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*moth sees a firefly for the first time* “…no fucking way…”

Essential Requisites latter was in a hurry for another appointment makes the marriage
1. Legal Capacity void.
2. Consent freely given before a SO
Formal Requisites
1. Authority of the SO a.) Marriage solemnized in a place other than in the church
2. Marriage License or in the chamber of the judge;
3. Marriage Ceremony with the appearance of the b.) Absence of two witnesses who are of legal age;
contracting parties before the solemnizing officer and c.) Issuance of a license in a place where neither of the
their personal declaration that they take each other as parties reside
husband and wife in the presence of not less than two d.) Issuance of a license without the required supporting
witnesses of legal age. papers or documents;
Absence Defect Irregularity f.) Absence of a marriage contract.
Essential VOID AI VOIDABL Shall not g.) Issuance of license despite failure of the party to
E affect the present parental consent or parental advise when
- Lacks Age VOID AI validity of the required;
- Consent not VOIDABLE marriage but
h.) Issuance of license despite absence of posting of
freely given the party
notice and publication;
Formal responsible
- Authority of VOID for it shall be i.) Failure to undergo marriage counselling;
SO civilly, j.) Failure to pay the required fee for marriage license.
- Marriage VOID criminally, &
License administrativ 1. Other than church or chamber
ely liable. 2. No two witnesses
- Marriage VOID 3. No marriage contract
Ceremony 4. No marriage counseling
Irregularities on license
5. Issuance of ML where neither party resides
> Common Law marriages are only recognized in common law 6. Absence of notie or pblicaiton
countries. PH is a civil law country. Thus, it does not recognize
common law marriages.
The Marriage License
> A marriage without a ceremony as the parties were just made to This serves as the authority given by the state to the parties to enter
sign the marriage contract by the solemnizing officer because the into the contract of marriage.

Joesil Dianne C. Sempron

*moth sees a firefly for the first time* “…no fucking way…”

Who can issue? Local Civil Registrar If he or she was previously married, what should he or she show
Where? Either party habitually resides instead? (DAD)
If it’s issued where neither of the parties is a resident, it does not  death certificate of the deceased spouse
render the marriage void. It is considered merely as an irregularity  judicial decree of the absolute divorce,
in the formal requisites for which the Local Civil Registrar can be  judicial decree of the annulment or declaration of the
held liable. nullity of previous marriage

Which parties are required to apply for ML? PARTIES BETWEEN THE AGES OF 18-21
 If both are Filipinos
 Both are Filipinos married abroad solemnized by a What is the additional requirement?
consul Parental CONSENT in this order:
 Mixed Marriages 1. Father
Basically, everyone who intends to get married is required by law to 2. Mother
apply for a marriage license. However, only in the instances of 3. Surviving parent or guardian
marriage in articulo mortis, remote place, marital cohabitation, 4. Persons having legal charge of them
and Muslim marriages shall this requirement be exempting.
Absence of Parental Consent renders the marriage: VOIDABLE
Application for Marriage License
1. The LCR shall require the contracting parties to present What is the additional requirement?
a birth certificate, or in its absence, a baptismal Parental ADVICE
Rationale: to determine legal capacity (age) of the If they do not obtain such advice, or if it is unfavorable to them, then
parties the issuance of a marriage license shall be suspended until after
2. If failed to show, a sworn statement may be presented three months from the publication of petition.
instead, stating the name, residence, date of birth attested Reason: to further allow the parties to think of their decision to
by the nearest of kin of the party. marry despite the unfavorable preference of their parents on the
3. Showing of birth certificate or baptismal is not any more marriage.
needed IF the parents themselves appear before the
4. When the LCR, by merely looking at the parties, is ARE REQUIRED
convinced that they are of legal age to marry; or
5. When the applicant has been previously married. What is the additional requirement?

Joesil Dianne C. Sempron

*moth sees a firefly for the first time* “…no fucking way…”

To undergo Marriage Counseling

Show Certificate of Marriage Counseling What will the LCR prepare? A NOTICE.
Failure to attach said certificate of marriage counseling shall  the full names,
suspend the issuance of the marriage license for a period of three  residences of the applicants for a marriage license
months from the completion of publication of the application.  other data given in the applications.
If the LCR shall issue the marriage license without the attachment of
this certificate, it would not render the marriage invalid, however, the How long and where shall it be posted?
parties responsible for such issuance may be held liable.  The notice shall be posted for 10 consecutive days
Should only one of the contracting parties need parental consent  On a bulletin board
or parental advice, the other party is still required to be present  outside the office of the local civil registrar
at the marriage counseling.  located in a conspicuous place within the building
 and accessible to the general public.
In summary-
a.) Birth certificate or Baptismal certificate of the parties (Art. 12); Why?
To make known to the general public of the parties’ application for
b.) If either of the parties has been previously married, the death certificate marriage. LCR would ask if anyone knows of any legal impediments
of the deceased spouse or the judicial decree of the absolute divorce,
existing. Should there be any, the LCR would merely note down the
annulment of marriage or declaration of nullity of marriage (Art. 13);
particulars but shall nonetheless issue said license after the
c.) In case the party is between the ages of 18 and 21, they must present completion of the period of publication, that is, 10 days after
parental consent (Art. 14); publication of such notice.

d.) If the party is between the ages of 21 and 25, parental advice is required The marriage license shall be valid anywhere in the Philippines
(Art. 15); for a period of 120 days. Such date of expiration shall be
stamped in bold letters at the front of the marriage license. If not
e.) Certificate of marriage counseling in cases where parental consent or used, it will automatically expire. Thus, a marriage celebrated on an
parental advice is required (Art. 16). expired marriage license shall render the marriage null and void.
f.) If a party to the marriage is a foreigner, he must present a certificate of
legal capacity to marry issued by his diplomatic or consular representative
in the Philippines (Art. 21 ). Before obtaining a marriage license, if either or both partners are
foreign citizens, they are not anymore required to show a birth or
baptismal certificate. A certificate of the legal capacity to marry is
Procedure of the filing of the marriage license

Joesil Dianne C. Sempron

*moth sees a firefly for the first time* “…no fucking way…”

WHY? Presumption of marriage is favored. Presumptions shall stand unless

Because they are governed by the laws of their own country. contradicted.

So, even if Joe is seventeen years old, she is allowed to marry here in  A man and a woman deporting themselves as husband and
the Philippines if her country of origin allows her to do so. wife are presumed to have entered the contract of marriage.
 A man and a woman living together for more than 50 years
If both are foreigners, their consul general assigned here in the are considered married even if no marriage license is shown.
Philippines may not require them to obtain a ML if their country
If it is valid there, then it is also valid here.

THE MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE Why? As it is a matter of international comity

The duty of the person solemnizing officer: But, if it is repugnant to our country’s laws and policy, such
marriage, even if valid in another country, shall not be
1. To furnish either of the contracting parties the original of the considered as valid here, such as:
marriage certificate (18-BIMPAP)
2. to the LCR: duplicate and triplicate copies of the certificate
not later than 15 days after the marriage  If the party who is a Filipino is under 18 y.o
3. Retain in his file: quadruplicate copy of the marriage  Bigamous or polygamous marriages
certificate, the original of the marriage license  Incestuous marriages
 Mistake of identity
The marriage certificate is the best evidence to prove or establish
 Psychologically incapacitated party/ies
the existence marriage.
 Annulled or declared void first marriage, contracts a second
ABSENCE of a marriage certificate does not render the marriage but failed to record the judicial decree with the
marriage invalid as it is neither an essential nor a formal requisite LCR
of marriage.  Public policy, against

Valid there, valid here, but not if against the law here.
A marriage by proxy, if considered valid in the country where it was
celebrated, shall also be considered as valid here in the Philippines.
“Semper praesumitur pro patrimonio.” DIVORCE DECREE OBTAINED BY THE FOREIGN SPOUSE
- Always presume marriage

Joesil Dianne C. Sempron

*moth sees a firefly for the first time* “…no fucking way…”

In case of a mixed marriage, and it is the foreigner spouse who  and that he is convinced that they don’t have any legal
obtained a divorce abroad against the Filipino spouse, capacitating impediments to marry.
him to remarry, the said divorce will be recognized here to capacitate  The original of the affidavit be shall then be submitted to the
the Filipino spouse to remarry. LCR 30 days after the solemnization of the marriage.

However, in Orbecido, the SC ruled that a divorce decree Marriage in a far and remote place may be solemnized
obtained by the Filipino wife who is now a U.S. citizen, without a marriage license.
against her Filipino husband who continued to live here in the
Philippines, is considered valid. Why? To encourage the parties to marry and legalize their
relationship instead of cohabiting in an illicit relationship.
The divorce decree is not in itself sufficient for remarriage.
Before that Filipino spouse can do so, he must first institute an action Marriages among Muslims or members of ethnic cultural
of DECLARATORY RELIEF. communities may be solemnized without a marriage license.
Provided, that
 Such solemnization be celebrated in accordance to their
 Both must be Muslims or part of a minority. Otherwise,
Marriage in articulo mortis/ at the point of death can be solemnized they are still required to obtain a ML
without a marriage license.
Marital Cohabitation and its conditions:
Why? It is where the parties have been living together for 5 years without
Because of necessity and practicability during any legal impediments.
 in-flight or stopovers by the airplane chief or the ship captain
 in a military zone between a civilian or a staff, solemnized Ratification of Marital Cohabitation
by the commissioned military commander if the chaplain Parties are no longer required of the marriage license. Instead, they
assigned to his unit is absent must execute a joint affidavit stating the facts of cohabitation.
 or if either or both of the parties is dying. If the ailing party This shall replace the ML.
survives, the marriage remains valid.
If the affidavit is falsified and allegations were not true, or if the
What shall the Solemnizing Officer do? cohabitation falls short of the 5 year requirement, then such marriage
 He shall execute an affidavit before the LCR that should be null and void or is void ab initio on the ground of lack of
 he took the necessary steps to determine the age and marriage license.
relationship of the parties;
Present ruling:

Joesil Dianne C. Sempron

*moth sees a firefly for the first time* “…no fucking way…”

There must be no legal impediment during the 5-year period of

cohabitation. The ruling which says that it is enough that no legal Thus, if Joe already instituted an action to nullify a marriage on the
impediments exist at the time of the celebration of marriage is ground of psychological incapacity, and the court rendered a decision
abandoned. which is not favorable to her, and after such decision, she appealed on
yet another ground for a void marriage on lack of marriage license, she
cannot anymore avail of this as she violated the rule on splitting a
cause of action and res judicata. She has deemed waived all defects
of the marriage as she did not include all grounds on the first petition.
The second action was barred, and what ruled was the first decision.
Art. 35- The following marriages shall be void from the beginning:

1) Those contracted by any party below eighteen years of age even with the The different grounds of nullity of marriage did not mean different
consent of parents or guardians; causes of action (Mallion vs. Alcantara).
2) Those solemnized by any person not legally authorized to perform
marriages unless such marriages were contracted with either or both parties
believing in good faith that the solemnizing officer had the legal authority
to do so;
3) Those solemnized without a license, except those covered by the Cannot be ratified Can be ratified
preceding Chapter; (as it is null and void from the very (valid until annulled, or can be
4) Those bigamous or polygamous marriages not falling under Article 41; beginning) ratified by free cohabitation or
5) Those contracted through mistake of one contracting party as to the prescription of the action.)
identity of the other; and Attacked collaterally Attacked only directly
6) Those subsequent marriages that are void under Article 53. The main issue is not the validity of The issue is mainly the validity of
marriage but its resolution can marriage
determine other issues, such as
VOID MARRIAGES- That which is not valid from its inception.
(1853- LAMB) Action to annul a void Prescribes after 5 years; if the
1. Below 18 y.o. even if with parent’s consent marriage does not prescribe party continues to cohabit with
2. Without a marriage License the partner even after discovery
3. Persons not legally Authorized unless parties believed in or cessation of issue.
good faith Can be assailed by the parties Can be assailed by the parties,
4. Mistake of identity only interested persons
5. Bigamous or polygamous marriage Can be assailed even after death Assailed only during the lifetime
6. Subsequent marriages void under Art 53 of parties of the parties.
Pari delicto rule does not apply If both parties acted in bad faith
Such grounds can co-exist in one case, provided, that the or at fault, marriage remains
petitioner includes all grounds applicable for nullification of a valid. (Mirisi doctrine applies.)
void marriage.

Joesil Dianne C. Sempron

*moth sees a firefly for the first time* “…no fucking way…”

Notes: Exceptions:
 For the purpose of remarriage, direct attack to the validity of 1. Where either or both of the parties believed in good faith that
the prior marriage is necessary. the person solemnizing their marriage has the legal capacity
 Good faith is immaterial in void marriages. For example, if to do so, the marriage will be valid.
Joe believed in good faith that she is already 18 years old 2. In subsequent marriages on an absent spouse’s presumptive
and capacitated to marry, when all along she was still 17 death, where the present spouse has established a well
years old, the marriage is still rendered void. Good faith is founded belief that, after 4 or 2 years, his or her absent
only material, if either or both of the parties believed in good spouse is already dead; and that the parties of the subsequent
faith that the person solemnizing such marriage is authorized marriage shall act in good faith, then this will render the
to do so. marriage valid for all purposes unless it’s subject for
termination when the absent spouse reappears.
 An action for the nullity of a void marriage do not prescribe.
However, if Joe already instituted an action to nullify a BAD FAITH IN PROPERTY DISPOSITION IS MATERIAL
marriage on the ground of psychological incapacity, and the As a general rule, in a void marriage, the property regime is one of
court rendered a decision which is not favorable to her, and CO-OWNERSHIP.
after such decision, she appealed on yet another ground for a
void marriage on lack of marriage license, she cannot “Mistake of Identity” does not include where Sil thought Joe was a
anymore avail on this as she violated the rule on splitting a prudent woman, where in fact, after marriage, Joe showed her true
cause of action and res judicata. She has deemed waived colors as one of an immoral person.
all defects of the marriage as she did not include all grounds
on the first petition. The second action was barred, and what “Void Subsequent Marriages under Art 53”
ruled was the first decision. Those persons who have judicially declared the marriage annulled,
and in order for them to validly marry again, they must first
undertake the liquidation, partition, and distribution of their
properties to the delivery of the children’s presumptive legitimes.
“Cannot be ratified”
Non-compliance of this requirement shall render the subsequent
No amount of waiver, estoppels, or prescription can validate a void
marriage void.
marriage. This is because a void marriage is non-existent.

“Good faith”
Even only one party who acted in good faith is sufficient for the
marriage to be valid. It is in the instance where BOTH of the parties
A marriage contracted by any party who is psychologically
acted in bad faith should the marriage be rendered void.
incapacitated to perform the essential marital obligations shall deem

Joesil Dianne C. Sempron

*moth sees a firefly for the first time* “…no fucking way…”

the marriage void ab initio even if such incapacities became manifest Insanity is curable, as it has lucid intervals. Psychological
after marriage. incapacity, while relative, is not curable. Psychological
incapacity has nothing to do with mental faculties, and it has nothing
The law does not specifically provide for the definition of what PI to do with consent, as it refers to the obligations attendant to
means as it left to the courts the decision on a case to case basis. marriage.

The ground is restricted on the failure to comply with the essential Psychological Incapacity is relative. Thus, he may remarry.
marital obligations. Just because a person is declared psychologically incapacitated to
perform his marital obligations with his present spouse, it does not
Three essential characteristics mean that he will also be psychologically incapacitated with another
(1.) Juridical antecedent, partner.
(2.) Gravity, and
(3.) Incurability. Expert testimonies of a psychologist or psychiatrist is not a
It must already be existing at the time of the celebration of the requirement for a declaration of psychological incapacity (Marcos
marriage (Juridical antecedent). It must be a very serious defect vs. Marcos) The Court may or may not accept the testimony of the
(Gravity), and it is not curable (Incurability). psychologist or psychiatrist. It may base its decision on the totality of
the evidence other than the findings of such expert witness.
Psychological incapacity must be existing at the time of the However, in the case of Matias vs. Dagdag, the Supreme Court
celebration of marriage, and is deemed accepted as such ground even that expert testimonies are extremely helpful.
if it became manifest after such celebration. Such claim will render
the marriage void. It being a avoid marriage, it cannot be ratified Thus, although expert testimony is not required for the court to
by cohabitation. decide the case, it will help the court a lot in the resolution of the
Decisions of the Catholic Church involving psychological
incapacity as a ground to annul the marriage is greatly helpful and The two clinical psychologists and a psychiatrist’s assessment
persuasive to our civil courts. were not based solely on the narration or personal interview of
the petitioner but also on other informants such as respondent’s
The action can be filed even by the incapacitated party. The law own son, siblings and in-laws, and sister-in-law who all testified
does not prohibit the guilty party from bringing the action in court as on their own observations of respondent’s behavior and
a void marriage is not ratifiable and the pari delicto rule will not interactions with them. In fine, we find ample basis to conclude
apply here. that respondent was psychologically incapacitated to perform the
essential marital obligations at the time of his marriage to petitioner.
Justice Caguioa: Ma. Socorro C. Reyes vs. Ramon Reyes

Joesil Dianne C. Sempron

*moth sees a firefly for the first time* “…no fucking way…”

d.) Incurability, that the incapacity must be shown to be medically

Moral damages cannot be recovered from a psychologically or clinically permanent or incurable.
incapacitated person as he is not aware of his incapacity. e.) Gravity, that the illness must also be grave enough to prevent the
party from assuming the essential marital obligations
The following cases do not constitute Psychological Incapacity: f.)The essential marital obligations must be those mentioned in Title
(FISU) III (Articles 68 to 71) of the Family Code, as well as Articles 220,
1. Failure to return home and communicate 221 and 225.
2. Irreconcilable differences and conflicting personalities g.) The interpretations given by the National Appellate Matrimonial
3. Sexual Infidelity or perversion Tribunal of the Catholic Church in the Philippines, should be given
4. Unsatisfactory marriages great respect by our courts.
h.) The trial court must order the prosecuting attorney or fiscal and
Just because Joe failed to communicate for a period of 5 years, and the Solicitor General to appear as counsel for the State. No
that their differences with her wife seem to be irreconcilable, and decision shall be handed down unless the Solicitor General issues a
that she has been a sexual infidel, and that, overall, such marriage is certification, which will be quoted in the decision, briefly stating
unsatisfactory, such marriage remains valid as the grounds therein his reasons for his agreement or opposition, as the case
mentioned do not necessarily constitute of psychological incapacity. may be, to the petition.


Proving Psychological Incapacity
1. By indicators or external manifestations of the person
being psychologically incapacitated (a.) a true inability to commit oneself to the essentials of marriage:
2. Indicators must be clearly alleged in the complaint the conjugal act, the community of life and love, the rendering of
mutual help, the procreation and education of offspring; and
JURISPRUDENTIAL GUIDELINES TO PROVE (b.) the inability must be tantamount to a psychological

a.) Burden of Proof= plaintiff

b.) The root cause of psychological incapacity must be
> medically or clinically identified, VOIDABLE MARRIAGE or ANULLABLE MARRIAGES
> alleged in the complaint, H. Grounds for Annulment of Marriage:
> sufficiently proven by experts, and The grounds for annulment of marriage are exclusive, thus, only
> clearly explained in the decision. those specified in Articles 45 and 46 of the Family Code shall be
c.) Juridical Antecedence, that the incapacity must be proven to be
existing at the time of the celebration of the marriage, although it Art. 45- A marriage may be annulled for any of the following
becomes manifest only after the celebration of the marriage. causes, existing at the time of the marriage: (PUFFIS)

Joesil Dianne C. Sempron

*moth sees a firefly for the first time* “…no fucking way…”

Parental Consent, Unsound Mind, Fraud, Force, Phys 1. Absence of Parental consent
Incapability, STD wc is both serious and incurable By:
1. Party more than 18 but below 21 years old who contracted a  the party who did not receive parental consent
marriage without Parental consent. within five years after attaining the age of twenty-one;
2. Unsound mind  the parent who did not give their consent
3. Consent obtained by Fraud before son/daughter reaches the age of twenty one.
4. Force, intimidation or undue influence
2. Insanity or Unsoundness of mind
5. Physical Incapability to consummate marriage
6. Sexually transmissible disease found to be serious and  the sane spouse or the relatives or guardian of the insane
appears to be incurable. spouse at any time before the death of either spouse.

Art. 46- Exclusive Grounds for Fraud: CONCEALMENT  the insane spouse himself during his lucid interval.
3. Fraud, action instituted by the injured party 5 years within the
1) Sexually transmissible disease, regardless of its nature, discovery of such fraud.
existing at the time of the marriage;
2) Moral turpitude; 4. Force, intimidation or undue influence, the prescriptive period
3) Drug addiction, Habitual alcoholism, or Homosexuality is five years from the time the force, intimidation or undue influence
or lesbianism existing at the time of marriage. ceases.
4) Pregnant by a man other than her husband;
5. If the ground is incapability to consummate the marriage or
Drug Addiction, Homosexuality, Habitual Alcoholism, sexually transmissible disease, the action can be filed by the injured
Lesbianism- DHHL- If it occurred only after the marriage, it is not a party within five years from the time of the celebration of the
ground for annulment but it could be a ground for legal separation. marriage.

Joe came off as a drunkard, heroin-addicted lesbian two years after PROCEDURES
being married to Sil. The latter initiated an action to annul the 1. Court shall order the prosecuting attorney or fiscal assigned
marriage. The action was denied; as such grounds existed after to it to appear on behalf of the State
marriage. If anything, it could be merely a ground for legal 2. Fiscal takes steps to prevent collusion between the parties
separation. and to take care that evidence is not fabricated or
3. A full blown hearing is required. No judgment shall be
Art. 47- PRESCRIPTIVE PERIOD based upon a stipulation of facts or confession of
Usually prescribes after five years. judgment.

Joesil Dianne C. Sempron

*moth sees a firefly for the first time* “…no fucking way…”

4. During the pendency of the action and in the absence of 2. Attempt on the life
adequate provisions in a written agreement between the  must not be justified by self defense
spouses, the court shall provide for the support of the W unlawfully provoked H, H acted in reasonable self-defense
spouses and the custody and support of their common attempting on the life of W. On this case, LS cannot be availed.
or must not an attempt of life in passion or obfuscation,
LEGAL SEPARATION that the spouse attacked was caught in flagrante delicto
(SPF-BALADIR) having carnal knowledge with another man or woman.

1. Sexual infidelity or perversion; VOID Marriage on VOIDABLE Legal

Psychological Grounds for Separation
2. Physical violence or grossly abusive conduct Incapacity (36) Annulment (45)
3. Final judgment of imprisonment of more than six Lesbia-nism, if it existed before the
years, even if pardoned; homosexualit marriage , anchored
y on psychological if already existed
4. Contracting by the respondent of a subsequent causes, and both grave before the
Bigamous marriage, whether in the Philippines or occurs during
and incurable. marriage and they
the marriage.
abroad; Drug were concealed from
Addiction the other spouse
5. Attempt against the life; or and Habitual
6. Lesbianism or homosexuality of the respondent; Alcoholism
7. Abandonment of petitioner by respondent without
justifiable cause for more than one year. DEFENSES
8. Drug addiction or habitual alcoholism When Legal Separation is denied: PRC-CCC
9. Induce to engage in prostitution, or connivance 1. Condonation
in such corruption or inducement; 2. Consent
10. Change Religious or political affiliation; 3. Connivance
4. Pare delicto
The grounds enumerated herein are exclusive and therefore no 5. Collusion
other grounds for legal separation can be invoked except those 6. Action prescribed, 5 years.
stated in this article. These grounds need not exist prior to the
marriage as they even usually occur after the marriage.  Condonation is an act of forgiving and is given after the fact
 Consent is given before the commission of the act that gives
Can be proved by mere preponderance of evidence
rise to the ground for legal separation
1. Sexual infidelity
 Connivance when the spouse participated in the downfall of
 a husband’s single act of sexual intercourse with another
the other as by providing actively the opportunity for the
woman is already a ground for legal separation.
wrong doing directly or indirectly.

Joesil Dianne C. Sempron

*moth sees a firefly for the first time* “…no fucking way…”

 Recrimination means that both parties are at fault or have bigamy if he/she contracts another marriage or for
given ground for legal separation. adultery or concubinage if he or she commits the act.
 Collusion refers to an arrangement between the spouses to
obtain a decree of legal separation by secret maneuvers or
pretensions by making it appear that a valid ground exists Art. 65- If the spouses should reconcile, a joint manifestation
even if there is none. under oath duly signed by them shall be filed with the court
 Prescription means the loss or extinction of the right to file
an action due to the lapse of time fixed by the law. 1) The legal separation proceedings is terminated at whatever stage.
Prescription of action of legal separation is five years from the 2) The final decree of legal separation shall be set aside, but the
occurrence of the causes. separation of property and any forfeiture of the share of the guilty
spouse already effected shall subsist, unless the spouses agree to
Procedures of Legal Separation revive their former property regime.

Art. 58- Trial starts 6 months after filing of the petition. (cooling-off  If the case is pending, it shall be terminated in whatever
period) Intended to give the parties enough time to further stage.
contemplate their positions.  If the decree has already been issued, it shall be set aside.
 required only in legal separation and not in annulment of  The separation of property and any forfeiture of the share of
marriage or declaration of nullity of a void marriage. the guilty spouse already effected by the decree shall subsist
 Failure to observe of cooling-off period can set aside the

Art. 59- No legal separation may be decreed unless the court has
taken steps toward the reconciliation.

Art. 60- No decision shall be based upon a stipulation of facts or a

confession of judgment. The fiscal shall take steps to prevent
collusion between the parties and to take care that the evidence is not
fabricated or suppressed.

 Death of a party extinguishes a pending action for legal


 The decree of legal separation does not dissolve the

marriage. Even if the husband and wife are already living
separately from each other, the marriage bond is not severed.
Thus, a spouse can still be held criminally liable for

Joesil Dianne C. Sempron

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