The Three Following Requirements of Academic Writing

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Academic writing  Outline the text - where you identify the main points of

 A processthat starts with posing a question, the writer in either a bullet form or in number form.

problematizing a concept, evaluating an opinion, and  Summarize the text - get the main points of the text

ends in answering the question or question posed, and write its gist in your own words. it is usually a one

clarifying the problem, and/or arguing for a stand. paragraph long.

 to inform, to argue, and to persuade  Evaluate the text - the most challenging part in critical

 Academic writing is thinking, you cannot just write reading where you question the author's purpose,

anything that comes to your mind. intention, assumptions in the claim, as well as the

 The audience are the teacher, peers, and academic evidences.

The three following requirements of academic writing: Logical Fallacy
 Content - clariy of the purpose and the thesis statement,  It is the error in reasoning that renders an argument
relevance of the supporting points to the thesis statement, invalid.
knowledge on the subject matter.  Max Shulman is the author of Love is a Fallacy
 Structure - coherence and logical sequence of the ideas. Types of Logical Fallacy:
 Language and style - word choice, and sentence question  Dicto Simpliciter - an argument based on an
 Mechanics - grammar, punctuations, capitalizations, unqualified generalization. (ex. Excercise is good.
formatting, documentation Therefore everybody should excercise.)
 Hasty Generalization - reaching an inductive
Critical Reading generalization based on insufficient evidence. ( ex.

 scrutinizing any information that you read or hear Four out of five dentists recommend Colgate

 not easily believing info. offered to you by a text. toothpaste brand. Therefore, it must be great.)

 active process of discovery because when you read  Post Hoc - Since event Y followed event X, event Y

critically, you’re not just recieving info. but also making must have been caused by event X. (ex. Let's not take

an interaction with the writer. Bill on our picnic. Every single time when we take him

Research - must be done so you can find credible sources to with us, it rains.)

support your claims in your paper  Contradictory Premises - draws a conclusion from

Gary Goshgarian - "Critical reading is an active process of inconsistent or incompatible premises. Therefore, there

discovery" is no argument. (ex. If God can do everything, can he

Francis Bacon - "Read not to contradict and confute; nor to make a stone so heavy that he won't be able to lift it? )

believe and take for granted; norto find talk anf discourse; but  Ad Misericordiam - an attempt to win an argument by

to weigh and consider" appealing to pity ( ex. You should not find the

Ramage, Bean, and Johnson (2006) following requirements defendant guilty of murder, since it would break his

in critical thinking: poor mother's heart to see him sent to jail. )

 ability to pose problematic questions

 to analyze a problem in all its dimension.  False Analogy - an argument is based on misleading,

 To find, gather and interpret data, facts, and other superficial, or implausible comparisons. (ex. say Jennie

information relevant to the problem. and Lisa both drive pickup trucks. Since Jennie is a

 To imagine alternative solutions to the problem teacher, Lisa must also be a teacher.)

 to analyze competing approaches and answers  Hypothesis Contrary to Fact - a hypothesis that is

 write an effective argument justifying your choice. usually based on something in the past or future and is

The following are some suggested ways to help you become not factual at all. ( ex. Kai, if you would have taken a

a critical reader: shower more often, you would still be dating Krystal.)

 Annotate what you read - one ways to interact with the  Poisoning the Well - discrediting what a person might

writer where you underline circle or highlights words, later claim by presenting unfavorable information

phrases, or sentences that contain important details. about the person. Attacking the person. (ex. in a
political campaign, candidate 2 presents negative
information about candidate 1 (true or false) so that Direct quotation - preferred to a paraphrase when the author’s
anything that candidate says will be discounted.) ideas are so important that paraphrasing them will change the
essence of those ideas.
Pre-writing Process
Pre-writing - The first stage in writing process, typically Writing and Rewriting
followed by drafting, revision, editing, and publishing. Thesis Statement - It is the claim or stand; the controlling
 The first step in pre-writing is finding the topic to write idea of your essay.
about. - It should be debatable and should not merely announce
 After you've found a topic to write, the next step is to something or state a fact.
focus on one idea. - It should offer a debetale claim that you can prove or
 The last step in pre-writing is knowing your purpose and disapprove in your essay.
target reader or audienc, it will help you to communicate Ramage, Bean and Johnson - thesis statement contains an
cleary your ideas to your readers, which is the goal of all element of uncertainty, risk or challenge.
writing Organizing your paper:
These are the steps in choosing a topic:  Organizing your ideas - it means finding the
 Brainstorming - This aims to generate as many topics as connections of one point to another and establishing a
you can in 10 to 15 minutes. To provide as many choices link from one idea to another.
for the topic as possible.  Outlining - an effective way of ensuing the logical flow
 Freewriting - is similar to brainstorming in that you just of your ideas. You may use roman numerals and
write any idea that comes to your mind. You will be able indentions or use list, diagrams, or maps.
to generate ideas and narrow them down into a single  Introduction - the start of your essay. It provides
topic for your paper. background of your topic, poses a question regarding
 Clustering - also called ballooning or mapping. It the topic, explains how the question is problematic and

provides a graphic representation which allows you to significant.

visualize the connections of your ideas.

Report paper - you are expected to give factual account
 Develop the body of you essay - where the bulk of the
of events, phenomena and discoveries. You are
essay is found and where you develop an answer or
informing your reader and you have to be as object as
propose a solution to the thesis statement.
possible in realating what you have read, seen, or heard.  Conclusion - It is the last step in writing your paper.
Reaction paper - you are writing an initial or a gut Where it brings together the points and emphasizes
reaction to something that you have read, watched, or your final point. In writing this, you may leave a
heard and then you develope that into a critical thought-provoking idea. NOTE: You should not open a

evaluation that is balanced. new topic.

Paul Roberts - he is the author of “How to Say Nothing in
Five Houndred Words”
Tips in writing a paper:
 the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and  Avoid the obvious content
passing them off as one's own.  Take the less usual side - one rather simple way of
 Using somebody else’s work or ideas without proper getting into your paper is to take the side of the
acknowledgement or citation. argument the most citizen will want to avoid.
 Copying the text without paraphrasing it.  Slip out of abstraction - most the soundest advice is to
Paraphrasing - It is rendering the essential ideas in a text using be seeking always for the picture, to be always turning
your own words. A way to avoid plagiarism. general remarks into seeable examples.
- Paraphrased material are usually shorter than the original text  Get rid of obvious padding - try steadily to get rid of
and it is more detailed than a summary. padding, to make your sentences lean and tough.
 Call a fool a fool - decide what you want to say and say it
as vigorously as possible, without apology and in plain
 Beware of pat expressions
Pat expressions - are hard, often impossible to
avoid because they come too easily to be noiced and
seem necessary to be dispensed with.
 Colorful words - they are calculated to produce a picture
or induce an emotion.
 Colored words - all words except perhaps structure
words, have association of some sort.
 Colorless Words - many instances of words like this will
in this and other aspects have factors leading to
unsatisfactory relationships with the reader resulting in
unfavorable attitudes on his part and perhaps other
eventualities, like a grade of D.

The Post-writing Process

Murray (2005) - "Writing is revising"
Two process of post-writing:
 Revision - re-seeing the entire draft so that the writer can
deal with the large issue that mus be resolved before he
or she deals with the line by line, word by word issues
involved in editing.
- It is a general of going back through your whole draft. This
can include adding in, taking out, moving around. It focuses on
the bigger picture.
Editing - it is also called proofreading. It is a more meticulous
process; working on grammar principles and typographical
matters. It focuses on finer detail.
Steps in revising your draft:
1. To take a bird's eye view - reread it as a WHOLE.
2. Reviewing ypur draft portion by portion and adding in,
filtering and re-organizing content according to forms
and flow.
Step in editing your draft:
1. To check only for subject-verb agreement and correct
pronoun usage
2. To focus on sentence fragments and run-on
3. To focus on spelling
4. To focus on punctuations
Types of Essay:
Descriptive Essay - an essay that describes a person, place, or
Expository Essay - an essay that explains, informs, or presents
information of a specific topic or event

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