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University of Southern Philippines Foundation

Mabini Campus
Cebu City

Curriculum Map in English 10

S.Y. 2019- 2020

Vision: USPF is a 21st century transformative learning environment of global lifelong learners.
Mission: We commit ourselves to a value-laden quality education that nurtures ethical, creative, competent, and socially responsive individuals.
Goal: Transform USPF into a dynamic high- tech, high touch learning organization in keeping with global standards ain education and workplace requirements.
Core Values:
Professionalism- We demonstrate professionalism in our dealings at all times and in all contexts.
Integrity- We keep our integrity intact and untarnished.
Excellence- We achieve excellence in the performance of our tasks.
Social Responsibility- We manifest our social responsibility through active engagement.

Basic Education Department

Vision and Mission
A. Vision: The Basic Education Department produces 21st century life-long learners.
B. Mission: We commit ourselves to a quality education that fosters academically competent, value- laden and socially responsible learners.
I. Subject Details:

Subject Code: English 10

Subject Title: English 10
Units: 1.5
Subject Description: The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her understanding of literature and other texts types for a deeper
appreciation of Philippine Culture and those of other countries, and demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her understanding of literature and other
text types for a deeper appreciation of World Literature, including Philippine Literature.

II. Subject Learning Outcomes:

Cognitive- The learner demonstrates understanding of how to use evaluative reading, listening and viewing strategies, special speeches for occasion, pronouns and
structures of modification.

Affective- The learner demonstrates understanding of how world literature and other text types serve as sources of wisdom in expressing and resolving conflicts
among individuals, groups and nature.

Psychomotor- The learner skilfully delivers a speech for a special occasion through utilizing effective verbal and non-verbal strategies and ICT resources.


TAKING CONTENT A1. Practice strategic A1. Listening activity A1. Audio listening A1. Audio clip

A2. explore the A2. Concept map A2. Concept mapping A2. Graphic organizer
The learner conventions of drama
5 days understanding of A3. Use who and A3. Grammar check A3. Grammar A3. Grammar
world literature as a whom correctly exercises worksheet
source of wisdom in
expressing and
resolving conflicts A4. Write an effective A4. Editorial writing A4. News article,
between individuals or editorial A4. Brainstorming scoring rubrics
groups and nature;
strategies in evaluative
reading, writing, B1. explore the B1. Concept map B1. Literary piece
listening, and viewing; narrative styles and B1. Concept mapping
special speeches for techniques used in
occasions; and fiction
effective use of
5 days structures of B2. determine the B2. Grammar check B2. Grammar
modification and appropriate pronouns B2. Grammar exercises worksheet
pronouns. to use in elliptical

B3. write a movie B3. Movie review B3. Full movie

review B3. Film showing
B4. Video clip, scoring
PERFORMANCE B4. deliver a eulogy B4. Performance tasks B4. Brainstorming, rubrics
TASKS: video viewing
C1. differentiate C1.concept map C1. Graphic organizer
The students transfer archetypes and C1. Chart analysis
learning by composing stereotypes
5 days an argumentative
essay in preparation C2. conduct an C2. Role play C2. Video clip
for delivering interview effectively C2. Video viewing
impromptu and
extemporaneous C3. use varying C3. Sentence C3. Grammar
speeches using degrees of comparison composition C3. Grammar exercises worksheet
affirmation/ negation
markers and
appropriate prosodic C4. write a literary C4. Literary critique C4. Literary piece
features, stance, and critique with emphasis writing C4. Literary analysis
behavior. on its structure

D1. conduct a D1. Role- play D1. Video clip, Scoring

successful meeting D1. Video viewing, rubrics
D2. explore setting as D2. Concept map D2. Graphic organizer
a literary element of D2. Concept mapping
5 days fiction

D3. use correctly the D3. Sentence D3. Grammar

degrees of comparison composition D3. Grammar worksheet
for adverbs exercises

D4. make an effective D4. Inforgraphic D4. Art materials

infographic making D4. Brainstorming,

E1. use appropriate E1. Toast speech E1. Video clip, scoring
5 days language and writing and delivery E1. Video viewing, rubrics
strategies to deliver an Brainstorming
effective toast speech

E2. analyse literature

based on relevant E2. Literary analysis E2. Literary piece
5 days historical context E2. Literary analysis

E3. demonstrate
mastery in using E3. Grammar check E3. Grammar
coordinating and E3. Grammar exercises worksheet
conjunctions in

E4. rewrite an essay to

expound ideas E4. Essay writing E4. Article
E4. Brainstorming

F1. effectively
incorporate factual F1. speech delivery F1.toast speech,
information and F1.think- pair- share scoring rubrics
experiences during a
5 days toast speech

F2. critique a text

using the reader- F2.literary critique F2. Literary piece
response critical writing F2.literary analysis
approach and the new
historicism approach

F3. use subordinating

conjunctions correctly F3. Grammar check F3. Grammar
F3. Grammar exercises worksheet
F4. edit a text for
cohesion F4. Paper- pencil test F4. Grammar
F4. Grammar exercise, worksheet
sentence correction
G1. deliver a prepared
toast speech in front
of an audience G1. Speech delivery G1. Toast speech,
G1. Speech scoring rubrics
5 days G2. write complex presentation
G2. Sentence writing G2. Grammar
G3. proofread a peer’s G2. Grammar worksheet
work using exercises
proofreading marks G3. Error correction G3. Articles
activity G3. proofreading

H1. use quotations in

H1. Research output H1. Internet sources
H2. observe ethics H1. Research work
during public
presentations and H2. Speech H2. Speech pieces,
5 days speeches presentation H2. Speech station scoring rubrics

H3. critique an article

H3. Critique paper H3. Literary piece

H3. Text analysis
A. English for the 21st Century Learners
by: Rina Garcia Chua
Ma. Victoria Bernardino- Viloria
Nerissa O. Zara

Copyright 2016
Diwa Learning Systems Inc.

B. References:
English for the 21st Century Learners Textbook
English for the 21st Century Learners Teacher’s Manual

C. Online Sources:

IV. Subject Requirements

 Grading System
Written Works- 30%
Performance Tasks- 50%
Quarterly Assessment- 20%

 Attendance/ Absence Policy

 A student is expected to be inside the classroom during the class schedule.

 A student who arrives 15 minutes late after the opening prayer is considered late.

 Academic Honesty
A student caught cheating for the first time is given a warning; in the second offense, the student is reprimanded; and in the third and last offense,
the student is referred to the SAS office.

 Classroom Conduct

A student is expected to fulfil the duties and responsibilities expected of him/her bearing with him/her the University’s core values.

Prepared by: Reviewed: Approved:

Ms. Letlie S. Semblante Mrs. Maura A. Villamor Dr. Ernesto L. Alolor

Subject Teacher Principal VPAA

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