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id Multilevel Curriculum and Resource Notebook Lane Community College Indira M. Bakshi Leah Claypool How to do a chant from Small Talk. Listen to the ehant on tape. Write the chant on bb or have on poster or overhead projector. Read the chant and have stadents repeat. Do tis until they feel comfortable with the ehythm and pronunciation. Check for understanding of words and phrases. Alternate chanting with ‘Whole class pointing to the line to be read. Separate the class int groups and have groups alternate chanting as teacher directs by pointing to lines. Extensions: Have two students perform chan for class or have students practice the chants in pairs. Or have students listen {otape again and try to weit out te chant (advanced students only). How to do a dictation ‘Read the text three times. The fist ime students just listen, the second time they write and the third time they check their work, Have them take turns writing sentences on blackboard and correcting the errors. For advanced students take ther paper a way and have them ry to ‘write the text again from memory. How to do a pair dictation Using Masheards o¢ Word by Word Picture Dictionary or a vocabulary list. Have students dict vocabulary teach oer in pats Tey shoul to spell words coe and its ‘most useful if wey check ther spelling after each word is dicted, Advanced students can Create questions or sentences that go with each vocabulary word. The purpose ofthis ‘sctivigy isto lear how fo spell and pronounce the vocabulary word correctly. Matilevel Curricula and Resource Notebook Lane Commaniy College Undine Bt Batch and Leah Claypool ‘101 @) Oo Oregon's Adult Basic Skills and Family Lite-acy Newsletter Come Oo atl a earning Matters Equipping Oregonians for the Fur Goal-Setting In A Multilevel ESL Class 8y shaore MeCow Piensa 8 i in Th oni hgh sland gos thc change with exch eon, quate of oe den ‘Ae eats Mol Wiliams ESL naruto a Clackamas Communi Calls, preted 30 Tecomene ng foie sent nets hats ben ver sel our mallee! ss, The ecigu els srr sini esnerceneed chssoon where dene ‘ined dipning hel own css pb They neon wih ach fe 2nd withthe instr to pode swell libs har arene cds and gol | would ihe sae Bow his ‘echniqe wot in my dsroom. Fine we havea bieneing Seon wie ask sandal quesons,sichas “Whee do yu we Engh the mom ands Wha do you need t lem in his cs OF coun, he yp anv se cee abe sod serine ope 3 ow coc enmples. show pices “Ther he mt een mde onmurine, such the lamar ba son 090 Gal fer woo the pict he nr ol begin thei eal theres ‘rake moe [Asche dens beg wo sent dr bjs, card hem ona phar we colored maths alcky me tough shes for many ofthe espana 6 atepaze some ofthe more Common repens by having 2 fw sal pcre salle vo ape me tthe wren wor, Aer ‘Seong iden, ge te cs Back fo the ening ofthe st rue dat eveyone wd ‘Sintec ste Tove everyone an opprniy pica anni hve moe “Shamed sane wanda ging es ‘Net the spirits thet by vrng gv sah et colored squares tele dent ofr ve ae Wet ey fone i more portant pee Sievers ae eT demote by ing pst ‘rey at cd we fk a he oe adel wha el yi ewe dhe at (onthe we we ae way one a new one Seaman yee ona ene this haps ay 0 ope tiv aus power ‘Soha er ing na cing with sexo. ‘When das in ee fy are any pri ha fa ws tcmindcdafwtdey re rnd and what iparp thoy wil dyin dhe te. a onmant—_ icev uid Ldolop aca fom thie iil wo dg» woke lo ir [_ Sesnee eerie . DE UNITS Mutitevet Curriculum and Resonrce Notebook “ndina Batch and Leah Cloppood Lame Community College ‘m0 PERSONAL INFORMATION/CLASSROOM @ Muleve! Curren and Resource Notesook Lane Community Cotege Indira. Batshi and Leo Claypool ‘1601 ®@ PERSONAL INFORMATIONICLASSROOM ‘objects and respond using prepositions “on and next to" WG2 Use and respond to common greetings. WG Ask and respond to personal inf. ‘questions. WG4 Complete a simple oer without help. WGS Say, write and identity personal info, vocabulary WG6 Say, write and identity classroom vocabulary. WGT Understand and use ‘commands in classroom. a3 Competencies Beginning ‘Whole Group, ‘Advanced BI Use"whereis® to | WGI Introduce self. My [Al Complete adictaion locate of classroom name is, I'm from, ‘of personal info. Write sentences using present progressive Write sentences sing present progressive and simple present of non-action verbs. a @ Maierl Curvicalun and Resource Notebook Indira M. Both and Lech Claypoo! Lane Conmanity College @ PERSONAL INFORMATION/CLASSROOM DAYI WHOLEGROUP Activity 1 Small Talk p.7 "Nice to met you.” (Competency WG1, WG2) Activity 2 Introduce/Review elements of personal information. (first name, last name, address, phone pumber, SSN) Word by Word Picture Dictionary p. 2 (Competency WGS) vanced Grom Activity 1 (SS) Inverview another student and fill out Personal Info. Gri for tha student sce Handout). Draw ie picture in eae Write the questions that correspond to each tem on the personal inforation form. Ex: What is your first name? (Competency WG3) Activity 2(TS) Review the correct forms of personal info. questions that correspond with each item on the personal information form (see Handow), Dictate a small personal information paragraph about self and check (see iandout) (Competency A) Beginning Grom Activity 1 (TS) Fill out personal information form with students (Gee Handout). Teach Personal info. questions. (Competency WG3, WG4) ‘Activity 2 (SS) Interview another student filling out ersonal info. form. Find out three more things about that person and write them on the back Draw a picture ofthat person. (Competency WG3, wad) WHOLE GROUF | Whats vour name? Where are vou from? Play music or se a timer for 5 minutes while students circulate and find out personal information from as many other students as possible and writ it in notebooks. Find out who talked to the most other students. Students report te information to class. Herth name is... He /She is from...Repeat and have a new winner. Can students get more information than previous! with same time liit%(Competeney WG3) ‘Mutilevel Cariulum and Resource Notebook Indire M. Bakshi and Leak Claypoot Lane Comunity College 1301 PERSONAL INFORMATION/CLASSROOM DAYi Whole Group Personal Information Form Name: Tast Fist Country: Address: Gy State ap Phone Number: SSN: Matiovet ime o16101 Personal Information Form Name: Tast Country: Address: cay Siate ZP Phone Number. SSN: uttiover imo a16i01 Mataterel Cariculum and Resource Notebook Lane Community College Unda M, Balok and Leok Claypool ois! PERSONAL INFORMATION/CLASSROOM Handout Ady DAY1 Pe Information Grid (print jided-side 1 Name: Family: ‘Malievel Curriculum and Resource Notebook Lane Conmuaity College Indira M. Baksh and Lea Claypool ‘ro 9) PERSONAL INFORMATIONICLASSROOM Handout Adv DAY. Pe 0 Grid (print dou! Photo: Multevet Cariculum and Resource Notebook Lane Community Colege Indira M. Bats and Leoh Claypool ‘nso FAMILY ‘Matitevel Cariculum and Resource Notebook Lane Connunity Colge Indira Mt. Baksi and Leah Claypool 001 FAMILY Competencies Beginning ‘Whole Group ‘Advanced BI Write descriptive | WGI Identify own family sentences using family members, vocabulary WG2 Identify family member from a family ee WG3 Read, pronounce, and spell family vocabul ‘AL Read, comprehend, and waite basic sentences in the simple past. A2 Identify Regular vs Irvegular verbs Mutievel Curriculum and Resource Notebook Lane Community College FAMILY DAY1 Family Words ‘WHOLE GROUP Activity 1 Students generate «list of family words which are written on the board, (Competency WG3) Activity 2 Create family tree Draw a family tree on a large sheet of paper or overhead (immediate family). Label the tree with first names. Ask students about relationships in the family tee. (Competency WG2) Beginning Group ‘Advanced Group Activity | (TS) Activity 1 8S) Vocabulary Vocabulary Word by Word Picture Dictionary p.2. Go. | Students do p4 ofthe Word by Word through words with students. Listen for | Bceianine Workbook (Competency WG3) pronunciation . Use family tee trom ‘opening exercise to drill about family Activity 2(TS) ‘members. (Competency WG2, WG3) Simple Past Introduce the Simple Past. (see Grammar Activity 2 (SS) chart 27) & Iregular Verb Table Basic Family ee Grammar Worksheet #68, Students practice ‘Hand out magazines, construction paper | individually with Basic Grammar Worksheet and glue. Ask students to cut out pictures #55. (Competency Al, A2) ‘of people to put ina family tree, Students create a family tre on the construction paper withthe pictues from the magazine and label each picture with a first and last ‘name (Not a family word) (Competency WG2) ‘WHOLE GROUP Mixed level groups ‘Advanced students interview beginning students about their family tres. (Ex. Who is John ‘Smith’s mother?) (Competency WG2, WG3) ‘MolevetCureulum and Resource Notebook Lane Community College Indira M. Bets and Leah Claypool onsen 5 3: Verbs: simple past with regular verbs Be | listened, he talked. | eanSTION Sao ANSWER | i ; 7 | iS you you = a stoned. Dia we Yes fe | aia, |B [Be | sate tite Didar | fer [ete fag’ | ther | Sten | 3 |e i ‘ { 2% |r it it { 2 ‘Th pt ipl ese se or ele aionn bps o sing aoa | ‘What did the Smith family do yesterday? [ At 8:16 the children washed [1 ‘At 3:30 the children finished $30 1 their hands and faces, ‘school. | 19th Me Starved 7 det ir. Sith cant oe! pa | ‘8 10edak te eden $2850 thelr brates feed ase ne her le =e é 41230 Me Ss wt a | Peeters 0 eS atad ooeteae i rere A Mi. Smith wrath ort ely. When he aed es sed fy vane que Fis th nein he ceratins no ee dour anand ering? %— 2 wat pdoaeata Wehr tte SS et eras wr iF tothedone mm, om 8 re et nrmar Te ‘het et nt thr ae VY ExerciseB EY De Becn 190nh cnte 8 Irregular verb table B @ Exercise A Infinitive Past Past ‘Meaning Infinitive Past Past, Meaning participle inyour participle in your language Ianguage be was been one eat lost Depin began begun make made made bite it bitten mesn = meant == meant, | __ break broke broken meet met met ‘ring brought brought pay ped paid boy ought bought pt pot pat ceatch caught, caught red read read choose chose cosa ride ede idden | ___ cost cast cost — ed sid Qe ek tek exe ae soem, drive dre driven all wld ald eat ate eaten, send sent seat ‘fall a fallen show showed shown feel fat ft choot shot hat find found «found shot shut shut fy few flown sing sang sung forget forgot forgotten _____ ait at sat et wt et speak spoke apoken give gave, ven spend spent spent ® went gone stand stood stood wor gree grown swim = ewam = swum have bad had ———— take took taken hear heard heard teach taught taught hold held tall told tela ‘keep Kept kept think thought thought kaow = knew known, understand understood understood leave Leh et weer wore Worn Oo *™ et det write = wrote written Exercise EB FAMILY DAY 1 Optional Activities WHOLE GROUP — Opening Activity. BUILD AFAMILY Put family words on large index cards or notebook paper. Ask students fo come up one at a ime and assign them a family word card ie wife, husband. Add broters sisters, children, ete. The students who have the family word cards stand together as a“family” infront ofthe class (a living family tee) Ask lass members to idetfy other relationships tha re not on the cards EX. If Jose is Maria's father then Jose's father is Maria's Family interview ~ See Handout Beginning Group FAMILY PORTRAIT Students draw a picture of their (immediate) family. Label with names of family members Write simple sentences - John is my father. Censsroads |p Practices 1-17. Oral practice in pars. Advanced Group Write about your “crazies relative. Describe ther and tell about their past exploits, ‘Each student draws their Family Tree, Then describes the elaionships in their family to 2 partner, The partner ties to draw a family tree from the informatio given by their partner and by asking their partner questions. Compare trees when finished. WHOLE GROUP = il HOW MANY? MIXER Handout or put on the board a conversation matrix How many ____do you have? 2. eo MatilvelCurcutin and Resource Notebook Lone Community College Indira M Bakshi and Leah Claypool onan ee 1) Students interview each other about family size 12) Teacher asks for the largest and smallest numbers '3) See who has te largest and smallest families. = Compare family size in the U.S. and other countries. = Which is beter, Large families or Small families? \Write male, female, and both on the blackboard. Have students call ott or come up ané write family words tat fit into each category. (Ex: male: father, brother female: mother, daughter) Malevet Carel and Resource Notebook Lane Comunity College India M, Both end Leah Claypook sn00! “Talk to other students in the class. Find out about their families. jeston ramen aden 7 How many brothers do you have? [2 How many sisters do you have? T_WHSFS are your parents’ [Ds you have any nephews Grnieces? How mary? WS Ts your EVGA velaive ? Why? ‘Activity: Speaking and Writing “Talk to other students inthe class. Find out about ther families. aueston fadent ‘Seudemt 7, How many brothers do you ave? How many asters do you have? Where are your parents }aDo you have any nephews fr nieges? How many? |S roT ae vente Q) eave try? Mutilovel Curiaaum and Resource Notebook Lane Community Colege snot Inia M. Bakshiand Leah Claypoo! FAMILY Activity 1 ‘Vocabulary review: (Competeney WG3) Activity 2 Mier: What's your (Competency WG) ‘Beginning Group Activity 1 (SS) Students draw and label their own farily trees, Students work en writing basic sentences about their families. EX, Maria is my mother. (Competency WG1) Activity 2 (TS) Introduce some adjectives and practice eseribing people in tae room. (Competency B1) Activity 3 (88) Writing Students write sentences about family ‘members using adjectives. (Competency BI) (Competency WG3) Mutilevet Carre tum ard Resource Notebook Indira M Baksh and Lah Claypoot ‘WHOLE GROUP. Brainstorm fanily words on the board, Identify words for men and women name? Conversation matrix Students mingle and ask the names of people in ther students families. DAY2 ‘Advanced Group. ‘Activity 1 (TS) Simple Past Review simple past with regular and itregular verbs. Students practice with iregular verbs. Do Basic Grammar Worksheet #54, (Competency Al, A2) Activity 2 (S8) Waiting: ‘Students write about a family member using the past tense. (Competency A) WHOLE GROUP Dictation with family words. (beginners may use acloze worksheet, Ex. F_th.t) Lane Community College snao1 WHAT'S YOUR, :SNAME? MOTHER FATHER SISTER BROTHER TON DAUGHTER T 2 3 7 1s. | | | | LY DAY) & | @ FAM 2 O @ 5 4A Verbs: simple past with irregular verbs | came, he went. ‘STATEMENT NEGATIVE ‘QUESTION ‘SHORT ANSWER T [atu [1 et. fr | sev? q ‘woke up. wake up. wake up? you ‘You |tad... | | You Ihave. Ihave? we We [went | We ©. lwe | eo? rank. | pia [bey | drinker — | Yes, |ther aie. ‘They | ate ‘They | cian | eat. | Dido eat? No, [be ek. Teave. Teaver? | ido | He came | Be came. Ine . | come? che She [reed | She read. jake | road? it te [wrote | 1 ‘onite it | write 1x and Mars. Smith got wp. ‘Mrs. Smith came bore. ‘The children got up. ‘Mhe eildzen left school. ‘Ms Smith had his breakfast and ‘The Smith family had dinner. ‘ten drove to work. ‘The children went to bed. ‘the children ran to sthosl. ‘They didnt go by car. ‘Mr. Smith read the newepeper- ‘Mrs, Smith went to work. ‘Mrs, Smith wrote a letter. Dr. Smith drank acup of cotiee. ‘Me. and Mrs, Smith went to bed ‘Tc cildren dida' drink anything. Mr. Smith ate his sandwiches at ‘he office. ‘What di the Smith family do today? Blin the blanks. ‘Me. Smith: 1____— ®t Toedoek and ny breakfast at 880 and then I ‘work, At 10201 a eupof ene, At 12 edocs T___— my sandwiches. In the evening ‘my newspaper and tobed a1 My wife ant Gelade and at 9 dock ——————— rere She gu fdock and at 6 ook we ——— dinner. —— a leter at 10 eo and bed atthe same time as me. Tbe children ————————— at 8 dock They twachool at 845. __— en Bo schodl at olock “Gad inner with us a 6 lock, Then at 9 ook __—___trobed. sever watts nny Pease Pie pe SSN want VAY. FAMILY DAY2 Optional Activities WHOLE GROUP — Opening Activities FAMILY WORD HANGMAN Play hangman with family words. Look through magazines and choose a piture ofa person. Describe that person. “He is tall, He has brown eyes. ...etc.” Beginning Group POLICE SKETCH [A student inthe class is witness toa crime. He or She must describe th eriminal tothe class. The other students must try to guess who in the class is the eriminal (ifthe criminal element is not appropriate for your elass create another reason forthe Aescription a lost friend or relative, a good samaritan ec.) Crossroads 1 pp. 19820 Practices 1-6 Reading and writing practice. ‘Advanced Group ‘VERB SLAPJACK Create “decks of cards” with regular & iregular vert in base form mixed together. Put ‘students in small groups (3 or4), Students play by taking urns flipping over the cards From face down ple to a face up pile in the middle of the group. Ifa regular verb is fipped over nothing happens. If an irregular verb is ipped students must try to be the First one to “slap” it. The first student co slp it gets to keep the whole pile underneath, ‘bat tthe student slaps a regular verb by mistake they must put back five cards from their pile or skip the next round Enmily Matters pp. 36-47 Do exercises. WHOLE GROUP ~ Closing Activities FAMILY BINGO Handout or have stents ereate bingo cards. Student fill in the cards with family ‘vocabulary. Teacher calls family words by describing different relationships, ie my father’s father is my __? Students can cross out Grandfather on thei bingo cards, Multevl Curricula Resource Notebook Lane Community College Indira M Blah and Lesh Cleypool saaor @® stuns come wot on and describe snater sun ortechern the casoom. Cis geses who they are dering Mulioet Curent ant Reanree Notook Lane Communi Clrge nda Mt, Boks and Leak Claypool ‘ney @ Multevel Curialum and Resource Notebook Lae Commune Coleg Tadina Me Dok and Leak Caypoo! ‘sor HEALTH Competencies Beginning. ‘Whole Group ‘Advanced [BI Know singularand |WGI Read, pronounce, | Al Recognize other body plural forms of body and spell names of pars parts. basic body parts ‘A2_ Use modals (Should, B2 Describe common | WG2._Compete medical cught to, had better) ailments history forms to give advice. WG3_ Read and understand basic information from medicine labels. WG4 Understand common vocabulary and procedures for doctors visit Malitevel Curcaan and Resource Nook Lane Community College Indira M. Bate and Leah Claypool sur = HEALTH, DAYL Parts ofthe body Activity 1 Place student in mixed level groups. Give e ‘markers. Students can work a large tables or onthe floor depending on classroom setup. Ask teach group to draw a body on the paper and WHOLE GROUP sch group a large piece of butcher paper and some label as many body parts as they can, (Don't worry about spelling). As groups finish hang their pictures on a wall or have the lass move from picture to picture and go through the vocabulary generated by the groups. (Competency WG1) Activity 2 Go through the basic body parts with the whole class (see vocab ist). Point to the body part on ‘your body and say the name of that part. (Explain singular and plural: One hand, Two hands). “lave students point to those parts on their o assist with pronunciation issues. (Compete Wa bodies and repeat. Circulate around the clas to WGI & BI) ‘Beginning Group Activity 1 (TS) Go through the body parts again orally with the group. Ask students to point 0 different body parts. Have students ask ‘each other to point to different body part. Introduce the written names ofthe body parts, (Body Parts Handout) Read through the names with the students. Then have students take turns reading the names. (Competency WGI & B1) Activity 2 ($8) ‘Ask students to draw a body and try to label it withthe names of the basic body parts, They may work individually orin groups. (Competency WG1) ‘Advanced Group Activity 1 (SS) Students work independently with the Word ‘Word Picture Dictionary and the Beginning Workbook (Dietonary pp 68 & 69, Workbook pp. 66 & 67) Ask students to creat alist ofthe base body parts From the dictionary for speling practice, Ask students to complet the workbook pages to acess ater vocabulary. (Competency WGI & Al) Activity 2(TS) Go over workbook answers with group. Assist with any pronunciation questions. (Competency WGI & AD) Dictate a short lst of the vocabulary (6. swords on the board. (Competency WG!) Multilevel Curriculum and Resource Notebook Indira M. Bakshi and Leah Claypool words) Have students check their words against Lane Community College 91601 @ HEALTH DAYL Vocabulaiy list Health Basic body parts + Hair Head Face Byes Nose Mouth Teeth ‘Tongue Ears Neck Shoulders Chest Arms Elbows Hands Fingers ‘Stomach Legs Knees Feet Toes Mutevel Curiutum an Rezource Notebook Lave Communiy College Indira M Boks and Leak Claypoot ‘snot HEALTH DAY 1 HEALTH DAY Sing and act out “Head, Shoulders, Knees, & Toes” Pair dictaions or match words to pictures from Basic Vocabulary Builder #7 and Practical Vocabulary Builder #16 and flashcard masters. Beginning Group Give students eards wit the names of the body parts. Have them work together to alpabetize them, Cut body pars from magazines and paste onto index cards to make own flasheards oF past onto pape and label Advanced Group ‘Studenis writea verb or verbs that correspond with a body part. Ex Mouth —eat, taste, kiss etc, Use the body words and verbs to create sentences, Password—Students work in large or small groups. Students take trm deseribing the body parts without using the name ofthe pat. They eat gesture. They rest ofthe group, tries to guess which body pari is. The first one to answer correctly gets to describe the next one. (example: listen lobe, wax, onthe side of your head = ect) WHOLE GROUP Closing Activity ‘Conceatration with names of body parts (singular & plural) Hangman or baseball with body part vocabulary ‘Mulileve! Curictun and Resource Ntebook Lave Communi Callege Indira M,BOS2M and Leah Claypoo! uot ee - 23 na i: ra Z { ° 2 £ GS a S Ka bd "BB O/2 A =) 4] = ey we EOI “AFTER HEALTH DAY 1 Flashcard Master body parts-Votabulary Builder 16 hip thigh | face Mataeve! Curculum ond Resource Notebook Lane Conny College Indira M Bakshi ond Leak Claypool 9/1301, DAY Flashcard Master-body parts-Vocabulary Builder 7 HEALTH Lane Commaniy Collepe 91300) Mutilevel Curieulum and Resource Notebook Indira Bashi and Leah Claypo! eo HEALTH DAY2 ‘What's the matter? Activity 1 (S8) ‘Students work in pairs. Each student receives a picture of a body with some parts labeled. Student “A” will have different body parts labeled than Student “BY, The students will tke turns providing the missing information to their partners. ‘They can either say the words or try t0 spell each word to their partner. (Use Day 1 Body Parts Handout) (Competency WG!) Activity 2 (TS) Explain the question “Whats the matter”. Demonstrate possible responses to the question. My huts. My. hurt. Line dil, Ask each student “What's the matter?” (correct for sing. and plural). Monitor as students ask one another. Charades: ‘Advanced Group ‘Activity 1 (TS) ‘Grammar Chart 23. Go through the grammar explanation together, Write a problem on the board. (Ex. [havea cold.) Students practice giving advice (Ex. You should take some cold medicine). Write the advice on the board and make corrections. (Competency A2) Activity 2 (SS) ach student thinks of one or vo problems. (Does not have to be medically related). Students workin small groups asking for and giving advice. (Competency 2) ‘Students volunteer to act out medical problems infront of the class. (Ex. His eg hurts) ‘The rest ofthe class tries to guess the problem and state it in a complete sentence. [Advanced students can then offer some advice. (Competency WGI, B1, B2, & Al) MierelCuricalam and Resource Notebook Indira M, Bats and Leah laypoot ane Comma College 911301 @ HEALTH DAY2 Optional Activites WHOLE GROUP Opening Activity Build a monster ‘Weite names of basic body parts on index cards. Repeat each word several times. Put students {nto small groups and give each group several cards, markers, and a lage sheet of paper. The ‘students mast then create &“rmonster" using the body parts written on their cards. If they have three cards that say “head” then their “monster” must have three heads, ete. You can also ask them to give some information about the monster. What is itcalled? Where i it from? What does it eat? Ete, Groups then introduce their monsters tothe class. (Similar to Multilevel Curriculum Guide, Berry & Williams, p. 64) Expresswans | p. 50 “Ihave a headache” in mixed ability pairs, orl practice. ‘Beginning Group Students work in pairs to write sentences using the patter" My. hurts, & My hurt” Give each pair a copy Vocabulary Builder #7 or #16 (See Hancouts DAY 1) and ask them to make a sentence for each picture. Then ask them to go back and make sentences using the plural forms of the body part name if applicable. English for Adult Competency Book | pp. 47 & 48, Practice in pairs orally or write out sentences for each picture. Advanced Group [Ask students to write a letter to someone who is coming tive in the U.S. Ask them to give that person some advice that will help them adjust (0 Iie in this county. Home remedies to ailments. Explain what a home remedy is. Studems receive 2 or more ailments and write out home remedies that they know for those ailmexts. Ex: You have a cold. Dink hot tea with lemon. See Side by Side book 2 p.103 MutitevetCariculum and Resource Noebvok Lane Commanity College Indira, Bats and Leok Claypook sn301 @ _ NHOLEGROUP=Closng Activity Pt students in mixed level pars or small groups. The beginning students state their problems dnd the advanced students otter their advie. Lane Community College Mater Corio and Resource Notebook 971301 Indira M, Baksh and Leah Claypoot @ HEALTH DAY3 Going tothe doctor WHOLE GROUP Activity 1 Body parts word search, (See Handout)(Competency WGI) Activity 2 ‘Work with students to brainstorm a short list of vocabulary fora visit tothe doctors, office. (Ex: nurse, receptionist, exam room, waiting room, go, waite.) (Competency WG) Beginning Group Activity 1 (TS) “At the Doctor's Office” Action Enelish Pictures p. 22. (See Handout) [Give each student a copy of the action pictures. Dictate simple sentences for each picture. (Competency WG4) ‘Advanced Group Activity 1 (SS) “A Visita the Doctor” (See Handout- pictures)Students work independently or in small groups to write sentences for each picture. Check student work as the beginning group is writing, (Competency wos) ‘WHOLE GROUP /Medical History Forms Hand out two versions of a medical history form. (One version isan acta medical history form and the othera simplified version.) Give the advance group the authentic form and the beginning group the simplified form. Explain the purpose ofthe form. Let student complete what they can on their own. Present problem vocabulary as it comes eting the form. (Competency WG2) ‘Assist sudents in comp oO Lane Commun Cage Maletevel Curriculum and Resource Nook nao Indira M, Batol ond Leah Caypoo! Tile) ief Vea to) Ma (era ——— Gicu Chri caret denial pal Frequent eonsipaton orate? ‘Ble ory neton? Protame wth vel rue carter (Fe gi) Hasse tarede mente? ‘re tareany ecblems wi poo? ‘Skin, Neuro, Endocrine, Allergy, Musculoskeletal ‘nye or recuret hn pole see, zene )? Frequent headaches? Any neces presi (saves, )? abate (oer? ‘ay anata preter (yi, 7 ‘ny tooun ares (hy tev, ‘ny mars, tor bone problem fimo et) Noo Neo ne Nea nO nO Noa Naical Group Patertrane ~~ General Femtscitele, Explaln—when? Dr contr ouch ay beam pet MeO Yee Cerpowcaihn aye tnceeccnain’ tO Yer eso ahd ets nines acter cocoa? tea yea tyr cath ey anger tea Yeo tyr ce be tpl? mo veo yori age anys? to Yeo Aaywrawioubelnctescleertenweite? WoO YerO Does your child now have, or has your child ever had any ofthese conditions: eat mo vo ne (mae, nba amin, Sct tea Yeo Deal pte? tea Yeo Nigtares,bodetng. eepwaing? toD Yee. ear we0 veo ecg er ce? tO Yeo Prune wan er rin? tea yo Petene ih umes? moO Ye Fc oe ih reo ved Heart, lunge, blood hornet aemey odes? wo 160 terms mo m8 ot tri ped eer? tea yo toon Seg pte ood tae? wo wo LAL ‘Any atl rat eaabove? (Contec bet GD concrnutniacescnes0ct snvoa nan eget pote nen ers HEALTH DAYS Pregnancy, Birth, Delivery ‘Comment War ie el apa? noO ved Didyou ve an eso rab tng poe noO Ys Wer te ahd dvr orm? NeO Yeo (ke banycane on tine vain 2 wk? No Yer (that hve any poles it er ei? NO Yeo ‘ee ere anyrbia ba et weok te? NoD Yeo Dig aby hae wah you rom expat Ne Yeo Wee you gre homanee or ober sang pregnancy? NO ves i wea [Sees OS Mother Neural 0 SiamatrLing ntens) Family History (Blood relatives only) Sane we a Dates og Faline O Pattre © Eup ercomions =O Gen te Seed © Ober Pham psn Marta tran ao ——s Maen doetene ss OO Se Howie? ragnsced pene iow so a amosng 0 vst Ceeuagecar OO Anni co ao Father © tana) 0 Sipatar(uveghtens) Tyme onal ims aoe faylenrasona. ee) OO eer Scio anmecl te sped OO. Geren Gaed Oar Pee pin torched a0 Cnectemydiane =O Sir towne Teepe a0 Outering 0 wre? Ngee oo Brothers and sisters of child eas e3 Name ‘Bm ie tenn Chrschg deme : ete ao Soot repeats bon paesiveg nbone? NeO Yes ‘ane eye in cis house cher han ahr, taper trbenandslen? NOC Yoo aie Development dhe you rer faveoueverben enced abe your TS ‘deveapran? NO Yes Enos? OQ YeeO: Physkart No Yes Moan WoO Yer; EAcabera? No _ Yer bc Iaypcionsn scien? WO YesO WO Preiveninne TSN tet Wao auinacpaaleonod NO vor a a ee ema rip eae oO RTS CE Cores tists Dene | Carmtendiadne Aa ATE OST TTT st sie previous physical if not previously listed. List aus oc ‘ype Indude psychiatric but omit progenct Yer % pa z x 2 = 5 FSSA AT FON NG NS OR ETE Distr/Teons_Tenes,__Dpthc/ Peruse Fin Freumever——HeptsA 8 Me Mage atl Vamcegan Tasca Pe Tero = = ‘Oba. ESET eS TT " Ye[ No | yes now orev, dere Achat Tae Dich dre Coffs cls Regan execse wag ‘ret Tyerage Span, ‘ayapec dit ‘Aether any cur orpacoal aia Wal you woud Biz mew naw teal Ho, place tor menon Faye othe You es Dea Ba TREE When Jos nak en oad wala Yes We (Hor of sey nated dies? Discharge fom ps? OTestio pain? 0 Lunpeiniendesersaenun? ODeaese increase inten dar? ODeree/ncase inser dese? | —_O Deceased aby scien encton? 1s youhave cence abou your see? ‘payer poten? FEW ee eM eT ‘Age fone of mene prods ‘Age whe eros Hopped (senopaaz) Fas dayef lastest Diysbenween yout pesoGiean dae lonext san da) istry of sessaly wanenited dense? (Sena eeaed atv dance Hive youhad vagal bleedig since senopause™D Joa Fe Hovfusne?0 yoO no ‘ito Oey Osany Orem Deyunmvenston a Os youeerbned bereen pod? ‘ eadanetona” 0 ovanan growths? Neral pee Remy oogal gag? 0 Desesponur? lenin? oro Ze youhave concerns bout your Se le? oe preie ADULT HEALTH HISTORY o> |\Maeee, Pat ame Date Gender: male © female Education (years): High School__ College Advanced _ EES ONES CRE SSCS as ay bod elative (rms Gadpanas Reaion Age Heal Page trotters ster aun, Unde, ) eer fae case lige tle rao sn erence Fa ‘Alergy a Siod diese banlng doo rer ore (2) eoting deere olonpaiyp 1 2 3 7 Epilepsy cis is fe Spouse Urerd Cnren (0/0) Kidney disease $ b i BODY PARTS WORD SEARCH LDHFOMS FIM GxXLEPYOVOFS LLGuU 1 OouUYrF L FHEDSFOBAVOQOUERACSH a or ae om De ox mo oe oo De oD ae rd oe vm a <6 °° n> om o 1 UHRSC FELLYBMCBMOTHMOUTHNS Lv VOELKNOBHS LIANGRSGHFONOVCH TOYNMPCYELBOWSCONDES 1CKENCOGLES UVvVEYTEHSB uULZB LHI UASCTHOVRSANEVBO SUSDNAHNKGGBOFR uYTCBPEMXZYOFACETLUX TKNOOTHE LSOHOUTNEVSHSOTUV 1 Nvcuos 1G0O0THDROOFH PENOUGBNAMELK IS FH EMGN LRMONE 1QNLGHEDSUK OoAVBOUTRY FIND AND CIRCLE ALL THE WORDS BELOW ‘MOUTH ‘SHOULDERS EYES NOSE ELBOWS HANDS FINGERS STOMACH. HEAD HAIR FACE TEETH © TONGUE EARS = NECK CHEST ARMS LEGS KNEES) FEET =—TOES [CLAYPOOL HEALTHDAY HEALTH DAY 3 @ Medical History Form Poticnt name: Gender O Male Female Has any blood relative (mother, father, sister, brother, et) ever had any of the following medical problems? ‘MEDICAL PROBLEM YES NO Allergy Cancer Diabetes Hear Disease @ |e Do youhave any allergies?” Ql yes 0 no Please list ll medicine that you are taking now HEALTH DAYS Bae fea Sale 8 fad ha } @ L HEALTH DAY3 Optional Activities pee pone cee eae Look Again Pictures ~ “Talking to the Doctor” p43 (See Handout) Students worn pars ory to find the differences in the pete. Present the Aitferences to the class and present or review vocabulary. spresrways | p.54 “Touch your toes" Oral practice in mined ability pairs. ‘Beginning Group Work with beginning group to create abasic “doctors office” dilogue. Ask stent 0 generate common word or phrases they need to know to goo the doctor, Provide Supplementary information. Write the dislogue onthe board. Ask students to copy the @_ trent tii ora Crossroads Lp. 88 Practcel0, Learn doctor's commands. Students practice giving ‘commands and acting them out. Do practices 11-14 orally in pairs. ‘Advanced Group ‘Ask students to waite in journal about a past heath care experience, Where were you? What happened? Who was with you? Crossroads Lp. 92 Practice 4, Reading and writing. Students write out and practice ‘conversations on pp.93-94. Do information gap activity orally for more practice with ‘Simple Present Questions and Answers. ‘Side by Side Book p.100 “Checkup” Dictate sentences from handout with sentences “A Visit tothe Doctor” attevet Cuil and Resource Ntobook Lane Commaniy College Indra M Raksh and Leah Claypool 91301 DN SS SS eet WHOLE GROUP — Closing Activity “Going to the Doctor” skit ut students in mixed level groups of four to six. Ask the students to create a skit about oing to the doctor's office. Students need to take on key roles. (I tends to work best if, the beginning students are the nurses and patents.) Give students adequate time to write ‘up and plan their skit. (15-30 minutes) Ask each group to perform their skit in front of the lass. Audience members can be asked to listen forthe patient’s problem and the doctor's advice. Matilvel Carica and Resource Nobo. Lone Community College Indira M, Baksh and Leah Claypoo! 301 Look Again Pictures 40 Talking to the Doctor @ HANDOUT HEALTH DAYS ADVANCED [A Visit to the Doctor ‘Ab Dictate all the odd numbered sentences tothe students out of order. ‘B>Then have them match them to the pictues. Covey oer picture wil not havea Sentence, Students should write original sentences for | He thous | don't feel very good, maybe I should make an appointment te the see the 2. He went tothe doctor’ office after he made an appointment for 3-0 clock. 3, He told the receptionist that he had an appointment 4, He told her it was scheduled for 3 o'elock 5, She told him t sit down and wait. (6, He began to feel tribe. 7. He was nervous. What would the doctor say? £8, He waited 30 minutes. @ > Fnaly, smurse called his ame, 10, She took him to the examination room. 11. The doctor greeted him and asked him what the problem was. 12, He asked him to sit down, 13. He told him to open his mouth. 14.He ordered him to say “ah” whi he looked inside, 15:The doctor gave him a prescription for a medication and told him to go home and rest. 16, He asked the receptionist how much it was and she ssid she would send abil! is house. ‘D>Have students read te story to you oro a partner, EsTake up the ditatons and orginal sentences that they wrote B5Pass out the cut Have tem putin order, And then try to rewrite the story. Golf they dont finish have them do for homework! ‘Muitheve! Curiculam and Resource Notebook Lane Community Cotege Indra i Bakshi and Leah Claypoo! ‘9301 5 @ HEALTH Day4 WHOLE GROUP. ‘Medicne Vocabulary Brainstorm different types of medicines (pill, cream, drops.ete.). Write them on the ‘board. Discuss how you use them (Take pills, rab on cream, putin drops, et.) Discuss Medicine Reading ($8) Hand out Prescription Labels worksheet. | Students read a passage about medicine and ‘Students workin pairs to complete. ‘medicine labels and answer questions. (Competency WG3) (Competency WG3) ‘WHOLE GROUP @ Medicine Labels Place students in mixed level groups. Distribute a variety of utente medicine contaiers. Students work inter groups to ty to find out the following 4 Isita prescription medicine or an over-the-counter medicine? 4+ How much should you take? When should you tae it 4 Whats the medicine fr? ‘Mulilevel Curriculum and Resource Notebook Lane Comminity College Indira M, Bakshii and Leah Claypool 1601 @ Trend icin eel Cas) Ute Sits Flodng Teacher's Notes. 11/Desenery pp. 64. 67 Read the information on the labels. Circle these words: blood pressure daily Doctor ecrache pills prescription DRUGMORE + PHARMACY Prescription to, 579221 be, silver Patients doe Yung peply two rope every four hours for earache, Do not use after 7/95 = Write the missing information. drops times GREENE'S DRUGS peescrigeion No, 468921 ‘Take two pills Cwo ines dai for high blood pressure Refill 2 tines 1, Joe Yung has an earache 2. His prescription is for ear 3. He has to take drops every 4, He hos to throw the medicine away in July, 5. Jane Fine hos 6. Her prescription is for blood pressure 7, She has to take the pills 8, She can’t drink. 9. She can refill he prescription 10. She hos to throw out the medicine in hours. with these pills. times. HEALTH DAY 4 times daily. 19985. ven tn @ HEALTH DAY4 DOUBLED SIDED PAGE 1 Medicine Labels ‘What isis purpose? How is itorganized "You can get medicine two ways. The doctor sometimes writes a prescription for you to get medicine from the pharmacy, or you can choose medicine for Yyourseif a the store. It's important to understand how to ‘use medicine correctly. Almost all medicine can be dangerous if used incorrectly ‘The medicine label tells you how to use the medicine correctly. The label is printed on each medicine container. It tells you what the medicine is for and how much to take ‘The medicine labels on the next page show what kind of information is on a medicine label, Label number 1 is from a “cold & cough” medicine that you can buy yourself at the tore. Label number? is from a prescription medicine container. Label number 1 is divided ino several sections. These sections are Indications, Directions, Warnings, Active Ingredients. The Indications sections tells you what the ‘medicine is used to west. The Directions sections tells you how much medicine to take and who should take the medicine. The Warnings section tells you about the dangers ofthis medicine The Active Ingredients section tells you what isin the medicine. Label number 2 has a number printed on the top left of the label. This isthe prescription number. The prescription number is kept on fie a the pharmacy along ‘with the name of the doctor and the name of the patent. [Next tothe prescription number isthe name ofthe doctor ‘who prescribed the medicine. Under the number and the doctor's name are directions on how the medicine should be used by the patient. The patient's name and the date the prescription was filled are under the direetions. The ‘name of the medicine appears under the patent's name. ‘Most medicine should be throvn out if not used in a certain period of time. The words “discard after” followed by adate mean thatthe medicine should be thrown out if not used by that date, atest Carrum and Rezource Norebook “ae Cooma couege Indiv M, Elst ond Leah Claypool on30 HEALTH Day 4 DOUBLED SIDED PAGE 2 ‘What special language does | The amounts that you should take, or the dosage, ituse? always include a quantity and a peti of time. For ‘example, the recommend doseage forthe “cold & cough” medicine is “swallow 2 softgels with water. Repeat every 44 hours.” This tells you how much you should take and how long you need to wait before you take the medicine again, ‘The label als tells you not to take more than 8 softgels in 24 hours. Prescription labels are quite small, and so the Pharmacist sometimes uses shortened sentences or abbreviations to fil them out. It is important to read these labels carefully to make sure you understand these sentences and abbreviations. LABEL #1 ‘COLD & COUGH MEDICATION INDICATIONS: The cough suppressant temporarily relieves cough de othe common ‘cold. The nasal decongestant temporarily relieves sty nose and nasal congestion due (0 the common col. DIRECTIONS: ADULTS AND CHILDREN 12 YEARS OF AGE AND OLDER: Swallow 2 softgels with water. Repeat every 4 hours, not toexceed 8 softgels in 24 hours. Not recommended for children under 12 yearsof age. WARNINGS: DO NO EXCEED RECOMMENDED DOSAGE. If rervousnes, dizziness, or sleplessness occur, discontinue use and consulta doctor. Do not take ‘product for more than 10 days. Keep this an all drugs out ofthe each of children, ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: Acctsinophn 250g, dextomhorhan hyérobromie LABEL #2 45662 Dr. Roe, Tom MD ‘TAKE ONE TABLET TWICE DAILY FOR 5 DAYS ~ FINISH THIS RX ‘SARAH WOODRUFF ~~ OF I60T | ‘TRIMETHISULFA DS TAB+ DISCARD AFTER 08-20-02 ‘Mobtevet Carticen and Rezource Nowak Lane Community College Indira M, Bakshi and Leah Claypool S301 HEALTH DAY4 _DOUBLEDSIDED PAGE 3 e EXERCISES 1. Whats the umber of Sash Wood reson? 24. Wate ot that on whic is presripion ws ile 4. How many mesa ay shoud Sarah Wont tke er meine? 4-H much of te “od cough mene shold egven oa 6 yer ol il? 5. Iam adult took two sofigels ofthe “cold & cough” medicine at 6:00 PM., when should this person take the medicine again’? 6. How long should you take the “cold & cough” medicine? Matevel Curcutum and Resource Netbook Lane Community Calege Indira M. Bali and Leah Claypool sna HEALTH @ ava Optional Activites ‘WHOLE GROUP — Opening Activity Medicine ID. Pas out various types of medicine and first sid consinets. Ask stadents to figure Fy "Te Dosages Right” Bring various medicines to class, Two students come up tothe Homo the lass and are presented with a medicine. They mis answer “What it fer? ands Psp or over-the-counter” corey and be the closest o guessing the correct dosage to win, ‘caress 1 p36 “Take on abet 3 a day" Oral practic in mite abit pais. ‘Beginning Group ® sete Deetins. Dies dosages. Epa conn mesaenens (Top. To) and tine Ieferenes (once a dy, every four house) Hand ot cards with basic decom ro egy have student xpin howto ke the meine, Exocessws p51 “What do you recommend?” Oral protice in pairs. ‘Advanced Group Methods of Treatment. Ask students to compile lst of medial problems bath illness and ‘injury. Then ask them to discuss the best way to treat these problems. ‘Talking with a pharmacist, Write « dialogue ‘Side by Side Book 2 p.102 “Really doctor?” Malitevel Curriculum and Resource Notebook Lane Community College @ inva’, Bakshand Leah Clnpoot 96001 WHOLE GROUP — Closing Activity Mixer. Give half the students a card witha illness or injury printed on it Give the other half ‘cards with a medicine of first aid supply om it. Students mingle o try to match the problem with the treatment. [EX Student I: Thave cut on my finger ‘Student 2: You should get a bandage. Thave one. FOOD Matieel Corieutum and Resource Notebook Lane Conmunity College “ina M. Bakthi and Leah Claypool a e FOODSHOPPING ‘Competencies Beginning: ‘Whole Group. ‘Advanced BI Ask and answer "how | WGI Say, write and ‘AL Useallitie/a few and much is/are". identify common ‘much and many. fruits and vegetables. B2. Write questions “how | WG2 Express ike and | A2_ Write sentences using dislike of food . ‘comparative forms WG3 Say, write and of adjectives. Identity colors. WG4 Read food ads and | A3. Write sentences using say prices. simple past. WGS Say, write and identify container! | A4 Write sentences, quantity vocabulary. using present WG6 Use “of” in container! progressive, quantity phrases. @ WOT Say, write and AS. Write sentences using identity common superlative forms of grocery vocabulary adjectives. WG8 Write a shopping list. WG9 Use phrases to AG Ask for table, order, locate items in make complaints and supermarket set attention ina sit WGI Say, write and down restaurant. ‘identify common foods found in restaurants, WGI Order meals in fast {ood and sit down, restaurants. @ Mater! Carica Rerure Notebook Lane Community College Inia M. Bash and Lesh Gayo! ‘x30 @ FOODSHOPPING DAY A class wrrent food advert re than 1 rrr 7 Activity 1 ‘Vegetables and fruits: Match pictures to words, Use ses from Word by Word Activity Masters 33 and 55. Students say “I like.” I don't lite.." about each. Advanced students say why (because Competency WGI, WG2) Activity 2 com...(Competency WG1, WG3) they are: delicious, crunchy, sweet, souret...Use list of adjectives (see Handout), Cass brainstorms a ist of fruits and vegetables on board Assign small groups a color and give two rinutes to waite all the fruits/veggies of that color on apiece of pape. Ex: Yellow: banana, lemon, the quantity of each item, Find items in food ads sand write down prices. Look for coupons. How ‘much money will you need? Which store has the best deals? Provide students with alist of container/quantity words Ib, can, bunch ec. (see Word by Word Picture Dictionary p. 50- 51) (Competency WG4, WGS, WG8) Activity 2 (73) Explain Court/non-count nouns (see Grammar (Chast13) and Side by Side Book 2 p. 10. Practice in pairs Side by Side Book 2p. 12 and 13 “a alta fewlmuchimany"(Competency Al) ‘Malitevel Carita snd Resource Notchook Tira M. Bath ond Leah Claypool ‘Advanced Group ‘Beginning Group | Activity 1 (SS) Activity 175) lan adinner party for 6 guests with a partner. | Reviewiteach colors and fits and vegetables. Write the menu. Write grocery ist that includes | Word by Wore Picture Dictionary pp. 44 45, Practice with students. Do you like bananas? Yes. [like bananas . No. I don’ lke bananas. What color are bananas? Bananas are yellow. (Competency WG2, WG3) Activity 2(SS)Make a grocery list of 5 fruits ‘and $ vegetables that you like, Try t find these in food ads and waite down the price. Total your list. How much will you spend? (Competency wos) Play pictionary with fruit and vegetable vocabulary.(Competency WGI) Po Lane Community Calle ‘sis : i g 8 4 2 E FOODISHOPPING DAY 4 Vegetable Concentration Cards ees rnin Ha Regan Soccer eso oes Pet recterrrs Rese Book ge a chr FOOD/SHOPPING DAY Handout / init ' gr eeeag LEY Matitevel Curculam and Resource Notebook Lane Communiy College Maire Mt Bath and Tonk Claypool ‘001 @ FOODISHOPPING DAY 1 Optional Activities WHOLE GROUP -Opening Activity Fruits and Vegetables: Cover the words atthe bottom of Ward by Word Picture Dictionary pp. 44 9 and ty to nae fits and vegetables on these pagse without looking ‘Bring in relia: plastic or real fruits and vegetables. Students pass them around and leam how to say and weit in notebooks. Advanced Group Reading: Give students a recipe and find the ingredients inthe food ads. How much will they spend to make the recipe? Students can also bring or write a favorite recipe from their country. 9, Food, CounUNon-Count Nouns, and pp. 74-83, The New Grammar in ‘Cutout pictures of fruits and vegetables from food ads and paste on sheets of paper. (or draw!) Students write ike apples, Apples are red, (rom Berry, Wiliams ESL Multilevel Curriculum Guide) Practice colors using food reali, things inthe classroom or cuisennaire rods. What color is this? W's red, That's red. WHOLE GROUP -Closing Activity Play Hangman, Baseball or Catch with f and vegetable vocabulary. ‘Advanced student present their menus and grocery lists, beginning students present their grocery list or drawingvpitures (se above). Other students ry to point to fuits and vegetables mentioned @ in Wor by Word Picwee Ditionars p 4 and 45 as they listen to presentations. Teacher or advanced student writes these on blackboard during the presentation for confirmation. Matieet Curricula and Resource Notebook Lane Community College Unda M. Bashi and Leak Claypool ‘srs FOOD/SHOPPING DAY 2 Make a ist of food items you fird in one container in mixed ability groups of 3. See Word by Word Picture Dictionary p.44-49. Example: box: cookies rice, class using “of " when appropriste.(Competency WGS, WGS) Advanced Group ‘Activity 1 (SS) Student o student dications in par or groups of tree, Use reading " Two Bags of Groceries" on p.14 Side by Side Book 2 Then using container and quantity words write out “what Henry bought". Ex: He bought a few oranges= He bought « half Ib. of oranges. lle mila quart of milketc..(Competency WGS, wos) Actwity 2 (TS) Teach comparative (see Grammar Chart 45) ‘Sudents write sentences comparing different food items. Provide alist of adjectives to use (ee Handout from DAY 1) EX: Apples are sweeter than plums. Bananas are softer than pecrs. (Competency A2) raisins, cereal et... Reportto ‘Beginning Group Activity 1 (TS) Teach questions How much is/How much are 7 ‘and how to say prices. Teacher drills students using the food ads. Focus on items that come in containers. EX: How much isa box of cereal? $2.79, How much are Sibs. of potatoes? '51.99,(Competency B1) ‘Activity 1(S8) ‘Continue practicing above with a partner. Ask bout at least 10 items to two different pariners different store ads. Write out en {questions and responses. How much is can of soup? I's $3.59 at Albertson's. (Competency Play Catch Teacher calls out «container or quanity and students call ut food item that comes in that container or quantity. (Competency WGS) Makilevel Curricula and Resource Notebook “ira M, Bah and Leah Claypool oonsHAPPING DAY? @ Optional Activites WHOLE GROUP -Opening Activity Pair dictations with fruits and vegetables Word hy Word Picture Dictionary pp44-45 of containers/quantities pp.50-S1 ‘Bring in reali: food containers of different types and quantities. Students pass them around and list what items are found in each particular container. Advanced Group ‘Write a story to go with the pictures for one ofthe following in Action Enelish Pictures: Breakfast Cereal p. 9, Scrambled Eggs p. 10, A Piece of Toast p.11 and Making Tea p15. Besianing Grown Do Exercise A “Mising Labels, p11, and Exercise A, 2225, “Shopping Liss in ide by Side @ eee a Play Hangman, Pietionary, Baseball or Word Bingo with fruits and vegetables or container/quantity vocabulary. See intoduction for detailed instructions. Wha’s Cooking’: Read oft the ingredients to common Ameria shes fiom a cook book and students guess the dish Variation: doin teams or advanced student read ingredients, Teacher can _ ‘write dish names on blackboard for more help. EX: 5 potatoes, a cup of milk ahalfa stick of ‘butter, salt and pepper..mashed potatoes. For a more advanced group, read the instructions also, Mutitevel Cu ial and Resource Notebook Lane Community College Tire BM, Bathi and Leah Claypoo! ‘wor FOOD/SHOPPING Day2 Flashcard Master-Containers/Quantities bottle | carton | can i | i | | head bunch Matileet Carrculum and Resource Notebook Lane Community College “Indira W. Baksh and Leah Cleypoct iso FOODSHOPPING DAY3 ‘The Supermarket WHOLE GROUP Activity 1 Pair dctations wit food and grocery store words (Competency WG7) ‘Shopping’. Cut up the pictures. Stadents putin | Teach and have students practice conversations orcet then write out a sentence foreach picture | in yellow at botom of p47 (locating items in ‘sing simple past or present progressive(See | supermarket-Where car Ind? im looking Handout )(Competency A3 or A4) for... Competency WG) Activity 2 (13) Collet or revew story above. Review | Comparatves and reach Superlatives (See Grammar Chart 46). Practice. Using adjectives from Handow DAY 1 and food items from 2-46-49 in Word by Word Picture Dictionary ot WHOLE GROUP roe ‘Using Handou: "Map ofthe Supermarket” students ask teacher where food items ae in a Supermarket. Students write inon their maps. Ordo in mined ability pairs, (Competency WG9) a ee i “eG aaa & “1. pie “A Day at Werk” © Eat lunch. Get tools. Punch in. Punch out. Put away broom and dustpan. Put away tools. Put on apron Repair radio. Repair some more. Sweep the floor. Talk to the manager. Eat lunch. Get tools. Punch in. Punch out. Put away broom and dustpan. Put away tools. Put on apron Repair radio. Repair some more. Sweep the floor. Talk to the manager. WORK DAYé Eat lunch. Get tools. Punch in. Punch out. Put away broom and dustpan. Put away tools. Put on apron Repair radio. Repair some more. Sweep the floor. Talk to the manager. Eat lunch. Get tools. Punch in, Punch out. Put away broom and dustpan. Put away tools. Put on apron Repair radio. Repair some more. Sweep the floor. Talk to the manager. a WoRKDAY4 Simple present. 24 ~ WORK @ DAY4 Optional Activities ‘Whole group —Onening activity WORD BUILDER: Divide students into two teams. Write ajob word on the board. ‘Volunteers from the two team take turns adding words tothe boardin a crosswords fashion. Each new word must share a leter with a word already onthe board, Every ‘correct word put on the board ears that team a point. EX. ACCOUNTANT A ASSEMBLER H 1 E R Beginning group V deere how tao Day at wee w/ beqiane S @ _araniar: presen progressive worksheet. Basic Grammar Worksheets # 60 Crnssroads | p. 64. Practice 10. Present progressi - Oral in pairs. ‘Advanced group GRAMMAR: Scrambled sentences. Students work in pairs or small groups to put together simple present sentences that have been cut apart and mixed up. ‘Yesito practice. ‘Students work independently to complete sentences like the following: Everyday I. ‘Once a week 1 ‘Once a month Every summer I ‘Then they interview a partner by asking yesno questions. (Do you go camping every summer No, I don't. 1 goto Florida every summer.) = add: Healing 0 Sdueel wore _ fread pfgeliatodachon Gin Matiove' Curiatn and Resource Notebook: Lane Commanity Colege Indie M Bato and Leah Caypoel ons) ‘Whole group — Closing activity HELP WANTED:Mixed level groups. Handout one page ofthe help wanted section to each group. Have the group choose 3to 5 ads that interestthem. Have them rank the ads {rom best job to worst job. Then have them answer the folowing questions: What i the title of the job? How do you apply? What isthe pay? Are there benefits? What are the hours or shifis? When the groups are finished have them report the information for their top two jobs back tothe class. Autre Curcn ond Resource Norbook Lane Community College Indira M. Bashi and Leak Claypool onsa) Job Ad: Look at modified job ads. Student look for information regarding applying for he job (How do you get an application?, Do you have to call or go in?) Work with students to create ‘model conversation for both situations. Students work in pais to practic the conversations Have a couple of groups perform forthe class. (Competency WG3) ‘Beginning Group ‘Advanced Group Applications (TS) Applications (SS) ‘Students work in small groups to complete _| Students work independently tod ‘modified job applicatons (Competency B2) | authentic job applications. (Co WHOLE GROUP Interviews Ask students to share their experiences with job interviews. Use these experiences to brainstorm possible questions/problems students have at interviews. Address issues of punctuality, preparedness, dress, and etiquette. Write some examples of commonly asked job interview 4uestions on the boar, Ask students to write down their answers to those questions. Have some students read their answers to the class. Discuss those answers. Place students in mixed level pairs or small groups. Ask them to practice imerviewing together. ‘Taking turns being applicant and employer. While they are practicing call up students individually to practice with you. Have them bring their applications with them so you can ‘target the interview specifically to them. (I you can have a volunteer from the community come in do these mock interviews it adds a lot of reality to the activity.) (Competency WG3) Malilevel Curriculum and Resource Notebook Indira M, Bate and Leah Ceypoot WORK DAYS “HELP WANTED ‘Assisiant Mngr- Busy restaurant needs asst. mgr. 2 yrs. Experience. Good salary & benefits. Call Joe at 345-1299 Mon.-Fri 9-3 Sales ~ Toyota dealer needs salesman. Will train, Commission, Part time. Must work ‘weekends. 445 E. Lincoln Construction Worker — Entry level worker. No experience req. $9.00/HR Full time. No phone calls, EZ Construction 225 N.E. 5* Ave, Secretary — Bilingual (English/Spanish) secretary Full time. Excellent salary + benefits, 3 yrs. Experience min. Please fax resume to 687-2831 attention Mark. Delivery Driver — Must have ear and valid drivers license. No experience req. $7.00/HR. + tips. Call Julie at 485-5555 Mon. & Tues. 8- 2 “Teller — Local bank needs Part-time tellers. $9.50/HR to start. | year experience nec. ‘Attention to detail a must. Please call 995- 13521 to request on application packet. @ utacst cuca and Resource Notock Indira M Baksh and Lea Clypoot Lane Community obese onwor worK Days @ JOB APPLICATION Tatami FistName Wie ane aliess Warr Teer Sate Tip Code “eign Nanber ‘Soca Senay Naor Position Applied For Date of Application ‘When ae you availabe for work? @ | Arvessvsiabete work _FulTine —_ Part Tine WORK EXPERIENCE Enmployer Dates Employed] Work Peformed ‘areas Fon [To Q] ati eure nd err Noto ane Conmuniy oles Indra M Bla end Leah Coo} on WORK DAY 5 vid FAMILY Name oo miaeo fran oy ing Today's Date ‘Sales Associate Application ‘American Family Video is large and successlul company with vdeo stores and video racking operations in Oregon and Washington. We are proud to be an important pat ofthe entertainment incustry. We know how tovun stores that give our valued customers the quality movie selection fast, eficient service, clean ‘surourdings, andhosptabie almosphere they expectanddeserve. We ae prousot aux eompanyand the people that work for us. WE REALLY VALUE SOME THINGS THAT YOU SHOULD BE AWARE OF: ‘+ Hospitality: We want only the Irendiest people to serve our customers. ‘Quality: We carelully select for purchase video movies in quantity and vanely fo meet the needs of ‘our customers. ‘= Senvice: We insist on fast and tnenaly service ‘+ Display We require that moviesbe reshelved promptly and that cisplay boxes, shelving andor store @ . eiminses een agence, «+ Experiness: We expect our sales associates to know about movies. move slars, movie ratngs, and be ‘generally knowecgeable about the movie dusty. [AND WE'VE GOT HIGH STANDARDS. ARE YOU WILLING TO: ‘= Pitch in withthe rest ol the crew to get Ihe job done’? “¢ Work shits when our friends are out socalizg? * Show up consisetly on ie so we can count on you? HOW WOULD YOU RATE YOURSELF ON OUR SUCCESS PROFILE? (i= weak, 2-inprovement needed, 3-040, 4 strength, §~ superstar) __Hosptaty- your natural eniness and custome service sis Energy lvel your enthusiasm, sl-motvaton. and sense of urgency ——Relatity: you depend, Personal pie: you appearance, hygiene, and achievement tendance, el-dscipline, and dedication —— Teammoric your cooperation with others and team spit © —— Hirt trowege: your general rawedge about moves ‘Stil interested in becoming an American Famly Video Sales Associate? Tum the page and complet the application Sd lea WORK Day 5 “LEASE 00 NOT TYPE THIS APPLICATION FOR EMPLOYMENT. TST RANE FST AME HOOT DAY PRORE ORES ony sme cag ING PHONE | “PAVERS UCENSE NOME TREO SSE BACKGROUND INFORMATION ‘Ace you under 187. Ht yes, it age and bina: — ‘Do yau have te legal ight to be employed inthe USA? _ ino, discuss with manager. Do you have a relable means o} geting to work? —__ Do you own or have a VCR avaliable fo you? _ st the math classes you took in high schoot. veveyaeie nokedacasregsa”? Hine ov vr ao camper cone an Spas @ vyevcorcryourotaranrie?___ Windyauceso yes chp ens pe? ‘Could you be smiing and happy through your ful sh? Have you ever been employed with his company before? yes, give date and store: Oo ‘Ace you cna layof and subject to recal?. yes, explain Have you been convicted of a felony within the lat 7 years? (Career lt aces aay alert tom nomen) tyes, explain AVAILABILITY Generaly cur storesare open trom 10pm.(11 pm. Friday & Saturday) every day othe week, What days fand hous are you avaiable fr work? eo ‘re you available to work all holidays such as New Year's sy 4 Thanksgiving ‘and Chistmas Eve Ideally, how many hours @ week do you want to work? 1 given a job, how long do you expect to work here? ‘Pea um pape acon om vs EDUCATION WORK DA’ eae REET wacorsomamons | RSED® [SRR | onowoconee L st any skis or raining you have which will apply 1 the work of Sales Associate, WORK EXPERIENCE ‘Start with present of most recent employer. May we contact these employers? C1 Yes ©) No — ‘GnTESeurLoveD | _SUPERUSOR ‘COMPANY, ADDRESS rosmon a PENSOR | cwowc Wace Orencun _ __ esson rieawng eason te eavg REFERENCES Lic thiee school, business or personal references that you give your permission for us to contact. a ROT Nae ve [Senor | womc [PERSONAL | _HOW LONG? “othe best of my knowledge lo the information on this aplication form. inciuding a resume and eterence letersi -ached,'s true and complete | understand that any misleading o incorrect statements, otha incomplete fling out ¢ “rs application, may vod this appication and, it employed, may be cause for immediate discharge. ‘Sepaare ACT Ta APPLICATION © wu: FOR EMPLOYMENT for all positions without regard to race, color, religion, disability, maifial oF veteran status, or any other legally prot (PLEASE PRINT) : Da nice ev bi You Lars a © Adverssement O Friend OD Inguiry © Employment Agency OReatve Other Taha Faker "Wide Ree “aes 7 oe Sar wom Righas NaabAD = Bast time to contact you at home is: ig @ 2: are under 18 year of ee, can you provide rogue ‘poof of your eligi to woes? B¥s No Hiave you ever filed aa dpplicstion with us before? @¥s BNo 18 Yes, give date Hive you ever been employed with us before? Byes No Yes give date Do any of your friends or relatives, other than spouse, work here? BYs No Tes, state namé, relationship and location ‘Ae you currently employed? Ye BNo May we contact your present employer? Bye BNo ‘Are you prevented fom lawflly becoming xmpoyed ia this county because of Visa or Immigration Status? ‘Proofer or mien aa bere po mpm BY GNo Date available for work __{_/__ What is your desired salary range? ‘Ave you avalableto work Full Time (Peweindiate 1 23 ahi . Par Time (exe di Morsings Aero Evealgy) temporary (nsciedeatedasraraiatle tt) {p70 exreaty on ayo sas and subject real? DY: ONe ‘an you travel fa job requires it? OYs ONo (WE ARE AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER _weserine any specialized training, apprenticeship, skills and extra-curricular acumes, Describe any job-related training received ln the United States military List professional, trade, business or cule activites, es held Ce eet oe ee Ee areata ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ‘Other Qualifications Semis peck iial iran ufnin cp o nvoro er erio : Peni —Sreaiben Machisey Gs) over cut) { reac Wes Pressing i Tents Short t vem wrt ‘State eng additonal information you fel may be helful tous in considering your pplication WORKDAY 5 Tote to Applicants DO NOT ANSWER THs QUESTION UNLESS YOU HAVE BEEN INFORMED ABOUT THE REQUIREMENTS (OF TH: JOR FOR WINCH YOU ARE APPLYING. Aceqouaibe poring na rene mam, we et anne enn, se fava SISTA Se SS piece Krew of the acs ive nica obo PERSONAL/PROFESSIONAL REFERENCES De nt tnd forty members or pvt sperisrs Name Phone Number [Best Time to Call | Occupation acer Cee rr Ciera agen Work Performed See — eee + [eer tee Maywecane? ‘Ove OMe (Cremments: Include explanation of any gaps in employment. WORK DAYS ~~ ion for employment considered active for a period of time mot to exceed 45 days. to be considered / sb meta teareettamaa reae eeormeidl ee ee oe ey eee, obese aera aoe aoe é ss pen ______ ‘Bis Aptos Tes orm hc Gated Sut, Arseig Pinna ha cs 0 epi eof i RA SRT en yw dr od oe Sev 11pt no ERR In a EBAMSTERD/ = ee ® WORK DAYS Optional Activities ‘Whole group— Opening Activity WRITING: Pur questions on the hosel “What isthe best job?" “Why?™What isthe worst job?" “‘Why?™What job do you want?” “Why?” Students write answers to the best of their ‘bility. Volunteers can share with the class. ‘Beginning group ALPHASETIZING: Give students slips of paper with the names of the jobs written on them. Students work in groups to put them into alphabetical order. This could be made more challenging for higher level students by giving them the pictures ofthe jobs and asking them to put the pictures in order by job name, EXPRESSWAYS J p. 40."“What Job Do You Have Open?” and p.4l “Can I Come In For an Interview? ‘Advanced group RESUMES: Talk about resumes, What is a resume? What do you use a resume for? What goes fon areseme? What doesn’t go on a resume, Suudents read a model resume and answer ‘questions. Then they fll in a resume blank with their information. A Writing Baok p. 123-124, (See Hasdout) Do exercises in The New Grammar in Action Book 3. p.111 Exercise A, My Job. and p. 112 Exercise B, Valued Employees. ‘Whole sroup = Closing Activity JOB JEOPARDY: Create a jeopardy style game from the information presented in the work unit, Divide te class into mixed level teams and ask volunteers from each team to take turns choosing ‘a categary and an amount. Each team get one try to answer the question, A time limit is also a ‘zood idea. If they cannot answer the other team get aturn. If you can’t answer you lose that amount f points. RESUME, p. 2 Rite @ Write o Follow the model résumé. + Write your résumé. Wate with a Partner Partner's Name Ww your résumé to a partner. + Explain your résumé. + With write five ens ai about Your ducatoh andes operon. koa tee 14 e@ RESUME WORKDAY s Read with the Class Study this résumé together. + Discuss the vocabulary. * What does a résumé include? SKILLS EDUCATION 1996 1993 1993-1995 1990-1993 REFERENCES 2 Oiganiang and supervising inventory contol + Bilingual in Spanish and English “Associate of Arts NORTH CENTRAL COMMUNITY COLLEGE, Brooklyn, New York High Schoo! General Bquvalency Diploma Echt CBER Brose Rew ek WORK EXPERIENCE. Supeeyise lat workers in supply department ik tna ven yes Sepactmels UNION StIOE EACTORY; Albany, New York ‘Team Leader, Stitching Departlent (1994-1995) Supenited thre sichers on the aserbly line Sutchey Assembly Line (993) UNITED TRUCKING COMPANY, Princeton, New Jeney Matin and drove Mack truck ayes Malninel and deove + Datvered cargo choughout esters Ute Ses Ayallable upon request Oe or ae Raoul Martinez 2914 Jerome Avenue Bronx, New York 10468 (718) 365.8758 ting and maintaining stitching equipment, arge trucks 123

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