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Author / Issuer: Kieron Brennan, CEO

Document Title: Public affairs and public relations campaign

Date: 25th January 2011
Importance : 5
(1-5 *5 very urgent)

For attention of : Honorary Secretary, all affiliated credit unions

The League Board is launching a public affairs and public relations campaign.

The move is motivated by recent developments in the regulation of, and legislation affecting,
our member credit unions in the Republic of Ireland. More specifically, the League Board is
gravely concerned at the inclusion of credit unions in recently enacted emergency legislation
(namely the Credit Institutions Stabilisation Act) which was rushed through the Oireachtas
prior to the Christmas recess. Despite reassurances from senior Department of Finance officials
that the significant and wide ranging powers under the new legislation are necessary to address
failures in the banking sector and will be used for that purpose alone, given our daily reality of
major political and financial instability and upheaval, we believe it is impossible to predict how
and when these powers could be exercised.

Of further concern for its potential impact on member credit unions is new legislation (which
will provide a Special Resolution Regime for credit institutions) expected early this year as well
as the ongoing Strategic Review of Credit Unions.

In light of the likely 25 February 2011 general election and the virtual certainty of a change in
Government thereafter, the League Board is adopting the following twin-track approach to
addressing the current challenges for credit unions.

1. Using the pre-election period to engage with senior political stakeholders in order to
shape political debate around use of the new legislative powers referenced above and
the upcoming Special Resolution Regime legislation; and

2. Embarking on a widespread public information campaign to highlight the value and

security of credit unions. The campaign is designed to place the movement at the fore in
the new financial services landscape and to emphasise the vital role for credit unions
within that space.

In furtherance of achieving these objectives town-hall meetings will also be held in the run up
to the general election. These meetings will build on the movement’s proud legacy as
community-based financial co-operatives with influence throughout Ireland and will provide a
platform for credit union activists to galvanise and in doing so, send a clear message to
politicians and regulators alike, that we are united in our desire to protect our movement
against external pressures. The campaign will also provide an opportunity to engage directly
with local TDs, public representatives and candidates for the general election.

Town-hall meetings themed “Managing Your Money in 2011 – a different approach from your
credit union” will take place during February 2011 which will be further publicised in local
media advertising. On the basis that the general election will be held on Friday 25th February
the schedule for the town-hall meetings is:

 Thursday 10th February – Castlebar – Harlequin Hotel

 Thursday 17th February – Limerick – Clarion Hotel

 Tuesday 22nd February – Cork – Imperial Hotel

 Tuesday 8th March - Dublin – Moran Red Cow Hotel

All meetings will commence at 7.00 p.m. sharp (with registration from 6.30 p.m.).

Each meeting will be chaired by a senior financial journalist and will be addressed by Frank
Conway (Founder and Director of – an independent money advice centre
specialising in the area of personal finance, personal budgeting and money management).
Either myself or the League President will also address each meeting on the issue of recent
developments in the legislative and regulatory arena and the potential impact of same on credit

Local TDs, public representatives and general election candidates will also be invited to
attend the town-hall meetings. It is therefore crucial that each is packed to capacity so that,
by our actions, we solidly demonstrate this movement’s ability to mobilise itself politically.
All credit union volunteers, staff are welcome and in a change to our usual format your
members are welcome to attend. I urge you all to strive to ensure as large an attendance as
you can deliver in your area.

Please e-mail to confirm your attendance at the specific town-hall

meeting you wish to attend.

Please note that the constituency co-ordinator network will also be reactivated and briefing
materials etc. are currently being prepared for distribution and will be circulated shortly.

Kieron Brennan
Chief Executive Officer

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