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Future Life Progression


Advanced Hypnotherapy Techniques

The KEW Training Academy Ltd

Karen E Wells
Future Life Progression Therapy

By Karen E Wells

Karen E Wells
Karen E Wells is Co-Founder and Director of The KEW Training Academy Ltd.
She has over 17 years experience as a Hypnotherapist & Healer.

Karen E Wells established The KEW Training Academy in 2006 whilst

running a busy practice and training other therapist’s around the world on training

She brings both aspects of healing and regression together to form this unique training.

Karen has taught and worked widely in the UK, Europe, USA & Australia.

For more information contact Karen at:

Website: &

© Karen E Wells D.A.H Hyp 2011
Future Life Progression Therapy

By Karen E Wells

Welcome to Future Life Progression Therapy

This course covers the essential aspects of Future Life Progression. Not only will you be able to
confidently progress your clients to issues in this lifetime, but you will take them on an inner
journey through time into their Future Lives.
This course is packed full of Techniques, Healing Modalities and everything you need to learn to
use Progression in your every day practice with your clients.

This package contains the following:

The Training Modules – 3 Modules taking you through every part of the session with your client
– The Consultation/Pre-Talk, from the first time the client contacts you, to progressing them
forward in time, to when you follow up with them weeks or months after the session.
The Training Manual - An In Depth look at Future Life Progression. Learn what can happen in
Progression sessions, how to deal with events and how to enable your client to heal from those
times so they can move forward in this lifetime. Also included is a Future Life Progression Script,
Case Review Examples & Obtaining your Qualification & Certification.

At the end of your successful completion of Case Reviews, I warmly look forward to welcoming
you to The KEW School Of Regression Training.

Kind Regards,

Karen E Wells

© Karen E Wells D.A.H Hyp 2011
Future Life Progression Therapy – Distance Learning Training Course

By Karen E Wells D.A.H. Hyp

This Future Life Progression Training is split into 3 Modules allowing easy learning
at your own pace. To maximise your learning, it is best to work through Module by
Module and then listen to the included Audio recording at the end of Module 2
before moving to the next one.

The Modules contain the following:

 Initial Contact With The Client
 Contraindications/Suitability for Progression
 The Appointment
 The Consultation/Pre-Talk
 Conscious/Subconscious Memory Recall
 Managing Expectations
 Establishing A Safe Place
 Time Limits
 Example of Consultation/Pre-Talk Form
 Initial Sensitising Events (ISE’s)
 Deepening
 Remaining The Objective Observer
 Abreactions/Cathartic Release
 Directing The Regression
 Pacing & Cues
 Exploring Questions
 Moving Through Time
 Resistance
 Awakening
 Integration
 Healing Interventions –
 The Progression Process
 Script for Future Life Progression – The Wells Induction

© Karen E Wells D.A.H Hyp 2011
Future Life Progression Therapy – Distance Learning Training Course

By Karen E Wells D.A.H. Hyp


 Post Session Talk – Bringing It All Together
 Follow Up & Additional Sessions
 Case Reviews
 Support
 Qualification
 Are You Ready?
 Marketing Yourself As A Regression Therapist
 Self Care As A Therapist

© Karen E Wells D.A.H Hyp 2011
Future Life Progression Therapy – Distance Learning Training Course

By Karen E Wells D.A.H. Hyp

Welcome to Module 1. Here we will cover all aspects from the initial contact you will receive from
the client, to the Consultation/Pre-talk you will have when you first meet and more. At the end of
this Module you will feel confident about talking to and facilitating the Consultation with your

Initial Contact with The Client

Your client may choose to contact you via a variety of methods, including telephone, email, text,
to name but a few. It is always best to respond to your client promptly within your own working
hours. Much of your conversation will take place for the Consultation/Pre-Talk, but there are a
couple of fundamental things you need to find out from your client first of all. Have they
experienced Hypnosis before? Why are they coming to you for this session and what is it that
they would like to achieve? Find out these things and then schedule your appointment.
Progression can be quite tiring for a therapist, so you need to be aware yourself of how many
sessions you can do in one day. Does your energy allow you to do several sessions a day or just
one? In Module 3, we discuss Self Care As A Therapist, but know your own limits and stick by
those. In that way, you and your client will get the best out of the session.

Contraindications/Suitability for Progression

Most clients that come to you are suitable for Progression. However, as with Hypnosis there are
some contraindications to be aware of. People that are on anti – psychotic drugs, epileptic
medication, schizophrenia medication, under the influence of alcohol or drugs etc are not suitable
for Progression. You will know inside yourself when speaking to a client whether they are fit for
Progression or not. They have to be mentally & emotionally stable as often these sessions can
have a deep impact on their life. The above is not an exhaustive list – please refer to the
contraindications that are advised against with Hypnosis. Remember you are within your rights to
refuse to do a session with a client if you do not feel it is the right time or the right thing to do. It is
also within your rights to ask for a letter from their Doctor or Medical Practitioner to confirm they
are suitable for Progression Therapy.

© Karen E Wells D.A.H Hyp 2011
Future Life Progression Therapy – Distance Learning Training Course

By Karen E Wells D.A.H. Hyp

The Appointment
When your client arrives for their appointment, there is likely to be a level of nervousness or
anxiety about the upcoming session. Depending on what they are coming to see you about, they
are opening their past hurts, triumphs and soul to you. This is the time to put them at ease. Better
results come from sessions where you have a rapport with your client. Remember that they need
to feel safe in your hands.

The Consultation/Pre-Talk
This is one of the most important aspects of the whole session. It is during this time that you will
find out all about your client, why they are here, what they want to achieve, have they had a
Progression session before? Here is one part where you do a lot of talking! It is very important to
explain to your client about Hypnosis – what it is, what it isn’t – explain about the different senses
they will use and may experience the memories by and to build their trust and manage their
expectations. In the Consultation/Pre-talk you will discuss the following:

Conscious/Subconscious Memory Recall

In Progression, it is likely you may take your clients into both Conscious and Subconscious
memories. If you are taking your client back to childhood memories or memories from this lifetime
it is likely they will be conscious memories. This does not matter if your client can recall memories
from childhood normally; it is about the healing work that you do whilst you are at that point.
Obviously, as we move into very early years, the Womb, and Future Lives – the memories are
subconscious. It’s so important to let your client know the different ways they may experience the
memories at each of those points above. Only 50% of the population are visual, so if your client is
not visual but is more kinaesthetic, and you ask: “What are you seeing?” It’s likely they will say
“Nothing” as they are not experiencing the memories visually. Remember we have 5 senses –
see, hear, smell, touch, taste. And don’t forget the 6th sense – feeling! Your client could
experience their memories from any one of those senses or all 6 included! The best way to ask
them once you get to the memories is: Tell me anything that you are experiencing – that you
are seeing, sensing, feeling or experiencing. Make sure you cover this in the

© Karen E Wells D.A.H Hyp 2011
Future Life Progression Therapy – Distance Learning Training Course

By Karen E Wells D.A.H. Hyp

Managing Expectations
It is so important to manage your client’s expectations on so many levels. From letting them know
about how they may experience the memories to gently telling them it may be unlikely they will be
someone famous in their Future Life! I’m not dismissing that at all, but it may be an idea to make
it light hearted and let them know that many people who come for Future Life Progression find
they have may live ordinary lives, doing ordinary things. But that is not to say that occasionally
the most wonderful client and their story will walk through your door and you will be witness to
this! But it is, as in Hypnotherapy, about managing your client’s expectations. Having your own
Progression Sessions to explore your own Future Lives will help you to do this.

Establishing A Safe Place

Included in this training package is a great script for your induction to help you to progress your
clients. An essential part of any induction is establishing a safe place. If, during the session, the
memories or the feelings become too much for your client – take them back to their safe place.
This is covered more in Module 2 but it is important to ask your client in the Consultation/Pre-talk
– Where would be a safe place for you? Normally they will say a place out in nature or a room
at home. Ask them all the details so they can see it in their minds eye. This also gives you an
indication of how their senses work.

Time Limits
How long will your sessions for Progression be? Some people offer 1 hour appointments, but for
me this is not sufficient time to allow for your Consultation/Pre-talk, the induction, the session,
and time afterwards. I allow up to 2 hours. I allow 30 minutes for the Consultation/Pre-talk, 1 hour
15 minutes for the session, and 15 minutes afterwards for contemplation/discussion. Be strict with
yourself and your clients, anything over what you have set for your appointment times will
energetically drain you.

© Karen E Wells D.A.H Hyp 2011
Future Life Progression Therapy – Distance Learning Training Course

By Karen E Wells D.A.H. Hyp

Example of Consultation/Pre-Talk Form

At the end of Module 3 is an example of the Consultation/Pre-talk form. Feel free to add or
amend any information to this. I have seen some therapists use a 5 or 6 page form for the client
to fill in. This is not necessary, keeping it brief means more time for you to talk.

 Design your own Future Life Consultation form. Remember that the form needs to contain
important questions to capture why the client has come for the session and what they
want to achieve, but do not make your form too long. Use some of the information on the
example form enclosed but create your own using your own style and personality.

Once completed, you are ready to move on to Module 2: Future Life Progression.

© Karen E Wells D.A.H Hyp 2011
Future Life Progression Therapy – Distance Learning Training Course

By Karen E Wells D.A.H. Hyp


Module 2 covers all aspects of Future Life Progression. This means to take someone into their
Future Lives, so an incarnation in the future.
This Module explains the different parts of Progression, the questions you can ask when your
client is experiencing the memories, significant things that will have had an impact on your client,
healing modalities and much more.
Remember the first part is your Induction. You can follow the Script included at the end of this
Module and use that or you can create your own induction.
For Future Life Progression, the induction must be at least 25 minutes long. This will vary from
client to client, but this amount of time should ensure your client is deep enough in Hypnosis to
recall the memories from Future Lives.

 Once you have worked through this Module for Future Life Progression – listen to the
Audio Recording of the Future Lives Progression Session. This will enhance your learning
further and you can listen to it as often as you wish.

 Begin to get friends, family & clients scheduled for sessions of Future Life Progression.
Once you have worked your way through this part of the manual you are ready to start
doing Future Life sessions.

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© Karen E Wells D.A.H Hyp 2011
Future Life Progression Therapy – Distance Learning Training Course

By Karen E Wells D.A.H. Hyp

Future Life Progression Therapy

Future Life Progression Therapy is a journey forward in time to recover memories and explore
events from the future and can be profoundly transformative work. Time to our Soul in Spirit does
not exist, so we are easily able to move forward and back through time as we know it. This
module gives you the tools to progress your clients into their Future Lives as the existing therapist
with Regression experience that you already are. These tools will be an extension to your existing
tool box.
All of our experiences that may happen in the future are there for us to explore as a Progression
With Future Life Progression, it is important to understand why your client has come for the
session. What is it that they want to achieve? You can move the client forward in their current
lifetime if they have an issue in this life they want to explore – move them forward 5, 10, 20 years
in the future to see how things are working out – has it been resolved? This can be an important
aspect of this work.
Time does not exist beyond the physical realms that we know here on Earth. Therefore you are
free to move your client forward & backward in time. You can explore their Future Lives as easily
as you can their Past Lives. Moving them into future incarnations can be a amazing tool to
explore your clients issues and how they are playing out if they do not take the action in this

In this work you will explore the repeating patterns, contracts, agreements, perceptions and
beliefs that may be forming sometimes on an unconscious level, as a result of experiences from
this life, past lives and even life between lives. Future Life Progression is an exciting aspect of
work for you and your client to uncover.

Going forward in time can bring new perspectives and healing for people in a way that no other
therapy can achieve. Progression can be a powerful healing tool.

Because of your existing skills as a Regression Therapist already, I am not including the different
types of Regression in this manual. You will already have an idea of how to regress your clients,
the aim of this manual is to take your clients into the future, in this lifetime and their Future Lives.

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© Karen E Wells D.A.H Hyp 2011
Future Life Progression Therapy – Distance Learning Training Course

By Karen E Wells D.A.H. Hyp

However the healing modules that you will know as Regression Therapist, you will still need to
use if you uncover trauma or upset in a Future Life Progression. (Inner Child Work, Progressive
Regression, Open ended Regression etc)

Facilitating a Progression

Establish the Intention of the Progression

What is the intended outcome? It is essential that you clarify with your client what the goal of the
progression is and what they would like to achieve. If there are multiple issues it is important to
prioritise the goals and choose which ones to start with. You will see the stated intention in
directing the progression.

Talk to your client prior to the session about how Progression therapy works. Be sure to tell them
that this is very different than trying to remember, it is more a matter of relaxing and allowing the
memories to surface from the subconscious mind. You might use the example of trying to
remember a telephone number and not being able to until you stop trying and then the number
comes to mind.

One of the most common comments you are here following a Progression session is “I think I am
just making it up.” The validity of the memories must be addressed in your pre-talk. There are two
primary ways one can distinguish between a thought or making something up and a true memory.
The experience of thinking about something feels very different than the experience of
remembering something. This is especially true of remembering something that one has no
conscious memory of. This is one of the reasons we often go to a happy early childhood memory
before going back into the womb or past life. When I was regressed back to the memory of
teething on a favourite brick I was amazed at the vividness of the sense of taste, texture and
absolute pleasure that came with the memory.

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© Karen E Wells D.A.H Hyp 2011
Future Life Progression Therapy – Distance Learning Training Course

By Karen E Wells D.A.H. Hyp

A thought or making up an image is usually devoid of any feelings. A memory often brings with it
an emotional charge. Ask your client “how does that feel?” as various images float to the surface.
Exploring the feelings associated with a memory will help to validate the experience for the client.

Encourage your client to trust the images, feelings, impressions and memories as they come
during the progression. There will be plenty of time following the session to use the conscious
mind to review and decide what to do with the information that comes. Analysing the images and
memories as they come invokes the conscious mind and slows the process of progression.

Use an induction that fits your client. A fairly deep state of hypnosis is best the most Progression

Facilitating Suggestions
During induction and deepening you should insert suggestions that will help facilitate the process
of going forward and remembering. This should be done as part of your pre-talk. Some
suggestions that will help are:
 You will be able to go forward easily and effortlessly
 The deeper you go, the easier it is you to visualise
 Each time that I touch your forehead in this way, you will go deeper and find it
easier to allow the memories to become more vivid
 Trust the images, impressions and memories as they come
 Allow the memories to float to the surface
 It happens naturally and easily

Safe Place
When doing progression therapy you should always establish some safe place imagery during
the induction and deepening. A safe place will give the client a comforting place to start from and
to return to, should things become overwhelming during the process.

The safe place can provide a place from which the client can remain the objective observer and
view traumatic events from a safe distance.
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© Karen E Wells D.A.H Hyp 2011
Future Life Progression Therapy – Distance Learning Training Course

By Karen E Wells D.A.H. Hyp

It is important to deepen during the induction and throughout the session. Responding verbally to
your questions can bring a client up from the deep level of hypnosis necessary for good
progression work, so continuous deepening is necessary.
Use deepening suggestions such as:
 You can go deeper with every breath
 The deeper you go, the better it feels
 And deeper now
 And go even deeper now
 Going even deeper now… 5… 4… 3… 2… 1…
 Taking a breath, go even deeper now
 Every time I touch your hand/forehead (etc) in this way you can go even deeper

Remaining the Objective Observer

In most sessions you should suggest that the client remain the objective observer. You can have
them hover above the scene, view the events as an objective observer or even float on a cloud
over the scene. There is great healing value in viewing the scene from a more objective point of
view and it will also help prevent unnecessary abreactions.

There are times when it is important to remember the feelings from an event, especially a positive
one and in these cases you can have the client enter the scene to fully relive it, and then anchor
the feelings.

On occasion, a person in progression will begin to relive a traumatic experience. In doing so they
may exhibit many of the same emotions and symptoms they experienced in the past.

This is a kind of abreaction or cathartic emotional release. It can be frightening to observe &
rather disconcerting for both the client and the therapist.
If your client abreacts you must keep your wits about you & remain as calm and confident as
possible. Do not suddenly awaken the client. This can cause shock and stop the process and

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© Karen E Wells D.A.H Hyp 2011
Future Life Progression Therapy – Distance Learning Training Course

By Karen E Wells D.A.H. Hyp

the abreaction condition may continue in the waking state. This can also cause the emotional
release to become stuck and not to experience the full release needed.
If you are a skilled therapist, you can take the client right through the abreaction. Let them
release the emotions and memories and move on.

If you are not a skilled therapist it is best to bring your client back to the safe place from which
you began. Reassure them that they are safe. Remind them to be an objective observer.

Tell them it is time to return to the safe place that you established at the beginning of the session.
Have them take a few deep relaxing breaths until the calm returns and then gradually bring them
back to a normal waking state.

In many cases I've trusted that we could safely make it through the abreaction and come to a
healing place and all has gone well. Trust your inner guidance.
There is a small percentage of the population that will vividly experience a regression with all of
the emotions and physical sensations of the events they are recalling. They will feel everything
that they see.

Objectively watching a scene unfold is a very different experience than feeling the emotions and
physical sensations in your body. This kind of session may involve much emotional release and
should be handled by an experienced therapist.

Directing the Progression

Progression is similar to Regression. The subconscious mind is a fascinating thing. Without clear
direction you don't know where it will take you. Remember the subconscious mind is very literal
so watch your language as you direct your client forward in time. You do not have to know when
the event occurred but you must be a specific as possible when defining the event. Establish a
clear objective with your clients before the progression and then work your instructions
accordingly. The following are some effective phrases you can use to direct the progression.

 Moving forward to where it all began

 Moving to the origin of…………….
 Moving to the first time you felt…………
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© Karen E Wells D.A.H Hyp 2011
Future Life Progression Therapy – Distance Learning Training Course

By Karen E Wells D.A.H. Hyp

 Going forward to the source of this situation

 Moving to where it all started
 Going forward in time to a significant time
 Going forward to another important time
 Going to the first time…………
 Going forward to the most important time
 And going forward even further….5… 4… 3…2….1…

Be patient and go slow with your client. It takes time for the client to move through time to recover
memories and develop images. At first you may think nothing is happening but don't rush. Give
your client all the time in the world and the process will unfold-slowly. Breathe and let it happen.
Watch for the cues and usual facilitating words.
During progression work, the client will only be reporting to you a small part of what they are
actually experiencing. This is because verbal communication requires a lot of effort on the part of
the client when so deeply relaxed. Know that you maybe only hear 20% of what is going on. You
only get the tip of the iceberg. Because of this it is essential that you learn to watch very carefully
the various cues from your client. Some of the most important things to watch for are even the
slightest changes in:

 Breathing
 Eye movement
 Facial expression
 Body movements-fingers, hands, arms, legs
 Body tension
 Tone of voice

Exploring Questions
Asking the appropriate number of questions is essential to facilitating a successful Progression.
 And then what happened?
 And what happens next?

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© Karen E Wells D.A.H Hyp 2011
Future Life Progression Therapy – Distance Learning Training Course

By Karen E Wells D.A.H. Hyp

 Where are you in relation to……?

 Help me to understand this…….?
 What are you wearing?
 And then….?
 Tell me what you're seeing and feeling
 Tell me what's happening

Moving Through Time

It is important to allow ample time to explore each significant event but there are times when you
will have to move the progression along to continue the healing process. You can move the client
back and forth in time as well as freeze-framing & pausing. Try these directions:
 And then what happened?
 Moving to the next significant event… 5… 4… 3… 2… 1 and Be There Now
 Going to the first time this happened
 Going forward in time to the very first time you felt this way
 Moving easily forward in time now

Occasionally a client will have difficulty progressing. You may have facilitated regression or
Hypnosis sessions with your client previously and therefore have an understanding of how they
work. Or, this could be your first session. Resistance may be a result of one or more things. Of
course on the most basic level it is important to be sure that the client is comfortable and feels

On a deeper level the client's readiness to explore the future will greatly affect your ability to
guide them forward in time. I think the most common hindrance going forward
is fear. If you are having trouble progressing your client you simply ask and “what holds you
back?” & “what are you concerned will happen if you go forward?” the answer you will often hear
is I am afraid of what I will remember.

You must deal with your client’s fears before going forward in time. Does your client have
adequate ego strength to do the work? Is there life stable at this time? Is there a support system

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© Karen E Wells D.A.H Hyp 2011
Future Life Progression Therapy – Distance Learning Training Course

By Karen E Wells D.A.H. Hyp

in place for them? When there is resistance do not push. Stop and explore what stands in the
way. This is the therapy. You cannot be attached to an agenda when doing progression therapy.

Generally a deeper level of trance will be experienced during a progression session so time must
be taken to bring the client back to the present time and fully awake. I like to count back from 1 to
10 with many awakening suggestions between each count.

The following is a typical awakening from a progression session:

Remembering all that you have seen, felt and experienced, prepare yourself now to return.
Returning to this time, this place, this day.

Bringing with you this new awareness and understanding. Bringing with you the gifts, talents and
abilities that serve you. Coming back free from anything that you no longer need. Coming all the
way back now. Coming back and becoming aware of your body. Coming back and becoming
aware of this room. Coming all the way back now grounding and reconnecting.

Knowing that more about what you have just seen, felt, experienced may come to you later today,
in your dreams and meditations and in the days to come. Remembering that all you seen, felt and
experienced… Coming all the way back now awake 1, coming up… 2…..3… 4….. all the way
back now, feeling your body fully, 5…..6…. moving your body, that's right, 7… 8…..9 and 10,
moving your body, breathing more deeply, awakening fully, letting your eyes open when you feel
ready…….. all the way back now….being here now…

It's very important to allow time at the end of the progression to review the highlights of the
session. Although your client will remember most of the important events, much of the actual
content, which can be very meaningful, maybe a bit fuzzy or even forgotten. I always take notes
of the sessions and record most and then send to the client as a CD or MP3 file if they wish.

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© Karen E Wells D.A.H Hyp 2011
Future Life Progression Therapy – Distance Learning Training Course

By Karen E Wells D.A.H. Hyp

There are usually some major realisations, sticking points and healings during a progression and
it is helpful to review these with the client before concluding the session. Be sure to ask the client
what stood out most to them from the session.

Facilitating Words and Phrases

In order to facilitate the progression you will need to combine your ability to observe with even the
slightest cues that allows the client to continue the process of remembering. With the right timing
and much patience, these simple words can make all the difference in a successful progression.
 Yes…
 That's right
 Simply continuing
 Precisely that
 The simple truth
 That's it
 Yes you know

Anchoring Feelings
There will be various points during a session where there will be magical moments when the
client is flooded with good feelings. Feelings of joy, elation, exhilaration, confidence, love and
even enlightenment. Take time with these memories and feelings and savour them for the client
so that they can re-experience that again and again.

When a client is having an especially good memory I encourage them to breathe it in and feel it in
every cell of their body. Suggest that they bring this feeling back with them and that they can
come back to this feeling whenever they want.

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Future Life Progression Therapy – Distance Learning Training Course

By Karen E Wells D.A.H. Hyp

Healing Interventions
Inner Child Work
Future pacing

All of these and more will already be in your tool box as a Regression Therapist. You can use
exactly the same healing interventions for a Future Life Progression.

The Progression Process

 Pre-talk /Consultation
 Establish intention
 Induction
 Facilitating suggestions
 Safe place
 Deepening
 Remaining objective observer
 Directing the Progression
 Exploring questions
 Healing intervention
 Future pacing
 Bringing your client back to conscious awareness

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© Karen E Wells D.A.H Hyp 2011
Future Life Progression Therapy – Distance Learning Training Course

By Karen E Wells D.A.H. Hyp

Future Life Progression

Why Future Life Progression?
Often people will come to you because they are intrigued by what their Future Lives may hold.
Perhaps you have worked with them for Past Life or Life Between Lives Regression and they
want to extend that curiosity? Maybe there is a part of them that knows inside that unless they
take the action in this lifetime, their Future Lives could be playing out karmically the same too.

How It Works
Through deep relaxation and hypnotic techniques the door to future life memories is opened. We
are able to view as objective observers the events of the future that may await us.

It is not a matter of trying to remember; it almost seems that the harder we try to remember the
more difficult it is. It's more a matter of just letting it happen. With the help of the skilled therapist
the memories can flow forth naturally and easily.

It is important to reserve judgement about the authenticity of the events viewed until after the
session. Whatever action or verification is called for, this can be carefully considered after the
session. The reason for this is that in trying to judge what is happening in progression invokes a
conscious rational mind. As it is called upon to judge the situation, the memories are blocked and
the process will slow or end.

Can Everybody Progress?

Yes but not everybody is successful the first time. There can be a number of reasons that
somebody may not progress to a Future Life. The most common reasons are that the client is just
not ready to see what is there. There is a safeguard in the subconscious mind that will not allow
these memories to come if the individual is not yet ready to see what happened.

Another common reason for not progressing that the individual may have so much to deal with in
their life right now, that he could not handle more work until the present concerns are resolved.

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Future Life Progression Therapy – Distance Learning Training Course

By Karen E Wells D.A.H. Hyp

Sometimes you may find there are issues from childhood that arise and need to be dealt with
before a progression can be successful. In this case age regression must be done first, especially
if you have not worked with the client before.

Before you start your session it is important that your client knows what to expect. Prepare them
in your pre-talk or consultation. Two of the most important points to stress are: don't try too hard
and memories may come as visual images, body sensations, feelings and simply having a sense
of what is going on.

Trying Too Hard

Many people try to remember what happened. Trying to remember creates stress, evokes the
conscious mind, and brings the client up from the depths necessary to a successful progression.
Encourage your client to just let it happen as though they were watching a movie or play. Use
suggestions during the session like "just let it unfold," "easily and naturally," and "just let it

Types of Progression

Discuss with your client the different types of progression that people commonly experience
before beginning the session. I believe sessions are guided by the client subconscious mind, and
soul. Although our intention may be to explore a specific lifetime, these sessions often take on a
life of their own and head in another direction. Trust that they will always go to just the right place.

The following are some of the different types of progressions may occur when attempting a future
life progression:

Moving Forward in This Lifetime

You can easily move your client forward in this life. If there are certain things happening for them
right now, progress them forward in time to 10, 20, 30 years from now. What is happening for
them? This is a great first step to moving into a Future Life of theirs.

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Future Life Progression Therapy – Distance Learning Training Course

By Karen E Wells D.A.H. Hyp

Single Lifetime
The easiest & the most common is a progression to one lifetime. The images may start as
snapshots & all the images may develop and start to play out much like a movie. You will be
able to move around freely within that lifetime exploring various events. You can review important
achievements, lessons and experiences. Let go of what is no longer important and bring back
what is of value.

Multiple Lifetimes
Another kind of progression will take you forward to multiple lifetimes. This can be a little
confusing at first as you may jump from time period to time period in this seemingly random
fashion. It can be difficult to allow this kind of progression but if you stay with it, you will notice a
pattern develop. You may witness different times and events, but you will notice a theme, a re-
occurring experience through each lifetime. This is the important lesson the progression is
revealing to the client.

Directing the Progression

You can direct the progression to a certain extent through suggestion at the beginning of the
progression. You can be very general in your direction, suggest that the client go forward in time
to a lifetime that will be valuable and healing for them to experience. All you can very specific in
your direction. Direct your client to go forward in time to a future life that is connected with their
........ issue in this lifetime.

Moving Through The Memories

As your client finds themselves in the Future Life memories, you will need to move them to
significant scenes and other times in the Future Life. This is easy to do, but again all depends on
your wording to move them through. Remember memories can be viewed or experienced like
operating a DVD player. You can move your client forwards or backwards in time, towards
different ages or to particular things that may have come up. Tell your client you will count to 3,
and on the count of 3 they will be in the next significant scene in that life, or earlier in that life or
wherever you want to take them. Just keep exploring with them.

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By Karen E Wells D.A.H. Hyp

Moving Through Multiple Lifetimes

As it can be so easy to move from scene to scene within the Future Life, you can also move your
client from one Future Life to another. This is particularly helpful if your client wishes to explore
certain issues or ailments that have presented themselves. At the end of the lifetime as you are
doing the healing interventions, you may ask the client “Is this the first time you have experienced
………?” or “Is this the Future Life where the issue of …….. continued?” If they say no, you can
let them know that on the count of 5, they will be at the Future Life where the issue continued.
Depending on your time limits within the session and also what comes up for the client, there are
many possibilities and lives to explore.

Exploring The Initial Significant Scene

Exploring the initial scene with your client is so important. If you have taken them directly into the
Future Life, this is the first memory recall they are going to experience. There are a list of
questions later in this Module that can help, but you really need to get your client connected to
this scene and to be aware of all the details that they are experiencing. In a Future Life
Progression, you are just getting the tip of the iceberg. Your client may be experiencing many
things, but you will only be getting the highlights that they share with you as they speak.
Encourage your clients to share with you as much as they are experiencing, especially in the
initial scene.

Connecting Your Client To The Memory

When your client is experiencing a Future Life, they are totally in the subconscious. This is very
different from Childhood memories, or even being in the Womb, where people can have
conscious recall of being at certain times. So your client may be experiencing their memories
differently to how they have experienced their Childhood or Womb memories. Conscious
memories can be mostly visual, but in the subconscious, your client may change from being
visual to experiencing the memories as feelings, physically or just a sense of things happening,
they may hear the memories, smell things, or it could be combination of all of those! You need to
connect your client to their memory. If you have directed them to a Future Life memory and you
ask them what they are seeing, they may say nothing. It could be dark and they think nothing is
happening. But they could be experiencing a pain physically, or smelling something. This is the
gate way to the Future Life memory. Get them to focus on these feelings or smells, and tell you

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By Karen E Wells D.A.H. Hyp

anything that comes to their mind as they focus. From there, the Future Life memory will open up
enabling you both to explore it.

What To Do Now Your There

Your client has successfully got into a Future Life memory. Congratulations! However, something
to consider is that you need to know what to do with your client when you are in the memories.
This is the most important aspect! What is it that they have come to explore? What do they want
to achieve? Move them to that time or scene where what they want to look at may have
happened. Or simply, move them from significant scene to significant scene. Healing
interventions are always important in a Future Life and are normally saved for when the death
scene has happened, but if something traumatic happens, you may need to use some of the
healing interventions in earlier scenes. This is easy, its all about your wording and questioning.
You can heal any aspect of that life at any time, so feel free to use the healing modalities in other
scenes and not just the death scene.

The Death Scene

The Death Scene is something that clients and therapists alike can be nervous of. This is nothing
to worry about and again it’s a good idea to address this in the Consultation/Pre-talk. Your client
may be nervous about this in case the death scene is something traumatic. In most cases it is
simply a passing of age and nothing to be concerned about. On the odd occasion, you may come
across a client who has been beheaded, murdered, or been in an accident. Remember, that if
your client starts to abreact, you can let them be the objective observer. In most cases, death is a
gentle transition process, however it is probably the most important part of the Future Life
Progression. Once your client has experienced the death scene, you can move them by counting
1-3 to the few moments after the passing. This moves them into a soul state and a great question
after this is: Where are you in relation to the body? Almost all clients will say that they have
moved to the side, are floating above, or just watching the body and the people around. This then
brings us to the healing interventions:

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Future Life Progression Therapy – Distance Learning Training Course

By Karen E Wells D.A.H. Hyp

Healing Interventions
At the end of the Future Life, whether it was traumatic or not, its still important to do the healing
interventions with your client. Its at these points that they may become aware of significant things
from that life that may still be affecting them today in their current life. Once the soul has moved
away from the body, get them to focus down on the body and then explore with them the

Recognising Souls From That Lifetime That May Be In Their Current Lifetime Today:
Clients often what to know that those close to them may be with them in Future Lives also. This
can confirm many things for them that they have been feeling in this lifetime. They can become
aware of many karmic links and lessons once they have the recognition of those souls from that
Future Life. Ask: Are there any Souls in that lifetime that may be in your current life today?

Exploring Thoughts & Feelings At The End of That Past Life:

This is an important aspect to look at. You may find that those thoughts and feelings that your
client experienced at the end of that life may reflect what they are feeling in this lifetime currently.
Ask: What were the thoughts and feelings at the end of that lifetime?

Exploring Non Action:

Its important to see what plays out karmically in the future life because of non action in this
lifetime. Ask: What happened in that lifetime because of your non action in this life? How did it
affect you and will other Future Lives have the same karmic issue?

Residual Energy
From those thoughts and feelings, the things that may have happened in the sessions may lead
to residual energy from that Future Life affecting your client today. Physical ailments can also be
residual energy too. Ask: Does it feel as if there is any residual energy from that life that may still
be affecting you today? If so, whereabouts in the body are you holding that? Quite often the client
will hold it physically in the body. Get them to describe it, what colour is it, what does it look like?
Bring in a healing colour and let that remove it all on a cellular level. Ask the client, does it feel as
if there is anything else we need to do to heal that life now? Quite often the client will know within
themselves what else needs to be done and will share that with you. Let them do that and tell you

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Future Life Progression Therapy – Distance Learning Training Course

By Karen E Wells D.A.H. Hyp

when its finished. Always ask if that feels complete and if it is, being the client back to conscious

Awakening To Normal Consciousness

When the healing feels complete and your client has confirmed this, count slowly from 1-10 and
bring them back to normal awakening. Remember to give them time to reflect on what has
happened in the session. The healing from a Future Life can continue for quite some time and it
is normal for your client to feel tired. Let them go home and relax and let the session integrate
with them.

Elements of a Progression
The following is a list of the essential elements of a future life progression. You can develop your
own scripts including these essential elements or use the script at the end of this manual.

Induce a deep level of relaxation.
Continue to deepen relaxation throughout the session
Safe Place
Establish a safe place from which to operate

Progress to a Future time in this Lifetime

Move the client forward 10, 20, 30 years into their current life to see what is happening.

Regress to a Future Life

Use your favourite method to go beyond the bounds of time and space and move your client into
their Future Life.

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Future Life Progression Therapy – Distance Learning Training Course

By Karen E Wells D.A.H. Hyp

Explore the Future

 Look at or feel feet.
 Notice texture of clothes.
 Notice style of clothes.
 Look at and feel hands.
 Note your complexion.
 Are you male or female?
 Are you an adult or child?
 Slowly turn in a full circle and describe your surroundings.
 Are you indoors or out?
 What is the style of the buildings & the rooms?
 What is the style of the transportation?
 Get a sense of the time or date.
 What is the Earth like now at this time in the future?
 Are you still on Earth or on a different planet now?
 How does this differ to Earth?
 See if anybody else is around.
 Is there anybody you recognise?
 What is going on around you?
 Move to another significant event.
 See what happened and why?
 Now become aware of your greatest accomplishment.
 What special talent or ability did you have?
 What was the dominant feeling that lifetime?
 Review that life can see what lessons there were to be learned.
 If you wish see how that life ended move to the last day that lifetime.
 Does it feel as if there is any residual energy from that lifetime that is affecting you today?
 Are you aware of any souls in that life that maybe in your lifetime today?
 Look into the eyes of all those who came into contact with.
 Forgive and be forgiven, love and be loved.
 Look into your own eyes and do the same.
 Bringing with you all the lessons learned, releasing anything that no longer serves you.

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By Karen E Wells D.A.H. Hyp

 Return to your safe place
 Returning to the present time and place
 Use lots of grounding words and images
 Awaken & remembering all that you have experienced

Follow Up
 Review highlights of regression
 More may coming in dreams & quiet times
 Offer support

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By Karen E Wells D.A.H. Hyp

Future Life Progression Script

The Wells Induction for Future Life Progression

Okay so let's start by you closing your eyes for me & taking some nice deep breaths……..

And those nice deep breaths are just to your own level of comfort. So just bring your mind to you
just taking the in breath and the out breath……….. so all that is happening right now is that your
mind is just watching you breathe in…….. and breathe out….. So it's almost that your breathing in
comfort, peace and relaxation……and you're just exhaling any tightness…. any tension….
anything that really isn't needed in your mind and body you can just allowed to escape right

And just let that breathing become nice and relaxed now... So that each breath now continues in
its normal relaxed way and just sits in the background... So as that sits in the background, we can
just invite that busy conscious mind to take a backseat and also sit in the background... And as
that happens, as they sit in the background, that now allows for the real authentic Inner you to
step forward and take this journey today…...

So in a moment my hand is going to touch your left knee very lightly and as that happens…..each
time that happens …..this is just a sign for you to go deeper within yourself and deeper within
relaxation... And take a nice be deep breath for me......(On the out breath touch your clients need
lightly…. checking that this is okay with them in the pre-talk)

Every breath that your taking is now taking you into just a nice deep level of relaxation... Any
sounds that your hearing - my voice, the music, any sounds inside or outside this room are going
to take you even deeper……..Any irritations that the conscious mind tries to give you are just
going to take you to an even deeper level of relaxation……..
So I want you to now focus on the top of your head for me….. and as you focus on the top of your
head….. I want you to just begin to imagine, sense, feel or trust that there's going to be a nice
deep wave of relaxation that’s going to just begin to just work through your body and your
mind…. You can imagine this deep wave of relaxation as your favourite healing colour so you can

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Future Life Progression Therapy – Distance Learning Training Course

By Karen E Wells D.A.H. Hyp

watch this happening…. or you can just sense, feel or trust that this does happen….. however it
works for you is absolutely fine……

Focusing now on the top of your head for me ……as a nice deep wave of relaxation begins to just
come in through the top of your head…..move down through the forehead and feel it moving
behind the eyes….. through the eyes…… and behind the eyelids…... Feel it moving down into
the thousands of tiny muscles in the cheeks, face and jaw and feel it just gently moving over the
throat and towards the back of your neck. Feel this wave continue as it moves down towards the
very base of your spine, relaxing, releasing and just letting go... This wave moves out into every
muscle… cell and fibre of your back as you just continue to just relax 3………2………..1………..

Feel the wave move over your shoulders, chest and tummy and all the way back down your arms
right to the very tips of your fingers... And at some point you may feel a slight tingling in the
fingertips, or warmth in the palm of your hands, and if you do - then that's fine, that's just a sign of
tension leaving the body and mind...and if you don’t, then that fine too, trust that are you relaxing
to new deep levels, and are letting go…..

Feel the wave move through the hips, legs……..knees……..calf’s…… and all the way down to
the tips of the toes... Taking you twice as deep, twice as relaxed. Feel the wave move….. from
the toes to the head and right back down to the toes again…….beginning now to feel the support
of the chair/or bed (whichever is appropriate) that is supporting the body and with every breath
its almost that you just sink down and deeper down into that support... Letting your body become
heavier and heavier as the higher mind becomes more clear, more alert and more receptive.

Feel yourself now begin to just mentally move higher and away from this room... Higher and
higher into the distance……. towards a beautiful meadow that surrounded by a magical circle of
trees…. See yourself now floating down towards this magical circle of trees without any
resistance to the Earth itself... Feel yourself now in that meadow with those long blades of grass
that float around your legs and feet…… where the weather is a perfect temperature and you feel
completely calm, safe and relaxed.
You notice that to reach the magical circle of trees there is a single pathway which leads you to
that circle. Begin to just feel yourself now take those few steps along the pathway feeling the
ground underneath you…..feeling the path... As you enter that magical circle of trees there is one

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Future Life Progression Therapy – Distance Learning Training Course

By Karen E Wells D.A.H. Hyp

tree in particular that stands out to you, and as you take a step over to the tree….. you imagine
taking a finger and just running it down the bark of that tree……and as that happens the most
wonderful healing energy comes from that tree into every level of your being... And take a deep
breath... Allowing that wonderful healing energy to come through every level of your
being...deeper and deeper relaxed…..

You become aware of a bubbling brook or river that’s nearby and you once again just begin to
just take those steps over to that brook or that river...each step taking you more relaxed…. As
you reach the side of the river or brook... You imagine kneeling down and as you kneel down its
almost that the energy pulls you deeper and deeper down……. into the deep levels of total and
utter relaxation.. You then take your hand and just dip your hand into the water and take a sip
from that wonderful healing energy…… and notice how that feels as it runs down your throat into
your belly….. notice how good that feels and again you take a deep breath and let that revitalising
re-energising energy come through every level of your being...

You now become aware of a staircase, and this staircase is the staircase of your life, and this
staircase has (HOWEVER OLD THEY ARE)...... Steps... And that's one step for each year of
your life... In a moment I’m going to count from 5 to 1 and as I count from 5 to 1 you going to find
you just begin to just drift and float towards that top step….. the top step of your staircase of your
life….and with each count of the numbers your relaxation doubles and deepens allowing you to
just continue to relax and let go...and take a big deep breath for me…….that’s right…..

5…..4... Just relaxing…… beginning to just drift and float towards that top step... 3……..2…….
Relaxation doubling and deepening with each count of the numbers... And 1…… finding
yourself on the top step of the staircase of your life...

Example (if they are 30) 30... 29... 28... Beginning to just drift and float past each
number……enabling each number to take you deeper than you've ever been before... 26... 24...
22... Knowing that the deeper you go, the better it feels and the better it feels the deeper that you
can go... 20... 18... 16... Trusting yourself, your intuition, and me in this whole process... 14... 12...
10... Just becoming younger and younger as you go deeper and deeper... 9….8…..7…...
Relaxing easier and deeper, easily naturally... 6…..5…..4….... Deeper and deeper - easier and
easier... 3…..2…..1….... Deeper and deeper relaxed.

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Future Life Progression Therapy – Distance Learning Training Course

By Karen E Wells D.A.H. Hyp

And if you feel ready to continue…… just taking one big deep breath for me……feel yourself just
relaxing even more...(if no deep breath, discover with the client what holds them back)



If exploring Future Time in this lifetime – say the following: And now that you are nice and
relaxed and can feel yourself letting go in every moment and with each breath, we are going to
move to a significant scene in your current life, 10 years from the count of 3, you will
be there......

Explore that scene......

And now we are going to move to a significant scene in 20 years the count of there now (remember you are looking for repeating patterns that the client would
like to resolve)

Ok, so we are now going to move to Future Life of yours.........a Future Life that is connected to
your current life.......

So 10... 9... Just beginning to just move towards one of your Future Lives.. 8…..7…..... Beginning
to feel your relaxation doubling in deepening yet again... 6……5…..... Trusting yourself, your
intuition and me in this whole process... 4……3….... Knowing that at the count of 1 you will be in
a significant scene in one of your Future Lives that is connected to your current life
today…..2…..1….. now finding yourself in a significant scene in one of your Future Lives….....
Being there now! Being there now!

Explore the Future Life........remember the healing modalities at the end of the life......bring them
then back into conscious awareness and review the session.

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Future Life Progression Therapy – Distance Learning Training Course

By Karen E Wells D.A.H. Hyp

Before doing the Progression session with your client, here are some important points to
 The Consultation /Pre-talk: This is where you will find out why they are wanting to have
the session with you, what they would like to achieve from the session and have they ever
tried Hypnosis before? It is vital to explain the process of Hypnosis, talk to your client
about the different senses of experiencing the memories and manage their expectations.
You must also establish their Safe Place in the Consultation/Pre-Talk too.
 The Induction: One of the most important parts of the session. If your Induction is not
long enough or does not fit with your client’s senses (which you will have established in
the Consultation/Pre-Talk), the depth of Hypnosis will not be sufficient enough for your
client to be able to recall their memories. For a Future Life Progression you should allow
at least 25 minutes for the induction (although this can vary from client to client).
 The Safe Place: Again, you will have established your client’s Safe Place with them in the
Consultation/Pre-Talk – bring in the Safe Place at the end of the Induction just before you
start to take your clients towards their memories. Anchor the feelings in the Safe Place
and make sure your client knows they can come back to this Safe Place at any point
during the session (especially if you need to let them step back and be the “Observer” in
the memories.
 Know Where You Are Directing Your Client: From the Consultation/Pre-Talk – you will
have established what your client wants to look at: Are you going to take them into the
future in this life or just move directly to a Future Life? If there is an issue that needs to be
dealt with, make sure you know the correct wording to use to direct your client to that
 Deepening: Don’t forget to continuously deepen your client – you can never deepen
enough! As you move from memory to memory, it is really important to continue this
process as your client may come “up” and lose the Hypnosis depth you have created,
especially once they start talking or they have emotional releases
 Anchor: When positive emotions or feelings come up for your client in the session,
always anchor them. Make sure you only anchor POSITIVE feelings though.
 Use Healing Modalities: Even if your client has come for a session “out of curiosity” it is
still important to use The Healing Modalities and Questions towards the end of the

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By Karen E Wells D.A.H. Hyp

session. A session that hasn’t presented any issues may still have residual energy
lingering from that time that may still be affecting your client.

And most of all Relax……

You will also be in light Hypnosis as you transport your client forward in time…..
Know that there is a reason why your client chose you, so relax and connect with your
Inner Voice and you cannot go wrong……

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Future Life Progression Therapy – Distance Learning Training Course

By Karen E Wells D.A.H. Hyp


Welcome to Module 3. Here we will learn about what happens Post Session and how to get your
client to assimilate all the information they have learnt in the session with you. We will also look at
the need for additional sessions. Module 3 brings everything together – everything you have
learnt and how you will move forward as a therapist. Certification, Qualification & Marketing are
included in this module as well as the very important aspect of Self Care as a Therapist.

Post Session Talk – Bringing It All Together

Your Post Session talk with your client is another essential part of the session. This is the point
where you will bring everything together and you and the client both have time to reflect on what
has happened in the session. Some time is needed for this, especially if you have uncovered
trauma or the client has had cathartic releases. The last thing you want to do is for your client to
leave seconds after coming back up from the session!
Another point to remember is that your client will also still be in a light state of Hypnosis initially
when you have ended the session. It is important to bring grounding suggestions into bringing
them back from the session. Remember too, that you as the therapist are also looking for
“themes” in the lifetime or Future Lives. Clients will also have a good idea of what they have
experienced and how that fits in to their current life now, sometimes you just need to be able to
gently let them know any themes you have also noticed.

Many clients who come for Progression – particularly Future Life Progression also want to have
the session recorded. I always record the session for them (asking if they want that) and send the
recording via a MP3 file or CD to them if they choose to have that.

Follow Up & Additional Sessions

You will know from your session whether there will be a need for any additional sessions with
your client. Quite often if your client has come to work on any issues in this lifetime there may be
further opportunities for additional sessions. In Future Life Progression, you may have taken your
client through many different Future Lives and from that aspect they may not be a need for
additional sessions. Let your client know they can contact you to discuss how they are feeling
and if they do feel the need for any other sessions.

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By Karen E Wells D.A.H. Hyp

If the session has uncovered some trauma or has issues related to what the client is experiencing
in this lifetime, follow up with them a few weeks or months later to discuss how the session has
affected their life now. There is nothing more amazing than finding out that the session you
facilitated has had the most amazing effect on your client’s life! This is true healing work.

Case Reviews
In order to receive Qualification as a Future Life Progression Therapist, you will need to
send in 2 Case Reviews – 1 of which is recorded. Each Case Review must come with a
written document explaining exactly what happened in the session – the Case Review
outlines are within this training manual. The recorded session must include the Consultation/
Pre-talk, The Induction and The Session.

Please send your case reviews at the same time, individual case
reviews sent separately will not be accepted.
Upon successful completion of the Case Reviews, you will qualify as a Future Life Therapist and
be warmly welcomed to The KEW Training Academy Ltd. You will receive a certification
showing your qualification which you can proudly show in your office.

Upon successful completion of your 2 Case Reviews, your qualification will enable you to
practise as a Future Life Therapist. You will have a certificate showing that The KEW
Training Academy Ltd has awarded you this qualification. This course has also been accredited

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Future Life Progression Therapy – Distance Learning Training Course

By Karen E Wells D.A.H. Hyp

The Past Life Therapist’s Association (PLTA) and once you have qualified as a Future Life
Therapist you can join the PLTA as a certified member (at an additional cost but recommended)

Are You Ready?

Many people do courses and then never do anything afterwards. This Distance Learning Training
Course has provided you with incredible skills to be able to help those that come forward to you.
People will be drawn to you to heal those deep parts of themselves. Never worry about how
many other Future Life Therapists there are out there. There are 7 billion people in the world and
a large number of clients will be drawn to you. Within this Training Course, you have the skills,
the knowledge and the ability to help on a deep level. Aside from that you have the real inner you,
who through this work connects with you and works with you. Let that connection happen and
you are doing what you are meant to be doing on the earth in this lifetime. There will be times
when you feel nervous or scared when new things happen in a session that you have not come
across yourself before – but never doubt your ability. You know much more than your client –
trust in yourself, trust in this process and you can’t go wrong. Let these skills launch you into the

Marketing Yourself As A Progression Therapist

There are many ways to market yourself as a Progression Therapist. Most people use the
internet nowadays, so I would consider it vital you get yourself a good website. A lot of websites
can be free and if you chose that option make sure it looks professional. The age of Social Media
is upon us, so many people use Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube etc to market themselves.
These are all free to set up and can be excellent to attract clients to you. You may also want to
consider where you will practice from – will this be your home, or an office, or a room in a therapy
centre? All have good & bad points. Working from home cuts costs, saves travel but you then
have clients coming to your house. Working in an office gives you a separate space but then has
additional costs. Working in a therapy centre can be a good option as they can be reasonably
priced and give you a separate space away from home. One thing to consider is that you will
need a quiet space. Clients will need a quiet space to be able to release and heal these aspects
of themselves. Think about the place where you will do the session, if you were a client there –
would you feel comfortable, safe & relaxed? Be your own judge.

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© Karen E Wells D.A.H Hyp 2011
Future Life Progression Therapy – Distance Learning Training Course

By Karen E Wells D.A.H. Hyp

Self Care As A Therapist

There have been many important aspects to this training and this is at the top! It’s incredibly
important for you to look after yourself when you are a therapist. During these sessions, you will
be energetically clearing things from your client, which means that if you do not clear your own
energy, you begin to feel tired, lethargic and even quite ill. There is something you can do in 10
seconds that will completely clear your energy and make you refreshed.
It is Cold Showers. Our bodies and our Energy Fields (Aura) are full of suppressed feelings and
emotions. This is also reflected within our cells and organs within the body. Cold water draws out
these suppressed feelings and emotions as well as clears you energetically. This is not a mind
thing, and can only be experienced by the self and then you will notice the difference! When you
run a shower, if you run it on cold first, let the cold water run over you head and your body –
covering both the front and the back – it needs only to be 10-15 seconds on each side. Once you
have done this, you can turn the water back to warm, and continue to shower as normal.
On a physical level, this boosts the immune system and has many benefits! It helps sleep
patterns too. On an energetic level, it starts to clear the suppressed emotions and feelings.
Scenario: You come home from work, feeling stressed and agitated. Your energy field is full of
these feelings, as well as the feelings from other people you have picked up during the course of
your day. We are like magnets, the more sensitive we become, the more we pick up and carry
within our energy field. If you did not have a cold shower when arriving home, you are carrying
around all the energy from yourself, your day, and from everyone you have interacted with. You
sit on the sofa; the energy goes on the sofa. You get into bed, the energy stays with you in your
bed. Ever wondered why you might get home and have an argument with your partner?
Ideally, you would have a cold shower in the morning, when you get back from work and just
before you go to bed. Like I say, this is not something that can be explained to the mind, this is
something only you can feel. Try the cold showers for a week, and then stop for a day. You will
notice how full you feel. You then become sensitive to when you need to have one and you will
soon notice the benefits and know you cannot live life without this process!

ACTION POINTS: Now you have completed all the modules, start writing up your case
studies. Remember that one must also be recorded.

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© Karen E Wells D.A.H Hyp 2011
Future Life Progression Therapy – Distance Learning Training Course

By Karen E Wells D.A.H. Hyp


Full Name …………………………………………………….

Date …………………………………………………….

Address …………………………………………………….

Age …………………………………………………….

Marriage Status …………………………………………………….

Children …………………………………………………….

Occupation …………………………………………………….

Tel no …………………………………………………….

Email Address …………………………………………………….

Are you currently taking any medication? …………………………………………………….

Have you ever had psychiatric treatment? …………………………………………………….

Have you any physical/medical condition? …………………………………………………….

If so, are you consulting your GP on this matter? ………………………………………………

What are your reasons for wanting to experience a Age Regression/Past Life Regression/Life Between Lives

Regression/Future Life Progression?




What is your religious background ?


How many previous experiences have you had of Regression or


Any other information you wish to let me know?


Your Signature ..........…………………………………………………………………………………

40 | P a g e
© Karen E Wells D.A.H Hyp 2011
Future Life Progression Therapy – Distance Learning Training Course

By Karen E Wells D.A.H. Hyp

Outlines for Case Review’s

2 Case Review’s (including 1 recorded) should be completed and sent to Karen. The recording
must be accompanied by a written case review also. Please include the pre-talk,
induction and session on the recording. Please send all case reviews at the same
time, case reviews sent separately will not be accepted.


Remember this Training Package was an outline for you to use. Learning new techniques
from this Training Package will further your clients understanding and healing.
So, feel free to use your own style, but follow these outlines as shown below for the
Case Reviews. Please ensure the Case Reviews are typed and in English for easy reading.

Clients name:

Case Study Number:


Prior Hypnosis Experience of Client:

Rapport Level Between Yourself & Client:

Hypnotic & Induction Methods Used:

Was this lifetime explored? (Did you move them forward in time in this lifetime?)

41 | P a g e
© Karen E Wells D.A.H Hyp 2011
Future Life Progression Therapy – Distance Learning Training Course

By Karen E Wells D.A.H. Hyp

Significant Scenes Explored in the Future Life:

Death Scene:

Healing Modalities Used:

Thoughts & Feelings At The End Of The Life?

Contracts Explored?

Recognition of Souls From That Lifetime?

Residual Energy From That Life That Is Affecting The Client Now?

Any Other Significant Parts Of The Session?

What did you learn as the therapist from this session?

What, if anything would you have done differently?

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© Karen E Wells D.A.H Hyp 2011
Future Life Progression Therapy – Distance Learning Training Course

By Karen E Wells D.A.H. Hyp

Thank You

Thank you for participating in this course. You are required to submit 2 Case
Studies to receive a Qualification for Future Life Progression Therapy. This includes 2
written Case Studies, one of which must be recorded and sent as a MP3 file and
must be in English.


Thank you and good luck,

Karen E Wells

Co-Founder & Director The KEW Training Academy Ltd &

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© Karen E Wells D.A.H Hyp 2011

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