Designing The Capacity For Life

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designing the capacity for life

Before i give you the three equations God wrote into the fabric of our universe to 'design in' the
capacity for life, i need to discuss a couple things. My last essay was basically a literary proof
God exists. So that's two proofs of God's existence i've offered. A third proof exists in any
creation of Mozart - a musical proof of sorts. i argue all creative inspiration comes from God.
Any destructive inspiration comes from Satan .. There were various times in my life when i
considered being a 'nuclear bomb' engineer. i've studied nuclear engineering and understand the
destructive applications quite well. Given the right materials, i can build you an 'atomic bomb'. i
could apply my 'gifts' to designing a better bomb (much like the neutron bomb) .. Some time ago,
near Bal Harbor, FL, i met two ladies on the beach. They were very reluctant to get to know me
better - other than our discussions on the beach. After our first meeting, they consulted a psychic
about me and they said "Sam's dangerous" - i just laughed at this when i heard. How could "little
Sammie" be dangerous? It seemed ludicrous. But considering my flirtations with nuclear bomb
engineering, i can see their point ..
i believe the psychic only told them of the tremendous latent power each of us has inside them:
we can go either way. We can use our creative gifts to design better bombs or proofs God exists
.. So perhaps you can understand why i say creative inspiration comes from God; destructive
inspiration comes from Satan. (This is yet another reason we need to evict Satan in 2012.)

There are three equations which are woven into the fabric of spacetime which by themselves
allow the capacity for life. They define the life-bearing capacity for our universe. When God
'wrote' them into spacetime, She imbued our universe with the capability of 'carrying' /
engendering life and us. By themselves, they contain/define: the strong nuclear force, gravity,
electromagnetism (via charged antiphotons), and the so-called weak force (via nuclear geometry).
(As a side note about the last, nuclear geometry dictates stable/unstable nuclei such as helium-
4/beryllium-8.) As i implied earlier, the particle translation operator, T, is simply there for us to
understand the consequences of this spacetime structure. T is not strictly required in a formal
description of our universe. Without further ado, let's present the three equations:
(h-bar/2)/tP2 ≡ Y0 ≡ 5.4525(e/tP)2Z0
EtP/h ≡ C ≡ tPν
curvature shape ≡ Gaussian/exponential
c ≡ 1, α ≡ kα(antiphoton density)
You might say "wait, there's five!" but the last two are simply defining parameters for use in the
three above. We'll get to that now .. The Standard Model in conventional physics boasts 'only' 20
parameters required to 'make it float' (work). Let's count the number of parameters required in the
Other Model: six from line one, none from line two (because they're variables or used in line
one), for a spherically symmetric Gaussian or exponential - we normally need two parameters:
one for function coefficient and one for exponent but since E is function coefficient - we only
need one parameter here, and if we're anal - we require two for the last line. So that's our
universe defined by nine parameters. So with the same number of assumptions (as listed out in
the War for Meaning) but 9 vs 20 parameters, the OM wins hands down under Occam's Razor.
(If anyone's curious and hasn't read the War for Meaning or N and Ω, the number 5.4525 defines
the shape of the surface charge (if i read 'my' Lady correctly) as prolate spheroid.)
Just as i never thought i could ever write a scientific proof God exists, i truly never imagined we
could write three equations down which define the life bearing capacity of our universe. Again, it
just boggles my mind - the sheer engineering genius of Her. The equations above define
electrons, protons, (oops add two more parameters for proton/electron mass ratio - so that's 11 -
still way less than 20), nuclear structure, atomic structure, chemistry, and life. Many who only
read this essay will say "Hey Sam! How can you claim that???" Read previous essays. Read
previous essays.. (And if this is the first essay you've read by me, i suggest reading N and Ω, N
and Ω part 2, and the War for Meaning.)

The Lady! She's Dabomb! ;) (And talking about a Bombshell, when She walks into a room, She
not only lights it up with Her magnificence, She makes everything crystal Clear!;) Now do you
understand why i keep calling her the Ultimate Babe?

(One more thing .. By writing down the 'fundamental equations' of our universe, i have NOT
solved everything for physicists - there's MUCH work to be done. For instance, the claim above
that curvature is spherically symmetric may be incorrect - but if true, might better explain nuclear
instability (if e.p.s have a prolate surface charge but spherical curvature that might go a long way
explaining why some nuclear configurations refuse to stabilize such as beryllium-8). One of my
previous claims that orbital structure derives from nuclear structure needs proving. These are all
listed out on the quantum realism roadmap-checklist which is in the War for Meaning.)

.. As beginnings go, it's not a bad attempt at the Other Model - the one based on Her design ..

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