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Ferris Wheel Evaluation Overview

Ferris Wheel provides evaluation instruments: Observation sheet

The criteria used to evaluate children in this
 Self-evaluation (levels 2 and 3): children
photocopiable report cover linguistic and social
identify what they can do and what they have
progress and development. This resource
accomplished at the end of each unit and
helps you to keep a record of the progress
rate their progress with a smile or a frown. made by each child during the year and helps
 Teaching log: this provides a practical way detect changes. Ideally, the report should be
to record classroom experiences. filled in after completing each unit.
You may wish to personalize this report by
 Observation sheet: this allows for continual removing or adding further criteria for your
assessment and enables you to monitor and class in the space provided. For example, you
observe individual and whole class may wish to evaluate the children’s emotional
performance during any one unit. intelligence in more detail, examples of which
 Child’s reports: these provide parents and could include: Does the child listen to others?
carers with a report on a termly basis and Does the child get angry when they lose a
includes information specific to the units game? Does the child wait their turn?
covered each term. You may find it helpful to refer to this
resource when completing the Child’s report
 Ferris Wheel certificate: this provides a for individual children.
memorable and motivating way of praising
the children upon successful completion of Child’s reports
each level. These photocopiable reports are sent home to
the parents or carers each term. There is one
Self-evaluation (levels 2 and 3) report per unit which can be selected and put
together according to the units covered that
Children are given the opportunity to review term.
their learning at the end of each unit, as they The criteria used to evaluate the children
complete the unit review. At the end of these cover linguistic and social progress and
lessons the children reflect on what they have development, as well as information specific to
learnt and achieved in the unit, giving the units in the term. You may wish to
themselves either a smile or a frown for each of personalize this report by removing or adding
the four objectives according to how well they further criteria for your class in the space
think they have done. This process provides an provided.
excellent opportunity to encourage children to To make the report, fill in the report by
think positively about their progress. Ferris checking the correct box (Yes, Needs practice,
Wheel 1 provides stickers for the end of each No) next to each criterion and fold the sheet in
review to praise the children for their successful two. There is a photocopiable outside cover for
completion of the unit. each term report. This makes the report child-
friendly and memorable.
Teaching log
The photocopiable log can be completed to
provide you with a personal record of your Ferris Wheel certificate
classroom experiences on a unit to unit basis. This is given to each child at the end of the
By answering the questions you will year to reward their successful completion of
automatically reflect on which types of activities the book. It is also a moment in which to raise
worked best with your class and for what the children’s self-esteem. To mark the
reasons. It also enables you to reflect on what occasion, the certificates could be presented at
didn’t work so well. an end-of-term party.
By evaluating both your approach to the
lessons and the children’s response, you will be
able to identify strengths to be built upon and
weaknesses to be remedied. The record also
serves as a reminder for planning for future

© Springer Nature Limited 2019

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