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Challenge: You need to move some materials (marshmallows) from one place to another and will do

this with the help of a simple machine. Using what you know about pushes, pulls, forces and motion
you will design and create a catapult with the goal of moving a marshmallow (the projectile) the

Aim: Using only the materials listed below you are tasked with creating a catapult that will move the
marshmallows as far as possible.
- Elastic Bands
- Plastic Spoon
- Wooden Popsicles Sticks
- Sticky Tape
- Marshmallows (Projectile)

Research: Before you begin the challenge, it is important you know what a catapult is and how it
works. Some things you might like to research are:
- What is a catapult?
- How does a catapult work?
- How to make a simple catapult for kids?

Design: Draw designs of your catapult explaining how it will move the marshmallow and then create
your catapult.

Testing: Once you have designed and created your marshmallow catapult it is time to use your
catapult. Test your catapult multiple times to see what changes or adjustments could be made in order
for your catapult to launch the marshmallow further.

Final Launch: Once you have tested your catapult it is time for your final launch. You will have one
opportunity to launch a marshmallow using your catapult in which you the distance your catapult has
launched (moved) the marshmallow will be measured and compared with that of others.

What worked well?
What could you change to make your catapult work better?
What other materials could you use instead?

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