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AK qR-drfi {ilRq / MrNrsrRy oF sHrpprNc
q6[f{es. rorq,

F.No. 2O-Lt ll l2O2O-Trg DGS Dated :7O.O9.2O2O


All Maritime Training Institute.

SubJect: ification wi ificate for
Refresher Coufse in PST &PQCRB 4nd Rqfresher Course in FPFF &

1. Whereas, this Directorate in consideration of the disruption of Maritime

Training and consequent non-revalidation of CoC/CoPs due to COVID
Pandemic decided to take a pragmatic and practical approach for
revalidation of CoC/CoPs of seafarers having approved seagoing service
(for demonstrating continued professional competence),by way of
following 3-tier approach till such time normalcy is restored and class
room training is resumed at MTls. The courses to be conducted following
the three tier approach were listed in para 11 of DGS Order no 20 dated
2. Whereas, the Directorate has received few representations from MTIs on
issuance of e-certihcate for combined courses as (i) Combined Refresher
for PSCRB and PST and (ii) Combine Refresher for AFF FPFF in reference
to the EAC Branch Circular No. 02 of 2015 which allows MTIs to conduct
combined courses as mentioned.
3. In this respect it is clarified that the MTIs have to strictly abide with the
order no 20 dated 03.88.2020 and conduct only those courses which
have been mentioned in para 11 and in the manner prescribed in the
said order. The combined courses being not available in the order the
Ref. PST, Ref. PSCRB, Ref. AFF and Ref. FPFF are to be conducted
separately and separate certificate is to be generated.

iflzt frfrs,T, efi,ifuf,, 3rTi fli6 H A,ffi,oicr.ftq lrs, 6i$qrf (fd) H-+oocp;z
iill' Floor BFIA Brril,Jirrg i-Thrnk 1s3hno Carnpus, K"njur Village Roaii, KanlurmarE (E), Mumbai 4OCO42

General of Shipping and

4. This issues with the approval of the Director
Additional Secretary to the Government of

IDeePendra Sinln nlsenl

Asst. Director General of Shitr

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