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SirtFood Diet:

A Quick and Easy Guide to the Revolutionary

New Weight Loss Diet
Plus a 7 day meal plan to get you started!
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Table of Contents

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Who Should Try SirtFood Diet?
Chapter 2: How to Jumpstart your SirtFood Diet?
Chapter 3: Pros and Cons of SirtFood Diet
Chapter 4: The Super SirtFood Selection
Chapter 5: Phases of SirtFood Diet and Suggested Meal Plan
Chapter 6: Bonus SirtFood Recipes

I want to congratulate you for taking the first steps to a new healthier you by buying this book,
“SirtFood Diet: A Quick and Easy Guide to the Revolutionary New Weight Loss Diet”.
This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to lose weight using a revolutionary diet that
is set to change the way we see food in regards to losing weight. A big mouthful? Let us put it this
way, how would you feel if your new diet would include mouth-watering dark chocolate and
indulging in red wine? Would you say “you have got to be kidding me?!” Well I am not, this is
absolutely true!
The SirtFood diet has been hailed as the only diet that encourages you to include certain foods instead
of just drastically reducing your calorie intake. The food inclusions are some of our favourite food
like chocolate!
It may seem too good to be true, but let me assure you that this diet is purely scientific and has been
tested by nutrition scientists Aidan Goggins and Glen Mattens who are also the proponents of the diet.
The duo also tested this food program at an upmarket gym in west London.
There are also a number of testimonies on the effectivity of the diet. To date, some of the followers of
this diet are TV personalities/model Lorraine Pascale and Jodie Kidd, boxers Anthony Ogogo and
David Haye, rugby player James Haskell and more. The Google searches for SirtFood diet has
actually spiked since late 2015. In fact, this diet is predicted to become of the most popular diet this
The proponents have also stressed that this is not a fad diet, it is here to stay because not only does it
promote weight loss, it can also boost your immune system and improve overall health.
So what is the secret to this diet?

First we have to understand the diet’s biggest player—the Sirtuins. According to dietician Sarah
Herbert, “Sirtuins are a class of proteins found in living things that research has shown are involved
in regulating many important biological processes such as ageing, cellular death, inflammation, and
SirtFood are generally food that can activate or tap into sirtuins, and emulate the effect of a calorie
restriction. Meaning, you don’t need to drastically restrict your calories or undergo fasting, but by
tapping into your sirtuins, your body is able to duplicate those effects. So by jumpstarting the “skinny
gene” with sirtuins, not only could it help burn fat but also increase lean muscle.
The foods that are considered SirtFoods, fall under the healthy food category with a surprising twist
since it includes red wine, coffee, and chocolate.
It is an easy-to follow diet. Once you add the food selection under this diet, you can even lose up to
seven pounds in 1 week!
Once you go through the book, you might realize that most of the recommended food is usually part of
the traditional diet of Italy and Japan. These countries are some of the healthiest countries in the
world. If you are familiar with the Mediterranean Diet (the heart healthy diet), then you’ll also notice
that most SirtFood are included in the diet.
This book contains of the following:
How to get started
What food have the highest sirtuin activators
Stages of SirtFood diet
Pros and Cons of SirtFood diet
7-Day diet plan with sample recipes

And the good thing about SirtFoods? Since this is not a fad diet, you are free from the terrible bounce-
back or yo-yo diet effect! It is easy to maintain and include in your regular diet and there are hundreds
of dishes or meals that you can do from the list. In addition, SirtFoods are easily available, there is no
need for special meals and it definitely won’t break the bank. Coupled with regular exercise, you are
on the way to achieving your better health and lose those extra pounds.
Best wishes with your new diet, I hope you enjoy it!
Chapter 1: Who Should Try SirtFood Diet?
Are you familiar with these scenarios?
1. You know that you have overindulged during the holidays, but as you weigh yourself, you
literally would want to shave all the extra pounds because you did not expect to have
gained that much weight!
2. There is an upcoming wedding event, and you need to lose those extra pounds in order to
fit your into your gown/suit. There is no way that you are going to lose that much weight
in 2 months!
3. You know that you are overweight and just plain unhealthy. You have already tried a
number of diets, but to no avail. Either you feel that those diets are too restrictive, there
is an adverse health effect, and the diet is too expensive to maintain. Speaking of
maintenance, you are having a hard time to keep off the little weight that you have
managed to loose!
4. You are getting older and you start to notice that aside from having a hard time dealing
with hangovers and late night parties, losing and maintaining weight is not that easy as it
used to be. You are not a big fan of eliminating numerous food groups and doing rigorous

You have probably heard these scenarios to many times before and you have probably experienced
one or two, or you are in one of these scenarios right now. Being overweight or obese is actually one
of the most common health problems around the world. According to the World Health Organization
(WHO), being overweight is when your BMI is equal to or greater than 25, while being obese is
when your BMI is equal to or greater than 30. (You can check your BMI here.)
In the 2014 data from WHO, worldwide obesity has more than doubled since 1980, and more than 1.9
billion adults are overweight; and it would safe to conclude that after two years that that number has
already increased significantly.
Health experts agree that this is a very alarming rate, but the good news is, obesity or having excess
weight is preventable and reversible.
As you will notice, most of these scenarios are focused on the aesthetics—looking good and feeling
more confident about your body, but what I would like to stress is the ill-effects of every extra bulge
or pound that we carry. The possible health illnesses associated with being overweight is the primary
reason why you need to try the revolutionary SirtFood diet.
Health Risks for Overweight and Obesity

Type 2 Diabetes - This disease occurs when the blood sugar level becomes higher than the normal.
According to studies, about 80% of individuals afflicted with Type 2 diabetes are overweight. What
makes diabetes a killer disease is that it is a major cause of stroke, heart disease, kidney diseases,
amputation, and even blindness.

Sleep Apnea - This is when an individual pauses in breathing while sleeping. Being overweight or
obese is a risk factor. Why? This is because of the fats stored in the neck area making the air pathway
smaller. In addition, the fat could also cause inflammation. Sleep apnea should not be taken lightly
because it can also result in heart failure.

Metabolic Syndrome - According to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, “Metabolic
Syndrome is the name for a group of risk factors that raises your risk for heart disease and other
health problems, such as diabetes and stroke.” If you have a large waistline, a low HDL cholesterol
level, a higher normal triglyceride level, high blood pressure, higher fasting blood sugar, you are a
likely candidate for this disease.

High Blood Pressure - Also known as hypertension, this condition refers to a state when your
systolic blood pressure (usually above 140) is consistently higher than your diastolic blood pressure
(usually about 90). How does being overweight make you high risk for hypertension? Generally, a
larger body size will increase your blood pressure so that your heart will have to work harder to
produce the necessary supply of blood to all cells. In addition, your excess body fats can damage your
kidneys (your kidney helps your body regulate the blood pressure). High blood pressure can result to
kidney failure, heart diseases and stroke.

Fatty Liver Disease - This is when there is a build-up of fat around the liver which can cause

Reproductive issues - Menstrual issues and ultimately infertility are some of the issues experienced
by overweight women.
Cancer - If you are obese or overweight, then the risk of acquiring cancer of the breast, gallbladder,
colon and endometrial increases.

These are only some of the diseases associated with being overweight. Not to mention the social,
emotional and psychological impact of the extra weight.
It stresses the importance of finding the right “strategy” to lose those excess pounds. And we have the
perfect solution –the SirtFood diet.
The SirtFood diet is suitable for Individuals who:
Are overweight or obese
Want to maintain his/her weight
Needs to have a “detox” and flush away the toxins from the body
Have failed to lose weight using different diet techniques
Want not only to lose weight but also build muscle
Want a healthier lifestyle and to achieve optimal health
Chapter 2: How to Jumpstart your SirtFood Diet?

According to the proponents, “SirtFoods act as master regulators of our whole metabolism, most
notably having effects on fat burning while simultaneously increasing muscle and enhancing cellular
Fat burning, increasing muscles, and better cellular fitness—these are the guaranteed results of the
SirtFood diet.
Being healthy and losing weight is an everyday choice. You have to take those first baby steps and
see how it can change you and your life.
If you want to reap the amazing results of SirtFoods, here is some suggested ways to jumpstart your

Safety first - Before starting any particular diet or regimen, consult your healthcare
provider especially if you have an existing illnesses. This will ensure that the diet will
not sabotage any medications that you might be taking or have an adverse effect to your
health. Do not worry, the SirtFood diet is fairly safe.

Knowledge is power - This diet is still bran new, but there is still a good amount of
information available and more upcoming since this diet is fast gaining popularity. In
addition, you can also search the internet for recipes, food alternatives, nutrient content
and more.

Follow the guidelines - SirtFood is guaranteed to bring results, if and only if you
carefully follow the diet guide and suggested food.

Help yourself - Aside from following what is allowed in the food program, you can start
by eliminating processed and starchy food from your normal diet. Stop eating junk! This
will fast track the result of SirtFood Diet.

Start a physical activity - SirtFood diet can indeed burn those fats and build muscle, but
I recommend that you start adding physical activities to your daily routine. A 30-minute
walk a day would do wonders to your body and will also fast track the results. In
addition, there are many wonderful effects when exercising like: preventing and
combating health conditions, helping improve your mood, promoting better sleep, burning
calories, giving you an energy boost and more.

Hit the supermarket - The SirtFood diet depends on certain foods. These foods were
chosen because of their sirtuin-triggering ability. So if you do not follow the list, well,
you won’t see results. Do not worry, because I will be providing list of suggested foods;
Plus there are no overly expensive type of foods and you can find it readily available
almost anywhere (you might even already have some lurking in your fridge).

Be ready with the initial “restrictions” - Of course, if you want to see different results,
you have to “sacrifice” a little in order to achieve the full benefits of the SirtFood diet.
But don’t worry, the first three days are only the hardest ones for this diet since there will
be calorie restrictions involved, but rest assured that it will become easier each day.
Although for others who tried the diet, the restrictions set was not that hard for them, the
reason is careful planning of meals. You will not go hungry with this diet if you choose

Plan your meals ahead - Whatever diet you may be on, planning your meals is a big
help. Not only will it reduce the stress from dieting, you can also have the chance to
weigh your choices and fill in your cupboard. For the first phase of this diet (I will be
elaborating that in the Chapter 4), you have to follow a calorie count. You will be
surprised that there are many filling dishes allowed with less calories and packed with

Involve a diet partner - This diet could also greatly benefit your family, partner or
friends (not only for overweight individuals), plus it is easier when you have an
accountability partner to remind you, share recipes with or even cook dishes with.

Document your progress - You can start by taking “before” pictures and take necessary
body measurements. You could also keep a food diary so that you can watch your food
intake. Observe the changes in your body with each week or phase. You can also have a
set of goals to further push you to continue with the diet.
Be kind to yourself - Do not set too high expectations. Yes, some can easily lose 7
pounds in a week, but remember that our bodies are not all the same; and of course your
level of commitment will also count. Other variables could be adding of an exercise
regimen in the diet plan, which could make the losing weight process faster.
Chapter 3: Pros and Cons of SirtFood Diet

To help set your expectations and to further let you have a peek at the wonderful effects of the
SirtFood diet (you can see the full view once you start with the diet) listed below are the positive
effects of the SirtFood diet:

All natural - SirtFood diet promotes the consumption of all natural food. In the SirtFood
diet, most of the suggested food is plant-based. This means your body is also being
detoxified from harmful chemicals, from processed food and junk food.

Burns fat and suppress the appetite - As explained, the reason for this is that this diet
taps or activates your sirtuin, as a result, fat is burned, and your appetite is suppressed. In
addition, there are also food choices under SirtFood that when consumed, can further
promote burning fat since sirtuins control the genes that is in charge of your fats and

Boosts overall health - Losing weight can definitely decrease the risk of a number of
health illnesses. The food choices are all basically nutrient packed and help clean up the
damage from free radicals. An example of this is green tea, with its catechin component,
which can fight cancer cells.

Helps improve memory - Good news for those who are experiencing poor working
memory or would like to further improve their memory, this diet is for you. Proven by
studies, this diet can improve the memory depending on the food consumption. For
example, consuming cocoa (rich in epicatechin, another sirtuin activator) and a gram of
turmeric can improve the memory if they are regularly consumed.

Acts as an antioxidant - This is mostly because the diet is rich in plant-and-fruit-based

food selections, which are known to cleanse the body and get rid of the toxins.
Helps control blood sugar - Participants of the study for this diet have shown
remarkable improvements not only on the fat levels in their body, but blood sugar levels
as well. This is again because of the healthy food choices. The consumption of sirtuin
quercetin found in apples and onions is seen to help control the glucose levels in the
body. There are more sirtuin triggers that can help regulate your sugar, imagine
combining this type of food and consuming them regularly, this will definitely cause a
healthier change in your body.

Very easy to follow - SirtFood diet is a flexible diet. There are no strict rules except to
consume SirtFoods. You can eat it on its own, add it to your regular meals or find and
consume concentrated versions of suggested SirtFood. In addition, there is no need for
special supplements or pricey food types.

No need for intense workout or starvation - Though exercise is recommended, there is

no intense workout needed (unless you want to try) since your body is not only consuming
healthier food, but is also tapping on your “skinny” gene. One thing that is guaranteed in
this diet is that there is no need for fasting or starvation even during the first 3 days of the
diet. You just have to make sure to plan ahead and balance your calorie intake.

Slows the anti-ageing process - Sirtuins are actually “guardians” of the body’s enzymes,
which can help not only protect the cells but slows down the ageing process.

It can fight inflammation - Due to powerful anti-oxidants present in the diet, this can
help fight inflammation in the body and can help protect the heart.

No bounce-back effect - SirtFood diet can promote fast weight loss especially during
the first week. But do not worry, during the maintenance stage, all the fat that you have
shed will not return. There is no calorie-control trap in this diet. With SirtFood diet, your
tapped sirtuins actually encourages your system to burn the fat, and use the excess glucose
to build the muscles, this means that fats are not stored.
In general, the SirtFood diet is safe and effective. There are just a few “cons”:

Plateau weigh loss - This could happen in any weight loss regimen. This is a state
wherein though you actively follow your weight loss program but the scale don’t seem to
budge. Check your food diary, level of consumption or try other sirtuin filled foods. You
can also add a few minutes to your exercise time (if you have any) to further jumpstart
your weight loss. Though this is not generally a bad thing, you just have to find the right
combination of food. Be alarmed if you are suddenly gaining weight, because this means
that something is wrong with your diet.

You still have to check overall eating habits - If you’re adding sirtuin-filled food to
each meal but still continue to eat junk food daily or those empty calorie foods, then don’t
expect that the scale to bring positive results. This means that constant checking of
overall consumption is still needed. Balance is the name of the game.

Not too many materials available - Since the diet is fairly new, you may be able to find
only a few resources for additional knowledge about the diet, but then there is “enough”
materials, studies and testimonies to support your SirtFood journey.

Restrictions - Proponents of this diet assure that you will not go hungry with this food
program as long as you balance your choices. But yes, the first week can be rough with
the 1000/1500 restriction. But as they say, no pain, no gain! You can definitely do it.

For those who have existing medical conditions, again, please have a clearance with your health care
provider before trying this diet. Note that this diet is not suitable for pregnant women who wants to
maintain their weight or for women who is trying to conceive.
Before starting any diet, you should try to weigh the pros and cons. SirtFood diet provides numerous
health benefits aside from the guaranteed weight loss. For the cons, this is a matter of stepping up to
the challenge and exerting the necessary effort to surpass it. Once you’re fully-decided, take that first
step and start with the diet!
Chapter 4: The Super SirtFood Selection

The heart of this diet is of course the food selection. Sirtuin activators are all found in plants, but you
have to take note that not all veggies and fruits have the necessary compound to consider it as
SirtFood. Examples of this non-sirtuin activator food are avocados (very popular in the world of
losing weight), cucumber, bananas and carrots, although it doesn’t mean that these type of fruits and
veggies are not packed with benefits or not worth eating. But for our purpose, which is to tap on our
body’s sirtuin, you have to make sure that you will follow the list (and research more) and include it
in your daily diet.
Aside from promoting fat burning and muscle gain, most SirtFood is also full of other nutritional
benefits. Here are some of the top sirtuin-activator food selections:

Green tea (preferable matcha powder) - A better alternative than your builder’s tea is green tea.
Green tea is made from steamed fresh leaves from the plant instead of the fermented leaves. This
sirtuin-filled beverage is actually a popular choice for health buffs, making it the world’s most
consumed beverage after water. It is known to help boost weight loss, prevent Alzheimer’s disease,
reduce cholesterol build-up, and combat heart diseases. Some of the essential vitamins and minerals
it contains are folate, vitamin B, magnesium and other antioxidants.

Dark Chocolate - Not just any kind of chocolate (but equally satisfying and has lower fat and sugar
content), your choice should have at least 85% cocoa solids in order to be considered as SirtFood.

Kale - This is a popular “superfood” since it is filled with antioxidants (beta-carotene, kaempferol,
quercetin and more). In fact, this veggie has one of the highest Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity
or ORAC rating, it is known to be nutrient dense—it has omega 3 fatty acids, Vitamins A, K, C and
B6, it also has calcium, potassium, magnesium and more. It can also lower cholesterol levels, has an
anti-cancer effects and can help you lose weight.

Parsley - Adding this popular herb to your meal is very easy as sprinkling it on your steak and other
delicious dishes. This sirtuin food has vitamins A, C and K (richest herbal source for Vitamin K).
This sirtuin-rich food also contains volatile oil and flavonoid. It is also said to help promote
osteotropic activity in our bones.

Olives and Extra-Virgin Olive Oil - Olive oil is one of the mainstays of the Mediterranean diet for a
good reason. Olives and Extra-Virgin Olive Oil can help reduce cholesterol, contains dietary fibre,
and is also rich in essential vitamins and minerals such as iron, potassium, magnesium, iodine,
phosphorus and more.

Onions (red onion is the maximum sirtuin activator) - Aside from adding flavour to our dishes,
onion is actually a popular component for different home remedies. It is known to heal infection,
reduce inflammation and regulates sugar. In addition it also has high polyphenol content, contains
volatile oil and other organic sulfur compounds.

Turmeric – Curcumin, a substance found in turmeric, has potent anti-inflammatory effects. Aside
from being a strong antioxidant, it is also known for its ant-inflammatory effects. It is also known to
help with liver problems, arthritis, heartburn, kidney problems, and even depression. Other suggest
that turmeric should be used in conjunction with black pepper for a better effect.

Blackcurrants - This is another powerhouse of anti-oxidants, especially with anthocyanins. This

berry has a high level or vitamin C. It is known to help fight diabetes, heart failure and reduce risk of
stroke and heart attack.

Blueberries - The perfect add on for your breakfast oats or cereals is also rich in vitamin C, K and

Strawberries - Another one from the berry family, this one is also rich in anthocyanins like
blackcurrants, this compound is said to aid in reducing high blood pressure.

Apples - Most likely you have heard the saying, “An apple a day, keeps the doctor away,” and
indeed, apples are really good for your health. Aside from being a sirtuin activator, it is also known
to help lower cholesterol levels and has a good amounts of fibre, which can help put those hunger
pangs away as it can make you feel fuller and satiated.

Omega-3 Fish Oil - Usually found in fish and is known to lower blood pressure, reduce abnormal
heart rhythm and likelihood of a heart attack. This supplement can ward off heart-related diseases.

Capers - These little buds are rich in flavonoid compounds quercetin and rutin, which can strengthen
the capillaries (small blood vessels). It also has healthy levels of vitamins K, A, riboflavin and

Passion fruit - A good source of phytochemical piceatannol (choose fresh and not canned).

Tofu - This soy-based food is a good source of isoflavones, which is known to help boost sirtuins.
Experts suggests that tofu should be consumed along with onions, asparagus and garlic (these 3 can
help the body absorb the isoflavones).

Red wine (preferably Pinot noir) - This drink contains resveratrol, which is known to trigger
sirtuins. Red wine is often pointed to as one of the main reasons for the French’s slim figure, it is also
rich in antioxidants and is known to benefit the heart.

Other sirtuin-rich foods include chilies, celery, coffee, lovage, buckwheat, medjool dates, walnuts,
citrus fruits, chicory (choose red) and rocket. You can also further research on plant-based foods
under SirtFood for more choices and alternatives.
There are a lot of ways to include these type of foods in your diet. You can also experiment and
research different dishes so that you can add in these ingredients.
Chapter 5: Phases of SirtFood Diet and Suggested Meal Plan

The SirtFood diet is composed of 2 phases. I have to really warn you, the 1st week of the diet is the
toughest part. And you really have to set your mind to finishing the first week especially the first 3
days. Do not worry as the longer-term plan is actually pretty easy to follow and maintain.
The First Phase:

This stage is divided by 2 stages (Day 1, 2 and 3 / Day 4, 5, 6 and 7)

For days 1, 2 and 3, dieters are required to consume 2 green juices a day (it can include green tea,
parsley, lemon, celery, rocket and kale) and only 1 meal. You will have to limit your consumption to
only 1000 calories per day.

I call this the detox/fasting/juicing stage and this is generally for those who would want to jumpstart
the losing weight process. They key of course is each juice or meal will contain active SirtFood

To manage the first three days, just keep your eyes on the goal—a lighter weight and a healthier body.
Plus do not worry, the green juice isn’t that bad (I personally love these green juices) plus you also
get to have one sumptuous dinner and you can even pop some dark chocolates to soothe your sweet
7 Day Sample Meal Plan:

Day 1:
Special SirtFood Green Juice (2-3x a day)
The Asian Style King Prawn Stir Fry with Buckwheat Noodles

Day 2:
Green Tea
Special SirtFood Green Juice (2x a day)
Turkey Escalope with capers, sage and parsley partnered with cauliflower “rice”

Day 3:
Special SirtFood Green Juice (3x a day)
Grilled Salmon with blueberry glaze
Day 4, 5, 6 and 7:
This stage is a bit more lenient, since you are allowed a 1500 calorie intake per day, which you can
divide with 2 juices and 2 meals a days. The ingredients are still basically the same with the initial 3
Tip: Try to spread out the juices throughout the day, meaning, do not consume them with meals or too
close together. You can try drinking the juices about an hour or two before or after the meals.

Day 4:
2 green juices
1 cup green tea and Simple Veggie Omelette for breakfast
Spicy Thai Braised Kale and Tofu for dinner

Day 5:
2 green juices
Tofu Scramble with Mushrooms for breakfast
Tasty Beef Broccoli for dinner

Day 6:
2 green juices
Special Blackcurrant and Oat Yogurt for breakfast
Smoked Salmon with Salad Greens for dinner

Day 7:
2 green juices
Special Veggie Tofu Scramble
Grilled Chicken with Lemon Glaze for Dinner
The Second Phase
Congratulations! You have finished the first “hard core” week. The second phase is the easier and is
the actual incorporation of sirtuin-filled food selections to your everyday diet or meals. You can call
this the “maintenance stage”.
By doing so, your body will undergo the fat-burning stage and muscle gain plus a boost on your
immune system and overall health.
For this phase, you can now have 3 balanced SirtFood-filled meals each day plus 1 green juice a day.
There is no “dieting”, but more on choosing healthier alternatives with adding SirtFood in each meal
as much as possible.
I will be providing some recipes for tasty dishes with SirtFood inclusion in the next chapter to further
give you an idea on how exciting and healthy this diet journey is.
Chapter 6: Bonus SirtFood Recipes

One thing that I love about this diet, is that it doesn’t feel like dieting. No restrictions (but please
make healthier food choices and start eliminating junk food, processed food, and empty calorie foods
because they absolutely don’t do anything good to your body), no calorie counts after the first phase
and there are virtually hundreds of yummy SirtFood dishes that you can find.
I suggest that you make you only weekly meal plans plan until choosing healthier food becomes the
natural choice for you.
SirtFood Green Juice
Good for 1
(This is a required juice for days 1-7. For days 1-3, you will need 3 green juices; for day 4-7, you
will need 2 green juices)

2 large handfuls kale
5 grams of parsley
½ green apple
2–3 large stalks green celery plus the leaves
A large handful rocket (about 30 g)
Juice of ½ lemon
½ level tsp matcha green tea
A very small handful lovage leaves (optional)

1. Simply mix all the greens—rocket, parsley, kale and lovage using a juicer, just fully
juice them. Your target is to juice around 50ml from the greens.
2. Next step is to add the green apple and the celery.
3. Simply squeeze the lemon into the juice. Most likely you will have more than 250ml
of juice at this stage.
4. When ready to consume, pour into a glass and you can now add your matcha green tea
powder. Stir and enjoy!
Suggestion: For night drinking, you can forego the matcha green tea, note that tea contains caffeine,
and you might find it harder to sleep at night after your green juice.
Special Green Tea Smoothie
Good for 2

250 ml milk
2 ripe bananas
1/2 tsp vanilla bean paste
2 teaspoon of honey
6 ice cubes
2 teaspoon of matcha green tea powder

1. Mix all the ingredients together using a blender or smoothie machine. Serve and
Special Blackcurrant and Oat Yoghurt
Good for 4

400 grams of Greek yoghurt, plain
200g blackcurrants, washed and stalks removed
200 ml of water
4 tablespoon of caster sugar (or your own choice of sweetener)
80 grams of oats

1. In a small pan, simple place the blackcurrants, water and sugar. Bring to boil.
2. After boiling, slightly reduce the heat, maintain the simmer and cook for another 4 to 5
minutes. Turn the heat off and let the mixture cool.
3. After cooling, you can now refrigerate your blackcurrant compote until ready to be
4. Using a large bowl, place the yoghurt and oats, then thoroughly stir in together.
5. Divide the blackcurrant compote into 4 serving bowls, then just simple top with the
oats and yoghurt. Mix and enjoy.
The Asian Style King Prawn Stir Fry with Buckwheat Noodles
Good for 3-4

300g shelled raw king prawns, deveined
4 teaspoon soy sauce or tamari
4 teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil
150g of buckwheat noodles
2 garlic clove, finely chopped
2 bird's eye chillies, finely chopped
2 teaspoon finely chopped fresh ginger
40g red onions, sliced
80g celery, trimmed and sliced
150g green beans, chopped
100g kale, roughly chopped
200ml chicken stock
10g of celery leaves

1. Over high heat, place the frying pan and cook the prawns in 2 tsp of tamari and 2 tsp
of extra virgin olive oil for about 3 minutes. Once cooked, carefully transfer the
prawns to a plate and set aside.
2. Simply follow the direction on the packet and cook the noodles in a boiling water.
Estimated time is about 5 minutes or as directed. Carefully drain and set the noodles
3. Over a medium high heat, sauté the garlic, red onion, ginger, chillies, celery, kale and
beans using the remaining oil. Do this for about 2 minutes, then add the stock and
bring to boil.
4. After boiling, let is simmer for another 2 minutes or until the veggies are cooked (the
crunchiness should still be preserved)
5. Add the noodles, prawns, celery leaves to the pan and bring to a boil. Serve and
Simple Tofu Scramble for Breakfast
Good for 4

Tofu Scramble:
16 ounces of extra firm tofu
4 cups kale, loosely chopped
½ red onion, thinly sliced
1 red pepper, thinly sliced
Extra virgin olive oil

1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp cumin powder
1/2 tsp chili powder
1 tsp sea salt
1/2 tsp turmeric (optional)

1. Make sure that the tofu is drained. You can do this using an absorbent towel with a
skillet on top. Do this for about 10-15 minutes.
2. In a small bowl, prepare the sauce by adding all the dry spices then add enough water
for it to become a pourable sauce. Set aside.
3. Over a medium heat, use a large skillet, and add about 2 tbsp. of extra virgin olive oil
once the skillet is hot. Add the red pepper and onion then season with salt and pepper.
Stir and cook for about 3-5 minutes.
4. Add the kale and season to taste with salt and pepper. Cover it for another 2 mins.
5. Unwrap the tofu then crumble into bite-sizes using a fork or a spoon.
6. Move the veggies on one side of the pan, then add the tofu to the clear spot. Sauté for
about 2-3 minutes then pour in the sauce over the tofu. Stir and cook until the tofu is
lightly browned.
7. Serve and enjoy. You can also add more sirtuin-rich food on the side.
Grilled Salmon with Blueberry Sauce
Good for 4

4 7-ounce salmon steaks
1 ½ tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
1 garlic clove, thinly sliced
3/4 cup sliced shallots
1/8 teaspoon ground allspice plus additional for seasoning
1/4 teaspoon coarse kosher salt plus additional for seasoning
1/4 teaspoon chopped fresh thyme plus additional for seasoning
1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
1 cup fresh blueberries
3 tablespoons thinly sliced fresh mint, divided
1/4 cup water

1. Heat 1 tbsp. of olive oil in a large pan over medium heat. Add the shallots and sauté
until soft, followed by garlic, salt, allspice and thyme. Mix for about 30 seconds or
until you can smell the fragrant aroma.
2. Add the fresh blueberries, vinegar, and water. Stir well.
3. Mash the berries until the sauce thickens, continue to stir often for about 4-5 minutes.
Remove from the heat after seasoning with freshly found pepper. Note that you can
actually prepare the sauce ahead (leave at room temp), and just rewarm before using.
4. Lightly brush the grill rack with oil. Use a medium-high heat for the barbeque. Lightly
brush the salmon steak on both sides with the oil. Sprinkle the thyme, coarse salt,
black pepper and allspice unto the salmon.
5. Grill the salmon until the centre is opaque. This is about 5 minutes on each slide.
Transfer into serving plate. Add the sliced mint to the blueberry sauce. And spoon the
sauce on top of the salmon. For presentation, you can sprinkle the remaining sliced
mint leaves. Serve and enjoy.

Thank you again for buying this book!

The SirtFood diet promotes fat burning, body detoxification, muscle gain and overall health
improvement by tapping into sirtuin, or in other words, activates your very own ‘skinny gene’.
Though a relatively new diet, it is proven to be effective and yield fast and safe results. As a bonus,
you can still eat chocolate and enjoy drinking wine!
I hope this book was able to help you find a suitable and effective diet regimen that will help you on
your weight loss journey.
The next step is to continue what you have started, maintain your ideal weight and to choose being
healthy each day.
The first week might be a challenge for you, but as they say, if you want changes, you need to work
for it. I guarantee you that once you start seeing the improvements in your body you will realize that a
little sacrifice is totally worth it.
In addition to the aesthetic changes that you will see, it is actually what is “inside” that really counts.
Achieving optimum health is now possible with the numerous health benefits of the SirtFood diet. I
promise you that the quality of your life will surely be improved, all it takes is adding those healthy
sirtuin-rich foods!
Finally, if you enjoyed this book and want to help spread the knowledge of the SirtFood Diet, then
leave a review for this book on Amazon to help others start their own journey towards weight loss
and a healthier body, it’d be greatly appreciated!

Click here to leave a review for this book on Amazon!

Thank you and good luck!

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