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International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 808–816

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International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer

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Modeling of shell and tube heat recovery exchanger operated with nanofluid
based coolants
K.Y. Leong a,b, R. Saidur a,⇑, T.M.I. Mahlia a, Y.H. Yau a
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Defense University of Malaysia, Sg. Besi Camp, 57000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The emergence of several challenging issues such as climate change, fuel price hike and fuel security have
Received 17 June 2011 become hot topics around the world. Therefore, introducing highly efficient devices and heat recovery
Received in revised form 10 October 2011 systems are necessary to overcome these challenges. It is reported that a high portion of industrial energy
Accepted 10 October 2011
is wasted as flue gas from heating plants, boilers, etc. This study has focused on the application of nano-
Available online 3 November 2011
fluids as working fluids in shell and tube heat recovery exchangers in a biomass heating plant. Heat
exchanger specification, nanofluid properties and mathematical formulations were taken from the liter-
ature to analyze thermal and energy performance of the heat recovery system. It was observed that the
Heat recovery
convective and overall heat transfer coefficient increased with the application of nanofluids compared to
Energy ethylene glycol or water based fluids. It addition, 7.8% of the heat transfer enhancement could be
Flue gas achieved with the addition of 1% copper nanoparticles in ethylene glycol based fluid at a mass flow rate
of 26.3 and 116.0 kg/s for flue gas and coolant, respectively.
Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction fluid. Saidur et al. [4] reviewed comprehensively the possible appli-
cations of nanofluids in engine cooling, transformer cooling,
Several challenging issues such as climate change, increase of machining process and nuclear reactor cooling. It is expected that,
fuel price and fuel security have become hot topics around the the performance of a heat recovery system can be greatly enhanced
world. Therefore, much attention has been focused towards intro- by applying this fluid.
ducing highly efficient devices and heat recovery systems for better This study attempts to investigate thermal and energy perfor-
utilization of energy. United State Energy Information Administra- mance of a shell and tube heat recovery using a nanofluid based
tion [1] reported that 21.8% quadrillion Btu energy was consumed coolant. It focuses on the recovering waste heat from flue gas pro-
by the industrial sector in 2009. Teke et al. [2] revealed that about duced by a biomass fired heating plant. Chen et al. [5] reported that
26% of the industrial energy is wasted in the form of hot gas or fluid. flue gases from waste to energy plant often contain 15–40% of
One can imagine the possible savings derived from recovering this fuel’s heat content. Moreover, Saidur et al. [6] concluded a signifi-
energy by just a small fraction. Heat recovery does not only benefit cant amount of heat energy produced by burning fuel is lost
in terms of energy and cost saving but also reduces the emission of through flue gases. To our best knowledge, there is no work focus-
green house gasses. Heat recovery systems utilize heat exchangers ing on recovering waste heat from flue gas using nanofluid based
to recover the waste heat. Addition of fins and increase of the heat coolant. Ethylene glycol and water based coolants were chosen
transfer area are commonly applied to enhance the efficiency of since they are commonly used as a heat transfer fluid. In addition,
the heat recovery system. However, these approaches lead to a lar- ethylene glycol provides freezing protection due to its lower freez-
ger and bulky heat exchanger. Kulkarni et al. [3] concluded that ing point which is essential in cold climate regions. As for copper
the usage of fins and micro channels have already reached their lim- nanoparticles, it offers better thermal conductivity compared to
it. The recent advances in nanotechnology have provided possibili- other commonly used particles.
ties in advancing technology used in the heat exchanger. New
generation of heat transfer fluids which exhibit higher thermal con-
1.1. Thermal conductivity enhancement of nanofluids
ductivity known as nanofluids was developed by Argonne Labora-
tory. Nanofluids are suspension of nanometer particles in a base
Water, mineral oil and ethylene glycol are often used in heat ex-
changer applications, such as radiators, micro channel heat sink,
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +60 3 79677611; fax: +60 3 79675317. heat pipe and boilers. Conventional heat transfer fluids exhibit
E-mail addresses:, (R. Saidur). lower thermal conductivity, which limit their cooling or heating

0017-9310/$ - see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
K.Y. Leong et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 808–816 809


A area, m2 V volumetric flow rate, m3/s

Ac,f cross flow area, m2
Ao,t tube side flow area per pass, m2 Greek symbols
B baffle length, m q density, kg/m3
cp specific heat, J/kg K / volume fraction
D, d diameter, m l dynamic viscosity, Ns/m2
F friction factor e heat exchanger effectiveness
h convective heat transfer coefficient, W/m2 K Dp pressure drop, Pa
k thermal conductivity, kW/m K
L length of tube, m Subscripts
m_ mass flow rate, kg/s cf cross flow
Nu Nusselt number e equivalent
NTU number of heat transfer units f fluid/basefluid
Nt,p number of tubes per pass fg flue gas
NT total number of tubes i inner or inlet
NTC Pt m mean
P pump power, kW nf nanofluids
Pr Prandtl number o outer, outlet
Pt square tube pitch, mm p particle
Re Reynolds number s shell
T temperature, °C w wall
Uo overall heat transfer coefficient, W/m2 K
u velocity, m/s

performance. In recent years, thermal scientists and engineers aqueous-based titanate and aqueous-based titania nanofluids. He
have been focusing on improving the thermal conductivity of base et al. [17] concluded that convective heat transfer coefficient has
fluids by adding nanoparticles. Considerable researchers have its maximum value at the entrance region. The authors added that
found that nanofluids offer superior thermal conductivity. Thermal this property is more affected by nanofluid thermal conductivity.
conductivity of ethylene glycol based copper nanofluids with 0.3% Other factors such as viscosity, Brownian, lift and thermophoretic
concentration enhanced up to 40% compared to that of the base forces have minor effect on convective heat transfer coefficient of
fluid [7]. Liu et al. [8] concluded that water based copper nanofl- nanofluids. Jung et al. [18] studied the convective heat transfer of
uids produced from chemical reduction methods have substantial alumina in rectangular micro channels. It was observed that con-
higher thermal conductivity (23.8% higher) than water base fluids. vective heat transfer coefficient of 1.8% Al2O3 nanofluid in laminar
Hwang et al. [9] revealed that nanoparticles volume fraction, nano- flow increases to about 32% compared to distilled water. Kim et al.
particle and base fluid thermal conductivity have substantial effect [19] investigated the effect of convective heat transfer coefficients
on nanofluids thermal conductivity. These authors concluded that derived from thermal conductivity. His study found that thermal
thermal conductivity of multiwall carbon nanotube nanofluids is conductivity enhancement has a key role in nanofluids convection.
almost increased linearly with the addition of nanoparticles. Yoo However, an amorphous carbonic nanofluid which has similar
et al. [10] studied nanofluids thermal conductivity prepared by thermal conductivity value as pure water did not show any convec-
two-step method. Thermal conductivity of ethylene glycol based tion improvement at the turbulent flow. Vajjha et al. [20] studied
zinc oxide (ZnO) nanofluid increases non-linearly with the aug- convective heat transfer and pressure loss characteristics of nano-
mentation of nanoparticle volume fractions [11]. Nanofluids ther- fluids in turbulent flow. Similar to that reported literature, convec-
mal conductivity also depends on the nanoparticle size, volume tion heat transfer increases with the particle volume fractions.
fraction and temperature [12]. Recently, Yu et al. [13] found that However, it is found that pressure drop increases with increasing
thermal conductivity of ethylene glycol based 5% graphene nanofl- particle volume fraction and with the Reynolds number. Authors
uids can be improved up to 86% compared to that of the base fluid. explained that it is due to increase of viscosity of the nanofluids.
Thermal conductivity of ethylene glycol based silver nanofluids in- Duongthongsuk and Wongwises [21] found that water based
creased up to 10%, 16% and 18% as the amount of silver nanoparti- TiO2 nanofluids experienced a slightly higher pressure drop with
cles was at 1000, 5000 and 10000 ppm, respectively [14]. increased Reynolds number compared to that of base fluid at its
turbulent regime. Mohammed et al. [22] revealed that there is no
significant pressure drop difference between water based alumina
1.2. Convection heat transfer enhancement of nanofluids nanofluids and base fluid at lower Reynold’s number in the micro
channel heat sink. Saidur et al. [23] in their review article proposed
Heris et al. [15] studied convective heat transfer performance of that efficiency of nanofluid applications depend on the pressure
water based alumina nanofluid in a circular tube under constant drop of the coolant.
wall temperature. Findings implied that there is an augmentation
of the nanofluid convective heat transfer coefficient with the in-
crease of nanoparticle volume fraction. The authors concluded that 2. Specification of shell and tube heat exchanger and operating
the heat transfer coefficient is much higher than that predicted condition
from single phase heat transfer correlation. Ding et al. [16] ob-
served that aqueous-based carbon nanofluid offers the highest Necessary input data such as heat exchanger specification and
enhancement of convective heat transfer compared to that of operating characteristic were taken from the literatures. The
810 K.Y. Leong et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 808–816

Table 1 which lead to better thermal properties characteristics. Viscosity,

Composition of flue gas from biomass heating plant [5]. specific heat and density are calculated from correlations found
Type of gases Percentage from the literature. The obtained thermal-physical properties and
CO2 12.1 stability of nanofluids are assumed to remain constant in the appli-
H2O 24.4 cation of heat exchanger. Thermal properties of flue gas and base
O2 3.2 fluid such as ethylene glycol and water are needed in calculation.
N2 60.3 These are depicted in Table 3.
Flue gas dew point 64.3 °C

3. Theoretical derivation on heat transfer and energy

performance in shell and tube heat recovery exchanger
Table 2
Specification of shell and tube heat exchanger and operating condition for flue gas Mathematical formulations shown in Section 3.1 were taken
and nanofluids [5]. from references [28–31]. The heat transfer and energy perfor-
mance of shell and tube heat exchangers operated with conven-
Description Type/value
tional base fluid such as ethylene glycol and water were
Type of heat exchanger Single tube pass, type E shell and tube heat compared with ethylene glycol and water based copper nanofluids.
Tube outside diameter, do 25.4
(mm) 3.1. Flue gas side calculation
Tube inner diameter, di 22.9
(mm) Initially, the specifications of heat exchanger were used to cal-
Pitch, pt/do 1.75
culate the cross flow area and equivalent diameter. These two val-
Total tube number, N 1024
Tube layout Rotated square ues were needed to calculate the flue gas Reynolds number.
Shell inner diameter, Ds 2090 Eventually, the flue gas Reynolds’s number was used in the convec-
(mm) tive heat transfer coefficient formulation. The mathematical for-
Shell thickness, ds (mm) 14 mulations used in this study are shown below.
Baffle type Single-segmental
Baffle spacing, B (mm) 1776
Baffle cut 25% (a) Crossflow area, Acf can be determined by using Eq. (1):
Nanofluids mass flow rate 111.6
(kg/s) Acf ¼ ðDs  NTC do ÞB ð1Þ
Flue gas mass flow rate (kg/ 26.3
s) where
Nanofluids inlet 30
temperature (°C) Ds
Flue gas temperature (°C) 150 Pt
(b) Equivalent diameter, De can be determined by using Eq. (2):
4ðP2t  p4do Þ
composition of flue gas was obtained from Chen et al. [5] as shown De ¼ ð2Þ
in Table 1. It was the flue gas composition for biomass heating
plant. The specification of heat exchanger and operating condition (c) Flue gas Reynolds, Refg number can be determined by using
are shown in Table 2. The length of tubing is assumed to be 5 m. Eq.

Thermal conductivity of nanofluids is obtained from Eastman [7] mfg De
Refg ¼ ð3Þ
and Jang and Choi [24] as shown in Figs. 1 and 2, respectively. Acf lfg
Leong et al. [25] used Eastman thermal conductivity data in their
(d) Flue gas convective heat transfer coefficient, hfg can be deter-
study on automotive radiator. Higher nanofluids thermal conduc-
mined by using Eq.(4):
tivity was observed in Eastman study since the nanofluids were 0:36k 0:55 13
produced using one step method. Murshed et al. [26] revealed that hfg ¼ Refg Pr fg ð4Þ
the advantage of one-step method is that nanoparticles agglomer-
ation can be minimized. They added that proper synthesis and dis-
persion method is important factor to produce stable nanofluids

Fig. 1. Thermal conductivity ratio of ethylene glycol based copper nanofluids [7]. Fig. 2. Thermal conductivity ratio of water based copper nanofluids [24].
K.Y. Leong et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 808–816 811

Table 3
Thermal properties of flue gas, ethylene glycol and water.

Flue gas thermal properties [27] Thermal conductivity (W/mK) Dynamic viscosity (Ns/m2)
Specific heat (kJ/kg K)
1.148 2.9  105 1.9  105
Temperature (K) Thermal conductivity (W/mK) Density (kg/m3) Dynamic viscosity (Ns/m2) Specific heat (kJ/kg K)
Thermal properties ethylene glycol [28]
360 261  103 1074.0 0.278  102 2.682
370 262  103 1066.7 0.228  102 2.728
Thermal properties water [28]
360 674  103 967.18 324  106 4.203
370 677  103 963.39 306  106 4.209

3.2. Nanofluids side calculation 1 1 do lnð di Þ 1 do
¼ þ þ ð15Þ
U o hfg 2kw hnf di
Mathematical formulations to calculate Prandtl number, spe-
cific heat, density and viscosity of nanofluids are shown in this sec- where kw is thermal conductivity of copper wall.
tion in Eqs (5)–(8). These properties were used in calculating the (g) Total tube outside heat transfer area, As can be determined
convective heat transfer coefficient and heat transfer rates of by using Eq. (16)
nanofluids. As ¼ pLdo Nt ð16Þ
(h) Number of heat transfer units, NTU can be determined by
(a) Nanofluids density, qnf can be determined by using Eq.(5) using Eq. (17)
qnf ¼ ð1  ;Þqf þ ;qp ð5Þ U o At;o
NTU ¼ ð17Þ
C min
(b) Nanofluids specific heat cp,nf can be determined by using Eq.
(6) where
ð1  ;Þqf cp;f þ ;qp cp;p _ p Þnf
C max ¼ ðmC ð18Þ
cp;nf ¼ ð6Þ
_ p Þnf
C min ¼ ðmC ð19Þ
(c) Nanofluids viscosity lnf can be determined by using Eq. (7)
lnf 1
¼ ð7Þ (i) Heat exchanger effectiveness, e can be determined by using
lf ð1  ;Þ2:5 Eq. (20) Assuming single pass, both fluids unmixed
(d) Nanofluids Prandtl number, Prnf can be determined by using e ¼ 1  exp½ð  ÞðNTUÞ0:22 fexp½C  ðNTUÞ0:78   1g ð20Þ
Eq. (8) C
cp;nf lnf where
Prnf ¼ ð8Þ
knf C min
C ¼ ð21Þ
C max
Mathematical formulations used to calculate convective and overall
heat transfer coefficient and heat transfer rate are expressed by Eqs. (j) Heat transfer rate, q can be determined by using Eq. (22)
(9)–(22). q ¼ eC min ðT fg;i  T nf ;i Þ ð22Þ
(a) Number of tubes per pass, Nt,p can be determined by using
Pressure drop and pumping power can be determined by using fol-
Eq. (9)
lowing formulations from Eq. (23)–(27).
Nt;p ¼ NT ð9Þ
(a) Friction factor, F can be determined by using Eq. (23) and
since single pass tube is considered. (24)
(b) Tube side flow area per pass, Ao,t can be determined by using 64
F¼ laminar flow ð23Þ
Eq. (10) Renf
p 2
Ao;t ¼ di Nt;p ð10Þ
4 F ¼ ð0:790 ln Renf  1:64Þ2 turbulent flow ð24Þ
(c) Nanofluids Reynolds number, Renf can be determined by
(b) Mean velocity of nanofluids, um can be determined by using
using Eq. (11)
Eq. (25)
mnf di
Renf ¼ ð11Þ 4mnf
Ao;t lnf Um ¼ ð25Þ
qnf pd2i
(d) Nusselt number, Nunf can be determined by using Eq. (12)
and (13) (c) Pressure drop, Dp of nanofluids can be determined by using
Nunf ¼ 3:66 forlaminar flow ð12Þ Eq. (26)
qnf u2m
Nunf ¼ 0:024Re0:8 0:4 Dp ¼ F L ð26Þ
nf Pr nf for turbulent flow ð13Þ 2di
(e) Nanofluids heat transfer coefficient, hnf can be determined (d) Pump power, P can be determined by using Eq. (27)
by using Eq. (14) P ¼ V nf X Dp ð27Þ
Nunf knf
hnf ¼ ð14Þ
3.3. Test procedures and conditions
(f) Overall heat transfer coefficient, Uo can be determined by
using Eq. (15) where fouling factors are not considered in The analysis in this study was conducted based on flue gas,
this analysis. nanofluids and base fluid properties and operating conditions
812 K.Y. Leong et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 808–816

discussed in Section 2. In this study, nanoparticle volume fraction,

flue gas and nanofluids mass flow rate were varied to determine
thermal and energy performance of the heat recovery exchanger.
The test procedures and conditions in this study shown below.

3.3.1. Effect of copper nanoparticles volume fraction on thermal and

energy performance of shell and tube heat recovery exchanger
In this analysis, flue gas and nanofluids mass flow rate were
kept constant at 26.3 and 111.6 kg/s, respectively. Nanoparticles
volume fractions were augmented from 0% to 1% for ethylene gly-
col based copper nanofluids and from 0% to 2% for water based cop-
per nanofluids. Nanofluids Reynolds number, convective and
overall heat transfer coefficient and heat transfer rate were then
determined. Other parameters such as pumping power as well as
Fig. 3. Effect of copper volume fraction to coolant Reynolds number at constant flue
the nanofluids pressure drop were also determined.
gas and coolant mass flow rate.

3.3.2. Effect of flue gas mass flow rate on thermal performance of shell
and tube heat exchanger
In this analysis, the flue gas mass flow rate was varied from 26.3
to 42 kg/s. Reynolds number for flue gas was included. Nanofluids
convective and overall heat transfer coefficient and heat transfer
rate were also analyzed in this section. Nanofluid subjected in this
study was ethylene glycol based copper nanofluids.

3.3.3. Effect of coolant mass flow rate on thermal performance of shell

and tube heat exchanger
Coolant mass flow rate was varied from 200 to 230 kg/s. Nano-
fluids convective and overall heat transfer coefficient and heat
transfer rate were also analyzed in this section. Nanofluid sub-
jected in this study was ethylene glycol based copper nanofluids.

4. Results and discussions

Fig. 4. Effect of copper volume fraction to coolant convective heat transfer
4.1. Effect of copper nanoparticle volume fraction on thermal and coefficient and overall heat transfer coefficient at constant flue gas and coolant
energy performance of shell and tube heat recovery exchanger mass flow rate.

4.1.1. Ethylene glycol based copper nanofluids

The effect of copper nanoparticle volume fraction on thermal
and energy performance of the heat recovery exchanger was car-
ried out. In this analysis, the flue gas and coolant flow rate were
kept constant at 26.3 and 111.6 kg/s, respectively. In this condition,
the flue gas convective heat transfer coefficient was found to be
56.4 W/m2K. With the increase of the nanoparticle volume frac-
tions, the coolant Reynolds’s number was decreased as shown in
Fig. 3. In this analysis, all parameters except dynamic viscosity of
coolant were kept constant. It is noted that, dynamic viscosity of
coolant was increased with the nanoparticle volume fractions.
Addition of nanoparticles increases the fluid shear stress associated
with a higher dynamic viscosity. Substituting a higher value of this
property into Eq. (11) definitely decreases the coolant Reynolds
number as shown in Fig. 3. It is assumed that the flow is of laminar
Study found that the convective heat transfer coefficient for
nanofluids is proportional with the nanoparticle volume fractions Fig. 5. Effect copper volume fraction to heat transfer rate at constant flue gas
as depicted in Fig. 4. In Eq. (14), nanofluid heat transfer coefficient (26.3 kg/s) and coolant (111.6 kg/s) mass flow rate.
increases since it exhibits higher thermal conductivity with the in-
crease of nanoparticle volume fractions. Fig. 4 also depicts a higher
overall heat transfer coefficient observed with copper nanoparticle nanoparticle volume fraction. For instance, with an addition of 1%
volume fraction. About 9.5% augmentation was observed at 1% copper nanoparticles in ethylene glycol based fluid, 7.8% heat
copper nanoparticles compared to the base fluid. Therefore, heat transfer enhancement was observed at 26.3 and 111.6 kg/s flue
transfer area reduction can be achieved if the same overall heat gas mass flow rate and coolant mass flow rate, respectively. Higher
transfer coefficient is used. Heat transfer enhancement was ob- thermal conductivity of nanofluid probably is the main reason con-
served with the particle volume fractions as shown in Fig. 5. It tributing to heat transfer enhancement. More heat can be absorbed
was calculated by using Eq. (22). In this equation, the effectiveness and transferred with the application of nanofluids. The potential
of the heat recovery exchanger was found to increase with copper mechanism of thermal conductivity enhancement is due to the
K.Y. Leong et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 808–816 813

Table 4
Thermal and energy performance of water based nanofluids containing 2% of copper
nanoparticles compared to water base fluid at 12 kg/s mass flow rate.

Number Description Water based copper

nanofluids (%)
1 Coolant convective heat transfer 33.4
2 Overall heat transfer coefficient 10.11
3 Heat transfer enhancement 4.53
4 Pump power (lesser) 22.5

this equation, the cross flow area, equivalent diameter and flue
gas dynamic viscosity were kept constant. Then, the higher value
of flue gas convective heat transfer was calculated using Eq. (4).
In Eq. (4), the Reynolds’s number was increased with mass flow
rate. Other parameters such as equivalent diameter and flue gas
Fig. 6. Effect copper volume fraction to coolant pressure drop and pump power at
constant flue gas (26.3 kg/s) and coolant (111.6 kg/s) mass flow rate.
Prandtl number were kept constant. Hence, convective heat trans-
fer coefficient of flue gas is proportional with mass flow rate as
shown in Fig. 7. It is due to the large number of random and bulk
nanoparticles’ heat transfer behavior as well as for the formation of motion of flue gas molecules. This value was substituted into Eq.
liquid-particle interface layer. (15) to calculate the overall convective heat transfer coefficient
As for energy needed to pump the coolant, findings implied that which was found to be proportional to flue gas mass flow rate as
the pressure drop decreased with copper nanoparticle volume frac- depicted in Fig. 8. As the flue gas mass flow rate increases, more
tions as shown in Fig. 6. Therefore, lower pumping power is needed energy can be transferred from the flue gas to the coolants due
when nanofluids is used in the heat recovery exchanger. About to the extensive random and bulk motion of flue gas molecules. In-
10.99% less power or energy was observed at 1% nanoparticle vol- crease of flue gas mass flow rate will decrease the thermal resis-
ume fraction compared to that of ethylene glycol base fluid. This tance of flue gas. It also shows that overall heat transfer
result contradicts the pressure drop studies obtained by several coefficient increases with the augmentation of particle volume
researchers [20,21]. In their studies, comparison between base fraction. Moreover, thermal conductivity of nanofluids increases
fluid and nanofluids pressure drop was conducted at constant Rey- with the particle volume fraction. Higher value of thermal conduc-
nolds’s number which affects the nanofluid mass flow rate. Higher tivity leads to the higher amount of heat that can be transferred by
mass flow rate is needed to produce the same value of Reynold’s the nanofluid. Fig. 9 shows that the heat transfer rate of 1% copper
number since the viscosity of nanofluids increased with particle nanofluids is higher than of a base fluid. At 1% of copper nanofluids,
volume fraction. Subsequently, more pumping power is needed. 15.97% heat transfer enhancement is observed when flue gas mass
However, in the present analysis, the coolant mass flow was kept flow rate increased from 26.3 to 42 kg/s.
constant. As a result the coolant velocity decreases with particle
volume fractions.
Eq. (25) shows that velocity decreases due to the increase of 4.3. Effect of coolant mass flow rate on thermal performance of shell
nanofluids density. Definitely, nanofluids density increases due to and tube heat Exchanger
the higher density of nanoparticles. Nanofluids density can be
This section presents the effect of coolant Reynolds’s number on
determined based on rule of mixture. The lower value of velocity
substantially decreased the pressure drop, although the friction the thermal performance of heat recovery exchanger. Based on Eq.
(11), it was found that coolant Reynolds’s number is proportional
factor was increased slightly with the particle volume fractions.

4.1.2. Water based copper nanofluids

Similar analysis was done on water based copper nanofluids. In
this analysis, the coolant mass flow rate is fixed at 12 kg/s to en-
sure that a laminar flow is obtained. Other parameters were the
same as in the previous analysis. However, the study found that
no heat transfer enhancement was observed at the turbulent flow
rate. It might be due to the movement of fluid molecules being too
fast to absorb the heat from the flue gas. Table 4 depicts the
summary of thermal and energy performance enhancement of heat
recovery exchanger operated with water based copper nanofluids
compared to that of base fluid.

4.2. Effect of flue gas mass flow rate on thermal performance of shell
and tube heat recovery exchanger

This section discusses the influence of flue gas mass flow rate to
thermal performance of heat recovery exchanger. The coolant mass
flow rate was fixed at 111.6 kg/s. Flue gas Reynolds’s number was Fig. 7. Effect of flue gas mass flow rate to flue gas convective heat transfer
found to increase with mass flow rate as calculated in Eq. (3). In coefficient.
814 K.Y. Leong et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 808–816

Fig. 8. Effect of flue gas mass flow rate to overall heat transfer coefficient.

Fig. 10. Effect of coolant mass flow rate to overall heat transfer coefficient.

Fig. 9. Effect of flue gas mass flow rate to heat transfer rate.

with the mass flow rate at the constant volume fraction of copper
nanoparticle. With the increase of coolant Reynolds number, Nus-
Fig. 11. Effect of coolant mass flow rate to heat transfer rate.
selt number was increased as calculated using Eq. (13). Eq. (13)
was used since the calculated Reynolds number indicated that flow
is at a turbulent type. Substituting a higher value of Nusselt and cates that convective heat transfer coefficient is proportional to Nus-
nanofluids thermal conductivity, the convective heat transfer of selt number. Aside from the thermal conductivity, heat transfer
coolants was higher than of base fluid, which is obtained from coefficient of nanofluids plays a crucial role in determining the per-
Eq. (14). The same happened for an overall heat transfer coefficient formance of a heat recovery system. To further strengthen the valid-
which is depicted in Fig. 10. Similar to previous analysis, heat ity of the result from current study, comparisons have been made
transfer rate is proportional to coolant mass flow rate as shown with the study conducted by Hojjat et al. [32]. In that study, the
in Fig. 11. However, only 0.7% enhancement is observed when authors investigated the thermal performance of a uniformly heated
compared with 234 and 200 kg/s mass flow rate at 1% of copper circular tube. The present study compares the Nusselt number of the
nanofluids. This indicates that the coolant mass flow rate only nanofluid with deionized water in the circular tube. The higher value
plays a minor role in enhancing the heat transfer rate compared of Nusselt number definitely increases the heat transfer coefficient
to mass flow rate for flue gas. of the basefluid. Ijam and Saidur [33] revealed that convective heat
transfer increases with fluid’s thermal conductivity. The comparison
4.4. Comparison of studies result has been shown in Fig. 12. The Nusselt numbers for ethylene
glycol based 0.5% copper nanofluid and water have been calculated
Outcome of the previous section indicates that the overall heat in the present study. It is found that Nusselt number for nanofluid is
transfer coefficient increases with the usage of nanofluids. This higher than that of deionized water determined by Hojjat et al. [32].
parameter depends on the convective heat transfer coefficient of From this, it can be proved that the application of nanofluids is capa-
nanofluids as shown in Eq. (15). Overall heat transfer coefficient ble of improving the convective heat transfer coefficient of the base
increases with convective heat transfer coefficient. Eq. (14) also indi- fluid. In addition, results from literatures also indicate that
K.Y. Leong et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 808–816 815

Fig. 12. Comparison of studies.

application of nanofluids improve the thermal performance of the References

heat exchanger. Kulkarni et al. [3] found that superior performance
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Release Overview, Washington DC, 2011, retrieved 8th June 2011 from <http://
leads to higher efficiency of waste heat recovery heat exchanger. It>.
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