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Report I

ITEC 7430

1.0 Problem Analysis

1.1 ​What is your system of interest?

I am currently teaching 5th grade mathematics at Johnson County Elementary School in

Wrightsville, Georgia. This purpose of this course is to prepare students for the middle
school mathematics. To be promoted to middle school, students must pass the Georgia
Milestones assessment that is given in April of their fifth grade year. This assessment is
comprised of multiple choice questions, multiple select questions, and short answer
questions. I wish to improve their mathematical skills in preparation for this exam,
particularly in the area of word- problem comprehension.

1.2 ​What are the sub-systems?

The abilities of the students

The students that I currently teach are all in the fifth grade with ages ranging from ten to
eleven years of age. They have a wide range of abilities as the group is very diverse in
strengths and weaknesses. The fifth grade classes are divided by administration with the
intent to provide equal opportunity within each classroom. Two students within the
classroom have been retained in previous grades, and three students are enrolled in the
gifted program. All students will take the same Georgia Milestone assessment at the end
of the year requiring them to demonstrate their level of skills and knowledge over the
same material. There are no testing modifications for any student at this time.

The prior knowledge of the students

Students have received the same basic mathematical instruction from grades K-4. They
have been taught to perform computation of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and
division of whole numbers and to apply these computations to real life situations.
Students have also received instructions on understanding fractions and decimals and
their relationship.

Resources Available

Students have access to a class website that was created with the standards of the
grade in mind. This website allows them to direct access to the standards that they are
required to study as well as videos and interactive games for practice. Students create
an interactive journal in fifth grade in which they utilize to study. These journals include
learning objectives, class activities, intervention practices, and vocabulary practices.
Students also have an interactive journal from fourth grade for previous skills.

1.3 ​What symptoms drew your attention to this system of interest?

As a school system, we have a weakness in reading as discovered by analysis of past

test scores on various reading assessments. After assessing in mathematics, I
discovered that many students were able to perform computations when an expression
is given. However, they are often not able to identify what operations to perform when
they are required to comprehend a word problem to solve. This observation led me to
believe that we need to focus on constructing mathematical comprehension skills.

2.0 Front-End Analysis

2.1 ​Are there any performance gaps involved in this problem that justify a learning
3.0 Needs Assessment
3.1 ​Optimals
3.1.1 ​What information and data would you like to collect?
I would like a breakdown from previous Milestone Testing data that shows
a comparison in performance on assessment items that do not require
comprehension and on items that do require comprehension.
3.1.2 ​How would you collect that information and data?
I would examine the data that was given to see which students were able
to solve expressions that did not involve comprehension, but were not
able to solve similar problems that required them to comprehend a
scenario before being able to solve.
3.2 ​Actuals
3.2.1 ​What information and data would you collect?
I would provide the students with an itemized mock assessment that
presented word problems and well as numerical expressions.
3.2.2 ​How would you collect that information and data?
I would take the results of this assessment and use it to gain a better
understanding into the comprehension problems that are currently
present by identifying weaknesses as well as strengths.

3.3 ​What are the discrepancies between the current (actual) and desired (optimal)
Since there is not an itemized breakdown of the actual scores from their previous
milestone, I must create my own use sample material to identify the areas of weakness.
A discrepancy may lie in the time that has elapsed since they first took the assessment.

3.4 ​What priorities can you assign to the identified discrepancies or goals?
It is important that students are exposed to material that was previously used on the
Milestone assessment so that I have an idea of their weak areas in relation to

3.5 ​Prepare a Learning Goal Statement

3.5.1 The goal for students in fifth grade mathematics is to be able to decipher
information within word problems to choose the correct operation needed to solve
and then to perform those computations correctly.

Program: 5th Grade Mathematics Date: 9/18/19 Instructor: Lord


Class Evaluation
Improve performance on worded mathematical problems in preparation for
the GA Milestone assessment Performance Test

On-the-Job Follow up

ROI Effect

Learning Outcomes

nce Condition Intellectual Cognitive Verbal Criterion
(tasks to Motor Skills Attitude
(learning environment) Skills Strategies Information (restrictions, tools)
Correctl 5th Grade Ability to Ability to None Writing Student must Pencils, graph
y find Classroom with understand recall and work paper, and lined
mathem 5th Grade mathematica use diligently paper are allowed.
atical Students l symbols mathematica towards an No resource
solution l procedure answer outside of this.
s to solve

Analyze 5th Grade Ability to Ability to None Writing Student must Pencils, graph
word Classroom with read and recall and decide on paper, and lined
problem 5th Grade comprehend apply necessary paper are allowed.
s to Students given mathematica operation No resources
determi mathematica l knowledge and carry outside of this.
ne l situations and out
necessar procedure procedure

4.0 Instructional Analysis

4.1 Goal Analysis
4.1.1 What is the domain classification and type of learning (or type and level of
Learned capability) for your problem?
The domain for the particular problem here is cognitive. Students will have to use
their mathematical knowledge and procedure as well as their comprehension
strategies to correct solve scenarios proposed on the assessment.

4.2 Subordinate Skills Analysis

4.2.1 Goal Analysis Model
4.2.2 Show which skills are entry level skills.
The following skills are entry level skills:
● Students must have procedural knowledge of addition,
subtraction, multiplication, and division.
● Students must have ability to read.

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