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Google Ad Campaign for Brand X

1. Campaign Goal
The campaign goal for Brand X would be generate sale through their google ad campaign. They wish
to create an awareness among all its stakeholders about their positioning of their products being the
“Indian Way of Life”. They would focus on to get a high conversion rate and therefore rely on cost
per click.

2. Targeting
Location: Since the brand is targeting the luxury market audience therefore the main target would
be Tier 1 cities such as Delhi, Bangalore, Mumbai and Hyderabad.

Demographic: The major audience for the ad would be women who are shopaholics and like to buy
luxury items. These women are innovators who would love to try new brands without caring about
the budget.

Time Period: My ad would run for a period of one month, the time duration is selected so as to
continuously evaluate the results of the advertisement. In case the ad does not functions as per
desired, I would reevaluate the keywords and the target audience.

3. Biding Strategy
Brand X must decide a daily budget of Rs.100 and run the advertisement for a period of one
month. They should opt for over delivery option so that google can flexibly manage the ad
spend of high traffic days and balance the same of low traffic days.
They should select the keywords in a way that could help me keep the maximum cost per
click to Rs.2.

4. Keywords
They should select keywords that would be a combination of broad match, exact match and
phrase match. The keywords would be selected in a manner that could help stick to the biding
strategy and simultaneously provide a good conversion rate.
Negative Keyword
Brand X should also use negative keywords so as to avoid my ad from being triggered by
random phrases like apparels, cheap bags etc. This will help them target the right audience.

5. Sitelink Extensions
Brand X should also add sitelinks to other related topics that the brand caters to.
6. Final Ad
The final ad should be well optimized, with a generic call to action for the target audience.
The heading should not be mor than 30-40 words and the name of the brand should be
separated by a “|”
On Page Seo for Brand X

The on Page Seo strategy for brand X would include:

1. Keyword and Competitor Analysis: The very first step for an On page Seo would include analyzing
the competitors and the keywords used by them . This will help the brand understand the source of
organic traffic and thus help them increase the traffic on their website.

They must choose the keywords that are of top funnel, i.e, which would target the audience who are
in the pre-purchase and purchase stage.

They must analyze the demographics of their target audience and the keyword’s to be used, to bring
an alignment in their strategy.

After analyzing the keywords and the competitors a list of top 25-30 keywords must be selected and
the keywords that have high search volume and relatively low difficulty must be selected.

Further they should optimize their landing page in order to get a competitive advantage over others.

Content Analysis

It is very important to place the target keyword in the title tag and, URL and meta data.

Title Tag: The title tag must be well optimized and should not exceed the deired number of words. It
should include the focus keyword.

URL: The URL Sjould short and well optimized. It should also have the focus keyword. Google
inspection tool must be used to check whether google bot can access the page or not.

Meta description: The meta description should also be well optimized. It should be readable.

Text Optimization: The text on the website should be easily readble and should have about 2000
words. There must be a proper use of H1 and H2 tags. Moreover the focus keyword must be present
in the first 100 words. The text should be in bullet points and categorized properly.

Image alt text: Images should have alt text.

Landing page: The landing page must have an effective pop up to collect data.

Off Page Seo for Brand X

The off-page strategy for Brand X must include:

1. Backlinks: The brand must create both inbound and outbound links and continuously optimize the
same. They could create backlinks using infographics, by building internal links, by commenting on
relevant sites, by asking customers to write testimonials, and through guest articles. Since the brand
sells leather bags and other accessories, they could use various social media influencers to create

2. Social Media Strategy

1. Promoting Content: This would include promoting their content on various social media portals
such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat.
2. They can build a community for all the people who love shopping leather bags and can engage
with them on a forum. Replying to all the threads would further help them create “Do follow Links”

3. They could create bookmarks on various sites such as pintrest, tumblr, scoopit etc. This will help
generate traffic and increase the brand awareness.

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