Mexican & Guatemalan Platanus

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Revision of the Mexican and Guatemalan Species of

Platanus (Platanaceae)
Authors: Nixon, Kevin C., and Poole, Jackie M.
Source: Lundellia, 2003(6) : 103-137
Published By: The Plant Resources Center, The University of Texas at

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Kevin C. Nixon 1 and Jackie M. Poole2

L. H. Bailey Hortorium, Department of Plant Biology, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853

2Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, 3000 I-35 South, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704

Abstract: A taxonomic treatment of the genus Platanus L. in North America is

presented, concentrating on the species native to Mexico and Guatemala. Eight taxa
are recognized for North America: 3 species with 2 varieties each, and two species
without varietal subdivision; all occur in Mexico and/or Guatemala except for one
more northern variety. One previously unrecognized species from western Mexico
is described, P. gentryi Nixon & Poole. Another species from northeastern Mexico,
although often called P. mexicana Morie., represents an undescribed species because
the name P. mexicana is correctly applied to a different Mexican species. The resul-
tant new species is P. rzedowskii Nixon & Poole. A new variety, P. mexicana var.
interior Nixon & Poole, is described from central Mexico. A key to taxa includes
the two Old World species, P. kerrii and P. orientalis, but complete descriptions of
the latter species are not given. A discussion of the morphological characters, bio-
geography, infrageneric phylogeny and speciation of Platanus in North America is
presented in light of the greater understanding of the taxa afforded by this study.

Resumen: Se presenta un tratamiento taxon6mico del genera Platanus en Norte

America, con un enfoque principal a las especies nativas de Mexico y Guatemala. Se
reconocen ocho taxones norteamericanos: 3 especies con 2 variedades cada una, y
dos especies sin variedades; todos estan representados en Mexico y Centroamerica
con la excepci6n de una variedad mas septentrional. Se describe a P. gentryi Nixon
& Poole como una especie nueva del oeste de Mexico. Otra especie del noreste de
Mexico, frecuentemente identificada como P. mexicana Morie., de hecho representa
una especie no descrita, ya que el nombre P. mexicana es correctamente aplicado a
otra especie mexicana. La nueva especie que resulta es P. rzedowskii Nixon & Poole.
Se describe una nueva variedad para el centro de Mexico, P. mexicana var. interior
Nixon & Poole. Se provee una clave que incluye las dos especies del Viejo Mundo,
P. kerrii y P. orientalis, pero no se presentan descripciones de las mismas. Se presenta
una discusi6n sabre los caracteres morfol6gicos, la biogeografia, la filogenia infra-
generica y la especiaci6n de Platanus de Norte America a la luz del mejor entendi-
miento de los taxones objeto de este estudio.

Keywords: Platanus, Platanaceae, taxonomy, systematics.

The genus Platanus occurs naturally apparently highly interfertile and often
only in the northern hemisphere. Two spe- spontaneously hybridize when brought into
cies are usually recognized in the Old cultivation (see Ernst, 1963, for references).
World, one species in southern Europe and Because of this apparent lack of reproduc-
the Middle East (P. orientalis L.) and one tive isolation and poor understanding of the
apparently relictual species in Laos and morphology of the species, the tax:a have
North Vietnam (P. kerrii Gagnep.) The re- been treated at varying ranks by different
maining 5 species (as recognized here) have authors. Most recent workers have consid-
a patchy distribution in North America ered the family to be monogeneric, as do
from northern California and the eastern we. The many fossils attributed to Platanus
United States to southern Mexico and ad- have generated considerable interest among
jacent Guatemala. Platanus is noteworthy paleobotanists (see Friis & Crane, 1989).
for its generally allopatric species that are However, no recent taxonomic treatment of

LUNDELLIA 6:103-137. 2003

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the extant species in North America exists, most recent molecular studies position Pla-
the taxonomy of Mexican Platanus being tanus (and therefore Platanaceae) as a sister
heretofore especially neglected and con- taxon of modern Proteaceae (see Soltis et
fused. During field work in Mexico in the al., 2000 and citations therein) in a clade
late 1970s and early 1980s, the confusion in that also includes Nelumbo Adans. (Nelum-
the application of names to Mexican Pla- bonaceae), an aquatic perennial that mor-
tanus became apparent to us, and this study phologically bears a superficial resemblance
was undertaken to resolve the major taxo- to the water lilies (Nymphaeaceae).
nomic problems of the Mexican species. In characters of the leaves (Fig. 1) and
Since all taxa except a single variety of one inflorescences, Platanus shows a gross sim-
of the North American species (Platanus oc- ilarity to the subfamily Liquidambaroideae
cidentalis L. var. occidentalis) occur at least of the Hamamelidaceae, which includes the
partly in Mexico, we include here a synopsis eastern North American Liquidambar styra-
of all North American Platanus. However, ciflua L. (the subfamily is sometimes rec-
we have not treated the variation within P. ognized as a distinct family, the Altingia-
occidentalis var. occidentalis in detail nor ceae). Indeed, some workers (e.g., de Can-
have we attempted to study the type spec- dolle, 1864) placed Liquidambar in the Pla-
imens of the many specific and varietal tanaceae. Platanus and Liquidambar L. are
names which have been proposed for ma- similar in having palmately lobed actino-
terial from the eastern United States. Based dromous leaves and capitate unisexual in-
on a thorough examination of available ma- florescences, but differ in important char-
terial, these infraspecific names all appear to acters of the flowers, fruit, pollen, and
be synonyms of P. occidentalis var. occiden- wood. Liquidambar has two partially fused
talis. multi-ovulate carpels, each splitting like a
follicle in its free upper portion when ripe.
RELATIONSHIPS AT THE Platanus has a variable number (4-9) of
FAMILY LEVEL free uni-( rarely bi- )ovulate carpels, each
maturing into a unilocular indehiscent
Over the past century considerable con- achene (technically an achenelet or fruitlet,
troversy has existed concerning the rela- because more than one occurs in each flow-
tionships of the family. Some authors (e.g., er) with a basally attached coma. The wood
Niedenzu, 1881; Boothroyd, 1930) argued anatomy of Platanus is very dissimilar to
for a close alliance with the Rosales, while that of the Hamamelidaceae (Tippo, 1938;
others preferred to place the family with Ernst, 1963; Baas, 1969). Platanus has sim-
other wind-pollinated trees in the essential- ple vessel element perforations as opposed
ly artificial Apetalae (e.g., Griggs, 1909, ar- to scalariform perforations in the Hama-
gued the Platanales are related to the Urti- melidaceae sensu lato.
cales). Most recent morphological studies, In its tricolpate, reticulate pollen
however, placed the Platanaceae near the (Lieux, 1980; Ludlow-Wiechers & Ayala N.,
Hamamelidaceae in the order Hamameli- 1982) Platanus shows a superficial resem -
dales (e.g., Cronquist, 1981; Takhtajan, blance to the tricolpate pollen of Hama-
1980; Manchester, 1986; Schwarzwalder & melidaceae sensu stricto as opposed to the
Dilcher, 1991). Others (e.g., Ernst, 1963) polyforate pollen of Liquidambar and Altin-
maintained that the affinities of the family gia Noronha (Bogle & Philbrick, 1980).
remain uncertain. With the advent of cla- Fossil pollen similar to that of Platanus oc-
distics, most morphological cladistic analy- curs in the fossil record as Tricolpites or Tri-
ses have continued to place Platanaceae in colpollenites (Ludlow-Wiechers & Ayala N.,
close association with the Hamamelidaceae 1982). Although numerous fossil leaves
(e.g., Hufford & Crane, 1989). Surprisingly, from the early Cretaceous appear to be pla-

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FIG. 1. Vegetative features of Platanus, indicating possible homology of the stipule with the
leaf. Illustration by J. Larke.

tanoid, these lack unequivocal synapo- of no attempt to use chemical data to elu-
morphies to place them in the modern cidate the relationships of species within
crown group of Platanaceae, and no de- Platanus or to other genera or families.
tailed morphological analysis has yet been
undertaken. Because it is clear that resem- TAXONOMIC HISTORY
blances between Platanus and modern Ha-
mamelidaceae-Altingiaceae are almost en- Platanus was well known to pre-Lin-
tirely superficial, the alternative placement naean botanists (platanos is the classical
of Platanaceae in a clade with Proteaceae as Greek name for P. orientalis). Linnaeus
suggested by molecular analyses (e.g., Soltis (1737; 1753) based his description of the
et al., 2000) must be accepted as the best European P. orientalis L. and American P.
working hypothesis at this point. occidentalis in part on earlier works. He dif-
Cytological evidence is scant in the ge- ferentiated the two species mainly on the
nus, as for many other trees, and we were basis of the depth of the lobing of the
not able to contribute chromosome counts leaves, probably still the most commonly
for the species occurring in Mexico. Chro- used character for distinguishing vegetative
mosome numbers for P. occidentalis, P. material of the two species. After 1753, sev-
orientalis L., and P. X acerifolia (Ait.) Willd. eral species were proposed by European au-
and P. kerrii have been reported as 2n = 42 thors that must be referred to P. occidentalis
(see Ernst, 1963; Morawetz & Samuel, 1989; or P. orientalis (see synonymy below). Mex-
ICPN 1994-95, 1992- 93). ican or western U.S. material apparently did
Platanus is noted for the sweet fra- not come to the attention of European bot-
grance of the leaves, which can emanate anists until much later. Platanus m exicana
even from old herbarium specimens of all Morie. was named in 1830 from material
the North American species. The fragrance collected by Berlandier with the only local-
apparently arises from volatile terpenoid ity "Circa Mexico."Platanus racemosa Nutt.
compounds (Aplin et al., 1963). We know was named in 1842 from material collected

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by Nuttall in Santa Barbara, California. The Nee (1981) determined that P. mexicana
following year, P. lindeniana M. Martens & correctly referred to the taxon Standley
Galeotti was named based on specimens called P. lindeniana and placed the latter
from the vicinity of Jalapa, in the state of name as well as P. chiapensis as synonyms
Veracruz, Mexico. Subsequently, this latter of P. mexicana Morie. Nee did not address
name has been applied to most of the Mex- the question of the correct name for P.
ican Platanus of eastern and southern Mex- mexicana sensu Standley from northeastern
ico south of San Luis Potosi and north and Mexico.
west of Chiapas. Platanus californica Ben- Benson (1943) reduced Platanus wrigh-
tham (1844) has been considered a syno- tii to varietal rank as P. racemosa Nutt. var.
nym of P. racemosa by virtually all subse- wrightii (S. Watson) Benson, citing Califor-
quent authors. nia specimens that closely approach P.
Kuntze (1891) considered all of the Pla- wrightii in characters of the inflorescence.
tanus known at the time of his treatment to Benson included trees from Andreas Can-
be a single species, and therefore combined yon, Riverside County, California, in his
P. occidentalis, P. racemosa, P. mexicana and concept of P. racemosa var. wrightii.
P. lindeniana as varieties of the European P. Leroy (1982) erected Platanus subgenus
orientalis. Recent authors have not followed Castaneophyllum to accommodate the sin-
this treatment. Kuntze also named P. orien- gle Asian species with evergreen pinnate
talis var. palmeri, based on a Palmer collec- leaves, P. kerrii. The remainder of the spe-
tion from Coahuila. Fernald (1901) later cies (including all the palmately-leaved spe-
cited the same collection number (Palmer cies in North America) were retained in
1269) as a syntype of P. glabrata Fernald, Platanus subgenus Platanus. Leroy did not
without reference to Kuntze's varietal treat Platanus at the specific level.
name. Sargent (1890) recognized only 3 During the course of this study approx-
species in the United States, P. occidentalis, imately 1500 specimens of Platanus from 19
P. racemosa and P. wrightii, and this treat- major herbaria were studied (A, ARIZ, BH,
ment has been followed by most workers. BR, CAS, DS, ENCB, F, G, GH, K, LL,
Sargent did not treat Mexican Platanus, al- MEXU, MICH, MO, NY, PH, TEX, US).
though he later reduced P. glabrata to va- Label determinations on these specimens by
rietal status as P. occidentalis L. var. glabrata the collectors and various workers indicate
(Fernald) Sargent, recognizing this variety the greatest amount of variability in the ap-
as far north as Oklahoma and Iowa. Sargent plication of the names P. lindeniana, P. me-
did not equate his var. glabrata with the xicana, and P. glabrata.
earlier varietal name P. orientalis var. pal-
Standley (1924) recognized seven spe-
cies in Mexico, including Platanus racemo- Based on characters of leaves, inflores-
sa, P. wrightii, P. glabrata and P. lindeniana. cences, flowers and achenes, two groups can
Platanus oaxacana Standl. and P. chiapensis be differentiated morphologically in New
Standl. were based on single collections World Platanus (see also Hsiao, 1973). The
from Oaxaca and Chiapas, respectively. Al- three western taxa (Figs. 2 & 4) have more
though subsequent workers have consis- deeply lobed leaves, spicate or racemose
tently applied the name P. chiapensis to ma- carpellate inflorescences, achenes usually
terial from Chiapas, the name P. oaxacana glabrous at maturity, and conspicuous pel-
apparently has been applied only to its type tate staminodia in the carpellate flowers.
specimen. Standley applied the name P. The five taxa from eastern North American
mexicana Morie. to a species with solitary (Figs. 3-5) have generally more shallowly
capitula from Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas. lobed leaves, racemose, spicate or single ca-

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FIG. 2. Distribution of the species and varieties of Platanus in western North Ainerica. Solid
circles, P. racemosa var. racemosa; solid circles with hairs, P. gentryi; open circles with hairs, P.
racemosa var. wrightii.

pitula, achenes distally puberulent to dense- representative of subg. Platanus, must be

ly tomentose at maturity, and apically flat- tentatively placed with the western species
tened glabrescent staminodia. The alliance group, based on its racemose inflorescence
of P. mexicana with P. occidentalis and P. and elongate leaf lobes. The observed pat-
rzedowskii is weaker than the obviously tern of variation with mostly allopatric spe-
strong interrelationship of the latter two cies that intergrade in areas of contact
species. Platanus orientalis, the Old World strongly suggests that evolution in North

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Platanus occidentalis
var. occidentalis
D P. occidentalis var. palmeri
e P. rzedowskii
0 P. mexicana var. mex icana

0 l5 50 100 150
-.---~---- km
50 100 150 225

mexicana var. interior

() P. rzedowskii x P . mexicana
( "mexica na leaves")
() P. rzedowskii x P . mexicana
( " rz edowsk i leaves" )

FIG. 3. Distribution of Platanus in eastern Mexico and adjacent United States and Guatemala.
(Distribution of P. occidentalis var. occidentalis only partially shown, and adapted from Little (1971),
to which the reader is referred for a complete distribution map of that taxon).

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FIG. 4. Representative leaf shape, carpellate inflorescence morphology, and achenes with coma
removed of Platanus species. Not all variation represented. All leaves and inflorescences to same
scale, as indicated; all achenes to separate scale, as indicated.

American Platanus was at least in part re- TwIG, BUD AND STIPULE CHARAC-
ticulate. Phylogenetic relationships in TERS. Characters of the twigs, buds, and
groups with past reticulation are difficult to stipules, although useful in delimiting spe-
ascertain with confidence using currently cies in some woody plants, were found to
available methodologies. Because of these be of limited taxonomic value in Platanus.
problems, and lack of sufficient and stable Although P. mexicana (including the syn-
qualitative characters to undertake a mor- onymous P. chiapensis) tends to have rather
phologic cladistic analysis, we have not pre- brownish twigs as opposed to the reddish
sented a phylogeny here. twigs of most Platanus, this character is var-

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FIG. 5. As Figure 4, to same scales.

iable within species, apparently modified by observed in P. occidentalis and P. rzedowskii
growing conditions (in general, often (treated by him as P. occidentalis) under
strongly affected by exposure to sun) and varying environmental treatments. Within
often difficult to ascertain in very young, populations, within trees, and even within
densely pubescent, or poorly preserved ma- herbarium specimens stipules often vary
terial. Stipule characters likewise seem to be from small membranaceous sheaths with
affected by rapidity of growth, type of poorly developed blades to those with large,
branch (juvenile or mature, flowering or tough foliose blades that are green and ap-
not) and environmental factors. This is sup- parently photosynthetic. The latter condi-
ported by the studies of McMillan (1974), tion seems more prevalent on rapidly grow-
in which differential stipule production was ing shoots and regrowth after damage.

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Platanus stipules are distinctive in that apparent value in New World Platanus tax-
they consist of a 7- to 9-veined basal sheath onomy.
that completely encircles the stem (or in-
completely in P. kerrii) and a peltately at- LEAF CHARACTERS. Leaf characters are
tached expanded laminar portion that is of- among the most useful in Platanus, and all
ten foliose (Fig. 1). The laminar portion of the taxa here recognized with the excep-
usually has 3 to 5 lobes, with prominent tion of the varieties within P. occidentalis
actinodromous venation as in the leaf and P. racemosa can be reliably and consis-
blades. In these characters, the stipule· ap- tently differentiated on the basis of the
pears to be homologous to the leaf, with the combination of leaf shape, number of lobes,
stipular sheath homologous to the petiole, . shape of the lobes, degree of secondary
which in the leaf encloses the bud. In the toothing, and density, color and persistence
leaf, the petiolar sheath is restricted to the of the abaxial vestiture on the blade. In ad-
base of the petiole and is apically closed, as dition, leaf texture varies considerably
opposed to the apically open sheath of the among the species. In general, the more
stipule. When precocious summer or fall tropical Mexican species have thicker leaves
bud break and shoot growth occasionally and denser, more persistent abaxial pubes-
occur, the new shoot usually forcibly breaks cence, and northern temperate species (P.
through the enclosing petiole base, and may racemosa sensu lato and P. occidentalis)
damage the petiole (unpubl. obs.). Thus, have thinner, more glabrate leaves.
the incompletely sealed petiolar sheath as V estiture of the leaves, petioles, twigs
found in P. kerrii may be an adaptation to and floral structures varies considerably in
an evergreen habit, since without such an density and color among the taxa, but the
opening axillary branches could not grow vestiture appears to be based on the same
without either forcing leaf fall or producing type of distinctive branched trichome in all
cases. These trichomes are multicellular,
damage to the petiole. It should also be not-
with a central multicellular uniseriate axis
ed that P. kerrii has axillary inflorescences
and whorls of unicellular rays emerging at
as opposed to the terminal inflorescences of
the "joints" of the axes, where adjacent cells
all other Platanus species. Leroy (1982) con-
are connected. This type of trichome falls
cluded that the sealed petiolar sheath is an-
into the general class of dendritic tri-
cestral, a conclusion that requires testing in
chomes, and has been more specifically
the context of a cladistic analysis. The ap- termed a candelabrum (e.g., Esau, 1965;
parent homology in the structure of the Radford et al., 1974) or abietiform (Radford
leaves and stipules in Platanus also merits et al., 1974). The trichomes are often
further study, and may shed light on the brownish or yellowish, with what may be
nature of stipules in at least some taxa in glandular contents, and when brownish are
the broader tricolpate clade. termed glandular in this treatment. The
Buds of all the American Platanus spe- branches (rays) of the trichome may be nu-
cies were found to be externally reddish merous and well-developed, as in the ves-
brown and glabrate, and we could ascertain titure of leaves and twigs, or the branches
no distinguishing bud characters in the taxa may be suppressed, as in trichomes of the
under study. The inner "bud scales" appear comae of the achenes. The latter often have
to be stipular, sheathing, and are usually a few small apical branches of one to two
densely brownish-pubescent. This lack of cells, indicating the probable derivation of
variation, in combination with difficulty in this "unbranched" trichome from a
observing buds in herbarium material be- branched type. We were unable to find sub-
cause they are usually hidden by the sheath- stantial and consistent differences in tri-
ing petiole base, makes bud characters of no chomes of homologous structures other

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than distribution, density, and color. Sig- yond the single capitulum is often present,
nificant differences in the type of trichome and rarely two or more capitula are pro-
associated with a structure, which have duced in these species. Whether the inflo-
been shown to be of taxonomic value in rescence is spicate with sessile capitula, as is
other families, were not found in Platanus. usually found in P. racemosa var. racemosa,
or racemose with stalked capitula, as in
VENATION CHARACTERS. The venation most P. racemosa var. wrightii, is of less val-
terminology presented here follows Dilcher ue. Both sessile and stalked capitula are
(1974). The 3 to 5 veins passing into the found throughout the range of P. mexicana
major lobes are all considered primary as well, although material from Chiapas,
veins; venation in all species is palinactino- formerly known as P. chiapensis, tends most
dromous (the two lateral primary veins · commonly to have stalked capitula.
branching again) or actinodromous (as in
most P. mexicana). Variability and overlap FLORAL CHARACTERS. Floral characters
of character states at all levels of venation are difficult to assay in Platanus, mainly be-
tend to reduce the value of these characters cause the flowers are small, densely crowd-
for differentiating species. ed, and variable in the number of parts.
Secondary veins in the western species Much confusion has occurred in the past as
are arcuate as opposed to more or less to what structures are present in the car-
straight and parallel in the eastern species. pellate and staminate flowers. The difficulty
There is a tendency to straight or convex is compounded by the fact that much of the
percurrent tertiary venation in all the spe- available material in herbaria is well past
cies, but this is most strongly developed in anthesis, so for some species scant floral
P. mexicana and only weakly developed in material is obtainable. We agree with
the three western taxa, in which the tertiary Boothroyd (1930) and Ernst (1963) that the
veins are often more highly branched. minute petals are consistently present in
staminate flowers; in fact, in all the Amer-
REPRODUCTIVE CHARACTERS ican species, these tend to be persistent on
the staminate receptacles after the stamens
INFLORESCENCE CHARACTERS. Inflo- have fallen off. Apparently Griggs (1909)
rescences in Platanus are always unisexual, interpreted the staminate petals as pistil-
with both staminate and pistillate inflores- lodes, but in view of the lack of vasculature
cences on the same tree. There is no obvi- in these structures that interpretation is
ous pattern to the distribution of staminate doubtful. We found no characters of taxo-
and pistillate inflorescences, although there nomic importance in the staminate petals.
are generally more staminate than pistillate In carpellate flowers, although petals
ones on the same tree. Characters of the appear to be absent, 3 to 5 staminodia are
pistillate and staminate inflorescences, in consistently present. According to Griggs
particular whether there is a single capitu- (1909) these structures fold over and pro-
lum or more than one, have been useful in tect the carpels prior to anthesis. In the
delimiting species. Within a species, the western taxa, these tend to be conspicuous
number of capitula is always similar in the and apically peltate, with some apical pu-
staminate and pistillate inflorescences. Pla- bescence, resembling afunctional stamens.
tanus occidentalis and P. rzedowskii are In the three eastern species, although ini-
unique in the genus in having usually a sin- tially peltate, at anthesis these are usually
gle capitulum in each inflorescence. This is less conspicuous, flattened apically, and gla-
clearly a reduction from a racemose or brate, therefore not resembling stamens as
branched inflorescence, since a rudimentary closely as in the western species. We assume
extension of the rachis for a few mm be- that the condition found in the eastern

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American species is the more derived con- cies have met with resistance by most
dition. botanists, as have attempts to lump allo-
patric taxa (e.g., P. racemosa and P. wrigh-
ACHENE CHARACTERS. The fruits of tii). Until the present study, there has been
Platanus fall as separate single-seeded inde- little understanding of the nature of the tax-
hiscent fruitlets each derived from a single onomic relationships and interactions of
carpel, and are commonly called achenes Platanus as viewed over the whole distri-
(e.g., Cronquist, 1981; Takhtajan, 1997; bution of the genus in North America. The
Watson and Dallwitz, 1992; Kaul, 1993). genus is sometimes cited in discussions of
However, under some classifications of fruit speciation (e.g., Grant, 1981) as an example
types, because there is more than one achene in which allopatric taxa recognized as spe-
per flower, together forming a multiple fruit cies have few or no barriers to hybridization
(although the fruit is never coherent), the when artificially crossed or grown in com-
individually dispersed achenes are technically mon gardens. Platanus orientalis and P. oc-
called achenelets (e.g., Spjut, 1994). For ease cidentalis are apparently completely inter-
of use and consistency with common usage, fertile, the hybrid progeny given the name
we will use the term achene here. Achene P. X acerifolia.
characters have proven to be of great value It seems clear from our study, however,
at the species level in the three eastern spe- that at least one natural zone of contact be-
cies, particularly the shape of the achene tip tween two species of Platanus exists in
(whether acute and tapered or more or less North America. Specimens that have com-
truncate), whether the styles are persistent or binations of the characters of P. mexicana
deciduous, and distribution and color of ves- and P. rzedowskii occur in San Luis Potosi,
titure on the mature achene. In the western Mexico (see Fig. 3) and are putatively from
American taxa, the achenes are all similar, trees that are the result of hybridization
being usually more or less truncate or and/or backcrossing between the two spe-
rounded and glabrous at maturity, with the cies. The zone of intergradation between
styles usually persistent but with a greater these two morphologically distinct species
tendency to be deciduous in P. racemosa var. appears to be restricted and narrow, prob-
wrightii. The achene characters therefore ably along a single river drainage. We found
tend to differentiate the eastern species from no evidence of widespread introgression be-
each other, and differentiate the western spe- tween the two species.
cies as a group from the eastern species. The Because of the documented interfertil-
achenes of P. orientalis appear to most close- ity of morphologically very different taxa
ly resemble those of P. rzedowskii in shape that probably have different phylogenetic
and pubescence. In this treatment, the terms relationships, the species concept utilized
apex and shoulder both are used to refer to here is of necessity strictly a morphological
the apical part of the achene below the style, one. We have chosen to recognize as species
in other words, the region between the point those taxa which are morphologically well-
where the achene begins to narrow signifi- differentiated and show no obvious signs of
cantly and the style begins. active introgression, and as varieties taxa
which are difficult to separate morpholog-
SPECIES CONCEPTS IN PLATANUS ically, show broad overlap of characters, or
clinal intergradation. For example, the mor-
Traditionally, species recognized in Pla- phological differences between and close
tanus have been of a more or less geograph- geographic proximity of P. gentryi and P.
ic and allopatric nature. Attempts to seg- racemosa var. wrightii in Chihuahua and
regate the widespread but patchily distrib- Sonora, with no indication of intergrada-
uted P. occidentalis into more than one spe- tion, argue for the specific distinction of the

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two, while the many specimens of P. race- With changing environmental conditions,
mosa from California which cannot be dis- adjacent population systems (species) have
tinguished reliably from P. racemosa var. probably come into contact at various times
wrightii argue for varietal instead of specific (as P. mexicana and P. rzedowskii currently
status of the latter. do) and hybridization followed by intro-
The problems associated with species gression and eventual stabilization has oc-
delimitation in Platanus are not unique, curred. Even morphologically well defined
and in fact are commonly encountered in species are interfertile (see above). Clinal
other woody plants. The species concept patterns, such as found between P. occiden-
implemented here is the same as that used talis var. occidentalis and var. palmeri, may
for the genus Quercus in the treatment for be the result of more extensive and/or re-
Flora of North America (Nixon, 1993). Un- peated secondary intergradation on a finer
like Quercus, the pattern seen in Platanus is local scale. The weakly differentiated forms
one of wholly allopatric species that are pre- of P. mexicana with narrower leaves and
sumably interfertile with very limited zones whiter vestiture from Chiapas (P. chiapensis
of contact, if any. In contrast, Quercus ex- of authors) may be the result of more or
hibits a far greater range of species patterns less complete swamping of a previously dis-
and interactions, including species that are tinct taxon. The low, dry Isthmus of Te-
sympatric without indications of hybridiza- huantepec has probably been sufficiently
tion, species pairs that hybridize over wide wet in past times to allow dispersal of Pla-
areas, and species that sporadically produce tanus freely across this area. These kinds of
intermediates in some areas of contact, interactions, followed by isolation and se-
while not producing detectable hybrids in lection, have produced allopatric species of
other areas. Although simpler in many re- varying amounts of morphological similar-
spects, the pattern in Platanus precludes us- ity to other species that may be due to com-
ing sympatry as a test of species status, as mon ancestry, or instead may indicate sim-
is possible in more diverse genera. Thus, ilarity due to periodic reticulation. The in-
our species delimitations in Platanus must terpretation of such patterns undoubtedly
rely more heavily on morphology in com- will require molecular analyses of extensive
bination with geographic distribution than samples from throughout the range of each
is the case in many other woody groups. species, which is beyond the scope of the
present study. Because of these concerns,
SPECIES RELATIONSHIPS we do not present a morphological cladistic
analysis here.
The pattern of character variation
among Platanus species, if considered in BIOGEOGRAPHY
light of the high level of interfertility of the
taxa, points to past interspecific hybridiza- In North America there are, as previ-
tion and reticulation as possibly important ously noted, two extant geographical clus-
factors in the evolution of the genus. The ters of Platanus species, a western one (P.
narrow habitat requirements of all of the racemosa and P. gentryi) and an eastern one
species probably contribute greatly to geo- (P. occidentalis, P. rzedowskii, and P. mexi-
graphical isolation, especially in the western cana). The major event in the biogeography
United States and Mexico, producing allo- of Platanus in North America may have
patric populations separated by inhospita- been drying trends of the late Tertiary (Ax-
ble xeric expanses. These same narrow hab- elrod & Raven, 1985), which either estab-
itat requirements preclude the existence of lished or accentuated the isolation of the
two different species in the same geographic eastern and western species due to increased
area without a high likelihood of contact. aridity in the central part of the continent.

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Platanus requires abundant moisture to TREES, monoecious, anemophilous, of-

survive and is restricted throughout most of ten large, usually restricted to watercourses,
its range to areas of permanent or semi- floodplains or swampy ground; BARK ex-
permanent ground water, mostly in fully ri- foliating in irregular smooth plates, appear-
parian situations. The genus is currently ab- ing mottled cream, grayish, and green, or
sent from the majority of the central part sometimes on lower portions of trunks and
of the continent, although P. racemosa var. larger branches becoming furrowed and
wrightii and P. occidentalis var. palmeri are rough; NODES multilacunar; TwIGS usually
found in mesic canyons in the Sonoran and pubescent with dendritic trichomes, gla-
Chihuahuan deserts, respectively. There is brate with age, often noticeably swollen be-
some indication that the latter two taxa neath each node in second year; LENTICELS
may have been in contact and hybridized evident on younger twigs only, small, round
during past periods of higher rainfall, since and whitish; VESTITURE of leaves and twigs
in some of the characters by which P. ra- of dendritic abietiform trichomes, some-
cemosa var. wrightii differs from var. race- times with the rays (branches) reduced or
mosa it approaches var. palmeri (e.g., leaf suppressed, and the trichomes then appear-
vestiture, ultimate venation, tendency to ing unbranched, e.g., as the achene comae
fewer and smaller capitula per inflores- and bud-scale vestiture. LEAVES large, de-
cence, deciduous styles). Some material of ciduous, with strong sweet fragrance, alter-
var. palmeri from Coahuila tends to have nately arranged with well developed peti-
longer leaf lobes and often has two capitula oles, actinodromous or palinactinodromous
instead of one per inflorescence, character (palmately veined with veins extending to
states that might indicate past introgression marginal teeth) and 3-5(-7)-palmately
with P. racemosa var. wrightii, or might be lobed or early spring leaves and those on
an atavistic genetic tendency, assuming a seedlings often pinnately veined and
pluricapitulate ancestry. toothed, or (in P. kerrii) evergreen, craspe-
The majority of Platanus species occupy dodromous (pinnately veined with veins ex-
subtropical or montane tropical habitats at tending to marginal teeth) with compound
present. Of the North American species, teeth; PETIOLES with expanded base that
only P. occidentalis var. occidentalis extends encloses the axillary bud. STIPULES consist-
into cold north temperate zones. On the ba- ing of a single sheathing structure attached
sis of leaf morphology and its single capit- opposite each leaf, encircling the twig
ulum in each inflorescence, P. occidentalis is (called here the stipular sheath), this usually
almost surely one of the most highly de- with 7-9 parallel veins, expanding into a 3-
rived taxa in the genus, which indicates that 5-palmately lobed or merely toothed folia-
the genus (and family) is basically montane ceous blade that folds around the stem and
tropical or subtropical in origin as well as petiole (called here the stipular blade), or
distribution. the blade portion essentially absent or
membranous, especially on lower nodes.
TERMINAL BUDS lacking, due either to
abortion or presence of terminal inflores-
cence; AxILLARY BUDS usually dark brown
PLATANACEAE T. Lestib., Botanogr. or reddish, exposed only in dormant sea-
Elem. 526. June 1826. TYPE: Platanus L. son; outer BUD SCALE (stipular?) forming
a cap, usually enclosing one central and two
Monogeneric as presently understood. reduced lateral shoots, true bud scales or
perulae not present but each node protected
The· following description has been by membranous stipular sheath, next sea-
adapted in part from Cronquist (1981). son's inflorescence well developed within

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the bud prior to dormancy and usually (achenelet) with attached long articulate
coated with a resinous yellow exudate. IN- hairs, falling separately from the receptacle
FLORESCENCES unisexual (rarely bisexual in autumn or sometimes persistent, recep-
on unusual specimens), terminal on new tacles with a reticulate pattern of (4-)5
growth of 2-5 nodes (short terminal or lat- (-6)-sided floral scars, often persistent on
eral shoots) in spring, or axillary (P. kerrii), the tree through the winter (or dry season).
of spherical, dense, many-flowered capitula, SEED spindle-shaped, 1(-2) per carpel, cot-
racemosely or spicately arranged along a ra- yledons unequal; endosperm scanty.
chis or solitary on a peduncle, base of each
inflorescence with a deciduous stipular PLATANUS L. TYPE: Platanus orientalis L.,
sheath and with inconspicuous bracts close- designated by M. L. Green, Prop. British
ly subtending each capitulum, otherwise Botanists, p. 189. 1930.
apparently ebracteate, flowering at verna-
tion. CARPELLATE FLOWERS regular, incon- Characters those of the family.
spicuous, densely packed on hard com-
pound receptacle; CARPELLATE PERIANTH
of 3-4(-7) free or basally connate sepals, ARTIFICIAL KEY TO ALL SPECIES AND
petals usually absent; 3-4 staminodia usu- VARIETIES WORLDWIDE
ally present; GYNOECIUM of (3-)4-9(-11)
free carpels, these elongate-clavate with 1. Evergreen trees, leaves pinnately-veined (craspe-
dodromous), base of petiole not completely closed
prominent suture and linear style with dry
adaxially around axillary bud; inflorescences axil-
stigmatic surface in a groove from top of lary; distribution in Laos and northern Vietnam
ovary to tip, ovary sometimes imperfectly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. P. kerrii
sealed at apex, usually with many straight 1. Deciduous trees, leaves palmately-veined and
articulate trichomes from base extending lobed (actinodromous), axillary buds completely
approximately the length of the ovary, enclosed in petiole base (base sometimes splitting
to reveal bud late in year); inflorescences terminal
forming a coma, and often with shorter on lateral or terminal relatively short new shoots
highly branched dendritic trichomes on car- of 3-5 nodes length in spring; distribution in
pel walls and at distal end; OVULES 1(-2) southwest Eurasia, North America from Guate-
orthotropous, bitegmic, pendent, crassinu- mala to California and eastern Canada.
cellar. STAMINATE FLOWERS in smaller 2. Carpellate inflorescence a raceme (or spike) of
3 or more (2-12) capitula.
heads without woody receptacle, deciduous 3. Leaves usually with 5 lanceolate or lance-
following anthesis; STAMINATE PERIANTH ovate lobes, the lobes longer than their basal
similar to carpellate perianth, but petals width, central lobe often widest above its
usually present, petals indistinctly three- base, usually near the middle; leaf base often
lobed, reduced or vestigial and alternating cordate; achenes light yellow and apically
glabrous at maturity (or bearded in the Eur-
with sepals, persistent after anthesis; STA- asian P. orientalis), styles persistent or not;
MENS 4(-9) per flower, tetrasporangiate, distribution mainly west of the continental
dithecal, anther sacs elongate, dehiscing by divide in southwestern U.S. and northwest-
1 longitudinal slit, filament very short, con- ern Mexico, and Eurasia.
nective well developed and forming a (glan- 4. Vestiture of abaxial leaf surface (of ma-
ture leaves) of loose yellowish deciduous
dular?) cap over anther sacs, contiguous an- or semipersistent trichomes, leaves usu-
ther-caps of the many stamens of a head ally glabrate at maturity; fruiting capitula
completely sealing and protecting the head usually more than 18 mm in diameter.
until time of anthesis; POLLEN binucleate, 5. Prominent antrorse secondary teeth
spheroidal to subprolate, tricolpate, colpus present on lobe margins; achenes usu-
ally persistently vestitured at apices;
membrane granular, infratectal exine struc- natural distribution in southern Eu-
ture columellate, exine semitectate with re- rope and the Middle East; sometimes
ticulate sculpturing. FRUIT an achene cultivated in temperate and subtropi-

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cal parts of the Americas ...... . San Luis Potosi, Guanajuato and Hidalgo
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. P. orientalis . . . . . . . . Sb. P. mexicana var. interior
S. Prominent secondary teeth usually 2. Carpellate capitulum solitary, terminal on ape-
]absent from lobe margins, glandular duncle from 30-80 mm long, or rarely with
teeth sometimes present, especially on 2-3 sessile capitula in spike.
"juvenile" growth; achenes usually 8. Vestiture of abaxial leaf surface cream or
glabrate apically at maturity; distri- brownish, loose, semipersistent to decidu-
bution in western United States and ous, mature leaves glabrate except along pri-
northwestern Mexico. mary veins; fruiting capitula yellowish, usu-
6. Vestiture of abaxial leaf surface se- ally 12-30(-40) mm in diameter (excluding
mipersistent or persistent; carpel- styles); mature achenes with more or less
late capitula usually sessile on in- glabrous truncate shoulder (apex), but with
florescence rachis; achene apex glandular dendritic trichomes on apical
truncate or gradually tapering into third of achene sides, styles usually brittle,
usually persistent style; distribution deciduous.
in California and northern Baja 9. Major lobes of leaves usually with several
California ............... . secondary teeth, vestiture of abaxial sur-
. . . . 4a. P. racemosa var. racemosa face semipersistent or deciduous; fruiting
6. Leaves usually glabrate at maturity; capitulum usually more than 20 mm in
carpellate capitula usually attached diameter (excluding styles); eastern to
to rachis by stalks to S-lS mm south-central U.S ............... .
long; achene apex usually rounded . . . . . 7a. P. occidentalis var. occidentalis
or truncate, styles usually decidu- 9. Major lobes of leaves usually with entire
ous; distribution in Arizona, New margins or with a few scattered second-
Mexico, Sonora and western Chi- ary teeth, abaxial leaf surface always gla-
huahua ................. . brate with age; fruiting capitulum usually
..... 4b. P. racemosa var. wrightii less than 20 mm in diameter (excluding
4. Vestiture of abaxial leaf surface persis- styles); distribution mostly from Edwards
tent, whitish, obscuring the surface even Plateau of Texas to desert ranges of east-
on old leaves; capitula usually less than ern Coahuila and Nuevo Leon .....
18 mm in diameter; distribution in . . . . . . . 7b. P. occidentalis var. palmeri
southern Sonora and adjacent Sinaloa 8. Vestiture of abaxial leaf surface white or
and Chihuahua . . . . . . . . 3. P. gentryi cream, tight, persistent, the veins usually
3. Leaves usually with 3 deltoid-acuminate or with darker brownish trichomes; fruiting ca-
narrowly triangular lobes (occasionally un- pitula (20-)2S-3S(-40) mm in diameter
lobed), the lobes usually about equal to or (excluding styles); mature achenes densely
less than their basal width, central lobe usu- bearded with white or cream trichomes at
ally widest at or near its base, leaf base usu- apex, gradually tapering into the persistent,
ally broadly rounded or truncate, typically thin and flexuous styles, these often bearded
not cordate (except sometimes in P. mexi- as well, the capitula appearing whitish and
cana var. interior); achenes brownish,
woolly; distribution on lower east slopes of
sparsely puberulent on exposed apex, styles
Sierra Madre Oriental of northeastern Mex-
persistent; distribution in eastern and south-
ico . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. P. rzedowskii
eastern Mexico, and Guatemala.
7. Vestiture of abaxial leaf surface dense
enough to give a white, cream or yellow-
ish aspect to leaf surface; carpellate ca- I. PLATANUS SUBG. CASTANEOPHYL-
pitula usually 3 or more per inflores-
LUM J. F. Leroy in Compt. Rend. Seances
cence; achenes usually S-6 mm long ex-
cluding style; broadly distributed in east- Acad. Sci., Ser. 3, Sci. Vie. 295(3): 251, 254.
ern and southeastern Mexico and 1982.
Guatemala ................... . Characters of the genus, but differing
. . . . . . . Sa. P. mexicana var. mexicana from subgenus Platanus in the following
7. Vestiture of abaxial leaf sparse or leaves
characters: trees evergreen; leaves pinnately
glabrate at maturity; carpellate capitula
usually 2-3 per inflorescence; achenes veined, craspedodromous, not lobed; peti-
usually 7-9 mm long excluding style; dis- ole base not completely enclosing axillary
tribution in central Mexico in Queretaro, bud; inflorescences apparently axillary.

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1. PLATANUS KERRI! Gagnepain, Bull. Soc. Arbores cortice exfolianti, folia decidua, laminis
Bot. France 86:301. 1939. TYPE: LAOS (not lobatis !obis profundis palmatis (3-)5(-7) lanceolatis
vel lancei-ovatis subtus dense pubescentibus pilis al-
seen). bis vel canis persistentibus, marginibus saepe dentatis
Not treated here. Described from Laos, dentibus antrorsis cuneatis interdum nullis, inflores-
and more recently discovered in northern centiae carpellatae 3-7-capitulatae capitulis 11-18
Vietnam (Leroy, 1982). mm diametro unoquoque pedunculato, achaenia 6-
9 mm longa apice ad maturitatem glabra, stylis saepe
Characters of the genus, but differing
TREES to 30 m or more tall, narrowly
from subg. Castaneophyllum in the follow-
pyramidal; BARK exfoliating, appearing
ing characters: trees with leaves winter-de-
mottled; TWIGS 2.0-2.5 mm in diameter
ciduous (but brown leaves sometimes re-
when young, with dense to sparse vestittire
maining on the tree through the dormant
of dendritic trichomes, reddish beneath ves-
season); mature leaves actinodromous or
titure, older twigs glabrate, reddish-brown
palinactinodromous, 3-5(-7) lobed (rarely
or gray or sometimes persistently dendritic-
some juvenile or sprout leaves pinnate, un-
puberulent. LEAF BLADES to 8-20(-25) cm
lobed); base of petiole completely enclosing
long by 10-20(-30) cm wide, orbicular to
axillary bud, but sometimes splitting ada-
ovate or obovate in outline, deeply lobed,
xially late in the season; inflorescences ter-
adaxial surface grayish-green, at first sparse-
ly pubescent, soon glabrate, the major veins
usually prominent, lighter colored but not
2. PLATANUS ORIENTALIS L., Sp. Pl. 999. raised above the surface, abaxial surface
1753. TYPE: EUROPE. LECTOTYPE: Herb. persistently densely white or grayish canes-
Clifford.: 447, Platanus No. 1 (BM). LT des- cent, the vestiture fine, obscuring the blade
ignated by Barrie & Nixon, Reg. Veg. 127: surface except in older weathered leaves,
77 (1993). major veins raised above the abaxial surface
Not treated here. Platanus orientalis re- and prominently yellowish or brown due to
sembles our western North American syc- "glandular" dendritic vestiture; LEAF LOBES
amores in the racemose nature of the car- usually (3-)5(-7), lanceolate or lance ovate,
pellate inflorescence, more or less glabrate with tapering apices ending in glandular
leaves, and relatively narrow leaf lobes, with tips, central lobe 2 to 2 & 172 times as long
the central lobe consistently longer than as broad, to 15 cm long by 5 cm wide, api-
broad. It differs from these species, how- cal lateral lobes 213 to o/10 the length of cen-
ever, in the overall shape and rather profuse tral lobe and of similar shape, basal lateral
secondary lobing and teeth of its leaves, and lobes V:i to 213 length of central lobe, or oc-
in its usually densely bearded achenes, casionally lacking, leaves sometimes smaller
which resemble those of P. rzedowskii de- and unlobed on first node of fertile shoots,
scribed below. Platanus orientalis is not as margins of lobes with closely spaced gland-
commonly cultivated as what is apparently tipped teeth, often more than one tooth
a hybrid derivative of P. orientalis and P. arising from each branched secondary vein,
occidentalis (P. Xacerifolia (Ait.) Wild.). the teeth to 15 mm long, antrorsely direct-
ed, the glandular tips usually 1-2 mm long,
3. Platanus gentryi Nixon & Poole, sp. nov. or lobes rarely with more or less entire mar-
TYPE: MEXICO. Sinaloa: Mpio. Badiragua- gins and lacking these teeth; SECONDARY
to: Sierra Suratato, Canyon Tarahumare, VEINS arcuate, anastomosing near margins
17-24 Mar 1945, H. S. Gentry 7154 (Ho- or passing into marginal teeth; TERTIARY
LOTYPE: GH!; ISOTYPES: MICH!; NY!). Fig. VEINS percurrent but often branched, not
6. prominently straight or convex; LEAF BASES

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K. C. Nhcon & J. M . Poole 1983

-"'~;.._;:;.;_;_-=.~~~~~-· ~,on.drT•r.ihunu"'.SotiuSurou1to Ma11h 1· n. '"•

Th• Unlv•rtity of Tena Herbu·lum
~::!" ~~· ....
M:J ..:~#­

Yt_..... •'
K . c . NlllOf"I (, J . M. Poole 1983 ?:I-Ht rl W«t ~t'H• 21).~ • · htg;tl1 cl d ti-..oa
~1th 41,.... Iris:' to ~

FIG. 6. Holotype of Platanus gentryi (GH) . Scale marked in cm.

cordate to truncate, occasionally cuneate, brownish trichomes, sometimes (especially

blade usually not decurrent along petiole on rapidly growing shoots) foliose, lobed,
proximally from axil of major lateral veins, with glandular teeth similar to those of the
occasionally extending 5- 10 mm past this leaves. AXILLARY BUDS reddish brown,
point; P ETIOLES at first sparsely to densely smooth . CARPE LLATE INFLORESC ENCES
clothed with short dendritic trichomes, later lax, racemose or rarely spicate, of (1- )5-7
glabrate, to (25- )50- 70(- 86) mm long. stalked or subsessile capitula, capitula at
STIPULES membranous, usually with maturity (11- )13- 15(- 18) mm in diameter,

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yellowish. CARPELLATE FLOWERS: STAMI- material from this area. This affirms the de-
NODIA conspicuous in young capitula, cision to recognize this taxon at the specific
about as long as ovaries, orange-colored, level, since all the taxa we have considered
with peltate cap (to 2.5 mm broad) bearing conspecific varieties show closer morpho-
dendritic and/or unbranched trichomes; logic similarity and broad or narrow zones
CARPELS usually 6 per flower; OvARIES in of intergradation. We consider this species
flowers and young fruit with short "glan- to be relictual in distribution, and possibly
dular" dendritic trichomes on sides, these similar to the ancestral type from which P.
deciduous or obscured by the coma of ma- racemosa was deriv~d.
ture achenes; STYLES in flowers and young
fruit reddish, apically circinate. STAMINATE SPECIMENS EXAMINED: MEXICO.
INFLORESCENCES of 3-4 subsessile capitula. Chihuahua: Mpio. Batopilas: Above La
STAMINATE FLOWERS with connective caps Bufa, along Arroyo Samachique, Bye 3387
reddish with dense short dendritic tri- (MEXU, TEX); W of La Bufa, 30 Jul 1977,
chomes, these less dense on heads near or Bye 7768 (CAS, GH, MEXU, MICH, NY,
at anthesis. MATURE ACHENES 6-9 mm SD); Santa Rosa, Pennington 283 (TEX);
long, truncate or abruptly tapered, asym- Guaqueybo, 2 Apr 1955, Pennington 22
metrical at apex, smooth, yellow, glabrous, (TEX). Sinaloa: Mpio. Badiraguato: Sierra
styles usually persistent, to 3-4 mm long; Suratato, Canyon Tarahumare, below Jolla,
COMA yellowish, individual trichomes Breedlove 15606 (ENCB, F, LL, MEXU,
about the length of the achene body; MICH); Sierra Suratato, Quebrado de Man-
achenes usually falling in autumn (Figs. 4 zana, 10-14 Sep 1941, Gentry 6585 (MICH,
& 6). MO, ARIZ); Los Alisos, 4 Mar 1940, Gentry
5807 (ARIZ, GH, MEXU, MICH, MO, NY);
DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT: At ca. Tamiapa (Tameapa), Gentry 5862 (ARIZ,
1000 m elevation in wet subtropical can- GH, MICH, MO, NY). Sonora: Vinata, Rio
yons of southern Sonora, northern Sinaloa Mayo, 8 Jul 1935, Gentry 1477 (MEXU,
and adjacent Chihuahua (Fig. 2). Reaching MO, ARIZ); La Vinaterfa, 26 Dec 1990, Fel-
massive proportions, with a narrow, pine- ger 90-706 (TEX).
like habit.
The wet subtropical habitat and abun- SA. Platanus racemosa Nutt., N. Amer. Sylva
dant morphological differences should pre- 1:47. pl. 15. 1842. Platanus orientalis L. var.
clude confusion of this taxon with the typ- racemosa (Nutt.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. 2:636.
ically more glabrate P. racemosa var. wrigh- 1891. TYPE: UNITED STATES. California:
tii of the mountains to the north. The spe- Santa Barbara, Nuttall s.n. (HOLOTYPE:
cies is named in honor of Howard Scott PH!; ISOTYPE: GH!). The specimen at PH,
Gentry (1903-1993), who collected the ma- labelled in Nuttall's hand and marked with
jority of specimens seen of this species, and an asterisk as his designation of a new spe-
who contributed so much to the botanical cies, is accepted as the holotype, over the
knowledge of the area in which it grows, GH specimen similarly marked in Nuttall's
especially the Rio Mayo of Sonora. hand.
In recent treatments, Platanus gentryi
has been referred to either P. racemosa or Platanus occidentalis sensu Hook. & Arn.,
P. wrightii (Martin et al., 1998; Felger et al., Bot. Beech. Voy. 160. 1833, non P. occi-
2001). Although P. gentryi occurs geograph- dentalis L., Sp. Pl. 999. 1753.
ically relatively close to populations of P. Platanus mexicana sensu Torr. in Sitgreaves,
racemosa var. wrightii in Chihuahua, we Rep. Exp. 172. 1853, non P. mexicana
have seen no indication of intermediate Morie., Pl. Nouv. Amer. 39. 1837.

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Platanus californica Benth, Bot. Voy. Sulph. usually persistently pubescent, to (25-)30-
54. 1844. TYPE: UNITED STATES. Cal- 60(-75) mm long. STIPULES membranous
ifornia: San Francisco (not seen). or often foliose, with relatively smooth en-
tire margins. AXILLARY BUDS reddish
TREES to 30 m or more tall; BARK ex- brown, smooth. CARPELLATE INFLORES-
foliating, appearing mottled, usually even at CENCES lax, spicate or rarely racemose, to
base of large trunks; TWIGS densely yellow- 25 cm long, of 3-7(-8) sessile or stalked ca-
ish tomentose in first year, glabrate and pitula, capitula at maturity (12-)14-22(-24)
reddish brown or gray in second year, older mm in diameter, yellowish. CARPELLATE
twigs usually grayish. LEAF BLADES to 8- FLOWERS: STAMINODIA not observed;
18(-35) cm long by 10-25(-53) cm wide, CARPELS usually ca. 6(-9) per flower; OVA-
orbicular to broadly ovate in outline, deeply RIES in flowers and young fruits with short
palmately lobed, adaxial surface grayish- glandular dendritic trichomes on sides;
green, on new leaves usually densely rusty- STYLES in flowers and young fruit circinate,
tomentose, vestiture sparser as blade ex- reddish with orangish peltate staminodia
pands, the surface soon glabrate, major (3-4 per flower) appearing to be inter-
veins usually prominent, lighter colored, spersed among ovaries. STAMINATE INFLO-
but not conspicuously raised above the sur- RESCENCES spicate, of 2-4(-5) subsessile
face, abaxial surface loosely tomentose with capitula, usually 8-9 mm diameter. STA-
yellowish dendritic trichomes, vestiture se- MINATE FLOWERS with STAMENS 1.6-2.3
mipersistent or persistent, sometimes decid- mm long with reddish, peltate connective
uous with age, usually not completely ob- caps bearing dense short branched and/or
scuring the blade surface, the major veins unbranched trichomes, these less dense on
raised above the abaxial surface and prom- heads at anthesis, unbranched articulate tri-
inently yellowish or brown due to glandular chomes to 2 mm long attached to receptacle
dendritic vestiture; LEAF LOBES usually 5(-7), and often persistent after anthesis, as are
lanceolate or lance ovate, with tapered api- grayish "petals." MATURE ACHENES 6-7
ces ending in glandular tips, central lobe 1 mm long, smooth, yellow, glabrous or pu-
& 1h to 4 times as long as wide, to 20 cm bescent on distal third of body, shoulder
long by 6 cm wide, apical lateral lobes ca. glabrous, truncate or tapering into the per-
213 to o/10 as long as central lobe and of sim- sistent or sometimes deciduous style, style
ilar shape, basal lateral lobes ca. 113 to 213 ca. 4-5 mm long, glabrous; COMA of yel-
length of central lobe or occasionally re- lowish or brownish articulate trichomes ca.
duced or lacking, margins of lobes entire, as long as achene body, achenes falling in
smooth, only occasionally with teeth, if autumn or sometimes remaining on heads
teeth are present these usually not more through the winter (Fig. 4).
than one per secondary vein; SECONDARY
VEINS curved-ascending and anastomosing DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT: Usually
near margins, or sometimes passing into found below 1500 m elevation in cismon-
marginal teeth; TERTIARY VEINS percurrent tane central and southern California and
but often branched, not prominently northern Baja California, Mexico (Fig. 2).
straight or convex percurrent; LEAF BASES Restricted to riparian forest, usually along
cordate to truncate, occasionally cuneate, perennial streams, but found in seasonally
blade usually not decurrent along petiole dry arroyos as well, presumably where high
beyond point of branching of major lateral water tables remain through the summer
veins (primary vein branching therefore drought. Cultivated widely in California,
basal) or sometimes decurrent 5-10 mm natural stands often being prominent fea-
proximally from primary vein branching, tures of parks and recreational areas, espe-
vein branching then suprabasal; PETIOLES cially in southern California where large na-

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tive shade trees are relatively few in num- easily separable from var. wrightii on the
ber. Flowering from February into March basis of the characters outlined above, tax-
and occasionally as late as April. onomic segregation of the two entities is
warranted. We have chosen to follow Ben-
The typical variety differs from var. son (1943) and include var. wrightii as a
wrightii in its generally more densely and variety of P. racemosa because this reflects
persistently tomentose leaves, petioles, and its close relationship to the Californian tax-
twigs, and carpellate inflorescences that are on and the broad overlap in character states
usually longer (to 25 cm), with usually 4 to of the two taxa. At the same time, we rec-
6 capitula. The capitula are usually sessile ognize that some workers may prefer to
on the main axis of the inflorescence, but maintain the specific rank of var. wrightii
occasionally pedunculate with secondary (e.g., Kaul, 1993); since species concepts are
peduncles up to 5 to 10 mm long, while in quite problematic in woody species in gen -
var. wrightii the capitula are more consis- eral, and cannot easily be standardized, we
tently pedunculate. The achenes tend to be feel that in the case of this taxon, the de-
more tapered apically than those of var. cision to recognize it as a variety or a spe-
wrightii, and the styles are usually persistent cies is somewhat arbitrary. In our experi-
as opposed to the often deciduous styles of ence the characters separating these two
the latter variety. The tertiary venation of taxa are too variable and inconsistent for
var. racemosa is usually more prominent identification without the help of geograph-
than in var. wrightii, as is discussed in more ic information. We have chosen the rank
detail below. Although the above differenc- that we believe is most consistent with our
es in characters may seem major in the con- classification of the remainder of the genus
text of differences among other Platanus in North America, and best reflects the
species, there can be little doubt that the close relationship of the two taxa included
two taxa considered here share a common as varieties of P. racemosa.
ancestry, and there does not seem to be
enough stability in the characters which dif- REPRESENTATIVE SPECIMENS EXAM-
ferentiate the two taxa to maintain them as INED: UNITED STATES. California: Ala-
separate species. Specimens from through- meda Co: Mt. Hamilton Range, end of Cor-
out the range of P. racemosa in California ral Hollow, Gould 877 (ARIZ, F, GH, NY,
can be found which approach var. wrightii PH, US); Colusa Co: Sycamore Slough,
closely in having various combinations of Stinchfield 395 (A, DS, NY); Kern Co: 6 km
the following character states: pistillate above Richbar, Howell 51794 (CAS, MEXU,
heads pedunculate, styles deciduous, achenes NY); Los Angeles Co: Pasadena, 4 Apr 1901,
truncate, and leaves very glabrate with less Grant 1007 (CAS, DS(3), GH, MICH, PH,
prominent tertiary venation. These trees are US); Santa Monica Canyon, Eastwood 9285
particularly abundant in some Baja Califor- (A, CAS); Rock Creek, San Gabriel Mtns,
nia and southern California localities. Trees 2-4 Jul 1908, Abrams & McGregor 529 (DS,
from Andreas Canyon, Riverside County, GH, US); Monterey Co: Carmel Valley, 31
California, approach P. racemosa var. wrigh- Mar 1970, Howell 46495 (CAS); Jolon, East-
tii very closely and were considered that va- wood 4164 (GH, A, CAS); Orange Co: Ran-
riety by Benson (1943). Similar material oc- cho Santa Ana, Dec 1934, Johnson 6276
curs sporadically in northern and central (ARIZ); San Benito Co: near San Juan, 11
California as well. Field studies and com- Mar 1910, Pieters s.n. (MICH); San Diego
mon garden analyses of these populations Co: Lakeside, Carlson s.n. (A, CAS); Campo
might shed light on the dynamics of the road, Sweetwater River Bridge, Gander 840
interaction of the two taxa. Since the vast (SD); Canyons near San Diego, 31 Oct
majority of specimens from California are 1926, Bailey & Bailey 7911 (BH); San Luis

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Obispo Co: San Luis Obispo, Rose 36071 not completely obscuring the blade surface,
(A, CAS, DS, F, MICH, NY); Santa Barbara the major veins raised above the abaxial
Co: Santa Ynez Mtns, 9 Jul 1959, Pollard surface and prominently yellowish or
s.n. (CAS, LL). MEXICO. Baja California: brown due to "glandular" dendritic vesti-
Between San Quintin and El Rosario, Ar- ture; LEAF LOBES (3-)5(-7), lanceolate or
royo Socorro, Wiggins & Thomas 22 (DS, lance-ovate, with tapering apices ending in
ENCE, MEXU, MICH, US); San Ysidro glandular tips; central lobe 1 & ~ to 4 times
Ranch, Mearns 3871 (DS, GH, NY, US); 32 longer than wide, to 15 cm long by 7.5 cm
km north of Ensenada, Wiggins & Gillespie wide, margins of lobes entire, smooth, only
4003 (CAS, DS, F, GH, MICH, MO, SD, occasionally with teeth, if so, then usually
US). not more than one tooth per secondary vein
(and usually then only on rapidly growing
4b. PLATANUS RACEMOSA Nutt. var. shoots or "juvenile" growth); SECONDARY
WRIGHTII (S. Wats.) Benson, Amer. J. Bot. VEINS curved-ascending and anastomosing
30:237. 1943. Platanus wrightii S. Wats., near margins, or sometimes passing into
Proc. Amer. Acad. 10:349. 1875. Platanus marginal teeth; TERTIARY VEINS percurrent
racemosa Nutt. ssp. wrightii ($. Wats.) E. but often branched, often obscure, not
Murray, Kalmia 12:23. 1982. TYPE: UNIT- prominently straight or convex percurrent,
ED STATES. Arizona: Santa Cruz Co: on ultimate venation and areolation regular,
the Sonoita near Deserta Ranch, 16 Sep prominent; LEAF BASES usually cordate or
1851, Wright 1880 (HOLOTYPE: GH!; Iso- reflexed (to 180°) to truncate, rarely cune-
TYPE: US!). The type collection is appar- ate, blades usually not decurrent along pet-
ently Wright's field number 536, but dis- iole proximally from axil of major lateral
tributed by Gray as number 1880 (fide no- veins (veins therefore basal) or occasionally
tation by I. M. Johnston). decurrent 5-10 mm past this point (veins
then suprabasal); PETIOLES usually persis-
Platanus racemosa sensu Watson, Pl. tently pubescent, to (25-)30-50(-75) mm
Wheeler 16. 1847, non P. racemosa Nutt., long. STIPULES membranous or often foli-
N. Amer. Sylva 1:47. 1842. ose, with relatively smooth entire margins.
Platanus mexicana sensu Torr. in Emory, AxILLARY BUDS reddish brown, smooth.
Notes Mil. Reconnois. 151. 1848, non P. CARPELLATE INFLORESCENCES lax, race-
mexicana Morie., PL Nouv. Amer. 39. mose or spicate, of (2-)3-5(-8) stalked or
1837. rarely sessile capitula, capitula at maturity
(13-)16-20(-25) mm in diameter, yellow-
TREES to 30 m or more tall; BARK ex- ish. CARPELLATE FLOWERS: STAMINODIA
foliating, appearing mottled, usually even at 3-4, orangish, peltate, about as long as the
base of large trunks; TWIGS densely yellow- ovaries, and appearing interspersed among
ish tomentose in first year, glabrate and them; CARPELS ca. 6(-9) per flower; OVA-
reddish brown or gray in second year, older RIES in flowers and young fruit with short
twigs usually grayish. LEAF BLADES to (8-) "glandular" dendritic trichomes on sides;
10-25(-35) cm long by (9-)10-30(-50) cm STYLES in flowers and young fruit reddish,
wide, orbicular to broadly ovate in outline, circinate. STAMINATE INFLORESCENCES of
deeply palmately lobed, adaxial surface 2-4(-5) subsessile capitula, connective caps
grayish-green, vestiture at first sparse, soon reddish with dense short dendritic tri-
glabrate, the major veins usually prominent, chomes, these less dense on heads near or
lighter colored, but not raised above the at anthesis. STAMINATE FLOWERS with
surface, abaxial surface loosely pubescent STAMENS (anthers) 2-3 mm long. MATURE
with yellowish hairs, pubescence semiper- ACHENES (5-)6-7(-8) mm long, truncate
sistent or usually glabrate with age, usually or abruptly tapering at the apex, smooth,

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yellow, glabrous or sometimes with sparse Imuris, 7 May 1948, Wiggins 11654 (DS,
dendritic vestiture on distal third of body, SD, TEX, US); Rio Gavilan, at Tres Rios, 26
shoulder glabrous, style brittle, usually de- Aug 1952, Tucker 2541 (ARIZ, CAS).
ciduous, but sometimes persistent and then UNITED STATES. Arizona: Cochise Co:
glabrous; COMA of brown or yellowish Paradise, 16 Oct 1906, Blumer 1262 (ARIZ,
straight unbranched articulate trichomes DS, F, GH, MO, NY, US); Chiricahua, Oct
about as long as achene body and attached 1906, Blumer 1630 (ARIZ(2), F, GH(2), NY,
at its base; achenes falling in autumn or US); Pima Co: Santa Catalina Mtns, 26 Apr
sometimes remaining on heads through the 1939, Ehlers & Ehlers 6398 (GH, MEXU,
winter (Fig. 4). MICH); Santa Rita Mtns, 27 Sep 1880, En-
gelmann & Sargent s.n. (A, PH); Pinal Co:
DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT: Typical- Pinal Mtns, Queen Cyn, 16 Jul 1931, Peebles
ly at higher elevations than var. racemosa, 7942 (A, NY); Santa Cruz Co: Santa Rita
at mostly 1200 to 1800 m, and a somewhat Mtns, Madera Cyn, 25 Mar 1926, Loomis et
smaller, more graceful tree. Montane al. 1360 (ARIZ); Santa Rita Mtns, 9 June
streams and rivers in southern Arizona, 1884, Pringle s.n. (F, NY); Banks of the Ri-
southwestern New Mexico, Sonora and llita, 16 Apr 1881, Pringle s.n. (A, F(2), MO,
northern and western Chihuahua, Mexico NY, US); Verde Creek beyond Payson, 13
(Fig. 2). Vernation and flowering mainly in May 1929, Eastwood 17223 (CAS, MICH).
April. New Mexico: Catron Co: Whitewater Can-
yon, 18 Jun 1966, Correll & Correll 33071
This variety differs from var. racemosa (LL); Mogollon Mtns, 1 Jul 1887, Rushy 370
in the generally more glabrous leaves, pet- (A, NY(2)); Sierra Co: Animas Creek, 13 Jul
ioles, and twigs, the tendency for the car- 1904, Metcalfe 1111 (CAS, F, GH, NY, US);
pellate inflorescence to have fewer (often
about 3) capitula that are pedunculate on Sa. PLATANUS MEXICANA Morie. var. ME-
the rachis, and the usually more truncate XICANA. Platanus mexicana Morie., Pl.
achenes and deciduous styles. With the ex- Nouv. Amer. 39. pl. 29. 1837, non P. me-
ception of the pedunculate capitula, these xicana sensu Standley. Platanus occidentalis
character trends in P. racemosa var. wrightii L. var. mexicana (Morie.) Janko, Bot. Jahr.
constitute morphologic similarity to P. oc- 11:451. 1890. TYPE: MEXICO. "circa Mex-
cidentalis var. palmeri (see below). This ico," Berlandier s.n. (HOLOTYPE: G!, photo
morphological similarity may be due to past of holotype, A!). The specimen at G,
contact and introgression, or parallel evo- mounted on two sheets but obviously a sin-
lution in response to more xeric desert hab- gle collection, matches the illustration ac-
itats encountered by the latter two varieties, companying the original description, al-
as compared with P. racemosa var. racemosa though one of the leaves of the figured twig
and P. occidentalis var. occidentalis, respec- has been detached and mounted on the sec-
tively. ond sheet.

REPRESENTATIVE SPECIMENS EXAM- Platanus lindeniana M. Martens & Galeotti,

INED: MEXICO. Chihuahua: Mpio. Janos: Bull. Acad. Roy. Bruxelles 10:342. 1843.
Carretas, 26-28 Aug 1939, White 2503 (F, Platanus orientalis var. lindeniana (M.
GH, MICH, NY, US); Salto Canyon, Babi- Martens & Galeotti) Kuntze, Rev. Gen.
cora, 23 Jul 1937, Lesueur 1331 (F, MO). 2:636. 1891. Platanus occidentalis L. var.
Sonora: vicinity of Hermosillo, 8 Mar 1910, lindeniana (M. Martens & Galeotti)
Rose, Standley & Russell 12538 (NY, US); 5 Jaen., Nova Acta Acad. C. L. C. G. Nat.
km N of Imuris, 30 Oct 1932, Wiggins 6210 Cur. 77:118 & 121. 1899.-TYPE: MEX-
(DS, US); Caii6n de Comajito, 16 km E of ICO. Veracruz: Xalapa, Linden 9 (LEC-

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TOTYPE (here designated): GENT! lso- tips, entire or with sessile marginal glands,
LECTOTYPE: BR!). Martens and Galeotti occasionally with triangular teeth, apices
clearly cited Linden 9 in the original pub- glandular or not, central lobe ~ to 2 times
lication. The specimen of Linden 9 at BR as long as broad, to 20 cm long by 6 cm
bears the label of the Wesmael herbari- wide, two lateral lobes usually 113 to 213 the
um, indicating that it was probably ob- size of the central lobe and of similar shape,
tained by BR sometime after the original or the lateral lobes poorly developed or
publication. lt is fragmentary, and con- lacking, especially in the first leaf of a fertile
sists of a a single detached leaf and a sin- shoot; LEAF BASES broadly rounded to
gle detached capitulum. The specimen of truncate, but usually decurrent along peti-
Linden 9 at GENT is a complete speci- ole from major vein axil for 10-20 mm and
men, consisting of a twig with a leaf and then abruptly cuneate, primary vein
a complete inflorescence, and therefore branching therefore suprabasal, blade often
matches the protologue more closely minutely peltate at juncture with petiole,
than the specimen at BR. We therefore the primary vein usually branching only
choose the GENT specimen as lectotype. twice to form two lateral primary veins, oc-
Platanus chiapensis Standl., Contr. U. S. casionally each of these again branching to
Natl. Herb. 20:212. 1919. TYPE: MEXI- form two lateral veins on each side, these
CO. Chiapas: Zinacantan, 16 May 1904, then passing into rudimentary basal lobes;
E. A. Goldman 993 (HOLOTYPE: US!; SECONDARY VEINS of a given primary vein
ISOTYPE: NY!). usually more or less parallel, extending to
Platanus oaxacana Standl, Contr. U. S. Natl. marginal glands, teeth, or anastomosing
Herb. 20:213. 1919. TYPE: MEXICO. Oa- near the margins; TERTIARY VEINS usually
xaca: San Miguel Alborrados, 2 Jul 1894, prominent, straight or convex-percurrent,
E. W Nelson 540 (HOLOTYPE: US!). ultimate venation obscured abaxially by
dense tomentose vestiture; PETIOLES at first
TREES to 35 m tall; BARK exfoliating, tomentose, later glabrate, to (25-)30-55(-90)
appearing white-mottled; TwIGS tomentose mm long. STIPULES usually foliose, with
with whitish or yellowish dendritic tri- sharply pointed lobes, sometimes with teeth
chomes when young, usually brown or red- similar to those of the leaves. AxILLARY
dish-brown beneath vestiture, older twigs BUDS at first yellowish or rusty pubescent
brown or gray, glabrate or sometimes per- with unbranched trichomes, later glabrate,
sistently dendritic-puberulent. LEAF BLADES reddish brown, smooth. CARPELLATE IN-
to (3-)8-20(-25) cm long by 10-20(-30) FLORESCENCES lax, racemose or spicate, of
cm wide, broadly to narrowly ovate in out- (3-)5-7 stalked or sessile capitula, overall
line, shallowly to deeply lobed, thick and length 100-260 mm or more, length to first
leathery, adaxial surface grayish-green, at capitulum 40-50(-80) mm, capitula at ma-
first with sparse vestiture of dendritic tri- turity (14-)18-25(-30) mm in diameter,
chomes, soon glabrate, the veins usually brownish. CARPELLATE FLOWERS: STAMI-
slightly impressed, abaxial surface with very NODIA 3-4, reddish, strap-shaped, apically
dense, fine, interlocking white, grayish or ampliate but not usually peltate, glabrous,
yellowish vestiture obscuring blade surface about as long as ovaries, not conspicuously
except in older weathered leaves, the major visible in young capitula without dissection,
veins raised above the abaxial surface and but often persistent on capitulum receptacle
prominently yellowish or brown due to after achenes are shed; CARPELS (4-)6(-9)
"glandular" dendritic vestiture; LEAF LOBES per flower; OvARIES in flowers and young
usually (0-)3(-5), broadly deltoid to nar- fruit with short glandular branched tri-
rowly triangular, but usually broadest at or chomes on sides and apex; STYLES in flow-
very near the base, broadly acuminate at ers and young fruit circinate, reddish. STA-

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MINATE INFLORESCENCES of 2--4 subsessile Platanus oaxacana appears to be based

capitula. STAMINATE FLOWERS with sta- on a somewhat aberrant specimen in terms
mens 2-3 mm long, connective caps red- of the degree of toothing of the leaves, but
dish with dense short dendritic trichomes, otherwise is consistent with P. mexicana
these less dense on heads near or at anthe- var. mexicana in all important diagnostic
sis. MATURE ACHENES (3-)5-7 mm long, characters. Based on the single collection
brownish-yellow, rounded at apex or from the type locality, we must consider
abruptly tapered into the persistent style (to this a synonym of P. mexicana.
3-5 mm long), apically puberulent with de- We were not able to find consistent dif-
tachable short-branched cream or yellowish ferences between material from Chiapas (as
dendritic trichomes, usually glabrate on P. chiapensis in most herbaria) and other
sides; COMA of brownish straight ascending parts of the range of P. mexicana. However,
unbranched articulate trichomes usually some morphological trends in the southern
about two-thirds the length of the body at- material are apparent. A greater portion of
tached at its base; achenes falling in late trees from Chiapas tend to have narrower,
summer or autumn or rarely remaining on more acute leaf lobes, a whiter leaf vesti-
heads through the winter (Fig. 4). ture, and more leathery leaves than trees
from Veracruz and adjacent areas. Never-
DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT: Occur- theless, both forms are found intermixed in
ring along streams from 150 to 1850 m, Chiapas and Veracruz, and the characters
mostly at 900 to 1650 m, surrounded by do not appear to hold together in suites as
vegetation generally considered tropical for- would be expected if two well defined taxa
est (various types), oak, oak-pine, or cloud were interacting. There are likewise some
forest, in eastern Mexico from Veracruz to trends in number and size of capitula, but
Chiapas and also in Guatemala.
these trends break down quickly when large
numbers of specimens are examined. Trees
The typical variety differs from the fol-
with both pedunculate and sessile capitula
lowing variety by its denser and more per-
occur in Chiapas as well as to the north.
sistent abaxial leaf vestiture, its narrower
These characters do not seem to be strongly
leaves often with narrower lobes, and in a
tendency to have three or more.capitula per correlated, and we have observed all com-
carpellate inflorescence as opposed to 1 to 3. binations of the characters which at first
The bulk of the material from Veracruz might seem to separate the two putative
has been previously placed in P. lindeniana. taxa. In our opinion the extreme forms pre-
Our examination of type materials supports viously called P. chiapensis do not show the
placing P. lindeniana in synonymy under P. degree of consistent differences found in the
mexicana var. mexicana, as was indepen- extremes of the other varietal taxa we are
dently concluded by Nee (1981). The leaf recognizing. More field work, observation
and achene characters of both the lectotype of flowering times, and possibly crossing
and isolectotype specimens of P. lindeniana experiments in eastern and southern Mex-
cited above are completely consistent with ico are necessary before a final decision can
P. mexicana var. mexicana as circumscribed be made, but the evidence at present argues
here, and the racemose inflorescence of the strongly against recognizing P. chiapensis at
lectotype further supports the conspecificity either specific or varietal rank. If P. chia-
of these types with the type of P. mexicana. pensis were in fact a distinct species, it must
The type locality of P. lindeniana is well occur sympatrically with P. mexicana over
known, with much additional material of P. a broad area, a situation which would be
mexicana var. mexicana collected in the unique within the generally allopatric spe-
general vicinity in recent years. cies pattern in Platanus.

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INED: GUATEMALA. Quiche: Finca San ta Rosa, 10 Apr 1970, Ventura 873 (DS,
Francisco, Cotzal, 5 Dec 1934, Skutch 1839 ENCB, F, MICH); Mpio. Xalapa: streams
(A, F, NY, US); same locality, 9 Feb 1945, near Xalapa, 10 Apr 1899, Pringle 8107 (A,
Sharp 45154 (F, MEXU). MEXICO. Chia- BH, ENCE, F, GH, MO, NY, PH, US(2));
pas: Mpio. Angel Albino Corzo, Rio Cux- Maltrata, 12 May 1937, Matuda s.n. (A, DS,
tepec, 7 Apr 1981, Breedlove 50734 (LL, MEXU, MICH, MO, NY).
TEX); near Siltepec, 4 Mar 1945, Matuda
5124 (LL (2)); Mpio. Ixtapa, 20 Apr 1966, Sb. Platanus mexicana Morie. var. interior
Laughlin 717 (DS); Mpio. Tenejapa: Tanate Nixon & Poole var. nov. TYPE: MEXICO.
River, 13 Jul 1964, Breedlove 6348 (ENCB); Queretaro: El Trapiche, 17 km al NW de
Rio Cachinula, 2 Mar 1951, Miranda 7076 Jalpan, 8 Apr 1971, Rzedowski 28109 (Ho-
(MEXU); Tierra Colorada between Chiapa LOTYPE: F!; ISOTYPES: DS!, ENCE!, MICH!,
& Las Casas, 1941, McBryde s.n. (F(2)); Rin- NY!, TEX!). Fig. 7.
con Chamula, 12 km NW of Pueblo Nuevo
Solistahuacan, 23 Jan 1965, Raven & Breed- Arbores cortice exfolianti, folia decidua, laminis
love 19783 (ENCB, F, MICH). Hidalgo: Rio lobatis !obis non profundis palmatis 3(-5) deltoideis
(Cueva los Caliches), San Bartolo Tutote- vel late acuminatis subtus glabratis vel sparse pubes-
centibus marginibus integris vel irregulariter dentatis;
pec, 3 Jun 1972, Leyva 648 (ARIZ, CAS, inflorescentiae carpellatae ( 1-)2-3(-4)-capitulatae
ENCB, MICH). Oaxaca: Mpio. Teotitlan capitulis 16-30 mm diametro unoquoque sessili, vel
del Camino, 8 km NW de Huautla de pedunculato; achaenia (5-)7-10 mm longa, ad api-
Jimenez, 27 Apr 1978, Sousa, Soto & Zarate cem puberula, stylo persistenti.
9344 (MEXU); Huautla de Jimenez, 23 May
1963, Vela 1334 (ENCB); Base of Teotital- TREES to 30 m or more tall; BARK ex-
pam, 1 Jul 1939, Schultes 773 (GH); Mpio. foliating, appearing mottled; Tw!GS red-
Tuxtepec, Rio Usila, 27 Sep 1973, Hill 1784 dish-brown or gray when older, glabrate or
(A, NY). Puebla: Mpio. Ahuacatlan, 3.6 km sometimes persistently dendritic-puberu-
S of Ahuacatlan, 14 Apr 1985, Tenorio 8768 lent. LEAF BLADES to 8-20(-25) cm long by
(TEX); River below Huauchinango toward 10-20(-30) cm wide, broadly to narrowly
Xilocuanutla, 23 Mar 1945, Sharp 45303 ovate in outline, shallowly to deeply lobed,
(GH, MO, NY); Rio Apulco, N. of Zaca- thick and leathery, adaxial surface grayish-
poaxtla, 21 Jun 1977, Martinez & Ibarra 81 green, at first with sparse vestiture of den-
(ENCB); Mpio. Hueytamalco, Rancho Las dritic trichomes, soon glabrate, the veins
Margaritas, 20 Aug 1975, L6pez-Forment 89 usually slightly impressed, abaxial surface at
(MEXU) and L6pez-Forment 91 (MICH). first with dense to rather sparse white or
Veracruz: Mpio. Atzalan, Tomata, 25 Feb grayish trichomes, the vestiture fine, be-
1970, Ventura 596 (DS, MICH); Mpio. coming sparse or often glabrate in older
Coatepec: La Florida, 28 Jan 1971, Ventura leaves, the major veins raised above the ab-
3019 (DS, ENCB, F, MICH, NY); 1 km N axial surface and prominently yellowish or
of Coatepec, 2 Jul 1980, Nee & Hansen brown due to "glandular" dendritic vesti-
18760-a-e (F, MEXU), 18760-f (F); road ture; LEAF LOBES usually 3(0-5), broadly
from Coatepec to Teocelo, below bridge deltoid or acuminate, broadest at or very
"Puente Texelo", 22 Apr 1986, LaFrankie near the base, apices glandular or not, cen-
1001 (TEX); Huatusco, Sep 1841, Liebmann tral lobe ~ to 1 times as long as wide, to
1880 (NY, US); Huatusco, Rio Jamapa, 11 15 cm long by 15 cm wide, margins entire
Oct 1964, Rzedowski 19058 (ENCB, MEXU); or rarely the lobes with closely spaced
Mpio. San Juan Coscomatepec, Barranca de gland-tipped teeth; LEAF BASES broadly
Cliapa, 16 Apr 1971, Ventura 3452 (DS, rounded to truncate, but usually decurrent
ENCB, MICH); Orizaba, 1856, Botteri 859 along petiole for 10-20 mm and then cu-

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Platanui. mexicana Morie .

--VV. interior Nixon & Poole var . nov .

K . C. Nbwn f.. J . M . Poole 1983


Platanue•e.tu Pct'r. .

fom Fla tanaeeae N ,,
!.oc El Trupiche , 17 , .... n' r·~ It> ,''.'!.ljn~

1712813 £.!Ude
cril 1u <!e •1r:'0Jv
r,.,!,·i P . T\' .] '!7l


:;,,; '.beod o we ki 2Al0~
OP Oi',,····rv r.r~.:ll it> J' "' i· :t1.~; :1t<:n.1nr: tr>

FIG. 7. Holotype of Platanus mexicana var. interior (F). Scale marked in cm.

neate; PETIOLES at first tomentose, later racemose, of (1- )2- 3(- 4) sessile or pedun-
glabrate, to (25-)30-55(-86) mm long. culate capitula, overall length 10- 15 cm or
STIPULES usually foliose, with sharply more, length to first capitulum 40-50(-80)
pointed lobes, sometimes teeth similar to mm, capitula at maturity (16- )18- 22(- 30)
those of the leaves. AxILLARY BUDS at first mm in diameter, brownish. CARPELLATE
yellowish or rusty dendritic-puberulent, lat- FLOWERS: STAMINODIA not observed;
er glabrate, reddish brown, smooth. CAR- CARPELS ca. 6; OVARIES in flowers and
PELLATE INFLORESCENCES lax, spicate or young fruit with short glandular branched

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trichomes on sides; STYLES in flowers and cidentalis var. palmeri. Alternatively, these
young fruit reddish. STAMINATE INFLORES- trends might indicate only parallel charac-
CENCES of 2-4 subsessile capitula. STAMI- ters derived from similar selection pres-
NATE FLOWERS with STAMENS 2-3 mm sures. We have chosen to place it as a va-
long, connective caps reddish with dense riety of P. mexicana both because of its
short dendritic trichomes, these less dense marginal geographic distribution relative to
on heads near or at anthesis. MATURE P. mexicana var. mexicana and the great
ACHENES (5-)7-10 mm long, apically morphologic similarity of the two taxa.
rounded or abruptly tapering into the per-
sistent style (style 3-6 mm long), apically REPRESENTATIVE SPECIMENS EXAM-
yellowish dendritic-puberulent, sometimes INED: MEXICO: Guanajuato: Xichu, 19
puberulent on sides as well, occasionally Aug 1947, Kenoyer 2330 (GH); Hidalgo:
completely glabrous; COMA of brownish- Mpio. Malango, alrededores de Chinameca,
yellow unbranched ascending articulate tri- 13 Sep 1964, Quintero 1607 (DS, ENCB,
chomes about 2h the length of the achene MICH). Queretaro: km 10 del camino que
body, attached at its base; achenes falling in va a San Pedro Escaneia, 17 Oct 1972,
autumn or sometimes remaining on heads Ochoa 617 (ENCB); Mpio. Pinal de Amoles,
through the winter (Figs. 5 & 8). 4 km al SW de Ahuacatlan, 17 Sep 1970,
Rzedowski 27739 (ENCB, MICH); 20 km de
DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT: Rather Pinal de Amoles, sobre el camino de Jalpan,
restricted in distribution in central Mexico 2 Sep 1965, Vela & Martinez 1705 (ENCB).
in the states Queretaro, Guanajuato, San San Luis Potosi: Alvarez, 13-23 Jul 1904,
Luis Potosi and Hidalgo (Fig. 3), inhabiting E. Palmer 235 (NY(2)); Tamazunchale, 12
streamside habitats typical of all species in Jul 1937, Edwards 536 (ARIZ, MO, TEX).
the genus, at 600 to 1500 m altitude.
6. Platanus rzedowskii Nixon & Poole sp.
This variety differs from var. mexicana nov. TYPE: MEXICO. Nuevo Leon: Mpio.
in the larger, more loosely tomentose and Iturbide, 11.9 km W of Iturbide, 16 May
usually eventually glabrescent leaves, often 1981, Poole, Hinton, & Nixon 2292 (Ho-
fewer (2 to 3) capitula per pistillate inflo- LOTYPE: TEX; ISOTYPES: ENCB!, MEXU!).
rescence, and generally longer achenes. It is Fig. 8.
otherwise similar to the typical variety in
leaf shape, venation, achene shape, and Arbores cortice exfolianti, folia decidua, laminis
achene vestiture. lobatis !obis non profundis palmatis (3-)5(-7) late
The varietal epithet was chosen to re- acuminatis deltoideis, subtus dense pubescentibus pi-
lis albis vel canis persistentibus, marginibus integris
flect the distribution of this variety in the vel irregulariter dentatis, inflorescentiae carpellatae
interior central highlands of Mexico. We l(raro-2)-capitulatae capitulo 20-40 mm diametro
feel the taxon merits recognition because of achaenia (4)8-10(12) mm longa ad apicem dense bar-
its distinctive suite of character-states with- bata, styli tenues flexuosi persistentes.
in the general pattern found in P. mexicana.
Some of the material has been previously TREES to 25 m or more tall, narrow to
identified as P. glabrata (here treated as a broadly spreading; BARK exfoliating in large
synonym of P. occidentalis var. palmeri), ap- plates, appearing mottled; TWIGS sparsely
parently because of the glabrate leaves. The tomentose when young, reddish beneath
distribution of this taxon in the drier, more vestiture, older twigs reddish-brown or
interior part of the range of P. mexicana, as gray, glabrate or sometimes persistently
well as its more glabrate leaves and reduced dendritic-puberulent, 2-3 mm in diameter.
number of capitula, might indicate past LEAF BLADES (3-)7-15(-25) cm long, to
contact with and introgression from P. oc- 10-20(-25) cm wide, broadly ovate to del-

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P/onls of Nuevo Leon


~~n!I ~=e ~o~ o~~u;:~de,

Robet'to Junction to Unare, .
Dry 1:1.meatone 5tre-.bed
undt:r bridge.
Infrequent tree to 18 111.

Jack ie M. Poole 2292

vttlt J.-ca Hinton and
Kev i n C. Nixon

16 May 1981

FIG. 8. Holotype of Platanus rzedowskii (TEX) . Scale marked in cm.

toid in outline, shallowly lobed, adaxial sur- vestiture fine, obscuring the blade surface
face deep green or sometimes yellowish- except in older weathered leaves (some-
green, at first with sparse vestiture of den - times young juvenile or second-growth
dritic trichomes, soon glabrate, the major leaves glabrate), the major veins raised
veins not usually prominent above, often above abaxial surface and prominently yel-
lightly impressed, abaxial surface persistent- lowish or brown due to glandular dendritic
ly densely white or grayish tomentose, the vestiture; LEAF LOBES usually (3- )5(-7),

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deltoid to narrowly triangular, the central falling in late summer or autumn or rarely
lobe broadly acuminate, tips glandular or remaining on heads through winter (Figs. 5
eglandular, central lobe 'l'10 to 1 & 1h times & 8).
as long as wide, to 15 cm long by 11 cm
wide, apical lateral lobes usually 2h or less DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT: A large
length of central lobe, basal lateral lobes tree, restricted to streams, arroyos and riv-
usually ¥.3 length of apical lobes, margins of ers, from 450 to 1800 m elevation, mainly
lobes usually smooth, entire, but sometimes on the eastern side of the Sierra Madre Ori-
with secondary teeth, these usually not ob- ental in Nuevo Le6n, Tamaulipas, and
viously gland-tipped; LEAF BASES truncate northern San Luis Potosi (Fig. 3). Of po-
to attenuate-decurrent, blade usually decur- tential ornamental value, cultivated in
rent proximally on petiole from axil of ma- northern Mexico and occasionally in Texas,
jor lateral veins for ca. 5-7(-10) mm (vein this species might do well in cultivation in
branching therefore suprabasal) or some- California and Florida.
times not decurrent (vein branching then
basal); PETIOLES at first puberulent, later Although this species has been well
glabrate, to (25-)50-70(-80) mm long, the known to botanists at least from the time
expanded basal sheath 5-6 mm long by 3-5 of Standley's treatment (1924), the generally
mm broad. STIPULES foliaceous or mem- applied name Platanus mexicana correctly
branous, mostly entire and greenish, usually belongs to a different species from eastern
with brownish unbranched trichomes, 12- and southern Mexico, as previously dis-
18 mm across blade. AxrLLARY BUDS red- cussed. Platanus mexicana sensu Standley
dish brown. CARPELLATE INFLORESCENCES therefore needs to be named, since no ex-
lax, of a single capitulum (rarely 2), capitula isting names apply to it. We are pleased to
at maturity (20-)25-35(-40) mm in diam- name this species in honor of the Mexican
eter, usually with a definite overall whitish botanist Jerzy Rzedowski, especially due to
color due to whitish achene vestiture. CAR- his considerable work on the taxonomy of
PELLATE FLOWERS: STAMINODIA not ob- Mexican woody plants. Redowski's many
served; CARPELS ca. 6 per flower; OvARIES collections of Platanus throughout Mexico
in flowers and young fruit densely bearded were of great value during the course of this
with whitish dendritic trichomes; STYLES in study.
flowers and young fruit 4-7(-8) mm long, Platanus rzedowskii is one of the most
apically circinate, reddish. STAMINATE IN- distinctive and beautiful of the species of
FLORESCENCES of 1 capitulum. STAMINATE Platanus. It is easily distinguished from P.
FLOWERS with STAMENS (anthers) 2.5-3 mexicana and the western species of Plata-
mm long, connective caps reddish with nus by its typically unicapitulate inflores-
dense short dendritic and/or unbranched cence, apically tapered achenes with dense
trichomes, these mostly deciduous at an- whitish vestiture, and broadly 5-lobed
thesis. MATURE ACHENES (4-)8-10(-12) leaves. These same achene characters, per-
mm long, the upper portion of the achene sistent styles, large size of the capitula, and
gradually tapering into the persistent style, densely white tomentose leaves separate it
densely bearded with whitish dendritic tri- from P. occidentalis var. palmeri and these
chomes at least on distal ¥3, in some spec- characters as well as the often entire lobes
imens the entire achene densely tomentose, of its leaves separate it from P. occidentalis
vestiture often extending onto the style as var. occidentalis.
well; COMA of yellowish articulate ascend- Although Platanus rzedowskii and P. oc-
ing unbranched trichomes about the length cidentalis var. palmeri occur in close prox-
of the achene body or somewhat shorter imity on some of the same river systems in
and attached at its base; achenes usually Northeastern Mexico, we know of no areas

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of complete sympatry of the two species, REPRESENTATIVE SPECIMENS EXAM-

and no zones of putative hybridization as INED: MEXICO. Nuevo Le6n: Aramberri, 2
discussed for P. rzedowskii and P. mexicana May 1994, Hinton 24096 (TEX); Iturbide,
var. interior below. Occasional specimens of 17 Sep 1991, Hinton 21543 (TEX); Mpio.
P. rzedowskii show sparse leaf vestiture, Galeana: Alamar, 2 Jun 1934, Mueller &
which is nevertheless persistent, and some- Mueller 684 (A, MICH); Mpio. Iturbide:
times smaller capitula (less than 25 mm di- Canyon de Santa Rosa, 4 Jul 1934, Pennell
ameter) but in all cases the majority of the 17247 (PH); ~ 8 mi E of Iturbide, 22 Jul
achene and leaf characters are indisputably 1981, Poole 2372 (MEXU, TEX-2); ~11.9
those of P. rzedowskii and do not indicate km W of Iturbide, 16 May 1981, Poole 2292
morphological intermediacy with P. occi- (TEX); Mpio. Linares: ~13 mi W of Lina-
dentalis var. palmeri. We have observed that res, 23 Oct 1981, Poole 2430b,c,d,e,f,g
stump sprouts, regrowth following insect (TEX); Mpio. Monterrey: spring, 3.2 km E
damage (which can be especially heavy in of Chipinque, May 1961, Smith M535
Nuevo Le6n and Tamaulipas) and shade (TEX); Cerro de La Silla, 4 Sep 1937, White
growth of this species tends to produce & Chatters 157 (GH, MEXU, MICH);
leaves which are less tomentose, with nar- Mountains near Monterrey, 27 Aug 1889,
rower lobes and often with a great degree Pringle 2678 (F, MEXU); Diente Canyon, 12
of toothing. Other leaves from the same Aug 1939, Muller 2690 (LL, MICH); Mpio.
trees and populations show characteristics Villa Santiago: Cola de Caballo, 22 Oct
typical of the majority of P. rzedowskii spec- 1981, Poole, et al. 2402 (MEXU, TEX); same
imens. We interpret these specimens as ju- locality, 28 Jun 1948, Moore & Wood 3620
veniles, exhibiting responses to unusual (A, BH, MICH); same locality, 20 Jun 1984,
growing conditions, and feel that care Villarreal et al. 2782 (TEX). San Luis Po-
should be taken in the identification of such tosi: near El Salto, 20 Feb 1961, King 3900
specimens, especially when fertile material (F, MICH, NY, TEX, US). Tamaulipas:
is not available. Mpio. Victoria: Canyon above Ciudad Vic-
McMillan (1974) reported on a study toria, 11 Aug 1942, Gentry 6710 (DS, GH,
of habitat response in what he considered US), Ciudad Victoria, 15 Jul 1933, Fisher
to be Platanus occidentalis. The provenances 3330 (US); 12.5 km SE of Ciudad Victoria,
of McMillan's plants included two popula- 7 Mar 1983, Nee & Taylor 25785 (BH, NY);
tions from Illinois, two populations from 11 km S of Ciudad Victoria, 21 Jun 1980,
Kentucky, four populations from Texas, Hansen & Nee 7303 (F); Hidalgo, Cuatro
and two Mexican populations, from Mon- Caminos, 5 Jun 1994, Hinton et al. 24183
terrey and Linares, N uevo Le6n. The latter (NY); Victoria, Palmer 66 (F, GH, NY, US);
two populations were actually of P. rze- Mpio. Gonzalez: between Torrecillas and
dowskii, verified by an examination of ma- Penjamo, 30 May 1974, Guevara, Flores &
terial still growing in experimental gardens Ayala 7285 (MEXU); Villa Mainero: Arroyo
at the University of Texas at Austin in the La Oveja, a unos de 10 km del Pueblo, May
late 1980's. The study included growing 1970, Gonzalez-Medrano et al. 2919 (MEXU);
seedlings in four controlled temperature- Villa Mainero, 11 May 1995, Hinton 25239
photoperiod regimes for 85 days, and mea- (TEX); La Vegonia, 2 Jul 1930, Bartlett
suring overall height, leaf area, and stipule 10025 (DS, ENCB, F, GH, LL, MICH(2),
production undt'.r these four regimes. The US); Mpio. Villa de Casas: Cafi6n del Dia-
data were reported as mean values for each blo, 12 Mar 1969, Puig 4170 (ENCB).
population. These results suggest a distinc-
tive physiological response of P. rzedowskii 6a. PLATANUS RZEDOWSKII X P. MEXICA-
and further support its recognition as a spe- NA var. INTERIOR
cies distinct from P. occidentalis. In a small region near Rioverde, San

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Luis Potosi, the ranges of Platanus rzedow- Platanus vulgaris angulosa Spach, Ann. Sci.
skii and P. mexicana var. interior overlap. Nat. Bot. (ser. 2) 15:293. 1841.
Material from the rivers and arroyos of this Platanus occidentalis hispanica Wesmael,
area is extremely variable, with various Mem. Soc. Sci. Hainaut (ser. 3) 1:12.
combinations of the characters of the two 1867.
putative parental taxa expressed. It is inter- Platanus excelsa Salish., Prod. Stirp. 393.
esting that there appears to be segregation 1796.
of characters, with two major classes of Platanus integrifolia Hort. ex C. Koch, Den-
specimens observed: those with leaves sim- drologie 2(1):469. 1872.
ilar to P. rzedowskii, but racemose inflores- Platanus pyramidalis Hort. ex Dippel,
cences and brownish, apically puberulent Handb. Laubholzk. 3:279. 1893.
achenes resembling P. mexicana, and those
with leaves similar to P. mexicana var. in- TREES to 45 m tall, often with massive
terior in lobing and vestiture, but single trunks, branches ascending to broadly
massive capitula with large, apically tomen- spreading; BARK exfoliating, appearing
tose achenes as are found in P. rzedowskii. mottled, but often rough and scaly on old-
We interpret this kind of variation as per- er, larger trunks; TWIGS reddish-brown or
haps indicative of hybridization and back- gray when older, glabrate or sometimes per-
crossing between individuals of two species sistently puberulent. LEAF BLADES 7-20(-35)
with a low level of reproductive isolation. cm long by 10-20(-40) cm wide, broadly
We have seen no material that we would ovate to deltoid in outline, shallowly lobed,
interpret as "blended" or intermediate in adaxial surface deep green or sometimes
the majority of characters, as would be ex- yellowish-green, at first with sparse den-
pected in Fl offspring. dritic vestiture, soon glabrate, the veins not
impressed above, abaxial surface of blade at
REPRESENTATIVE SPECIMENS EXAM- first loosely yellowish or grayish tomentose,
INED: MEXICO. San Luis Potosi: Mpio. the hairs persistent or sometimes the blade
Rioverde: 15 km SW of Rioverde, 26 Aug eventually glabrate except along the veins,
1964, Medellin s.n. (ENCB); El Zapote, Puig the major veins raised above the abaxial
6786 (ENCE); Grutas de la Catedral, 22 surface and prominently yellowish due to
Mar 1958, Medellin 621 (ENCB, MEXU); "glandular" dendritic vestiture; LEAF LOBES
vicinity of San Dieguito, 7-10 Jun 1905, usually 5, broadly deltoid, the central lobe
Palmer 642 (F, GH, M0(2), NY, US); Mpio. broadly acuminate, tips glandular or eglan -
Tamasopo: San Nicolas de los Montes, 28 dular, central lobe 1;'2 to 1 times as long as
May 1959, Rzedowski 10648 (ENCB); Mpio. broad, to 20 cm long by 20 cm wide, mar-
Zaragoza: La Salitrera, 8 ·July 1955, Rze- gins of lobes usually with several secondary
dowski 6102 (LL, US). lobes and teeth, these usually not obviously
gland-tipped; LEAF BASES truncate and at-
7a. PLATANUS OCCIDENTALIS L. var. oc- tenuate-decurrent for 5-15 mm proximally
CIDENTALIS. Platanus occidentalis L., Sp. Pl. from first major vein axil, or sometimes the
999. 1753. Platanus orientalis L. var. occi- lateral lobes reflexed, forming a cordate
dentalis (L.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. 2:636. 1891. base; SECONDARY VEINS of a given primary
TYPE: UNITED STATES. North Carolina vein usually parallel, usually anastomosing
or Virginia (HOLOTYPE: LINN, photograph and not extending to margins; TERTIARY
of holotype! as IDC microfiche 1133-5). VEINS often strongly convex or straight per-
current; PETIOLES at first vestured, later
Platanus lobata Moench., Meth. 358. 1794. glabrate, to (25-)40-75(-86) mm long.
Platanus occidentalis lobata Bommer, Les STIPULES foliaceous or membranous, most-
Platanes 17. 1869. ly entire and greenish, usually with brown -

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ish vestiture. AXILLARY BUDS reddish rifolia is cultivated more commonly both in
brown, smooth. CARPELLATE INFLORES- the eastern and the western United States.
CENCES of a single capitulum (rarely 2), ca-
pitula at maturity (18-)23-33(--40) mm in We have not addressed the considerable
diameter, yellowish in color due to achene variation in leaf shape, lobing, and toothing
vestiture. CARPELLATE FLOWERS: STAMI- which occurs in P. occidentalis in eastern
NODIA ca. as long as ovary, flattened at North America, but our study of represen-
apex or subpeltate, usually purplish; CAR- tative material from throughout the range
PELS usually 6-9(-11) in each flower; OVA- of the species provides no basis for recog-
RIES in flowers and young fruits with yel- nition of varieties other than var. palmeri as
lowish trichomes on distal one third; discussed below.
STYLES in flowers and young fruit reddish,
circinate distally, 4-5(-8) mm long. STA- REPRESENTATIVE SPECIMENS EXAM-
STAMINATE FLOWERS with STAMENS (an- Co: Nogo, 24 Aug 1932, Merrill 14 (NY);
thers) 2.5-3 mm long, connective caps red- Sharp Co: Hardy, Spring River, 18 May
dish with dense short dendritic trichomes, 1947, Demaree 26102 (TEX). Georgia: Ath-
these less dense on heads near or at anthe- ens, 3 Oct 1936, Univ. Georgia School For-
sis. MATURE ACHENES (6-)8-11(-12) mm estry 8285 (TEX). Kentucky: Jefferson Co:
long, yellowish, the upper portion of the Brown's Lane, 5 Sep 1955, Gunn J142 (LL;
achene truncate or abruptly tapering, styles this specimen shows pinnate venation of
early deciduous, exposed apex of achene seedling Platanus leaves). Louisiana: Ura-
usually completely glabrous or sometimes nia, 24 Jul 1936, Bickford 8219 (TEX). Mas-
sparsely puberulent with yellowish dendritic sachusetts: Norfolk Co: Stoughton, 22 Sep
trichomes near apex, upper third of ovary 1929, Blake 11028 (LL). New York: Cardiff,
usually with some sparse puberulence; Jun 1936, Brown 8267 (TEX). North Car-
COMA of straight ascending unbranched ar- olina: Stokes Co: along Dan River, W of
ticulate yellowish trichomes about the U.S. 311, 1 Jul 1969, Leonard & Russ 2555
length of the achene and attached at its (LL). Oklahoma: Cherokee Co: 6.4 km N
of Ft. Gibson, Wallis 309 (TEX); Payne Co.:
base; capitula usually remaining on trees
2 mi E of Stillwater, 11 Aug 1963, Pearce
and conspicuous through winter season,
1014 (TEX). Tennessee: Anderson Co: 21
achenes falling from autumn to spring (Fig.
Nov 1936, Kline 8231 (TEX). Texas: Ban-
dera Co: Sabinal Canyon, Nov, Owens 1897
(TEX); Fayette Co: LaGrange, 29 Mar 1964,
DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT: Platanus Peterson 121 (TEX); Galveston Co: Dickin-
occidentalis var. occidentalis is the common son, 8 Jul 1974, Waller 2903 (TEX); Gilles-
sycamore of the eastern United States, and pie Co: ca. 6.5 km W of jct of hwy 87 &
is found mainly in bottomlands, riparian West Cherry Spring rd, 18 Jul 1981, Poole
forests and swampy areas, from Maine & Watson 2353 (TEX); McClennan Co:
south to central Texas and Florida (Fig. 3). Crawford, rock quarry, 5 May 1947, Smith
It is one of the largest hardwood trees of 574 (TEX); Travis Co: 10 km NW of Hwy
the eastern deciduous forest (Ernst, 1963) 620 on Hwy 71, 17 Jul 1981, Poole & Wat-
and the lumber was used extensively in the son 2351 (TEX); Williamson Co: Brushy
past for items which required extremely Creek, N of Round Rock, 20 Jul 1946, York
hard wood resistant to splitting, such as 46206 (BH, TEX).
butcher's blocks and wagon wheels. Al-
though P. occidentalis is cultivated as a 8b. PLATANUS OCCIDENTALIS L. var. PAL-
shade tree, the somewhat similar P. Xace- MERI (Kuntze) Nixon & Poole ex Geerinck,

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Belg. Journ. Bot. 130(2):127. (1998). Pla- with a few teeth, these usually not obviously
tanus orientalis L. var. palmeri Kuntze, Rev. gland-tipped; LEAF BASES truncate and at-
Gen. Pl. Vase. 2: 636. 1891. TYPE: MEXI- tenuate-decurrent for 5-15 mm proximally
CO. Coahuila: Monclova, 23-31 Aug 1880, from first major vein axil, or the vein axil
E. Palmer 1269 (HOLOTYPE: K [not seen]; sometimes basal, lateral occasionally re-
ISOTYPES: A!, GH(2)!, NY(2)!, US!). flexed, forming a cordate base; SECONDARY
VEINS of a given primary vein usually par-
Platanus glabrata Fern., Proc. Amer. Acad. allel, usually anastomosing and not extend-
36:493. 1901. Platanus occidentalis L. var. ing to margins; TERTIARY VEINS often
glabrata (Fern.) Sarg., Bot. Gaz. 67: 230. strongly convex or straight percurrent; PET-
1919. LECTOTYPE (here designated): IOLES at first puberulent or tomentose, later
MEXICO. Coahuila: Monclova, 23-31 glabrate, to (25-)40-75(-70) mm long.
Aug 1880, E. Palmer 1269 (GH!; ISOLEC- STIPULES foliaceous or membranous, most-
TOTYPES: A!, GH!, K, NY(2)!, US!). We ly entire and greenish, usually with brown-
have chosen as lectotype the collection ish trichomes. AXILLARY BUDS reddish
from the original syntypes which is most brown, smooth. CARPELLATE INFLORES-
representative of Fernald's description. CENCES of a single capitulum (rarely 2), ca-
As this collection number was cited by pitula at maturity (12-)20-30(-40) mm in
Kuntze as the type of P. orientalis var. diameter, yellowish in color due to achene
palmeri, this lectotype firmly establishes pubescence. CARPELLATE FLOWERS: STA-
the synonymy of these names. MINODIA reddish, ca. as long as ovary, flat-
Platanus densicoma Dode, Bull. Soc. Dendr. tened and ampliate but not usually peltate
France 7:67. 1908. TYPE: UNITED at distal end, sparsely puberulent; CARPELS
STATES. Iowa: Jackson Co., Maquoketa usually 6-9 in each flower; OvARIES in
River (not seen). flowers and young fruit with yellowish den-
dritic trichomes on distal one third; STYLES
TREES to 25 m or more tall, narrow to in flowers and young fruit reddish, circinate
broadly spreading; BARK exfoliating, ap- distally, 4-5(-8) mm long. STAMINATE IN-
pearing mottled, but often rough and scaly FLORESCENCES of 1 capitulum. STAMINATE
on older, larger trunks; TwIGS reddish- FLOWERS with STAMENS (anthers) 2.5-3.0
brown or gray when older, glabrate or mm long, connective caps reddish with
sometimes persistently dendritic-puberu- dense short dendritic trichomes, these less
lent. LEAF BLADE to 4-15(-20) cm long by dense on heads near or at anthesis. MA-
6-15(-20) cm wide, broadly ovate to del- TURE ACHENES (4-)6-10(-11) mm long,
toid in outline, shallowly to moderately the upper portion of the achene truncate or
lobed, adaxial surface deep green or some- abruptly tapering, styles deciduous, achene
times yellowish-green, at first tomentose or sparsely puberulent with yellowish pubes-
with sparse vestiture of dendritic trichomes, cence near apex, exposed apex usually
soon glabrate, the veins not impressed sparsely puberulent or sometimes glabrate
above, abaxial surface of blade at first loose- late in the season; COMA of straight yellow-
ly yellowish or grayish tomentose, soon gla- ish articulate trichomes about the length of
brate or sometimes the veins persistently the achene and attached at the base; capit-
tomentose, the major veins raised above the ula usually remaining on trees and conspic-
abaxial surface; LEAF LOBES usually 5, uous through dormant season, achenes fall-
broadly deltoid, the central lobe broadly ing from autumn to spring (Fig. 5).
acuminate, the tips glandular or eglandular,
central lobe largest, to 12 cm long by 10 cm DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT: The
wide, basal lateral lobes often weakly devel- core distribution of this variety (but see be-
oped, margins of lobes usually entire or low) is from central Texas to northeastern

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Mexico, in the state of Coahuila, along (LL); Val Verde Co: 16 km NW of Del Rio,
streams and gullies surrounded by relatively 8 Apr 1951, Warnock & Cameron 9907 (LL).
dry habitat and various scrub and forest

Although the extremes of Platanus oc- We thank Marshall Johnston and Fer-
cidentalis var. palmeri in northern Mexico nando Chiang for the Latin diagnoses, and
are distinctive, the trends in characters James Henrickson for inspiration. We
which do exist (smaller, more entire-mar- thank Tom Wendt and Fernando Chiang
gined, more glabrate leaves, and smaller ca- for extremely helpful and insightful com-
pitula) appear to be clinal from Texas into ments. We thank curators of the following
northern Mexico. Most of the material herbaria: A, ARIZ, BH, BR, CAS, DS,
from the Edwards Plateau of central Texas ENCB, F, G, GH, K, LL, MEXU, MICH,
is referable to P. occidentalis var. palmeri, as MO, NY, PH, TEX, US. We also thank Fred
is all of the material from Coahuila. Mate- Barrie for assistance with issues related to
rial referable to both varieties occurs at wet- typification.
ter sites on the plateau, and along its east
escarpment, as at Austin, Texas. To the east
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