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Subject: IS/IT Governance


Development and implementation of Placement/Training management System

for the Organization (ERP) using Information Systems techniques.

Student: Yagna Sorathiya

Date: 10/10/2020

One department of the organization let’s say for example abc of a xyz
organization wants technical department to built the placement/training
management system using IT systems approach and current IT people so that
they can implement the system for the users and recruit them based on the
different capabilities and solve their current or actual issues so they get hired. (In
this case users can be employees that are looking for better opportunities, fresher
students or job seekers), as well as to assess the possibility of the investment,
projected profitability, and risk of the project.

Defining a Business Problem:

In today’s world, each and every day there are dozens of fresher students
graduate from universities and colleges. Also, not all these institutes provide on-
campus placements so the students sometimes face a hurdle of finding the right
job; which can be a stepping stone for their carrier excellence. There are many
other types of people like job seekers and current employees who are looking for
new jobs and new roles respectively. So there are many current problems which
these people are facing and must be solved to boost the interest of the users
towards subscription of the package, job opportunities, profit-margin of the
company, and reduced costs as well.

Current hurdles:-
 Issues faced by students/job seekers/employees:

Insufficient student/employee/job seeker skills, problems to solve aptitude tests,

poor percentage ratio for students, lack of knowledge of which companies to
choose, How to meet the criteria of the company, not a clear vision for new roles,
Language issues, Lack of knowledge for long term skill jobs.

 Issues face by the organization:

Management support, marketing strategies, staff management, TPO (Training and
Placement officer) selection, ROI, risk management, how to manage the
information of the users effectively and efficiently, how to set subscription for the
user, Prefer Experienced person or fresher, and salary criteria.

Defining the IT solution:

Developing the proposed system that is aligned to the user’s requirements and
organization‘s goals and strategies for the betterment of both. This can be
precisely achieved by managerial and technical solutions.

Technical Solutions:
The construction of the tools involved the IT systems approaches like software
engineering techniques like Use case model, UML diagram to assess the sequence
of the project, class diagram for the data management and activity diagram for
getting the idea of the process of the modules of the system. The use of
standardized technology to make the infrastructure a identical because in this
case the system is developed for only one organization and it is obvious that the
data and the process/operations are not shared; each and every process of the
application has its own database tables or data but the tables can communicate
with each other with keys. So the final application will run on the standardized
infrastructure which is made specifically for this system. Which will directly leads
to cost reduction and ROI can be achieved by providing the subscription based

Managerial Solutions:
Provide the IT solutions with Information systems techniques and tools so the
business problems can be solved by tracking of the developed tools of the system
and manage them with deriving the value at each and every stage. Select the right
team and TPO for the start-up company to manage and assess all aspects from
developing to manage the systems, So that they can select and collect valuable
information of users and getting rightful insights of the system.

Explanation of how the proposed IT system aligns with the goals and
strategies of the organization:
Development and Management of the overall Infrastructure and system with full
filling the requirements of the users by constructing the appropriate
tools/mechanisms with up-to-date technologies, and management with
appropriate team members ensures that the investment of the system is aligned
with the demand in the market and need of the users and strategies of the
business in a large extent. When the planned sales volumes are reached, the
organization’s turnover will significantly increase due to the implementation of

What we can expect with the implementation/Benefits of the

proposed system:
 Business growth, which will minimizing costs and improving overall IT
infrastructure and the system top of it.
 Process automation achieved through removing manual processes and
deploying a system that allows reducing staff costs, significant increase in
ROI, and minimizing activities.
 Improved decisions and efficiency through business intelligence and real-
time reporting.
 Better collaboration, which contributes to teamwork, data exchange and
informed decisions.
 Fulfillment of the required needs in the form of different
tools/applications/facilities according to the need.


The training and placement management system is an application based

and management based system. So the application side part is available for the
users to view via online, while the management based system is for the
organization to maintain and control the application side part and also the base
line system which is management side system. This management side system is
being monitor and asses through IT monarchy and business monarchy members
of the organization.

Overall cost to construct and implement the system can range from $200k to
$450k without the maintenance of the top level of the application and the bottom
level of the system. This range is depends upon the complexity of the project and
in this case it is a high complexity project due to two level of the system namely
application and structural level. (** Keep in mind that this cost or investment is a
precise consideration of an ERP system based on the graphs and factual
information from the charts(from 2001 to 2017) of the total investments in this
type of systems**). Let’s say the total cost is $26000000(26M).

Technical level:

Items of Expenses for Expenses for Expenses for Total Expenses

expenditure the first year $ the second the third
year $ year $
Design $10000 n/a n/a $10000
Programming $50000 n/a n/a $50000
Integrations $15000 $15000 $15000 $45000
Data $10000 $10000 $10000 $30000
Hosting $2000 $2000 $2000 $6000
SEO $25000 $25000 $25000 $75000
Total Cost $72000 $72000 $72000 $216,000

Managerial level:

Items of Expenses for Expenses for Expenses for Total Expenses

expenditure the first year $ the second the third year
year $ $
Salary $2000000 $2000000 $2000000 $6000000
Social tax(6% $360000 $360000 $360000 $1080000
of the salary)
Acquisition of $100000 $100000 $100000 $300000
hardware and
Overall $6000000 $6000000 $6000000 $18000000
Total Cost ~$8500000 ~$8500000 ~$8500000 $25380000

The overall cost of the project can be up to ~$9M for first year but it can go up if
the requirements of the users change over the years so the application must add
additional features that fulfill the requirements(up to ~10M) . For three years it
can go up to ~$26M
And additionally it can go up to ~$30M. Subscription has four modules and each
modules includes the price tag like tier 1 has the tag of $99 per year and tier 4 has
$299 per year. These tiers include different applications for the users and have
developed according to the user need. So for ROI, let’s say at the minimum scale
there are 60,000 subscribers for the tier 1 and 30,000 subscribers for the tier 4. So
99*60,000 = ~6M and 30,000*299 = ~9M and if we assume that other two tiers
have also earn ~5M then total ROI can be around ~$20M per year and after three
years it can be ~$60M. By this analysis we can see that there is a profit of $10M
and it is 2X the amount of the invested amount. (** we are assuming that this is a
first time development and implementation of the system so the subscriptions
are less; they can increase in the future by providing the appropriate solutions**).

Social and Economic Benefits:

A survey about, “The State of American Jobs,” found that 87% of workers believe
it will be essential for them to get training and develop new job skills throughout
their work life in order to keep up with changes in the workplace. This survey
noted that employment is much higher among jobs that require an average or
above-average level of preparation (including education, experience and job
training); average or above-average interpersonal, management and
communication skills; and higher levels of analytical skills, such as critical thinking
and computer skills. It has been found that Training / placement application and
management systems have made a huge impact to boost the economy of the US
alone. More than 80% of the students, workers found the jobs in the year of 2016
alone and it will emerge in the large extent said by the analysis.

Use of Key levers in Complex marketing activities:
The direction of possible marketing activities should primarily serve to inform
potential buyers about the start of a new development program and its features.
So, the list of events that contribute to getting acquainted with the new direction
of the company is presented here:
 Organization of free introductory seminars for users
 Visual demonstrations in the company's office
 Participation in conferences and exhibitions
 Publication of articles and advertising in specialized publications
 Selectively inform existing customers about the new direction via phone

Strategy to charge the users:

The users will be charged according to the subscription they choose. This
subscription will have its own features and it will be provided and maintained
according to the requirements of the users. Subscription includes variety of
features to ensure that the user is whether a student or employee can use these
facilities to make themselves the right candidate for the organization and roles
that they are interested in. for example, subscription has 4 modules which
includes like how to crack aptitude test, How to meet the criteria of the
company and how to choose the organization according to the interests. The
main objective is to fulfil the user’s needs so they can use the system effectively
and efficiently. Also, the other factor is to derive the value from the investment
so that the company’s growth and reputation can excel in a great extent. So in
this case the profit centre charge back is the right option to implement because
the users are keen to use the system but the prices of each subscription should be
good so that they adopt the system.

Risk Analysis:

 Market Risk: If we cannot meet the price scheme of the users and this
scheme is not good compare to other Competitors then it is hard to gain
the profit.

Solution: Above analysis in the Financing is for the best case, to make sure
that we are in the best case scenario; we can do one experiment and adopt
the options approach and which make only one tier available to users and
see what the outcomes we can gain. (**Here we do not have the prior
experience of the any financing and growth of the system**).

 The uncertainty of information and technical aspect of individual fragments

of created system due to the large number of possible options for their

Consequences: possible increase in terms of performance of work.

Proposed actions: to carry out an analytical study of variants, building
subsystems of unified automated information system of customs transit
control and co-ordinate with the customer the most appropriate option.

Way to reduce risk: an increase in labor costs for the execution of works by
the expansion of the project team.

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