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UPC 05 N
1. Write the simple past and the past participle
Simple past past participle

a. Work worked worked

b. Do …did…. ……done……
c. Eat ……ate…………. …………eaten…………...
d. Call …called……… ……called…………..
e. Begin ……began………… …begun……………..

2. Practice using the present perfect. Use the Word provided to make your
Example: You / ever/be / to France
Have you ever been to France?
1. the teacher/ever/be/ late / for the class
1. the teacher have ever be late for the class
2. the pilot /ever / fly / in a helicopter
2. the pilot ever flew in a helicopter
3. your father /ever / make/ dinner for your mother
3. your father ever has made dinner for your mother
4. you / ever /find/a lot money on the street
4. you ever found a lot money on the street
5. The children/ever / go / camping /in the forest
5. The children ever goes camping in the forest
6. Mariah/ever/ live/ in a foreign country
6. Mariah has ever live in a foreign country

3. Answer the questions with your information.

What have you done to grow as a professional?
to grow as a professional I have had a social change

How long have you been in the university?

8 semester
What extremes sports have you done?
mountaineering cycle
4. Read the story and answer the questions, use the present perfect in the
Sarah Jones lives in Florida in the United States. Her grandchildren live in London,
England. They have lived in London for 3 years. Sarah has not seen her grandchildren
in over a year.
She has talked to her grandchildren on the phone and through e-mails many times. She
has also seen pictures of her grandchildren. They have grown so much since the last
time they visited America.
Sarah knits scarves and blankets to send to her grandchildren in London. So far, she has
knitted two large blankets for her granddaughters. She has also knitted a scarf for each
1. How long have Sarah’s grandchildren lived in London?
They have lived in London for 3 years.

2. What has Sarah knitted for her grandchildren so far?

Sarah knits scarves and blankets to send to her grandchildren in London

3. How has Sarah talked to her grandchildren while they’ve been gone?
She has talked to her grandchildren on the phone and through e-mails many


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