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The task of the second week

1- Tool No. 1 of a quantitative nature: (Subjective Exam)

1-1- Activity Title: Evaluating students ’gains in the concepts related to the analysis of pedagogical
1-2- Subject and student metadata: Judging the attainment of theoretical knowledge possessed by
the undergraduate student in the subject of analysis of practice and the extent of his ability to
employ that knowledge in the context of hypothetical situations of significance in the teaching
profession. It is clear from the wording of the judgment that this test is attestation / achievement.
The possible performance of students is divided according to the following:


Answering the Answering the Answering the Answering the

opportunities available available questions available in
available in the test opportunities in the opportunities in the the test with a number
with a number equal test with a number test with a number below 10/20
to or greater than ranging between 14-16 ranging between 10-13
20/18 / 20 / 20


These performances are divided into 4 basic criteria embodied in 16 descriptive indicators and 21
performance opportunities (the following table in this article).
1-3- Justification for what?
Because controlling this theoretical knowledge represents a background for analyzing achievement
and its details in the appropriate theoretical context.
- Because dealing with assumed professional situations is an incentive to think about creating
educational solutions and an entry for dealing with real situations.
- Because the use and construction of observation and follow-up tools provide the juice of linking
theory and practice.
1- 4- Justification for why?
Providing an objective test in contemplative analysis represents a good tool to find out minute
details in the subject of the study, such as distinguishing the context of the automated application
and the craft, and defining the meanings of pre-meditation, meditation in the meantime and post-
meditation, and it also provides an understanding of an important number of basic elements
related to the competence of a professional teacher.
1-5- The tool I have chosen:
I chose the substantive test that aims to define the concepts of practice analysis and its tools, with
some of them being included in the context of my postures. This tool gives a quantitative
dimension to the student’s achievement even in the context of the positions due to its association
with clear performance standards and indicators (detailed later)
1-6- Instructions:
The test instructions vary to include several types of questions, such as: choosing from multiple,
supplementing with specific concepts, linking data, using suitable tools for analyzing a situation.
1-7- The elements that you will evaluate:
*Defining the required concepts from among neighbouring concepts.
*Linking the concept to the appropriate context.
*Defining the method and indicating its use.
*Situation analysis using the appropriate concepts and tools.
All this can be summarized in the following table:

Testimonial assessment in a complementary analysis of pedagogical practice

Level: Undergraduate students Duration: 2 hours

Items Description Valuable Opportunitie

*Defining the required *Distinguish between industry and craft. 3 chances 1.5 pts
concepts from among *Distinguish between general analysis and 3 chances 1.5 pts
neighbouring concepts reflexive analysis.
3 chances 1.5 pts
*Distinguishing between tribal meditation,
occasional meditation, and post meditation.
*Linking the concept to *Using networks as tools for content analysis 3 chances 1.5pts
the appropriate context. and evaluation.
*Using networks as tools to assess teaching
and learning behaviours. 3 chances 1.5pts
*Using conversation technology as a tool to 3 chances 1.5pts
reveal the adopted background in teaching
and learning.
* Determine the method *Linking self-analysis and its tools. 1 chance 1pts
and indicate its use.
*Linking binary reflective analysis and its 1 chance 1pts

*Link between team analysis and its tools.

1 chance 1pts

*Analyze the situation *Break up the position into three parts (pre- 3 chances 1.5pts
using appropriate teaching - when teaching, after teaching)
concepts and tools.
*Detects 2 strengths in the teacher's work as
2 chances 2pts
stated in the situation

*Detects 2 weaknesses in the teacher's work

as mentioned in the situation 1 chance 2pts
*Builds a viable pedagogical alternative 0.5pts

04 items 16 Descriptive Performance 21 chances 20pts

Notes :

2 - Tool No. 2 of a quantitative nature: (Essay Exam)

2-1- Title of the activity: assessing students ’achievements in using the concepts related to the
analysis of pedagogical practice.
Subject and student metadata:
2-2- Purpose: An attainment evaluation aimed at judging the student’s performance in using the
concepts of comprehensive analysis of professional practices within a significant inclusion
situation. Performance specifications are distributed as follows:

A+++ B++ C-++ D--+

*He lists all the sections related He lists all the sections related to He lists all the sections related *He lists the sections related to
to the article in a balanced way the article in a balanced to the article in a balanced the post, missing
4(Introduction - thesis - way3(Introduction - thesis + way3(Introduction - thesis -–
*He analyzes the postural
discussion and writing – discussion– conclusion) conclusion)
situation in a partially correct
*He analyzes the postural manner and constructs indicators
*He analyzes the postural situation and constructs 3 unrelated to the analysis of
*He analyzes the postural situation indicators related to planning planning
situation and constructs 6
and constructs 4-5 indicators analysis
indicators related to planning
related to planning analysis *He analyzes the situation
*He analyzes the position and partially / completely wrongly
*He analyzes the position and constructs 3indicators related and constructs indicators
*He analyzes the position and
constructs 4-5 indicators related to to the analysis of teaching unrelated to the analysis of
constructs 6 indicators related to
the analysis of teaching and and learning teaching and learning
the analysis of teaching and
*He analyzes the situation *He analyzes the situation in the
He analyzes the situation and builds and builds 2 planning wrong way and builds
*He analyzes the situation and
3 planning alternatives for alternatives for dogmatism alternatives in an unworkable
builds 4 planning alternatives for
dogmatism tyranny


2- 3- Justification for what?

- Because the partial use of these concepts may predict evocation and memorization, and this is
inconsistent with what the analysis of practice means in terms of higher thinking and the ability to
quickly and properly improvise solutions.
- Because one of the principles of the pedagogical approach that is being worked on explicitly
states that the whole is not equal to the sum of the parts and that what is learned in significant
positions will remain in effect with the passage of time (the approach with competencies, the
Tunisian model2001)

Standards Pointers values

Convenience *He Build an introduction linking a comprehensive analysis of pedagogical 4pts

in editing practices with contexts of demeaning
partial and *He presents a thesis with 6 basic ideas related to Reflexive Practice Analysis
*He provides a discussion of the Ideas and indicates their limitations
*He reconciles the ideas presented with the discussions they formulated into a
coherent paragraph

*He builds a conclusion that breaks new ground and builds practical solutions

*The dictionary of education sciences is used and expressed in a correct


Analyzes of * He Analyzes planning in its various dimensions 6pts

the *He Analyzes teaching in its various dimensions.
*He analyzes learning in its various dimensions

Criticism of *He extracts 6 strengths in the educational situation. 6pts

situations * He extracts 6 weaknesses in the educational situation.

*He builds feasible alternatives.

Richness *Linking the educational intervention with the appropriate theoretical 4pts
and wit background.

*Inclusion of a mini project for a suitable pedagogical scenario.

4 Standards 14 indictors 20pts

2- 4- Justification for why?

- Presenting an essay test in reflective analysis represents a good tool to find out the student's
writing abilities and coherent systemic thinking about the teaching profession, starting from
planning engineering, passing through achievement, to evaluation and support.
- Because editing the article reveals the extent of control over the linguistic aspects and written
communication abilities, which are essential skills for the teaching profession.
2-5- The tool I have chosen:
I chose the essay test that targets a cross-sectional description of teaching behaviour from the start
of developing scenarios to the teaching and learning paths. This test is linked to accurate criteria
and indicators (detailed later) in order to emphasize the quantitative dimension of the tool.
2-6- Instructions:
The Instructions consist of 3 separate parts (03 mini-articles, but they are related) in familiar
language and concepts that were circulated during the training and teaching periods) and related
to the validity of reflection in planning, implementation and evaluation.
1-7- Elements to be evaluated:
- Understand the dimensions of the contemplative analysis in planning the pedagogical act.
-Familiarity with the tools of reflection analysis when initiating teaching and learning.
-Getting acquainted with the tools of post analysis and reflection

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