Name:Andrea Lalaine Angela Y. Ridera Section: EDE 108: Guang-Guang, Dahican, City of Mati, Davao Oriental, 8200

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Republic of the Philippines

Davao Oriental State College of Science and Technology

Guang-guang, Dahican, City of Mati, Davao Oriental, 8200

Name:Andrea Lalaine Angela Y. Ridera Section: EDE 108

World of technology and communication has changed quickly during this millennium time in
history. We cannot avoid that and, we will be falling behind if we do not follow it. Information
Communication and Technology has become the big part to bring the world into a more modern and
develop. Information Communication and Technology has also shaped the world to be more
energetic/changing than ever before. The world of education gets the effect of the fast changes of
Information Communication Technology.

For education, the purpose of ICT is generally to familiarise students and teachers with the use and
workings of computers, related social and ethical issues. It is generally believed that ICT can
empower both teachers and learners. It promotes change to education in 21st century. ICT not only
transforms teaching but also the learning processes. The transformation gets to increase learning
gains for students that provide learners an opportunity to develop creativity, communication skills,
and other thinking skills.

On the other hand, there is some negative effect of the ICT on education. In college, computer is not
enough for teachers to make the best use of ICT in the classroom. Based on the research of
Sandhoitz, it will take a lot of time in the classroom even up to a year with the support of
experienced teams. Teachers always depend on the information that searched from the web. It may
make a mistake. Information from the web or internet that mostly came or wrote from personal’s
opinion. It is not all facts by the way.

In today’s interconnected world, information and communication technology (ICT) is widely used by
our nation and it affects our lives everyday. It gives great impact in education for the learners and
teachers. ICT has become a key driver in education way as well as it has been identified by a range
of important wider benefits of ICT on learning. The positive impact of ICT on students’ skills and
teamwork are included. ICT also help student and teacher with activities that are provided in the
websites. That kind of activities gives ideas to the teachers in their teaching, so that students enjoy
the class. Students learn more independently at the same time.

On the other hand, ICT also has a bad impact on education system. Teacher who always show the
example of the work from the internet and copy the information, will not show a good example for
the students. That may cause the students follow the action of the teacher and start to copy and paste.
At the same time, the information and knowledge which come from the internet are not necessarily
correct. We have to more careful when doing research from the web. Moreover, it will cause the
effect on the students. Students may not be interested in the way teachers teach. It also changes their
behavior to the teachers in school. Students who generally communicate with friends by the ICT will
cause a problem when communicating face to face. It not only has an impact on character but also
their attitude. Somehow, they will become more rebellious when influenced by the negative material.
Today, we can see that have many teenagers use two or three phones. It will cause them not to pay
attention in the lesson time.

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