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Conduction of Normal Delivery

Case No. – 1

Identification Data
Name of the hospital : Barasat District Hospital
Name of the client : Jesmina Bibi. Age : 23 yrs.
Address with husband’s name : w/o- Mahammad Rafik Abdul, Vill- Gosaipur,
P.O.- Kharua Chandpur, P.S-DegangaDist. – 24 pgs.(N)
Religion : Muslim Under Dr. : Dr. D.Roy
Date of admission : 10/02/2020 at 7.30am Registration no: 13468
GPLA : G1P0L0A0 Period of gestation : 39 weeks 5days
LMP : 07/05/2019 EDD :14/02/2020
Onset of labour pain : Complain on admission : Labour pain with 39 weeks amenorrhea.
On examination findings: Os- 3 cm, Cervix- 40% Effaced, FHR- 144 bts/min
BP of the mother- 120/70 mm Hg, Pulse - 76 bts/min, Resp - 20 brs/ min.

Brief History:

Social : Education: Husband : Class XII Wife: Class X

Occupation : Husband : Business Wife : Housewife

Family members : 4 members Support Person : Mother-in-law and husband

Personal : Any drug allergy : Nothing significant

Medical and surgical :

Past : Nothing significant Present : Nothing significant

Family : Nothing significant

Financial assistance : From husband

Marital history : Married for 3 years

Relationship : Maintains good relationship with family members and neighbours.

Diet : Last meal time and contents : Chapati, Sabji. At 7 pm.

Bowel and bladder: Passed urine and stool.

Past Obstetric History: LCB :

No. of Year Abortion Any Mode of Place of Sex Baby Any Remarks
pregnancy (with problems delivery delivery (alive/ problem
period) during stillbirth) during
antenatal puerperium

Present Obstetric History:

Booked/ unbooked : Booked No. of antenatal check up : 4
Immunization : Inj TT 2 doses taken. Total weight gain : 12kg
Any problem during pregnancy : No.
If yes, treatment given :
Nature of labour pain (with time) : Started at 09 pm on 11/2/20. She complain pain from
abdomen towards thigh.

Laboratory investigations :
Blood Group : B Hb % : 11.8 gm/dl
Rh : +ve PPBS /Fasting : 78 mg/dl(fasting)
HIV : Nonreactive HbsAg : Nonreactive VDRL : Nonreactive
Urine : Sugar : Nil Alb : Nil

USG report : Single live fetus with changing lie.Active etal movement and cardiac pulsation
are visualized and corroborated with M- mod study.measurement-B.P.D:64mm corresponds
to 26weeks 3days; F.L:44mm corresponds to 24weeks 2days; A.C: 216mm corresponds to
25weeks 6days; F.H.R:160BPM.
Average sonographic age is 25weeks 4days+/-2 weeks 0days.
Placenta is Fundo-anterior and right.Grade- 1. Lower mergin is well above cervix. No
retroplacentl collection seen.
Cervix tabular;internal os is closed; liquor is adequate; no obvious congenital anomaly seen.

Physical examination :
Vital signs : BP- 120/78 mm of Hg, Pulse- 84 bts/min, Resp - 18 brs/min, Temp : 980F
General condition : Good. Eye - Pallor/normal: Normal Lung : Normal.
Breast : Soft and secretory Heart : Normal. Tongue : Dehydrated/Moist: Moist
Bladder- Distended/ Evacuated : Evacuated Oedema : absent.
Any other specific findings : Nothing significant.
Any other associated condition : Nothing significant.

Abdominal examination :
Inspection : Uterine ovoid is longitudinal. Pink striaes are present . no scar mark, or sign of
infection. Uterine contraction is present. Fetal movements are visible.
SFH in cm.: 32 cm. In weeks : 39 weeks Abdominal girth : 98cm.
Fundal grip : A broad soft mass suggestive of buttocks is palpable.
Lateral grip: In the left lateral grip - A smooth curved and resistant mass is felt suggestive
of back.
In right lateral grip : Small, knob like, irregular parts are felt, suggestive of limbs.
First Pelvic Grip :
Second Pelvic Grip :
Auscultation : 140 beats/ min.
Per vaginal examination/ vulval inspection : no signs of infection is present. Show is present.
Remarks (specifying presentation, position, engagement, etc.)
A full term pregnant with true labour pain. Findings reveal vertex presentation, LOA
position, FHR- 140 beats/min and regular. Other findings are recorded in the partograph

Management during first stage of labour

Time of onset of labour pain
Time of full dilation of os
Rest/ walk, diet, bowel, bladder, relief of Woman is instructed to walk and to practice
pain (relaxation technique/ medication), deep breathing and relaxation technique
general care, vulval toileting, bath, clothing, during and after contraction. She has passed
assurance, advices regarding Dos and Don’ts stool and urine. She has taken tea. No
in first stage of labour, progress notes of analgesic is given. Garments are changed.
labour, fetal and maternal condition(to be Reassurance is given. Mother is instructed
recorded in the partograph). not to bear down. Her progress of labour is

Management during second stage of labour
Preparation of woman for delivery, shifting Woman is shifted to the labour table. She is
to labour table, positioning of the woman, advised to lie on her back with knee flexed
catheterisation, instructions for bearing and legs/ thighs apart. She is encouraged to
down, progress notes of labour, fetal and bear down during contraction. FHR is
maternal condition ( to be recorded in checked in 15 mins interval and recorded in
partograph) partograph.

Conduction of delivery
Mode of delivery Normal delivery with episiotomy
Time of delivery
Delivery of head (specify if episiotomy Vulval toileting is done. Perineal guard is given.
required) Inj. Lignocaine 1% 5ml given in a fan shaped way.
Care following delivery of head , A left sided medio-lateral episiotomy is given. Head
delivery of shoulder, delivery of trunk. is delivered in between contraction. Eyes and mouth
are cleaned. There is no cord around the neck.
Restitution occurs. Then external rotation of head is
occurred and baby is born by laboured flexion
,whole body is delivered and kept on mother’s
abdomen. Cord is clamped and cut. A full term
normal living girl baby is delivered at 9.46 PM
on12/02/2020. Baby cried immediately after birth.
In syntocin 10 unit IM is given a gush of bleeding
with permanent lengthening of cord is seen
vaginally. Uterus is hard, globular. Placenta is
expelled by controlled cord traction. Placenta and
membrane are completely expelled out at 9.55 PM
0n 12/02/2020. A quick placenta examination is

Sex of the newborn : Girl.

Disc no. of the newborn : 40
Birth weight of the newborn : 2.7 kg

Condition of the newborn :
Record if any resuscitation Baby cried immediately after birth. No resuscitation
measures taken and time of cry. measures required. General condition- good. Posture-
Respiration, heart arte, colour of well flexed. Baby cried at birth. Skin- pink, smooth,
the baby. soft. Vernix present on back, shoulder. FHR- 136 beats/
Further resuscitation measures min. respiration- 36 breaths/min, length -48 cm, HC- 33.
taken. CC- 31cm. anterior fontanelle diamond shaped and
measures 3cmx 2.5 cm. No overriding of sutures. Eyes
clean , no discharge present. Sclera is white. Top of the
pinna of ear is in horizontal plane to the outer canthus .
nasal passage is patent. Breast tissue more than 10mm.
Abdomen – soft. Labia majora completely covers the
minora. Anus- patent.

Total hour of labour : 12 hrs 55min

1st stage : 11hrs.
2nd stage : 1hrs 46min
3rd stage : 9 min
Medical treatment advised (if any ): Nothing Significant

Management of fourth stage of labour :

Condition of mother :
BP : 110/70 mmHg Temp : Afebrile Pulse : 84 bts/min Resp: 20 brs/min
Vaginal bleeding : Lochia rubra is present in average amount.
Uterus : Hard, globular and mobile, SFH- 14 cm.
Level of hydration : Normal. Bladder : Emptied.
General care : Water is given to the mother.
Condition of the baby : No cord bleeding. Baby is put on mother’s breast. Baby is active and
sucking the breast.

Nursing Care process
( For mother before delivery)
Nursing Expected Nursing Intervention Evaluation
Diagnosis Outcome
Acute pain related To modify  Intensity, duration and Woman
to uterine behaviour to interval of contractions are practiced deep
contractions as decrease assessed. breathing and
evidenced by intensifying of  Woman is advised to relaxation
verbalisation and labour pain practice deep breathing and technique.
facial expression, relaxation technique.
restlessness.  Is instructed to relax after
each contraction.
 Is advised not to bear down
in first stage .
 Is taught when and how to
bear down in 2nd stage of
Impaired fluid & To maintain  Hydration level is assessed. Hydration level
electrolyte balance adequate  Provide liquid diet is normal.
related to nutrition.  A glass of water given
restriction and during latent phase.
perspiration in  Only sips of water is given
labour pain in 2nd stage of labour.
 Intake and output is
Impaired personal To maintain  Woman is encouraged to Woman
hygiene related proper personal take bath in 1st stage of expresses
labour pain hygiene. labour. refreshed.
 Is advised to take mouth
 Sponging of face is done.
 Hair is made tidy.

Nursing care process
( For mother after delivery)
Nursing Expected Nursing Intervention Evaluation
Diagnosis Outcome
Disturbed body To maintain  Vital signs checked and BP -110/70 mm of
system related to normal body recorded. Hg, Temp:afebrile,
labour process system- vital  Hydration level is Pulse : 84 bts/min,
signs, size and assessed. Resp:20 brs/min
position of uterus,  Fundal height and Uterus is hard,
lochia. consistency is checked. globular, lochia is

 Lochia(amount, colour) normal in amount.

is checked.
 Sips of water is given to
the mother.

Impaired comfort To maintain  Comfortable position is Woman expresses

related to after adequate comfort. given. comfort.
pain, pain in  Is advised early
episiotomy area, ambulation.
uterine cramps,  Assessed breast for
bleeding as engorgement.
evidenced by  Wet clothes are
verbalisation removed.
 Mother is instructed to
breast feed the baby.
 Is encouraged proper
breast emptying by
giving colostrum and
hind milk and continue
exclusive breastfeeding.

Nursing care process
( For Baby)
Nursing Expected Nursing Intervention Evaluation
Diagnosis Outcome
Ineffective To maintain  Baby is received in a pre warmed, Baby’s body
thermoregulation adequate sterile towel. temperature is
related to thermoregulation.  Baby is dried immediately and normal.
transition of changed the wet towel.
newborn to extra  Wrapped the baby with another pre
uterine warmed towel.
environment.  Baby is put to the mother’s chest
for to promote skin to skin contact.
 Fan is put off in the baby corner.
 Skin colour is assessed to detect
any signs of hypothermia.

Potential risk for To establish  Baby is kept at the room Baby cried
ineffective airway effective temperature of 28˚-32˚C. after birth.
related to presence breathing.  Mouth is cleaned with sterile gauze
of mucous in piece after delivery of head.
mouth and nose.  Suction of mouth and oropharynx
and nose is done.
 Tactile stimulation is given.

Signature of Studen

Signature of supervisor

Conduction of Normal Delivery
Case No. – 2
Identification Data
Name of the hospital : Barasat District Hospital
Name of the client : Tuhina Mandal Age : 20 yrs.
Address with husband’s name : w/o- Sahidul Mandal, Vill-Pratick Pally, Duttapukur,
P.S.- Duttapukur, Dist: North 24 pgs
Religion : Muslim Under Dr. : Dr. S.S.Roy
Date of admission : 10/02/2020 at 6.08 AM Registration no. : 13345
GPLA : G1P0L0A0 Period of gestation :39 weeks
LMP : 10/05/2019 EDD :17/02/2020
Onset of labour pain : Complain on admission : labour pain with 39 weeks amenorrhea.
On examination findings: Os- 8 cm., Cervix- 90% effaced, FHR- 142 bts/min
BP of the mother- 130/70 mm of Hg, Pulse- 76 bts/min, Resp- 20 brs/ min.

Brief History :

Social : Education: Husband : Class X Wife: Class VII

Occupation : Husband : Private Farm Wife : Housewife.

Family members : 4 members. Support Person : Mother-in-law and husband

Personal : Any drug allergy : Nothing significant.

Medical and surgical : Past : Nothing significant.

Present : Nothing significant.

Family : Nothing Significant

Financial assistance : From husband.

Marital history : Married for 1 years.

Relationship : Maintains good relationship with family members and neighbours.

Diet : Last meal time and contents : Chapati, Sabji. at 8 PM.

Bowel and bladder: Passed urine and stool.

Past Obstetric History: LCB :

No. of Year Abortion Any Mode of Place of Sex Baby Any Remarks
pregnancy (with problems delivery delivery (alive/ problem
period) during stillbirth) during
antenatal puerperium

Present Obstetric History :

Booked/ unbooked : Booked No. of antenatal check up : 4
Immunization : Inj TT 2 doses taken. Total weight gain : 11kg
Any problem during pregnancy : No
If yes, treatment given :
Nature of labour pain (with time) : Started at 9 am on 10/02/20. She complain pain from
abdomen towards thigh.

Laboratory investigations :
Blood Group : A Hb % : 12 gm/dl
Rh :+ve PPBS /Fasting : 78 mg/dl(fasting)
HIV : Nonreactive HbsAg : Nonreactive VDRL : Nonreactive
Urine : Sugar : Nil Alb : Nil
USG report : Single live fetus with changing lie.Active etal movement and cardiac pulsation
are visualized and corroborated with M- mod study.measurement-B.P.D:64mm corresponds
to 26weeks 3days; F.L:44mm corresponds to 23 weeks 2days; A.C: 216mm corresponds to
25weeks 6days; F.H.R:160BPM.
Physical examination :
Vital signs : BP- 120/78 mm of Hg, Pulse- 80 bts/min Resp - 20 brs/min, Temp -98.40F
General condition : Good
Eye - Pallor/normal: Normal
Tongue - Dehydrated/Moist: Moist Breast : Soft and secretory
Heart : Normal Bladder - Distended/ Evacuated : Evacuated
Lung : Normal Oedema : Absent
Any other specific findings : Nothing significant.
Any other associated condition : Nothing significant.

Abdominal examination :
Inspection : Uterine ovoid is longitudinal. Pink striaes are present . no scar mark, or sign of
infection. Uterine contraction is present. Fetal movements are visible.
SFH in cm.: 38 cm. In weeks : 39 weeks
Abdominal girth : 96 cm.
Fundal grip : A broad soft mass suggestive of buttocks is palpable.
Lateral grip : In the left lateral grip – A smooth curved and resistant mass is felt
suggestive of back.
In right lateral grip : Small, knob like, irregular parts are felt , suggestive of limbs.
First Pelvic Grip :
Second pelvic grip :
Auscultation : 136 beats/ min.
Per vaginal examination/ vulval inspection : no signs of infection is present. Show is present.

Remarks (specifying presentation, position, engagement, etc.)

A full term pregnant with true labour pain. Findings reveal vertex presentation, LOA
position, FHR- 140 beats/min and regular. Other findings are recorded in the partograph

Management during first stage of labour

Time of onset of labour pain
Time of full dilation of os
Rest/ walk, diet, bowel, bladder, relief of pain Woman is instructed to walk and to practice
(relaxation technique/ medication,), general deep breathing and relaxation technique
care, vulval toileting, bath, clothing, during and after contraction. She has passed
assurance, advices regarding Dos and Don’ts stool and urine. She has taken tea. No
in first stage of labour, progress notes of analgesic is given. Garments are changed.
labour, fetal and maternal condition( to be Reassurance is given. Mother is instructed
recorded in the partograph.) not to bear down. Her progress of labour is

Management during second stage of labour
Preparation of woman for delivery, shifting Woman is shifted to the labour table. She is
to labour table, positioning of the woman, advised to lie on her back with knee flexed
catheterisation, instructions for bearing and legs/ thighs apart. She is encouraged to
down, progress notes of labour, fetal and bear down during contraction. FHR is
maternal condition ( to be recorded in checked in 15 mins interval and recorded in
partograph) partograph.

Conduction of delivery
Mode of delivery Normal delivery with episiotomy
Time of delivery
Delivery of head9specify if Vulval toileting is done. Perineal guard is given. Inj.
episiotomy required) Lignocaine 1% 5ml given in a fan shaped way. A left
Care following delivery of head sided medio-lateral episiotomy is given. Head is delivered
, delivery of shoulder, delivery in between contraction. Eyes and mouth are cleaned. There
of trunk. is no cord around the neck. Restitution occurs. Then
external rotation of head is occurred and baby is born by
laboured flexion ,whole body is delivered and kept on
mother’s abdomen. Cord is clamped and cut. A full term
normal living boy baby is delivered at 9.04 am
on11/02/20. Baby cried immediately after birth. In
syntocin 10 unit IM is given a gush of bleeding with
permanent lengthening of cord is seen vaginally. Uterus is
hard, globular. Placenta is expelled by controlled cord
traction. Placenta and membrane are completely expelled
out at 9.15 am on11/02/20. A quick placenta examination
is done.

Sex of the newborn : Boy

Disc no. of the newborn : 141
Birth weight of the newborn : 2.9 kg

Condition of the newborn :
Record if any resuscitation Baby cried immediately after birth. No resuscitation
measures taken and time of cry. measures required. General condition- good. Posture-
Respiration, heart arte, colour of well flexed. Baby cried at birth. Skin- pink, smooth,
the baby. soft. Vernix present on back, shoulder. FHR- 136 beats/
Further resuscitation measures min. respiration- 36 breaths/min, length -48 cm, HC- 33.
taken. CC- 31cm. anterior fontanelle diamond shaped and
measures 3cmx 2.5 cm. No overriding of sutures. Eyes
clean , no discharge present. Sclera is white. Top of the
pinna of ear is in horizontal plane to the outer canthus .
nasal passage is patent. Breast tissue more than 10mm.
Abdomen – soft. Anus- patent.

Total hour of labour : 12 hrs. 15 mins

1st stage : 10hrs.04 Min
2nd stage : 2 hrs.
3rd stage : 11min
Medical treatment advised (if any ):
Management of fourth stage of labour :
Condition of mother :
BP : 110/70 mmHg Temp : afebrile Pulse : 80 bts/min Resp: 20 brs/min
Vaginal bleeding : Lochia rubra is present in average amount.
Uterus : hard, globular and mobile, SFH- 13.5 cm.
Level of hydration : Normal.
Bladder : Emptied.
General care : Water is given to the mother.
Condition of the baby : No cord bleeding. Baby is put on mother’s breast. Baby is active and
sucking the breast.

Nursing Care process
( For mother before delivery)
Nursing Expected Nursing Intervention Evaluation
Diagnosis Outcome
Acute pain related To modify  Intensity, duration and Woman
to uterine behaviour to interval of contractions are practiced deep
contractions as decrease assessed. breathing and
evidenced by intensifying of  Woman is advised to relaxation
verbalisation and labour pain practice deep breathing and technique.
facial expression, relaxation technique.
restlessness.  Is instructed to relax after
each contraction.
 Is advised not to bear down
in first stage .
 Is taught when and how to
bear down in 2nd stage of
Impaired fluid & To maintain  Hydration level is assessed. Hydration level
electrolyte balance adequate  Provide liquid diet is normal.
related to nutrition.  A glass of water given
restriction and during latent phase.
perspiration in  Only sips of water is given
labour pain in 2nd stage of labour.
 Intake and output is
Impaired personal To maintain  Woman is encouraged to Woman
hygiene related proper personal take bath in 1st stage of expresses
labour pain hygiene. labour. refreshed.
 Is advised to take mouth
 Sponging of face is done.
 Hair is made tidy.

Nursing care process
( For mother after delivery)
Nursing Expected Nursing Intervention Evaluation
Diagnosis Outcome
Disturbed body To maintain  Vital signs checked and BP -110/70 mm
system related to normal body recorded. of Hg, Temp.-
labour process system- vital  Hydration level is assessed. afebrile, Pulse :
signs, size and  Fundal height and 84 bts/min,
position of uterus, consistency is checked. Resp.- 20
lochia.  Lochia(amount, colour) is brs/min

checked. Uterus is hard,

 Sips of water is given to the globular, lochia

mother. is normal in

Impaired comfort To maintain  Comfortable position is Woman

related to after adequate comfort. given. expresses
pain, pain in  Is advised early ambulation. comfort.
episiotomy area,  Assessed breast for
uterine cramps, engorgement.
bleeding as  Wet clothes are removed.
evidenced by  Mother is instructed to
verbalisation breast feed the baby.
 Is encouraged proper breast
emptying by giving
colostrum and hind milk and
continue exclusive

Nursing care process
( For Baby)
Nursing Expected Nursing Intervention Evaluation
Diagnosis Outcome
Ineffective To maintain  Baby is received in a pre Baby’s body
thermoregulation adequate warmed, sterile towel. temperature is
related to thermoregulation.  Baby is dried immediately and normal.
transition of changed the wet towel.
newborn to extra  Wrapped the baby with
uterine another pre warmed towel.
environment.  Baby is put to the mother’s
chest for to promote skin to
skin contact.
 Fan is put off in the baby
 Skin colour is assessed to
detect any signs of
Potential risk for To establish  Baby is kept at the room Baby cried
ineffective effective temperature of 28˚-32˚C. after birth.
airway related to breathing.  Mouth is cleaned with sterile
presence of gauze piece after delivery of
mucous in mouth head.
and nose.  Suction of mouth and
oropharynx and nose is done.
 Tactile stimulation is given.

Signature of Studen

Signature of supervisor

Conduction of Normal Delivery
Case No. – 3
Identification data
Name of the hospital : Barasat District Hospital
Name of the client: Asma Khatun. Age : 19 yrs.
Address with husband’s name : w/o- Jamati Ali
Vill- Dadpur, P.S- Duttapukur, Dist. –North 24 pgs.
Religion : Muslim Under Dr. : Dr. S.S.Roy
Date of admission : 09.02.20 at 8pm Registration no. : 13081
GPLA : G1P0L0A0 Period of gestation : 39 weeks 3days
LMP : 05/05/2019 EDD :12/02/20
Onset of labour pain : Complain on admission : Labour pain with 40 weeks amenorrhea.
On examination findings: Os- 4 cm., Cervix- 70% Effaced, FHR- 140 bts/min
BP of the mother- 130/80 mm of Hg, Pulse- 78 bts/min, Resp- 20 brs/ min.

Brief History :

Social : Education: Husband : Class VII. Wife: Class V.

Occupation : Husband : Business. Wife : Housewife.

Family members : 6 members. Support Person : Mother and husband

Personal : Any drug allergy : Nothing significant.

Medical and surgical : Past : Nothing significant.

Present : Nothing significant.

Family : Nothing significant

Financial assistance : From husband.

Marital history : Married for 2 years.

Relationship : Maintains good relationship with family members and neighbours.

Diet : Last meal time and contents : Chapati, Sabji. at 7 PM.

Bowel and bladder: Passed urine and stool.

Past Obstetric History: LCB :

No. of Year Abortion Any Mode of Place of Sex Baby Any Remarks
pregnancy (with problems delivery delivery (alive/ problem
period) during stillbirth) during
antenatal puerperium

Present Obstetric History :

Booked/ unbooked : Booked No. of antenatal check up : 4
Immunization : Inj TT 2 doses taken. Total weight gain : 10kg
Any problem during pregnancy : No.
If yes, treatment given :
Nature of labour pain (with time) : Started at 7.15 AM on 10/02/2020. She complain pain
from abdomen towards thigh.

Laboratory investigations :
Blood Group : AB Hb % : 12 gm/dl
Rh : +ve PPBS /Fasting : 80 mg/dl(fasting)
HIV : Nonreactive HbsAg : Nonreactive VDRL : Nonreactive
Urine : Sugar : Nil Alb : Nil
USG report : Single live fetus with changing lie.Active etal movement and cardiac pulsation
are visualized and corroborated with M- mod study.measurement-B.P.D:64mm corresponds
to 26weeks 3days; F.L:44mm corresponds to 24 weeks 2days; A.C: 216mm corresponds to
25weeks 6days; F.H.R:146BPM.

Physical examination :
Vital signs : BP- 130/80 mm of Hg Pulse : 80 bts/min Resp: 18 brs/min
Temp : 98.20F
General condition : Good
Eye - Pallor/normal: Normal Tongue - Dehydrated/Moist : Moist
Breast - Soft and secretory Heart - Normal
Bladder- Distended/ Evacuated : Evacuated

Lung - Normal Oedema - Absent
Any other specific findings : Nothing significant.
Any other associated condition : Nothing significant.

Abdominal examination :
Inspection : Uterine ovoid is longitudinal. Pink striaes are present . no scar mark, or sign of
infection. Uterine contraction is present. Fetal movements are visible.
SFH in cm.: 32 cm. In weeks : 39 weeks
Abdominal girth : 100 cm.
Fundal grip : A broad soft mass suggestive of buttocks is palpable.
Lateral grip : In the left lateral grip – A smooth curved and resistant mass is felt
suggestive of back.
In right lateral grip : Small, knob like, irregular parts are felt , suggestive of limbs.
First Pelvic Grip :.
Second pelvic grip :
Auscultation : 130 beats/ min.
Per vaginal examination/ vulval inspection : no signs of infection is present. Show is present.
Remarks (specifying presentation, position, engagement, etc.)
A full term pregnant with true labour pain. Findings reveal vertex presentation, LOA
position, FHR- 140 beats/min and regular. Other findings are recorded in the partograph.

Management during first stage of labour

Time of onset of labour pain
Time of full dilation of os
Rest/ walk, diet, bowel, bladder, relief of pain Woman is instructed to walk and to practice
(relaxation technique/ medication,), general deep breathing and relaxation technique
care, vulval toileting, bath, clothing, during and after contraction. She has passed
assurance, advices regarding Dos and Don’ts stool and urine. She has taken tea. No
in first stage of labour, progress notes of analgesic is given. Garments are changed.
labour, fetal and maternal condition( to be Reassurance is given. Mother is instructed
recorded in the partograph.) not to bear down. Her progress of labour is

Management during second stage of labour
Preparation of woman for delivery, shifting Woman is shifted to the labour table. She is
to labour table, positioning of the woman, advised to lie on her back with knee flexed
catheterisation, instructions for bearing and legs/ thighs apart. She is encouraged to
down, progress notes of labour, fetal and bear down during contraction. FHR is
maternal condition ( to be recorded in checked in 15 mins interval and recorded in
partograph) partograph.

Conduction of delivery
Mode of delivery Normal delivery with episiotomy
Time of delivery
Delivery of head specify if episiotomy Vulval toileting is done. Perineal guard is given.
required) Inj. Lignocaine 1% 5ml given in a fan shaped way.
Care following delivery of head , A left sided medio-lateral episiotomy is given. Head
delivery of shoulder, delivery of trunk. is delivered in between contraction. Eyes and mouth
are cleaned. There is no cord around the neck.
Restitution occurs. Then external rotation of head is
occurred and baby is born by laboured flexion
,whole body is delivered and kept on mother’s
abdomen. Cord is clamped and cut. A full term
normal living boy baby is delivered at 7.51am
on11/02/20. Baby cried immediately after birth. In
syntocin 10 unit IM is given a gush of bleeding
with permanent lengthening of cord is seen
vaginally. Uterus is hard, globular. Placenta is
expelled by controlled cord traction. Placenta and
membrane are completely expelled out at 07.59 am
0n 11/02/20. A quick placenta examination is done.

Sex of the newborn : Boy.

Disc no. of the newborn : 108

Birth weight of the newborn : 2.8 kg

Condition of the newborn :

Record if any resuscitation Baby cried immediately after birth. No resuscitation
measures taken and time of cry. measures required. General condition- good. Posture-
Respiration, heart arte, colour of well flexed. Baby cried at birth. Skin- pink, smooth,
the baby. soft. Vernix present on back, shoulder. FHR- 136 beats/
Further resuscitation measures min. respiration- 36 breaths/min, length -48 cm, HC- 33.
taken. CC- 31cm. anterior fontanelle diamond shaped and
measures 3cmx 2.5 cm. No overriding of sutures. Eyes
clean , no discharge present. Sclera is white. Top of the
pinna of ear is in horizontal plane to the outer canthus .
nasal passage is patent. Breast tissue more than 10mm.
Abdomen – soft. Anus- patent.

Total hour of labour : 12 hrs. 44 mins

1st stage : 10hrs 36min
2nd stage : 2hrs
3rd stage : 8min
Medical treatment advised (if any ):
Management of fourth stage of labour :
Condition of mother :
BP : 110/80 mmHg Temp : 98.4 0F, Pulse : 80 bts/min, Resp : 20 brs/min
Vaginal bleeding : Lochia rubra is present in average amount.
Uterus : hard, globular and mobile, SFH- 13 cm.
Level of hydration : Normal.
Bladder : Emptied.
General care : water is given to the mother.
Condition of the baby : No cord bleeding. Baby is put on mother’s breast. Baby is active and
sucking the breast.

Nursing Care process
( For mother before delivery)
Nursing Expected Nursing Intervention Evaluation
Diagnosis Outcome
Acute pain related To modify  Intensity, duration and interval Woman
to uterine behaviour to of contractions are assessed. practiced deep
contractions as decrease  Woman is advised to practice breathing and
evidenced by intensifying of deep breathing and relaxation relaxation
verbalisation and labour pain technique. technique.
facial expression,  Is instructed to relax after each
restlessness. contraction.
 Is advised not to bear down in
first stage .
 Is taught when and how to bear
down in 2nd stage of labour.
Impaired fluid & To maintain  Hydration level is assessed. Hydration level
electrolyte balance adequate  Provide liquid diet is normal.
related to nutrition.  A glass of water given during
restriction and latent phase.
perspiration in  Only sips of water is given in
labour pain 2nd stage of labour.
 Intake and output is maintained

Impaired personal To maintain  Woman is encouraged to take Woman

hygiene related proper personal bath in 1st stage of labour. expresses
labour pain hygiene.  Is advised to take mouth wash. refreshed.
 Sponging of face is done.
 Hair is made tidy.

Nursing care process
( For mother after delivery)
Nursing Expected Nursing Intervention Evaluation
Diagnosis Outcome
Disturbed body To maintain  Vital signs checked and recorded. BP -110/70 mm
system related to normal body  Hydration level is assessed. of Hg, Temp -
labour process system- vital  Fundal height and consistency is afebrile, Pulse -
signs, size and checked. 84 bts/min,
position of uterus,  Lochia(amount, colour) is checked. Resp- 20
lochia.  Sips of water is given to the brs/min

mother. Uterus is hard,

globular, lochia
is normal in

Impaired comfort To maintain  Comfortable position is given. Woman

related to after adequate comfort.  Is advised early ambulation. expresses
pain, pain in  Assessed breast for engorgement. comfort.
episiotomy area,  Wet clothes are removed.
uterine cramps,  Mother is instructed to breast feed
bleeding as the baby.
evidenced by  Is encouraged proper breast
verbalisation emptying by giving colostrum and
hind milk and continue exclusive

Nursing care process
( For Baby)
Nursing Expected Nursing Intervention Evaluation
Diagnosis Outcome
Ineffective To maintain  Baby is received in a pre warmed, Baby’s body
thermoregulation adequate sterile towel. temperature is
related to thermoregulation.  Baby is dried immediately and normal.
transition of changed the wet towel.
newborn to extra  Wrapped the baby with another pre
uterine warmed towel.
environment.  Baby is put to the mother’s chest
for to promote skin to skin contact.
 Fan is put off in the baby corner.
 Skin colour is assessed to detect
any signs of hypothermia.

Potential risk for To establish  Baby is kept at the room Baby cried
ineffective airway effective temperature of 28˚-32˚C. after birth.
related to presence breathing.  Mouth is cleaned with sterile gauze
of mucous in piece after delivery of head.
mouth and nose.  Suction of mouth and oropharynx
and nose is done.
 Tactile stimulation is given.

Signature of Student

Signature of supervisor

Conduction of Normal Delivery
Case No. – 4
Identification data
Name of the hospital : Barasat District Hospital
Name of the client : Parveen Khatun. Age : 25 yrs.
Address with husband’s name : w/o- Md. Halibar Rahaman.
Vill- Odanpur, P.S.- Deganga, Dist. – North 24 pgs.
Religion : Muslim Under Dr. : Dr. S.Samanta
Date of admission: 14/02/20 at 01.35 AM Registration no. : 13408
GPLA : G1P0L0A0 Period of gestation : 40weeks
LMP : 08/05/2019 EDD :15/02/2020
Onset of labour pain : Complain on admission : Labour pain with 39 weeks amenorrhea.
On examination findings: Os- 4 cm., Cervix- 40% Effaced, FHR- 136 bts/min
BP of the mother- 120/80 mmhg., Pulse- 86 bts/min, Resp- 20 brs/ min.

Brief History :

Social : Education: Husband : Class XI. Wife: Class IX.

Occupation : Husband : Business. Wife : Housewife.

Family members : 6 members. Support Person : Mother-in-law

Personal : Any drug allergy : Nothing significant.

Medical and surgical :

Past : Nothing significant

Present : Nothing significant

Family : Nothing Significant

Financial assistance : From husband

Marital history : Married for 4 years

Relationship : Maintains good relationship with family members and neighbours.

Diet : Last meal time and contents : Chapati, sabji. At 9 pm.

Bowel and bladder: Passed urine and stool.

Past Obstetric History: LCB :
No. of Year Abortion Any Mode of Place of Sex Baby Any Remarks
pregnancy (with problems delivery delivery (alive/ problem
period) during stillbirth) during
antenatal puerperium
Present Obstetric History :
Booked/ unbooked : Booked No. of antenatal check up : 4
Immunization : Inj TT 2 doses taken. Total weight gain : 12kg
Any problem during pregnancy : No
If yes, treatment given :
Nature of labour pain (with time) : Started at 11 pm on 14/02/20. She complain pain from
abdomen towards thigh.

Laboratory investigations :
Blood Group : B Hb % : 12.6 gm/dl
Rh : +ve PPBS /Fasting : 80 mg/dl(fasting)
HIV : NonRreactive HbsAg : Non Reactive VDRL : Non Reactive
Urine : Sugar : Nil Alb : Nil
USG report : Single live fetus with changing lie.Active etal movement and cardiac pulsation
are visualized and corroborated with M- mod study.measurement-B.P.D:64mm corresponds
to 26weeks 3days; F.L:44mm corresponds to 23 weeks 2days; A.C: 216mm corresponds to
25weeks 6days; F.H.R:148BPM.
Physical examination :
Vital signs : BP- 120/70 mm of Hg, Pulse : 80bts/min, Resp: 19 brs/min, Temp : 98.40F
General condition : Good. Eye - Pallor/normal: Normal
Tongue - Dehydrated/Moist : Moist Breast : Soft and secretory
Heart : Normal Lung : Normal
Bladder - Distended/ Evacuated : Evacuated Oedema : Absent
Any other specific findings : Nothing significant.
Any other associated condition : Nothing significant.

Abdominal examination :
Inspection : Uterine ovoid is longitudinal. Pink striaes are present . no scar mark, or sign of
infection. Uterine contraction is present. Fetal movements are visible.
SFH in cm.: 32 cm. In weeks : 40 weeks
Abdominal girth : 98cm.

Fundal grip : A broad soft mass suggestive of buttocks is palpable.
Lateral grip : In the left lateral grip – Small, knob like, irregular parts are felt , suggestive
of limbs.
In right lateral grip :A smooth curved and resistant mass is felt suggestive of back.
First Pelvic Grip :Head engaged,not balottable
Second pelvic grip :Divergence found
Auscultation : 136 beats/ min.
Per vaginal examination/ vulval inspection : no signs of infection is present. Show is present.
Remarks (specifying presentation, position, engagement, etc.)
A full term pregnant with true labour pain. Findings reveal vertex presentation, ROA
position, FHR- 140 beats/min and regular. Other findings are recorded in the partograph

Management during first stage of labour

Time of onset of labour pain
Time of full dilation of os
Rest/ walk, diet, bowel, bladder, relief of pain Woman is instructed to walk and to practice
(relaxation technique/ medication,), general deep breathing and relaxation technique
care, vulval toileting, bath, clothing, during and after contraction. She has passed
assurance, advices regarding Dos and Don’ts stool and urine. She has taken tea. No
in first stage of labour, progress notes of analgesic is given. Garments are changed.
labour, fetal and maternal condition( to be Reassurance is given. Mother is instructed
recorded in the partograph.) not to bear down. Her progress of labour is

Management during second stage of labour
Preparation of woman for delivery, shifting Woman is shifted to the labour table. She is
to labour table, positioning of the woman, advised to lie on her back with knee flexed
catheterisation, instructions for bearing and legs/ thighs apart. She is encouraged to
down, progress notes of labour, fetal and bear down during contraction. FHR is
maternal condition ( to be recorded in checked in 15 mins interval and recorded in
partograph) partograph.

Conduction of delivery
Mode of delivery Normal delivery with episiotomy
Time of delivery
Delivery of headspecify if episiotomy Vulval toileting is done. Perineal guard is given.
required) Inj. Lignocaine 1% 5ml given in a fan shaped way.
Care following delivery of head , A left sided medio-lateral episiotomy is given.
delivery of shoulder, delivery of trunk. Head is delivered in between contraction. Eyes and
mouth are cleaned. There is no cord around the
neck. Restitution occurs. Then external rotation of
head is occurred and baby is born by laboured
flexion ,whole body is delivered and kept on
mother’s abdomen. Cord is clamped and cut. A full
term normal living girl baby is delivered at 11.51
am on15/02/20. Baby cried immediately after birth.
In syntocin 10 unit IM is given a gush of bleeding
with permanent lengthening of cord is seen
vaginally. Uterus is hard, globular. Placenta is
expelled by controlled cord traction. Placenta and
membrane are completely expelled out at 12.05 pm
0n 15/02/20. A quick placenta examination is done.

Sex of the newborn : Girl.

Disc no. of the newborn : 123

Birth weight of the newborn : 2.7 kg
Condition of the newborn :
Record if any resuscitation Baby cried immediately after birth. No resuscitation
measures taken and time of cry. measures required. General condition- good. Posture-
Respiration, heart arte, colour of well flexed. Baby cried at birth. Skin- pink, smooth,
the baby. soft. Vernix present on back, shoulder. FHR- 136 beats/
Further resuscitation measures min. respiration- 32 breaths/min, length -48 cm, HC- 33.
taken. CC- 31cm. anterior fontanelle diamond shaped and
measures 3cmx 2.5 cm. No overriding of sutures. Eyes
clean , no discharge present. Sclera is white. Top of the
pinna of ear is in horizontal plane to the outer canthus .
nasal passage is patent. Breast tissue more than 10mm.
Abdomen – soft. Labia majora completely covers the
minora. Anus- patent.

Total hour of labour : 13 hrs. 05 mins

1st stage : 11hrs
2nd stage : 1hrs 51min
3rd stage :14min
Medical treatment advised (if any ):

Management of fourth stage of labour :

Condition of mother :
BP : 110/70 mmHg Temp : 98.40F Pulse : 84 bts/min Resp : 20 brs/min
Vaginal bleeding : Lochia rubra is present in average amount.
Uterus : hard, globular and mobile, SFH- 13.5 cm.
Level of hydration : Normal.
Bladder : Emptied.
General care : water is given to the mother.
Condition of the baby : no cord bleeding. Baby is put on mother’s breast. Baby is active and
sucking the breast.

Nursing Care process
( For mother before delivery)
Nursing Expected Nursing Intervention Evaluation
Diagnosis Outcome
Acute pain related To modify  Intensity, duration and interval of Woman
to uterine behaviour to contractions are assessed. practiced deep
contractions as decrease  Woman is advised to practice deep breathing and
evidenced by intensifying of breathing and relaxation technique. relaxation
verbalisation and labour pain  Is instructed to relax after each technique.
facial expression, contraction.
restlessness.  Is advised not to bear down in first
stage .
 Is taught when and how to bear
down in 2nd stage of labour.

Impaired fluid & To maintain  Hydration level is assessed. Hydration level

electrolyte balance adequate  Provide liquid diet is normal.
related to nutrition.  A glass of water given during latent
restriction and phase.
perspiration in  Only sips of water is given in 2nd
labour pain stage of labour.
 Intake and output is maintained

Impaired personal To maintain  Woman is encouraged to take bath Woman

hygiene related proper personal in 1st stage of labour. expresses
labour pain hygiene.  Is advised to take mouth wash. refreshed.
 Sponging of face is done.
 Hair is made tidy.

Nursing care process
( For mother after delivery)
Nursing Expected Nursing Intervention Evaluation
Diagnosis Outcome
Disturbed body To maintain  Vital signs checked and recorded. BP -110/70 mm
system related to normal body  Hydration level is assessed. of Hg, Temp -
labour process system- vital  Fundal height and consistency is afebrile, Pulse -
signs, size and checked. 84 bts/min,
position of uterus,  Lochia(amount, colour) is checked. Resp - 20
lochia.  Sips of water is given to the brs/min

mother. Uterus is hard,

globular, lochia
is normal in

Impaired comfort To maintain  Comfortable position is given. Woman

related to after adequate comfort.  Is advised early ambulation. expresses
pain, pain in  Assessed breast for engorgement. comfort.
episiotomy area,  Wet clothes are removed.
uterine cramps,  Mother is instructed to breast feed
bleeding as the baby.
evidenced by  Is encouraged proper breast
verbalisation emptying by giving colostrum and
hind milk and continue exclusive

Nursing care process
( For Baby)
Nursing Expected Nursing Intervention Evaluation
Diagnosis Outcome
Ineffective To maintain  Baby is received in a pre warmed, Baby’s body
thermoregulation adequate sterile towel. temperature is
related to thermoregulation.  Baby is dried immediately and normal.
transition of changed the wet towel.
newborn to extra  Wrapped the baby with another pre
uterine warmed towel.
environment.  Baby is put to the mother’s chest
for to promote skin to skin contact.
 Fan is put off in the baby corner.
 Skin colour is assessed to detect
any signs of hypothermia.

Potential risk for To establish  Baby is kept at the room Baby cried
ineffective airway effective temperature of 28˚-32˚C. after birth.
related to presence breathing.  Mouth is cleaned with sterile gauze
of mucous in piece after delivery of head.
mouth and nose.  Suction of mouth and oropharynx
and nose is done.
 Tactile stimulation is given.

Signature of Student

Signature of supervisor

Conduction of Normal Delivery
Case No. – 5
Identification data
Name of the hospital : Barasat District Hospital
Name of the client :Jaba Nath Age : 20 yrs.
Address with husband’s name : w/o-Asim Nath
Vill-Narayanpur, P.O-Laxmipur P.S.-Habra, Dist. – North 24 pgs.
Religion : Hinduism Under Dr. : Dr. S.S.Roy
Date of admission:15.02.20 at 6am Registration no. : 13054
GPLA : G1P0L0A0 Period of gestation : 40Weeks
LMP : 12/05/2019 EDD :17/02/2020
Onset of labour pain : Complain on admission : Labour pain with 39 weeks amenorrhea.
On examination findings : Os- 2 cm., Cervix- 40% Effaced, FHR- 138 bts/min
BP of the mother - 120/70 mm of Hg, Pulse- 76 bts/min, Resp- 20 brs/ min.

Brief History :

Social : Education: Husband : Graduate Wife: Class X.

Occupation : Husband : Business. Wife : Housewife.

Family members : 4 member Support Person : Mother-in-law and husband

Personal : Any drug allergy : Nothing significant.

Medical and surgical :

Past : Nothing significant.

Present : Nothing significant.

Family : Nothing Significant

Financial assistance : From husband.

Marital history : Married for 2 years.

Relationship : maintains good relationship with family members and neighbours.

Diet : Last meal time and contents : Chapati, sabji. at 8 pm.

Bowel and bladder: Passed urine and stool.

Past Obstetric History: LCB :
No. of Year Abortion Any Mode of Place of Sex Baby Any Remarks
pregnancy (with problems delivery delivery (alive/ problem
period) during stillbirth) during
antenatal puerperium

Present Obstetric History :

Booked/ unbooked : Booked No. of antenatal check up : 4
Immunization : Inj TT 2 doses taken. Total weight gain : 11kg
Any problem during pregnancy : No.
If yes, treatment given :
Nature of labour pain (with time) : Started at 9 am on 15/02/20. She complain pain from
abdomen towards thigh.

Laboratory investigations :
Blood Group : B Hb %: 12.8 gm/dl
Rh : +ve PPBS /Fasting : 78 mg/dl(fasting)
HIV : Nonreactive HbsAg : Nonreactive VDRL : Nonreactive
Urine : Sugar : Nil Alb : Nil
USG report : Single live fetus with changing lie.Active etal movement and cardiac pulsation
are visualized and corroborated with M- mod study.measurement-B.P.D:64mm corresponds
to 26weeks 3days; F.L:44mm corresponds to 23 weeks 2days; A.C: 216mm corresponds to
25weeks 6days; F.H.R:150BPM.
Physical examination :
Vital signs : BP- 120/80 mmHg, Pulse- 80 bts/min Resp.- 18 brs/min Temp.-98˚F
General condition : Good
Eye - Pallor/normal: Normal Tongue - Dehydrated/Moist : Moist
Breast : Soft and secretory Heart : Normal Lung : Normal
Bladder- Distended/ Evacuated : Evacuated Oedema : Absent
Any other specific findings : Nothing significant
Any other associated condition : Nothing significant

Abdominal examination :
Inspection : Uterine ovoid is longitudinal. Pink striaes are present . no scar mark, or sign of
infection. Uterine contraction is present. Fetal movements are visible.
SFH in cm.: 32 cm. In weeks : 40 weeks
Abdominal girth : 98 cm.

Fundal grip : A broad soft mass suggestive of buttocks is palpable.
Lateral grip : In the left lateral grip – A smooth curved and resistant mass is felt
suggestive of back.
In right lateral grip : Small, knob like, irregular parts are felt , suggestive of limbs.
First Pelvic Grip :.
Second pelvic grip :
Auscultation : 130 beats/ min.
Per vaginal examination/ vulval inspection : no signs of infection is present. Show is present.
Remarks (specifying presentation, position, engagement, etc.)
A full term pregnant with true labour pain. Findings reveal vertex presentation, LOA
position, FHR- 142 beats/min and regular. Other findings are recorded in the partograph

Management during first stage of labour

Time of onset of labour pain
Time of full dilation of os
Rest/ walk, diet, bowel, bladder, relief of pain Woman is instructed to walk and to practice
(relaxation technique/ medication,), general deep breathing and relaxation technique
care, vulval toileting, bath, clothing, during and after contraction. She has passed
assurance, advices regarding Dos and Don’ts stool and urine. She has taken tea. No
in first stage of labour, progress notes of analgesic is given. Garments are changed.
labour, fetal and maternal condition( to be Reassurance is given. Mother is instructed
recorded in the partograph.) not to bear down. Her progress of labour is

Management during second stage of labour
Preparation of woman for delivery, shifting Woman is shifted to the labour table. She is
to labour table, positioning of the woman, advised to lie on her back with knee flexed
catheterisation, instructions for bearing and legs/ thighs apart. She is encouraged to
down, progress notes of labour, fetal and bear down during contraction. FHR is
maternal condition ( to be recorded in checked in 15 mins interval and recorded in
partograph) partograph.

Conduction of delivery
Mode of delivery Normal delivery with episiotomy
Time of delivery
Delivery of head specify if episiotomy Vulval toileting is done. Perineal guard is given.
required) Inj. Lignocaine 1% 5ml given in a fan shaped way.
Care following delivery of head , A left sided medio-lateral episiotomy is given. Head
delivery of shoulder, delivery of trunk. is delivered in between contraction. Eyes and mouth
are cleaned. There is no cord around the neck.
Restitution occurs. Then external rotation of head is
occurred and baby is born by laboured flexion
,whole body is delivered and kept on mother’s
abdomen. Cord is clamped and cut. A full term
normal living girl baby is delivered at 8.55 am
on16/02/20. Baby cried immediately after birth. In
syntocin 10 unit IM is given a gush of bleeding
with permanent lengthening of cord is seen
vaginally. Uterus is hard, globular. Placenta is
expelled by controlled cord traction. Placenta and
membrane are completely expelled out at 09.10 am
0n 16/02/20. A quick placenta examination is done.

Sex of the newborn : Boy

Disc no. of the newborn : 402
Birth weight of the newborn : 2.8 kg

Condition of the newborn :
Record if any resuscitation Baby cried immediately after birth. No resuscitation
measures taken and time of cry. measures required. General condition- good. Posture-
Respiration, heart arte, colour of well flexed. Baby cried at birth. Skin- pink, smooth,
the baby. soft. Vernix present on back, shoulder. FHR- 1368beats/
Further resuscitation measures min. respiration- 40 breaths/min, length -48 cm, HC- 33.
taken. CC- 31cm. anterior fontanelle diamond shaped and
measures 3cmx 2.5 cm. No overriding of sutures. Eyes
clean , no discharge present. Sclera is white. Top of the
pinna of ear is in horizontal plane to the outer canthus .
nasal passage is patent. Breast tissue more than 10mm.
Abdomen – soft. Anus- patent.

Total hour of labour : 12 hrs. 10 mins

1st stage : 10 hrs
2nd stage : 1hrs 55 min
3rd stage : 15 min
Medical treatment advised (if any ):
Management of fourth stage of labour :

Condition of mother :
BP : 110/70 mmHg Temp : 98.4 0F Pulse : 84 bts/min Resp : 20 brs/min
Vaginal bleeding : Lochia rubra is present in average amount.
Uterus : hard, globular and mobile, SFH- 15 cm.
Level of hydration : Normal.
Bladder : Emptied.
General care : Water is given to the mother.
Condition of the baby : No cord bleeding. Baby is put on mother’s breast. Baby is active and
sucking the breast.

Nursing Care process
( For mother before delivery)
Nursing Expected Nursing Intervention Evaluation
Diagnosis Outcome
Acute pain related To modify  Intensity, duration and interval of Woman
to uterine behaviour to contractions are assessed. practiced deep
contractions as decrease  Woman is advised to practice deep breathing and
evidenced by intensifying of breathing and relaxation technique. relaxation
verbalisation and labour pain  Is instructed to relax after each technique.
facial expression, contraction.
restlessness.  Is advised not to bear down in first
stage .
 Is taught when and how to bear
down in 2nd stage of labour.

Impaired fluid & To maintain  Hydration level is assessed. Hydration level

electrolyte balance adequate  Provide liquid diet is normal.
related to nutrition.  A glass of water given during latent
restriction and phase.
perspiration in  Only sips of water is given in 2nd
labour pain stage of labour.
 Intake and output is maintained

Impaired personal To maintain  Woman is encouraged to take bath Woman

hygiene related proper personal in 1st stage of labour. expresses
labour pain hygiene.  Is advised to take mouth wash. refreshed.
 Sponging of face is done.
 Hair is made tidy.

Nursing care process
( For mother after delivery)
Nursing Expected Nursing Intervention Evaluation
Diagnosis Outcome
Disturbed body To maintain  Vital signs checked and recorded. BP -110/70 mm
system related to normal body  Hydration level is assessed. of Hg, Temp -
labour process system- vital  Fundal height and consistency is afebrile, Pulse -
signs, size and checked. 84 bts/min,
position of uterus,  Lochia(amount, colour) is checked. Resp - 20
lochia.  Sips of water is given to the brs/min

mother. Uterus is hard,

globular, lochia
is normal in

Impaired comfort To maintain  Comfortable position is given. Woman

related to after adequate comfort.  Is advised early ambulation. expresses
pain, pain in  Assessed breast for engorgement. comfort.
episiotomy area,  Wet clothes are removed.
uterine cramps,  Mother is instructed to breast feed
bleeding as the baby.
evidenced by  Is encouraged proper breast
verbalisation emptying by giving colostrum and
hind milk and continue exclusive

Nursing care process
( For Baby)
Nursing Expected Nursing Intervention Evaluation
Diagnosis Outcome
Ineffective To maintain  Baby is received in a pre warmed, Baby’s body
thermoregulation adequate sterile towel. temperature is
related to thermoregulation.  Baby is dried immediately and normal.
transition of changed the wet towel.
newborn to extra  Wrapped the baby with another pre
uterine warmed towel.
environment.  Baby is put to the mother’s chest
for to promote skin to skin contact.
 Fan is put off in the baby corner.
 Skin colour is assessed to detect
any signs of hypothermia.

Potential risk for To establish  Baby is kept at the room Baby cried
ineffective airway effective temperature of 28˚-32˚C. after birth.
related to presence breathing.  Mouth is cleaned with sterile gauze
of mucous in piece after delivery of head.
mouth and nose.  Suction of mouth and oropharynx
and nose is done.
 Tactile stimulation is given.

Signature of Student

Signature of supervisor

Conduction of Normal Delivery
Case No. – 6
Identification data
Name of the hospital : Barasat District Hospital
Name of the client : Resma Khatun Age : 23 yrs.
Address with husband’s name : w/o- Sofikul Islam
Vill-Teghoria, P.O-Golabari bazar, P.S.-Sashan , Dist- North-24 Parganas.
Religion : Muslim Under Dr. : Dr. R.K.Mondal
Date of admission:12/02/2020 at 1.30 PM Registration no: 13444
GPLA : G1P0L0A0 Period of gestation : 40 Weeks
LMP : 07/05/2019 EDD : 14/02/2020
Onset of labour pain : Complain on admission : Labour pain with 40 weeks amenorrhea.
On examination findings: Os- 3 cm., Cervix- 40% Effaced, FHR- 144 bts/min
BP of the mother- 110/70 mmhg., Pulse- 78 bts/min, Resp- 22 brs/ min.

Brief History :

Social : Education: Husband : Class VI Wife: Class V

Occupation : Husband : Labour Wife : housewife.

Family members : 4 members. Support Person : Mother-in-law

Personal : Any drug allergy : Nothing significant.

Medical and surgical : Past : Nothing significant.

Present : Nothing significant.

Family : Nothing Significant

Financial assistance : From husband.

Marital history : Married for 3 years.

Relationship : Maintains good relationship with family members and neighbours.

Diet : Last meal time and contents : Chapati, Sabji. at 7 PM.

Bowel and bladder : Passed urine and stool.

Past Obstetric History: LCB :

No. of Year Abortion Any Mode of Place of Sex Baby Any Remarks
pregnancy (with problems delivery delivery (alive/ problem
period) during stillbirth) during
antenatal puerperium
Present Obstetric History :
Booked/ unbooked : Booked No. of antenatal check up : 4
Immunization : Inj TT 2 doses taken. Total weight gain : 12kg
Any problem during pregnancy : No.
If yes, treatment given :
Nature of labour pain (with time) : Started at 2.30 pm on 12/02/20. She complain pain from
abdomen towards thigh.
Laboratory investigations :
Blood Group : B Hb % : 11 gm/dl
Rh : +ve PPBS /Fasting : 80 mg/dl(fasting)
HIV : Nonreactive HbsAg : Nonreactive VDRL : Non-reactive
Urine : Sugar : Nil Alb : Nil
USG report : Single live fetus with changing lie.Active etal movement and cardiac pulsation
are visualized and corroborated with M- mod study.measurement-B.P.D:64mm corresponds
to 26weeks 3days; F.L:44mm corresponds to 23 weeks 2days; A.C: 216mm corresponds to
25weeks 6days; F.H.R:140BPM.
Physical examination :
Vital signs : BP- 120/78 mm Hg, Pulse : 84 bts/min Resp : 18 brs/min Temp : 980F
General condition : Good
Eye - Pallor/normal: Normal Tongue - Dehydrated/Moist: Moist
Breast : Soft and secretory Heart : Normal Lung : Normal
Bladder: Distended/ Evacuated : Evacuated Oedema : Absent
Any other specific findings : Nothing significant
Any other associated condition : Nothing significant

Abdominal examination :
Inspection : Uterine ovoid is longitudinal. Pink striaes are present . no scar mark, or sign of
infection. Uterine contraction is present. Fetal movements are visible.
SFH in cm.: 32 cm. In weeks : 40 weeks
Abdominal girth : 98 cm.

Fundal grip : A broad soft mass suggestive of buttocks is palpable.
Lateral grip : In the left lateral grip – A smooth curved and resistant mass is felt
suggestive of back.
In right lateral grip : Small, knob like, irregular parts are felt , suggestive of limbs.
First Pelvic Grip :.
Second pelvic grip :
Auscultation : 140 beats/ min.
Per vaginal examination/ vulval inspection : no signs of infection is present. Show is present.
Remarks (specifying presentation, position, engagement, etc.)
A full term pregnant with true labour pain. Findings reveal vertex presentation, LOA
position, FHR- 140 beats/min and regular. Other findings are recorded in the partograph

Management during first stage of labour

Time of onset of labour pain
Time of full dilation of os
Rest/ walk, diet, bowel, bladder, relief of pain Woman is instructed to walk and to practice
(relaxation technique/ medication,), general deep breathing and relaxation technique
care, vulval toileting, bath, clothing, during and after contraction. She has passed
assurance, advices regarding Dos and Don’ts stool and urine. She has taken tea. No
in first stage of labour, progress notes of analgesic is given. Garments are changed.
labour, fetal and maternal condition( to be Reassurance is given. Mother is instructed
recorded in the partograph.) not to bear down. Her progress of labour is

Management during second stage of labour
Preparation of woman for delivery, shifting Woman is shifted to the labour table. She is
to labour table, positioning of the woman, advised to lie on her back with knee flexed
catheterisation, instructions for bearing and legs/ thighs apart. She is encouraged to
down, progress notes of labour, fetal and bear down during contraction. FHR is
maternal condition ( to be recorded in checked in 15 mins interval and recorded in
partograph) partograph.

Conduction of delivery
Mode of delivery Normal delivery with episiotomy
Time of delivery
Delivery of head9specify if episiotomy Vulval toileting is done. Perineal guard is given.
required) Inj. Lignocaine 1% 5ml given in a fan shaped way.
Care following delivery of head , A left sided medio-lateral episiotomy is given.
delivery of shoulder, delivery of trunk. Head is delivered in between contraction. Eyes and
mouth are cleaned. There is no cord around the
neck. Restitution occurs. Then external rotation of
head is occurred and baby is born by laboured
flexion ,whole body is delivered and kept on
mother’s abdomen. Cord is clamped and cut. A full
term normal living girl baby is delivered at 3.30PM
on13/02/20. Baby cried immediately after birth. In
syntocin 10 unit IM is given a gush of bleeding
with permanent lengthening of cord is seen
vaginally. Uterus is hard, globular. Placenta is
expelled by controlled cord traction. Placenta and
membrane are completely expelled out at 3.40PM
0n 13/02/20. A quick placenta examination is done.

Sex of the newborn : Boy.

Disc no. of the newborn : 105
Birth weight of the newborn : 2.6kg

Condition of the newborn :
Record if any resuscitation Baby cried immediately after birth. No resuscitation
measures taken and time of cry. measures required. General condition- good. Posture-
Respiration, heart arte, colour of well flexed. Baby cried at birth. Skin- pink, smooth,
the baby. soft. Vernix present on back, shoulder. FHR- 138 beats/
Further resuscitation measures min. respiration- 36 breaths/min, length -47 cm, HC- 33.
taken. CC- 31cm. anterior fontanelle diamond shaped and
measures 3cmx 2.5 cm. No overriding of sutures. Eyes
clean , no discharge present. Sclera is white. Top of the
pinna of ear is in horizontal plane to the outer canthus .
nasal passage is patent. Breast tissue more than 10mm.
Abdomen – soft. Labia majora completely covers the
minora. Anus- patent.

Total hour of labour : 13 hrs 40 mins

1st stage : 12 hrs.
2nd stage : 1hrs 30min
3rd stage : 10 min
Medical treatment advised (if any ):Nothing Significant

Management of fourth stage of labour :

Condition of mother :
BP :110/70 mmHg Temp : Afebrile Pulse : 84 bts/min Resp : 20 brs/min
Vaginal bleeding : Lochia rubra is present in average amount.
Uterus : hard, globular and mobile, SFH- 14 cm.
Level of hydration : Normal.
Bladder : Emptied.
General care : Water is given to the mother.
Condition of the baby : No cord bleeding. Baby is put on mother’s breast. Baby is active and
sucking the breast.

Nursing Care process
( For mother before delivery)
Nursing Expected Nursing Intervention Evaluation
Diagnosis Outcome
Acute pain related To modify  Intensity, duration and interval of Woman
to uterine behaviour to contractions are assessed. practiced deep
contractions as decrease  Woman is advised to practice deep breathing and
evidenced by intensifying of breathing and relaxation technique. relaxation
verbalisation and labour pain  Is instructed to relax after each technique.
facial expression, contraction.
restlessness.  Is advised not to bear down in first
stage .
 Is taught when and how to bear
down in 2nd stage of labour.

Impaired fluid & To maintain  Hydration level is assessed. Hydration level

electrolyte balance adequate  Provide liquid diet is normal.
related to nutrition.  A glass of water given during latent
restriction and phase.
perspiration in  Only sips of water is given in 2nd
labour pain stage of labour.
 Intake and output is maintained

Impaired personal To maintain  Woman is encouraged to take bath Woman

hygiene related proper personal in 1st stage of labour. expresses
labour pain hygiene.  Is advised to take mouth wash. refreshed.
 Sponging of face is done.
 Hair is made tidy.

Nursing care process
( For mother after delivery)
Nursing Expected Nursing Intervention Evaluation
Diagnosis Outcome
Disturbed body To maintain  Vital signs checked and recorded. BP -110/70 mm
system related to normal body  Hydration level is assessed. of Hg, Temp -
labour process system- vital  Fundal height and consistency is afebrile, Pulse -
signs, size and checked. 84 bts/min,
position of uterus,  Lochia(amount, colour) is checked. Resp - 20
lochia.  Sips of water is given to the brs/min

mother. Uterus is hard,

globular, lochia
is normal in

Impaired comfort To maintain  Comfortable position is given. Woman

related to after adequate comfort.  Is advised early ambulation. expresses
pain, pain in  Assessed breast for engorgement. comfort.
episiotomy area,  Wet clothes are removed.
uterine cramps,  Mother is instructed to breast feed
bleeding as the baby.
evidenced by  Is encouraged proper breast
verbalisation emptying by giving colostrum and
hind milk and continue exclusive

Nursing care process
( For Baby)
Nursing Expected Nursing Intervention Evaluation
Diagnosis Outcome
Ineffective To maintain  Baby is received in a pre warmed, Baby’s body
thermoregulation adequate sterile towel. temperature is
related to thermoregulation.  Baby is dried immediately and normal.
transition of changed the wet towel.
newborn to extra  Wrapped the baby with another pre
uterine warmed towel.
environment.  Baby is put to the mother’s chest
for to promote skin to skin contact.
 Fan is put off in the baby corner.
 Skin colour is assessed to detect
any signs of hypothermia.

Potential risk for To establish  Baby is kept at the room Baby cried
ineffective airway effective temperature of 28˚-32˚C. after birth.
related to presence breathing.  Mouth is cleaned with sterile gauze
of mucous in piece after delivery of head.
mouth and nose.  Suction of mouth and oropharynx
and nose is done.
 Tactile stimulation is given.

Signature of Student

Signature of supervisor

Conduction of Normal Delivery
Case No. – 7
Identification data
Name of the hospital : Barasat District Hospital
Name of the client : Kakali Ghosh Age : 24yrs.
Address with husband’s name : w/o- Dipankar Ghosh
Vill- Sonadanga, P.O-kamdevpur, P.S-Amdanga , Dist- North-24 Parganas.
Religion : Muslim Under Dr. : Dr.Dalia Roy
Date of admission:15.02.20 at 7.30am Registration no. : 13141
GPLA : G1P0L0A0 Period of gestation : 40 weeks
LMP : 08/05/2019 EDD : 15/02/2020
Onset of labour pain : Complain on admission labour pain with 40 weeks amenorrhea.
On examination findings: Os- 8 cm., Cervix- 90% Effaced, FHR- 140 bts/min
BP of the mother- 120/70 mm of Hg, Pulse- 78 bts/min, Resp- 20 brs/ min.

Brief History :

Social : Education: Husband : Class X. Wife: Class VII.

Occupation : Husband : Business. Wife : housewife.

Family members : 4 members. Support Person : Mother-in-law and husband

Personal : Any drug allergy : Nothing significant.

Medical and surgical : Past : Nothing significant.

Present : Nothing significant.

Family : Nothing Significant

Financial assistance : From husband.

Marital history : Married for 2 years.

Relationship : Maintains good relationship with family members and neighbours.

Diet : Last meal time and contents : Chapati, sabji. at 8 PM.

Bowel and bladder: Passed urine and stool.

Past Obstetric History: LCB :

No. of Year Abortion Any Mode of Place of Sex Baby Any Remarks
pregnancy (with problems delivery delivery (alive/ problem
period) during stillbirth) during
antenatal puerperium

Present Obstetric History :

Booked/ unbooked : Booked No. of antenatal check up : 4
Immunization : Inj TT 2 doses taken. Total weight gain : 11kg
Any problem during pregnancy : No.
If yes, treatment given :
Nature of labour pain (with time) : Started at 7.40 AM on 15/02/20. She complain pain from
abdomen towards thigh.

Laboratory investigations :
Blood Group : A Hb % : 12 gm/dl
Rh : +ve PPBS /Fasting : 78 mg/dl(fasting)
HIV : Nonreactive HbsAg : Nonreactive VDRL : Nonreactive
Urine : Sugar : Nil Alb : Nil
USG report : Single live fetus with changing lie.Active etal movement and cardiac pulsation
are visualized and corroborated with M- mod study.measurement-B.P.D:64mm corresponds
to 26weeks 3days; F.L:44mm corresponds to 23 weeks 2days; A.C: 216mm corresponds to
25weeks 6days; F.H.R:160BPM.

Physical examination :
Vital signs : BP- 120/78 mm of Hg, Pulse : 80 bts/min, Resp : 20 brs/min, Temp:98.40F
General condition : Good
Eye - Pallor/normal: Normal Tongue - Dehydrated/Moist: Moist
Breast : Soft and secretory Heart : Normal Lung : Normal
Bladder- Distended/ Evacuated : Evacuated Oedema : Absent
Any other specific findings : Nothing significant
Any other associated condition : Nothing significant

Abdominal examination :
Inspection : Uterine ovoid is longitudinal. Pink striaes are present . no scar mark, or sign of
infection. Uterine contraction is present. Fetal movements are visible.
SFH in cm.: 32 cm. In weeks : 40 weeks
Abdominal girth : 96 cm.

Fundal grip : A broad soft mass suggestive of buttocks is palpable.
Lateral grip : In the left lateral grip – A smooth curved and resistant mass is felt
suggestive of back.
In right lateral grip : Small, knob like, irregular parts are felt , suggestive of limbs.
First Pelvic Grip :.
Second pelvic grip :
Auscultation : 138 beats/ min.
Per vaginal examination/ vulval inspection : no signs of infection is present. Show is present.
Remarks (specifying presentation, position, engagement, etc.)
A full term pregnant with true labour pain. Findings reveal vertex presentation, LOA
position, FHR- 140 beats/min and regular. Other findings are recorded in the partograph

Management during first stage of labour

Time of onset of labour pain
Time of full dilation of os
Rest/ walk, diet, bowel, bladder, relief of pain Woman is instructed to walk and to practice
(relaxation technique/ medication,), general deep breathing and relaxation technique
care, vulval toileting, bath, clothing, during and after contraction. She has passed
assurance, advices regarding Dos and Don’ts stool and urine. She has taken tea. No
in first stage of labour, progress notes of analgesic is given. Garments are changed.
labour, fetal and maternal condition( to be Reassurance is given. Mother is instructed
recorded in the partograph.) not to bear down. Her progress of labour is

Management during second stage of labour
Preparation of woman for delivery, shifting Woman is shifted to the labour table. She is
to labour table, positioning of the woman, advised to lie on her back with knee flexed
catheterisation, instructions for bearing and legs/ thighs apart. She is encouraged to
down, progress notes of labour, fetal and bear down during contraction. FHR is
maternal condition ( to be recorded in checked in 15 mins interval and recorded in
partograph) partograph.

Conduction of delivery
Mode of delivery Normal delivery with episiotomy
Time of delivery
Delivery of head9specify if episiotomy Vulval toileting is done. Perineal guard is given.
required) Inj. Lignocaine 1% 5ml given in a fan shaped way.
Care following delivery of head , A left sided medio-lateral episiotomy is given.
delivery of shoulder, delivery of trunk. Head is delivered in between contraction. Eyes and
mouth are cleaned. There is no cord around the
neck. Restitution occurs. Then external rotation of
head is occurred and baby is born by laboured
flexion ,whole body is delivered and kept on
mother’s abdomen. Cord is clamped and cut. A full
term normal living boy baby is delivered at 9.30 am
on16/02/20. Baby cried immediately after birth. In
syntocin 10 unit IM is given a gush of bleeding
with permanent lengthening of cord is seen
vaginally. Uterus is hard, globular. Placenta is
expelled by controlled cord traction. Placenta and
membrane are completely expelled out at 9.45 am
on16/02/20. A quick placenta examination is done.

Sex of the newborn : Boy

Disc no. of the newborn : 699
Birth weight of the newborn : 2.6 kg

Condition of the newborn :
Record if any resuscitation Baby cried immediately after birth. No resuscitation
measures taken and time of cry. measures required. General condition- good. Posture-
Respiration, heart arte, colour of well flexed. Baby cried at birth. Skin- pink, smooth,
the baby. soft. Vernix present on back, shoulder. FHR- 140 beats/
Further resuscitation measures min. respiration- 36 breaths/min, length -48 cm, HC- 33.
taken. CC- 31cm. anterior fontanelle diamond shaped and
measures 3cmx 2.5 cm. No overriding of sutures. Eyes
clean , no discharge present. Sclera is white. Top of the
pinna of ear is in horizontal plane to the outer canthus .
nasal passage is patent. Breast tissue more than 10mm.
Abdomen – soft. Anus- patent.

Total hour of labour : 14 hrs 10 mins

1st stage : 11hrs 50 mins
2nd stage : 2 hrs
3rd stage : 15 min
Medical treatment advised (if any ):
Management of fourth stage of labour :
Condition of mother :
BP : 110/70 mmHg Temp: 98.60F Pulse : 80 bts/min Resp : 20 brs/min
Vaginal bleeding : Lochia rubra is present in average amount.
Uterus : hard, globular and mobile, SFH- 13.5 cm.
Level of hydration : Normal
Bladder : Emptied
General care : Water is given to the mother
Condition of the baby : No cord bleeding. Baby is put on mother’s breast. Baby is active and
sucking the breast.

Nursing Care process
( For mother before delivery)
Nursing Expected Nursing Intervention Evaluation
Diagnosis Outcome
Acute pain related To modify  Intensity, duration and interval of Woman
to uterine behaviour to contractions are assessed. practiced deep
contractions as decrease  Woman is advised to practice deep breathing and
evidenced by intensifying of breathing and relaxation technique. relaxation
verbalisation and labour pain  Is instructed to relax after each technique.
facial expression, contraction.
restlessness.  Is advised not to bear down in first
stage .
 Is taught when and how to bear
down in 2nd stage of labour.

Impaired fluid & To maintain  Hydration level is assessed. Hydration level

electrolyte balance adequate  Provide liquid diet is normal.
related to nutrition.  A glass of water given during latent
restriction and phase.
perspiration in  Only sips of water is given in 2nd
labour pain stage of labour.
 Intake and output is maintained

Impaired personal To maintain  Woman is encouraged to take bath Woman

hygiene related proper personal in 1st stage of labour. expresses
labour pain hygiene.  Is advised to take mouth wash. refreshed.
 Sponging of face is done.
 Hair is made tidy.

Nursing care process
( For mother after delivery)
Nursing Expected Nursing Intervention Evaluation
Diagnosis Outcome
Disturbed body To maintain  Vital signs checked and recorded. BP -110/70 mm
system related to normal body  Hydration level is assessed. of Hg, Temp -
labour process system- vital  Fundal height and consistency is afebrile, Pulse -
signs, size and checked. 84 bts/min,
position of uterus,  Lochia(amount, colour) is checked. Resp - 20
lochia.  Sips of water is given to the brs/min

mother. Uterus is hard,

globular, lochia
is normal in

Impaired comfort To maintain  Comfortable position is given. Woman

related to after adequate comfort.  Is advised early ambulation. expresses
pain, pain in  Assessed breast for engorgement. comfort.
episiotomy area,  Wet clothes are removed.
uterine cramps,  Mother is instructed to breast feed
bleeding as the baby.
evidenced by  Is encouraged proper breast
verbalisation emptying by giving colostrum and
hind milk and continue exclusive

Nursing care process
( For Baby)
Nursing Expected Nursing Intervention Evaluation
Diagnosis Outcome
Ineffective To maintain  Baby is received in a pre warmed, Baby’s body
thermoregulation adequate sterile towel. temperature is
related to thermoregulation.  Baby is dried immediately and normal.
transition of changed the wet towel.
newborn to extra  Wrapped the baby with another pre
uterine warmed towel.
environment.  Baby is put to the mother’s chest
for to promote skin to skin contact.
 Fan is put off in the baby corner.
 Skin colour is assessed to detect
any signs of hypothermia.

Potential risk for To establish  Baby is kept at the room Baby cried
ineffective airway effective temperature of 28˚-32˚C. after birth.
related to presence breathing.  Mouth is cleaned with sterile gauze
of mucous in piece after delivery of head.
mouth and nose.  Suction of mouth and oropharynx
and nose is done.
 Tactile stimulation is given.

Signature of Student

Signature of supervisor

Conduction of Normal Delivery
Case No. – 8
Identification data
Name of the hospital : Barasat District Hospital
Name of the client: Sabana Yeasmin Age : 24yrs.
Address with husband’s name : W/o- Abu Sadak
Vill-Petokhal, P.O- Barasat, P.S.- Barasat, Dist- North-24 Parganas.
Religion : Muslim Under : Dr.S.Samanta
Date of admission:10/02/2020 at 7.40 AM Registration no. : 13532
GPLA : G1P0L0A0 Period of gestation : 39 weeks 3days
LMP : 07/05/2019 EDD : 14/02/2020
Onset of labour pain : Complain on admission : labour pain with 40 weeks amenorrhea.
On examination findings: Os- 7 cm., Cervix- 70% Effaced, FHR- 140 bts/min
BP of the mother- 120/80 mmhg., Pulse- 78 bts/min, Resp- 20 brs/ min.

Brief History :

Social : Education: Husband : Class IX. Wife: Class VI.

Occupation : Husband : Shoe maker Wife : Housewife.

Family members : 6 members. Support Person : Father-in-law

Personal : Any drug allergy : Nothing significant.

Medical and surgical : Past : Nothing significant.

Present : Nothing significant.

Family : Nothing Significant

Financial assistance : From husband.

Marital history : Married for 2 years.

Relationship : maintains good relationship with family members and neighbours.

Diet : Last meal time and contents : Chapati, sabji. at 7 pm.

Bowel and bladder: Passed urine and stool.

Past Obstetric History: LCB :

No. of Year Abortion Any Mode of Place of Sex Baby Any Remarks
pregnancy (with problems delivery delivery (alive/ problem
period) during stillbirth) during
antenatal puerperium
Present Obstetric History :
Booked/ unbooked : Booked No. of antenatal check up : 4
Immunization : Inj TT 2 doses taken. Total weight gain : 10kg
Any problem during pregnancy : No
If yes, treatment given :
Nature of labour pain (with time) : Started at 9.45am on 10/02/20. She complain pain from
abdomen towards thigh.

Laboratory investigations :
Blood Group : AB Hb % : 12 gm/dl
Rh : +ve PPBS /Fasting : 80 mg/dl(fasting)
HIV : Nonreactive HbsAg : Nonreactive VDRL : Non-reactive
Urine : Sugar : Nil Alb : Nil

USG report : Single live fetus with changing lie.Active etal movement and cardiac pulsation
are visualized and corroborated with M- mod study.measurement-B.P.D:64mm corresponds
to 26weeks 3days; F.L:44mm corresponds to 23 weeks 2days; A.C: 216mm corresponds to
25weeks 6days; F.H.R:160BPM.
Physical examination :
Vital signs : BP- 130/80 mm of Hg, Pulse : 80 bts/min Resp : 18 brs/min
Temp : 98.2 F
General condition : Good Eye : Pallor/normal: Normal
Tongue :Dehydrated/Moist : Moist Breast : Soft and secretory
Heart : Normal Bladder: Distended/ Evacuated : Evacuated Lung : Normal
Oedema : Absent.
Any other specific findings : Nothing significant.

Any other associated condition : Nothing significant.
Abdominal examination :
Inspection : Uterine ovoid is longitudinal. Pink striaes are present . no scar mark, or sign of
infection. Uterine contraction is present. Fetal movements are visible.
SFH in cm.: 32 cm. In weeks : 39 weeks
Abdominal girth : 100 cm.

Fundal grip : A broad soft mass suggestive of buttocks is palpable.
Lateral grip : In the left lateral grip – A smooth curved and resistant mass is felt
suggestive of back.
In right lateral grip : Small, knob like, irregular parts are felt , suggestive of limbs.
First Pelvic Grip :.
Second pelvic grip :
Auscultation : 130 beats/ min.
Per vaginal examination/ vulval inspection : no signs of infection is present. Show is present.
Remarks (specifying presentation, position, engagement, etc.)
A full term pregnant with true labour pain. Findings reveal vertex presentation, LOA
position, FHR- 140 beats/min and regular. Other findings are recorded in the partograph

Management during first stage of labour

Time of onset of labour pain
Time of full dilation of os
Rest/ walk, diet, bowel, bladder, relief of pain Woman is instructed to walk and to practice
(relaxation technique/ medication,), general deep breathing and relaxation technique
care, vulval toileting, bath, clothing, during and after contraction. She has passed
assurance, advices regarding Dos and Don’ts stool and urine. She has taken tea. No
in first stage of labour, progress notes of analgesic is given. Garments are changed.
labour, fetal and maternal condition( to be Reassurance is given. Mother is instructed
recorded in the partograph.) not to bear down. Her progress of labour is

Management during second stage of labour
Preparation of woman for delivery, shifting Woman is shifted to the labour table. She is
to labour table, positioning of the woman, advised to lie on her back with knee flexed
catheterisation, instructions for bearing and legs/ thighs apart. She is encouraged to
down, progress notes of labour, fetal and bear down during contraction. FHR is
maternal condition ( to be recorded in checked in 15 mins interval and recorded in
partograph) partograph.

Conduction of delivery
Mode of delivery Normal delivery with episiotomy
Time of delivery
Delivery of head9specify if episiotomy Vulval toileting is done. Perineal guard is given.
required) Inj. Lignocaine 1% 5ml given in a fan shaped way.
Care following delivery of head , A left sided medio-lateral episiotomy is given.
delivery of shoulder, delivery of trunk. Head is delivered in between contraction. Eyes and
mouth are cleaned. There is no cord around the
neck. Restitution occurs. Then external rotation of
head is occurred and baby is born by laboured
flexion ,whole body is delivered and kept on
mother’s abdomen. Cord is clamped and cut. A full
term normal living boy baby is delivered at 11.40
am on11/02/20. Baby cried immediately after birth.
In syntocin 10 unit IM is given a gush of bleeding
with permanent lengthening of cord is seen
vaginally. Uterus is hard, globular. Placenta is
expelled by controlled cord traction. Placenta and
membrane are completely expelled out at 11.55 am
0n 11/02/20. A quick placenta examination is done.

Sex of the newborn : Boy.

Disc no. of the newborn : 347

Birth weight of the newborn : 2.7 kg

Condition of the newborn :

Record if any resuscitation Baby cried immediately after birth. No resuscitation
measures taken and time of cry. measures required. General condition- good. Posture-
Respiration, heart arte, colour of well flexed. Baby cried at birth. Skin- pink, smooth,
the baby. soft. Vernix present on back, shoulder. FHR- 136 beats/
Further resuscitation measures min. respiration- 36 breaths/min, length -48 cm, HC- 33.
taken. CC- 31cm. anterior fontanelle diamond shaped and
measures 3cmx 2.5 cm. No overriding of sutures. Eyes
clean , no discharge present. Sclera is white. Top of the
pinna of ear is in horizontal plane to the outer canthus .
nasal passage is patent. Breast tissue more than 10mm.
Abdomen – soft. Anus- patent.

Total hour of labour : 12 hrs. 10 mins

1st stage : 10 hrs
2nd stage : 1 hrs 55 mins
3rd stage : 15 min
Medical treatment advised (if any ):
Management of fourth stage of labour :
Condition of mother :
BP : 110/70 mmHg Temp: Afebrile Pulse : 80 bts/min Resp : 20 brs/min
Vaginal bleeding : Lochia rubra is present in average amount.
Uterus : Hard, globular and mobile, SFH- 13.5 cm.
Level of hydration : Normal
Bladder : Emptied
General care : Water is given to the mother.
Condition of the baby : No cord bleeding. Baby is put on mother’s breast. Baby is active and
sucking the breast.

Nursing Care process
( For mother before delivery)
Nursing Expected Nursing Intervention Evaluation
Diagnosis Outcome
Acute pain related To modify  Intensity, duration and interval of Woman
to uterine behaviour to contractions are assessed. practiced deep
contractions as decrease  Woman is advised to practice deep breathing and
evidenced by intensifying of breathing and relaxation technique. relaxation
verbalisation and labour pain  Is instructed to relax after each technique.
facial expression, contraction.
restlessness.  Is advised not to bear down in first
stage .
 Is taught when and how to bear
down in 2nd stage of labour.

Impaired fluid & To maintain  Hydration level is assessed. Hydration level

electrolyte balance adequate  Provide liquid diet is normal.
related to nutrition.  A glass of water given during latent
restriction and phase.
perspiration in  Only sips of water is given in 2nd
labour pain stage of labour.
 Intake and output is maintained

Impaired personal To maintain  Woman is encouraged to take bath Woman

hygiene related proper personal in 1st stage of labour. expresses
labour pain hygiene.  Is advised to take mouth wash. refreshed.
 Sponging of face is done.
 Hair is made tidy.

Nursing care process
( For mother after delivery)
Nursing Expected Nursing Intervention Evaluation
Diagnosis Outcome
Disturbed body To maintain  Vital signs checked and recorded. BP -110/70
system related to normal body  Hydration level is assessed. mmHg, Temp.-
labour process system- vital  Fundal height and consistency is afebrile, Pulse :
signs, size and checked. 84 bts/min,
position of uterus,  Lochia(amount, colour) is checked. Resp.- 20
lochia.  Sips of water is given to the brs/min

mother. Uterus is hard,

globular, lochia
is normal in

Impaired comfort To maintain  Comfortable position is given. Woman

related to after adequate comfort.  Is advised early ambulation. expresses
pain, pain in  Assessed breast for engorgement. comfort.
episiotomy area,  Wet clothes are removed.
uterine cramps,  Mother is instructed to breast feed
bleeding as the baby.
evidenced by  Is encouraged proper breast
verbalisation emptying by giving colostrum and
hind milk and continue exclusive

Nursing care process
( For Baby)
Nursing Expected Nursing Intervention Evaluation
Diagnosis Outcome
Ineffective To maintain  Baby is received in a pre warmed, Baby’s body
thermoregulation adequate sterile towel. temperature is
related to thermoregulation.  Baby is dried immediately and normal.
transition of changed the wet towel.
newborn to extra  Wrapped the baby with another pre
uterine warmed towel.
environment.  Baby is put to the mother’s chest
for to promote skin to skin contact.
 Fan is put off in the baby corner.
 Skin colour is assessed to detect
any signs of hypothermia.

Potential risk for To establish  Baby is kept at the room Baby cried
ineffective airway effective temperature of 28˚-32˚C. after birth.
related to presence breathing.  Mouth is cleaned with sterile gauze
of mucous in piece after delivery of head.
mouth and nose.  Suction of mouth and oropharynx
and nose is done.
 Tactile stimulation is given.

Signature of Student

Signature of supervisor

Conduction of Normal Delivery
Case No. – 9
Identification data
Name of the hospital : Barasat District Hospital
Name of the client : Tuhina Bibi . Age : 24yrs.
Address with husband’s name : w/o- Saber Ali Gazi
Vill-Petokhal, P.O- Barasat, P.S.- Barasat, Dist- North-24 Parganas.

Religion : Muslim Under Dr. : Dr. S.S.Roy

Date of admission: 15/02/20 at 5am Registration no. : 13062
GPLA : G1P0L0A0 Period of gestation :39 weeks 5days
LMP : 09/05/2019 EDD : 16/02/2020
Onset of labour pain : Complain on admission : labour pain with 40 weeks amenorrhea.
On examination findings: Os- 4 cm., Cervix- 40% Effaced, FHR- 136 bts/min
BP of the mother- 116/76 mm of Hg, Pulse- 86 bts/min, Resp- 20 brs/ min.

Brief History :

Social : Education: Husband : Class IX Wife: Class IV.

Occupation : Husband : Hawker Wife : Housewife.

Family members : 4 members. Support Person : Mother-in-law

Personal : Any drug allergy : Nothing significant.

Medical and surgical : Past : Nothing significant.

Present : Nothing significant.

Family : Nothing Significant

Financial assistance : From husband.

Marital history : Married for 4 years.

Relationship : Maintains good relationship with family members and neighbours.

Diet : Last meal time and contents : Chapati, Sabji. At 9 pm.

Bowel and bladder: Passed urine and stool.

Past Obstetric History : LCB :
No. Year Abortion( Any Mode Place Sex Baby(aliv Any Remarks
of with problem of of e/stillbirt problem
pregn period) s during deliver delive h) during
ancy antenata y ry puerperium
l period

Present Obstetric History :

Booked/ unbooked : Booked No. of antenatal check up : 4
Immunization : Inj TT 2 doses taken. Total weight gain : 11kg
Any problem during pregnancy : No
If yes, treatment given :
Nature of labour pain (with time) : Started at 7am on 15/02/20. She complain pain from
abdomen towards thigh.
Laboratory investigations :
Blood Group : A Hb % : 12gm/dl
Rh : +ve PPBS /Fasting : 80 mg/dl(fasting)
HIV : Nonreactive HbsAg : Nonreactive VDRL : Nonreactive
Urine : Sugar : Nil Alb : Nil
USG report : Single live fetus with changing lie.Active etal movement and cardiac pulsation
are visualized and corroborated with M- mod study.measurement-B.P.D:64mm corresponds
to 26weeks 3days; F.L:44mm corresponds to 23 weeks 2days; A.C: 216mm corresponds to
25weeks 6days; F.H.R:160BPM.
Physical examination :
Vital signs : BP- 120/70 mm of Hg Pulse: 84 bts/min Resp :18 brs/min Temp:98.40F
General condition : Good Eye : Pallor/normal: Normal
Tongue :Dehydrated/Moist : Moist Breast : Soft and secretory
Heart : Normal Bladder: Distended/ Evacuated : Evacuated
Lung : Normal Oedema : Absent
Any other specific findings : Nothing significant
Any other associated condition : Nothing significant

Abdominal examination :
Inspection : Uterine ovoid is longitudinal. Pink striaes are present . no scar mark, or sign of
infection. Uterine contraction is present. Fetal movements are visible.
SFH in cm.: 32 cm. In weeks : 40 weeks
Abdominal girth : 98cm.

Fundal grip : A broad soft mass suggestive of buttocks is palpable.
Lateral grip : In the left lateral grip – Small, knob like, irregular parts are felt , suggestive
of limbs.
In right lateral grip :A smooth curved and resistant mass is felt suggestive of back.
First Pelvic Grip :
Second pelvic grip :
Auscultation : 130 beats/ min.
Per vaginal examination/ vulval inspection : no signs of infection is present. Show is present.
Remarks (specifying presentation, position, engagement, etc.)
A full term pregnant with true labour pain. Findings reveal vertex presentation, ROA
position, FHR- 140 beats/min and regular. Other findings are recorded in the partograph

Management during first stage of labour

Time of onset of labour pain
Time of full dilation of os
Rest/ walk, diet, bowel, bladder, relief of pain Woman is instructed to walk and to practice
(relaxation technique/ medication,), general deep breathing and relaxation technique
care, vulval toileting, bath, clothing, during and after contraction. She has passed
assurance, advices regarding Dos and Don’ts stool and urine. She has taken tea. No
in first stage of labour, progress notes of analgesic is given. Garments are changed.
labour, fetal and maternal condition( to be Reassurance is given. Mother is instructed
recorded in the partograph.) not to bear down. Her progress of labour is

Management during second stage of labour
Preparation of woman for delivery, shifting Woman is shifted to the labour table. She is
to labour table, positioning of the woman, advised to lie on her back with knee flexed
catheterisation, instructions for bearing and legs/ thighs apart. She is encouraged to
down, progress notes of labour, fetal and bear down during contraction. FHR is
maternal condition ( to be recorded in checked in 15 mins interval and recorded in
partograph) partograph.

Conduction of delivery
Mode of delivery Normal delivery with episiotomy
Time of delivery
Delivery of headspecify if episiotomy Vulval toileting is done. Perineal guard is given.
required) Inj. Lignocaine 1% 5ml given in a fan shaped way.
Care following delivery of head , A left sided medio-lateral episiotomy is given.
delivery of shoulder, delivery of trunk. Head is delivered in between contraction. Eyes and
mouth are cleaned. There is no cord around the
neck. Restitution occurs. Then external rotation of
head is occurred and baby is born by laboured
flexion ,whole body is delivered and kept on
mother’s abdomen. Cord is clamped and cut. A full
term normal living girl baby is delivered at 9am
on16/02/20. Baby cried immediately after birth. In
syntocin 10 unit IM is given a gush of bleeding
with permanent lengthening of cord is seen
vaginally. Uterus is hard, globular. Placenta is
expelled by controlled cord traction. Placenta and
membrane are completely expelled out at 9.06 am
0n 16/02/20. A quick placenta examination is done.

Sex of the newborn : Girl.

Disc no. of the newborn : 14
Birth weight of the newborn : 2.750 kg

Condition of the newborn :
Record if any resuscitation Baby cried immediately after birth. No resuscitation
measures taken and time of cry. measures required. General condition- good. Posture-
Respiration, heart arte, colour of well flexed. Baby cried at birth. Skin- pink, smooth,
the baby. soft. Vernix present on back, shoulder. FHR- 136 beats/
Further resuscitation measures min. respiration- 32 breaths/min, length -50 cm, HC- 33.
taken. CC- 31cm. anterior fontanelle diamond shaped and
measures 3cmx 2.5 cm. No overriding of sutures. Eyes
clean , no discharge present. Sclera is white. Top of the
pinna of ear is in horizontal plane to the outer canthus .
nasal passage is patent. Breast tissue more than 10mm.
Abdomen – soft. Labia majora completely covers the
minora. Anus- patent.

Total hour of labour : 14 hrs. 6 mins

1st stage : 12 hrs
2nd stage : 2 hrs
3rd stage :6 min
Medical treatment advised (if any ):

Management of fourth stage of labour :

Condition of mother :
BP :110/70 mmHg Temp : Afebrile Pulse : 84 bts/min Resp : 20 brs/min
Vaginal bleeding : Lochia rubra is present in average amount.
Uterus : hard, globular and mobile, SFH- 13.5 cm.
Level of hydration : Normal.
Bladder : Emptied.
General care : water is given to the mother.
Condition of the baby : no cord bleeding. Baby is put on mother’s breast. Baby is active and
sucking the breast.

Nursing Care process
( For mother before delivery)
Nursing Expected Nursing Intervention Evaluation
Diagnosis Outcome
Acute pain related To modify  Intensity, duration and interval of Woman
to uterine behaviour to contractions are assessed. practiced deep
contractions as decrease  Woman is advised to practice deep breathing and
evidenced by intensifying of breathing and relaxation technique. relaxation
verbalisation and labour pain  Is instructed to relax after each technique.
facial expression, contraction.
restlessness.  Is advised not to bear down in first
stage .
 Is taught when and how to bear
down in 2nd stage of labour.

Impaired fluid & To maintain  Hydration level is assessed. Hydration level

electrolyte balance adequate  Provide liquid diet is normal.
related to nutrition.  A glass of water given during latent
restriction and phase.
perspiration in  Only sips of water is given in 2nd
labour pain stage of labour.
 Intake and output is maintained

Impaired personal To maintain  Woman is encouraged to take bath Woman

hygiene related proper personal in 1st stage of labour. expresses
labour pain hygiene.  Is advised to take mouth wash. refreshed.
 Sponging of face is done.
 Hair is made tidy.

Nursing care process
( For mother after delivery)
Nursing Expected Nursing Intervention Evaluation
Diagnosis Outcome
Disturbed body To maintain  Vital signs checked and recorded. BP -110/70 mm
system related to normal body  Hydration level is assessed. of Hg, Temp -
labour process system- vital  Fundal height and consistency is afebrile, Pulse -
signs, size and checked. 84 bts/min,
position of uterus,  Lochia(amount, colour) is checked. Resp - 20
lochia.  Sips of water is given to the brs/min

mother. Uterus is hard,

globular, lochia
is normal in

Impaired comfort To maintain  Comfortable position is given. Woman

related to after adequate comfort.  Is advised early ambulation. expresses
pain, pain in  Assessed breast for engorgement. comfort.
episiotomy area,  Wet clothes are removed.
uterine cramps,  Mother is instructed to breast feed
bleeding as the baby.
evidenced by  Is encouraged proper breast
verbalisation emptying by giving colostrum and
hind milk and continue exclusive

Nursing care process
( For Baby)
Nursing Expected Nursing Intervention Evaluation
Diagnosis Outcome
Ineffective To maintain  Baby is received in a pre warmed, Baby’s body
thermoregulation adequate sterile towel. temperature is
related to thermoregulation.  Baby is dried immediately and normal.
transition of changed the wet towel.
newborn to extra  Wrapped the baby with another pre
uterine warmed towel.
environment.  Baby is put to the mother’s chest
for to promote skin to skin contact.
 Fan is put off in the baby corner.
 Skin colour is assessed to detect
any signs of hypothermia.

Potential risk for To establish  Baby is kept at the room Baby cried
ineffective airway effective temperature of 28˚-32˚C. after birth.
related to presence breathing.  Mouth is cleaned with sterile gauze
of mucous in piece after delivery of head.
mouth and nose.  Suction of mouth and oropharynx
and nose is done.
 Tactile stimulation is given.

Signature of Student

Signature of supervisor

Conduction of Normal Delivery
Case No. – 10
Identification data
Name of the hospital : Barasat District Hospital
Name of the client : Aleya Bibi Age : 24 yrs.
Address with husband’s name : w/o- Piyarul Sekh
Vill-Subarnapur, P.O- Chakla, P.S.- Deganga, Dist- North-24 Parganas.

Religion : Muslim Under Dr. : D. Roy

Date of admission: 14/2/20 at 12.10am Registration no. : 13071
GPLA : G1P0L0A0 Period of gestation : 39 weeks 6days
LMP : 08/05/2019 EDD : 15/02/20
Onset of labour pain : Complain on admission : labour pain with 40 weeks amenorrhea.
On examination findings: Os- 2 cm., Cervix- 40% Effaced, FHR- 138 bts/min
BP of the mother- 120/70 mm of Hg, Pulse- 72 bts/min, Resp- 20 brs/ min.

Brief History :

Social : Education: Husband : Graduate Wife: Class X.

Occupation : Husband : Business. Wife : housewife.

Family members : 4 members. Support Person : Mother-in-law and husband

Personal : Any drug allergy : Nothing significant.

Medical and surgical : Past : Nothing significant.

Present : Nothing significant.

Family : Nothing Significant

Financial assistance : From husband

Marital history : Married for 2 years

Relationship : Maintains good relationship with family members and neighbours.

Diet : Last meal time and contents : Chapati, sabji. At 7 pm.

Bowel and bladder: Passed urine and stool.

Past Obstetric History: LCB :

No. of Year Abortion Any Mode of Place of Sex Baby Any Remarks
pregnancy (with problems delivery delivery (alive/ problem
period) during stillbirth) during
antenatal puerperium

Present Obstetric History :

Booked/ unbooked : Booked No. of antenatal check up : 4
Immunization : Inj TT 2 doses taken Total weight gain : 12kg
Any problem during pregnancy : No
If yes, treatment given :
Nature of labour pain (with time) : Started at 12.20 pm on 14/02/20. She complain pain from
abdomen towards thigh.
Laboratory investigations :
Blood Group : B Hb % : 11.8 gm/dl
Rh : +ve PPBS /Fasting : 78 mg/dl(fasting)
HIV : Nonreactive HbsAg : Nonreactive VDRL : Nonreactive
Urine : Sugar : Nil Alb : Nil
USG report : Single live fetus with changing lie.Active etal movement and cardiac pulsation
are visualized and corroborated with M- mod study.measurement-B.P.D:64mm corresponds
to 26weeks 3days; F.L:44mm corresponds to 23 weeks 2days; A.C: 216mm corresponds to
25weeks 6days; F.H.R:160BPM.
Physical examination :
Vital signs : BP- 120/78 mmHg Pulse : 84 bts/min Resp : 18 brs/min Temp : 980F
General condition : Good Eye : Pallor/normal: Normal
Tongue : Dehydrated/Moist : Moist Breast : Soft and secretory
Heart : Normal Bladder: Distended/ Evacuated : Evacuated
Lung : Normal Oedema : Absent
Any other specific findings : Nothing significant
Any other associated condition : Nothing significant

Abdominal examination :
Inspection : Uterine ovoid is longitudinal. Pink striaes are present . no scar mark, or sign of
infection. Uterine contraction is present. Fetal movements are visible.
SFH in cm.: 32 cm. In weeks : 40weeks
Abdominal girth : 98 cm.

Fundal grip : A broad soft mass suggestive of buttocks is palpable.
Lateral grip : In the left lateral grip – A smooth curved and resistant mass is felt
suggestive of back.
In right lateral grip : Small, knob like, irregular parts are felt , suggestive of limbs.
First Pelvic Grip :
Second pelvic grip :
Auscultation : 130 beats/ min.
Per vaginal examination/ vulval inspection : no signs of infection is present. Show is present.
Remarks (specifying presentation, position, engagement, etc.)
A full term pregnant with true labour pain. Findings reveal vertex presentation, LOA
position, FHR- 140 beats/min and regular. Other findings are recorded in the partograph

Management during first stage of labour

Time of onset of labour pain
Time of full dilation of os
Rest/ walk, diet, bowel, bladder, relief of pain Woman is instructed to walk and to practice
(relaxation technique/ medication,), general deep breathing and relaxation technique
care, vulval toileting, bath, clothing, during and after contraction. She has passed
assurance, advices regarding Dos and Don’ts stool and urine. She has taken tea. No
in first stage of labour, progress notes of analgesic is given. Garments are changed.
labour, fetal and maternal condition( to be Reassurance is given. Mother is instructed
recorded in the partograph.) not to bear down. Her progress of labour is

Management during second stage of labour
Preparation of woman for delivery, shifting Woman is shifted to the labour table. She is
to labour table, positioning of the woman, advised to lie on her back with knee flexed
catheterisation, instructions for bearing and legs/ thighs apart. She is encouraged to
down, progress notes of labour, fetal and bear down during contraction. FHR is
maternal condition ( to be recorded in checked in 15 mins interval and recorded in
partograph) partograph.

Conduction of delivery
Mode of delivery Normal delivery with episiotomy
Time of delivery
Delivery of head specify if episiotomy Vulval toileting is done. Perineal guard is given.
required) Inj. Lignocaine 1% 5ml given in a fan shaped way.
Care following delivery of head , A left sided medio-lateral episiotomy is given. Head
delivery of shoulder, delivery of trunk. is delivered in between contraction. Eyes and mouth
are cleaned. There is no cord around the neck.
Restitution occurs. Then external rotation of head is
occurred and baby is born by laboured flexion
,whole body is delivered and kept on mother’s
abdomen. Cord is clamped and cut. A full term
normal living girl baby is delivered at 1.45 PM
on15/02/20. Baby cried immediately after birth. In
syntocin 10 unit IM is given a gush of bleeding
with permanent lengthening of cord is seen
vaginally. Uterus is hard, globular. Placenta is
expelled by controlled cord traction. Placenta and
membrane are completely expelled out at 1.55PM
0n 15/02/20. A quick placenta examination is done.

Sex of the newborn : Girl.

Disc no. of the newborn : 414
Birth weight of the newborn : 2.6 kg

Condition of the newborn :
Record if any resuscitation Baby cried immediately after birth. No resuscitation
measures taken and time of cry. measures required. General condition- good. Posture-
Respiration, heart arte, colour of well flexed. Baby cried at birth. Skin- pink, smooth,
the baby. soft. Vernix present on back, shoulder. FHR- 136 beats/
Further resuscitation measures min. respiration- 36 breaths/min, length -48 cm, HC- 33.
taken. CC- 31cm. anterior fontanelle diamond shaped and
measures 3cmx 2.5 cm. No overriding of sutures. Eyes
clean , no discharge present. Sclera is white. Top of the
pinna of ear is in horizontal plane to the outer canthus .
nasal passage is patent. Breast tissue more than 10mm.
Abdomen – soft. Labia majora completely covers the
minora. Anus- patent.

Total hour of labour : 13 hrs. 35 mins

1st stage : 11hrs 25mins
2nd stage : 2 hrs
3rd stage : 10 min
Medical treatment advised (if any ):
Management of fourth stage of labour :
Condition of mother :
BP : 110/70 mmHg Temp : Afebrile Pulse : 84 bts/min Resp : 20 brs/min
Vaginal bleeding : Lochia rubra is present in average amount.
Uterus : Hard, globular and mobile, SFH- 15 cm.
Level of hydration : Normal
Bladder : Emptied
General care : Water is given to the mother
Condition of the baby : No cord bleeding. Baby is put on mother’s breast. Baby is active and
sucking the breast.

Nursing Care process
( For mother before delivery)
Nursing Expected Nursing Intervention Evaluation
Diagnosis Outcome
Acute pain related To modify  Intensity, duration and interval of Woman
to uterine behaviour to contractions are assessed. practiced deep
contractions as decrease  Woman is advised to practice deep breathing and
evidenced by intensifying of breathing and relaxation technique. relaxation
verbalisation and labour pain  Is instructed to relax after each technique.
facial expression, contraction.
restlessness.  Is advised not to bear down in first
stage .
 Is taught when and how to bear
down in 2nd stage of labour.

Impaired fluid & To maintain  Hydration level is assessed. Hydration level

electrolyte balance adequate  Provide liquid diet is normal.
related to nutrition.  A glass of water given during latent
restriction and phase.
perspiration in  Only sips of water is given in 2nd
labour pain stage of labour.
 Intake and output is maintained

Impaired personal To maintain  Woman is encouraged to take bath Woman

hygiene related proper personal in 1st stage of labour. expresses
labour pain hygiene.  Is advised to take mouth wash. refreshed.
 Sponging of face is done.
 Hair is made tidy.

Nursing care process
( For mother after delivery)
Nursing Expected Nursing Intervention Evaluation
Diagnosis Outcome
Disturbed body To maintain  Vital signs checked and recorded. BP -110/70 mm
system related to normal body  Hydration level is assessed. of Hg, Temp -
labour process system- vital  Fundal height and consistency is afebrile, Pulse -
signs, size and checked. 84 bts/min,
position of uterus,  Lochia(amount, colour) is checked. Resp - 20
lochia.  Sips of water is given to the brs/min

mother. Uterus is hard,

globular, lochia
is normal in

Impaired comfort To maintain  Comfortable position is given. Woman

related to after adequate comfort.  Is advised early ambulation. expresses
pain, pain in  Assessed breast for engorgement. comfort.
episiotomy area,  Wet clothes are removed.
uterine cramps,  Mother is instructed to breast feed
bleeding as the baby.
evidenced by  Is encouraged proper breast
verbalisation emptying by giving colostrum and
hind milk and continue exclusive

Nursing care process
( For Baby)
Nursing Expected Nursing Intervention Evaluation
Diagnosis Outcome
Ineffective To maintain  Baby is received in a pre warmed, Baby’s body
thermoregulation adequate sterile towel. temperature is
related to thermoregulation.  Baby is dried immediately and normal.
transition of changed the wet towel.
newborn to extra  Wrapped the baby with another pre
uterine warmed towel.
environment.  Baby is put to the mother’s chest
for to promote skin to skin contact.
 Fan is put off in the baby corner.
 Skin colour is assessed to detect
any signs of hypothermia.

Potential risk for To establish  Baby is kept at the room Baby cried
ineffective airway effective temperature of 28˚-32˚C. after birth.
related to presence breathing.  Mouth is cleaned with sterile gauze
of mucous in piece after delivery of head.
mouth and nose.  Suction of mouth and oropharynx
and nose is done.
 Tactile stimulation is given.

Signature of Student

Signature of supervisor

Conduction of Normal Delivery
Case No. – 11

Identification data
Name of the hospital : Barasat District Hospital
Name of the client :Khadija Khatun Age : 18 yrs.
Address with husband’s name : w/o- Habibulla Dhali
Vill-Mirjanagar, P.O-Barachala, P.S.-Deganga , Dist- North-24 Parganas.

Religion : Muslim Under Dr. : Dr. R.Mondal

Date of admission:15/02/2020 at 3.30am Registration no: 15043
GPLA : G1P0L0A0 Period of gestation : 39 weeks 5days
LMP : 10/05/2019 EDD : 17/02/2020
Onset of labour pain : Complain on admission : Labour pain with 39 weeks amenorrhea.
On examination findings: Os- 3 cm.,Ccervix- 40% Effaced, FHR- 142 bts/min
BP of the mother- 120/74 mm of Hg, Pulse- 76 bts/min, Resp- 20 brs/ min.

Brief History :

Social : Education: Husband : Class VIII. Wife: Class VII

Occupation : Husband : Hawker. Wife : Housewife.

Family members : 3 members. Support Person : Mother-in-law

Personal : Any drug allergy : Nothing significant.

Medical and surgical : Past : Nothing significant.

Present : Nothing significant.

Family : Nothing Significant

Financial assistance : From husband.

Marital history : Married for 3 years.

Relationship : Maintains good relationship with family members and neighbours.

Diet : Last meal time and contents : Chapati, Sabji, at 7 PM

Bowel and bladder: Passed urine and stool.

Past Obstetric History : LCB :
No. Year Abortion( Any Mode Place Sex Baby(aliv Any Remarks
of with problem of of e/stillbirt problem
pregn period) s during deliver delive h) during
ancy antenata y ry puerperium
l period

Present Obstetric History :

Booked/ unbooked : Booked No. of antenatal check up : 4
Immunization : Inj TT 2 doses taken. Total weight gain : 11 kg
Any problem during pregnancy : No
If yes, treatment given :
Nature of labour pain (with time) : Started at 3.40 AM on 15/02/20. She complain pain from
abdomen towards thigh.

Laboratory investigations :
Blood Group : B Hb % : 11 gm/dl
Rh : +ve PPBS /Fasting : 78 mg/dl(fasting)
HIV : Nonreactive HbsAg : Nonreactive VDRL : Nonreactive
Urine : Sugar : Nil Alb : Nil

Physical examination :
Vital signs : BP- 120/78 mmHg, Pulse : 86 bts/min Resp : 18 brs/min Temp: 98.40F
General condition : Good Eye - Pallor/normal: Normal
Tongue :Dehydrated/Moist : Moist
Breast : Soft and secretory Heart : Normal
Bladder: Distended/ Evacuated : Evacuated Lung : Normal
Oedema : Absent
Any other specific findings : Nothing significant.
Any other associated condition : Nothing significant

Abdominal examination :
Inspection : Uterine ovoid is longitudinal. Pink striaes are present . no scar mark, or sign of
infection. Uterine contraction is present. Fetal movements are visible.
SFH in cm.: 32 cm. In weeks : 39 weeks
Abdominal girth : 98 cm.

Fundal grip : A broad soft mass suggestive of buttocks is palpable.
Lateral grip : In the left lateral grip – A smooth curved and resistant mass is felt
suggestive of back.
In right lateral grip : Small, knob like, irregular parts are felt , suggestive of limbs.
First Pelvic Grip :.
Second pelvic grip :
Auscultation : 140 beats/ min.
Per vaginal examination/ vulval inspection : No signs of infection is present. Show is
Remarks (specifying presentation, position, engagement, etc.)
A full term pregnant with true labour pain. Findings reveal vertex presentation, LOA
position, FHR- 140 beats/min and regular. Other findings are recorded in the partograph.

Management during first stage of labour

Time of onset of labour pain
Time of full dilation of os
Rest/ walk, diet, bowel, bladder, relief of pain Woman is instructed to walk and to practice
(relaxation technique/ medication,), general deep breathing and relaxation technique
care, vulval toileting, bath, clothing, during and after contraction. She has passed
assurance, advices regarding Dos and Don’ts stool and urine. She has taken tea. No
in first stage of labour, progress notes of analgesic is given. Garments are changed.
labour, fetal and maternal condition( to be Reassurance is given. Mother is instructed
recorded in the partograph.) not to bear down. Her progress of labour is

Management during second stage of labour
Preparation of woman for delivery, shifting Woman is shifted to the labour table. She is
to labour table, positioning of the woman, advised to lie on her back with knee flexed
catheterisation, instructions for bearing and legs/ thighs apart. She is encouraged to
down, progress notes of labour, fetal and bear down during contraction. FHR is
maternal condition ( to be recorded in checked in 15 mins interval and recorded in
partograph) partograph.

Conduction of delivery
Mode of delivery Normal delivery with episiotomy
Time of delivery
Delivery of head9specify if episiotomy Vulval toileting is done. Perineal guard is given.
required) Inj. Lignocaine 1% 5ml given in a fan shaped way.
Care following delivery of head , A left sided medio-lateral episiotomy is given.
delivery of shoulder, delivery of trunk. Head is delivered in between contraction. Eyes and
mouth are cleaned. There is no cord around the
neck. Restitution occurs. Then external rotation of
head is occurred and baby is born by laboured
flexion ,whole body is delivered and kept on
mother’s abdomen. Cord is clamped and cut. A full
term normal living girl baby is delivered at 3.50
AM on15/02/20. Baby cried immediately after
birth. In syntocin 10 unit IM is given a gush of
bleeding with permanent lengthening of cord is
seen vaginally. Uterus is hard, globular. Placenta is
expelled by controlled cord traction. Placenta and
membrane are completely expelled out at 3.55PM
on 15/02/20. A quick placenta examination is done.

Sex of the newborn : Girl.

Disc no. of the newborn : 46
Birth weight of the newborn : 2.6 kg

Condition of the newborn :
Record if any resuscitation Baby cried immediately after birth. No resuscitation
measures taken and time of cry. measures required. General condition- good. Posture-
Respiration, heart arte, colour of well flexed. Baby cried at birth. Skin- pink, smooth,
the baby. soft. Vernix present on back, shoulder. FHR- 138 beats/
Further resuscitation measures min. respiration- 42 breaths/min, length -48 cm, HC- 33.
taken. CC- 31cm. anterior fontanelle diamond shaped and
measures 3cmx 2.5 cm. No overriding of sutures. Eyes
clean , no discharge present. Sclera is white. Top of the
pinna of ear is in horizontal plane to the outer canthus .
nasal passage is patent. Breast tissue more than 10mm.
Abdomen – soft. Labia majora completely covers the
minora. Anus- patent.

Total hour of labour : 12 hrs.15 mins

1st stage : 10hrs.
2nd stage : 1hrs 50min
3rd stage : 5min
Medical treatment advised (if any ):Nothing Significant
Management of fourth stage of labour :
Condition of mother :
BP : 110/70 mmHg Temp : 980 F Pulse : 84 bts/min Resp: 20 brs/min
Vaginal bleeding : Lochia rubra is present in average amount.
Uterus : Hard, globular and mobile, SFH- 14 cm.
Level of hydration : Normal
Bladder : Emptied
General care : Water is given to the mother
Condition of the baby : No cord bleeding. Baby is put on mother’s breast. Baby is active and
sucking the breast.

Nursing care process
( For mother before delivery)
Nursing Expected Nursing Intervention Evaluation
Diagnosis Outcome
Acute pain related To modify  Intensity, duration and interval of Woman
to uterine behaviour to contractions are assessed. practiced deep
contractions as decrease  Woman is advised to practice deep breathing and
evidenced by intensifying of breathing and relaxation technique. relaxation
verbalisation and labour pain  Is instructed to relax after each technique.
facial expression, contraction.
restlessness.  Is advised not to bear down in first
stage .
 Is taught when and how to bear
down in 2nd stage of labour.

 Hydration level is assessed.

Impaired fluid & To maintain  Provide liquid diet
electrolyte balance adequate Hydration level
 A glass of water given during latent
related to nutrition. is normal.
restriction and
 Only sips of water is given in 2nd
perspiration in
stage of labour.
labour pain
 Intake and output is maintained.

 Woman is encouraged to take bath

in 1st stage of labour.
Impaired personal To maintain Woman
 Is advised to take mouth wash.
hygiene related proper personal expresses
 Sponging of face is done.
labour pain hygiene. refreshed.
 Hair is made tidy.

Nursing care process
( For mother after delivery)
Nursing Expected Nursing Intervention Evaluation
Diagnosis Outcome
Disturbed body To maintain  Vital signs checked and recorded. BP -110/70 mm
system related to normal body  Hydration level is assessed. of Hg, Temp.-
labour process system- vital  Fundal height and consistency is afebrile, Pulse -
signs, size and checked. 84 bts/min,
position of uterus,  Lochia(amount, colour) is checked. Resp - 20
lochia.  Sips of water is given to the brs/min

mother. Uterus is hard,

globular, lochia
is normal in
Impaired comfort To maintain  Comfortable position is given.
related to after adequate comfort.  Is advised early ambulation.
pain, pain in Woman
 Assessed breast for engorgement.
episiotomy area, expresses
 Wet clothes are removed.
uterine cramps, comfort.
 Mother is instructed to breast feed
bleeding as
the baby.
evidenced by
 Is encouraged proper breast
emptying by giving colostrum and
hind milk and continue exclusive

Nursing care process
( For Baby)
Nursing Expected Nursing Intervention Evaluation
Diagnosis Outcome
Ineffective To maintain  Baby is received in a pre warmed, Baby’s body
thermoregulation adequate sterile towel. temperature is
related to thermoregulation.  Baby is dried immediately and normal.
transition of changed the wet towel.
newborn to extra  Wrapped the baby with another pre
uterine warmed towel.
environment.  Baby is put to the mother’s chest
for to promote skin to skin contact.
 Fan is put off in the baby corner.
 Skin colour is assessed to detect
any signs of hypothermia.

 Baby is kept at the room

Potential risk for To establish Baby cried
ineffective airway effective temperature of 28˚-32˚C. after birth.
related to presence breathing.  Mouth is cleaned with sterile gauze

of mucous in piece after delivery of head.

mouth and nose.  Suction of mouth and oropharynx

and nose is done.
 Tactile stimulation is given

Signature of Student

Signature of supervisor

Conduction of Normal Delivery
Case No. – 12
Identification data
Name of the hospital : Barasat District Hospital
Name of the client :Nasima Bibi Age : 22 yrs.
Address with husband’s name : w/o- Rintu Gazi
Vill-Maligram(N), P.O-Prithiba, P.S.-Habra , Dist- North-24 Parganas.
Religion : Muslim Under Dr : Dr. R. Mondal
Date of admission:15/02/2020 at 7.08am Registration no. : 13290
GPLA :G1P0L0A0 Period of gestation : 40 weeks
LMP : 08/05/2019 EDD : 15/02/2020
Onset of labour pain : Complain on admission : labour pain with 40 weeks amenorrhea.
On examination findings: Os- 8 cm., Cervix- 90% Effaced, FHR- 144 bts/min
BP of the mother- 120/70 mmhg., Pulse- 78 bts/min, Resp- 20 brs/ min.

Brief History :

Social : Education: Husband : Class VIII Wife: Class VI

Occupation : Husband : Farmar Wife : Housewife.

Family members : 3 members. Support Person Father-in-law

Personal : Any drug allergy : Nothing significant.

Medical and surgical : Past : Nothing significant.

Present : Nothing significant.

Family : Nothing Significant

Financial assistance : From husband

Marital history : Married for 1 years

Relationship : Maintains good relationship with family members and neighbours.

Diet : Last meal time and contents : Chapati, Sabji, at 8 pm.

Bowel and bladder : Passed urine and stool

Past Obstetric History : LCB :
No. Year Abortion( Any Mode Place Sex Baby(aliv Any Remarks
of with problem of of e/stillbirt problem
pregn period) s during deliver delive h) during
ancy antenata y ry puerperium
l period

Present Obstetric History :

Booked/ unbooked : Booked No. of antenatal check up : 3
Immunization : Inj TT 2 doses taken. Total weight gain : 11kg
Any problem during pregnancy : No.
If yes, treatment given :
Nature of labour pain (with time) : Started at 9.35 pm on 15/02/2020. She complain pain from
abdomen towards thigh.

Laboratory investigations :
Blood Group : A Hb % : 12 gm/dl
Rh : +ve PPBS /Fasting : 78 mg/dl(fasting)
HIV : Nonreactive HbsAg : Nonreactive VDRL : Nonreactive
Urine : Sugar : Nil Alb : Nil
USG report :Not done
Physical examination :
Vital signs : BP- 120/78 mm of Hg Pulse - 80 bts/min Resp - 20 brs/min Temp -980F
General condition : Good
Eye - Pallor/normal: Normal Tongue -Dehydrated/Moist : Moist
Breast : Soft and secretory Heart : Normal
Bladder-Distended/ Evacuated : Evacuated Lung : Normal
Oedema : Absent.
Any other specific findings : Nothing significant.
Any other associated condition : Nothing significant.

Abdominal examination :
Inspection : Uterine ovoid is longitudinal. Pink striaes are present . no scar mark, or sign of
infection. Uterine contraction is present. Fetal movements are visible.
SFH in cm.: 32 cm. In weeks : 40weeks
Abdominal girth : 96 cm.

Fundal grip : A broad soft mass suggestive of buttocks is palpable.
Lateral grip : In the left lateral grip – A smooth curved and resistant mass is felt
suggestive of back.
In right lateral grip : Small, knob like, irregular parts are felt , suggestive of limbs.
First Pelvic Grip :.
Second pelvic grip :
Auscultation : 138 beats/ min.
Per vaginal examination/ vulval inspection : No signs of infection is present. Show is
Remarks (specifying presentation, position, engagement, etc.)
A full term pregnant with true labour pain. Findings reveal vertex presentation, LOA
position, FHR- 142 beats/min and regular. Other findings are recorded in the partograph.

Management during first stage of labour

Time of onset of labour pain
Time of full dilation of os
Rest/ walk, diet, bowel, bladder, relief of pain Woman is instructed to walk and to practice
(relaxation technique/ medication,), general deep breathing and relaxation technique
care, vulval toileting, bath, clothing, during and after contraction. She has passed
assurance, advices regarding Dos and Don’ts stool and urine. She has taken tea. No
in first stage of labour, progress notes of analgesic is given. Garments are changed.
labour, fetal and maternal condition( to be Reassurance is given. Mother is instructed
recorded in the partograph.) not to bear down. Her progress of labour is

Management during second stage of labour
Preparation of woman for delivery, shifting Woman is shifted to the labour table. She is
to labour table, positioning of the woman, advised to lie on her back with knee flexed
catheterisation, instructions for bearing and legs/ thighs apart. She is encouraged to
down, progress notes of labour, fetal and bear down during contraction. FHR is
maternal condition ( to be recorded in checked in 15 mins interval and recorded in
partograph) partograph.

Conduction of delivery
Mode of delivery Normal delivery with episiotomy
Time of delivery
Delivery of head specify if episiotomy Vulval toileting is done. Perineal guard is given.
required) Inj. Lignocaine 1% 5ml given in a fan shaped way.
Care following delivery of head , A left sided medio-lateral episiotomy is given. Head
delivery of shoulder, delivery of trunk. is delivered in between contraction. Eyes and mouth
are cleaned. There is no cord around the neck.
Restitution occurs. Then external rotation of head is
occurred and baby is born by laboured flexion
,whole body is delivered and kept on mother’s
abdomen. Cord is clamped and cut. A full term
normal living boy baby is delivered at 11.35 am
on16/02/20. Baby cried immediately after birth. In
syntocin 10 unit IM is given a gush of bleeding
with permanent lengthening of cord is seen
vaginally. Uterus is hard, globular. Placenta is
expelled by controlled cord traction. Placenta and
membrane are completely expelled out at 11.50 am
on16/02/20. A quick placenta examination is done.

Sex of the newborn : Boy

Disc no. of the newborn : 696

Birth weight of the newborn : 2.8 kg

Condition of the newborn :

Record if any resuscitation Baby cried immediately after birth. No resuscitation
measures taken and time of cry. measures required. General condition- good. Posture-
Respiration, heart arte, colour of well flexed. Baby cried at birth. Skin- pink, smooth,
the baby. soft. Vernix present on back, shoulder. FHR- 136 beats/
Further resuscitation measures min. respiration- 36 breaths/min, length -48 cm, HC- 33.
taken. CC- 31cm. anterior fontanelle diamond shaped and
measures 3cmx 2.5 cm. No overriding of sutures. Eyes
clean , no discharge present. Sclera is white. Top of the
pinna of ear is in horizontal plane to the outer canthus .
nasal passage is patent. Breast tissue more than 10mm.
Abdomen – soft.. Anus- patent.

Total hour of labour : 14 hrs. 15 mins

1st stage : 12 hrs
2nd stage : 2 hrs
3rd stage : 15 min
Medical treatment advised (if any ):
Management of fourth stage of labour :

Condition of mother :
BP :110/70 mmHg Temp : 98.40F Pulse : 80 bts/min Resp : 20 brs/min
Vaginal bleeding : Lochia rubra is present in average amount.
Uterus : Hard, globular and mobile, SFH- 13.5 cm.
Level of hydration : Normal.
Bladder : Emptied
General care : Water is given to the mother.
Condition of the baby : No cord bleeding. Baby is put on mother’s breast. Baby is active and
sucking the breast.

Nursing care process
( For mother before delivery)
Nursing Expected Nursing Intervention Evaluation
Diagnosis Outcome
Acute pain related To modify  Intensity, duration and interval of Woman
to uterine behaviour to contractions are assessed. practiced deep
contractions as decrease  Woman is advised to practice deep breathing and
evidenced by intensifying of breathing and relaxation technique. relaxation
verbalisation and labour pain  Is instructed to relax after each technique.
facial expression, contraction.
restlessness.  Is advised not to bear down in first
stage .
 Is taught when and how to bear
down in 2nd stage of labour.

Impaired fluid & To maintain  Hydration level is assessed. Hydration level

electrolyte balance adequate  Provide liquid diet is normal.
related to nutrition.
 A glass of water given during latent
restriction and
perspiration in
 Only sips of water is given in 2nd
labour pain
stage of labour.
 Intake and output is maintained.

 Woman is encouraged to take bath

Impaired personal To maintain Woman
in 1st stage of labour.
hygiene related proper personal expresses
 Is advised to take mouth wash.
labour pain hygiene. refreshed.
 Sponging of face is done.
 Hair is made tidy.

Nursing care process
( For mother after delivery)
Nursing Expected Nursing Intervention Evaluation
Diagnosis Outcome
Disturbed body To maintain  Vital signs checked and recorded. BP -110/70 mm
system related to normal body  Hydration level is assessed. of Hg, Temp -
labour process system- vital  Fundal height and consistency is afebrile, Pulse -
signs, size and checked. 84 bts/min,
position of uterus,  Lochia(amount, colour) is checked. Resp - 20
lochia.  Sips of water is given to the brs/min

mother. Uterus is hard,

globular, lochia
is normal in
Impaired comfort To maintain  Comfortable position is given.
related to after adequate comfort.  Is advised early ambulation.
pain, pain in Woman
 Assessed breast for engorgement.
episiotomy area, expresses
 Wet clothes are removed.
uterine cramps, comfort.
 Mother is instructed to breast feed
bleeding as
the baby.
evidenced by
 Is encouraged proper breast
emptying by giving colostrum and
hind milk and continue exclusive

Nursing care process
( For Baby)
Nursing Expected Nursing Intervention Evaluation
Diagnosis Outcome
Ineffective To maintain  Baby is received in a pre warmed, Baby’s body
thermoregulation adequate sterile towel. temperature is
related to thermoregulation.  Baby is dried immediately and normal.
transition of changed the wet towel.
newborn to extra  Wrapped the baby with another pre
uterine warmed towel.
environment.  Baby is put to the mother’s chest
for to promote skin to skin contact.
 Fan is put off in the baby corner.
 Skin colour is assessed to detect
any signs of hypothermia.

Potential risk for To establish  Baby is kept at the room

ineffective airway effective temperature of 28˚-32˚C. Baby cried
related to presence breathing. after birth.
 Mouth is cleaned with sterile gauze
of mucous in
piece after delivery of head.
mouth and nose.
 Suction of mouth and oropharynx
and nose is done.
 Tactile stimulation is given

Signature of Student

Signature of supervisor

Conduction of Normal Delivery
Case No. – 13
Identification data
Name of the hospital : Barasat District Hospital
Name of the client : Rijiya Khatoon Age : 23 yrs.
Address with husband’s name : w/o- Minarul Hossain.
Vill-Bagpul, Paschim para , P.O-Joypul, P.S.-Duttapukur , Dist- North-24 Parganas.
Religion : Muslim Under Dr. : Dr. S.S.Roy
Date of admission:13/02/2020 at 6.50 AM Registration no. : 13356
GPLA : G1P0L0A0 Period of gestation :39 weeks 3days
LMP : 10/05/2019 EDD : 17/02/2020
Onset of labour pain : Complain on admission : Labour pain with 39 weeks amenorrhea.
On examination findings: Os- 7 cm., Cervix- 70% Effaced, FHR- 140 bts/min
BP of the mother- 110/80 mm of Hg, Pulse - 78 bts/min, Resp- 20 brs/ min.

Brief History :

Social : Education: Husband : Class VII. Wife: Class V.

Occupation : Husband : Carpenter Wife : Housewife.

Family members : 4 Members. Support Person : Mother-in-law

Personal : Any drug allergy : Nothing significant.

Medical and surgical : Past : Nothing significant.

Present : Nothing significant.

Family : Nothing Significant

Financial assistance : From husband

Marital history : Married for 2 years

Relationship : Maintains good relationship with family members and neighbours.

Diet : Last meal time and contents : Chapati, Sabji. at 7 pm.

Bowel and bladder: Passed urine and stool.

Past Obstetric History : LCB :

No. Year Abortion( Any Mode Place Sex Baby(aliv Any Remarks
of with problem of of e/stillbirt problem
pregn period) s during deliver delive h) during
ancy antenata y ry puerperium
l period

Present Obstetric History :

Booked/ unbooked : Booked No. of antenatal check up : 4
Immunization : Inj TT 2 doses taken. Total weight gain : 10kg
Any problem during pregnancy : No
If yes, treatment given :
Nature of labour pain (with time) : Started at 9.15am on 13/02/20. She complain pain from
abdomen towards thigh.

Laboratory investigations :
Blood Group : AB Hb % : 12 gm/dl
Rh : +ve PPBS /Fasting : 80 mg/dl(fasting)
HIV : Nonreactive HbsAg : Nonreactive VDRL : Nonreactive
Urine : Sugar : Nil Alb : Nil
USG report : Single live fetus with changing lie.Active etal movement and cardiac pulsation
are visualized and corroborated with M- mod study.measurement-B.P.D:64mm corresponds
to 26weeks 3days; F.L:44mm corresponds to 24weeks 2days; A.C: 216mm corresponds to
25weeks 6days; F.H.R:160BPM

Physical examination :
Vital signs : BP- 120/80 mmHg, Pulse- 80 bts/min Resp.- 18 brs/min Temp.-98˚F
General condition : Good Eye - Pallor/normal: Normal
Tongue -Dehydrated/Moist: Moist Breast : Soft and secretory
Heart : Normal Lung : Normal Bladder- Distended/ Evacuated : Evacuated
Oedema : Absent
Any other specific findings : Nothing significant.
Any other associated condition : Nothing significant.

Abdominal examination :
Inspection : Uterine ovoid is longitudinal. Pink striaes are present . no scar mark, or sign of
infection. Uterine contraction is present. Fetal movements are visible.
SFH in cm.: 32 cm. In weeks : 39 weeks
Abdominal girth : 100 cm.

Fundal grip : A broad soft mass suggestive of buttocks is palpable.
Lateral grip : In the left lateral grip – A smooth curved and resistant mass is felt
suggestive of back.
In right lateral grip : Small, knob like, irregular parts are felt , suggestive of limbs.
First Pelvic Grip :.
Second pelvic grip :
Auscultation : 132 beats/ min.
Per vaginal examination/ vulval inspection : No signs of infection is present. Show is
Remarks (specifying presentation, position, engagement, etc.)
A full term pregnant with true labour pain. Findings reveal vertex presentation, LOA
position, FHR- 140 beats/min and regular. Other findings are recorded in the partograph.

Management during first stage of labour

Time of onset of labour pain
Time of full dilation of os
Rest/ walk, diet, bowel, bladder, relief of pain Woman is instructed to walk and to practice
(relaxation technique/ medication,), general deep breathing and relaxation technique
care, vulval toileting, bath, clothing, during and after contraction. She has passed
assurance, advices regarding Dos and Don’ts stool and urine. She has taken tea. No
in first stage of labour, progress notes of analgesic is given. Garments are changed.
labour, fetal and maternal condition( to be Reassurance is given. Mother is instructed
recorded in the partograph.) not to bear down. Her progress of labour is

Management during second stage of labour
Preparation of woman for delivery, shifting Woman is shifted to the labour table. She is
to labour table, positioning of the woman, advised to lie on her back with knee flexed
catheterisation, instructions for bearing and legs/ thighs apart. She is encouraged to
down, progress notes of labour, fetal and bear down during contraction. FHR is
maternal condition ( to be recorded in checked in 15 mins interval and recorded in
partograph) partograph.

Conduction of delivery
Mode of delivery Normal delivery with episiotomy
Time of delivery
Delivery of head9specify if episiotomy Vulval toileting is done. Perineal guard is given.
required) Inj. Lignocaine 1% 5ml given in a fan shaped way.
Care following delivery of head , A left sided medio-lateral episiotomy is given.
delivery of shoulder, delivery of trunk. Head is delivered in between contraction. Eyes and
mouth are cleaned. There is no cord around the
neck. Restitution occurs. Then external rotation of
head is occurred and baby is born by laboured
flexion ,whole body is delivered and kept on
mother’s abdomen. Cord is clamped and cut. A full
term normal living boy baby is delivered at 9.25 am
on14/02/20. Baby cried immediately after birth. In
syntocin 10 unit IM is given a gush of bleeding
with permanent lengthening of cord is seen
vaginally. Uterus is hard, globular. Placenta is
expelled by controlled cord traction. Placenta and
membrane are completely expelled out at 9.35am
0n 14/2/20. A quick placenta examination is done.

Sex of the newborn : Boy.

Disc no. of the newborn : 348
Birth weight of the newborn : 2.6 kg

Condition of the newborn :
Record if any resuscitation Baby cried immediately after birth. No resuscitation
measures taken and time of cry. measures required. General condition- good. Posture-
Respiration, heart arte, colour of well flexed. Baby cried at birth. Skin- pink, smooth,
the baby. soft. Vernix present on back, shoulder. FHR- 136 beats/
Further resuscitation measures min. respiration- 36 breaths/min, length -48 cm, HC- 33.
taken. CC- 31cm. anterior fontanelle diamond shaped and
measures 3cmx 2.5 cm. No overriding of sutures. Eyes
clean , no discharge present. Sclera is white. Top of the
pinna of ear is in horizontal plane to the outer canthus .
nasal passage is patent. Breast tissue more than 10mm.
Abdomen – soft. Anus- patent.

Total hour of labour : 12 hrs. 20 mins

1st stage : 10 hrs
2nd stage : 2 hrs
3rd stage : 10 min
Medical treatment advised (if any ):

Management of fourth stage of labour :

Condition of mother :
BP : 110/80 mmHg Temp : 98.40F Pulse : 80 bts/min Resp : 20 brs/min
Vaginal bleeding : Lochia rubra is present in average amount.
Uterus : Hard, globular and mobile, SFH- 13 cm.
Level of hydration : Normal
Bladder : Emptied
General care : Water is given to the mother.
Condition of the baby : No cord bleeding. Baby is put on mother’s breast. Baby is active and
sucking the breast.

Nursing care process
( For mother before delivery)
Nursing Expected Nursing Intervention Evaluation
Diagnosis Outcome
Acute pain related To modify  Intensity, duration and interval of Woman
to uterine behaviour to contractions are assessed. practiced deep
contractions as decrease  Woman is advised to practice deep breathing and
evidenced by intensifying of breathing and relaxation technique. relaxation
verbalisation and labour pain  Is instructed to relax after each technique.
facial expression, contraction.
restlessness.  Is advised not to bear down in first
stage .
 Is taught when and how to bear
down in 2nd stage of labour.

 Hydration level is assessed.

Impaired fluid & To maintain  Provide liquid diet
electrolyte balance adequate Hydration level
 A glass of water given during latent
related to nutrition. is normal.
restriction and
 Only sips of water is given in 2nd
perspiration in
stage of labour.
labour pain
 Intake and output is maintained.

 Woman is encouraged to take bath

in 1st stage of labour.
Impaired personal To maintain Woman
 Is advised to take mouth wash.
hygiene related proper personal expresses
 Sponging of face is done.
labour pain hygiene. refreshed.
 Hair is made tidy.

Nursing care process
( For mother after delivery)
Nursing Expected Nursing Intervention Evaluation
Diagnosis Outcome
Disturbed body To maintain  Vital signs checked and recorded. BP -110/70
system related to normal body  Hydration level is assessed. mmHg, Temp.-
labour process system- vital  Fundal height and consistency is afebrile, Pulse :
signs, size and checked. 84 bts/min,
position of uterus,  Lochia(amount, colour) is checked. Resp.- 20
lochia.  Sips of water is given to the brs/min

mother. Uterus is hard,

globular, lochia
is normal in

Impaired comfort To maintain  Comfortable position is given.

related to after adequate comfort.  Is advised early ambulation.
pain, pain in
 Assessed breast for engorgement.
episiotomy area,
 Wet clothes are removed.
uterine cramps,
 Mother is instructed to breast feed
bleeding as
the baby.
evidenced by
 Is encouraged proper breast
emptying by giving colostrum and
hind milk and continue exclusive

Nursing care process
( For Baby)
Nursing Expected Nursing Intervention Evaluation
Diagnosis Outcome
Ineffective To maintain  Baby is received in a pre warmed, Baby’s body
thermoregulation adequate sterile towel. temperature is
related to thermoregulation.  Baby is dried immediately and normal.
transition of changed the wet towel.
newborn to extra  Wrapped the baby with another pre
uterine warmed towel.
environment.  Baby is put to the mother’s chest
for to promote skin to skin contact.
 Fan is put off in the baby corner.
 Skin colour is assessed to detect
any signs of hypothermia.

Potential risk for To establish  Baby is kept at the room Baby cried
ineffective airway effective temperature of 28˚-32˚C. after birth.
related to presence breathing.
 Mouth is cleaned with sterile gauze
of mucous in
piece after delivery of head.
mouth and nose.
 Suction of mouth and oropharynx
and nose is done.
 Tactile stimulation is given

Signature of Student

Signature of supervisor

Conduction of Normal Delivery
Case No. –14
Identification data
Name of the hospital : Barasat District Hospital
Name of the client : Durga Patra Age : 20 yrs.
Address with husband’s name : w/o- Sadhar Patra
Vill-Donaria, P.O-Ganganagar, P.S.-Madhyamgram , Dist- North-24 Parganas.
Religion : Hindu Under Dr. : Dr. D. Roy
Date of admission: 17/02/2020 at 1.45 AM Registration no. : 13428
GPLA : G1P0L0A0 Period of gestation : 39 weeks 5days
LMP : 11/05/2019 EDD : 18/02/2020
Onset of labour pain : Complain on admission : Labour pain with 40 weeks amenorrhea.
On examination findings: Os- 4 cm., Cervix- 40% Effaced, FHR- 134 bts/min
BP of the mother- 134/80 mm of Hg, Pulse- 86 bts/min, Resp- 22 brs/ min.

Brief History :

Social : Education: Husband : Class X. Wife: Class VI.

Occupation : Husband : Business Wife : Housewife

Family members : 4 members Support Person : Mother-in-law

Personal : Any drug allergy : Nothing significant.

Medical and surgical : Past : Nothing significant.

Present : Nothing significant.

Family : Nothing Significant

Financial assistance : From husband

Marital history : Married for 4 years

Relationship : Maintains good relationship with family members and neighbours.

Diet : Last meal time and contents : Chapati, Sabji, at 9 pm.

Bowel and bladder: Passed urine and stool.

Past Obstetric History : LCB :

No. Year Abortion( Any Mode Place Sex Baby(aliv Any Remarks
of with problem of of e/stillbirt problem
pregn period) s during deliver delive h) during
ancy antenata y ry puerperium
l period

Present Obstetric History :

Booked/ unbooked : Booked No. of antenatal check up : 4
Immunization : Inj TT 2 doses taken. Total weight gain : 11kg
Any problem during pregnancy : No.
If yes, treatment given :
Nature of labour pain (with time) : Started at 10.40 pm on 17/02/2020. She complain pain
from abdomen towards thigh.

Laboratory investigations :
Blood Group : A Hb % : 11.8 gm/dl
Rh : +ve PPBS /Fasting : 88 mg/dl(fasting)
HIV : Non-reactive HbsAg : Nonreactive VDRL : Nonreactive
Urine : Sugar : Nil Alb : Nil
USG report : Single live fetus with changing lie.Active etal movement and cardiac pulsation
are visualized and corroborated with M- mod study.measurement-B.P.D:64mm corresponds
to 26weeks 3days; F.L:44mm corresponds to 24weeks 2days; A.C: 216mm corresponds to
25weeks 6days; F.H.R:160BPM

Physical examination :
Vital signs : BP- 120/70 mm of Hg, Pulse- 84 bts/min, Resp - 18 brs/min,Temp- 98.60F
General condition : Good Eye - Pallor/normal: Normal

Tongue -Dehydrated/Moist: Moist Breast :Soft and secretory Heart : Normal
Bladder: Distended/ Evacuated : Evacuated Lung : Normal Oedema : Absent
Any other specific findings : Nothing significant.
Any other associated condition : Nothing significant.

Abdominal examination :
Inspection : Uterine ovoid is longitudinal. Pink striaes are present . no scar mark, or sign of
infection. Uterine contraction is present. Fetal movements are visible.
SFH in cm.: 32 cm. In weeks : 39 weeks
Abdominal girth : 98cm.

Fundal grip : A broad soft mass suggestive of buttocks is palpable.
Lateral grip : In the left lateral grip – Small, knob like, irregular parts are felt , suggestive
of limbs.
In right lateral grip :A smooth curved and resistant mass is felt suggestive of back.
First Pelvic Grip : Head engaged,not balottable
Second pelvic grip : Divergence found
Auscultation : 130 beats/ min.
Per vaginal examination/ vulval inspection : No signs of infection is present. Show is
Remarks (specifying presentation, position, engagement, etc.)
A full term pregnant with true labour pain. Findings reveal vertex presentation, ROA
position, FHR- 140 beats/min and regular. Other findings are recorded in the partograph.

Management during first stage of labour

Time of onset of labour pain
Time of full dilation of os
Rest/ walk, diet, bowel, bladder, relief of pain Woman is instructed to walk and to practice
(relaxation technique/ medication,), general deep breathing and relaxation technique
care, vulval toileting, bath, clothing, during and after contraction. She has passed
assurance, advices regarding Dos and Don’ts stool and urine. She has taken tea. No
in first stage of labour, progress notes of analgesic is given. Garments are changed.

labour, fetal and maternal condition( to be Reassurance is given. Mother is instructed
recorded in the partograph.) not to bear down. Her progress of labour is

Management during second stage of labour

Preparation of woman for delivery, shifting Woman is shifted to the labour table. She is
to labour table, positioning of the woman, advised to lie on her back with knee flexed
catheterisation, instructions for bearing and legs/ thighs apart. She is encouraged to
down, progress notes of labour, fetal and bear down during contraction. FHR is
maternal condition ( to be recorded in checked in 15 mins interval and recorded in
partograph) partograph.

Conduction of delivery
Mode of delivery Normal delivery with episiotomy
Time of delivery
Delivery of headspecify if episiotomy Vulval toileting is done. Perineal guard is given.
required) Inj. Lignocaine 1% 5ml given in a fan shaped way.
Care following delivery of head , A left sided medio-lateral episiotomy is given. Head
delivery of shoulder, delivery of trunk. is delivered in between contraction. Eyes and mouth
are cleaned. There is no cord around the neck.
Restitution occurs. Then external rotation of head is
occurred and baby is born by laboured flexion
,whole body is delivered and kept on mother’s
abdomen. Cord is clamped and cut. A full term
normal living girl baby is delivered at 12.31 pm
on18/02/2020. Baby cried immediately after birth.
In syntocin 10 unit IM is given a gush of bleeding
with permanent lengthening of cord is seen
vaginally. Uterus is hard, globular. Placenta is
expelled by controlled cord traction. Placenta and
membrane are completely expelled out at 12.46 pm
0n 18/02/2020. A quick placenta examination is

Sex of the newborn : Girl.
Disc no. of the newborn : 15
Birth weight of the newborn : 2.750 kg
Condition of the newborn :
Record if any resuscitation Baby cried immediately after birth. No resuscitation
measures taken and time of cry. measures required. General condition- good. Posture-
Respiration, heart arte, colour of well flexed. Baby cried at birth. Skin- pink, smooth,
the baby. soft. Vernix present on back, shoulder. FHR- 136 beats/
Further resuscitation measures min. respiration- 32 breaths/min, length -50 cm, HC- 33.
taken. CC- 31cm. anterior fontanelle diamond shaped and
measures 3cmx 2.5 cm. No overriding of sutures. Eyes
clean , no discharge present. Sclera is white. Top of the
pinna of ear is in horizontal plane to the outer canthus .
nasal passage is patent. Breast tissue more than 10mm.
Abdomen – soft. Labia majora completely covers the
minora. Anus- patent.

Total hour of labour : 14 hrs. 6 mins

1st stage : 12 hrs
2nd stage : 1hrs 51min
3rd stage :15 min
Medical treatment advised (if any ):

Management of fourth stage of labour :

Condition of mother :
BP : 110/70 mmHg Temp : Afebrile Pulse : 84 bts/min Resp : 20 brs/min
Vaginal bleeding : Lochia rubra is present in average amount.
Uterus : hard, globular and mobile, SFH- 13.5 cm.
Level of hydration : Normal.
Bladder : Emptied.
General care : Water is given to the mother.

Condition of the baby : No cord bleeding. Baby is put on mother’s breast. Baby is active and
sucking the breast.

Nursing care process

( For mother before delivery)
Nursing Expected Nursing Intervention Evaluation
Diagnosis Outcome
Acute pain related To modify  Intensity, duration and interval of Woman
to uterine behaviour to contractions are assessed. practiced deep
contractions as decrease  Woman is advised to practice deep breathing and
evidenced by intensifying of breathing and relaxation technique. relaxation
verbalisation and labour pain  Is instructed to relax after each technique.
facial expression, contraction.
restlessness.  Is advised not to bear down in first
stage .
 Is taught when and how to bear
down in 2nd stage of labour.

 Hydration level is assessed. Hydration level

Impaired fluid & To maintain  Provide liquid diet is normal.
electrolyte balance adequate
 A glass of water given during latent
related to nutrition.
restriction and
 Only sips of water is given in 2nd
perspiration in
stage of labour.
labour pain
 Intake and output is maintained.

 Woman is encouraged to take bath
Impaired personal To maintain refreshed.
in 1st stage of labour.
hygiene related proper personal
 Is advised to take mouth wash.
labour pain hygiene.
 Sponging of face is done.
 Hair is made tidy.

Nursing care process
( For mother after delivery)
Nursing Expected Nursing Intervention Evaluation
Diagnosis Outcome
Disturbed body To maintain  Vital signs checked and recorded. BP -110/70 mm
system related to normal body  Hydration level is assessed. of Hg, Temp -
labour process system- vital  Fundal height and consistency is afebrile, Pulse -
signs, size and checked. 84 bts/min,
position of uterus,  Lochia(amount, colour) is checked. Resp - 20
lochia.  Sips of water is given to the brs/min

mother. Uterus is hard,

globular, lochia
is normal in
Impaired comfort To maintain  Comfortable position is given.
related to after adequate comfort.  Is advised early ambulation.
pain, pain in Woman
 Assessed breast for engorgement.
episiotomy area, expresses
 Wet clothes are removed.
uterine cramps, comfort.
 Mother is instructed to breast feed
bleeding as
the baby.
evidenced by
 Is encouraged proper breast
emptying by giving colostrum and
hind milk and continue exclusive

Nursing care process
( For Baby)
Nursing Expected Nursing Intervention Evaluation
Diagnosis Outcome
Ineffective To maintain  Baby is received in a pre warmed, Baby’s body
thermoregulation adequate sterile towel. temperature is
related to thermoregulation.  Baby is dried immediately and normal.
transition of changed the wet towel.
newborn to extra  Wrapped the baby with another pre
uterine warmed towel.
environment.  Baby is put to the mother’s chest
for to promote skin to skin contact.
 Fan is put off in the baby corner.
 Skin colour is assessed to detect
any signs of hypothermia.

Potential risk for To establish  Baby is kept at the room

effective temperature of 28˚-32˚C. Baby cried
ineffective airway
breathing. after birth.
related to presence  Mouth is cleaned with sterile gauze
of mucous in piece after delivery of head.
mouth and nose.  Suction of mouth and oropharynx
and nose is done.
 Tactile stimulation is given

Signature of Student

Signature of supervisor

Conduction of Normal Delivery
Case No. – 15
Identification data
Name of the hospital : Barasat District Hospital
Name of the client : Marufa Bibi Age : 21 yrs.
Address with husband’s name : w/o- Sahidul Haque
Vill-Panigobra, P.O-Rajnagar, P.S.-Basirhat, Dist- North-24 Parganas

Religion : Muslim Under Dr : Dr. R. Mandal

Date of admission: 13/02/2020 at 12.10am Registration no. : 13224
GPLA : G1P0L0A0 Period of gestation : 39 weeks 5days
LMP : 08/05/2019 EDD : 15/02/2020
Onset of labour pain : Complain on admission : labour pain with 39 weeks amenorrhea.
On examination findings: Os- 2 cm., Cervix- 40% Effaced, FHR- 140 bts/min
BP of the mother- 126/70 mm of Hg, Pulse- 72 bts/min, Resp- 20 brs/ min.

Brief History :

Social : Education: Husband : Graduate Wife: Class X.

Occupation : Husband : Business. Wife : Housewife.

Family members : 4 Members. Support Person : Mother-in-law

Personal : Any drug allergy : Nothing significant.

Medical and surgical : Past : Nothing significant.

Present : Nothing significant.

Family : Nothing Significant.

Financial assistance : From husband.

Marital history : Married for 2 years.

Relationship : Maintains good relationship with family members and neighbours.

Diet : Last meal time and contents : Chapati, Sabji, at 7 pm.

Bowel and bladder: Passed urine and stool.

Past Obstetric History : LCB :
No. of Year Abortion Any Mode of Place of Sex Baby Any Remarks
pregna (with problems delivery delivery (alive/ problem
ncy period) during stillbirth) during
antenatal puerperium

Present Obstetric History :

Booked/ unbooked : Booked No. of antenatal check up : 4
Immunization : Inj TT 2 doses taken. Total weight gain : 12 kg
Any problem during pregnancy : No
If yes, treatment given :
Nature of labour pain (with time) : Started at 09.10 PM on 13/02/2020. She complain pain
from abdomen towards thigh.
Laboratory investigations :
Blood Group : B Hb % : 12 gm/dl
Rh : +ve PPBS /Fasting : 78 mg/dl(fasting)
HIV : Nonreactive HbsAg : Nonreactive VDRL : Nonreactive
Urine : Sugar : Nil Alb : Nil
USG report : Single live fetus with changing lie.Active etal movement and cardiac pulsation
are visualized and corroborated with M- mod study.measurement-B.P.D:64mm corresponds
to 26weeks 3days; F.L:44mm corresponds to 24weeks 2days; A.C: 216mm corresponds to
25weeks 6days; F.H.R:160BPM.
Physical examination :
Vital signs : BP- 120/78 mm of Hg Pulse- 84 bts/min Resp.- 18 brs/min Temp.-98.40F
General condition : Good Eye -Pallor/normal: Normal
Tongue -Dehydrated/Moist : Moist Breast : Soft and secretory
Heart : Normal. Bladder-Distended/Evacuated: Evacuated
Lung : Normal. Oedema : absent.
Any other specific findings : Nothing significant.
Any other associated condition : Nothing significant.

Abdominal examination :
Inspection : Uterine ovoid is longitudinal. Pink striaes are present . no scar mark, or sign of
infection. Uterine contraction is present. Fetal movements are visible.
SFH in cm.: 32 cm. In weeks : 39 weeks
Abdominal girth : 100cm.

Fundal grip : A broad soft mass suggestive of buttocks is palpable.
Lateral grip : In the left lateral grip – A smooth curved and resistant mass is felt
suggestive of back.
In right lateral grip : Small, knob like, irregular parts are felt , suggestive of limbs.
First Pelvic Grip :.
Second pelvic grip :
Auscultation : 130 beats/ min.
Per vaginal examination/ vulval inspection : no signs of infection is present. Show is
Remarks (specifying presentation, position, engagement, etc.)
A full term pregnant with true labour pain. Findings reveal vertex presentation, LOA
position, FHR- 140 beats/min and regular. Other findings are recorded in the partograph.

Management during first stage of labour

Time of onset of labour pain
Time of full dilation of os
Rest/ walk, diet, bowel, bladder, relief of pain Woman is instructed to walk and to practice
(relaxation technique/ medication,), general deep breathing and relaxation technique
care, vulval toileting, bath, clothing, during and after contraction. She has passed
assurance, advices regarding Dos and Don’ts stool and urine. She has taken tea. No
in first stage of labour, progress notes of analgesic is given. Garments are changed.
labour, fetal and maternal condition( to be Reassurance is given. Mother is instructed
recorded in the partograph.) not to bear down. Her progress of labour is

Management during second stage of labour
Preparation of woman for delivery, shifting Woman is shifted to the labour table. She is
to labour table, positioning of the woman, advised to lie on her back with knee flexed
catheterisation, instructions for bearing and legs/ thighs apart. She is encouraged to
down, progress notes of labour, fetal and bear down during contraction. FHR is
maternal condition ( to be recorded in checked in 15 mins interval and recorded in
partograph) partograph.

Conduction of delivery
Mode of delivery Normal delivery with episiotomy
Time of delivery
Delivery of head9specify if episiotomy Vulval toileting is done. Perineal guard is given.
required) Inj. Lignocaine 1% 5ml given in a fan shaped way.
Care following delivery of head , A left sided medio-lateral episiotomy is given.
delivery of shoulder, delivery of trunk. Head is delivered in between contraction. Eyes and
mouth are cleaned. There is no cord around the
neck. Restitution occurs. Then external rotation of
head is occurred and baby is born by laboured
flexion ,whole body is delivered and kept on
mother’s abdomen. Cord is clamped and cut. A full
term normal living girl baby is delivered at 10.05
am on14/02/20. Baby cried immediately after birth.
In syntocin 10 unit IM is given a gush of bleeding
with permanent lengthening of cord is seen
vaginally. Uterus is hard, globular. Placenta is
expelled by controlled cord traction. Placenta and
membrane are completely expelled out at 10.20 am
0n on14/02/20 . A quick placenta examination is

Sex of the newborn : Girl.

Disc no. of the newborn : 420

Birth weight of the newborn : 2.6 kg
Condition of the newborn :
Record if any resuscitation Baby cried immediately after birth. No resuscitation
measures taken and time of cry. measures required. General condition- good. Posture-
Respiration, heart arte, colour of well flexed. Baby cried at birth. Skin- pink, smooth,
the baby. soft. Vernix present on back, shoulder. FHR- 136 beats/
Further resuscitation measures min. respiration- 36 breaths/min, length -48 cm, HC- 33.
taken. CC- 31cm. anterior fontanelle diamond shaped and
measures 3cmx 2.5 cm. No overriding of sutures. Eyes
clean , no discharge present. Sclera is white. Top of the
pinna of ear is in horizontal plane to the outer canthus .
nasal passage is patent. Breast tissue more than 10mm.
Abdomen – soft. Labia majora completely covers the
minora. Anus- patent.

Total hour of labour : 13hrs. 10 mins

1st stage : 11 hrs10 min
2nd stage : 1 hrs 45 min
3rd stage : 15 min
Medical treatment advised (if any ):
Management of fourth stage of labour :
Condition of mother :
BP : 110/70 mmHg Temp : Afebrile Pulse : 84 bts/min Resp : 20 brs/min
Vaginal bleeding : Lochia rubra is present in average amount.
Uterus : Hard, globular and mobile, SFH- 15 cm.
Level of hydration : Normal.
Bladder : Emptied
General care : Water is given to the mother.
Condition of the baby : No cord bleeding. Baby is put on mother’s breast. Baby is active and
sucking the breast.

Nursing care process
( For mother before delivery)
Nursing Expected Nursing Intervention Evaluation
Diagnosis Outcome
Acute pain related To modify  Intensity, duration and interval of Woman
to uterine behaviour to contractions are assessed. practiced deep
contractions as decrease  Woman is advised to practice deep breathing and
evidenced by intensifying of breathing and relaxation technique. relaxation
verbalisation and labour pain  Is instructed to relax after each technique.
facial expression, contraction.
restlessness.  Is advised not to bear down in first
stage .
 Is taught when and how to bear
down in 2nd stage of labour.

 Hydration level is assessed.

Impaired fluid & To maintain  Provide liquid diet
electrolyte balance adequate Hydration level
 A glass of water given during latent
related to nutrition. is normal.
restriction and
 Only sips of water is given in 2nd
perspiration in
stage of labour.
labour pain
 Intake and output is maintained.

 Woman is encouraged to take bath Woman

Impaired personal To maintain
in 1st stage of labour. expresses
hygiene related proper personal
 Is advised to take mouth wash. refreshed.
labour pain hygiene.
 Sponging of face is done.
 Hair is made tidy.

Nursing care process
( For mother after delivery)
Nursing Expected Nursing Intervention Evaluation
Diagnosis Outcome
Disturbed body To maintain  Vital signs checked and recorded. BP -110/70 mm
system related to normal body  Hydration level is assessed. of Hg, Temp-
labour process system- vital  Fundal height and consistency is afebrile, Pulse -
signs, size and checked. 84 bts/min,
position of uterus,  Lochia(amount, colour) is checked. Resp - 20
lochia.  Sips of water is given to the brs/min

mother. Uterus is hard,

globular, lochia
is normal in
Impaired comfort To maintain  Comfortable position is given.
related to after adequate comfort.  Is advised early ambulation.
pain, pain in Woman
 Assessed breast for engorgement.
episiotomy area, expresses
 Wet clothes are removed.
uterine cramps, comfort.
 Mother is instructed to breast feed
bleeding as
the baby.
evidenced by
 Is encouraged proper breast
emptying by giving colostrum and
hind milk and continue exclusive

Nursing care process
( For Baby)
Nursing Expected Nursing Intervention Evaluation
Diagnosis Outcome
Ineffective To maintain  Baby is received in a pre warmed, Baby’s body
thermoregulation adequate sterile towel. temperature is
related to thermoregulation.  Baby is dried immediately and normal.
transition of changed the wet towel.
newborn to extra  Wrapped the baby with another pre
uterine warmed towel.
environment.  Baby is put to the mother’s chest
for to promote skin to skin contact.
 Fan is put off in the baby corner.
 Skin colour is assessed to detect
any signs of hypothermia.

Potential risk for To establish  Baby is kept at the room Baby cried

ineffective airway effective temperature of 28˚-32˚C. after birth.

related to presence breathing.  Mouth is cleaned with sterile gauze

of mucous in piece after delivery of head.
mouth and nose.  Suction of mouth and oropharynx
and nose is done.
 Tactile stimulation is given

Signature of Student

Signature of supervisor

Conduction of Normal Delivery
Case No. – 16
Identification data
Name of the hospital : Barasat District Hospital
Name of the client : Chhaya Paik Age : 21 yrs.
Address with husband’s name : w/o- Tarun Paik
Vill-Bira NabajinaPally, P.O-Joypur, P.S.-Duttapukur , Dist- North-24 Parganas.
Religion : Hindu Under Dr. : Dr. M.L. Maity
Date of admission: 12/02/2020 at 3.05am Registration no: 15832
GPLA : G1P0L0A0 Period of gestation : 39 weeks 5days
LMP : 07/05/2019 EDD : 14/02/2020
Onset of labour pain : Complain on admission : labour pain with 40 weeks amenorrhea.
On examination findings: Os- 3 cm., Cervix- 40% Effaced, FHR- 144 bts/min
BP of the mother- 120/70 mmhg, Pulse- 76 bts/min, Resp- 20 brs/ min.

Brief History :

Social : Education: Husband : Class XII. Wife: Class X.

Occupation : Husband : Business. Wife : Housewife.

Family members : 4 members. Support Person : Husband

Any drug allergy : Nothing significant.

Medical and surgical : Past : Nothing significant. Present : Nothing significant.

Family : Nothing Significant

Financial assistance : From husband.

Marital history : Married for 3 years.

Relationship : Maintains good relationship with family members and neighbours.

Diet : Last meal time and contents : Chapati, Sabji. At 7 pm.

Bowel and bladder: Passed urine and stool.

Past Obstetric History : LCB :
No. of Year Abortion Any Mode of Place of Sex Baby Any Remarks
pregna (with problems delivery delivery (alive/ problem
ncy period) during stillbirth) during
antenatal puerperium

Present Obstetric History :

Booked/ unbooked : Booked No. of antenatal check up : 4
Immunization : Inj TT 2 doses taken. Total weight gain : 12 kg
Any problem during pregnancy : No.
If yes, treatment given :
Nature of labour pain (with time) : Started at 10.15 pm on 12/02/2020. She complain pain
from abdomen towards thigh.
Laboratory investigations :
Blood Group :B Hb % : 11.8 gm/dl
Rh : +ve PPBS /Fasting : 78 mg/dl(fasting)
HIV : Nonreactive HbsAg : Nonreactive VDRL : Nonreactive
Urine : Sugar : Nil Alb : Nil
USG report : Single live fetus with changing lie.Active etal movement and cardiac pulsation
are visualized and corroborated with M- mod study.measurement-B.P.D:64mm corresponds
to 26weeks 3days; F.L:44mm corresponds to 25weeks 2days; A.C: 216mm corresponds to
25weeks 6days; F.H.R:160BPM.

Physical examination :
Vital signs : BP- 120/78 mm of Hg pulse- 84 bts/min Resp - 18 brs/min Temp-98.20F
General condition : Good Eye -Pallor/normal: Normal
Tongue -Dehydrated/Moist: Moist Breast : Soft and secretory
Heart : Normal Bladder- Distended/ Evacuated : Evacuated
Lung : Normal Oedema : Absent
Any other specific findings : Nothing significant.

Any other associated condition : Nothing significant.
Abdominal examination :
Inspection : Uterine ovoid is longitudinal. Pink striaes are present . no scar mark, or sign of
infection. Uterine contraction is present. Fetal movements are visible.
SFH in cm.: 32 cm. In weeks : 39 weeks
Abdominal girth : 100 cm.

Fundal grip : A broad soft mass suggestive of buttocks is palpable.
Lateral grip : In the left lateral grip – A smooth curved and resistant mass is felt
suggestive of back.
In right lateral grip : Small, knob like, irregular parts are felt , suggestive of limbs.
First Pelvic Grip :.
Second pelvic grip :
Auscultation : 140 beats/ min.
Per vaginal examination/ vulval inspection : No signs of infection is present. Show is
Remarks (specifying presentation, position, engagement, etc.)
A full term pregnant with true labour pain. Findings reveal vertex presentation, LOA
position, FHR- 140 beats/min and regular. Other findings are recorded in the partograph.

Management during first stage of labour

Time of onset of labour pain
Time of full dilation of os
Rest/ walk, diet, bowel, bladder, relief of pain Woman is instructed to walk and to practice
(relaxation technique/ medication,), general deep breathing and relaxation technique
care, vulval toileting, bath, clothing, during and after contraction. She has passed
assurance, advices regarding Dos and Don’ts stool and urine. She has taken tea. No
in first stage of labour, progress notes of analgesic is given. Garments are changed.
labour, fetal and maternal condition( to be Reassurance is given. Mother is instructed
recorded in the partograph.) not to bear down. Her progress of labour is

Management during second stage of labour
Preparation of woman for delivery, shifting Woman is shifted to the labour table. She is
to labour table, positioning of the woman, advised to lie on her back with knee flexed
catheterisation, instructions for bearing and legs/ thighs apart. She is encouraged to
down, progress notes of labour, fetal and bear down during contraction. FHR is
maternal condition ( to be recorded in checked in 15 mins interval and recorded in
partograph) partograph.

Conduction of delivery
Mode of delivery Normal delivery with episiotomy
Time of delivery
Delivery of head9specify if episiotomy Vulval toileting is done. Perineal guard is given.
required) Inj. Lignocaine 1% 5ml given in a fan shaped way.
Care following delivery of head , A left sided medio-lateral episiotomy is given.
delivery of shoulder, delivery of trunk. Head is delivered in between contraction. Eyes and
mouth are cleaned. There is no cord around the
neck. Restitution occurs. Then external rotation of
head is occurred and baby is born by laboured
flexion ,whole body is delivered and kept on
mother’s abdomen. Cord is clamped and cut. A full
term normal living girl baby is delivered at 11 am
on13/02/20. Baby cried immediately after birth. In
syntocin 10 unit IM is given a gush of bleeding
with permanent lengthening of cord is seen
vaginally. Uterus is hard, globular. Placenta is
expelled by controlled cord traction. Placenta and
membrane are completely expelled out at 11.15am
0n 13/02/20. A quick placenta examination is done.

Sex of the newborn : Girl.

Disc no. of the newborn : 47
Birth weight of the newborn : 2.6kg

Condition of the newborn :
Record if any resuscitation Baby cried immediately after birth. No resuscitation
measures taken and time of cry. measures required. General condition- good. Posture-
Respiration, heart arte, colour of well flexed. Baby cried at birth. Skin- pink, smooth,
the baby. soft. Vernix present on back, shoulder. FHR- 136 beats/
Further resuscitation measures min. respiration- 36 breaths/min, length -48 cm, HC- 33.
taken. CC- 31cm. anterior fontanelle diamond shaped and
measures 3cmx 2.5 cm. No overriding of sutures. Eyes
clean , no discharge present. Sclera is white. Top of the
pinna of ear is in horizontal plane to the outer canthus .
nasal passage is patent. Breast tissue more than 10mm.
Abdomen – soft. Labia majora completely covers the
minora. Anus- patent.

Total hour of labour : 13 hrs.

1st stage : 11hrs.
2nd stage : 1hrs 45 min
3rd stage : 15 min
Medical treatment advised (if any ):Nothing Significant
Management of fourth stage of labour :
Condition of mother :
BP : 110/70 mm of Hg Temp - 980F Pulse - 84 bts/min Resp - 20 brs/min
Vaginal bleeding : Lochia rubra is present in average amount.
Uterus : Hard, globular and mobile, SFH- 14 cm.
Level of hydration : Normal
Bladder : Emptied
General care : Water is given to the mother.
Condition of the baby : No cord bleeding. Baby is put on mother’s breast. Baby is active and
sucking the breast.

Nursing care process
( For mother before delivery)
Nursing Expected Nursing Intervention Evaluation
Diagnosis Outcome
Acute pain related To modify  Intensity, duration and interval of Woman
to uterine behaviour to contractions are assessed. practiced deep
contractions as decrease  Woman is advised to practice breathing and
evidenced by intensifying of deep breathing and relaxation relaxation
verbalisation and labour pain technique. technique.
facial expression,  Is instructed to relax after each
restlessness. contraction.
 Is advised not to bear down in
first stage .
 Is taught when and how to bear
down in 2nd stage of labour.

Impaired fluid & To maintain  Hydration level is assessed.

electrolyte balance adequate  Provide liquid diet Hydration level
related to nutrition. is normal.
 A glass of water given during
restriction and
latent phase.
perspiration in
 Only sips of water is given in 2nd
labour pain
stage of labour.
 Intake and output is maintained.

 Woman is encouraged to take

Impaired personal To maintain Woman
bath in 1st stage of labour.
hygiene related proper personal expresses
 Is advised to take mouth wash.
labour pain hygiene. refreshed.
 Sponging of face is done.
 Hair is made tidy.

Nursing care process
( For mother after delivery)
Nursing Expected Nursing Intervention Evaluation
Diagnosis Outcome
Disturbed body To maintain  Vital signs checked and recorded. BP -110/70 mm
system related to normal body  Hydration level is assessed. of Hg, Temp -
labour process system- vital  Fundal height and consistency is afebrile, Pulse -
signs, size and checked. 84 bts/min,
position of uterus,  Lochia(amount, colour) is checked. Resp - 20
lochia.  Sips of water is given to the brs/min

mother. Uterus is hard,

globular, lochia
is normal in
Impaired comfort To maintain  Comfortable position is given.
related to after adequate comfort.  Is advised early ambulation.
pain, pain in Woman
 Assessed breast for engorgement.
episiotomy area, expresses
 Wet clothes are removed.
uterine cramps, comfort.
 Mother is instructed to breast feed
bleeding as
the baby.
evidenced by
 Is encouraged proper breast
emptying by giving colostrum and
hind milk and continue exclusive

Nursing care process
( For Baby)
Nursing Expected Nursing Intervention Evaluation
Diagnosis Outcome
Ineffective To maintain  Baby is received in a pre warmed, Baby’s body
thermoregulation adequate sterile towel. temperature is
related to thermoregulation.  Baby is dried immediately and normal.
transition of changed the wet towel.
newborn to extra  Wrapped the baby with another pre
uterine warmed towel.
environment.  Baby is put to the mother’s chest
for to promote skin to skin contact.
 Fan is put off in the baby corner.
 Skin colour is assessed to detect
any signs of hypothermia.

Potential risk for  Baby is kept at the room Baby cried

To establish
ineffective airway temperature of 28˚-32˚C. after birth.
related to presence
breathing.  Mouth is cleaned with sterile gauze
of mucous in
piece after delivery of head.
mouth and nose.
 Suction of mouth and oropharynx
and nose is done.
 Tactile stimulation is given

Signature of Student

Signature of supervisor

Conduction of Normal Delivery
Case No. – 17
Identification data
Name of the hospital : Barasat District Hospital
Name of the client : Laxmi Paul Age : 24 yrs.
Address with husband’s name : W/o- Nani Gopal Paul
Vill-Balui Gachi, P.O- Paul para, P.S.-Hasnabad , Dist- North-24 Parganas.
Religion : Hindu Under Dr. : Dr. S. S.Roy
Date of admission : 14/02/20 at 7.08am Registration no. : 13081
GPLA : G1P0L0A0 Period of gestation : 40 weeks
LMP : 07/05/2019 EDD : 14/02/2020
Onset of labour pain : Complain on admission : Labour pain with 40 weeks amenorrhea.
On examination findings : Os- 8 cm., Cervix- 90% Effaced, FHR- 144 bts/min
BP of the mother- 130/70 mm of Hg, Pulse- 76 bts/min, Rresp- 20 brs/ min.

Brief History :

Social : Education: Husband : Class X. Wife: Class IX.

Occupation : Husband : Business. Wife : Housewife.

Family members : 4 members. Support Person : Mother-in-law

Personal : Any drug allergy : Nothing significant.

Medical and surgical : Past : Nothing significant.

Present : Nothing significant.

Family : Nothing Significant

Financial assistance : From husband.

Marital history : Married for 1 years.

Relationship : Maintains good relationship with family members and neighbours.

Diet : Last meal time and contents : Chapati, Sabji, at 8 pm.

Bowel and bladder: Passed urine and stool.

Past Obstetric History : LCB :
No. of Year Abortion Any Mode of Place of Sex Baby Any Remarks
pregna (with problems delivery delivery (alive/ problem
ncy period) during stillbirth) during
antenatal puerperium

Present Obstetric History :

Booked/ unbooked : Booked No. of antenatal check up : 4
Immunization : Inj TT 2 doses taken. Total weight gain : 11kg
Any problem during pregnancy : No.
If yes, treatment given :
Nature of labour pain (with time) : Started at 9.20 pm on 14/02/2020. She complain pain from
abdomen towards thigh.
Laboratory investigations :
Blood Group : A Hb % : 12 gm/dl
Rh : +ve PPBS /Fasting : 78 mg/dl(fasting)
HIV : Nonreactive HbsAg : Nonreactive VDRL : Non-reactive
Urine : Sugar : Nil Alb : Nil
USG report : Single live fetus with changing lie.Active etal movement and cardiac pulsation
are visualized and corroborated with M- mod study.measurement-B.P.D:64mm corresponds
to 26weeks 3days; F.L:44mm corresponds to 24weeks 2days; A.C: 216mm corresponds to
25weeks 6days; F.H.R:160BPM.
Physical examination :
Vital signs : BP- 120/78 mm of Hg Pulse- 80 bts/min Resp - 20 brs/min Temp-980F
General condition : Good Eye -Pallor/normal:Normal
Tongue -Dehydrated/Moist: Moist Breast : Soft and secretory
Heart : Normal Bladder- Distended/ Evacuated : Evacuated
Lung : Normal Oedema : Absent
Any other specific findings : Nothing significant.
Any other associated condition : Nothing significant.

Abdominal examination :
Inspection : Uterine ovoid is longitudinal. Pink striaes are present . no scar mark, or sign of
infection. Uterine contraction is present. Fetal movements are visible.
SFH in cm.: 32 cm. In weeks : 40 weeks
Abdominal girth : 96 cm.

Fundal grip : A broad soft mass suggestive of buttocks is palpable.
Lateral grip : In the left lateral grip – A smooth curved and resistant mass is felt
suggestive of back.
In right lateral grip : Small, knob like, irregular parts are felt , suggestive of limbs.
First Pelvic Grip :.
Second pelvic grip :
Auscultation : 136 beats/ min.
Per vaginal examination/ vulval inspection : no signs of infection is present. Show is
Remarks (specifying presentation, position, engagement, etc.)
A full term pregnant with true labour pain. Findings reveal vertex presentation, LOA
position, FHR- 140 beats/min and regular. Other findings are recorded in the partograph.

Management during first stage of labour

Time of onset of labour pain
Time of full dilation of os
Rest/ walk, diet, bowel, bladder, relief of pain Woman is instructed to walk and to practice
(relaxation technique/ medication,), general deep breathing and relaxation technique
care, vulval toileting, bath, clothing, during and after contraction. She has passed
assurance, advices regarding Dos and Don’ts stool and urine. She has taken tea. No
in first stage of labour, progress notes of analgesic is given. Garments are changed.
labour, fetal and maternal condition( to be Reassurance is given. Mother is instructed
recorded in the partograph.) not to bear down. Her progress of labour is

Management during second stage of labour
Preparation of woman for delivery, shifting Woman is shifted to the labour table. She is
to labour table, positioning of the woman, advised to lie on her back with knee flexed
catheterisation, instructions for bearing and legs/ thighs apart. She is encouraged to
down, progress notes of labour, fetal and bear down during contraction. FHR is
maternal condition ( to be recorded in checked in 15 mins interval and recorded in
partograph) partograph.

Conduction of delivery
Mode of delivery Normal delivery with episiotomy
Time of delivery
Delivery of head9specify if episiotomy Vulval toileting is done. Perineal guard is given.
required) Inj. Lignocaine 1% 5ml given in a fan shaped way.
Care following delivery of head , A left sided medio-lateral episiotomy is given.
delivery of shoulder, delivery of trunk. Head is delivered in between contraction. Eyes and
mouth are cleaned. There is no cord around the
neck. Restitution occurs. Then external rotation of
head is occurred and baby is born by laboured
flexion ,whole body is delivered and kept on
mother’s abdomen. Cord is clamped and cut. A full
term normal living boy baby is delivered at 11.20
am on15/02/20. Baby cried immediately after birth.
In syntocin 10 unit IM is given a gush of bleeding
with permanent lengthening of cord is seen
vaginally. Uterus is hard, globular. Placenta is
expelled by controlled cord traction. Placenta and
membrane are completely expelled out at 11.35 am
on15/02/20. A quick placenta examination is done.

Sex of the newborn : Boy

Disc no. of the newborn : 697

Birth weight of the newborn : 2.8 kg

Condition of the newborn :

Record if any resuscitation Baby cried immediately after birth. No resuscitation
measures taken and time of cry. measures required. General condition- good. Posture-
Respiration, heart arte, colour of well flexed. Baby cried at birth. Skin- pink, smooth,
the baby. soft. Vernix present on back, shoulder. FHR- 136 beats/
Further resuscitation measures min. respiration- 36 breaths/min, length -48 cm, HC- 33.
taken. CC- 31cm. anterior fontanelle diamond shaped and
measures 3cmx 2.5 cm. No overriding of sutures. Eyes
clean , no discharge present. Sclera is white. Top of the
pinna of ear is in horizontal plane to the outer canthus .
nasal passage is patent. Breast tissue more than 10mm.
Abdomen – soft . Anus- patent.

Total hour of labour : 14 hrs. 15 mins

1st stage : 12 hrs
2nd stage : 2 hrs
3rd stage : 15 min
Medical treatment advised (if any ):
Management of fourth stage of labour :
Condition of mother :
BP : 110/70 mm of Hg Temp - afebrile Pulse - 80 bts/min Resp - 20 brs/min
Vaginal bleeding : Lochia rubra is present in average amount.
Uterus : Hard, globular and mobile, SFH- 13.5 cm.
Level of hydration : Normal.
Bladder : Emptied.
General care : Water is given to the mother.
Condition of the baby : No cord bleeding. Baby is put on mother’s breast. Baby is active and
sucking the breast.

Nursing care process
( For mother before delivery)
Nursing Expected Nursing Intervention Evaluation
Diagnosis Outcome
Acute pain related To modify  Intensity, duration and interval of Woman
to uterine behaviour to contractions are assessed. practiced deep
contractions as decrease  Woman is advised to practice deep breathing and
evidenced by intensifying of breathing and relaxation technique. relaxation
verbalisation and labour pain  Is instructed to relax after each technique.
facial expression, contraction.
restlessness.  Is advised not to bear down in first
stage .
 Is taught when and how to bear
down in 2nd stage of labour.

 Hydration level is assessed.

Impaired fluid & To maintain  Provide liquid diet
electrolyte balance adequate Hydration level
 A glass of water given during latent
related to nutrition. is normal.
restriction and
 Only sips of water is given in 2nd
perspiration in
stage of labour.
labour pain
 Intake and output is maintained.

 Woman is encouraged to take bath

in 1st stage of labour.
Impaired personal To maintain Woman
 Is advised to take mouth wash.
hygiene related proper personal expresses
 Sponging of face is done.
labour pain hygiene. refreshed.
 Hair is made tidy.

Nursing care process
( For mother after delivery)
Nursing Expected Nursing Intervention Evaluation
Diagnosis Outcome
Disturbed body To maintain  Vital signs checked and recorded. BP -110/70 mm
system related to normal body  Hydration level is assessed. of Hg, Temp-
labour process system- vital  Fundal height and consistency is afebrile, Pulse -
signs, size and checked. 84 bts/min,
position of uterus,  Lochia(amount, colour) is checked. Resp - 20
lochia.  Sips of water is given to the brs/min

mother. Uterus is hard,

globular, lochia
is normal in
Impaired comfort To maintain  Comfortable position is given.
related to after adequate comfort.  Is advised early ambulation. Woman
pain, pain in expresses
 Assessed breast for engorgement.
episiotomy area, comfort.
 Wet clothes are removed.
uterine cramps,
 Mother is instructed to breast feed
bleeding as
the baby.
evidenced by
 Is encouraged proper breast
emptying by giving colostrum and
hind milk and continue exclusive

Nursing care process
( For Baby)
Nursing Expected Nursing Intervention Evaluation
Diagnosis Outcome
Ineffective To maintain  Baby is received in a pre warmed, Baby’s body
thermoregulation adequate sterile towel. temperature is
related to thermoregulation.  Baby is dried immediately and normal.
transition of changed the wet towel.
newborn to extra  Wrapped the baby with another pre
uterine warmed towel.
environment.  Baby is put to the mother’s chest
for to promote skin to skin contact.
 Fan is put off in the baby corner.
 Skin colour is assessed to detect
any signs of hypothermia.

Potential risk for To establish  Baby is kept at the room

ineffective airway effective temperature of 28˚-32˚C. Baby cried
related to presence breathing. after birth.
 Mouth is cleaned with sterile gauze
of mucous in
piece after delivery of head.
mouth and nose.
 Suction of mouth and oropharynx
and nose is done.
 Tactile stimulation is given

Signature of Student

Signature of supervisor

Conduction of Normal Delivery
Case No. – 18
Identification data
Name of the hospital : Barasat District Hospital
Name of the client : Arbina Bibi. Age : 24yrs.
Address with husband’s name : W/o- Saifuddin Sardar
Vill-Debraj pur , P.O- Sreenagar, P.S.- Basirhat , Dist- North-24 Parganas
Religion : Muslim Under Dr : Dr. D.Roy
Date of admission : 10/02/2020 at 7.48am Registration no. : 13225
GPLA : G1P0L0A0 Period of gestation : 39 weeks 3days
LMP : 07/05/19 EDD : 14/02/2020
Onset of labour pain : Complain on admission : labour pain with 39 weeks amenorrhea.
On examination findings: Os- 7 cm., Cervix- 70% Effaced, FHR- 140 bts/min
BP of the mother- 130/80 mm of Hg, Pulse- 78 bts/min, Resp- 20 brs/ min.

Brief History :

Social : Education: Husband : Class X. Wife: Class V.

Occupation : Husband : Mason. Wife : Housewife.

Family members : 4 members. Support Person : Mother-in-law

Personal : Any drug allergy : Nothing significant.

Medical and surgical : Past : Nothing significant.

Present : Nothing significant.

Family : Nothing Significant

Financial assistance : From husband.

Marital history : Married for 2 years.

Relationship : Maintains good relationship with family members and neighbours.

Diet : Last meal time and contents : Chapati, Sabji, at 7 PM.

Bowel and bladder: Passed urine and stool.

Past Obstetric History : LCB :
No. of Year Abortion Any Mode of Place of Sex Baby Any Remarks
pregna (with problems delivery delivery (alive/ problem
ncy period) during stillbirth) during
antenatal puerperium

Present Obstetric History :

Booked/ unbooked : Booked No. of antenatal check up : 4
Immunization : Inj TT 2 doses taken. Total weight gain : 10kg
Any problem during pregnancy : No.
If yes, treatment given :
Nature of labour pain (with time) : Started at 10pm on 10/02/2020. She complain pain from
abdomen towards thigh.

Laboratory investigations :
Blood Group : AB Hb % : 12 gm/dl
Rh : +ve PPBS /Fasting : 80 mg/dl(fasting)
HIV : Non-reactive HbsAg : Nonreactive VDRL : Non-reactive
Urine : Sugar : Nil Alb : Nil
USG report : Single live fetus with changing lie.Active etal movement and cardiac pulsation
are visualized and corroborated with M- mod study.measurement-B.P.D:64mm corresponds
to 26weeks 3days; F.L:44mm corresponds to 25weeks 2days; A.C: 216mm corresponds to
25weeks 6days; F.H.R:160BPM.

Physical examination :
Vital signs : BP- 120/80 mm of Hg Pulse- 80 bts/min Resp- 18 brs/min
Temp -98.60F
General condition : Good Eye -Pallor/normal: Normal
Tongue -Dehydrated/Moist: Moist Breast :Soft and secretory
Heart : Normal Bladder-Distended/ Evacuated : Evacuated
Lung : Normal Oedema : Absent
Any other specific findings : Nothing significant.

Any other associated condition : Nothing significant.
Abdominal examination :
Inspection : Uterine ovoid is longitudinal. Pink striaes are present . No scar mark, or sign of
infection. Uterine contraction is present. Fetal movements are visible.
SFH in cm.: 32 cm. In weeks : 40 weeks
Abdominal girth : 100 cm.
Fundal grip : A broad soft mass suggestive of buttocks is palpable.
Lateral grip : In the left lateral grip – A smooth curved and resistant mass is felt
suggestive of back.
In right lateral grip : Small, knob like, irregular parts are felt , suggestive of limbs.
First Pelvic Grip :.
Second pelvic grip :
Auscultation : 130 beats/ min.
Per vaginal examination/ vulval inspection : No signs of infection is present. Show is present.
Remarks (specifying presentation, position, engagement, etc.)
A full term pregnant with true labour pain. Findings reveal vertex presentation, LOA
position, FHR- 140 beats/min and regular. Other findings are recorded in the partograph.

Management during first stage of labour

Time of onset of labour pain
Time of full dilation of os
Rest/ walk, diet, bowel, bladder, relief of pain Woman is instructed to walk and to practice
(relaxation technique/ medication,), general deep breathing and relaxation technique
care, vulval toileting, bath, clothing, during and after contraction. She has passed
assurance, advices regarding Dos and Don’ts stool and urine. She has taken tea. No
in first stage of labour, progress notes of analgesic is given. Garments are changed.
labour, fetal and maternal condition( to be Reassurance is given. Mother is instructed
recorded in the partograph.) not to bear down. Her progress of labour is

Management during second stage of labour
Preparation of woman for delivery, shifting Woman is shifted to the labour table. She is
to labour table, positioning of the woman, advised to lie on her back with knee flexed
catheterisation, instructions for bearing and legs/ thighs apart. She is encouraged to
down, progress notes of labour, fetal and bear down during contraction. FHR is
maternal condition ( to be recorded in checked in 15 mins interval and recorded in
partograph) partograph.

Conduction of delivery
Mode of delivery Normal delivery with episiotomy
Time of delivery
Delivery of head9specify if episiotomy Vulval toileting is done. Perineal guard is given.
required) Inj. Lignocaine 1% 5ml given in a fan shaped way.
Care following delivery of head , A left sided medio-lateral episiotomy is given.
delivery of shoulder, delivery of trunk. Head is delivered in between contraction. Eyes and
mouth are cleaned. There is no cord around the
neck. Restitution occurs. Then external rotation of
head is occurred and baby is born by laboured
flexion ,whole body is delivered and kept on
mother’s abdomen. Cord is clamped and cut. A full
term normal living boy baby is delivered at
12.10pm on11/02/2020. Baby cried immediately
after birth. In syntocin 10 unit IM is given a gush of
bleeding with permanent lengthening of cord is
seen vaginally. Uterus is hard, globular. Placenta is
expelled by controlled cord traction. Placenta and
membrane are completely expelled out at 12.25 pm
0n 11/02/2020. A quick placenta examination is

Sex of the newborn : Boy.

Disc no. of the newborn : 349

Birth weight of the newborn : 2.6 kg
Condition of the newborn :
Record if any resuscitation Baby cried immediately after birth. No resuscitation
measures taken and time of cry. measures required. General condition- good. Posture-
Respiration, heart arte, colour of well flexed. Baby cried at birth. Skin- pink, smooth,
the baby. soft. Vernix present on back, shoulder. FHR- 136 beats/
Further resuscitation measures min. respiration- 36 breaths/min, length -48 cm, HC- 33.
taken. CC- 31cm. anterior fontanelle diamond shaped and
measures 3cmx 2.5 cm. No overriding of sutures. Eyes
clean , no discharge present. Sclera is white. Top of the
pinna of ear is in horizontal plane to the outer canthus .
nasal passage is patent. Breast tissue more than 10mm.
Abdomen – soft. Anus- patent.

Total hour of labour : 14 hrs. 15 mins

1st stage : 12hrs
2nd stage : 2hrs
3rd stage : 15min
Medical treatment advised (if any ):
Management of fourth stage of labour :
Condition of mother :
BP : 110/80 mmHg Temp- Afebrile Pulse - 80 bts/min Resp- 20 brs/min
Vaginal bleeding : Lochia rubra is present in average amount.
Uterus : hard, globular and mobile, SFH- 13 cm.
Level of hydration : Normal.
Bladder : Emptied.
General care : Water is given to the mother.
Condition of the baby : No cord bleeding. Baby is put on mother’s breast. Baby is active and
sucking the breast.

Nursing care process
( For mother before delivery)
Nursing Expected Nursing Intervention Evaluation
Diagnosis Outcome
Acute pain related To modify  Intensity, duration and interval of Woman
to uterine behaviour to contractions are assessed. practiced deep
contractions as decrease  Woman is advised to practice deep breathing and
evidenced by intensifying of breathing and relaxation technique. relaxation
verbalisation and labour pain  Is instructed to relax after each technique.
facial expression, contraction.
restlessness.  Is advised not to bear down in first
stage .
 Is taught when and how to bear
down in 2nd stage of labour.

 Hydration level is assessed.

Impaired fluid & To maintain  Provide liquid diet
electrolyte balance adequate Hydration level
 A glass of water given during latent
related to nutrition. is normal.
restriction and
 Only sips of water is given in 2nd
perspiration in
stage of labour.
labour pain
 Intake and output is maintained.

 Woman is encouraged to take bath

in 1st stage of labour.
Impaired personal To maintain Woman
 Is advised to take mouth wash.
hygiene related proper personal expresses
 Sponging of face is done.
labour pain hygiene. refreshed.
 Hair is made tidy.

Nursing care process
( For mother after delivery)
Nursing Expected Nursing Intervention Evaluation
Diagnosis Outcome
Disturbed body To maintain  Vital signs checked and recorded. BP -110/70 mm
system related to normal body  Hydration level is assessed. of Hg, Temp -
labour process system- vital  Fundal height and consistency is afebrile, Pulse -
signs, size and checked. 84 bts/min,
position of uterus,  Lochia(amount, colour) is checked. Resp - 20
lochia.  Sips of water is given to the brs/min

mother. Uterus is hard,

globular, lochia
is normal in
Impaired comfort To maintain  Comfortable position is given.
related to after adequate comfort.  Is advised early ambulation. Woman
pain, pain in expresses
 Assessed breast for engorgement.
episiotomy area, comfort.
 Wet clothes are removed.
uterine cramps,
 Mother is instructed to breast feed
bleeding as
the baby.
evidenced by
 Is encouraged proper breast
emptying by giving colostrum and
hind milk and continue exclusive

Nursing care process
( For Baby)
Nursing Expected Nursing Intervention Evaluation
Diagnosis Outcome
Ineffective To maintain  Baby is received in a pre warmed, Baby’s body
thermoregulation adequate sterile towel. temperature is
related to thermoregulation.  Baby is dried immediately and normal.
transition of changed the wet towel.
newborn to extra  Wrapped the baby with another pre
uterine warmed towel.
environment.  Baby is put to the mother’s chest
for to promote skin to skin contact.
 Fan is put off in the baby corner.
 Skin colour is assessed to detect
any signs of hypothermia.

Potential risk for To establish  Baby is kept at the room Baby cried
ineffective airway effective temperature of 28˚-32˚C. after birth.
related to presence breathing.
 Mouth is cleaned with sterile gauze
of mucous in
piece after delivery of head.
mouth and nose.
 Suction of mouth and oropharynx
and nose is done.
 Tactile stimulation is given

Signature of Student

Signature of supervisor

Conduction of Normal Delivery
Case No. – 19
Identification data
Name of the hospital : Barasat District Hospital
Name of the client : Gouri Das Age : 21 yrs.
Address with husband’s name : w/o- Bijoy Das
Vill-Suryasen Pally, P.O-Naba Pally, P.S.-Barasat , Dist- North-24 Parganas
Religion : Hindu Under Dr : Dr. S.Samanta
Date of admission : 13/02/2020 at 1.35am Registration no. : 12994
GPLA : G1P0L0A0 Period of gestation : 39 weeks 6days
LMP : 07/05/2019 EDD : 14/02/2020
Onset of labour pain : Complain on admission : labour pain with 40 weeks amenorrhea.
On examination findings: Os- 4 cm., Cervix- 40% Effaced, FHR- 134 bts/min
BP of the mother- 134/80 mmhg., Pulse- 86 bts/min, Resp- 22 brs/ min.

Brief History :

Social : Education: Husband : Class XII. Wife: Class X.

Occupation : Husband : Business. Wife : Housewife.

Family members : 4 members. Support Person : Father-in-law

Personal : Any drug allergy : Nothing significant.

Medical and surgical : Past : Nothing significant.

Present : Nothing significant.

Family : Nothing significant

Financial assistance : From husband.

Marital history : Married for 4 years.

Relationship : Maintains good relationship with family members and neighbours.

Diet : Last meal time and contents : Chapati, Sabji, at 9 pm.

Bowel and bladder : Passed urine and stool.

Past Obstetric History : LCB :
No. of Year Abortion Any Mode of Place of Sex Baby Any Remarks
pregna (with problems delivery delivery (alive/ problem
ncy period) during stillbirth) during
antenatal puerperium

Present Obstetric History :

Booked/ unbooked : Booked No. of antenatal check up : 4
Immunization : Inj TT 2 doses taken. Total weight gain : 12kg
Any problem during pregnancy : No
If yes, treatment given :
Nature of labour pain (with time) : Started at 11.10 pm on 13/02/2020. She complain pain
from abdomen towards thigh.
Laboratory investigations :
Blood Group : B Hb % : 12.8 gm/dl
Rh : +ve PPBS /Fasting : 88 mg/dl(fasting)
HIV : Nonreactive HbsAg : Nonreactive VDRL : Nonreactive
Urine : Sugar : Nil Alb : Nil
USG report : Single live fetus with changing lie.Active etal movement and cardiac pulsation
are visualized and corroborated with M- mod study.measurement-B.P.D:64mm corresponds
to 22weeks 3days; F.L:44mm corresponds to 22weeks 2days; A.C: 216mm corresponds to
23weeks 6days; F.H.R:150BPM.
Physical examination :
Vital signs : BP- 120/70 mm of Hg Pulse - 84 bts/min Resp- 18 brs/min Tem.-980F
General condition : Good Eye -Pallor/normal: Normal
Tongue -Dehydrated/Moist: Moist Breast : Soft and secretory
Heart : Normal Bladder: Distended/ Evacuated : Evacuated
Lung : Nnormal Oedema : Absent
Any other specific findings : Nothing significant.
Any other associated condition : Nothing significant.

Abdominal examination :
Inspection : Uterine ovoid is longitudinal. Pink striaes are present . no scar mark, or sign of
infection. Uterine contraction is present. Fetal movements are visible.
SFH in cm.: 32 cm. In weeks : 40 weeks
Abdominal girth : 98 cm.

Fundal grip : A broad soft mass suggestive of buttocks is palpable.
Lateral grip : In the left lateral grip – Small, knob like, irregular parts are felt , suggestive
of limbs.
In right lateral grip :A smooth curved and resistant mass is felt suggestive of back.
First Pelvic Grip :Head engaged,not balottable
Second pelvic grip :divergence found
Auscultation : 130 beats/ min.
Per vaginal examination/ vulval inspection : no signs of infection is present. Show is
Remarks (specifying presentation, position, engagement, etc.)
A full term pregnant with true labour pain. Findings reveal vertex presentation, ROA
position, FHR- 140 beats/min and regular. Other findings are recorded in the partograph.

Management during first stage of labour

Time of onset of labour pain
Time of full dilation of os
Rest/ walk, diet, bowel, bladder, relief of pain Woman is instructed to walk and to practice
(relaxation technique/ medication,), general deep breathing and relaxation technique
care, vulval toileting, bath, clothing, during and after contraction. She has passed
assurance, advices regarding Dos and Don’ts stool and urine. She has taken tea. No
in first stage of labour, progress notes of analgesic is given. Garments are changed.
labour, fetal and maternal condition( to be Reassurance is given. Mother is instructed
recorded in the partograph.) not to bear down. Her progress of labour is

Management during second stage of labour
Preparation of woman for delivery, shifting Woman is shifted to the labour table. She is
to labour table, positioning of the woman, advised to lie on her back with knee flexed
catheterisation, instructions for bearing and legs/ thighs apart. She is encouraged to
down, progress notes of labour, fetal and bear down during contraction. FHR is
maternal condition ( to be recorded in checked in 15 mins interval and recorded in
partograph) partograph.

Conduction of delivery
Mode of delivery Normal delivery with episiotomy
Time of delivery
Delivery of headspecify if episiotomy Vulval toileting is done. Perineal guard is given.
required) Inj. Lignocaine 1% 5ml given in a fan shaped way.
Care following delivery of head , A left sided medio-lateral episiotomy is given. Head
delivery of shoulder, delivery of trunk. is delivered in between contraction. Eyes and mouth
are cleaned. There is no cord around the neck.
Restitution occurs. Then external rotation of head is
occurred and baby is born by laboured flexion
,whole body is delivered and kept on mother’s
abdomen. Cord is clamped and cut. A full term
normal living girl baby is delivered at 1.01 pm
on14/02/2020. Baby cried immediately after birth.
In syntocin 10 unit IM is given a gush of bleeding
with permanent lengthening of cord is seen
vaginally. Uterus is hard, globular. Placenta is
expelled by controlled cord traction. Placenta and
membrane are completely expelled out at 1.16 pm
0n 14/02/2020. A quick placenta examination is

Sex of the newborn : Girl.

Disc no. of the newborn : 16
Birth weight of the newborn : 2.750 kg

Condition of the newborn :
Record if any resuscitation Baby cried immediately after birth. No resuscitation
measures taken and time of cry. measures required. General condition- good. Posture-
Respiration, heart arte, colour of well flexed. Baby cried at birth. Skin- pink, smooth,
the baby. soft. Vernix present on back, shoulder. FHR- 136 beats/
Further resuscitation measures min. respiration- 32 breaths/min, length -50 cm, HC- 33.
taken. CC- 31cm. anterior fontanelle diamond shaped and
measures 3cmx 2.5 cm. No overriding of sutures. Eyes
clean , no discharge present. Sclera is white. Top of the
pinna of ear is in horizontal plane to the outer canthus .
nasal passage is patent. Breast tissue more than 10mm.
Abdomen – soft. Labia majora completely covers the
minora. Anus- patent.

Total hour of labour : 14 hrs. 6 mins

1st stage : 12 hrs
2nd stage : 1hrs 51 min
3rd stage :15 min
Medical treatment advised (if any ):
Management of fourth stage of labour :
Condition of mother :
BP : 110/70 mm of Hg Temp - 98.40F Pulse - 84 bts/min Resp- 20 brs/min
Vaginal bleeding : Lochia rubra is present in average amount.
Uterus : Hard, globular and mobile, SFH- 13.5 cm.
Level of hydration : Normal.
Bladder : Emptied.
General care : Water is given to the mother.
Condition of the baby : No cord bleeding. Baby is put on mother’s breast. Baby is active and
sucking the breast.

Nursing care process
( For mother before delivery)
Nursing Expected Nursing Intervention Evaluation
Diagnosis Outcome
Acute pain related To modify  Intensity, duration and interval of Woman
to uterine behaviour to contractions are assessed. practiced deep
contractions as decrease  Woman is advised to practice deep breathing and
evidenced by intensifying of breathing and relaxation technique. relaxation
verbalisation and labour pain  Is instructed to relax after each technique.
facial expression, contraction.
restlessness.  Is advised not to bear down in first
stage .
 Is taught when and how to bear
down in 2nd stage of labour.

 Hydration level is assessed.

Impaired fluid & To maintain  Provide liquid diet Hydration level
electrolyte balance adequate is normal.
 A glass of water given during latent
related to nutrition.
restriction and
 Only sips of water is given in 2nd
perspiration in
stage of labour.
labour pain
 Intake and output is maintained.

 Woman is encouraged to take bath

in 1st stage of labour.
Impaired personal To maintain expresses
 Is advised to take mouth wash.
hygiene related proper personal refreshed.
 Sponging of face is done.
labour pain hygiene.
 Hair is made tidy.

Nursing care process
( For mother after delivery)
Nursing Expected Nursing Intervention Evaluation
Diagnosis Outcome
Disturbed body To maintain  Vital signs checked and recorded. BP -110/70 mm
system related to normal body  Hydration level is assessed. of Hg, Temp-
labour process system- vital  Fundal height and consistency is afebrile, Pulse -
signs, size and checked. 84 bts/min,
position of uterus,  Lochia(amount, colour) is checked. Resp - 20
lochia.  Sips of water is given to the brs/min

mother. Uterus is hard,

globular, lochia
is normal in
Impaired comfort To maintain  Comfortable position is given.
related to after adequate comfort.  Is advised early ambulation. Woman
pain, pain in expresses
 Assessed breast for engorgement.
episiotomy area, comfort.
 Wet clothes are removed.
uterine cramps,
 Mother is instructed to breast feed
bleeding as
the baby.
evidenced by
 Is encouraged proper breast
emptying by giving colostrum and
hind milk and continue exclusive

Nursing care process
( For Baby)
Nursing Expected Nursing Intervention Evaluation
Diagnosis Outcome
Ineffective To maintain  Baby is received in a pre warmed, Baby’s body
thermoregulation adequate sterile towel. temperature is
related to thermoregulation.  Baby is dried immediately and normal.
transition of changed the wet towel.
newborn to extra  Wrapped the baby with another pre
uterine warmed towel.
environment.  Baby is put to the mother’s chest
for to promote skin to skin contact.
 Fan is put off in the baby corner.
 Skin colour is assessed to detect
any signs of hypothermia.

Potential risk for To establish  Baby is kept at the room Baby cried
ineffective airway effective temperature of 28˚-32˚C. after birth.
related to presence breathing.
 Mouth is cleaned with sterile gauze
of mucous in
piece after delivery of head.
mouth and nose.
 Suction of mouth and oropharynx
and nose is done.
 Tactile stimulation is given

Signature of Student

Signature of Conduction

Conduction of Normal Delivery

Case No. – 20
Identification data
Name of the hospital : Barasat District Hospital
Name of the client : Rashma Bibi Age : 19 yrs.
Address with husband’s name : W/o- Monirul Biswas .
Vill-Majanpur, P.O-Khalisadi, P.S.-Haroa , Dist- North-24 Parganas.
Religion : Muslim Under Dr. : Dr. R. Mondal
Date of admission: 24/02/2020 at12.05am Registration no. : 12879
GPLA : G1P0L0A0 Period of gestation : 40 weeks
LMP : 12/05/2019 EDD : 24/02/2020
Onset of labour pain : Complain on admission : Labour pain with 40 weeks amenorrhea.
On examination findings: Os- 2 cm., Cervix- 40% Effaced, FHR- 140 bts/min
BP of the mother- 126/70 mmhg., Pulse- 72 bts/min, Resp- 20 brs/ min.

Brief History :

Social : Education: Husband : IX Wife: Class VI

Occupation : Husband : Hawker Wife : Housewife.

Family members : 4 members. Support Person : Mother-in-law

Personal : Any drug allergy : Nothing significant.

Medical and surgical : Past : Nothing significant.

Present : Nothing Significant.

Family : Nothing significant

Financial assistance : From husband.

Marital history : Married for 2 years.

Relationship : Maintains good relationship with family members and neighbours.

Diet : Last meal time and contents : Chapati, sabji, at 7 PM.

Bowel and bladder: Passed urine and stool.

Past Obstetric History : LCB :
No. of Year Abortion Any Mode of Place of Sex Baby Any Remarks
pregna (with problems delivery delivery (alive/ problem
ncy period) during stillbirth) during
antenatal puerperium

Present Obstetric History :

Booked/ unbooked : Booked No. of antenatal check up : 4
Immunization : Inj TT 2 doses taken. Total weight gain : 11kg
Any problem during pregnancy : No. If yes, treatment given :
Nature of labour pain (with time) : Started at 9.05 pm on 24/02/20. She complain pain from
abdomen towards thigh.

Laboratory investigations :
Blood Group : B Hb %: 11 gm/dl
Rh : +ve PPBS /Fasting : 78 mg/dl(fasting)
HIV : Nonreactive HbsAg : Nonreactive VDRL : Nonreactive
Urine : Sugar : Nil Alb : Nil
USG report : Single live fetus with changing lie.Active etal movement and cardiac pulsation
are visualized and corroborated with M- mod study.measurement-B.P.D:64mm corresponds
to 26weeks 3days; F.L:44mm corresponds to 24weeks 2days; A.C: 216mm corresponds to
25weeks 6days; F.H.R:160BPM.

Physical examination :
Vital signs : BP- 120/78 mm of Hg Pulse- 84 bts/min Resp - 18 brs/min Temp-980F
General condition : Good Eye -Pallor/normal: Normal Breast : Soft and secretory
Tongue -Dehydrated/Moist : Moist Heart : Normal
Bladder- Distended/ Evacuated : Distended Lung : Normal Oedema : Absent
Any other specific findings : Nothing significant.
Any other associated condition : Nothing significant.

Abdominal examination :
Inspection : Uterine ovoid is longitudinal. Pink striaes are present . no scar mark, or sign of
infection. Uterine contraction is present. Fetal movements are visible.
SFH in cm.: 32 cm. In weeks : 40 weeks
Abdominal girth : 100 cm.

Fundal grip : A broad soft mass suggestive of buttocks is palpable.
Lateral grip : In the left lateral grip – A smooth curved and resistant mass is felt
suggestive of back.
In right lateral grip : Small, knob like, irregular parts are felt , suggestive of limbs.
First Pelvic Grip :.
Second pelvic grip :
Auscultation : 140 beats/ min.
Per vaginal examination/ vulval inspection : No signs of infection is present. Show is
Remarks (specifying presentation, position, engagement, etc.)
A full term pregnant with true labour pain. Findings reveal vertex presentation, LOA
position, FHR- 140 beats/min and regular. Other findings are recorded in the partograph

Management during first stage of labour

Time of onset of labour pain
Time of full dilation of os
Rest/ walk, diet, bowel, bladder, relief of pain Woman is instructed to walk and to practice
(relaxation technique/ medication,), general deep breathing and relaxation technique
care, vulval toileting, bath, clothing, during and after contraction. She has passed
assurance, advices regarding Dos and Don’ts stool and urine. She has taken tea. No
in first stage of labour, progress notes of analgesic is given. Garments are changed.
labour, fetal and maternal condition( to be Reassurance is given. Mother is instructed
recorded in the partograph.) not to bear down. Her progress of labour is

Management during second stage of labour
Preparation of woman for delivery, shifting Woman is shifted to the labour table. She is
to labour table, positioning of the woman, advised to lie on her back with knee flexed
catheterisation, instructions for bearing and legs/ thighs apart. She is encouraged to
down, progress notes of labour, fetal and bear down during contraction. FHR is
maternal condition ( to be recorded in checked in 15 mins interval and recorded in
partograph) partograph.

Conduction of delivery
Mode of delivery Normal delivery with episiotomy
Time of delivery
Delivery of head9specify if episiotomy Vulval toileting is done. Perineal guard is given.
required) Inj. Lignocaine 1% 5ml given in a fan shaped way.
Care following delivery of head , A left sided medio-lateral episiotomy is given.
delivery of shoulder, delivery of trunk. Head is delivered in between contraction. Eyes and
mouth are cleaned. There is no cord around the
neck. Restitution occurs. Then external rotation of
head is occurred and baby is born by laboured
flexion ,whole body is delivered and kept on
mother’s abdomen. Cord is clamped and cut. A full
term normal living girl baby is delivered at 10 am
on25/02/2020. Baby cried immediately after birth.
In syntocin 10 unit IM is given a gush of bleeding
with permanent lengthening of cord is seen
vaginally. Uterus is hard, globular. Placenta is
expelled by controlled cord traction. Placenta and
membrane are completely expelled out at 10.15 am
0n 25/02/2020. A quick placenta examination is

Sex of the newborn : Girl.

Disc no. of the newborn : 415
Birth weight of the newborn : 2.6 kg

Condition of the newborn :
Record if any resuscitation Baby cried immediately after birth. No resuscitation
measures taken and time of cry. measures required. General condition- good. Posture-
Respiration, heart arte, colour of well flexed. Baby cried at birth. Skin- pink, smooth,
the baby. soft. Vernix present on back, shoulder. FHR- 136 beats/
Further resuscitation measures min. respiration- 36 breaths/min, length -48 cm, HC- 33.
taken. CC- 31cm. anterior fontanelle diamond shaped and
measures 3cmx 2.5 cm. No overriding of sutures. Eyes
clean , no discharge present. Sclera is white. Top of the
pinna of ear is in horizontal plane to the outer canthus .
nasal passage is patent. Breast tissue more than 10mm.
Abdomen – soft. Labia majora completely covers the
minora. Anus- patent.

Total hour of labour : 13 hrs. 10 mins

1st stage : 11hrs
2nd stage : 2 hrs 5min
3rd stage : 5 min
Medical treatment advised (if any ):
Management of fourth stage of labour :
Condition of mother :
BP : 110/70 mm of Hg Temp - 98.40F Pulse - 84 bts/min Resp- 20 brs/min
Vaginal bleeding : Lochia rubra is present in average amount.
Uterus : Hard, globular and mobile, SFH- 15 cm.
Level of hydration : Normal.
Bladder : Emptied.
General care : Water is given to the mother.
Condition of the baby : No cord bleeding. Baby is put on mother’s breast. Baby is active and
sucking the breast.

Nursing care process
( For mother before delivery)
Nursing Expected Nursing Intervention Evaluation
Diagnosis Outcome
Acute pain related To modify  Intensity, duration and interval of Woman
to uterine behaviour to contractions are assessed. practiced deep
contractions as decrease  Woman is advised to practice deep breathing and
evidenced by intensifying of breathing and relaxation technique. relaxation
verbalisation and labour pain  Is instructed to relax after each technique.
facial expression, contraction.
restlessness.  Is advised not to bear down in first
stage .
 Is taught when and how to bear
down in 2nd stage of labour.

 Hydration level is assessed.

Impaired fluid & To maintain  Provide liquid diet Hydration level
electrolyte balance adequate is normal.
 A glass of water given during latent
related to nutrition.
restriction and
 Only sips of water is given in 2nd
perspiration in
stage of labour.
labour pain
 Intake and output is maintained.

 Woman is encouraged to take bath

Impaired personal To maintain Woman
in 1st stage of labour.
hygiene related proper personal expresses
 Is advised to take mouth wash.
labour pain hygiene. refreshed.
 Sponging of face is done.
 Hair is made tidy.

Nursing care process
( For mother after delivery)
Nursing Expected Nursing Intervention Evaluation
Diagnosis Outcome
Disturbed body To maintain  Vital signs checked and recorded. BP -110/70 mm
system related to normal body  Hydration level is assessed. of Hg, Temp.-
labour process system- vital  Fundal height and consistency is afebrile, Pulse -
signs, size and checked. 84 bts/min,
position of uterus,  Lochia(amount, colour) is checked. Resp - 20
lochia.  Sips of water is given to the brs/min

mother. Uterus is hard,

globular, lochia
is normal in
Impaired comfort To maintain  Comfortable position is given.
related to after adequate comfort.  Is advised early ambulation. Woman
pain, pain in expresses
 Assessed breast for engorgement.
episiotomy area, comfort.
 Wet clothes are removed.
uterine cramps,
 Mother is instructed to breast feed
bleeding as
the baby.
evidenced by
 Is encouraged proper breast
emptying by giving colostrum and
hind milk and continue exclusive

Nursing care process
( For Baby)
Nursing Expected Nursing Intervention Evaluation
Diagnosis Outcome
Ineffective To maintain  Baby is received in a pre warmed, Baby’s body
thermoregulation adequate sterile towel. temperature is
related to thermoregulation.  Baby is dried immediately and normal.
transition of changed the wet towel.
newborn to extra  Wrapped the baby with another pre
uterine warmed towel.
environment.  Baby is put to the mother’s chest
for to promote skin to skin contact.
 Fan is put off in the baby corner.
 Skin colour is assessed to detect
any signs of hypothermia.

Potential risk for To establish  Baby is kept at the room Baby cried
ineffective airway effective temperature of 28˚-32˚C. after birth.
related to presence breathing.  Mouth is cleaned with sterile gauze
of mucous in piece after delivery of head.
mouth and nose.  Suction of mouth and oropharynx
and nose is done.
 Tactile stimulation is given

Signature of Student

Signature of supervisor


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