Chapter5 - Food and Humans

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HKALE BIOLOGY | 5 Food and humans | P.

1. 1991/II/11
Discuss the nutritional differences between a typical Western diet and the traditional Chinese diet in terms
of their benefits and disadvantages to health.
(20 marks)
2. 1992/I/4
With reference to human nutrition, tabulate the function, one main source and the deficiency symptom
associated with the following vitamins:

(a) B,
(b) C,
(c) D
(6 marks)
3. 1993/II/6
Based upon its properties, discuss the role of water in the functioning of organisms.
(20 marks)
4. 1994/I/8
Using a table, list the function(s) and a food source for humans for each of the following minerals:

(a) calcium
(b) iodine
(c) iron
(4 marks)
5. 1994/IIA/2a
Explain why protein is less efficient for energy production when compared with
(i) lipid; and
(ii) carbohydrate.
(2 marks)
6. 1996/II/4
Describe the functions of lipids, proteins and nucleotides in living organisms. Illustrate your answer with
examples and provide explanations where appropriate.
(20 marks)
7. 1998/II/3c
In general, what additional processes are necessary for the formation of the three-dimensional structure of
proteins after polypeptide synthesis?
(2 marks)
8. 1999/II/1a
State four properties of water which make it essential for life and explain why they are essential.
(6 marks)
9. 1999/II/5
Compare and contrast the molecular structures of proteins and nucleic acids. Discuss the roles played by
each of these molecules in living organisms.
(20 marks)
10. 2001/II/2b
Starch and oil are storage products commonly found in plants. Explain the advantages of using these
materials for storage.
(3 marks)

11. 2002/IIA/2b
In terms of water relations, explain why animal cells store glycogen instead of simple sugars.
(5 marks)
12. 2002/IIC/7
Proteins and lipids have some similar but also some different functions in living organisms. Describe
these functions and explain why proteins and lipids are suitable for these functions.
(20 marks)
HKALE BIOLOGY | 5 Food and humans | P.2

13. 2004/I/7
(a) Lactose, a disaccharide, is the major sugar in milk. The chemical structures of its monomers,
glucose and galactose, are shown below.
Draw the bond that links the 2 monomers in the following diagram: (1 mark)

(b) Some people cannot take cow’s milk because they lack the enzyme for digesting lactose. However,
they can consume some processed milk products, such as Yakult (益力多), yogurt and certain kinds
of cheese. Describe the biological process during the manufacture of such milk products which
makes them acceptable to these people.
(2 marks)

(c) Chitosan is composed of polysaccharides extracted from the exoskeleton of crabs.It is commonly
marketed for body slimming. The human body does not have the enzymes to digest this type of
polymer. Propose two mechanisms to explain how this type of polymer can work to reduce body
(2 marks)

14. 2004/IIA/1
Vitamin A and vitamin D are fat-soluble while vitamin C is water-soluble. They are essential for normal
growth and body functions.

(a) Explain why an excessive intake of fat-soluble vitamins in general is undesirable whereas an excessive
intake of water-soluble vitamins is not. (2 marks)

(b) Give one major function in the human body of vitamin A and vitamin C. (2 marks)

(d) Vitamin D undergoes the following enzymatic activation to form a highly active metabolite Y:

(iii) Explain how vitamin D deficiency might lead to skeletal problems in adults.
(4 marks)

(iv) Why is vitamin D deficiency more damaging to children than to adults? (3 marks)
HKALE BIOLOGY | 5 Food and humans | P.3

15. 2005/II/1a
The diagram below represents a purine nucleotide and its components:

(i) Using similar representations, construct a double-stranded fragment of a DNA molecule that consists
of a total of four nucleotides. Label the bases as appropriate.
(3 marks)

(ii) Give two functions of nucleotides in the body other than the synthesis of nucleic acids.
(2 marks)

(iii) The components of nucleotides can be made from ingested food substances. Suggest a food substance
that provides the raw material for the synthesis of each of purine and pentose.
(2 marks)

16. 2008/IIA/2biii
In other cells, ribose-5-phosphate formed in the above pathway is used for producing certain biological
molecules. Other than genetic materials, give two examples of such molecules.
(2 marks)

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