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Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Montessori, Inc.

16–22 Camdas Subdivision, Baguio City


NAME : ________________________________ October 14, 2020

Reading Techniques- Multiple Choice
Description: Identify the reading technique to be used in each task. Encircle your answers.
1. A dictionary
A.Skimming C.Intensive Reading
B.Extensive Reading D.Scanning
2. A literary text in the class
A.Skimming C.Scanning
B.Intensive Reading D.Extensive Reading
3. An article in your textbook for the next exam
A.Scanning C.Intensive Reading
B.Skimming D.Extensive Reading
4. The first page in the newspaper
A.Scanning C.Extensive Reading
B.Skimming D.Intensive Reading
5. A brochure
A.Intensive Reading C.Skimming
B.Extensive Reading D.Scanning
6. A novel
A.Extensive Reading C.Skimming
B.Scanning D.Intensive Reading
7. reading a poem for leisure
A.Extensive Reading C.Intensive Reading
B.Skimming D.Scanning
8. A telephone guide
A.Skimming C.Extensive Reading
B.Intensive Reading D.Scanning
9. A long story in a magazine
A.Extensive Reading C.Scanning
B.Skimming D.Intensive Reading
Reading Technique- Cloze Test
Description: Read the statements carefully. Then, place the appropriate term to complete the
10. __________________ is when we quickly look through a text to pick out key points.
11. __________________ is when we closely examine text for literary or linguistic purposes.
12. __________________is when we glance over a text to get the main idea or "gist".
13. __________________a text means to get an idea of what we are going to find in a text.
14. __________________is reading "normally" for pleasure when we are immersed in a book.
Proverbs- Alternate Response
Description: Identify if the statement is true or false.
15. Our ancestors’ proverbs served as guideposts for upright living.
A.False B.True
16. Proverbs reflect a lot of things about our culture and identity.
A.False B.True
17. All proverbs are poetic and figurative in nature.
A.False B.True
18. Only a few people work on compiling folk literature.
A.False B.True
19. Proverbs and other forms of folk literature were introduced by the Spaniards.
A.True B.False
Proverbs - Multiple Choice
Description: Choose the meaning of the given proverb or maxim.
20. The early bird catches the worm.
A.If you wake up and get to work early, you will succeed.
B.Getting up early gets you worms for breakfast.
C.Birds are good at catching worms.
D.It's better to stay in bed.
21. Adversity and loss make a man wise.
A.We cannot be happy in difficult times.
B.A wise man makes a mistake.
C.We gain more wisdom in difficult times than in prosperous times.
D.Adversity is unavoidable.
22. The pen is mightier than the sword.
A. When someone has done something bad to you, trying to force people to do what you want.
B. Trying to convince people with ideas and words is more effective than trying to force people to do
what you want.
C. People like to spend time with others who are similar to them.
D. Don't criticize other people if you're not perfect yourself.
23. Practice makes perfect.
A. You must practice something every day.
B. You must practice perfectly.
C. Practicing is the way to get good at something.
D. Being perfect is important.
24. Don't put all of your eggs in one basket.
A. If you're in bad situation and someone offers to help you, you have to take whatever they give you
and shouldn't ask for more.
B. It's better to finish something late than to never do it all.
C. What is "beautiful" is different for each person.
D. Don't put all of your hopes and resources into one goal.
25. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
A. Doctors say to eat apples.
B. Eating healthy keeps you from getting sick.
C. All other fruit is bad for you.
D. Apples are the best fruit.

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