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Hannah Gress creates ceramic figurative sculptures that push past

the new norm of being ‘insta-perfect’ as promoted by social media and

mainstream culture. As a youth, Gress struggled with notion of putting on
a ‘face’ for others, and questioned why it wasn’t ok to be not ok. Through
her art, Gress suggests that  “whatever makes you insecure, whatever
makes you different and unique is what beauty is.” This is reflected in
Gress’s work with her intentionally fractured forms with nature overtaking
them. Her intent is create more of a dialogue between what it means to be
deemed broken, but not any less beautiful.
Gress earned her BFA degree from UTSA in 2020. Throughout her
career, Gress has strived to push past her limits as an artist, exploring
diverse approaches to communicating her ideas through the ceramic
medium. This includes large scale ceramic sculpture as well as utilitarian
forms. Her future plans are to start her own business, studio/galley and sell
her unique handmade art works.

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