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Social Media Marketing Strategy for Adidas

1. Campaign Goal: The goal of the social media campaign for adidas is to cater to the sports loving
audience especially cricket and establish itself as a serious sports brand. The major aim would be to
drive awareness among people and create an association of Adidas with Cricket.

Target Audience: Since Cricket is a sports which is majorly loved by men , therefore the audience
would be:

Age: 20-40 (since adidas is a youth brand)

Language: English

Spending Power : Are shopaholics and innovators, this would mean that they love to try new things
without caring about the budget.

Interest: Major interest lies in buying new products and are sports freak.

2. Competitor Analysis and Keywords Selection

The very first step is to find out the main competitors. Now for brand like adidas the major
competitors would be brand such as PUMA, HRX etc. Further a keyword analysis would be
performed using SEM Rush to find out the performance of various keyword’s on social media.

This analysis would be performed as to understand the type and the frequency of content that is
being posted by the competitors. This will also help the brand understand their target audience

Tool such as Buzzsumo must be used to understand what type of content gets the highest
engagement. This will help the brand brainstorm the new opportunities around cricket and sports.

3. Platforms to be used

1. Instagram: Since Adidas wishes to cater to the young, sports loving audience therefore Instagram
is one of the platform that would help them get the maximum reach. Instagram has more than 120
million users and is most accessed netwrod. Instagrma will help the brand reach the right audience,
since, 70% of the Instagram population is aged between 16-45 out of which 31% are men.

 A public account would be made, and all the obscene comments would be filtered out.
 The content would majorly include pictures and videos. This would be the best platform for
influencer marketing. And various influencers would be used to create reels.
 The page would be updated atleast thrice in a day and a weekly live would be done using an
 Hashtags relating to sports and cricket will be used.

2. Facebook: Facebook is yet another famous networking sites, and is majorly designed to build
relation with the audience. Unlike Instagram Facebook would also be used to promote various blogs
and updates. According to statistics India has more than 269 million users, making it one of the best
platform for Adidas to target its audience.

The content posted on facebook would revolve around, sports and cricket and similar to Instagram
various influencer would be used.
Facebook would be updated at least twice a day and there would be two contest held every week
for audience engagement.

3. Snapchat: Snapchat is yet another networking site that is highly famous among the young
audience. Snapchat would be used to create a direct impact on the target audience. The content
that would be posted on Snapchat would include regular everyday stories, and a community of
sports would be developed for all the cricket fans.

Key Performance Indicators:

1. Brand Positioning and Awareness: It is the image that a brand achieves in the mind of the
consumer. The ultimate aim of the Social media marketing for Adidas would be to be a sports brand.
This would be measured by the demographic of the followers, the like and shares the post receives.

2. Audience Growth Rate: It will measure the performance of our content. This will be measured by
the number of organic followers the social media pages receive. It will further tell about the number
of new followers that we receive.

3. Post Reach: It will tell as to how many people have seen the post. This is inbuilt in Instagram and
Facebook. This will help understand what sort of content works on various social media page and
whether we are able to reach the right audience.

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