E-Cell Induction - Gaurav Ralhan 2010PGP095

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Make a website for E-Cell and give an extensive online coverage in various social
networking sites

A comprehensive website providing in depth knowledge of entrepreneurship has to be created.

The website must include recent news, and resource bank; provide free business tools, log-in ids
for students and corporates, notice board and knowledge management tools.

Recent Updates-- This section of the website will contain all the recent happenings in the field all
collected at one place to keep the readers updated with the recent happenings in the field.

Resource Bank-- Resource Bank will contain free online archive of entrepreneurship resources for
learning and teaching. The resource bank will have videos, case studies and other
entrepreneurship skill development material.

Notice board-- This section of the website will have all the upcoming events that E-cell is
undertaking. All the announcement of the E-Cell will be made through this section.

Log-In Id-- Log-in Ids will be provided to all the members of the club; students as well as
corporates. This section will provide as an industry interface for the students as they can direct
their questions towards specific corporates and get the necessary guidance from them.

Knowledge Management—KM tools are very essential part of any organisation as they help to
develop the organisation as a whole. The in depth knowledge of one of the member of the
organization can be used for solving/guidance in future as well even after the member is not in
contact with the group.

Free Tools for business—this section will provide free business tools like 12 month cash flow
statement, 12 month Sales forecast etc., which are helpful for small organizations in running their
business efficiently.

2.Register E-Cell under NEN

Registration under NEN will provide a strong boost to the E-cell as NEN has a very strong
knowledge as well as membership base. NEN works with faculty and students to initiate and
expand their entrepreneurial activities, this way NEN well help us build our own high impact
entrepreneurship program on our campus.
NEN is highly recognized and being associated with NEN will lend credibility to IIM Shillong’s E-cell.
NEN's campus based programs are structured to motivate members to view entrepreneurship as a
desirable career. NEN provides members with the knowledge, skills and the network to succeed.
Entrepreneurship skills include opportunity identification, creating value, and leveraging resources
- all skills that help one succeed in multiple situations.
Registering as a member of NEN will give our E-cell an interface with many Venture Capitalists and
Private Equity firms which can help the club in initiating all the entrepreneurial activities of the
3.Register E-Cell as an enterprise/company
Registering as a company lends more credibility to the E-cell as it will be registered with the
government authorities and is perceived with more faith by the customers. Registering as a
company also prevents other companies to register under the same name so makes the company
unique in its area of operation. Getting a trademark for the name of the enterprise and copyright
of the logo restricts others from using the same name and logo for their business, which is very
essential in today’s competitive world and also provides the company its own distinct identity

A private company is preferable as it gives owners the advantage of limited liability but at the
same time gives them full control over the business within a limited circle and also the owners are
able to maintain the privacy of the business. A private company also enjoys the continuity of
existence i.e. it continues to exist even if all its members die or desert it.

A private company has an independent legal existence and it is relatively less cumbersome to
organise and operate it as it has been exempted from many regulations and restrictions to which a
public limited company is subjected to.

4. Build a strong network with other IIMs E-Cells

Building a very strong network among IIMs E-cells will definitely help a lot in creating a strong pan
IIM network which will ultimately help all IIM’s. We being one of the younger IIM’s don’t have a
huge alumni base as compared to the other older IIM’s so such collaboration with other IIM’s will
benefit us in gaining outside help.
But gaining the support from other IIM’s is a very optimistic plan as there is sense of competition
among all the IIM’s so gaining support from other IIM’s will be very difficult. IIM’s have
collaborated in coming up with various magazine but till now no two IIM’s have organised a
Entrepreneurship fest or seminar. It will be great if we are able to pull off such a collaboration as it
will be very useful for us in making a good network which will help in the growth of our E-cell but
my personal opinion would be that it would be highly optimistic view and instead of collaborating
with other IIM’s we should focus on other Entrepreneur fostering organizations.

5.Organize one very innovative competition for B-Plan

We are already a partner of dare2compete an online platform for conducting quizzes and other
competitions. We need to strengthen this partnership with dare2compete and should organize a
completely online IIM Shillong’s B School event.
Dare2compete is different from the conventional quizzing sites which work with concept of
downloading and then uploading the answers back to the site, it provides a platform for direct
online events. The online event can itself be marketed using the huge marketing potential that
dare2compete has, with thousands of members and more than 50 B-schools in partnership with it.

A different kind of B-plan contest be organized in which we can give teams a product for market
research and feasibility analysis that should we (as the company) launch the product or not and
then the second stage would be a complete B-Plan formulation for the company.
B-plan contest will have 2 stages.
1) Market analysis and feasibility study for the product to be launched.
2) To prepare a B-Plan for the company producing that product.

The B-plan will focus on market analysis and management decision making regarding the product.
The data on consumers, firms and products will be provided and the selection will be based on the
increase in Share Price Index. It will be based on the revenue growth, profitability, market share
Due to the accessibility limitation we can organize a completely online event in partnership with
dare2compete. The online competition platform has a huge network which can be used to our


6.In addition to the existing live projects, we would like to have more live projects. At
least two more in the next three months.

E-cell can target start-up companies as they can provide live projects where students can hands on
experience of starting a new business. If any start-up organization comes up with a live project it
will be a win win situation for both; the organization as it will get advice for efficiently running its
business and the students as they get live experience of something similar to starting their own
business that too with investing their own capital.
E-cell can organize a one or two day summit and invite various industries including start-ups.
These fair will aim at providing a platform to students to connect with start-ups and to encourage
them to become entrepreneurs. Apart from the industry interaction, the participating companies
can also give the students various projects related to client work, problem areas in company's sales
or operations or to get market feedback on its product, etc.
The partnership with Entrepreneurship fostering organizations like NEN(National
Entrepreneurship Network) and TiE(The Indus Entrepreneur) will help in getting projects from
different parts of the country even from parts of country where E-Cell of our institute doesn’t have
a direct contact.

7.Build a network with VCs and PEs all over India.

For any entrepreneurship cell to grow and increase its dominance it needs a strong financial
backup. The main aim of E- cell is to promote entrepreneurship mainly by spreading the knowledge
about the various skills required , helping the start-up in strategic decision making and to even help
individuals having a business idea to start their own company in its incubation centres.

Registering as a member of NEN will give our E-cell an interface with many Venture Capitalists and
Private Equity firms which can help the club in initiating all the entrepreneurial activities of the
Registering as a TiE member will help bringing in more funds from various Private Equity and
Venture Capitalist firms in contact with TiE. TiE group is very instrumental in the development of
entrepreneurial activities all across the globe and the nearest TiE centre is in Kolkata. TiE itself
being a non-profit organization doesn’t provide any funding, but TiE itself provides a medium for
many VC and PE’s to interact with the aspiring entrepreneurs.

Aavishkaar India Micro Venture Company Ltd also provides funds for the development of
industries in rural areas. E cell can have a incubation centre where a new business idea for a
company to be established in the rural area can be sponsored by the Aavishkaar group.


The SouthAsia Enterprise Development Facility

The SouthAsia Enterprise Development Facility (SEDF) is a multi-donor facility managed by the
International Finance Corporation (IFC) of the World Bank Group. Based in Dhaka, Bangladesh,
SEDF focuses on the needs of the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Bangladesh, Bhutan,
Nepal and North East India. The objective of SEDF is poverty alleviation through SME development.


SIDBI Venture Capital Limited

SIDBI’s venture fund is intended to provide a window to entrepreneurs with ventures that have
special characteristics to be innovative but may not qualify for assistance through the conventional
route of term financing. SSI units involving new and untried processes and technologies that have
scope for commercial application, with characteristics of high risk and high return, may be


8.Others (we need specific ideas from your side if any. Concrete proposals required.
The more the better.)

Register with National Social Entrepreneurship Forum

All Premiere B schools focus on entrepreneurship focusing on profits and returns, we should focus
on creating value in the society as in the end its not just about balance sheets. We should venture
into Social Entrepreneurship. As Wikipedia states it, A social entrepreneur is someone who
recognizes a social problem and uses entrepreneurial principles to organize, create, and manage a
venture to make social change (a social venture) . E-cell can register with National Social
Entrepreneurship Forum. NSEF has a mission of promoting social entrepreneurship in universities
across India. With this objective NSEF establishes student run chapters at each university which
conduct various activities to create an ecosystem that will produce the next generation of social
entrepreneurs. NSEF activities include skill building workshops, social business plan and blogging
competitions, facilitating grassroots level internships and mentoring youth led social ventures.
Register with TiE
TiE is recognized as an important networking forum for entrepreneurs and investors. It is a global
non-profit dedicated to fostering entrepreneurship and has 54 chapters in 13 countries, with a
total membership exceeding 13,000. TiE's sponsors include nearly all the major Venture capitalist
firms like Kleiner Perkins, New Enterprise Associates, Greylock, Accel, Draper Richards, Bay
Partners, Norwest. TiE has a large resource available for learning and training on Entrepreneurship.
The conferences organized by TiE provide a platform for the likeminded people to interact and
have a mutual gain. Apart from that the venture capitalist and other investors can interact with the
aspiring entrepreneurs. Having TiE membership also provides a sense of credibility to the E-cell.


Sponsorship Brochure
We need to develop a sponsorship Brochure stating our vision and all the other activities , this will
can be used while interacting with the industry and seeking sponsorships for all the different
projects which will be undertaken by the E-Cell.

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