Nellys Cecilia Cañas Caraballo: ACTIVITY - 21/04/2020

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Nellys Cecilia Cañas Caraballo

ACTIVITY – 21/04/2020
Nellys Cecilia Cañas Caraballo


A. In which of these situations do you feel the most confident?

The least confident?

 The situation I feel most confident in is when I speak in front of a

small group

 The situation that makes me feel least confident is when I speak

in public in English.

C. Read the expressions below. Complete each box with a

similar expression from the conversation. The listen and
check your answers.

I´m kind of worried about it I'm sure you'll do fine

I'm a little anxious about it I'm sure you'll be ok

Don't worry. Everything will work

I'm pretty nervous about it

D. Number the sentences from 1 to 6.

1. Hi Bill. How are you?

2. Fine, i guess. But I’m pretty nervous about my driver's test.

3. When is it?

4. It's this weekend

5. This weekend? Well, I’m sure you'll do ok.

6. Really? I'm not so sure. but thank anyway.

Nellys Cecilia Cañas Caraballo

A. Listen to four friends talk about situations that worry them,

Number the picture from 1 to 4.

2 4

1 3

B. Listen again. What do their friends say to reassure them?

Write the sentences.

1. I'm sure you'll do fine

2. I’m sure you'll do ok.

3. I'm sure you'll do fine

4. Don't worry everything will work out

Nellys Cecilia Cañas Caraballo

A. Match the statements. the listen and check your answers

Nellys Cecilia Cañas Caraballo


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