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Soldering Procedures and 3

Soldering Tools
● Solder Station: A tool to be able to affect the tool.
● Soldering Iron Tip: Different variations of tips are used for different jobs
Conical Tip for precision, Chisel Tip for larger components because of its
broad flat tip.
● Brass or Conventional Sponge: Use this to keep the iron tip clean.
● Soldering Iron Stand: A tool to hold your powered soldering iron to keep you
● Safety Glasses: Always have on safety glasses.
● Helping Hands(Third Hand): This holds the thing you want to solder so you
can solder it easier. Keeps it in the air for easy soldering
Soldering Steps
1. Heat the soldering iron
2. Touch soldering iron to copper pad and component lead. Hold for 2-3 seconds
3. Add solder to copper pad opposite of the soldering iron. Do not touch solder
directly to the iron. Solder should surround pad/lead
4. Tin the Tip: Begin by making sure tip is attached to the iron screwed tightly.
5. Turn on the soldering iron and let heat up to around 700 degrees.
6. Wipe the tip with the sponge to clean it.
7. Then hold the soldering iron to the solder and coat it evenly all around it.
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