(I) Questionnaire

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Name :

Age :

Gender :

Educational qualification :

Designation :

Experience :

1. What do you feel about the essential of training to an employee?

Yes No

2. Which type of tool you prefer for fast learning?

Film Slide PPT Role Play

Case Studies

3. How far do you agree with the statement that the training is an important input for the
growth of individual?

Strongly agree Agree Neutral

Disagree Strongly Disagree

4. How for you agree the statement that training helps to build confidence in the actual
process of work?
Strongly agree Agree Neutral

Disagree Strongly disagree

5. Do you agree that training is necessary for the nature of job?

Strongly agree Agree Neutral

Disagree Strongly disagree

6. What type of training method have you under gone in this company?

Induction Seminar Training by superior

Apprentice Job instruction

7. Do you agree with the statement that the trainees get opportunity to implement
practically? What they have learnt in their training program?

Strongly agree Agree Neutral

Disagree Strongly disagree

8. How do you rate the training method in your organization?

Very good Good Excellent

Bad Very bad

9. How do you feel about your relationship with the top management and communication
with them?

Very good Good Excellent

Bad Very bad

10. When does your company encourage training programs?

After recruitment Lack of skills For promotion purpose

Personal skills development others

11. Do you aware of organization policies and its procedure?

Good Better Bad

12. How many training programs conducted in an annum?

Once twice thrice more than 4

13. What is the period of training program?

1 day 1 weak 1 month

3 month 6 month

14. How many training program are you attend in tube products of India?

-1 -2 -3 -4

15. Whether your company is given support to your training program?

Strongly agree Agree Neutral

Disagree Strongly disagree

16. Is training helpful for developing the relationship between you and your superior?

Strongly agree Agree Neutral

Disagree Strongly disagree

17. Whether the skills developed by training program useful to perform your job effectively
and in achieving job goals?

Strongly agree Agree Neutral

Disagree Strongly disagree

18. Whether your company is given training program for your personal skills and carrier
Strongly agree Agree Neutral

Disagree Strongly disagree

19. Are you satisfy with this method and materials used in training programs?

Highly Satisfied Satisfied Neutral

Dissatisfied Highly Dissatisfied

20. Any suggestions’ for developing training program?


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