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Foundations C Spelling Analysis

1st Grade & 2nd Grade

Foundations C Lesson 81
Say it Sentence it Syllable it Say-to-Spell Scribe
girl The girl went down the 1 g-ir-l girl
bird The bird flew up into the 1 b-ir-d bird
slow A slow train rumbled by. 1 s-l-ow s-l-̱ow
long I watched for a long time. 1 l-o-ng long
though Though I went to bed early 1 th-ough th ough
last night, I still felt tired.
Foundations C Lesson 82
Say it Sentence it Syllable it Say-to-Spell Scribe
hurt Are you hurt? 1 h-ur-t hurt
rainbow The rainbow is beautiful. 2 r-ai-n b-ow rainbow
airplane The airplane landed on the 2 ai-r p-l-a-n-e airplāne̱
near My house is near the park. 1 n-ea-r near
while While we wait, let’s play a 1 wh-i-l-(e) whīle̱
Foundations C Lesson 83
Say it Sentence it Syllable it Say-to-Spell Scribe
learn I like to learn about history. 1 l-ear-n learn
through We can go through the 1 th-r-ough th rough
small I see a small fish. 1 s-m-a-l-l smäll
bread The fresh bread smells 1 b-r-ea-d bread
outside The dog is outside. 2 ou-t s-i-d(e) outsīde̱
Foundations C Lesson 84
Rule #10: When a word ends with the phonogram A, it says /ä/. A may also say /ä/ after a W or before an L.

Say it Sentence it Syllable it Say-to-Spell Scribe

birthday When is your birthday? 2 b-ir-th d-ay bir thday
grandma My grandma is a teacher. 2 g-r-a-n-d ma grandmä
type What type of markers do 1 t-y-p-(e) type̱
you need?
leave Leave the book on my 1 l-ea-v-(e) lea ve̱
warm It is warm outside. 1 w-ar-m warm
Foundations C Lesson 85
Say it Sentence it Syllable it Say-to-Spell Scribe
speak Please speak loudly and 1 s-p-ea-k speak
world Will he travel to the other 1 wor-l-d world
side of the world?
work We will work on it tomorrow. 1 wor-k work
first First, we need to clean up 1 f-ir-s-t first
this mess.
grandpa My grandpa fixes cars and 2 g-r-a-n-d pa grandpä
Foundations C Lesson 86
Rule #31.2: O may say /u/ in a stressed syllable next to W, TH, M, N, or V.

Say it Sentence it Syllable it Say-to-Spell Scribe

from The package is from 1 f-r-o-m from
front I love you! 1 f-r-o-n-t front
turning She kept turning around in 2 t-ur-n i-ng turning
her chair.
years I have lived here for two 1 y-ea-r-s years
well Well, I guess we are not 1 w-e-l-l well
finished yet.
Foundations C Lesson 87
Say it Sentence it Syllable it Say-to-Spell Scribe
write Write your name on the top 1 wr-i-t-(e) wrīte̱
of the paper.
into Put the toys into the box. 2 i-n t-o intö
young There were young sparrows 1 y-ou-ng you ng
in the nest.
growing Tomatoes are growing in 2 g-r-ow i-ng growing
my garden.
rowing The oldest boy was rowing 2 r-ow i-ng rowing
the boat
Foundations C Lesson 88
Rule #14: Double the last consonant when adding a vowel suffix to words ending in one vowel followed by one
consonant, only if the syllable before the suffix is stressed.

Say it Sentence it Syllable it Say-to-Spell Scribe

running The girl is running down the 2 r-u-n n-i-ng running
sitting Dad is sitting on the porch. 2 s-i-t t-i-ng sitting
earth The earth is about 240,000 1 ear-th ear th
miles from the moon.
count Count how many kids there 1 c-ou-n-t count
these These are warm mittens. 1 th-e-s-e thēse̱
Foundations C Lesson 89
Rule #14: Double the last consonant when adding a vowel suffix to words ending in one vowel followed by one
consonant, only if the syllable before the suffix is stressed.

Say it Sentence it Syllable it Say-to-Spell Scribe

biggest The biggest bike is my 2 b-i-g g-e-s-t biggest
hottest We went swimming on the 2 h-o-t t-e-s-t hottest
hottest day.
home It is time to go home. 1 h-o-m-(e) hōme̱
pointing She was pointing at a bird 2 p-oi-n-t i-ng pointing
in the tree.
hearing I am hearing whispers. 2 h-ea-r i-ng hearing
Foundations C Lesson 90
Say it Sentence it Syllable it Say-to-Spell Scribe
soon We will be there soon. 1 s-oo-n soon
book What book are you 1 b-oo-k book
teeth Go brush your teeth. 1 t-ee-th tee th
tooth John’s front tooth fell out. 1 t-oo-th too th
without She will go without a coat. 2 w-i-th ou-t with out
Foundations C Lesson 91
Rule #8: I and O may say ī and ō when followed by two consonants.

Say it Sentence it Syllable it Say-to-Spell Scribe

old Cole and I are old friends. 1 o-l-d ōld
cold I am cold. 1 c-o-l-d cōld
cook We can cook noodles. 1 c-oo-k cook
line Draw a line at the top of the 1 l-i-n-(e) līne̱
need You need to tie your shoes. 1 n-ee-d need
Foundations C Lesson 92
Rule #8: I and O may say ī and ō when followed by two consonants.

Say it Sentence it Syllable it Say-to-Spell Scribe

find Did you find your keys? 1 f-i-n-d find
late My friend came late. 1 l-a-t-(e) lāte̱
kind My grandfather is very kind. 1 k-i-n-d kind
teacher Ask the teacher for help. 2 t-ea-ch er tea ch er
farmer The farmer sells fresh eggs. 2 f-ar-m er farmer
Foundations C Lesson 93
Rule #21: To make a noun plural, add the ending -S, unless the word hisses or changes; then add -ES. Some
nouns have no change or an irregular spelling.

Say it Sentence it Syllable it Say-to-Spell Scribe

move Please move your books off 1 m-o-v-(e) möve̱
the chair.
both We both like to paint. 1 b-o-th bōth
today They leave for the trip 2 t-o d-ay töday
gold Grandpa gave her a gold 1 g-o-l-d gōld
now Now you may play outside. 1 n-ow now
Foundations C Lesson 94
Rule #21: To make a noun plural, add the ending -S, unless the word hisses or changes; then add -ES. Some
nouns have no change or an irregular spelling.

Say it Sentence it Syllable it Say-to-Spell Scribe

myself I gave myself a treat. 2 m-y s-e-l-f myself
dresses The girls wore blue 2 d-r-e-s-s es dresses
know Do you know his name? 1 kn-ow kn ow
floor Pick your jacket up off the 1 f-l-oo-r floor
door Please close the door. 1 d-oo-r door
Foundations C Lesson 95
Say it Sentence it Syllable it Say-to-Spell Scribe
sign The sign is yellow. 1 s-i-gn sign
those Those are good drawings. 1 th-o-s-(e) thōse̱
school We read a great book at 1 s-ch-oo-l sch ool
moon The moon is bright tonight. 1 m-oo-n moon
starting They are starting the race! 2 s-t-ar-t i-ng starting
Foundations C Lesson 96
Rule #4: AEOU Usually say their long sounds at the end of a syllable.

Say it Sentence it Syllable it Say-to-Spell Scribe

over He rode his bike over the 2 o v-er ōver
beside May I sit beside you? 2 b-e s-i-d-(e) bēsīde̱
between Please stand between the 2 b-e t-w-ee-n bētween
desk and the table.
feather I found a black feather. 2 f-ea-th-er fea th er
going Where are we going? 2 g-o i-ng gōing
Foundations C Lesson 97
Rule #4: AEOU Usually say their long sounds at the end of a syllable.

Say it Sentence it Syllable it Say-to-Spell Scribe

open Please open the gate. 2 o-p-e-n ōpen
buy We need to buy some milk. 1 bu-y buy
robot We built a robot. 2 r-o b-o-t rōbot
other Try the other one. 2 o-th er oth er
front We sat in the front row. 2 p-a p-er pāper
Foundations C Lesson 98
Rule #4: AEOU Usually say their long sounds at the end of a syllable.

Say it Sentence it Syllable it Say-to-Spell Scribe

about This book is about hero. 2 a b-ou-t ābout
guide The guide let us through the 1 gu-i-d-(e) guīde̱
above The cupboard is above the 2 a b-o-v-(e) ābove̱
before Please wash your hands 2 b-e f-o-r-(e) bēfōre̱
before dinner.
afraid I am not afraid. 2 a f-r-ai-d āfraid
Foundations C Lesson 99
Say it Sentence it Syllable it Say-to-Spell Scribe
bridge The bridge is icy. 1 b-r-i-dge bridge
pretend Pretend that you are a lion. 2 p-r-e t-e-n-d prētend
real These flowers are not real. 1 r-ea-l real
more Do you want more water? 1 m-o-r-(e) mōre̱
around We will ride our bikes 2 a r-ou-n-d āround
around the block.
Foundations C Lesson 100
Say it Sentence it Syllable it Say-to-Spell Scribe
again I would like to try again. 2 a g-ai-n āgain
phone Mom is talking on the 1 ph-o-n-e phōne̱
below My room is below my 2 b-e l-ow bēlow
parents’ room.
spell Can you spell your name, 1 s-p-e-l-l spell
our Our grandpa is smart and 1 ou-r our
Foundations C Lesson 101
Rule #1: C always softens to /s/ when followed by E, I, or Y. Otherwise, C says /k/.

Say it Sentence it Syllable it Say-to-Spell Scribe

center She is standing in the 2 c-e-n t-er center
center of the circle.
look We will look at the ducks. 1 l-oo-k look
circus Sandy is a circus clown. 2 c-ir c-u-s circus
computer Chris is a computer whiz. 3 c-o-m p-u t-er compūter
camera Smile at the camera! 3 c-a-m er a camerä
Foundations C Lesson 102
Say it Sentence it Syllable it Say-to-Spell Scribe
water Is the water cold? 2 w-a t-er wäter
their Their house is next door. 1 th-ei-r th eir
race Race me to the fence. 1 r-a-c-(e) rāce̱
eat It’s time to eat. 1 ea-t eat
bounce Bounce the basketball to 1 b-ou-n-c-(e) bounce̱
Foundations C Lesson 103
Say it Sentence it Syllable it Say-to-Spell Scribe
face Is your face clean? 1 f-a-c-(e) fāce̱
they They are not home yet. 1 th-ey th ey
reuse We can reuse this bag. 2 r-e u-s-(e) rēūse̱
group There was a group of kids 1 g-r-ou-p group
return Please return the cookie jar 2 r-e t-ur-n rēturn
to Aunt Cindy.
Foundations C Lesson 104
Say it Sentence it Syllable it Say-to-Spell Scribe
eight She is eight years old. 1 eigh-t eight
replace We will replace the flat tire. 2 r-e p-l-a-c-(e) rēplāce̱
gem Her charm bracelet has a 1 g-e-m gem
pink gem.
sound He made a quacking sound. 1 s-ou-n-d sound
gym I like to play basketball in 1 g-y-m gym
the gym.
Foundations C Lesson 105
Rule #2: G always softens to /j/ when followed by E, I, or Y. Otherwise, G says /g/.

Say it Sentence it Syllable it Say-to-Spell Scribe

even Even my dog thought it was 2 e v-e-n ēven
large That is a large bowl of 1 l-ar-g-(e) lar ge̱
ceiling A spider crawled across the 2 c-ei-l i-ng ceiling
page Look at the picture on page 1 p-a-g-(e) pāge̱
often We often play together after 2 o-f t-e-n often
Foundations C Lesson 106
Rule #12.4: Every syllable must have a written vowel.

Say it Sentence it Syllable it Say-to-Spell Scribe

apple This is a delicious apple. 2 a-p p-l-(e) apple̱
orange My favorite pair of shoes is 2 or a-n-g-(e) orange̱
little That is a little kitten. 2 l-i-t t-l-(e) little̱
together We like to play that game 3 t-o g-e-th er tögeth er
food Bring your favorite picnic 1 f-oo-d food
Foundations C Lesson 107
Say it Sentence it Syllable it Say-to-Spell Scribe
new I have a new coat. 1 n-ew new
table The plate is on the table. 2 t-a b-l-(e) tāble̱
purple The purple sweater is cute. 2 p-ur p-l-(e) purple̱
letter What is the first letter in 2 l-e-t t-er letter
your name?
brown The brown dog ran away. 1 b-r-ow-n brown
Foundations C Lesson 108
Rule #12.6: Add an E to make the word look bigger.

Say it Sentence it Syllable it Say-to-Spell Scribe

are Are you ready to go? 1 ar-(e) are̱
were We were at the park. 1 w-er-(e) were̱
fruit We had a fruit salad for 1 f-r-ui-t fruit
shape What is your favorite 1 sh-a-p-(e) shāpe̱
huge Wow, this statue is huge! 1 h-u-g-(e) hūge̱
Foundations C Lesson 109
Rule #12.5: Add an E to keep singular words that end in S from looking plural.

Say it Sentence it Syllable it Say-to-Spell Scribe

horse The horse tossed his mane. 1 h-or-s-(e) hor se̱
swimsuit My swimsuit is blue. 2 s-w-i-m s-ui-t swimsuit
house The gray house on the 1 h-ou-s-(e) hou se̱
corner is for sale.
change Leaves change colors in 1 ch-a-n-g-(e) chānge̱
fisherman The fisherman caught five 3 f-i-sh er m-a-n fish erman
Foundations C Lesson 110
Rule #12.9: Unseen Reason

Say it Sentence it Syllable it Say-to-Spell Scribe

come When will you come back? 1 c-o-m-(e) come̱
some May I have some? 1 s-o-m-(e) some̱
toes Touch your toes. 1 t-oe-s toes
mouse We have a mouse in the 1 m-ou-s-(e) mou se̱
uncle My uncle is a fisherman. 2 u-n c-l-e uncle̱
Foundations C Lesson 111
Say it Sentence it Syllable it Say-to-Spell Scribe
done What time will you be 1 d-o-n-(e) done̱
planted We planted beans. 2 p-l-a-n-t ed planted
pushed Tucker pushed the 1 p-u-sh-ed püsh ed
shopping cart.
called “Wait for me!” I called. 1 c-a-l-l-ed cälled
tunnels We can make snow 2 t-u-n n-e-l-s tunnels
Foundations C Lesson 112
Say it Sentence it Syllable it Say-to-Spell Scribe
missed Yesterday I missed class 1 m-i-s-s-ed missed
because I was sick.
saw I saw a frog catch a fly. 1 s-aw saw
draw Draw a picture of a tree. 1 d-r-aw draw
person Alex is a nice person. 2 p-er s-o-n person
followed I followed Mr. Fitz out of the 2 fol l-ow-ed follow ed
Foundations C Lesson 113
Rule #7: Y says E only at the end of a multi-syllable word. I says E at the end of a syllable that is followed by a
vowel and at the end of foreign words.

Say it Sentence it Syllable it Say-to-Spell Scribe

city This city has many good 2 c-i-t y city
invented You invented a new ice 3 i-n v-e-n t-ed invented
cream flavor.
happy I am so happy to see you! 2 h-a-p p-y happy
area Let’s sit in this shady area. 3 a re a ārēä
instead Let’s take a hike instead. 2 i-n s-t-ea-d instead
Foundations C Lesson 114
Say it Sentence it Syllable it Say-to-Spell Scribe
baby My sister is a tiny baby. 2 b-a b-y bāby
twelve We need twelve pencils. 1 t-w-e-l-v-(e) twelve̱
copy Copy the words onto your 2 c-o-p y copy
because Rob ate a snack because 2 b-e c-au-s-(e) bēcau se̱
he was hungry.
story Tell me the story of how you 2 s-t-or y story
got a pet turtle.
Foundations C Lesson 115
Say it Sentence it Syllable it Say-to-Spell Scribe
laugh My baby brother makes me 1 l-augh laugh
many Many hands make light 2 m-a-n y many
taught Mike taught me a yo-yo 1 t-augh-t taught
here We will eat here. 1 h-e-r-(e) hēre̱
there We will meet you there. 1 th-e-r-(e) there̱
Foundations C Lesson 116
Say it Sentence it Syllable it Say-to-Spell Scribe
fields The corn is growing in the 1 f-ie-l-d-s fields
walking Dad is walking on the path. 2 w-a-l-k i-ng wälking
talked The boys taked to their 1 t-a-l-k-ed tälked
early I want to be home early. 2 ear l-y early
fullest The fullest cup is Ashley’s. 2 f-u-l-l e-s-t füllest
Foundations C Lesson 117
Say it Sentence it Syllable it Say-to-Spell Scribe
would Would you please close the 1 w-ou-l-d would
could You could invite your sister 1 c-ou-l-d could
to come.
should I should take a break now. 1 sh-ou-l-d sh ould
each You will each need one 1 ea-ch ea ch
sheet of paper.
hold Hold the ball over your 1 h-o-l-d hōld
Foundations C Lesson 118
Say it Sentence it Syllable it Say-to-Spell Scribe
better The second picture is 2 b-e-t t-er better
action Lights, camera, action! 2 a-c ti-o-n action
station We walked to the subway 2 s-t-a ti-o-n stātion
away Joe went away on a trip. 2 a w-ay āway
across I waved to my teacher 2 a c-r-o-s-s ācross
across the street.
Foundations C Lesson 119
Say it Sentence it Syllable it Say-to-Spell Scribe
most Most trees are very tall. 1 m-o-s-t mōst
confusion My question revealed her 3 c-o-n f-u si-o-n confūsion
party You are invite to my 2 p-ar ty party
birthday party.
might I might ride my bike. 1 m-igh-t might
window The man washed the 2 w-i-n d-ow window
Foundations C Lesson 120
Say it Sentence it Syllable it Say-to-Spell Scribe
special Sam is my special guest. 2 s-p-e ci-a-l special
chicken The chicken sandwiches 2 ch-i-ck e-n chicken
were delicous.
caution The caution light was 2 c-au ti-o-n cau tion
never Never play with fire. 2 n-e-v er never
country My country has many 2 c-ou-n t-r-y country

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