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Citizen Newsletter #245 Sat, February 5, 2011 12:31:58 PM

From: Henry Citizen <hccitizen@hccitizen.n... View Contact


The Citizen Newsletter

Issue # 245 February 5, 2011

The Conservative Voice of Henry County

Contact The Citizen at Your comments and submissions are always welcome!

Nice, informative, but I caught something right at the beginning. "If

In This Issue we are not ashamed to think it, we should not be ashamed to say it."
~~ Marcus Tullius Cicero.

• News & Announcements I disagree with this type of philosophy. Our thought lives produce a lot
• Morning Jolt of fodder, and much of it needs not repeating. Especially, when the
• Holmes: Community Meeting Scriptures say to renew the mind. Our minds (thought-lives) need
• Loper to Chair Dev Authority polish before we set the mouth in motion. Think it though before you
• LG Event Center Opens speak. His (Cicero) statement is without culture and refinement.
• McDonough Matters
• Henry Delegation Public Hearing Brother Woody
• South Atlanta TEA Party
• Your Voice: Posse Populis
• Henry TEA Party Meeting
Henry to discuss possible furloughs for FY 12
• Many in the Dark
Unpaid furlough days will be a consideration in planning of the county’s
Fiscal Year 2012 Budget, according to a top Henry County official.

Ed Note: The Citizen was advised that, in addition to furlough days,

some county employees may also face pay reductions. While that step
is not desired, it leaves people in their jobs. The measure seems to
have support among employees polled.
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at View online at Bill Introduced to Limit HOPE Scholarships
The HOPE Scholarship is a merit based award, yet House Bill 159
introduced by David Lucas, D-139th wants to change the law to have an income cap for families of $66,000 AGI and higher.
A student is ineligible for any scholarship or grant described in this part
if the total of the preceding calendar year’s federal adjusted gross
income of the student, the student’s parents, and the student’s spouse,
if any, exceeds the applicable income limit. For scholarships and grants
Your Support is Appreciated awarded in calendar year 2012, the income limit shall be $66,000.00.
The Conservative Voice of Henry County has limit-hope-scholarships/
opened a venue for news, comment and opinion that
exists nowhere else. It is because of you; a steady ~~~
list of people who read and submit articles sharing
ideas and principles. GA Sen. Jim Butterworth on the GA Lottery Corporation: "I
believe it’s time to reign in an organization that has, intentionally or
unintentionally, taken advantage of its independence." GA HOPE
scholarship is funded entirely by the proceeds from the Georgia Lottery
Corporation. According to GA Student Finance Commission, HOPE will
Or visit exceed lottery funds by $243 million in 2011 and by $317 million in

Seen on FaceBook

The Republicans in Congress are trying to pass a bill that would

hamstring the EPA's ability to implement any regulations limiting
greenhouse gas emissions. It will certainly pass the house .. and may
well pass the Senate. Doesn't matter. Mr. "Radically transform The
United States of America," the man who considers the private sector
the enemy, says he will veto any bill on the matter that comes his way.
Ah, the Republicans in the House need to realize that they control the
purse strings. It's simple: don't provide funding for unconstitutional

Little-known fact: Obama's failed stimulus program cost more

than the Iraq war. According to the Congressional Budget Office,The
Iraq war cost $709 billion.

As of now, fiscal 2010 is the second-ranking year in U.S. history for

accumulating new federal debt. In that fiscal year, the federal debt
increased by $1.65 trillion.

€Hey Henry County- is all that security at the courthouse worth the
cost? Come on...I went by there to get some documents recorded and
had to go through a strip search to get I'm a senior
citizen....had to take off my shirt jacket--they are lucky I had on an
undershirt--I do wear an underwire bra -38E-have to keep the girls
looking respectable at my age if you know what I mean. Whom,
exactly is being protected, here.? It would seem to me that if some
nut wanted to shoot somebody IN the courthouse, rather than go in
there, they would just wait€for them€OUTSIDE. all that
money that is being spent on machinery and manpower to strip search
old ladies going in and out of the courthouse REALLY necessary? I'm
thinking those old guys really LIKE their jobs. Come summer, I think
I just might STRIP DOWN to as near nothing as an old lady can get
by with wearing without being arrested, then go record my

Thanks for the forum.

K Kersey

Our sympathy goes out to Shirley and Mike Eddy and family.
Shirley's father passed away this week. His name is Brooks Hanson
Please keep the family in your prayers.

Thank you for your support and participation

Hat tip to Mike Lustri

Your morning jolt: Georgia voters hate grocery tax, want HOPE changed before eliminating pre-K

7:00 am February 4, 2011, by jgalloway @ AJC

A new polling firm is in town. And it’s Democratic. (Cue the discordant yet haunting soundtrack.)

2020 Insight is the work of Jeff DiSantis, former campaign manager for Democratic gubernatorial candidate Thurbert Baker,
and Chris Huttman, numbers geek and unsuccessful candidate for the Legislature.

The firm plans to poll in friendly territory across the country, but has offered a poll on Georgia concerns as a kind of loss-

Evaluate the entire package here — including cross tabs. Topics include the special tax reform council’s proposal, and
choices facing the HOPE scholarship program:

Voters oppose putting the state sales tax back on groceries and using the revenue to lower income taxes, with 35%
supporting the proposal and 50% opposing it.

Voters overwhelmingly oppose imposing the sales tax on services and using the money to lower taxes that manufacturers
pay on energy, with 14% supporting it and 70% opposing it.

This may well indicate that Gov. Deal and legislative leaders face a difficult task in convincing voters to pay more sales taxes
while lowering taxes on corporations.

On another topic:

Gov. Deal’s handing of the lottery revenue shortfall is also a potential danger zone.

While the language in the poll differs from his recent proposal to cut pre-kindergarten funding (the poll question asked about
eliminating, rather than reducing, pre-kindergarten funding), voters overwhelmingly supporting modifying the HOPE
Scholarship to eliminating pre-kindergarten to address the shortfall (57% for modifying HOPE, 35% for eliminating pre-
kindergarten funding).

A plurality support means testing HOPE for families making more than $200,000 per year to cutting HOPE across the board
by a 39% to 16% margin.

Commissioner Bruce Holmes will host a Community Meeting on Saturday, February 26, 2011 at 9
a.m. at the Fairview Recreation Center. During the meeting, there will be an update from the Police Department on crime
in the area, and Commissioner Holmes will update citizens on projects and programs, as well as answer questions from the
audience. The Fairview Recreation Center is located at 35 Austin Road in Stockbridge.

Loper Elected Development Authority Chair

Vickie Loper, the District 3 appointee to the Development Authority Board since 2006, was selected to the top position by
her fellow Board members at the Authority’s January Board meeting.
“It is truly an honor and privilege to be elected Chairman of the Henry County Development Authority, but it is especially an
honor to be the first woman chairman,” Ms. Loper said. “I look forward to working with our board and staff to bring new
businesses and jobs to our community,” she added.
Also at the January meeting, two new members were welcomed to the Development Authority Board. Rev. William L.
Herndon of Stockbridge joins the Development Authority as the District 4 appointee, while Charles G. Smith of Ellenwood
joins as the District 5 appointee to the Authority Board. Both new members were sworn-in by Henry County Probate Court
Judge, Kelley Powell, at the January meeting, and will serve four-year terms on the Authority.
The Henry County Development Authority meets the first Thursday of each month at the Authority offices at 140 Henry
Parkway in McDonough.

Locust Grove Event Center Grand Opening Set for February 13

The Henry County Board of Commissioners, along with the Henry County SPLOST Department and the Henry County Council
on Aging, will celebrate the grand opening of the Locust Grove Event Center on February 13 with an open house from 2:00
to 4:00 p.m. and the official ceremony at 3:00 p.m. The public is invited to attend the grand opening.
The former Locust Grove Conference Center was purchased by Henry County last year and the facility has been redesigned
to be used as both a senior center and a community gathering place.

The two-story, 15,232 square foot facility features an elegant banquet hall on the upper floor, where meals will be served to
seniors. Downstairs features a billiard room and multiple class and activity rooms that may be utilized for a variety of

The beautiful, first-class facility sits on a scenic 9 ½ acres of land, and will be available for rental to the community outside
of regular business hours.

The Locust Grove Event Center is located at 280 Mose Brown Drive, across from the back entrance to Warren Holder Park.

McDonough Matters

January, 2011
Newsletters are now available at:

Henry County Legislative Delegation to Host Public Hearing

The Henry County Legislative Delegation will hold their annual public hearing on Thursday, February 10, 2011, at 7:00 p.m.
at the Henry County Government Building, 140 Henry Parkway, McDonough, Georgia.

The 2011 Session of the Georgia General Assembly began on Monday, January 10. The public hearing will give Henry
County residents the opportunity to be heard on issues being considered this legislative session.

South Atlanta Tea Party

Delegates to our state political parties determine what the platform, policy, candidates and spending that is put in place.
We, , can participate in this movement by volunteering to participate as a delegate at the upcoming mass meeting of the
County GOP organizations throughout the state of Georgia One does not need to be a member of the local GOP only a
registered voter.

On Saturday, Feb. 12, 2011, at 10 a.m., all counties within the state of Georgia will convene precinct mass meetings to elect
delegates and alternates to the Republican Party District Convention. All residents who are legally registered to vote and
believe in the principles of the Republican Party are urged to participate in this process.

Registration is without charge and will open at 9 a.m. on Feb. 12, 2011 and the precinct meetings will begin promptly at 10
a.m. Once the meeting has been called to order, one may enter and observe but cannot participate in the caucus meeting
of the individual precincts.


New Day Nazarene Church Fellowship Hall
8561 GA Hwy 85 S
Riverdale, GA 30296


The Newnan Carnegie
1 LaGrange Street
Newnan, Ga. 30263


Harvest Community Christian Center
383 North Glynn Street
Fayetteville, Georgia 30214


Eagle's Landing Church of God
1640 Hwy 42 N
McDonough, GA 30253

Biscuits & Brunch New group is called "Posse Populis"

• The Latin expression Vox Populi means voice of the people. Spurred by countless
149 Burke Street official actions and a power-hungry agenda, and most recently Mall on Jodeco in
Stockbridge, GA 30281 Trouble from The Citizen #244, voices are rising toward a political action coalition.
(770) 507-6800
> We have an interest in meeting in a think tank setting to explore the possibility of
selecting a person that we can support/rally around to run for the Chairman of the
Henry County Board of Commissioners. This person will be a Democrat, a Republican, or
an Independent. We are more concerned about the character and integrity that party
Cemetery Research
Group > I have heard over the past year or two from so many people who "BJ has so much
power, is tightly connected and ""entrenched" that most say they fear even crossing her and refuse to speak out against her, at least publicly that is.

> It perplexes me though to still hear from people today when they tell me "she has
Signature Broadcasting tons of power" and 'do not cross her OR even challenge her or you will regret it". While
others who I know fully understand the situation will give her praise, kudos or pander or
coddle her.

Network – SBN TV > She has become worst than the Beast she went after. The one thing she had on her
We’re all about you! side in 2008, the little people, will not be with her in 2012.
> Within the last 72 hours I have noticed something indefinable---the "Old Henry
County Nation" has reunited. And not only has it reunited; it has cloned some other very
unique groups that are driven by a single purpose-----"to throw the Queen Bee out of
her current nest."

> Based on the many articles and e-mails I have received surrounding the upscale mall
on Jodeco Road I have formed an opinion:

94-A Woolsey Road It appears that Chairman Mathis is better at shaming than Mr. Shailendra.
Several articles mentioned that Mr. Shailendra may have shamed some investors
Hampton, Georgia 30228 out of $25,000,000. It appears that Chairman Mathis may have shamed the
770-946-0043 members of the BOC and citizens out of $72,000,000. ($2 million for a parallel
road and $70,000,000 for a bridge.)

McDonough Arts 2011 events Follow the Money.

For more info contact: Debbie > Parcel number 053-01018000 is the Shailendra Group. I understand that this is the
Withers 678/522-4020 or 163 ac. where Mr. Shailendra and Chairman Mathis would build their $300 million upscale mall. I have to tell you that this list will be a big hot issue in the local
2012 elections.
> I have talked to three different groups. One contingency has the history to make sure
we do not repeat mistakes of the past. The other two groups seem to have the money
and the critical mass to support a viable candidate; and I meet with another group
Saturday. But make no mistake about it! There is a negative buzz in the air; and it all
centers on one county person.

Hey Henry, There are many avid runners and cyclists in and around the county. Please
be respectful and courteous and slow down and/or move over a bit for those people.
~Henry County Times

Ed. Note: My Mama taught me not to play in the traffic!

Thanks to Joanie Scott

Henry County Tea Party Meeting Recap

January 27, 2011
By Darlene Townsend
Joyce Hinton welcomed everyone to the meeting and gave a brief account of what we were going to discuss. After a
prayer was offered, we all stood and said the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

We watched the video Repeal of ObamaCare:

There was a big round of applause after this video.

Joyce Hinton explained that the Tea Party Patriots are holding a conference in Phoenix, AZ on February 25-27 to talk
about policy for the next 40 years. Joyce told us that she would be attending the policy summit and invited all of us to
attend. We then watched a video promo about the meeting:

The video was a collage of Tea Party previous events. After watching the video Joyce explained the 6 values that were
shown in the Policy Summit video and that they are the focus items for 40 year plan of TPP.

* Education
* Legislation
* Judicial
* Elections
* Cultural
* Economics

The following link will give you more information regarding this event and how to register if you would like
to attend.

Some major points that will be discussed at the summit our as follows:

* Looking to produce videos using stick figures that explain complicated issues. This would be by
someone that works for Glenn Beck. 1st one will be presented at Policy Summit for our review

* Looking at different venues for Training purposes

Here are a couple of links that were discussed as part of our focus on getting involved in all aspects of government.

* Site where you can find a rating on your local, county, state governments

* Another good site to go that presents a Five Point Plan for Restoring America’s Future debt is

Vickie Temple spoke about the importance of getting involved in your local government. There was a good discussion
between her and the attendees regarding how imperative it is to be involved at our local level and how that makes a big
difference. Vickie explained what would happen at the Mass Precinct Meeting and The County Convention and
encouraged everyone to try to attend these meetings. She also provided the list of other meetings and conventions.
Here is the list:

• Mass Precinct Meeting

* To be held on Saturday, February 12, 2011 @10.00A.M. Place TBA

* Need to be there early because the doors are closed promptly at 10

* This is where you need to get involved to make a difference in your county, and district as far as
your elected officials.

* Delegates and Alternates are elected by precinct at this meeting and this determines who goes to
the County Convention

* Qualification is that you must be a registered voter in your precinct.

• County Convention

* Held on Saturday, March 12, 2011

* Location TBA
* Determines who is elected delegates and alternates to the Congressional District and State
Conventions. Our Congressional Districts are the 3rd and 13th districts
* Adopts the rules for the County Party for next two years, electing a Chairman, Vice Chairman,
Secretary, Treasurer and other officers as determined by the County Committee

• Congressional District Conventions

* Will meet on April16, 2011 at 10A.M.
* Purpose of electing a Chairman, A Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and any other officer
determined by the Convention
* Adopts rules to govern the District Party for 2 years

• State Convention

* Will be in Bibb County on May 13, and 14th (Friday and Saturday) begins at 2:00 P.M. on Friday.
* Only Delegates and Alternates elected by County Convention to the State Convention and who
have met the requirements may sit and participate in the State Convention.

The next Henry County Tea Party meeting will be held Thursday, March 24, 2011 at the Henry County Government
Annex Room located at 116 S. Zack Hinton Pkwy., McDonough, GA 30252.

Join us on Facebook at:

Many Could Be In The Dark

This afternoon I walked down to the mailbox to get the days mail. All I had in the box was my Georgia Power light bill,
oh crap I said walking up the driveway. Well got in and sat down grabbed my Old Timer knife and opened the envelope.
Well I just about had to clean the floor.

Now I know this bill is for the time we had all the ice and snow on the ground but what I saw on that bill angered me to
no extent. $309.00 for one month of service. The bad thing about it is the cost of the power I used is $260.32 the rest
is all the junk fees they charge because they can. They have listed Environmental Compliance Cost, Nuclear
Construction Cost Recovery, Municipal Franchise Fee and Sales Tax. Like I said junk fees this is a big company that is
blackmailing the public and getting away with it. Oh but that not all of it, I am on what they call budget billing because I
am on disability fixed income. It helps me budget my money better but now they have went up on that also. From
$190.00 to $210.00 a month, I know it’s not that much some of you would say but live on a fixed income like I do and
then see what you say.

I have had it with Georgia Power I am going to unplug anything not in use and right now I am sitting with only a desk
lamp and the glow of the computer screen to light my office/living room and that’s the way I intend to get back at
Georgia Power, hit them where it hurts their wallets. Is this a little bit of a rant you bet ya it is.

But what about people that make less than I do. What are they going to do, you must have power to cook or have lights
or what ever. How are they going to have power to live? I know some of the places that help people can’t help anymore
because of the bad economy they are stretched to their limits right now. This is part of what I have said in some of my
other writings that it will get worse before it gets better if it gets better that is. Remember anyone is just a fall away of
being disabled or just a layoff away from being with out money for anything in other words you could be in the same
boat I am in or people that make less than I do. Just realize that at the end of the day we all just need the basics of life
all the other crap is just that crap.

I am going out tomorrow and try to fine some cheap cast iron candle holders, back to the good old day of lighting, Take
that Georgia Power!!

A. Britt

The Citizen Newsletter is provided by

Henry Citizens for Responsible Government

Larry Stanley, Editor
899 East Lake Road, McDonough, GA 30252
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