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5/11/2019 SR Detail

SR 3-20027709341 : EMEA: frm-40350 query caused no records to be retrieved

Severity 1-Critical Status Customer Working

Escalation Status Never Escalated Opened 06-May-2019 15:33 (Monday)
Last Updated 11-May-2019 11:46 (2+ hours ago)
AP-GDF-2019-05-07-132810.html, AP-GDF-2019-05-
07-132810.log, AP_Issue_FRM-
Bug Reference No Related Bugs Attachments collect_31472, FATHI-EBTax_Tax_Setup-, FATHI-,
Invoice_VAT.xlsx, Saudi_Regimes.docx,
Related Articles 1280147.1 Related SRs No Related SRs
Support Identifier 19763017
Account Name The National Shipping Company of Saudi Arabia
Primary Contact Haitham Tantawi Alternate Contact
System Host No Related Hosts
Product Oracle E-Business Tax
Product Version 12.2.5
Operating System Linux x86-64 OS Version Oracle Linux 7
I have Created new VAT Implementation on DEV Server and I have an Issue for enable TAX to work.
and we Apply patch for it and VAT working On DEV.
Problem Description We have applied the same Patch on Production. but after setup finished, I have tried to make the same on Production. but
when I create Invoice and going to tax details.
not retrieve any VAT Regime but give my this error message

ODM Action Plan Oracle Support- 10-May-2019 12:17 (Friday)
Hi Haitham,

1. Go to Tax Manager > Parties > Party Tax Profiles > Search for:
Party Type = Operating Unit owning Tax Content
Party Name = Your OU Party Name
View/Update Tax Profile and provide screenshots with your setup.

2. Please Run & return output of the LATEST EBTax Analyzer script ap_inv_tax_analyzer.sql.
Review Doc ID 1529429.1 - The purpose of this document is to describe how to use the diagnostic script ap_inv_tax_analyzer.sql to identify all
known problems relating to the EBTax Setup during Migration/Upgradation/Implementation. Again please be sure to download and run the latest
version of ap_inv_tax_analyzer.sql from this note for the most comprehensive health check on your EBTax Setup.

If the Analyzer is run from SQL*Plus:

The location of output file will be displayed in the SQL*Plus window after execution.
Name will be EB-Tax_AP_AR_Analyzer_<hostname>_<instancename>_<date>.html
Upload this log to SR for review.

3. Please follow Note R12.1.X: Tax Diagnostic Framework (Doc ID 1621617.1)

and run ALL the diagnostics in ANALYZE mode and provide the outputs.

ODM Data Collection Oracle Support- 10-May-2019 12:13 (Friday)
-- Output File --

File Name
File Comment
PARTY_ID = 182
ODM Data Collection Oracle Support- 09-May-2019 15:57 (Thursday)… 1/9
5/11/2019 SR Detail
ODM Data Collection

Executing SET_BLOCK_PROPERTY Built-in:

In Argument 0 - Type: Integer Value: 8
In Argument 1 - Type: Number Value: 181
In Argument 2 - Type: String Value: SUMMARY_TAX_LINE_NUMBER

Executing NAME_IN Built-in:

In Argument 0 - Type: String Value: global.appfldr_sort_mode
Out Argument 0 - Type: String Value: N

Executing COPY Built-in:

In Argument 0 - Type: String Value: FALSE
In Argument 1 - Type: String Value: global.folder_query_extracted
APXINWKB, 40, Prog Unit, Exit, -1328389352, /APXINWKB-7/P333_01_AUG_201810_53_37

APXINWKB, 39, Trigger, Exit, -1328177352, PRE-QUERY

PRE-QUERY Trigger Fired:


State Delta:
APXINWKB, 39, Trigger, Entry, -1324863352, PRE-QUERY

APXINWKB, 40, Prog Unit, Entry, -1324821352, /APXINWKB-7/P67_01_AUG_201810_53_37

APXINWKB, 40, Prog Unit, Exit, -1324811352, /APXINWKB-7/P67_01_AUG_201810_53_37

APXINWKB, 39, Trigger, Exit, -1324603352, PRE-QUERY



State Delta:
APXINWKB, 39, Trigger, Entry, -1319534352, WHEN-CLEAR-BLOCK

APXINWKB, 40, Prog Unit, Entry, -1319488352, /APXINWKB-7/P332_01_AUG_201810_53_37

APXINWKB, 40, Prog Unit, Exit, -1319478352, /APXINWKB-7/P332_01_AUG_201810_53_37

APXINWKB, 39, Trigger, Exit, -1319259352, WHEN-CLEAR-BLOCK

Error Message: FRM-40350: Query caused no records to be retrieved.

Attachment: <collect_31472>


Information Oracle Support- 09-May-2019 15:21 (Thursday)

Hello Haitham -

I am reviewing the frd trace, its not errors im looking for, but form events.

Update from Customer FATHI@BAHRI.SA- 09-May-2019 14:50 (Thursday)
Appreciate expedite the response
Update from Customer FATHI@BAHRI.SA- 09-May-2019 12:46 (Thursday)
Any Update for the same
Update from Customer FATHI@BAHRI.SA- 09-May-2019 10:17 (Thursday)
I have attach the needed file, again I want to repeat that there is no error, only I couldn't see the VAT Regime information when I make the invoice.
Update from Customer FATHI@BAHRI.SA- 09-May-2019 10:14 (Thursday)… 2/9
5/11/2019 SR Detail
Upload to TDS successful for the file collect_31472.
ODM Action Plan Oracle Support- 08-May-2019 19:23 (Wednesday)
Hello Haitham -

lets get a Forms Trace.

The most simple way is to apply patch 19503289:R12.FND.C, which allows you to do the frd trace the easy way with no restrictions.
(the patch is only 3 files)

Then do the following:

1. Provide the FRD trace while reproducing the issue.

Note 438652.1 R12: Forms Runtime Diagnostics (FRD), Tracing And Logging
For Forms In Oracle Applications

The instructions provide multiple ways to get the FRD trace.

I have simplified the instructions here with one way.

a. system administrator > profile options > query up 'Forms Runtime Parameters'
set the value = 'record=collect' at user level (without quotes)

b. Save this change and logout of applications

c. Have you DBA bounce Apache (he will know what that means)
Bounce Web Servers and Retest
See Note 742107.1 How To Clear Caches (Apache/iAS, Cabo, Modplsql, Browser, Jinitiator, Java, Portal, WebADI)

d. log into the Applications and reproduce the issue.

e. Have your DBA get the frd trace file (example: collectxxxxx)
The FRD log file will be written in the directory pointed by environment variable $FORMS_TRACE_DIR.
By default, the trace file with name collect_<pid> gets written in $FORMS_TRACE_DIR , where <pid> is the process identifier.

Information Oracle Support- 08-May-2019 17:45 (Wednesday)
Hello Haitham -

Your issue was transferred to me. My name is James Scott and I will be helping you with your issue.

I am currently reviewing your SR and will update it as soon as possible.

Thank you for your patience,

James Scott
Oracle Support
Update from Customer FATHI@BAHRI.SA- 08-May-2019 17:35 (Wednesday)
I have attached the result of the SQL Statement.

Walid… 3/9
5/11/2019 SR Detail
Update from Customer FATHI@BAHRI.SA- 08-May-2019 17:35 (Wednesday)
Upload to TDS successful for the file ZX_PARTY_TAX_PROFILE.xlsx.
ODM Action Plan Oracle Support- 08-May-2019 15:54 (Wednesday)

Please run the following and upload the results ( provide the org_id for the respective operating unit when running the select statement )

select * from ZX_PARTY_TAX_PROFILE

WHERE PARTY_ID = &org_id

Call - Inbound Oracle Support- 08-May-2019 15:30 (Wednesday)
Call - Inbound
Customer contact name: Walid,

Verify preferred method of contact: PHONE OR My Oracle Support customer portal

Phone#: +96650 62 72 058


Comments for this update:Requesting an update / call back.

I will notify the engineer

Thank you.
Haitham Selim
Oracle Global Customer Support
Call - Inbound Oracle Support- 08-May-2019 15:24 (Wednesday)
Call - Inbound Oracle Support- 08-May-2019 15:20 (Wednesday)
Update from Customer FATHI@BAHRI.SA- 08-May-2019 13:39 (Wednesday)
I have attached the result of tic script from: 564080.1 - R12.0.6+/ 12.1.x : E-Business Tax EBTax Setup Test

Update from Customer FATHI@BAHRI.SA- 08-May-2019 13:39 (Wednesday)
Upload to TDS successful for the file
ODM Action Plan Oracle Support- 08-May-2019 13:16 (Wednesday)

Thank you for the files, it's good that the error no longer occurs .
Please perform the following :

1) please run the diagnostic script from: 564080.1 - R12.0.6+/ 12.1.x : E-Business Tax EBTax Setup Test

NOTE: For the parameter Content Owner Id please enter either the Operating Unit or the Legal entity depending on the case but please do not
enter -99

And only enter the following parameters :

Responsibility ID
Tax Regime Code
Content Owner Id

Update from Customer FATHI@BAHRI.SA- 08-May-2019 12:05 (Wednesday)
Any update for the same.
Update from Customer FATHI@BAHRI.SA- 08-May-2019 10:51 (Wednesday)
I have send screenshot for Saudi Regimes setup
Update from Customer FATHI@BAHRI.SA- 08-May-2019 10:51 (Wednesday)
Upload to TDS successful for the file Saudi_Regimes.docx.
Update from Customer FATHI@BAHRI.SA- 08-May-2019 10:33 (Wednesday)… 4/9
5/11/2019 SR Detail
I have attached the steps for one invoice. The same case is for all invoices.
Update from Customer FATHI@BAHRI.SA- 08-May-2019 10:32 (Wednesday)
Upload to TDS successful for the file Screenshots_for_VAT_case.docx.
Notes Oracle Support- 08-May-2019 09:47 (Wednesday)

We understand, please provide step by step screenshots of this .

Update from Customer FATHI@BAHRI.SA- 08-May-2019 09:38 (Wednesday)
I have do what you have requested but the same issue is still. Actually there is no error shown, the only thing is that the Tax Regime Code list
comes empty so I couldn't select any Tax Regime
ODM Action Plan Oracle Support- 07-May-2019 15:41 (Tuesday)

Test instance only :

1) What screenshots are you referring to ?

2) I could not find the issue in the FND log, most likely we might need an FRD log to get the data .

3) Please, reproduce the issue, on the test instance, but before that Disable all personalizations, by unchecking them, them enable CORE CODE

a) Help>diagnostics>Custom Code>Personalize, and uncheck all personalizations

b) Help>diagnostics>Custom Code>CORE CODE ONLY .

4) Reproduce the issue and inform us of the results .

Kind Regards,
Update from Customer FATHI@BAHRI.SA- 07-May-2019 15:22 (Tuesday)
I have attached the log output.
The screenshot doesn't work
Update from Customer FATHI@BAHRI.SA- 07-May-2019 15:21 (Tuesday)
Upload to TDS successful for the file Invoice_VAT.xlsx.
ODM Issue Verification Oracle Support- 07-May-2019 14:55 (Tuesday)
Verified the issue in the screen shots as noted below:

Filename =
See the following error:

Detail Tax Lines Form:

FRM-40350: Query caused no records to be retrieved .

ODM Action Plan Oracle Support- 07-May-2019 14:53 (Tuesday)
Hi Haitham,

Thank you for the information. EbTax uses a common engine for both AP and AR, however, since we are AP engineers, we will focus on the error
from the invoice workbench, if it is determined that we need a spinoff SR created for the AR issue, we will create one .

For now, please provide the following from the test instance where the issue is reproducible :

To capture FND Debugging for an Online action complete the steps below:

1) Set the Profiles at the User level

FND: Debug Log Enabled : Yes

FND: Debug Log Level : Statement
FND: Log Module : %

2) Get the current log sequence in the FND table.

select max(log_sequence) from fnd_log_messages ; -- start… 5/9
5/11/2019 SR Detail
3) Reproduce the issue ( get the same error again ) in the invoice workbench

4) Get the log sequence in the FND table after process completes.
select max(log_sequence) from fnd_log_messages ; -- end

5) Get the FND log data for process

select * from fnd_log_messages where log_sequence between <start> and <end>;

6) Spool this into an xls file.

7) Lastly, remember to disable FND: Debug Log after you are done; otherwise, you could encounter tablespace issues.

Update from Customer FATHI@BAHRI.SA- 07-May-2019 14:33 (Tuesday)
Appreciate your updating for the request, currently no one can issue any AP invoice because of the VAT issue.
Update from Customer FATHI@BAHRI.SA- 07-May-2019 13:28 (Tuesday)
The needed data has been uploaded, taken in consideration that VAT is not shown for all the invoices, The same issue is with AR transactions.

Update from Customer FATHI@BAHRI.SA- 07-May-2019 13:25 (Tuesday)
Upload to TDS successful for the file AP-GDF-2019-05-07-132810.log.
Update from Customer FATHI@BAHRI.SA- 07-May-2019 13:25 (Tuesday)
Upload to TDS successful for the file AP-GDF-2019-05-07-132810.html.
Notes Oracle Support- 07-May-2019 13:24 (Tuesday)

Thank you for the APlist, waiting for the MGDF diagnostic .

Update from Customer FATHI@BAHRI.SA- 07-May-2019 13:14 (Tuesday)
Upload to TDS successful for the file
ODM Action Plan Oracle Support- 07-May-2019 12:44 (Tuesday)

For this AP invoice, please upload the following :

1) The invoice data collection from note 732163.1

2) For the invoice with the issue , please upload the output file AP_GDF_xxxx_xx_xx_093344.html of below R12: Master GDF Diagnostic to Validate
Data Related to Invoices, Payments, Accounting and Suppliers [VIDEO] (Doc ID 1360390.1)

Note: Please use the latest version of the Diagnostic : 200.404

Recommendations for obtaining an AP master gdf (1360390.1)

- use the steps described in the note
- OR the following:
--- download the zip file from the link in the note
--- unzip the archive in a folder
--- copy the contents of the file ap_gdf_detect_pkg.sql, paste it in the SQL Developer and click F5-run script
--- after it finishes, delete the contents from the SQL Developer and run block:

set serveroutput on
p_invoice_id => &invoice_id_with_issue,
p_validations => 'ALL',
p_debug_mode => 'Y');

--- upload the 2 files described in the output

Kind Regards,
Notes Oracle Support- 07-May-2019 12:43 (Tuesday)… 6/9
5/11/2019 SR Detail

My name is Emilian Sandica in Oracle Accounts Payables Support and I will be helping you with your issue.
To better understand Oracle Support processes and procedures, feel free to review My Oracle Support (MOS) note 166650.1 -Working effectively
with support.
I will do my best to meet your needs and resolve this issue for you . If you should have any comments or concerns regarding the service you receive
please direct these to my manager Robert Kovacs at .
I am currently reviewing the details of the SR after which i will get back to you with an update.

Kind regards,
Emilian Sandica,
Oracle Support
Call - Inbound Oracle Support- 07-May-2019 12:12 (Tuesday)
Call - Inbound
Customer contact name: Haitham Tantawi
Verify preferred method of contact: PHONE OR My Oracle Support customer portal

Phone#: +966 1-4785454


Comments for this update: The customer called and asked to set back the 24*7 flag

Thank you.
Ibrahim Abouzeid
Oracle Global Customer Support
Call - Inbound Oracle Support- 07-May-2019 12:10 (Tuesday)
Update from Customer TANTAWI@BAHRI.SA- 07-May-2019 09:29 (Tuesday)
Upload to TDS successful for the file AR_Issue_FRM-41830_List_of_Values_contains_no_entries.jpg.
Update from Customer TANTAWI@BAHRI.SA- 07-May-2019 09:29 (Tuesday)
Upload to TDS successful for the file AP_Issue_FRM-40350_query_caused_no_records_to_be_retrieved.jpg.
Update from Customer TANTAWI@BAHRI.SA- 07-May-2019 09:27 (Tuesday)
To Both AP and AR but with another error code

FRM-40350: query caused no records to be retrieved

FRM-41830: List of Values contains no entries

Kindly find the attached Screenshots

ODM Action Plan Oracle Support- 06-May-2019 15:51 (Monday)
Hello Haitham -

Is the issue happening for AR invoices or AP invoices?

1. Please upload a screenshot.

ODM Issue Clarification Oracle Support- 06-May-2019 15:50 (Monday)
On : 12.2.5 version, Tax Calculation

frm-40350 query caused no records to be retrieved

I have Created new VAT Implementation on DEV Server and I have an Issue for enable TAX to work.
and we Apply patch for it and VAT working On DEV.
We have applied the same Patch on Production. but after setup finished, I have tried to make the same on Production. but when I create Invoice
and going to tax details.
not retrieve any VAT Regime but give my this error message

frm-40350 query caused no records to be retrieved

STEPS… 7/9
5/11/2019 SR Detail
The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
1. <Add step details>
2. <Add step details>
3. <Add step details>

The issue has the following business impact:
Due to this issue, users cannot <describe Impact>.
Customer Problem Description TANTAWI@BAHRI.SA- 06-May-2019 15:33 (Monday)
Customer Severity 1 Details
Work 24x7 option has been selected - Work hours for this Service Request are 24x7.

Severity 1 Contact Information

** Customer's Management contact name: Haitham Tantawi
** Customer's Management contact number: 00966554295311
** Customer's Management E-mail Address:

** Primary Customer contact name: Haitham Tantawi

** Primary Customer contact number: +966 1-4785454
** Primary Customer E-mail Address:
** Primary Customer Contact Method: Email

** Secondary Customer contact name: Walid Fathi

** Secondary Customer contact number: 00966506272058
** Alternate Contact Number: 00966506272058
** Secondary Customer E-mail Address:

Customer Problem Description


Problem Summary
frm-40350 query caused no records to be retrieved

Problem Description
I have Created new VAT Implementation on DEV Server and I have an Issue for enable TAX to work.
and we Apply patch for it and VAT working On DEV.
We have applied the same Patch on Production. but after setup finished, I have tried to make the same on Production. but when I create Invoice
and going to tax details.
not retrieve any VAT Regime but give my this error message

Error Codes
frm-40350 query caused no records to be retrieved

Problem Category/Subcategory
Payables (Procure to Pay)

Uploaded Files

Global Problem Definition Details

Question: Issue is happening in:
Answer: Production Environment

Question: Your system is:

Answer: System down

Question: The issue occurs:

Answer: Occasionally, issue can be reproduced

Question: The issue impacts:

Answer: Most / All users

Question: The expected functionality has:

Answer: Not worked previously… 8/9
5/11/2019 SR Detail

Question: The business impact is:

Answer: Financial impact - High

Question: Do you have a workaround to avoid this problem?

Answer: No workaround available

Question: Describe workaround


Question: Describe recent changes to your environment


Question: Provide other details (Critical process, critical dates, financial impact, frequency, % of impacted transactions):

Question: Select problem with EB Tax which is causing issues in Payables

Answer: Setup

Question: Select the setup to be configured

Answer: Issues while setting up EB Tax

Question: Choose the issue

Answer: Regime Determination Set does not have 'Determine Applicable Regimes' in LOV

Diagnosis: Review the following document to troubleshoot this issue:

Read Note:1151483.1 R12: Regime Determination Set LoV displays only STCC value as Determine Applicable Regimes

If the above solution does not resolve your issue, follow the steps detailed in the document below:

Read Note:1673484.1 SRDC - Process for gathering and submitting complete information related to "EBTax Issues for Payables".

We recommend saving this session as a draft Service Request (SR). Once data gathering is complete, proceed with the next step to upload
requested data and submit SR.… 9/9

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