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Adjectives to describe opinions

An opinion is a thought or belief about something or someone

We can use an adjective in two forms:

We can say

“The Alchemist” is interesting.


“The Alchemist" is an interesting book.

(In both cases, Interesting is showing my opinion of the book, it’s my feeling.)

Maria is beautiful.


Maria is a beautiful woman.

(In both cases, beautiful is showing my opinion of Maria, it’s my feeling.)

Some adjectives describe facts. A fact is something you know is

true, especially when it can be proved.

Opinion adjectives can go before adjectives that express facts in

one sentence.

For example:

This is an excellent Italian restaurant.

Excellent is my opinion of this restaurant.

Italian is a fact that everybody can see that it’s true.
Remember that when we can use:

A + consonant sound


a beautiful woman

An + vowel sound


an interesting book

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