vb   S w 
 c k x Ax   w  Dx     qwsc
x   w Bw  x x   c t  Bw 

So  S w  1 Pw  Po  Pcow

11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 90
Oil-Water Flow Equations

  kro  Po Z  Vb    1  S w  
 c k x Ax  o  Dx     qosc
x  o Bo  x x   c t  Bo 

  krw  Po Pcow Z  Vb   S w 

  c k x Ax   w  Dx     qwsc
x   w Bw  x x x   c t  Bw 

11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 91
Discretization of the Flow Equation
Left side flow terms

  k ro  Po Z 
  c k x Ax  o  Dxi
x  o Bo  x x  i
 Txo i  1 ( Po i 1  Po i )  Txo i  1 ( Po i 1  Po i )
2 2

  k rw  Po Pcow Z 
  c k x Ax   w  Dxi
x   w Bw  x x x  i
 Txwi  1 ( Po i 1  Po i )  Txwi  1 ( Po i 1  Po i )
2 2

11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 92
Phase Mobility

k ro
o 
o Bo

k rw
w 
 w Bw

11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 93
Averaging of Phase Mobility
1 Upstream: 2 weighted average:

 i   i o i  
Dxi o i  Dxi 1o i 1 
Dxi  Dxi 1 
o o 1
2 2






11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 94
Upstream Average of Mobility

wi 1 if Pwi 1  Pwi

wi  
wi if Pwi 1  Pwi


oi 1 if Poi 1  Poi

oi  
 oi 1  Poi
 oi if P

11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 95
Discretization of Multiphase Flow
Left side flow terms

  kro  Po Z  
  c k x Ax  o   Dxi
x  o Bo  x x   i
 Txo 1 ( Po i1  Po i )  Txo 1 ( Po i1  Po i )
i i
2 2

  krw  Po Pcow Z  

  c k x Ax   w   Dxi
x  w Bw  x x x   i
 Txw 1 ( Po i1  Po i )  Txw 1 ( Po i1  Po i )
i i
2 2

11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 96
Discretization of the Oil-Phase Equation
Right side flow terms

  So   So  

    So  
t  Bo  Bo t t  Bo 
The second term:
n 1 n 1
      So   cr d (1/ Bo)  n 1
So         ( P  Po
i )
t  Bo i  Dt i  Bo
dPo  i
The first term:
n 1 n 1
  So     n 1
So 1  S w       n
  ( S Swi )
 Bo t i  Bo Dt i

11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 97
Discretization of Oil-phase RHS

   So  n 1 n 1 n 1
   Cpoo ( P  Po
)  Cswo ( Sw
 Sw
i )
t  Bo i i oi i i i

n 1 n 1
n 1   (1  Sw )   cr d (1/ Bo) 
Cpoo i     
Where:  Dt i  Bo dP o i
n 1
n 1   
Cswo i   
 Bo Dt i
11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 98
Discretization of Water-Phase Equation
Right side flow terms

  S w   S w   
    S w  
t  Bw  Bw t t  Bw 

      Pw     Po Pcow 

         
t  Bw  Pw  Bw  t Pw  Bw  t t 

Pcow dPcow S w

t dS w t

11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 99
Discretization of Water-phase RHS

   Sw  n 1 n 1 n 1
  Cpowi ( Poi  Poi )  Cswwi ( Swi  Swi )
n n1 n

t  Bw i

n 1 n 1
n 1   Sw   cr d (1/ Bw ) 
Where: Cpow i     
 Dt i  Bw dPw 
n 1 n 1
n 1     dPcow  n 1
Csww i     dSw  Cpow
 w i
B t  i i

11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 100
Fully Discrete Oil-Water Flow Equations
(Fully Implicit)

   
Txoin11 Poni1 1  Poni 1  Txoin11 Poni1 1  Poni 1  Cpooin 1 Poni 1  Poin
2 2
 
Cswoin 1 S n 1
wi  Swin q osci
n 1

i  1,..., N

2 
  
Txwin11  Poni1 1  Poni 1  Pcow
n 1
i 1
 P n 1 
cowi   T xw
n 1 
i  2  oi1
1 
n 1
 P n 1
oi  P n 1
cowi1  
 P n 1 
cowi  
 
 C powin 1 Poni 1  Poin  Cswwin 1 Sn 1
wi  n 1
 Swin  q wsc

i  1,..., N

11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 101
IMPES Solution of Oil-Water Flow Equations

First, the pressure is found by solving the following equation:

 Txoin11   iTxwin11
2 2
 P n 1
oi1  
 Poni 1  Txoin11   iTxwin11
2 2
 Pn 1
oi1  Poni 1 

  iTxwin11 Pcowi 1
 P n
cowi   i Txw
i 1
n 1
P n
cowi 1  P n
 
  Cpooin 1   i Cpowin 1 P n 1
oi 
 Poin  qoscin 1   i qwscin 1

Cswoin 1
i  
Cswwin 1
11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 102
IMPES Pressure Solution

n 1 n 1 n 1 n 1 n 1 n 1 n 1
Wi P oi 1  Ci P oi  Ei P oi 1  gi

Wi n 1  Txoin11   iTxwin11 Ei n 1
T n 1
xo 1
i 2
 T n 1
i xwi  1
2 2 2

C in 1   Txoin11  Txoin11  Cpooin 1  C n 1
i  
2 2 swoi

 i Txwin11  Txwin11  Cpowin 1
2 2
 C swwi
n 1

g in 1  (Cpooin 1   i Cpowin 1 ) Poin  qoscin 1   i qwscin 1

  iTxwin11 ( Pcowin11  Pcowin 1 )   iTxwin11 ( Pcowin11  Pcowin 1 )
2 2

11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 103
IMPES Water Saturation
Once the oil pressures have been found, water saturations
can be obtained by either the oil-phase equation or the
water-phase equation.

n 1 1   
Txoin11 Pon 1  Pon 1  Txoin11 Pon 1  Pon 1
i 1 i 1
 
S wi  Swi 
n 2 i 2 i

Cswoin 1   q n 1  Cpoo n 1 P n 1  Po n
 osci i oi i   

i  1,..., N

11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 104
Exercise 8

A homogeneous, 1D horizontal oil reservoir is 1,000 ft long

with a cross-sectional area of 10,000 ft2. It is discretized into
four equal gridblocks. The initial water saturation is 0.160
and the initial reservoir pressure is 5,000 psi everywhere.
Water is injected at the center of cell 1 at a rate of 75 STB/d
and oil is produced at the center of cell 4 at the same rate.
Rock compressibility cr=3.5E-6 psi-1. The viscosity and
formation volume factor of water are constant and given as
w=0.8cp and Bw=1.02 bbl/STB during the period of interest.
11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 105
Exercise 8 (cont’d)
The gridblock dimensions and properties are: Dx=250ft,
Dy=250ft, Dz=40ft, kx=300md, =0.20. PVT data
including formation volume factor and viscosity of oil is
given in Table 1 as the functions of pressure. The
saturation functions including relative permeabilities and
capillary pressure.

Using the IMPES solution method with Dt=10 days, find

the pressure and saturation distribution after 100 days of
11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 106
Exercise 8 (cont’d)

Ax=10,000 ft2

Qw=75 STB/d Qo=-75 STB/d p


1 2 3 4
250 ft

11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 107
Exercise 8 (cont’d)

PVT data table:

p (psia)  (cp) B (bbl/STB)

5000 0.675 1.292

4500 0.656 1.299
4000 0.637 1.306
3500 0.619 1.313
3000 0.600 1.321
2500 0.581 1.330
2200 0.570 1.335
2100 0.567 1.337
2000 0.563 1.339
1900 0.560 1.341
1800 0.557 1.343

11/11/2019 Mai Cao Lân – Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering - HCMUT 108
Exercise 8 (cont’d)
The relative permeability data:

Sw Krw Kro
0.16 0 1
0.2 0.01 0.7
0.3 0.035 0.325
0.4 0.06 0.15
0.5 0.11 0.045
0.6 0.16 0.031
0.7 0.24 0.015
0.8 0.42 0

11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 109




11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 110
The initial and often the most time consuming phase of a simulation study,
is the acquisition and interpretation of descriptive data for the reservoir
and reducing this data to a format acceptable to the simulation program.
Seismic, Structure
Cores, Logs Reservoir quality

Total injection
Total production Continuity
Fluid properties (PVT) Depletion
Reservoir pressure (BHP) Displacement
Production by layer (PLT) Fluid behavior
Fluid contacts (TDT, logs) Residual oil
Development Drilling and Strategy
Groups of Data Required for
a Simulation Study

Rock Data
permeability, relative permeability, capillary pressure,
porosity, saturations, thickness, depth, compressibility

Fluid Data
PVT, viscosity, density, formation volume factor,
compressibility, solution gas-oil ratio
Groups of Data Required for a Simulation Study

Production Data
flow rate, pressure, PI, II

Mechanical and Operational Data

lifting capacity, operational constraints

Economic Data
product price, capex, opex, economic limit
Miscellaneous Data
Well stimulation, workover
Data Required for a Simulation Study –
Sources of Data

Property Sources
Permeability Pressure transient testing,
Core analyses

Porosity, Rock Core analyses, Well logs

Relative permeability Laboratory core flow tests
and capillary
Data Required for a Simulation Study –
Sources of Data

Property Sources
Saturations Well logs, Core analyses,
Single-well tracer tests
Fluid property (PVT) data Laboratory analyses of reservoir
fluid samples
Faults, boundaries, fluid Seismic, Pressure transient testing
Data Required for a Simulation Study –
Sources of Data

Property Sources
Aquifers Seismic, Regional exploration

Fracture spacing, Core analyses, Well logs, Seismic,

orientation, connectivity Pressure transient tests,
Interference testing

Rate and pressure data, Field performance history

completion and workover





11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 117
Problem Definition
Consider a 2-phase (oil,water) reservoir model having 5x5x3 cells (in X,Y,Z
directions, respectively). The cell sizes are 500ft x 500ft x 75ft, respectively and the
depth of reservoir top structure is 8,000ft. A production well (named as PROD) was
drilled at location (x,y)=(1,1) through the whole reservoir thickness. An injection
well (named as INJ) was drilled at location (x,y)=(5,5) through the whole reservoir
thickness. Both wells were completed by perforations in the entire reservoir
thickness, starting from the depth of 8,000ft.

The reservoir has 3 layers whose permeabilities in X,Y,Z directions are:

Layer Kx Ky Kz
1 200 150 20
2 1000 800 100
3 200 150 20

Create a data file to perform reservoir simulation by using ECLIPSE 100

Brief Introduction about Eclipse
• ECLIPSE 100 is a fully-implicit, three phase, three dimensional,
general purpose black oil simulator with gas condensate option.

• ECLIPSE 100 can be used to simulate 1, 2 or 3 phase systems. Two

phase options (oil/water, oil/gas, gas/water) are solved as two
component systems saving both computer storage and computer
time. In addition to gas dissolving in oil (variable bubble point
pressure or gas/oil ratio), ECLIPSE 100 may also be used to model
oil vaporizing in gas (variable dew point pressure or oil/gas ratio).

• Both corner-point and conventional block-center geometry

options are available in ECLIPSE. Radial and Cartesian block-
center options are available in 1, 2 or 3 dimensions. A 3D radial
option completes the circle allowing flow to take place across the
0/360 degree interface.
Data Sections in Eclipse100

RUNSPEC General model characteristics

GRID Grid geometry and basic rock properties

EDIT Modification of the processed GRID data (optional section)

PROPS PVT & SCAL properties

REGIONS Subdivision of the reservoir (optional section)

SOLUTION Initialization

SUMMARY Request output for line plots (optional section)

Wells, completions, rate data, flow correlations, surface facilities

Simulator advance, control and termination
Typical Keywords in Sections
Runspec Section
Title, problem dimensions, switches, phases present, components etc.
TITLE title

DIMENS number of blocks in X,Y,Z directions

OIL, WATER, GAS, VAPOIL, DISGAS the active phases present

FIELD/METRIC/LAB unit convention

WELLDIMS well and group dimensions

1 The maximum number of wells in the model

2 The maximum number of connections per well

3 The maximum number of groups in the model
4 The maximum number of wells in any one group
Typical Keywords in Sections
Runspec Section

UNIFIN indicates that input files are unified

UNIFOUT indicates that output files are unified

START start date of the simulation

NOSIM data checking only, with no simulation

Typical Keywords in Sections
Runspec Section
-- Number of cells
5 5 3/
-- Phases
-- Units
-- Well dimensions
-- Maximum # connections # groups # wells
-- # wells per well per group
2 3 2 1/
-- Unified output files
-- Simulation start date
START 16 MAR 2010 /
Typical Keywords in Sections
Grid Section
Cell properties such as PORO, PERMX,
PERMY, PERMZ, NTG are averages defined at
the centre

depths of top faces of grid blocks for the

current box; data is taken from Structure
map, and geological model from IRAP

X,Y,Z-direction grid block sizes for the current box; data

is taken from Isopac map, and geological model from
X,Y,Z-direction permeabilities for
PERMX, PERMY, PERMZ the current box; data is taken from Isopac map, and
geological model from IRAP

PORO grid block porosities for the current box; data is taken from
Isopac map, and geological model from IRAP
Size of each cell in X,Y and Z directions
DX 75*500 /
DY 75*500 /
DZ 75*50 /
-- TVDSS of top layer only
-- X1 X2 Y1 Y2 Z1 Z2
1 5 1 5 1 1/
25*8000 /
-- Permeability in X,Y and Z directions for each cell
PERMX 25*200 25*1000 25*200 /
PERMY 25*150 25*800 25*150 /
PERMZ 25*20 25*100 25*20 /
-- Porosity
PORO75*0.2 /
-- Output file with geometry and rock properties
Typical Keywords in Sections
props section
PVT: Tables of properties of reservoir rock and fluids as functions of fluid
pressures, saturations and compositions

SCAL: Phase Relative Permeabilities

water relative permeability and capillary
SWFN pressure as functions of Sw
Column 1 The water saturation
Column 2 The corresponding water relative permeability
Column 3 The corresponding water-oil capillary pressure

oil relative permeability as a function of So

in three phase system
Column 1 The oil saturation
Column 2 The corresponding oil relative permeability for regions
where only oil and water are present
Column 3 The corresponding oil relative permeability for
regions where only oil, gas and connate water are present.
Typical Keywords in Sections
props section
gas relative permeability and capillary
pressure as functions of Sg
Column 1 The gas saturation.
Column 2 The corresponding gas relative permeability
Column 3 The corresponding oil-gas capillary pressure

SWOF Water / oil saturation functions versus water saturation

Column 1 The water saturation

Column 2 The corresponding water relative permeability

Column 3 The corresponding oil relative permeability when
only oil and water are present.
Column 4 The corresponding water-oil capillary pressure
Typical Keywords in Sections
props section

FVF and viscosity of live oil as functions of

pressure and Rs
Item 1 The dissolved gas-oil ratio (Rs)
Item 2 The bubble point pressure (Pbub) for oil with dissolved
gas-oil ratio given by item 1.
Item 3 The oil formation volume factor for saturated oil at Pbub.
Item 4 The oil viscosity for saturated oil at Pbub.

FVF and viscosity of wet gas as functions of

pressure and Rv
PVTW FVF, compressibility and viscosity of water

DENSITY stock tank fluid densities

ROCK rock compressibility

Typical Keywords in Sections
Props Section
-- Densities in lb/ft3
-- Oil Water Gas
-- --- ---- ---
49 63 0.01 /

-- PVT data for dead oil

-- P Bo Vis
-- -- -- ---
300 1.25 1.0
800 1.20 1.1
6000 1.15 2.0 /

-- PVT data for water

-- -- -- -- --- -------------
4500 1.20 3E-06 0.8 0.0 /
Typical Keywords in Sections
Props Section

-- Rock compressibility
-- P Cr
-- -- --
4500 4e-06 /

-- Water and oil relative perms and

capillary pressure
-- Sw Krw Kro Pc
-- -- --- --- --
0.25 0.0 0.9 4.0
0.5 0.2 0.3 0.8
0.7 0.4 0.1 0.2
0.8 0.55 0.0 0.1 /
Typical Keywords in Sections
Regions Section
Splits computational grid into regions for calculation of:

- PVT properties (fluid densities and viscosities),

- saturation properties (relative permeabilities and capillary pressures)
- initial conditions, (equilibrium pressures and saturations)
- fluids in place (fluid in place and inter-region flows)

FIPNUM fluid-in-place region numbers

The region numbers should not be less than 1 or greater than
NTFIP (the maximum number of fluid-in-place regions)

SATNUM saturation table regions

The saturation function region number specifies which set of
saturation functions (input using SGFN, SOF3, etc. in the
Typical Keywords in Sections
Regions Section

EQLNUM Equilibration regions

All blocks with the same equilibration region number must also
have the same PVT region number

PVTNUM PVT data regions

The PVT region number specifies which set of PVT tables (input
in the PROPSsection) should be used to calculate PVT properties
of fluids in each grid block for a black oil model
Typical Keywords in Sections
Solution Section
The SOLUTION is used to define the initial state of every cell in the model
 Initial pressure and phase saturation
 Initial solution ratios
 Depth dependence of reservoir fluid properties
 Oil and gas re-solution rates
 Initial analytical aquifer conditions

fluid contact depths and other equilibration parameters;

data taken from well testing
1 Datum depth
2 Pressure at the datum depth.
3 Depth of the water-oil contact

RESTART name of the restart file

RPTSOL report switches for SOLUTION data

Typical Keywords in Sections
Solution Section


-- Initial equilibration conditions

-- Datum Pi WOC Pc@WOD
-- @datum
-- ---- ---- --- ------
8000 4500 8200 0.0 /

-- Output to restart file for t=0

-- Rst file Graphics
-- for ic only
-- ------- --------
Typical Keywords in Sections
Summary Section

The SUMMARY section is used to specify variables that are to be

written to the Summary file(s) after each time step of the simulation

FOPT Field Oil Production Total

FOPR Field Oil Production Rate

FGOR Field Gas-Oil Ratio

FWIR Field Water Injection Rate

FOE Field Oil Efficiency

FPR Field Pressure

WBHP Well Bottom Hole Pressure

FWCT Field Water CuT

WOPR Well Oil Production Rate

Typical Keywords in Sections
Summary Section
-- Field average pressure
Bottomhole pressure of all wells
-- Field oil production rate
-- Field water production rate
-- Field oil production total
-- Field water production total
-- Water cut in PROD
-- CPU usage
Typical Keywords in Sections
Schedule Section
Specifies the operations to be simulated (production and injection controls and
constraints) and the times at which output reports are required.
Vertical flow performance curves and simulator tuning parameters may also be
specified in the SCHEDULE section.

RPTSCHED report switches to select which simulation results are to be printed at

report times
TUNING time step and convergence controls
introduces a new well, defining its name, the position of the wellhead,
WELSPECS its bottom hole reference depth and other specification data

1 Well name
2 Name of the group to which the well belongs
3 I - location of well head or heel
4 J - location of well head or heel
5 Reference depth for bottom hole pressure
6 Preferred phase for the well
7 Drainage radius for productivity/injectivity index calculation
Typical Keywords in Sections
Schedule Section

specifies the position and properties of one or more well completions;

this must be entered after the WELSPECS

1 Well name, well name template, well list or well list template
2 I - location of connecting grid block(s)
3 J - location of connecting grid block(s)
4 K - location of upper connecting block in this set of data
5 K - location of lower connecting block in this set of data
6 Open/shut flag of connection

WCONPROD control data for production wells

1 Well name, well name template, well list or well list template
2 Open/shut flag for the well
3 Control mode
4 Oil rate target or upper limit.
5 Water rate target or upper limit
Typical Keywords in Sections
Schedule Section

WCONINJE control data for injection wells

1 Well name, well name template, well list or well list template
2 Injector type
3 Open/shut flag for the well
4 Control mode
5 Surface flow rate target or upper limit
WCONHIST observed rates for history matching wells

TSTEP or DATE advances simulator to new report time(s) or specified report date(s)
Typical Keywords in Sections
Schedule Section
-- Output to restart file for t>0 (.UNRST)
-- Restart File Graphics
-- every step only
-- ------------ -----------
-- Location of well head and pressure gauge
-- Well Well Location BHP Pref.
-- name group I J datum phase
-- ---- ----- -- -- ----- -----
PROD G1 1 1 8000 OIL /
INJ G2 5 5 8000 WATER /
-- Completion interval
-- Well Location Interval Status OTHER Well
-- name I J K1 K2 O or S PARAMS ID
-- ---- -- -- -- -- ------ ------ ----
Typical Keywords in Sections
Schedule Section
PROD 1 1 1 3 OPEN 2*
0.6667 /
INJ 5 5 1 3 OPEN 2*
0.6667 /
-- Production control
-- Well Status Control Oil Water Gas Liquid Resvr BHP
-- name mode rate rate rate rate
rate lim
-- ---- ------ ------ ---- ---- ---- ------ ----- -----
1* 2000 /
-- Injection control
-- Well Fluid Status Control Surf Resvr Voidage BHP
-- name type mode rate rate frac flag lim
-- ---- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ---- ----






11/11/2019 Dr. Mai Cao Lan, Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, HCMUT, Vietnam 142
Overview of History Matching
History Matching: Comprising the adjustment of reservoir parameters in the
model until the simulated performance matches the measured information

Mathematically: Inverse Problem That is, we know the Model and we know
the answer, but we do not know the input to the model. There are special techniques
for solving inverse problem, but these do not apply to reservoir simulation history
matching. Thus, we use trial and ERROR
What are matched?
 Individual Well History

 Shut-in Pressures (Build-ups)

 Gas-Oil Ratio (GOR)
 Water-Oil Ratio (WOR)
 Temperature
 Rates
 Break Through (BT)

 Fluid Contact History

 Overall Reservoir Performance

What are adjusted?
Any parameters which describe the reservoir

 Permeability
 Porosity
 Thickness
 Net-to-Gross
 Uncertain Areas of the Structure
What are adjusted?
Any parameters which describe the reservoir

 Faults
 Transmissibility

 Shape and Endpoints of Saturation Functions

 Well Saturation
Action Steps in History Matching

1. Assemble data on performance history.

2. Screen the data and evaluate their quality.

3. Define the specific objectives of the history matches.
4. Develop a preliminary model based on the best
available data.
5. Simulate history with the preliminary model and
compared simulated performance with actual field history.

6. Decide whether the model is satisfactory.

Action Steps in History Matching

7. Identify changes in model properties that are most likely to

improve agreement between observed and calculated

8. Decide whether an automatic matching program should be

9. Make adjustments to the model. Consult with geologic,
drilling, production operations personnel to confirm
the realism of proposed changes.
10. Again, simulate part or all of the past performance data
to improve the match. Analyze results as in Step 6.
11. Repeat Step 6, 9, and 10 until a satisfactory match of
observed data is obtained.
Example of adjustment

Simulation field pressure too high

Possible Changes

Pore Volume?
Oil Initially in Place
(Contacts, So)
Gas cap size?
Example of adjustment

Possible Changes

Krw / Kro ratio decrease

Aquifer size
Example of adjustment

Possible Changes

Effective end point Krw ?

Horiz. Permeability of well to aquifer layer?
Shale or barrier between wells and water?
Vertical permeability between wells and
Numerical dispersion / grid effect?
Example of adjustment

Gas BT OK, After BT simulation slope in


Possible Changes

Krg / Kro ratio increase?

Supply of gas?
Example of adjustment

Well GOR simulation BT too early

Possible Changes

Shale or barrier between well and gas?

Vertical permeability between well and gas?
Numerical dispersion / grid effect?
Example of adjustment

Well water simulation BT too early

Possible Changes

Shale or barrier?
Vertical permeability between well and
Numerical dispersion / grid effect?
Given the history data in terms of oil, gas, water production rates, bottom
hole pressure, and reservoir pressure of a waterflooding project having
one injector and one producer as depicted in figure below, perform
history matching by adjusting the following unknown properties:

• Permeability in the horizontal direction

• Permeability in the vertical direction
Horizontal and vertical permeability
The well bottom hole pressure (WBHP) is the function of average permeability
when there is single phase flow ( See equation 1); when multi-phase flow occurs,
the WBHP is a function of relative permeability and average permeability (see
equation 2).

When the water breakthrough has not occurred, the WBHP depends on the
average permeability. Assume that the oil flows in the horizontal plane, so before
water breakthrough, WBHP depends on horizontal permeability (Kxx and Kyy).

After water breakthrough, the water flow up ward because of up dip water
injection. The WBHP mainly depend on vertical permeability (Kzz)

kh( PR  Pwf )
Q0   Pwf  f (k ) (1)
 r 
141.2o Bo  ln( e )  0.75  S 
 rw 

kkro h( PR  Pwf ) (2)

Q0   Pwf  f (kkro )
 r 
141.2o Bo  ln( e )  0.75  S 
 rw 
Horizontal and vertical permeability
The permeability in the horizontal direction (Kxx = Kyy) was adjusted by
comparison of well bottom hole pressure of producer. Choose the first valve of
Kxx = Kyy = 250 md and Kzz = 0.1Kxx = 25md.



Figure 1 – The result of first trail of K = K = 250 md and K = 25md.

Horizontal and vertical permeability

Figure 1 shows that, the WBHP of producer in case of Kxx = 200 md is smaller
the base case. Based on equation 2, the horizontal permeability should be
increased. For the second trail, Kxx = Kyy = 315 md and Kzz = 0.1Kxx = 35md.



Figure 2 The result of first trail of Kxx = Kyy = 315 md and Kzz = 35md.
Horizontal and vertical permeability

From figure 2, the well bottom hole pressure is matched for the stage of before
water breakthrough.

Since this is updip water injection. In this matching work, well bottom hole
pressure of producer is a function of vertical permeability after water

The bottom hole pressure is smaller than the base case when water
breakthrough. In this case, the vertical permeability should be increased and
Kzz was 73md in next trail
Horizontal and vertical permeability
Thus, the horizontal Kxx = Kyy = 315md and Kzz = 73 md are matched with
the given data.



Figure 3 The result of first trail of Kxx = Kyy = 315 md and Kzz = 73md

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