Final Module: Bachelor of Fashion Technology (Apparel Production)

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Bachelor Of fashion Technology (Apparel Production)

Department of Fashion Technology National Institute of Fashion Technology, Gandhinagar, 2020

Under the Guidance of Submitted by:

Ms. Margie Sastry DALJIT SINGH


Original Story:- HEER RANJHA – The iconic tale of eternal love of Heer of Sial Tribe and
her lover Dheedo of Ranjha Tribe(Dheedo Ranjha). They met when Ranjha started working at
Heer’s father’s cattle and they fell in love the first time they see each other. Heer was forced to
marry a Maulvi when her family got to know about their love. In the pain of separation, Ranjha
adapts ‘jog’ and leaves the material world until he meets her love again wandering and asking
for alms. They are murdered by the deception of their family when they came to know the
lovers have united again.


Dheedo, a Jat of the Ranjha tribe, is the youngest of four brothers and lives in the village of
Takht Hazara by the river Chenab. He is the fovourite son of his father. He never had to toil
fields and lived a life of ease and played wanjhli(Flute). After a quarrel with his brothers over
land, Ranjha leaves home. He ended up in a village named Jhang where Chaudhary Chuchak
offers him a job in this cattleyard. Chaudhary Chuchak has a very beautiful daughter named
Heer who is considered to be the beautiful of the beautiful. Heer falls in love with the Ranjha
when she saw him for the first time, his bare upper body looked like the a sculpture made by
the heavens. They started spending time together. Heer brought her his favourite dishes when
he was grazing the cattle and their love was getting stronger as the time passed.

Wheen Heer’s family got to know about the love of two(or abomination for the mankind – in
their words), they forced Heer to marry a Maulvi. There was nothing that any of them could do.
Ranjha seeked some help from his family but they said they are not taking part in the
abomination of relation between two from different castes. Heer got married and the
heartbroken Ranjha left the materialistic world and adapted ‘Jog’, a way of life without any
materialistic needs and away from the emothion of the normal world.

But as they say, there’s nothing in the world that can destroy love between two beings. Ranjha
ended up in a village. He told his tale of love and sepration to a group of villagers who had just
fed him. After listening to his story, villagers told him that a girl named Heer got married in their
village who hadn’t eaten or smiled properly since the day she got married because of the pain
of sepration from her lover. The core particle of Ranjha”s body lights uo and he runs to the door
of Heer’s house. There he saw a woman who looked like she had no spirit inside her, and all
sorrows of the world are in her heart embedded into every cell of her body. When Heer saw his
separated love, the innate feel of being lighted in her and she bursted into tears into the arms
of her Soulmate.

Both of them confronted their love to her husband who was a man of God and felt that no two
lovers should be apart and only places they are supposed to be is beside each other. Heer was
always the perfect daughter anybody could ever get. She had the option to leave that place and
live togeather but instead of that they went to Heer’s village and confronted their love to Heer’
parents. These vicious humans deceived the couple by letting saying that they accept them and
they offer a stay to them but attacking at them in the middle of the night. Saving their lives the
lovers escaped from there and headed to Ranjha’s village. When they reached, they saw that
the word t of reunited abomination (in their words) has spred around and everybody is in their
search and thirsty for their blood. Hearts of lovers shattered into thousand pieces when they
saw the whole world is against their love. How love between two beings is an abomination to
the wholerace just because they are not from same caste. How this world has demolisded the
very feel of affection and divided intptheir means of narrow minded mentalities. With gloom
settled in their hearts, Heer and Ranjha Leaves his village and Headed to seek some shekter on
the other side of Chenab. On the way, tears falls from Ranjha’s eyes and looking at how
miserable hier lovers is, Heer takes him him into her arms. They find some shelter by the dusk
and laid there each other’s arms with the feeling of affection and eternal love for each other.
They fell into sleep that night and never woke up.
It’s 6 O’Clock in the evening, Swara just came back from her worksite(she is an architect) where
she sees her husband Raj, making dinner for both of them assuming that he must have come
home early from his office. She hangs her bag and went straight to her husband. He gives her a
very cute side glare and when she reaches him he puts his arms to her back going through the
sides and give her a warm hug. She taking longer letting him go than usual. He observes that
and tickles her with his sharp nose on her shoulder and asks her what’s not right and that she is
,missing her smile. He would happed cupped her face but his hands have onions and besan
from cooking. She let him go and he goes back to his cooking. She freshens up and goes to the
dining area where. Raj is placing food on the table and sits on the chair very next to where she
is sitting. She serves food on their plates and starts eating.

There was a peculiar silence in the room which is usually not there. After a few bites she places
her spoon down and look at her husband. After a few seconds, tears start falling from her eyes,
looking at her tears; Raj rushes to her and take her into her arms and ask her what’s wrong. She
stopped crying after a few moments and in a very sad tone tells her husband that she has
cheated on him. Listening to what she has just said raj goes into a shock. He asks what does she
means by that? How did that happened? She explained about the situation with one of her
client and it was only once? He leaves the dining area and goes to the other bedroom and slams
the door. She knew that its not the right time to say anything to him, she picked up almost all
the food because they hardly ate anything. She leaves the dining area and went to bed with
utter gloom and sadness in heart, feeling of regret. Her hearts breaks into pieces thinking about
what’s going in the mind of her poor husband. She knows in her heart that how much she loves
him but she has no explanation on why she has done on what she has done. Will her act of
dishonesty lead to break their relation and she will lose her lover forever.

She wakes up in the morning, leaves her room and sees her husband having chai and an extra
cup was there for her too. He asks her to sit on the other chair. He says,” I do not want to know
who he was, where you were , how it happened. Nothing of it.”

He continues,”do you still love me and are you ready to let this past us and will be able to
continue our lives as it were yesterday” she bursts into tears after listening. he says, with tears
in his eyes,“I want you to know that I have and will love you for the rest of my life and want to
continue spending my life with you if you want to”

He gets up and take his love into his arms and kisses her on her forehead. She says that she
cannot feel anymore bad than she’s feeling right now and she loves him more than anything
that there is in the world. She felt the strongest wave of affection that she has ever felt. She
thinks in her mind that she could have never get any better partner. She is so lucky to have an
amazing person in her life and the feeling she’s having when her man is holding her is the most
precious feel

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