Try Out 3 BHS INGGRIS IPA-IPS2008-2009 A

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Jl. Satu Maret No. 49, Kalideres, Jakarta Barat (11830)
Telp. & Fax. (021) 541 4576

Soal Semester Genap

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas / Program : XII ( Dua Belas ) IPB/IPA/IPS
Hari / Tanggal : Jumat, 12 Maret 2010
Waktu : 90 menit

This text is for questions 1 and 2.


Books are the window of the world.

Join our school reading club to explore the world.
All grades are welcome.
Registration: Monday, January 12, 2009 at. 3.00 PM.
Venue: AV Room 1 at the 2nd floor

1. What does the text announce?

A. The importance of books. D. The admittance of high school students
B. The registration of new students. E. The recruitment of members of a reading club
C. A plan to travel around the world.

2. Where is the registration exactly held?

A At the AV room. D. At the second floor.
B. At the first floor. E. At registration office
C. At the third floor.

This text is for questions 3 and 4.

August 12, 2009

Dear Friends:
As a number of you already know I have recently accepted a position with another company and
will be leaving at the end of this week. Please consider this to be my sincere goodbye to each and
every one of you.
I want you all to know that I am truly leaving here with mixed feelings; happy about my new career
opportunity but sad to be leaving such a great company where I have so many wonderful friends and
colleagues. The last three years as a member of the SysTek team was the best period of my career so
far. I learned a great deal and worked with many people with whom I am sure I will remain friends
for a long time. I can only wish that my new job will give me such rewarding experiences and
supportive friends.
Thank you so much for making my time at SysTek a truly enjoyable one. I invite any of you who
would like to keep in touch, to speak to me before I leave on Friday and I will be happy to give you
my new phone and e-mail co-ordinates.
My very best wishes for the future go out to each and every one of you.
Yours sincerely,

Jason Hurley

3. What is the writer’s intention to write the letter?
A. To describe how happy he has been working.
B. To inform his colleagues about his new office.
C. To tell his colleagues that he will leave the office.
D. To inform his colleagues about his e-mail address.
E. To tell his friends that he likes working in the office.

4. Why will the writer not stay any longer in the office?
A. He is disappointed with the office management.
B. He has got a new position in another company.
C. He is not satisfied with his current salary.
D. He will move to another office branch.
E. He will become a new manager.

This text is for questions 5 to7.

Born in East London, Beckham was raised in a family of Manchester United supporters, with both his
parents traveling to Old Trafford from London to see the team's matches, often taking young David with
them. Getting the taste of soccer, David started playing for the Ridgeway Rovers, a youth team coached by
his father and Steve Kirby.
Although taking part at several trials at the Manchester United youth facilities, he had some tries at his
local club, Leyton Orient and Tottenham Hotspur, however he would come back to the Manchester United
youth in 1991. 
After playing there for 1 year and winning the FA Youth Cup with the team, David Beckham was given
the chance to play for Manchester's first squad, in a League Cup game against Brighton and Hove Albion,
which would be his first appearance as a professional soccer player.
When he was just 19 years of age, Beckham was still not a first team regular for Manchester, so in the
1994/95 season he was loaned to Preston North End, where he would get some useful match experience
before returning to United the next season.
The end of the 1994/95 season saw several key components of the Manchester United first squad leaving the
team or retiring and Sir Alex Ferguson, the team's manager decided to base his strategy for the next season
on youngsters instead of buying expensive replacements. This was a great chance for David Beckham and he
took it with both hands as he would become a first team regular from now on.
Constantly rising in form and playing better and better for Manchester helped David Beckham reach the
England squad for the 1998 World Cup, however this would be one of the toughest moments in Beckham's
5. What does the text mainly tell?
a. Ridgeway Rovers d. Beckham’s biography
b. Preston North End e. Beckham’s childhood
c. Manchester United

6. What paragraph tells Beckham’s childhood?

a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 e. 5

7. “… however this would be one of the toughest moments in Beckham's career.” (Paragraph 5)
What does the underlined word mean?
a. Best
b. Nicest
c. Hardest
d. Most exciting
e. Most attractive

This text is for questions 8 to 11.

New York's extremely rapid commercial growth may be partly attributed to Gov. De Witt Clinton, who
pushed through the construction of the Erie Canal (Buffalo to Albany), which was opened in 1825. Today,
the 641-mile Gov. Thomas E. Dewey Thruway connects New York City with Buffalo and with Connecticut,
Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania express highways. Two toll-free superhighways, the Adirondack Northway
(linking Albany with the Canadian border) and the North-South Expressway (crossing central New York
from the Pennsylvania border to the Thousand Islands), have been opened.
The great metropolis of New York City is the nerve center of the nation. It is a leader in manufacturing,
foreign trade, commerce and banking, book and magazine publishing, and theatrical production. A leading
seaport, its John F. Kennedy International Airport is one of the busiest airports in the world. New York is
also home to the New York Stock Exchange, the largest in the world. The printing and publishing industry is
the city's largest manufacturing employer, with the apparel industry second.
Nearly all the rest of the state's manufacturing is done on Long Island, along the Hudson River north to

8. What does the text mainly describe?

A. New York city. D. A metropolitan city.
B. New York state. E. A famous international airport
C. States in the USA

9. “New York's extremely rapid commercial growth may be partly attributed to …”

(Paragraph 1)
What does the underlined word mean?
A. fast. B. big C. famous D. crowded E. attractive.

10. The following are true according to the text, EXCEPT …

A. Now people have an access on the Adrondack Nortway
B. De Witt Clinton used to be a governor of New York state.
C. John F. Kennedy Airport is the busiest airport in the world
D. New York city is the center of commerce and banking.
E. Thomas E. Dewey Thruway is the governor New York state.

11. “…all the rest of the state's manufacturing is done on Long Island…”
What does the underlined word refer to?
A. New York. B. Connecticut. C. Pennsylvania D. Rhode Island E. Massachusetts.

This text is for questions 12 to 15.

When day dawned, but before the sun had risen, their mother awoke Gretel and Hansel, saying, "Get up,
you sluggards. We are going into the forest to fetch wood." She gave each a little piece of bread, and said,
"There is something for your dinner, but do not eat it up before then, for you will get nothing else."
     Gretel took the bread under her apron, as Hansel had the pebbles in his pocket. Then they all set out
together on the way to the forest.
     When they had walked a short time, Hansel stood still and peeped back at the house, and did so again and
again. His father said, "Hansel, what are you looking at there and staying behind for? Pay attention, and do
not forget how to use your legs."
     "Ah, father," said Hansel, "I am looking at my little white cat, which is sitting up on the roof, and wants to
say good-bye to me."
     The wife said, "Fool, that is not your little cat, that is the morning sun which is shining on the chimneys."
     Hansel, however, had not been looking back at the cat, but had been constantly throwing one of the white
pebble-stones out of his pocket on the road.
     When they had reached the middle of the forest, the father said, "Now, children, pile up some wood, and I
will light a fire that you may not be cold."
     Hansel and Gretel gathered brushwood together, as high as a little hill. The brushwood was lighted, and
when the flames were burning very high, the woman said, "Now, children, lay yourselves down by the fire
and rest, we will go into the forest and cut some wood. When we have done, we will come back and fetch
you away."
     Hansel and Gretel sat by the fire, and when noon came, each ate a little piece of bread, and as they heard
the strokes of the wood-axe they believed that their father was near. It was not the axe, however, but a branch
which he had fastened to a withered tree which the wind was blowing backwards and forwards. And as they
had been sitting such a long time, their eyes closed with fatigue, and they fell fast asleep.
12. What does the text mainly tell?
A. Life in forest D. Gratel and her apron
B. Hansel’s father. E. Hansel and his pebbles
C. Hansel and Gratel

13. “Hansel and Gretel gathered brushwood together, as high as a little hill.” (Paragraph 8)
The word “gathered” is synonymous with ….
A. collected B. found C. saw D. cut E. tied

14. Why did Hansel, Gratel and their parents go to the forest?
A. To hunt. B. To camp C. To find wood D. To take a walk E. To find wild cats

15. What can we learn from the story?

A. We should be smart. D. We should be diligent.
B. We should be patient. E. We should be generous
C. We should be honest.

This text is for questions 16 to 19.

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common cause of intellectual deterioration in middle-aged and
elderly North Americans, affecting more than two and one-quarter million men an women over the age of 65.
The usual symptoms of AD are memory loss and a progressive loss of mental faculties. Presently, there is no
cure for Alzheimer’s disease.
Once a person is affected by Alzheimer’s, it becomes more difficult for the brain to perform its main
functions. These changes in the brain are so intense and crippling that a person diagnosed with Alzheimer’s
disease usually dies within 10 years.
For a long time the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease (memory loss, slurred speech, and confusion) were
thought to the natural side effects of getting old. AD went unrecognized because victims often seemed
physically healthy; it was just their memory and general mental performance that were affected.

16. What is the text about?

A. Alzeimer disease. D. The cause of Alzeimer disease
B. The danger of disease. E. Symptoms of Alzeimer’s disease
C. Elderly North American.

17. How can Alzheimer’s disease affect human’s brain?

A. It has no effect D. It cannot perform at all
B. It becomes useless. E. It only causes loss of memory
C. It cannot work well.

18. ‘AD went unrecognized because victims often seemed physically healthy..’
(Paragraph 3).
The closest meaning of the underlined word is ….
A. worrying B. dangerous C. unfamiliar D. unnoticeable E. uninteresting

19. “…, it becomes more difficult for the brain to perform its main functions.” (Paragraph 2)
What does the underlined word refer to?
A. Cause B. brain C. disease D. memory E. symptom

This text is for questions 20 to 23.

Nobody likes paying taxes. Even those who know that taxation is necessary and just are reluctant to
pay taxes. It is not pleasant to see part of your monthly income taken away from your income tax. Ignorant
people think this is injustice and make grievance of it .
Every country must have a government. The primary duties of a government are to protect the life
and property of the citizens, to maintain law and order, and settle dispute between citizens in a just and
orderly way through the law-courts, to defend the country from foreign foes and to maintain the roads and
highways. Besides, many governments maintain and direct education, provide hospitals for the sick and
attend to sanitation. All these great public duties need money: an army and navy have to be kept up, the
police force and the judges have to be paid.
Furthermore, schools and teachers have to be provided and supported; health experts – officer and
sanitary engineers have to be employed. Now where is all from? For the benefits of the public. It is the
people as a whole, rich and poor that benefit by security of life and property, by the sound roads by public
hospital, public school and good sanitation. Therefore, it is only right that the public, the individual citizens
of the country should contribute the money needed: for the money they give comes back to them in the form
of these public benefits which all enjoy.

20. What is the best topic for the text?

A. Income taxes. D. The burden of taxes
B. Objection to taxes E. The necessity of taxes
C. The benefit of taxes

21. What is discussed in paragraph two?

A. The need of a government D. The expense of government program
B. The types of a government. E. The maintenance and direction of education
C. The importance of army and navy..

22. Why do some people ignore to pay taxes?

A. It is unfair B. It is not known C. It is impossible D. It is not pleasant E. It is not their

23. “Furthermore, schools and teachers have to be provided,…” (Paragraph 3)

What is the closest meaning of the underlined word?
A. Created B. attracted C. supplied D. presented E. protected

This text is for questions 24 to 27.

A fog is a cloud in contact with ground. There is no basic difference between a fog and a cloud floating
high in the atmosphere. When a cloud is near or on the surface of the earth or sea, it is simply called “fog”.
The commonest fogs are those seen at night and in the early morning over the lowlands and small
bodies of water. They usually are caused by a cold current of air from above striking down upon the warmer
surface of the land or water.
In the autumn they are very common, because the air is cooling faster day by day than the land or the
water. On still nights after dark, thin layers of fog often form close to the ground in low places. As the earth
cools at night, the lower air gets cooler. Where this cooler air meets the moist warmer air just above, fog
As a general rule, city fogs are much thicker than country fogs. City air is full of dust and soot that
mingle with tiny particles of water to form a thicker blanket.
The reason fogs often seem denser than clouds is that the droplets are smaller in a fog. A large number of
small drops absorb more light than a smaller number of large drops (as found in clouds), and thus it seems
denser to us.

24. What is the text about?

A. Fog. B. Cloud C. Season D. Weather E. Climate

25. Which of the following statement is NOT true about fogs?

A. Fogs usually appear in Autumn.
B. City fogs are much thicker than country fogs.
C. There is no difference between fogs and clouds.
D. The droplets in a fog are bigger than those in clouds.
E. A cold current of air hitting down on the warmer surface of the land makes fog formation.

26. “On still nights after dark,…” (Paragraph 3)

The closest meaning of the underlined word is ….
A. Unmoving B. terrible C. scary D. quiet E. cold

27. “ …and thus it seems denser to us.” (Paragraph 5)

What does the word “it” refer to?
A. Fog B. light C. cloud D. droplet E. number

This text is for questions 28 to 31.

Death penalty still becomes a controversial issue in the US. The American Civil Liberties Union
believes the death penalty inherently violates the constitutional ban against cruel and unusual punishment and
the guarantees of due process of law and of equal protection under the law. Those who are against the capital
punishment also state that it is an intolerable denial of civil liberties, and is inconsistent with the fundamental
values of our democratic system.
However, there is a difference between murder and execution. The distinction is that the first is
unlawful and undeserved, the second is a lawful and deserved punishment for an unlawful act. By
committing the crime, the criminal volunteered to assume the risk of receiving a legal punishment that he
could have avoided by not committing the crime. The punishment he suffers is the punishment he voluntarily
risked suffering and, therefore, it is no more unjust to him than any other event for which one knowingly
volunteers to assume the risk.
Our resolve to end crime is only as strong as the laws we pass to punish criminals. By making the death
penalty the law of the land in New York, we have demonstrated that resolve, thus strengthening the promise
that our children and future generations will grow up in a state that is free of violence.
28. What is the best title of the text?
A. Civil liberty. D. Public opinion
B. Human right. E. Democratic system
C. Death penalty.

29. The writer believes that ….

A. most people against death penalty. D. there are disadvantages of conducting death penalty
B. death penalty should be conducted. E. death penalty should be carried out in a certain
C. death penalty is against human right.

30. “By committing the crime, the criminal volunteered to assume the risk of receiving a legal punishment.”
(Paragraph 2)
The word “ committing” has the same meaning as …
A. Doing B. Making C. Showing D. Opposing E. Supporting

31. How does the writer argue that death penalty is line with civil liberties?
A. By showing the difference between murder and execution.
B. By contradicting civil liberties and values of democracy.
C. By showing the effects resulting from murder.
D. By explaining values of democracy.
E. By exposing the danger of crimes.

This text is for questions 32 and 33.

A flight on the London Eye, the world's highest observation, is an unrivalled experience. As you rise to an
incredible 135 metres above the River Thames, the 30 minute rotation provides stunning panoramic views of
the city and reveals parts of London which are simply not visible from the ground. For a truly stunning view,
visit at sunset or after dark and see the city awash with colour and famous landmarks floodlit. Each capsule is
fully enclosed, air-conditioned and holds up to 25 passengers with bench seating provided.

Adult £15.50, Child (5-15) £7.75, Under 5 FREE

32. What is the text about?

A. Tourist objects B. Buildings C. Flights D. Cities E. Prices

33. “ As you rise to an incredible 135 metres above the River Thames…”
The underlined word can be replaced with …
A. Like
B. When
C. Whenever
D. Because
E. Although

This text is for questions 34 and 35.

Dear Kids,

I’ll come home late this evening.

I put the meal for dinner at the refrigerator. Warm it at the
microwave first. When finished, don’t forget to put the rest
in it.

34. Why did the writer give the message?
A. She’ll put the meal at the fridge.
B. She’ll arrive at home late.
C. She wants to take a rest.
D. She loves her children.
E. She’ll warm the meal.

35. What should the children do before having dinner?

A. Have a rest.
B. Buy the food.
C. Cook the meal.
D. Warm the meal.
E. Put the microwave.

This text is for questions 36 and 39.

Armand Maulana (Vocalist), I Gede Bujana (guitars). Thomas Ramdhan (Bass player) and Gusti
Erhandy (drum – stand – in player for Budhi Haryono) put a lot of effort into his album. As a result, they’ve
created perfect band of movie and songs that makes BROWNIES tastier.
It’s always fun to have a piece of Brownies in your mouth. But having in your stereo set is more
entertaining. No movie is perfect without musical score and Ost of Brownies has proved it excellent.

36. What does the writer review according to the text?

a. novel
b. poem
c. short story
d. history
e .music

37. After reading the text, how to the writer judge this album?
a. bad
b. fair
c. terrible
d. excellent
e. annoying

38. The purpose of the text is….

a. to appreciate an art work of a public audience
b. to describe Gigi personnel members
c. to inform readers about a good music
d. to describe a good music
e. to entertain readers

39. What does the writer suggest to the audience?

a. They should see the film
b. They should neglect the film
c. They should make another film
d. They should appreciate the film
e. The film should be promote widely

This text is for questions 40 and 41.

Letters intended for publication, including those sent by e-mail, should be brief and accompanied by a
faxed identity card with a note “ your letters on it. All letters should contain the writer’s name, address and
phone number.
Unsolicited features and opinion articles are welcome but we cannot be responsible for the return of
unpublished articles.
Please send letters and opinion articles to or and
other articles to or
A brief biodata of the writer is also needed.

40. The text is about the…on sending letters or articles to be published

a. messages
b. warnings
c. requirements
d. announcement
e. advertisement

41.”A brief biodata of the writer is also needed.” (Paragraph 4)

The underlined word means…
a. fast
b. short
c. little
d. limited
e. temporary

This text is for questions 42 and 45.

These popular markets are held every Thursday from 5 p.m to 10 p.m, April to October, and also on
Sundays from 4 p.m to 9 p.m, June to September. There are lots of stalls selling a multicultural mix of
great cuisine, craft, produce and other items. There are also dance performance and musical
entertainment. The parking area is chocked with cars and it is amazing to see people flooding into the
market area.
The place certainly a gathering point for both Darwinians and visitors. Some families even bring
chairs and they enjoy food while watching the sunset. There is also a kind of small farm where children
can play with farm animals like chickens, rabbits, sheep, dogs and ducks. It is really wonderful place to
spend the evening.

42. What does the text mainly talk about?

a. A multicultural mix on Darwin
b. Beach sunset markets in Darwin
c. A gathering point for Darwinians
d. Popular markets in Darwin
e. A wonderful place to spend the evening

43. The main idea of the first paragraph is that…

a. The popular markets are visited by people with different purposes
b. The popular markets are only visited by Darwinians
c. People visit the popular markets just for watching the sunset
d. The popular markets are open from morning to evening
e. The Darwinians go to the popular markets for gathering

44. Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the text?

a. Musical entertainment is also held in the popular markets
b. The Darwinians go to the markets to sell their products
c. There are farm animals to play with
d. A lot of stalls are selling many kinds of products
e. We can see danced performances

45.The following are things you can find in the popular markets, except…
a. Play ground
b. Restaurants
c. Entertainment
d. Farm animals
e. Lots of stalls

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