Ag Miltonaguilar

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Time management in my life
Time management has always been a key point in obtaining results in people's lives.
Without time management, many academic or sporting achievements would not be possible,
just to mention a few examples.

In modern society, personal time management has been losing its importance in the
social sector through a globalized world. In this essay I will tell you about my ways of
organizing myself to achieve things in the past and what was achieved, how I am organizing
myself now and what I am trying to achieve in my new goals, and finally, I will tell you how I
will try to do them after having internalized the lessons learned in my life .

When I was preparing to enter the university, I only paid attention in the classes and did
not need to organize myself to achieve good grades, however I had the goal that I could be in
the first position. Then I entered with a grade considered average and nothing outstanding with
respect to the total number of entrants.

At the university I had changed my way of studying before I gave an exam, this time I
studied more apart from classes but only at the time when I liked the subject and had very high
motivation, I was studying with greater effort the courses that most They liked them while the
months of the cycle were advancing. At the end of the semester I passed all the courses with an
average of 12 but I failed a course with 09 which I did not expect.

I always wondered why I wasn't getting what I wanted, so I researched and observed
people who were successful in these academic subjects. I had been organizing my study
schedules in an inefficient way for 6 months, so I started to organize myself and tried to study
every day, there was a slight change in my grades as they increased, but not evenly, that is, in
some I had high marks in some courses but in another I just got a sad 12, I noticed that when I
studied all the courses every day I was only doing a little of each one and I was not analyzing
the concept of each topic in greater detail, I got frustrated and thought that the As a result, I
needed only talent, something that I accepted I didn't have.

I am currently reading a book called Habits of highly effective people, I am

understanding very interesting personal organization concepts that I am beginning to apply in
my academic and social life, this book mentions that organization should not be done daily and
turn scheduled activities into Urgent, the real purpose of using an agenda is to have the goals
and achieve them in the best way without feeling a feeling of pressure.

This book also explains that there are urgent activities that we cannot avoid, such as
receiving a phone call at any time, accidents, etc. and that setting times to talk to people during
the day cannot have an exact time to finish it. People are not robots to have an exact 15min
conversation and to be able to solve a problem, this requires principles and values.

In conclusion, the experience will show you where you failed due to the results and the
analysis of the process and don’t forget that the results will be influenced by communication
with other people throughout the process because in the end our personal organization is based
on a social aspect in the lifetime.

The next time I take an exam, I will have scheduled my week to give more effort to the subjects
that require more time without neglecting effective communication with my family and friends!

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