8th Mid Term 1 2019 - 2

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Miss Test

Mid- Term Sana 1Frayjia Name:

12/12/2019 /20 …………………………..

Sejnan Prep School Class: ………….

I-Listening: (8 Marks)

1-Listen to the conversation and identify the speakers (1 Mark)

 A-……………………………………… / B- Julia

2-Complete the following table: (2Marks)

Name Places visited Time

Monday noon …………………………………………………
………………………………………………….. London Eye

3- Tick the appropriate alternative (1mark)

- The text is A- a telephone conversation B- a letter C- a diary

4- Is the speaker happy in London? Justify your answer: (1Mark)

 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

5- Tick the correct function of the following sentence: (1Mark)

 Wonderful!
 Expressing surprise Inviting Refusing an invitation

6- Listen to the conversation and circle the words you hear (1 mark)

 I am (not-note) bored at all. You have already (game-came) here twice.

7- Listen to the conversation and write the missing words: (1 mark)

 I ………………… let you know when I ………………… my flight.

II-Language (12Marks):

1- Circe the right alternative: (3 Marks)

 Jack: Hello, who is it?

 John: Hello, can I (speak – phone – go) to Jack please? (1)
 Jack: (Speaking – herself – myself). (2)
 John: Oh! Hi, jack. It is I John.
 Jack: Hi John. How are you?
 John: I am calling from London.
 Jack: (How sad – Wonderful – How bad)! (3
 John: I am in Trafalgar (square – circle – triangle) right now. (4)

 Jack: Do not forget to buy me some (souvenirs-trees-planes) 5from Camden market.
 When are you coming back?
 John: I will let you know (where-when-what) I book my flight. (6)
2-Match the underlined utterances in A with the suitable functions in B
(3 marks) [there is one extra function in B]:
Conversation Functions Answer
1+ Accepting an invitation. s
B- -------
Expressing surprise.
Andrew: What will you do tomorrow, Bill?
Bill: My father and I will take a ferry to Jerba.
C- Making an invitation.
3+ -------
Andrew: How Exciting! 1
Bill: Would you like to join us? 2
D- Describing.
4+ -------
Andrew: Yes, please. 3 I expect we will enjoy
ourselves a lot.
E- Greeting.
5+ -------
When are you leaving? 4
F- Ability in the future.
Bill: 8 a.m. We will be able to walk on the
6+ -------
and go on a fishing boat. 5
G- Asking
Andrew: That is interesting.
Jerba is a nice and quiet island.6

2- Fill in the blanks with words from the box.( There are two extra
words ) 3 marks

Dear Jane,

I’m really happy to go to London. Last Monday, I booked my 1-…………………to

London. My plane will leave the French airport at quarter 2-………………………three

p.m. Both Jim 3-…………………………Kate are coming with me. London is the capital

of England. It is an entertaining city that has many ……………………….4. Trafalgar

Square, Camden Market, Buckingham ………………….. 5 and London Eye are the most

surprising site impressing tourists. 6- ……………. Ben is my favourite British sight.

4 - Put the bracketed words in the right tense or form: (3 marks)

Last summer, my family and I spent our summer holidays in Spain. Before
(travel)………………………, we got ready. First, we (to book) …………………….. our
Tickets. (Two)……………………………., we packed the suitcases. Finally, we left for
the airport. On the plane, we met an (England)………………………………man, Mr.
Brown. He was nice and (friend)………………………………. At Heathrow airport, Mr
Brown gave us his card. Tomorrow, I (write) ……………………… you everything

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