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An Activity Submitted to Davao Oriental State College of Science and Technology

Institute of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Submitted by:

Alona Delos Santos


Submitted to:

Ruth Anne A. Valencia


October 2020

Title Page i
Table of Contents ii



Feasibility of the Problem
Time and Timing
Availability of the participants
Research Interest



Feasibility of the Problem
Time and Timing
Availability of the participants
Research Interest



Feasibility of the Problem
Time and Timing
Availability of the participants
Research Interest
Teaching and Learning Activities: Individual Portfolio
Student Assessment: Laboratory Exercise-Individual Portfolio


Infectious Diseases

Evaluating Research Problem


Infectious diseases were responsible for the largest global burden of premature death and

disability until the end of the twentieth century. The medical field pursued to eliminate different

infectious diseases that have existed for years, but to date, only a few have been eradicated.

Thus, this topic is essential to discover new information for prevention, as well as strategies that

allow treatments to be used most effectively across the globe.


This topic still has a massive area of concern that is needed for exploration, an area that must be

improved, and eliminated. That is why this problem has theoretical and practical significance and

it can be investigated logically. There's already an existing background, theory, and practice that

can help for the deliberate investigation.

Feasibility of the Problem

Over the previous centuries, global pandemics of infectious diseases, such as smallpox, cholera,

and influenza, periodically threatened the survival of entire populations. Thus, this problem

already has a lot of foundation that can serve as a basis that will help enable the researcher with

new ideas and findings that can be shaped to be relevant and sustainable with what's happening

in our society these days.

Time and Timing

With the given experience our community already had concerning infectious diseases. This study

can be performed in a short time and it will be much easier to identify the area that needed

improvement. This topic has a huge scope, but the researcher will focus only on the area that can

be beneficial to society.

Availability of the Study Participants

The researcher will prepare a letter of consent for the facilities, equipment, and research

participants that will be a part of the study. Through that, we will be able to know the

participant's availability; we can ensure that everyone will be well-equipped enough for the

Research Interest

This topic caught the researcher's interest since infectious diseases form one of the greatest

global challenges in medicine in our time. It is still relevant to this day since it continues to affect

our community. The researcher will devote everything to make this study possible.

Problem Statement

In the 1970s many experts thought that the fight against infectious diseases was over. During the

last two decades, this opinion has been reversed, infectious diseases cause 63% of all childhood

deaths and 48% of premature deaths. Many of these deaths are caused by epidemic infectious

diseases such as cholera, meningococcal disease, and measles. There are continuing threats of

large epidemics with widespread mortality. In light of this, it is clear that effective research

studies that will help the public health for surveillance are critical for the early detection and

prevention of epidemics. There is a clear and urgent need for different and new ways for

surveillance of known existing communicable diseases, especially those with high epidemic

potential, and early recognition of new infections.

Statement of Purpose/Research Questions

1. This study aims to provide new strategies to prevent the spread of infectious diseases.

2. The researcher aims to lessen the continuing threats of large epidemics with widespread


3. The purpose of this study is to dig deeper into the existing infectious diseases, especially

those with high epidemic potential.

4. The purpose of this study is to explore the area of the given problem that needs to be

addressed, improved, and eliminated.

5. This study is intended to provide potential changes in local health conditions, including

infected and susceptible populations to help them prevent any infectious diseases.
Teaching and Learning Activities: Individual Portfolio
Student Assessment: Laboratory Exercise-Individual Portfolio


Noncommunicable Diseases

Evaluating Research Problem


Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), are the leading cause of death globally, mostly occurring in

low- and middle-income countries. These diseases are driven by forces that include rapid

unplanned urbanization, globalization of unhealthy lifestyles, and population aging. Nurses

engaging in this topic make an important contribution as the key providers of NCD prevention,

treatment, and management. Nurses, as the point of the first contact, are well-positioned to

detect, treat, and refer patients with NCDs as well as to provide information, education, and

counseling to the public on the prevention of NCDs.

 The incidence and projected rise of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) is a significant global

public health threat. For this threat, a lot of studies have existed that the chances of unsolvability

of a problem should be minimized. Therefore, this topic is unambiguous and possible to solve. 

Feasibility of the Problem

Many interventions for noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) exist and are well known. To scale

up action a lot of researchers pursued different studies that are successful up to date. These

results regarding this topic shows an enormous improvement that eventually helps us assess that

the chosen topic is highly feasible.

Time and Timing

This topic fits in today's generation since the rate of non-communicable diseases is highly

increasing together with globalization. The researcher will invest enough time to make this study

effective since prevention and control of NCDs are important during this pandemic because

NCDs are major risk factors for patients with COVID-19. The scope of this study will solely

focus on nursing involvement in NCDs beyond prevention, early detection, and treatment that

include the promotion of health.

Availability of the Study Participants

The researcher will ensure the cooperation of the subject participants, facilities, equipment, and

everything that is involved in the study through a letter of consent. The researcher will explain
thoroughly to the person involved the purpose and the benefits of the study for them to

understand and to gain their full cooperation.

Research Interest

The researcher is interested in this topic for the reason that this problem is driven by unhealthy

diets, physical inactivity, exposure to tobacco smoke, or the harmful use of alcohol. Wherein our

society has been into lately, all age groups, regions, and countries are affected by NCDs.

Children, adults, and the elderly are all vulnerable to the risk factors contributing to NCDs,

which makes it more relevant up to this day.

Problem Statement

Social factors such as urbanization, rising incomes, changes in diet and lifestyle, and improved

life expectancy have all contributed to an increased incidence of NCDs. These diseases are a

major cause of poverty and present a barrier to economic development for many developing

countries. Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) are steadily increasing around the world, and

developing countries are bearing much of the cost. To be a part of the medical field that is

moving towards universal health coverage, promoting health and wellbeing, and protecting

against health emergencies are our global priorities.

Statement of Purpose/Research Questions

1. This study aims to discover different innovations and new paths to fight


2. The researcher intends to spread availability, promoting efficient policies to expand

access to care.

3. The purpose of this study is empowerment, bridging the gap between awareness and

behavioral changes for a healthy lifestyle.

4. This study aims to provide behavioral interventions that consider the social determinants

of health and build on the strengths and resources of the community.

5. The purpose of this study is to encourage to increase the community's health literacy –

the ability to understand and act on health information – and are empowered to become

active participants in their care with regards to NCDs.

Teaching and Learning Activities: Individual Portfolio
Student Assessment: Laboratory Exercise-Individual Portfolio


Mental Health

Evaluating Research Problem


This topic is significant to nurses since the primary role of a mental health nurse does not depend

only on providing care to patients with a psychiatric disorder, mental health issue, or behavioral

problems. Nurses are engaging in mental health studies working towards the same goal as other

medical professions. Research is the only means that can pave the way for us to acquire new

knowledge and refine old knowledge. It would, in turn, strengthen information systems,

evidence, and research, and could be instrumental for Mental Emotional Behavior prevention.


Mental health problems are common, highly disabling, and associated with a significant-high

mortality rate. It is a problem worldwide for a long time; it resulted in a lot of studies
understanding how mental health works. These studies will eventually serve as the foundation

and backbone for another new study that might pave the way regarding this topic. Through this,

there is a lot of existing scholarly literature and theories that increase the success of this study.

Feasibility of the Problem

Every country has been affected by this problem; the number of people afflicted by mental ill-

health rises every day. Everyone might experience this ranging from children to adults; its

accessibility makes this study more feasible.

Time and Timing

The research will provide enough time to make it successful. Eventually, this study will only

take a short time to do. The timing of this topic is perfect with today's social issues; a lot of news

has been circulating on social media regarding people experiencing mental health problems,

especially this pandemic.

Availability of the Study Participants

The researcher will ensure that the participants will undergo the formal process by gaining their

consent. Mental health is a sensitive topic; to do this study, the researcher must gain their full

cooperation. Establishing rapport is necessary to make the participants feel safe and comfortable.
Research Interest

This topic is chosen base on the researcher's interest. The researcher has been an advocate

regarding this topic and would like to raise mental health awareness. Anyone can suffer from

mental or emotional health problems—and over a lifetime, most of us will. This problem has

been surprisingly increasing in the past few years, especially in today's pandemic. The researcher

will make sure to do anything to the extent of her abilities to make this study successful.

Problem Statement

Living with both physical and mental ill-health is incredibly damaging to people's lives. This

broad definition incorporates many forms, including depression, anxiety, bipolar, eating

disorders, and schizophrenia. There are a lot of people get diagnosed with mental illness, but not

everyone will receive the help they need. Treatments are available, but nearly two-thirds of

people with a known mental disorder never seek help from a health professional. Stigma,

discrimination, and neglect prevent care and treatment from reaching people with a mental health

problem, says the World Health Organization (WHO). A lack of urgency, misinformation, and

education can worsen existing cases. This study will help for raising awareness, recognition, and

support for this range of disorders to bring about positive change in the acceptance and

prevention of mental disorders.

Statement of Purpose/Research Questions

1. This study aims to determine different factors that affect the mental health of the

individuals amidst the pandemic.

2. The purpose of this study is to educate and remove the public stigma of mental health


3. The researcher aims to raise awareness about the importance of counseling and self-

management programs for mental health problems.

4. This study intends to identify the impact of the pandemic on everyone's well-being.

5. The purpose of this study is to embrace the explanatory models of mental illness that are

based on evidence in science and to include the social, and cultural models.

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