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cumulative test

Units 1–5
Reading 4 Which sentence is true?
A Only some people want the changes.
1 Read the text.
B The students want the changes.

New lessons C Everyone wants these changes.

Would you like to learn to speak Mandarin, the 5 Parents

main language of the Chinese people? Do you A w
 ant their children to stay at school in the
think it’s a good idea to learn about environmental evenings.
problems like climate change at school? In the
B w
 ant to teach their children important
UK today schools want to teach new subjects, not
traditional ones. They want to teach students about
things that are important today. C would like their children to learn more things.
For example, China is becoming a very important Mark /10
country for business. Some teachers think it’s better
for students to learn Mandarin at school than
Spanish or French. At the moment French is the Vocabulary
most popular language in UK schools but it’s not 3 Complete the sentences with the correct words.
very useful for the students’ future jobs.
Geography lessons are also changing. Some people 1 They can’t teach _______ at my school because
think it’s more important to learn about modern we don’t have many computers.
environmental problems in geography than to learn A religious education B English C I.C.T
about continents and countries.
2 My mother’s sister is my _______.
A lot of people don’t like the changes. They think
it’s important for children to study traditional A cousin B nephew C aunt
subjects at schools and learn different subjects 3 The _______ is a very quiet animal.
later. Of course, parents want their children to A hippopotamus B snake C bear
learn EVERYTHING but unfortunately there isn’t
enough time in the day and I’m sure children don’t 4 My dad _______ the house on Saturdays.
want to stay at school in the evenings too! A cooks B irons C cleans
2 Choose the best answers. 5 I have a bad _______ because my shoes are
1 Today in the UK
A finger B hand C toe
A children don’t like languages.
6 I’m eating in the _______ at lunchtime today.
B schools want to teach Mandarin.
A playing field B canteen C corridor
C children can go to China.
7 You get very wet if you stand near the _______.
2 The French language
A waterfall B rainforest C lake
A is popular in UK schools.
8 Teachers don’t wear _______ in class.
B is useful for work.
A tracksuits B skirts C shoes
C is very difficult.
9 We do _______ after school on Wednesdays.
3 In geography
A guitar B gymnastics C chess
A students like learning about countries.
10 He plays the _______ in a pop group.
B t eachers want to teach students about
modern problems. A drums B cello C violin
Mark /10
C students don’t learn important things.

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press  Solutions Elementary Tests      

cumulative test

Units 1–5
Listening 6 Complete the sentences with the correct
comparative, superlative or adverb form of the
4 ≤1.11  Listen to the radio interview. Are the adjectives in brackets.
sentences true or false?
1 Her writing is very clear. She writes so _______
1 The students at Ally’s school have a fashion (careful).
club. ___
2 It’s _______ (exciting) to go to a party than to
2 They want to get money to buy computers for stay at home!
the school. ___
3 My brother’s a _______ (good) driver than I
3 They can’t swim at the school. ___ am.
4 There’s a competition for people to decide who 4 Don’t watch that! It’s the _______ (boring)
is the best student. ___ programme on TV.
5 The tickets include food. ___ 5 I think English is the _______ (difficult)
Mark /10 language in the world!
6 My house is the _______ (far) from the school.
Grammar I have to catch the bus at 7.30 a.m.!
7 It’s usually _______ (cold) in England than it is
5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
the verbs in brackets. in Italy.
8 My sister is only five but she reads very _______
1 There _______ (be) some socks on the floor.
2 I’m afraid he _______ (do) his homework at the
9 Chris doesn’t study very hard. He’s got the
moment. Phone again at about 6.30 p.m.
_______ (bad) results in the class.
3 _______ (he have to) walk to school every day?
10 I’m _______ (happy) than yesterday. I’ve got
4 Why _______ (they arrive) late for every some new trainers!
Mark /10
5 Where _______ (they have) the chess club on
6 Miss Barnes _______ (teach) us this term.
She’s got a different class. 7 Write a letter to an English friend. Tell him/her
about these things:
7 I _______ (go) out with my friends on Friday
nights. • your town and area
• your school
8 My cousin _______ (have to) wear a uniform at • your hobbies
his school. He wears what he wants.
Mark /10
9 We _______ (go) for a walk in the forest. Do
you want to come? Total /60
10 _______ (you go) to Germany for your holiday
every year?
Mark /10

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press  Solutions Elementary Tests      

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