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Written By: Jonas Karlsson

yield fruits. Unimaginably slimy, beautifully rotting,

non-Euclidian fruit to be sure. But still…
As the character’s mind becomes increasingly unhinged
There are more things in heaven and
earth, Horatio, and disconnected from the way others see the world, the
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy. character finds it easier to see through the veil. To gain
- Hamlet (1.5.167-8) the true Knowledge, the Veritas. High levels of Veritas
Most people walk safe in the knowledge that the world tend to detach one from the mundane world, to cause
makes sense, that life has meaning and purpose, that one to consider one’s fellow humans mere talking
cause follows effect, that humans are more than mere animals, of no more consequence than any other creature
animals, that change, and progress is possible, and, of one happens across. It changes one’s mind, seldom for
course, that humanity has a future, a bright one. the better, as far as other people are concerned. Not that
they matter…
Alas. Humans are limited by their society, biology,
Each die type of Veritas effectively gives a Minor ‘mental’
innate inclination to short-term thinking, hyped-up
Hindrance ‘for free’ (e.g. Arrogant, Big Mouth,
pattern matching, evolutionary origins, indeed all the
Bloodthirsty, Cautious, Clueless, Curious, Death Wish,
things that makes humans, well, human.
Delusional, etc.) Physical ones that could plausibly be
Most humans see the world through a distorting lens, a
psychosomatic are also allowed (e.g. Blind, Can’t Swim,
veil that hides that which would break their primate
Clumsy, Mute, etc.). It is also possible to choose to
minds. Some seek to pierce the veil, to adjust for the
upgrade a minor Hindrance to the major version of the
distortion, to truly see the world for what it is. And some
same Hindrance. Alternatively the GM may allow the
unfortunate few cannot avoid seeing the truth, no matter
removal of an Edge, if appropriate (the theme should be
how much they would like to avoid doing so.
to disconnect the character from ordinary society and
A Truth – Veritas – about how the world really works normal life.) Once gained they are in all ways normal
that may set them free, destroy them, or lead them to Hindrances and can be removed by Advances as usual.
power. But a truth that also does not care - or even
Each die type also grants an Edge ‘for free’, the first (at
perceive - that humans exist.
d4) should be Arcane Background (Veritas), but after that
When to use these rules: Use Veritas if your game you can choose between any edges the GM tells you are
features an uncaring universe, where ignorance is bliss available (the default is all Power Edges for which your
and the truth gradually drives one insane. Powerful. But character fulfills the requirements.)
Having Veritas may grant more benefits, or problems,
depending on the campaign world.

It is said that power corrupts, but

actually it's more true that power
Learn from me, if not by my precepts, at attracts the corruptible. The sane are
least by my example, how dangerous is usually attracted by other things than
the acquirement of knowledge, and how power.
much happier that man is who believes -- David Brin
his native town to be the world, than he
„ ARCANE SKILL: Veritas (no attribute)
who aspires to become greater than his
nature will allow. „ STARTING POWERS: 1
—Victor Frankenstein, Frankenstein „ POWER POINTS: equal to twice the Veritas die type
Knowledge about the way the world truly works is The character’s knowledge of the way the world truly
covered by Veritas, which like Wealth is similar to a works grants the ability to manipulate reality, albeit at
Trait. great risk. It can only be acquired by having a Veritas die
Like a Trait it’s die type progresses from untrained (d4- type of d4 or higher.
2) through d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d12+1 and beyond. Unless the following rules explicitly state that it works
Unlike a Trait it cannot be raised by Advances, instead it differently, use the standard Powers rules. The main
increases in play, often as a result of horror and mental difference is that casting a spell uses a Dramatic Task
trauma, though researching the blasphemous mutterings variant, again using the normal rules for such, unless
of the insane poets and madmen of antiquity may well otherwise stated below.

This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment Group at Savage
Worlds and all associated logos and trademarks are copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Used with permission. 1
Pinnacle makes no representation or warranty as to the quality, viability, or suitability for purpose of this product.
For in much wisdom is much grief: and he
that increaseth knowledge increaseth
sorrow. “What’s the old saying? Ah, I remember
― Ecclesiastes 1:18 now. ‘Curiosity flayed the cat alive,
ripped it apart limb from limb, and
The powers available for your character depends on the
listened to it scream before it killed it.’
campaign. For acquiring powers beyond the first, see the
That’s the one.”
Learning Spells section below. ― Simon Holt, The Devouring
Casting a spell (i.e using a Power) is a single-person In many settings where there is a hidden Truth some
Dramatic Task, you need to get enough successes to cast elements of said Truth may well have been discovered
the spell before the maximum number of rounds have by previous generations of Truth-seekers who recorded
passed, the exact number of successes/rounds depends their discoveries in Tomes.
on the rank of the spell, see the table below.
For the purpose of these rules, a sizable collection of
While casting the spell you are performing an obvious Veritas-connected lore is considered a Tome (though it
ritual of some sort, chanting/singing/dancing/etc. (Those may well be stone tablets, Quipu strings, rune stones,
that notice you perform the ritual can use Veritas (d4-2 if pictograms on a wall, a heap of pamphlets, a shelf full of
they are untrained) to figure out which power you are books, or even a stack of printouts of the discussions on
using, at a penalty equal to the Rank number in the a long-forgotten message board.) The definition of a
table.) Tome is that it contains enough information about the
You can spend several actions to cast the spell in one Truth of the universe that it can affect a character’s
round, with the normal Multi Action Penalties. Veritas and contains enough hints that a character can
Others with Veritas can attempt to Support you as potentially learn spells from it. In a campaign it would
normal for a Dramatic Task. (Occult can serve in a pinch, be unusual to find more than a dozen or so Tomes in
at a penalty equal to the Rank number in the table total. (There may well be other books of lore, but not
below.) ones considered Tomes.)
First roll Veritas, one per action until you either stop Studying tomes won’t directly increase one’s Veritas, but
casting, have reached the maximum number of rounds it does set a baseline. The number of Tomes a character
allowed, or succeeded. has fully read and understood affects the lowest Rank
On a successful conclusion of the Dramatic Task your his or hers Veritas can be as per the following table:
power points are spent, and the spell is cast. Tomes read Minimum Veritas

If you get more successes than needed, count them as 2 d4

raises for the spell if that matters. (You can continue 4 d6
casting the spell after success in order to get more
8 d8
successes, if the maximum number of rounds have not
passed.) Double the previous Increase one die type

If too much time has passed or you stop casting before

success, for whatever reason, your attempt to impose Skimming a tome (to get an idea of its contents, and be
your will on reality has failed, and it pushes back. Spend able to use it as a reference) takes about a working day.
one power point and roll on the Dynamic Backlash table,
Attempting to fully read a tome takes about a week
any supporters gain a level of Fatigue.
(potentially affecting your Veritas as per above, and
The number of successes/maximum rounds are given making it possible to learn the spells found in it.)
Either way, to read a Tome you must:
Power Rank # of successes Maximum • Know the language it is written in.
(number) rounds • If it is ciphered succeed in the
Novice (1) 4 3 appropriate skill given in the book
description (often Occult or Academics)
Seasoned (2) 6 4 to be able to figure it out.
Veteran (3) 8 5 • Have enough Veritas to be able to
fathom the contents of the Tome.
Heroic (4) 10 6

Legendary (5) 12 7

• Succeed in a Veritas check to understand Creatures, things, locations, etc., can all have a score in
it. (If you fail you cannot try again until Unnatural (it is, like Veritas, not a Trait, but acts like one),
your Veritas has risen.) showing how far from what humans perceive as natural
A critical failure causes an immediate Fear roll with a it is, and, incidentally, often how dangerous and
penalty equal to your current Veritas die type as you powerful it is.
truly grok the implications of what you have just read… The Unnatural is in a way a mirror of Veritas in that to
A skimmed or read Tome can also be used to give a +1 someone with a Veritas lower than something it
bonus to any skill rolls regarding its subject matter if the encounters, it’s very existence can be mind-blasting (see
book is at hand when the roll is made, at the cost of Interacting with the Unnatural, below).
quadrupling the time the skill roll takes. The Unnatural should not be granted to ordinary scary
A Tome usually has a physical description, notes on things such as huge monsters that are simply likely to
deciphering it and any penalties to the above rolls, a kill you, Fear will do fine for those. The Unnatural is
minimum Veritas needed to understand it, a summary of intended to be used for things like the reality-defying,
its contents, and suggested spells that can be learned sanity-blasting beings of eldritch horror of the Cthulhu
from it. Mythos, the dawning realization that we are but
simulations trapped in a Roko’s basilisk, seeing that
"overhead, without any fuss, the stars were going out."…
Description: A set of acid-etched sheets of titanium (A thorough perusal of various Cthulhu-related
supposedly found wrapped around an Egyptian roleplaying games, and perhaps even the TV tropes page
mummy’s canopic jars at an archaeological excavation of
an Old Kingdom pyramid. The symbols seem to be eThingsManWasNotMeantToKnow should give plenty
Akkadian. of further examples.)
Deciphering: It is written in Akkadian and uses many Like Veritas, the Unnatural can be used for altering reality
obscure analogies to the mythology of the Akkadians (performing magic). The more Unnatural a creature is,
requiring an Academics (Ancient Cultures) roll to the more it can change the apparent rules of the
decipher. The reader must have a Veritas of at least d4 to universe. In effect, many Unnatural creatures have the
be able to understand it fully, and rolls to read it has no Arcane Background (Veritas) edge, though they use their
penalty. Unnatural Trait instead of Veritas. Use the magic system
Summary of contents: It goes into great detail on the above or simply assign Unnatural creatures suitable
internal politics of the Annunaki and exactly how their abilities as you see fit.
withdrawal of support from Akkad caused the Curse of
Akkad, as well as a lot of speculation on how to replicate Any fool can know. The point is to
some of the effects on a mortal scale. understand.
Spells: Lower Trait and Sloth with trappings of hunger ― Albert Einstein
and deprivation. The process of learning – especially about that which
man was not meant to know – can be frightening.
Encountering that which is beyond one’s current
To learn a spell beyond the one you get through Arcane understanding of the universe is likely to cause a Fear
Background: Veritas, you must first take the New Powers check.
edge (automatically through a raised Veritas, or as one of
When someone interacts (sees, communicates with, uses
your normal edges) and then choose among the Spells
Detect Arcana, etc.) with something Unnatural, consider
available to learn.
the Unnatural to have an effective Fear (Terror) score of
The normal way to find spells to learn is to study Tomes (Veritas die type - Unnatural die type), with a positive
you have fully read as these often contain descriptions of score meaning that the one interacting with this instance
spells. Other campaign events may well grant access to of Unnatural has integrated it into his or hers worldview
knowledge about spells (perhaps you can learn by and is considered Jaded in regards to it. (Anyone that
seeing them cast, or some entity implants it the ability to does not have Veritas is considered to have d4-2, and
cast it in your soul, or your GM may even tell you to thus uses 2 as their ‘die type’.)
research your own spells.)
Those who do not fail a Fear check can then use their
Veritas to recognize what they are facing, possibly
The unnatural and the strange have a learning useful details on a raise.
perfume of their own
― Fernando Pessoa

Using Divination, Resurrection, Summon Ally, Teleport Knowledge as the Trait. Trappings, Hindrances
or similar powers that have any contact with another and Edges should be themed around obsession,
plane of existence is considered interacting with any secrecy and knowledge at any cost. Instead of
nearby Unnatural influence. chanting et al for rituals, trace an obsessively
Unnatural creatures add the above effective Terror rating detailed map of London in the air, recite a
as a bonus to any roll to resist/difficulty to affect them with difficult and obscure route, etc.
any Power.

I chose the term Veritas as it’s a fairly neutral word that So, why give a Minor Hindrance in return for an Edge
should fit well into most campaigns where Latin is, or when a Major Hindrance matches in ‘point value’?
once was, spoken. Some alternate suggestions follow:
Two reasons. 1) Players cannot raise their rank in Veritas
• Masks of the Crawling Chaos. Eldritch Horrors by themselves. 2) It is intended to be used as the only
campaign about saving the world while not magic system in a campaign and is frankly quite
going too crazy. The default assumed by this dangerous. Those who take Veritas (willingly or not) will
document. Mythos is a decent alternative name be overburdened enough with Hindrances as it is…
for Veritas. Trappings, Hindrances and Edges are
To use it in a campaign with several magic
themed towards insanity and power.
systems/arcane backgrounds it would probably be for
• Righting Stars. Eldritch Horror campaign, but the best to instead give Major Hindrances (or, of course,
the players are cultists working for the return of two Minor Hindrances.)
The Unnatural, making the stars right once
again. As above, but use Unnatural (or possibly
Mythos) as the Trait name, add physical To use the No Power Points Setting Rule with Veritas,
hindrances with overtones of corruption and simply ignore any mentions of Power Points, instead
depravity to the Hindrance list, add Leadership applying skill penalties as usual. Any Preparation
Edges to the Edge list. should be done before starting to cast.

• Flesh Song. Posthuman Cyberpunk campaign

about a hivemind-inducing nanite infection
intentionally being spread through the world. I would like that to be known; these facts
Use Flesh Song as the Trait. Spells might be are in the summary which I think is a very
called Songs or possibly Infections. Trappings, good one.
Hindrances and Edges should be themed -- John Sherman Cooper
towards alienation, body horror and hive minds. Characters have a new Trait, Veritas, used to understand
• Gossamer Veils. A Nihilistic Enlightenment the universe, alter reality, and go insane.
campaign. The Demiurge tried to keep reality Some things are Unnatural, they need not obey the laws
hidden from mortals. But the veils are growing of nature, which tends to frighten those without Veritas.
faint. Normal people can sometimes peer
through the veils, see the supernatural world,
become changed by it and work towards either
showing everyone (the Illuminati) or protecting
everyone from the truth (the Obscurati). Use
Unveiling as the Trait. Trappings, Hindrances
and Edges should be themed towards depravity
and hedonism for the Illuminati (“Do what thou
wilt shall be the whole of the law.” A. Crowley);
hard choices and living to fight another day for
the Obscurati ("You've got to know when to hold
'em, know when to fold 'em, know when to walk
away, know when to run." K. Rogers)
• The Knowledge. A Supernatural London
campaign where gaining The Knowledge is
about more than being allowed to drive a taxi
through the streets of London… Use The

Written By: Jonas Karlsson

Savage Worlds License Agreement

This game references the Savage
Worlds game system, available
from Pinnacle Entertainment
Group at Savage
Worlds and all associated logos
and trademarks are copyrights of
Pinnacle Entertainment Group.
Used with permission. Pinnacle
makes no representation or
warranty as to the quality, viability,
or suitability for purpose of this

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