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October 2009 12th Year of Publication Vol 12.

The Bond Effect The Bond Effect The Bond Effect
The Science and Art of Living the Way Nature Intended
The Bond Briefing
Private Subscription Monthly Newsletter – Annually: Hard Copy $59.00 - Electronic $18.00
Rational, evidence-based comment for an intelligent general public and for all health
professionals. Independent of commercial pressure, we say exactly what we think.
HUMAN N ATURE: Story Telling In Evolution. LETTER: Doughty Girl Braves Dairy Herd. Q. OF MONTH: Heart Association Advisory: Facts & Fallacies.
FOOD IDEAS : Moroccan Tomato Sauce. Q&A: Greek Centenarians – Facts and Fallacies. BUYER BEWARE: American Heart Association Logo. LETTERS:
Chronic Fatigue On The Mend. SIREN S ONG: Latest Miracle Antioxidant – Pterostilbene. NEWS FROM THE LAB: Type I Diabetes Linked To Wheat.
HEALTH POLITICS: Swine-Flu Bonanza. BIZARRO : Colas Cause Potassium Deficiency. CHRISTMAS IDEAS: Deadly Harvest & Healthy Harvest. UPCOMING
EVENTS. FROM THE WEB: Blogs & Websites.

Human Nature Letter Question of the Month

We receive many emails from
Story-telling in Evolution readers. We might edit them for Heart Association Advisory:
readability and space. Please indicate Facts & Fallacies
if you do not wish us to identify you. Q. An American Heart
Doughty Girl Braves Dairy Herd Association “advisory” [Ref 3]
promotes the unrestricted
intake of omega-6 oils. Isn’t
this contrary to what you say?
A. Yes – and it just goes to
show how one has to keep a
cool head even with pronounce-
ments from scientific bodies
Timothy Dalton as Heathcliff in the (see ‘Mass Information and
1970 film of Wuthering Heights
Hokum’ August 2009).
“Around the forager campfire,
children listen in rapt attention as
As far as I am concerned, the
the tales unfold, laughing in glee American Heart Association
at the antics of some ancient “My 10-year old daughter Alysia (AHA) lost much credibility
trickster, or gasping in dread at is studying the human body this when it began selling its ‘heart-
some tragedy. This time toge- term. The teacher asked them to check’ logo (see Buyer Beware,
ther, sharing the common folk- write down what foods are good page 2)
lore, is a strong force knitting the for you and which aren't. Wags say that a camel is a
members of the band together” “She stood up for herself and horse designed by a committee.
[Ref 1]. insisted that dairy should go in Here a panel of experts, no
We find that all peoples around the “Not Good” column! doubt all honorable men, has
the world do the same. If group “I was very proud as she put produced a dromedary.
story-telling is universal, does it across her and your point of First: the only criterion taken
have any evolutionary view!”
advantage? So wonders Dr John into consideration is effects on
Johnson, an evolutionary Joanne, London, UK cardiovascular disease (CVD).
psychologist at Pennsylvania Geoff Bond says: It takes So it ignores the impact of their
State University, USA [Ref 2]. courage to be the odd one out advice on other serious
and defy the “common wisdom”. conditions such as cancer,
If that is the case, do modern
osteoporosis, diabetes and
industrial societies continue the Alysia follows in the footsteps of
tradition for the same reason? Alexander who managed a similar
other degenerative diseases.
Literature could continually exploit Sept 2005. See too: July Second: they base their ideas
condition society so that we fight 2000. on only one dimension: the
against base impulses and work It is also important to know that chaotic and unpredictable
in a cooperative way. milk production is incredibly minutiae of biochemistry. They
Johnson studied how Darwin's cruel. draw no inspiration from what
theories of evolution apply to actually works in practice: for
Calves are, from their mother’s
literature. Over 500 scholars love, untimely ripped – and the example with Eskimos or
provided analyses of some 200 mother cow turned into a captive Okinawans or Greek Centenar-
“canonical British novels of the milk production machine. For ians (page 2) nor yet the San
longer 19th C. (Jane Austen to E. more see: or Aborigine. Continued p. 4
M. Forster)”. Continued: p. 3
Published by Natural Eating Co Ltd, 55, Grivas Digeni, Suite 73, 8220 Chlorakas, Paphos, Cyprus. © 2009 Geoff Bond
October 2009 The Bond Briefing Page 2 of 4
Food Ideas Questions Does the AHA impose any
conditions? Yes it does – just
This versatile and quickly- Greek Centenarians: Facts and about the feeblest you could
prepared sauce brings the exotic Fallacies imagine: that the product meet
flavors of the mysterious orient the AHA’s “certification
Q. In National Geographic I read
to spice up a variety of dishes. criteria for saturated fat and
about the Greek island of Ikaria
Moroccan Tomato Sauce and the secrets to the extreme cholesterol for healthy people”.
Yield: 4-6 servings longevity of the inhabitants. How many shoppers read the
(Inspired by Ron Marshall, chef to The author of the report, Dan small print, let alone understand
Heather Bird, founder of HB Health Buettner, says that one of their what it means?
Clinics. See last month) secrets is the consumption of
First of all, the criteria are
goat’s milk. Doesn’t this go against
INGREDIENTS limited to just two factors:
what you say?
1 tablespoon olive oil cholesterol and saturated fat. It
A. Precisely. This is a classic has nothing to say about sugars,
2 medium white onions (about 9 oz), example of folklore masquerading starches, omega-3, omega-6,
thinly sliced as science [See “Confused Science vitamins, flavonoids, soluble
3 medium cloves garlic, crushed Reporting” 2009 09].
fibers, or any of the dozens of
2 cans, 14-ounce each, chopped Dan Buettner describes himself as other factors important for
tomatoes an “explorer”. He is not a health.
scientist, and he displays more of
1 teaspoon ground cumin Secondly, it is only aiming at one
a capacity for showmanship than
1 teaspoon ground coriander for rigorous or original thinking. illness: cardiovascular disease. It
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon has nothing to say about cancer,
Buettner’s other mistaken diabetes, osteoporosis etc.
Freshly ground black pepper, to “secrets” include: Greek honey
taste (supposedly different to American Thirdly, the approved products
1 tablespoon fructose, or to taste honey), herbal teas, homemade are, by definition, processed
bread and, wait for it – the Greek foods. Just look at a sample of
METHOD Orthodox religion! the some 800 products [Ref 4]
1. Heat the oil in a medium-size Nevertheless, even a blind chicken that the AHA has licensed to
frying pan and sauté the onion will, by chance, occasionally peck bear its logo:
until soft and translucent, but up a grain. - Chocolate drink
not brown. Mix in the garlic and - Pancake mix
Correctly, Buettner does identify
- Chicken tortilla soup
sauté for 2 minutes. as helpful factors: the Mediterra-
nean diet, the low-stress lifestyle,
- Cheesecake
2. Stir in the tomatoes. - Boil-in-bag rice
and the level of physical activity.
3. Season with the cumin, coriander - Microwave popcorn,
and cinnamon. But he completely misses other - Oatmeal cinnamon roll
vital factors. For example, the fact
4. Cook uncovered over medium that today’s Ikarian centenarians See [Ref 5] for the full brand
heat. When most of the liquid has will have spent most of their lives names – they will make your
evaporated, reduce the heat. skinny, hungry, and outdoors in heart sink, not beat joyfully!
Simmer, uncovered, stirring the sunshine. Our View? Do not be taken in
frequently, until the tomatoes For the real low-down on living a by the AHA logo – on the
start to stick to the pan (this will long life in good health see contrary, it is more likely to
“Sardinian Centenarians” 2002-11 dupe the unwary into buying
take up to 30 minutes).
and “How to Live to 100 and More” truly unhealthy fake food.
5. Season with pepper and fructose 2008-03.
to taste. Letters
Buyer Beware
SERVING SUGGESTIONS: Chronic Fatigue on the Mend
Cold: on a bed of baked eggplant American Heart Association Logo “I've been seriously ill for over
slices. three years now. Initially I came
Hot: as a condiment on vegetables down with Bell's palsy [paralysis
of the facial nerve].
(instead of ketchup). Also use this
sauce to replace the marinara sauce Shoppers might be reassured to Only later did it become appar-
find this ‘healthy’ logo on a food ent that I had other symptoms
in Conny’s Moussaka (March 2005).
packet. too, in particular extreme fatigue
What they don’t realize is this: and muscle aches that never
You can savor nearly responded to rest. It would be
the American Heart Association
100 recipes in Nicole’s (AHA) SELLS the rights to do so to diagnosed as 'chronic fatigue
cookbook Healthy the food manufacturer! syndrome' except that I don't
Harvest buy into that name at all.

Always consult your doctor before undertaking any health program

October 2009 The Bond Briefing Page 3 of 4
“I was particularly poor all this Now the race is on to capture of Novartis, GlaxoSmithKline,
past summer, until I read Mr. pterostilbene, bottle it and sell it MedImmune, CSL and Sanofi-
Bond's book and started the diet via multi-level marketing. Thus it Pasteur. Total contracts amount to
immediately. I hardly expected will join the other products like over $2,000,000,000! ($2 billion).
any immediate improvement. açai berry Sept 2008, goji berry Am I against vaccinations in
But the turn for the better has July 2008 and mangosteen March general? No, I’ve lived in places
been the most dramatic since I 2005. They are designed to separ- where diseases like yellow fever
ate the gullible from their money. are endemic and which has a 50%
initially become ill, and I have to
attribute it to the dietary Our View: Just eat berries! fatality rate – I took the shots!
changes. Nature will do the rest. But with the annual flu season
“I'm guessing that gluten News from the Labs scares, I consider that sophistic-
intolerance has been part of my ated commercial forces are bam-
Type I Diabetes linked to Wheat boozling the average healthy
illness, and the improvement is
Early in life, the immune system person to the point where he is
from eliminating all grains.
is supposed to learn to attack incapable of a healthy and rational
“I must tell you how grateful I foreign invaders such as viruses response to the threat.
am to have stumbled upon Mr. and bacteria, while leaving the
Bond's work. His book is very Bizarro
body’s own tissues alone
thorough and clear, and also (including food in the gut). Colas Cause Potassium Deficiency
compelling in its arguments - I Dr Moses Elisaf, University of
only wish I had found it sooner, When this process goes awry,
Ioannina, Greece was puzzled by a
especially when I think of the autoimmune diseases and
pregnant woman’s symptoms:
small fortune I spent on various allergies develop. Type 1
fatigue, appetite loss, persistent
supplements trying to treat the diabetes is an autoimmune vomiting, intermittent paralysis
chronic fatigue, when I might disease that occurs when the [Ref 8].
have done something much immune system mistakenly
attacks the pancreas, the organ Blood tests showed she had
more simple and fundamental!” dangerously low potassium levels.
- Claudio Vanin that regulates blood sugar.
Cause: she had been drinking 7
Geoff replies: We are still The research of Dr Scott, liters (7 quarts) of cola a day for
uncovering the mischief done by professor of Medicine at the the last 10 months! And she is not
the consumption of grains. See University of Ottawa, Canada alone. Bizarrely, the doctors’
Type I Diabetes Link, this page. shows that immune system surgeries are full of patients
T-cells from type 1 diabetics consuming colas by the bucketful.
Siren Song over-react to wheat [Ref 7]. Cola washes potassium out of the
Latest Miracle Antioxidant: Our View? Is there no limit to the body, levels fall to danger level, a
mischief we can lay at the door of condition called “hyperkalemia”.
grain consumption? See also “In addition, excessive consump-
“Chronic Fatigue on the Mend” tion of any kind of cola leads to
page 2; and “Make of your Gut a tooth problems, bone demineral-
Herb Garden, part III” in April ization and the development of
2009, where I first reported on metabolic syndrome and dia-
this diabetes-I/wheat link. betes”, says Dr Elisaf.
Health Politics Human Nature (from Page 1)
Swine Flu Bonanza Story-telling in Evolution
SARS, Bird flu, Swine flu… you can The team found that the novels’
always tell when pharmaceutical characters fell into groups that
companies need a boost to their mirrored the dynamics of hunter-
income. gather society, in which individual
Brace yourself for the high First they plant alarmist press- selfishness is suppressed for the
pressure sales of a new kid on releases, which are eagerly taken good of the band.
the block: pterostilbene. up by the media in search of the “Protagonists” embody cooperative
Researchers at Tufts University, dramatic and the new (see motives and behaviors, such as
Boston, USA found that a diet rich “Confused Science Reporting”, Elizabeth Bennett in Jane Austen's
in this berry and grape compound Sept 2009). Pride and Prejudice. She scores
reversed brain ageing and Then comes a steady drone of highly on conscientiousness and
behavioral performance [Ref 6] “statistics” talking up the risks of a nurturing.
Pterostilbene is a variety of pandemic with thousands of Antisocial behavior, such as that of
resveratrol, the ‘miracle’ anti- deaths. Bram Stoker's Count Dracula
oxidant in red grapes and red Finally, the government is stamp- scored highly on status-seeking
wine. eded into ordering hundreds of and social dominance.
millions of flu shots from the likes
Always consult your doctor before undertaking any health program
October 2009 The Bond Briefing Page 4 of 4
The political dynamic at work in all My view? This is a case of Info: Mary Perryman,
the novels is the basic opposition “analysis paralysis”. Fatty acid mary.perryman@speedwellbei
between good neighborliness and biochemistry is so complex that
selfish dominance. Dominant it is easy to get lost in the
behavior is powerfully stigmatized. minutiae. If you can’t see the USA TOUR Feb 10 to March 15
Next Month: Part II - Shared wood for the trees, you have to
cautionary tales and how they find the bird’s eye view – which Private Events
might help forager band survival. is what we give you. - CME Lectures for physicians,
southern California
Q of Month (from Page 1) So strap yourself to the mast
and sail past this particular siren
Omega-6: Facts & Fallacies - Educational talks for junior
song. Hew not only to what we
Even with the studies there are schools, southern California
know works for humans in
flaws. Inexplicably the panel did practice but also which works for
not consult the flagship study in all aspects of human health. Public Lecture
the field, the Lyon Diet Heart That’s where we come in! Date: Sat. March 6, 2010
Study conducted by Dr Serge For: The Walter T. Stec Memorial
Renaud and which I highlight in Christmas Ideas Education Foundation
Deadly Harvest [Ref 9]. Title: To be announced
For that difficult-to-find
Venue: Greater Palm Springs,
It is not for the fainthearted, but Christmas present!
I did examine in depth a sample Deadly Harvest by Geoff Bond,
Info: Dr Rita Stec,
of the studies the panel cites in ISBN: 978-0-7570-0142-0
support of its arguments. I found Check for
a range of objections. For details. Direct link: Deadly Harvest From the Web
example: Order in your local bookstore or
your country’s Amazon. Every month we discover people
- A study might not draw the
Click on this direct link to the book writing about us:
conclusions that the panel BLOGS
claims, or;
- A study’s results could be ction=printpage;topic=1503.0
Healthy Harvest “Interesting site on paleo-
interpreted in quite different
by Nicole Bond, anthropology”
ways, or;
ISBN: 978-0-9712-8526-2
- A study might be carried out
Check for
only on rat’s livers and the details. Direct link: Healthy howthread.php?t=47732
results extrapolated to human Harvest. Or order on
arteries, or; http://www.polar-
Upcoming Events
- A study might be very old, e.g.
Sind viele Dinge unserer Ernährung
1963 (with its rudimentary Public Lecture erklärt die für die Menschen an sich
methods) and never verified nicht optimal oder sogar schädlich
Date: Weds, February 3rd 2010
since, or; sind...
Title: To be announced
- A study might be done on a At: Green Templeton College
small sample of unrepresent- WEBSITES
Oxford, UK
ative subjects. For: The Speedwell Trust fruits_antioxidant_antioxidants.html
…and so on – you get the idea.
email:; Cancer Support Site:
Tel: +357 99 45 24 68; Skype: gvlbond; fax: +1-801-659-7358

Campbell's Select Harvest Healthy proinflammatory T-cell response to

1 Deadly Harvest, Chapter 8, Myths & Request Mexican Style Chicken wheat polypeptides in tissue
Rituals, page 220
Tortilla; The Father's Table New York transglutaminase antibody-negative
2 Evolutionary Psychology; Style Cheesecake; Uncle Ben's Boil- patients with type 1 diabetes. – 2008. 6(4): In-Bag Rice; Orville Redenbacher's Mojibian M et al.
715-738; Hierarchy in the Library: Mini Bags Smart Pop Butter
8 Int J Clin Pract. 2009 Jun;63(6):900-
Egalitarian Dynamics in Victorian Microwave Popcorn.
2. Cola-induced hypokalaemia:
Novels; John A. Johnson et al. 6 J Agric Food Chem. 2008 Nov pathophysiological mechanisms and
3 26;56(22):10544-51. Cellular and clinical implications. Tsimihodimos V behavioral effects of stilbene et al.
enter.jhtml?identifier=3063253 resveratrol analogues: implications
9 Deadly Harvest, Chapter 4, ‘Testing
for reducing the deleterious effects
4 the Cretan Diet’ page 94
of aging. Joseph JA
5 Chocolate Moose-All Natural
7 Diabetes. 2009 Aug;58(8):1789-96.
Premium Milk Chocolate Drink;
Diabetes-specific HLA-DR-restricted
Bruce's Sweet Potato Pancake Mix;

Always consult your doctor before undertaking any health program

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