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Advances in Civil Engineering

Volume 2019, Article ID 4627174, 8 pages

Research Article
Application of a Viscoelastic Model to Creep Settlement of
High-Fill Embankments

Liang Jia and Guangli Huang

College of Civil Engineering, Lanzhou University of Technology, Lanzhou 730050, China

Correspondence should be addressed to Guangli Huang;

Received 30 January 2019; Revised 2 June 2019; Accepted 25 June 2019; Published 28 July 2019

Academic Editor: Hui Yao

Copyright © 2019 Liang Jia and Guangli Huang. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
In order to predict the creep settlement of high-fill embankments, the time-dependent viscoelastic model of Poynting–Thomson
(the standard linear solid) has been chosen to represent the creep behavior of soils. In the present study, the hereditary integral was
applied to calculate the strain while the load increase is varied with time. Calculation expressions of the creep settlement of an
embankment during and after construction were obtained under one-dimensional compression conditions. Using this approach,
the three parameters of every layer can be determined and adjusted to accommodate in situ monitoring data. The calculated results
agreed well with those from the field, which imply that the method proposed in this paper can give a precise prediction of creep
settlement of high-fill embankments.

1. Introduction subloading yield surface. Asaoka et al. [15] suggested the

concept of superloading and subloading yield surfaces for
Creep settlement is a main research issue for highway de- over-consolidated soils. And Wang et al. [16] proposed an
terioration and other high-fill projects [1–5]. The analysis of advanced elastic-viscoplastic constitutive model to predict
embankment creep settlements is the basis for the correct time-dependent behavior of the over-consolidated clay
understanding and evaluation of the subgrade stability. In based on the subloading surface model and relative over-
consequence, more research should be carried out into the stress relation. (3) Numerical methods: Loganathan et al.
calculation of creep settlement of embankment. Existing [17] put forward a calculation method named “field de-
methods related to creep settlement research can be divided formation analysis” (FDA), which separates and quantifies
into three groups: (1) Empirical models, for example, the settlement components. Li et al. [18] used the modified
Asaoka method [6, 7], the hyperbolic method [8], the pa- secant modulus method to calculate settlements, an ap-
rabola method [9], the exponential method, and in situ tests proach that is characterized by the fact that it is not
[10, 11], in those methods, the monitored creep settlement of influenced by the initial void ratio. But the empirical models
the embankment after construction was adopted to predict pay less attention on the creep mechanism of clays, and most
the creep settlement in the future. (2) Constitutive models: of the constitutive models are elastoplastic constitutive
Bjerrum [12] pointed out that the influence of creep on clays models, which cannot describe the time-dependent de-
was equivalent to make the clay overconsolidated, which was formation characteristic of over-consolidated clays. Exper-
obtained through a large number of consolidation tests and imental results indicate that the creep deformation of high-
engineering settlement data analysis, and Yao et al. [13] filled embankment is affected by both time and stress his-
established the unified hardening (UH) model (a model for tory. The rheological model can reflect the time-dependent
over-consolidated clays), which considered the time effects stress-strain behavior of clays, and in order to simulate the
and analyzed the influence of creep on over-consolidated layered filling process of the high-filled embankment during
clays. Hashiguchi [14] put forward the concept of a construction, the stress applied on the rheological model is
2 Advances in Civil Engineering

according to the loading curve, so the rheological model σ

used in the creep settlement calculation of the embankment
can not only reflect the time-dependent stress-strain be-
havior but also the stress history of the embankment. The
application of some relatively simple rheological models has EM
been studied in some cases [19–22]. Morro [23] concluded
that a spring-dashpot model (i.e., the Maxwell model in
parallel with a dashpot) showed a constant strain rate during
the secondary stage. Justo and Durand [24] obtained set- ηM
tlement expressions with the standard linear solid rheo-
logical model for one-dimensional settlements of an
embankment during and after construction. In this paper, σ
the Poynting–Thomson model (a linear spring in parallel
with a Maxwell model) was applied to represent the time- Figure 1: Viscoelastic model.
dependent deformation of soil, and the theory of the he-
reditary integral used to calculate the cumulative strain is
explained in detail, which reflects the strain at any time The constitutive equation of the Poynting–Thomson
factor T and depends upon the entire stress history [25, 26]. model is
As an illustration of the creep settlement performance of η η
σ_ + σ � E + EH 􏼁_ε + EH ε. (10)
a high-filled embankment, the case of the dam-like em- EM EM M
bankment of the Lanzhou–Yongjing highway was in-
vestigated using the proposed new method. In a creep test, the pressure maintains a constant value σ 0
when t � 0; equation (10) becomes
2. Theory σ� E + EH 􏼁_ε + EH ε. (11)
For the model of Poynting–Thomson (Figure 1), The Poynting–Thomson model (Figure 1) first produces
σ � σM + σH, (1) the instantaneous elastic deformation ε0 � σ 0 /(EM + EH )
under the constant pressure σ 0 . As time increases, the de-
ε � εM � εH , (2) formation continues to increase such that when t ⟶ ∞,
ε ⟶ σ 0 /EM , and the solution of equation (11) is
where σ0 EM
ε(T) � 􏼢1 − e−((EM EH )/(EM +EH )η)t 􏼣. (12)
σ H � EH εH � EH ε. (3) EH EM + E H
The constitutive equation of the Maxwell model in Which otherwise can be written as
Figure 1 is σ
η ε(t) � 0 􏽨1 − Re−T 􏽩, (13)
σ_ + σ M � ηεM
_, EH
where EM
R� . (14)
σ_M � σ_ − σ_H , (5) EM + EH

_ � ε_ .
εM (6) R is called the creep factor.
Substituting equations (5) and (6) into equation (4) Tr � . (15)
EM + EH 􏼁η
η T � t/Tr is called the time factor.
_ σ_H 􏼁 + σ M � ηεM
σ− _. (7) And equation (13) can also be written as
ε(t) � σ 0 J(T), (16)
The calculation expression of σ M is obtained from
equation (7): where
η 1 −T
_ −
σ M � ηεM σ_ − σ_H 􏼁, (8) J(T) � 􏽨1 − Re 􏽩. (17)
and substituting the expressions of σ M and equation (3) into The mechanical meaning of J(T) is the strain under unit
equation (1) yields force, which can easily be measured in practical tests. J(T) is
η η called the creep compliance. After applying the stress σ 0
σ − EH ε � η_ε − σ_ − σ_H 􏼁 � η_ε − σ_ − EH ε_ 􏼁. (9)
EM EM when T � 0, the strain of the model is σ 0 J(T). Then, when
Advances in Civil Engineering 3

another stress Δσ ′ is applied when T  T′ , there is another σ

strain Δσ ′ J(T − T′ ), which is added to σ 0 J(T) when T  T′ ,
which is proportional to Δσ ′ . This strain is also a function of
T, but only adds ε(t) when T  T′ and is still dependent
upon the same creep compliance:

ε(T)  σ 0 J(T) + Δσ ′ J T − T′ . (18) σ0

T′ T′ + dT′ T′
If Δσ ″ is applied when T  T″ , then ε(T) should increase
Δσ ″ J(T − T″ ). The effect of each Δσ on ε(T) can be su- Figure 2: Sketch of the loading curve.
perposed in this way, which is called the Boltzmann su-
perposition principle [27]. If σ changes when T  0, the
relationship between applied stress and the time factor T will
be replaced by a stepped polyline, as shown in Figure 2. σ
When dT′ ⟶ 0, the sum becomes integral: N

ε(T)   J T − T′ dσ  T′ . (19)
σi σc
If the applied load varies with time, according to Fig-
ure 3, because σ 0  0, the strain at time factor T will be given
by the hereditary integral:
0 T Tc Tc + DT T = t/Tr
ε(T)   1 − Re ( 
− T−T′ ) dσ
dT′ . (20) Figure 3: Variation of loading with time.
0 EH dT′
The solution of the hereditary integral is
σ − Re I1 ,
ε(T)  (21)
I1 (σ, T)   e
dT′ . (22) Z ΔZ
0 dT′
The strain from T to Tc (Figure 3) can be described as Z∗ H
Δε T, Tc   ε Tc  − ε(T) T ≤ Tc . (23) ZI
Δε(T, Tc ) is obtained from equation (21):
Δε T, Tc    σ c − σ  − Re c I1  σ, Tc  − e I1 (σ, T).
−T −T T TI TII T∗ Tc T′
Figure 4: Variation of fill height with time.
And when T ≥ Tc , the strain from Tc to T is (Figure 3) 3.1. Settlement of the Embankment during Construction
Δε Tc , T  ε Tc  − ε(T). (25)
3.1.1. Degree of Settlement of the Embankment at Height zI
From equation (21), it is supposed that the stress during Construction. The degree of settlement of the em-
maintains a constant value when T ≥ Tc (Figure 3): bankment at height zI during construction can be described
as follows:
Δε Tc , T  ε Tc + DT − ε Tc   e I1  σ, Tc 1 − e−DT .
R −Tc
S zI    Δε TI − T, Tc − Tdz.
(26) 0

Δε can be obtained from equation (21):

3. Application to a High-Filled Embankment ΔεEH
 ZI − Re−Tc I1  z, Tc  − I1  z, TI 
If it is assumed that the height of an embankment varies with c
time according to Figure 4, the stress at any point depends
I1  z, TI  − I1 (z, T),
on the height of fill above it. −e
4 Advances in Civil Engineering

where 3.1.2. Settlement of a Finite Layer (zI , zII ) during

Construction. The strain from time factor TII up to Tc is
TI dz

I1 z, TI 􏼁 � 􏽚 eT dT′ , (29) Δε � Δε TII − T, Tc − T􏼁. (39)
0 dT′
Tcdz TI Substituting TI by TII and equation (39) into equation
′ ′ dz
I1 z, Tc 􏼁 � 􏽚 eT dT′ � 􏽚 eT dT′ (21) gives
0 dT′ 0 dT′
Tc (30) ΔεEH
′ dz
+ 􏽚 eT dT′ . � H − zII 􏼁 − R􏼒e−Tc 􏼂I1 z, Tc 􏼁 − I1 (z, T)􏼃
TI dT′ c
The integrals listed above must be calculated by nu- −TII
−e 􏼂I1 z, TII 􏼁 − I1 (z, T)􏼃􏼓.
merical methods. In order to do this, the loading curve is
divided into N intervals; from T � 0 up to T � TI , the curve
The compression of a finite layer is
is divided into I intervals, and from T � TI up to T � Tc , the
curve is divided into N − I intervals. zII
Substituting equation (28) into equation (27), the set- S zI , zII 􏼁 � 􏽚 Δεdz. (41)
tlement of a point at height zI during construction is ob-
tained from Substituting equation (40) into equation (41) gives

S zI 􏼁EH S zI , zII 􏼁EH

� ZI zI − R􏽨a − e−TI I2 z, TI 􏼁􏽩, (31) � H − zII 􏼁Δz − R􏼔e−Tc ΔzI1 TII , Tc 􏼁
c c
+ bΔz􏼐e−Tc − e−TII 􏼑􏼕,
a � e−Tc 􏼂zI I1 TI , Tc 􏼁 + I2 z, TI 􏼁􏼃, (32)
Tc N
dz Δz � zII − zI , (43)
I1 TI , Tc 􏼁 � 􏽚 eT dT � 􏽘􏼐eTi Δzi 􏼑, (33)
TI dT i�I
I2 TI , TII 􏼁 − zI I1 TI , TII 􏼁
b� , (44)
z −z Δz
zi � I+1 I−1 ,
zI−1 � zI , (34) TII dz i�II
I2 TI , TII 􏼁 � 􏽚 zeT dT � 􏽘 􏼐zi eTi Δzi 􏼑, (45)
zN+1 � zN , TI dT i�I

dz dz
I2 z, TI 􏼁 � 􏽚 zeT dT � 􏽘􏼐zi eTi Δzi 􏼑, I1 TI , TII 􏼁 � 􏽚 eT dT � 􏽘 􏼐eTi Δzi 􏼑, (46)
0 dT i�1 (35) TI dT i�I
zI+1 � zN . zi+1 − zi−1
Δzi � ,
If it is assumed that the height of the embankment 2
increases linearly with time, and in order to simplify the zII+1 � zII , (47)
deduction process, we assumed that the slope of the zII+1 � zII .
loading curve is 1, and then equations (33) and (35) will
Tc dz Tc
3.2. Settlement of the Embankment after Construction
I1 TI , Tc 􏼁 � 􏽚 eT dT � 􏽚 eT dT � eTc − eTI , (36)
3.2.1. Settlement of an Embankment at Height zI after
TI dz TI Construction. The settlement of an embankment at height zI
I2 z, TI 􏼁 � 􏽚 zeT dT � 􏽚 TeT dT � TI eTI − eTI + 1. after construction can be described as follows:
0 dT 0
ΔS zI 􏼁 � 􏽚 Δε Tc , Tc + DT􏼁dz. (48)
Substituting equations (36) and (37) into equation (31)
gives Substituting equation (26) into equation (48) gives

S zI 􏼁EH ΔS zI 􏼁EH
� ZI zI − R􏼐1 + e−H − e−ZI − e−zI 􏼑. (38) � a􏼐1 − e−DT 􏼑, (49)
c cR
Advances in Civil Engineering 5

where the value of a is equal to equation (32). ΔS zI , zII 􏼁EH

At the top of the embankment, � e−Tc 􏼐1 − e−DT 􏼑Δz􏼂I1 TII , Tc 􏼁 + b􏼃, (55)
I1 Tc , Tc 􏼁 � 0, (50)
� e−Tc 􏼐1 − e−DT 􏼑I2 z, Tc 􏼁. (51) Tc dz i�N
cR I1 TII , Tc 􏼁 � 􏽚 eT dT � 􏽘 􏼐eTi Δzi 􏼑, (56)

If the height of the embankment varies linearly with where the value of b is equal to equation (44).
time, with a slope of 1, then equations (49) and (51) will
3.3. Parameter Determination. The three parameters of the
ΔS zI 􏼁EH model are the elastic modulus EH , the creep ratio R, and the
� 􏼐zI − e−zI + e−H 􏼑􏼐1 − e−DT 􏼑, (52)
cR time factor Tr .
If settlement is measured from different heights of the
ΔS(H)EH embankment, from equation (55), the time factor Tr is
� 􏼐H + e−H − 1􏼑􏼐1 − e−DT 􏼑. (53) obtained from
ΔS Tc , T2 􏼁 1 − e−DT2 1 − e−Δt2 /Tr
� � , (57)
3.2.2. Settlement of a Finite Layer (zI , zII ) after Construction. ΔS Tc , T1 􏼁 1 − e−DT1 1 − e−Δt1 /Tr
The strain of a finite layer (zI , zII ) after construction is
where Δt is the time increment after construction.
ΔS zI , zII 􏼁 ΔS zII 􏼁 − ΔS zI 􏼁 The solution of equation (57) with different time in-
Δε � � , (54)
Δz Δz crements will permit an adjustment for Tr .
Substituting equation (55) into equation (42), the values
The settlement of a finite layer (zI , zII ) after construction
of R from different layers are obtained:

R� . (58)
e−Tc 􏼂I 1 TII , Tc 􏼁 + b􏼃􏼂 S zI , zII 􏼁􏼁/ ΔS zI , zII 􏼁􏼁􏼁(1 − e−DT ) + 1􏼃 − be−TII

Substituting the value of Tr and R into equation (41) 15 m, and 18.3 m. And the embedment depth is reflected in
gives Figure 5(b). Almost two-year settlement data are obtained
c −T −T −T from the embankment after construction. And the field-
EH � 􏼐Z − R􏽨e c I1 TII , Tc 􏼁 + b􏼐e c − e II 􏼑􏽩􏼑. measurement settlement data during construction is ob-
S zI , zII 􏼁 II
tained from [28], which monitored the settlement of each
layer of the filling during the construction, and the re-
lationship between filling height and settlement of the
4. Practical Verification filling during construction is represented in Figure 6. And
from the monitored data during construction in Figure 6,
For the Lanzhou–Yongjing highway, a section from firstly, the value of Tr is obtained from equation (57),
24 + 160 km to 25 + 838 km was completed with a high-fill secondly, substituting the value of Tr and all the monitored
subgrade. The settlement meters were set up from 24 + 400 km parameters into equation (58) to calculate the value of R,
to 24 + 405 km, which was semifilling and semiexcavating thirdly, the values of Tr and R are substituted into equation
subgrades (Figure 5(a)). On the right side of the subgrade, a (59) to get the value of EH , and finally, the creep settlement
steep slope was there. However, flood drainage was on the left of every layer of the embankment is calculated from
side of the subgrade. The materials excavated from the slope equations (42) and (55), respectively, which are presented
were used to fill the subgrade. The maximum fill height of this in Figures 7 and 8. From the field-measured data, the Tr , R,
section was 18.3 m. From 0 to 15 m height, the subgrade was and EH parameters for every layer were established as
filled with loess. From 15–16.1 m height, it was filled with a indicated in Table 2.
sandy pebble. From 16.1–18.3 m height, it was filled with gravel. Settlement values during construction from field mea-
The physical and mechanical properties of the subsoils are surement and settlement values calculated from equation (31)
shown in Table 1. Single-point settlement meters were adopted are presented in Figure 6, which is basically consistent with the
to monitor the long-term settlement of the subgrade [29]. It can experimental finding [30].
be seen that for both the road shoulder and driveway, 6 layers of The measured and calculated settlements after con-
settlement meters were embedded. The layout of settlement struction obtained with equation (49) are presented in
meters is shown in Figure 5, which were 3 m, 6 m, 9 m, 12 m, Figure 7.
6 Advances in Civil Engineering


km 24 + 405 (embedded depth: 18.3 m)

central line km 24 + 404 (embedded depth: 15.0 m)
2m 8m
km 24 + 403 (embedded depth: 12.0 m)
Single-point Side line Central line
settlement km 24 + 402 (embedded depth: 9.0m)
km 24 + 401 (embedded depth: 6.0m)

km 24 + 400 (embedded depth: 3.0m)

(a) (b)

Figure 5: Single-point settlement meters. (a) Layout profile. (b) Planar graph (reproduced from Jia et al. [28] (under the Creative Commons
Attribution License/public domain)).

Table 1: Physical and mechanical parameters of subsoil (reproduced from Jia et al. [28] (under the Creative Commons Attribution License/
public domain)).
Moisture Gravity Compression Compression Bearing capacity
Soil type Thickness (m) Void ratio
content (%) (kN·m3) coefficient (MPa−1) modulus (MPa) eigenvalues (kPa)
Loess 10.4 8.5 14.1 0.96 0.21 6.2 150
Loess 4.8 16.5 14.9 0.89 0.23 7.6 180
Pebble 3.3 21 24.8 1.15 — — 400
Mudstone — — 25.3 — — — 600

20 16
350 18
300 16 14

250 14
Filling height (m)

Settlement (mm)

Height (m)

150 8
100 6 8
2 6
0 0
–50 –2 4
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Date (day) 2
160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340
Settlement Settlement (mm)
Filling height
Figure 6: Relationship between filling height and settlement of the Cal.
filling during construction.
Figure 7: Comparison between observed and calculated settle-
ments during construction.
The agreement between the measured and calculated
settlements is excellent, although the measured settlement history is reflected by the hereditary integral. One-dimensional
values are more irregular because this area is in a soil region compression was assumed in this investigation. The settlement
that is seasonally frozen, and during the winter, soil freezing values at a point and of a finite layer during construction and
leads to the ground heave [31, 32]. after construction are obtained. The three parameters of this
model, Tr , R, and EH , can be adjusted for the in situ monitoring
5. Conclusions data from every layer. By comparison of calculated results
obtained by the proposed method with the field monitoring
To describe the time-dependent behavior of clay inside a high- data, it was concluded that the proposed method can give a
filled embankment, the viscoelastic model of Poynting– precise prediction of the creep settlement of high-filled em-
Thomson was applied in this study in order to calculate the bankments. In the future work, the other viscoelastic models
creep settlement of high-filled embankments. And the stress which can better reflect the time-dependent creep behavior of
Advances in Civil Engineering 7

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