Student: Nellys Cecilia Cañas Caraballo: Activity #1. Revision of The Previous Class

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Student: Nellys Cecilia Cañas Caraballo

Activity #1. Revision of the previous class.

Student: Nellys Cecilia Cañas Caraballo
Student: Nellys Cecilia Cañas Caraballo
Student: Nellys Cecilia Cañas Caraballo

Activity # 2. Conversation Exercises

Notebook Exercise! Write 12 sentences using each of the phrases in the

red and blue box twice. Make sure you write it as a conversation. You
can use any kind of situation in any kind of place.

1. A. I am having a problem with the coffee, it lacks some sugar.

B. I will get someone to take care of it.

2. A. I am having a problem with the room, it is very small.

B. I will get someone to take care of it.

3. A. I am having a problem with my phone, it is too slow.

B. I will get someone to take care of it.

4. A. I am having a problem with my car, it doesn't want to start.

B. I will get someone to take care of it.

5. A. I am having a problem with the neighbor; he does not want to

lower the volume of his music.

B. I will get someone to take care of it.

6. A. I am having a problem with my shirt, it is too small

B. I will get someone to take care of it.

Student: Nellys Cecilia Cañas Caraballo
7. A. There seems to be a problem with the Internet; it seems that the
cable is failing.

B. I will have someone get on it right away.

8. A. There seems to be a problem with the roof, when it rains the

water enters

B. I will have someone get on it right away.

9. A. There seems to be a problem with the air conditioning

B. I will have someone get on it right away.

10. A. There seems to be a problem with the cat, it got on the tree
And now it cannot go down.

B. I will have someone get on it right away.

11. A. There seems to be a problem with the television connection

B. I will have someone get on it right away.

12. A. There seems to be a problem with the lamp in the room.

B. I will have someone get on it right away.

Student: Nellys Cecilia Cañas Caraballo

Activity # 3. Listening Exercise

Activity # 4. Vocabulary Exercise

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