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Informatica Economică vol. 22, no.

1/2018 25

The Power of Social Media Analytics: Text Analytics Based on Sentiment

Analysis and Word Clouds on R
Ahmed Imran KABIR1, Ridoan KARIM2, Shah NEWAZ3 , Muhammad Istiaque HOSSAIN4
Faculty of Business and Accountancy, University of Malaya, Malaysia.
Faculty of Law, University of Malaya, Malaysia.
Faculty of Business and Accountancy, University of Malaya, Malaysia.
School of Business and Law, Central Queensland University, Australia.,,,

Apparently, word clouds have grown as a clear and appealing illustration or visualization
strategy in terms of text. Word clouds are used as a part of various settings as a way to give a
diagram by cleansing text throughout those words that come up with most frequently. Gener-
ally, this is performed constantly as an unadulterated text outline. In any case, that there is a
bigger capability to this basic yet intense visualization worldview in text analytics. In this work,
we investigate the adequacy of word clouds for general text analysis errands and also analyze
the tweets to find out the sentiment and also discuss the legal aspects of text mining. We used R
software to pull twitter data which depends altogether on word cloud as a visualization tech-
nique and also with the help of positive and negative words to determine the user sentiment.
We indicate how this approach can be viably used to explain text analysis tasks and assess it in
a qualitative user research.
Keywords: Big data, Text Analytics, Social Media Analytics, R, Sentiment analysis, Word
Cloud, Twitter Analysis

1 Introduction
Microblogging or Social media sites have
developed to wind up plainly a source of fluc-
has been substantially less studied. High-
lights, for example, programmed grammatical
form labels and resources, for example, senti-
tuated sort of data. This is because of nature ment vocabularies have demonstrated valua-
of social media on which individuals post con- ble for sentiment examination or analysis in
stant messages about their opinion on an as- different areas, yet will they likewise demon-
sortment of points, examine current issues, strate helpful for sentiment analysis in twitter?
grumble, and express positive feeling for In this paper, we start to explore this question.
items they use in day by day life. Actually, or- Word clouds produced for a collection of text
ganizations assembling or manufacturing such can fill in as a beginning stage for a more pro-
items have begun to survey these microblogs found analysis [1-3]. For example, they help
or social media to get a perception of general to decide whether a given text is applicable to
slant for sentiment for their items or product. a particular data require. One of their down-
Commonly these companies think about client sides is that they give a simply factual run-
responses and answer to clients on social me- down of disengaged words without consider-
dia. One test is to develop technology to dis- ing phonetic information about the words and
tinguish and outline a general sentiment. their relations. Subsequently, word clouds are
While there has been a considerable amount utilized rather statically as a way to outline
of research on how assumptions are commu- message in many frameworks and they regu-
nicated in genres, for example, online re- larly give no or just restricted collaboration
views, blogs and news articles, how feelings abilities. We think there is a bigger potential
or sentiments are communicated given the to this straightforward yet capable visualiza-
casual language and message-length require- tion worldview in numerous analyzing con-
ments of microblogging or social networking
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26 Informatica Economică vol. 22, no. 1/2018

texts. In this work, we, along these lines, in- phrases [5, 6]. Given the character impedi-
vestigate the potential outcomes by utilizing ments on Tweets, characterizing the sentiment
word clouds at the exceptionally focal point of of twitter messages is most like sentence-level
text mining. sentiment analysis [7, 8]. Be that as it may, the
In this paper, we analyze one such prevalent casual and specific dialect utilized as a part of
microblog or social media called twitter and Tweets, and in addition the very idea of the
build R models for characterizing "tweets" microblogging or social networking domain
into positive, negative and unbiased sentiment make twitter sentiment analysis is altogether a
and also create word cloud to find out the most different assignment. How well the features
frequently used term. For twitter sentiment, and strategies utilized on more structured in-
we assemble models for twitter authentica- formation will transfer to the microblogging
tion, and then we will pull the data from twit- or social media area. Just in the previous year
ter. Here we will use a political figure to ana- there have been various papers taking a gan-
lyze sentiment what type of words are being der at twitter sentiment [9-12]. Different data
used by him in everyday life to figure out ac- scientists and researchers have started to in-
tually what is happening in his mind. By using vestigate the utilization of grammatical fea-
the R models, we will basically create a graph tures but the results are still mixed. Features
of positive, negative and neutral words used regular to microblogging or social networking
by the twitter user. are likewise normal, yet there has been little
To generate word cloud, we will first use R examination concerning the handiness of ex-
model to authenticate twitter. Then we will isting sentiment resources created on non-mi-
pull twitter data of a famous phone company. croblogging information. Specialists have
Then we will process the twitter data in a way likewise started to examine different methods
that we can create a word cloud based on the for naturally gathering training information. A
dataset. The finalized word cloud will picture few analysts depend on emojis for character-
what the company is actually thinking. Mean- izing their training information [10]. Barbosa
ing which words are being used frequently on and Feng [13] misuse existing twitter senti-
this particular twitter account. ment sites for gathering training information
or data. [12] likewise utilize hashtags for mak-
2 Managerial Contribution ing training information, however they re-
In general, social media analytics are used for strain their examinations to sentiment/non-
future forecasting for better business decision sentiment grouping.
making and planning. In this study, we ob- Being "Born outside the universe of PCs" [2],
tained and modified numerous source codes word clouds ended up plainly well known in
from different sources and run the algorithms the specific community oriented websites, for
by rendering a new technique to generate twit- example, photo sharing website Flickr, adver-
ter sentiment and word cloud for further fore- tising firm Technorati or social bookmarking
casting on political context. Although some of website Delicious, that utilize tagging as an
the results are already prevailing in scattered ordering strategy [14]. In the meantime, they
manner – we tried to put those in place – to have developed as a core system of data rep-
illustrate the whole process of text mining for resentation that is applied in a wide range of
business analytics professionals or research- contexts.
ers. One famous application range for tag clouds
or word cloud is text outline [15-17]. Here,
3 Literature Review word cloud is utilized to give a natural and
Sentiment analysis is a developing area of outwardly engaging diagram of a content by
Natural Language Processing with research delineating the words that used regularly
extending from document level characteriza- within it. Such a synopsis is useful to find out
tion [4] to taking in the extremity of words and about the number and sort of topic introduce
in an assortment of text. This statistical outline

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Informatica Economică vol. 22, no. 1/2018 27

is accomplished by decidedly corresponding 72.4% [20]. These rates are developing rap-
the font size of the delineated words with the idly, with Facebook has 2.07bn users which
word recurrence. At the point when a word was only 1.59bn in the end of 2015 [21].
cloud representation is utilized along these YouTube's mining of its videos demonstrates
lines, the words in the word cloud are words 100 million individuals like, dislike, comment
from a content. Therefore, the term word or share those videos every week [22]. Within
cloud is regularly favored over the term label two years this figure doubled. Facebook now
cloud in these specific circumstances. incorporates social activities in its online pro-
Although many assessments of text analyzing motions, for example by enabling user to in-
in social media written by the data scientists vestigate whether their partners have favored
are highly persuasive, however, they often ne- or chosen on items being advertised while
glect the importance of text/data analyzing of they were watching YouTube videos. Essen-
social media as a tool to understand social and tially, hashtags on twitter have given clients
political sentiment of any given region. On the another speedy approach to express their
other hand, books, thesis and reports written likes, dislikes or comments; and these offers
by social and political scientists only focus opportunities for companies to study about
purely on social and political assessment of their sentiments.
social media and always ignore the scientific
aspects of using text analysis to understand 5 Legal and Ethical Aspects of Social Media
the social behavior of the people. As this re- Mining
search attempts to provide a brief scientific as- In today’s global marketplace, the social me-
sessment of the social media of Bangladesh by dia data become one of the rich sources for
using text analysis methods on the political as- companies to understand the market value and
pects in Bangladesh and avoid unsubstanti- customer diversity [23]. In addition, political
ated assertions, such study undoubtedly stands parties competing for state elections, may also
as a major reference work on the subject. find such text analyzing of social media very
useful to understand the opinion of mass peo-
4 Why Social Media Analytics or Text Min- ple and to make new political strategies for the
ing in Essential elections. However, there are certain legal
In the beginning of social media or microblog- concerns in relation to the data mining from
ging, public relation organizations would the social media.
screen clients' posts on business websites try- The are some major legal issues facing by
ing to distinguish and oversee displeased cli- people when they plan to undertake the text
ents. With the expansion of social media or data mining which are protected and governed
microblogging sites and the quantity of use on by the database law, copyright law and con-
them, this isn't sufficient. Consider the com- tract law [24]. The copyright law gives protec-
monness of web-based social networking we tion automatically over the work which one
can come up to these points: Social media or not copied from elsewhere by recording and
microblogging seems very simple but it is rich creating in a way it establishes a new inven-
with opportunity. Number of social media us- tory work [24]. The copyright protection
ers is 2.46bn worldwide in 2017 [18]. Also, somehow provides the owner the right
Facebook, YouTube, and twitter are most- whether to approve or decline on third party's’
trafficked sites on the Internet. restricts acts which includes such as adapta-
In any case, even these insights fail to give a tion of the work, copying, re-dissemination
full record of the impact that social network- for publishing it on the Web, or any substan-
ing or microblogging sites are having. Users tial part of the original copyright work, as well
spend over 135 minutes per day online [19] as translation of the work into other lan-
through social media or microblogging sites. guages.
Facebook alone has an overall market infiltra-
tion rate 26.3% [20]; in North America it is

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28 Informatica Economică vol. 22, no. 1/2018

The copyright law is more complicated on the downloading it automatically with others soft-
practice. A simple explanation of facts that in- ware. However, the condition will be different
cludes more data or information is not subject on the data or information that is not freely or
to the copyright issues, however, to identify publicly posted, but rather than it is being pro-
on the classification short sentence or a fact tected not for free viewing on the access on
that still remains unclear and controversial for the webpage example like to have the pass-
the court to decide to resolve the matters. word-protected account is required to access
There is one recent European Court case con- or to use the data or information on a Web
firmed that a sentence of 11 words was justi- page. In most of the scenario, the web page
fied to be protected by the copyright even provider will impose on some conditions and
though this does not clearly imply that all sim- restrictions for the user such as non-disclosure
ilar sentences will be protected by copyright to third parties, payment of a fee, or any other
[25]. Terms of Use or Terms of Service (ToS). This
The copying act alleged to infringe the Intel- is more alike an agreement that exists between
lectual Property Rights belongs to the original web page provider and user of the information
owners, where it will indicate to some legal or service. Some have justified that if ToS for-
ambiguity on the process of text data mining. bids some act it does not mean that it will be
Legal aspects are of course country depend- illegal. However, there are other laws binds
ent. However, it should be noted that, posting with Tos, where it can be a legally make that
something publically and accessing to the agreement to be binding, and therefore if you
public information on the Web is perfectly le- fail to follow as provided by the ToS, then you
gal [26]. When we reading a webpage it is will be violating the law that exists on the con-
similar like we reading a billboard or a street tractual arrangements, then give rise to con-
sign, therefore assessing the information that tract law liabilities [27].
shared or broadcast to the entire world consist Even if it is lawful to gather information using
to have no legal restrictions. However, there social network site for the purposes of re-
are some restriction where the law provided search, there may be ethical considerations
on the access to unethical webpage likes the that to make it inappropriate on the issue of
pornographic material by minors thus the ser- privacy of personal data. There is information
vice provider has to check the consumer age privacy policy which are protected by data
and enforcement of the law so that the viewer protection laws that regulate the use of per-
is not doing anything illegal by merely view- sonal data information. However, a user who
ing a public Web page. accesses to the personal data or information
Now the question remains open whether the are protected not limited for one use of such
text posted in social media stipulates the crea- information, except as specified by the ToS.
tion of any particular work or not. In most of However, depending on what is considered as
the social media, people only tend to share the ethical behavior, it may have different views
simple facts, which by its nature, can never about the gravity of breaching a ToS agree-
considered as a copyright issues in legal argu- ment, and the magnitude of violating a third
ments. Therefore, copyright issues relating to party’s right to privacy. It should typically
social media needs serious concern from consider such violation of privacy as unethical
Judges, Lawyers and Legal academicians. even it is not illegal.
It is vital to note that, it is not a problem on Research on social network data has signifi-
accessing by viewing the freely and publicly cant ethical consequences concerning the pro-
posted data or information that we needed via tection of the human subjects [28]. It has been
certain webpage and use that data of the infor- argued and recommended that the research on
mation by saving it or share it to others and social media is to be reviewed by an independ-
there is no difference if the data or information ent review panel to make sure that it is pro-
is accessed interactively with a browser by tected from any discrimination, abuse, risk,

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Informatica Economică vol. 22, no. 1/2018 29

privacy violations, and other potentially ad- by observing different social media or mi-
verse factors. If there is any study conducted croblog sources, documenting significant data
on online social network, it should be ensuring and delivering relevant data. This procedure
that no any personal identifiable information should be achievable by an institution itself or
is to be publish however only to the infor- a data analyst. Not all information that are
mation required which is about aggregate sta- caught will be valuable. “Analyze” chooses
tistical analysis. important information for demonstrating, ex-
pels noise, low-quality information, and uti-
6 The Process of Social Media Mining lizes different propelled data analytics tech-
Social media or microblog mining includes a niques to investigate the information restore
three-organize process: Gather, Analyze, and and pick up bits of knowledge from it. “Visu-
Visualize. “Gather” includes getting applica- alize” manages showing discoveries from
ble web-based social media or microblog data “Analyze” in every significant way

Fig. 1. 3 stages of social media mining or analytics.

For a business occupied with social network source, part of speech tagging or other syntac-
or microblog analytics, “Gather” enables it to tic and semantic techniques that help analysis.
recognize discussions on social media or mi- Once a firm has accumulated the comments
croblog sites identified with its interest and and posts identified with its products and op-
activities. This is finished by gathering huge erations, it should next study their influence
measures of applicable information crosswise and create metrics necessary for decision
over hundreds or thousands of social network- making. This is the “Analyze” stage. Since the
ing sources utilizing news feeds or APIs. “Gather” stage accumulates information from
“Gather” stage covers mainstream platforms, numerous users and sources of social media or
for example, Foursquare, LinkedIn, Face- microblog, a sizeable bit might be noisy and
book, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Tumblr, may should be expelled before playing out
Pinterest, Google+, and so forth. To set up a any meaningful analysis. Straightforward, run
data set for the “Analyze”, different pre-han- based text classifiers or more modern classifi-
dling steps might be performed, including ers prepared on marked noisy information
data modeling, record, linking from other might be utilized for this cleaning capacity.
Assessing the importance of the cleaned data
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30 Informatica Economică vol. 22, no. 1/2018

can include various statistical methods and also a member of Bangladesh Awami League.
different methods got from text mining, ma- He is an influential person in Bangladesh. To
chine learning, or and system inquiry. [29]. analyze the twitter sentiment, we have to get
This stage gives data about users’ sentiment. twitter authentication from twitter developer
Numerous valuable measurements and pat- website ( Then, using
terns about users can be delivered in this stage, R packages we pulled 700 tweets of Sajeeb
interests, covering their experiences concerns, Wazed and analyzed the positive, neutral and
etc. negative sentiments he used in his official
twitter account. We collected the positive [30]
7 Sentiment analysis using R and negative words [31] datasets from
For twitter sentiment analysis, we used twitter GitHub. According to process of social media
account of a famous Bangladeshi business- mining, twitter sentiment also has gather, an-
man and politician. He serves as an Infor- alyze and visualize stage.
mation and Communication Technology advi-
sor to the Bangladesh Government and he is

Fig. 2: Stages of sentiment analysis in R

8 Model code on R for twitter sentiment Both are focused on Twitter sentiment anal-
analysis ysis using R. But to satisfy the analysis we
In order to run the sentiment analysis with modified and run the codes using R to get
R, the source codes are obtained from two the sentiment analysis of the twitter user
main sources R bloggers, GitHub [32, 33]. "sajeebwazed".
# debugging setting
debug <- TRUE

# install required packages

> if(!require('twitteR')) install.packages('twitteR')
> if(!require('ROAuth')) install.packages('ROAuth')
> if(!require('plyr')) install.packages('plyr')
> if(!require('dplyr')) install.packages('dplyr')
> if(!require('stringr')) install.packages('stringr')
> if(!require('ggplot2')) install.packages('ggplot2')
> if(!require('tm')) install.packages('tm')

# connect all libraries

> library(tm)
> library(twitteR)
> library(ROAuth)
> library(plyr)
> library(dplyr)

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Informatica Economică vol. 22, no. 1/2018 31

> library(stringr)
> library(ggplot2)

# Twitter developer account authentication

> api_key <- "XXXXXX"
> api_secret <- "XXXXXXXXXX"
> access_token <- "XXXXXXXXXXX"
> access_token_secret <- "XXXXXXXXXXXX"
> setup_twitter_oauth(api_key,api_secret,access_token,access_token_secret)

# the function of tweets accessing and analyzing

> search <- ("sajeebwazed")

# access tweets and create cumulative file

> if(isTRUE(debug)) print("Fetching tweets...")
> list <- searchTwitter("sajeebwazed", n=700)
> if(isTRUE(debug)) print("Done.")

# creating dataframe
> if(isTRUE(debug)) print("Creating stack file...")
> df <- twListToDF(list)
> df <- df[, order(names(df))]
> df$created <- strftime(df$created, '%Y-%m-%d')
> if (file.exists(paste("sajeebwazed",'_stack.csv'))==FALSE) write.csv(df,
file=paste("sajeebwazed",'_stack.csv'), row.names=F)
> if(isTRUE(debug)) print("Done.")

# merge last access with cumulative file and remove duplicates

> if(isTRUE(debug)) print("Merging stack file...")
> stack <- read.csv(file=paste("sajeebwazed",'_stack.csv'))
> stack <- rbind(stack, df)
> stack <- subset(stack, !duplicated(stack$text))
> write.csv(stack, file=paste("sajeebwazed",'_stack.csv'), row.names=F)
> if(isTRUE(debug)) print("Done.")

# evaluation tweets function

> score.sentiment <- function(sentences, pos.words, neg.words, .progress='none')
+ {
+ require(plyr)
+ require(stringr)
+ scores <- laply(sentences, function(sentence, pos.words, neg.words){
+ sentence <- gsub('[[:punct:]]', "", sentence)
+ sentence <- gsub('[[:cntrl:]]', "", sentence)
+ sentence <- gsub('\\d+', "", sentence)
+ sentence <- tolower(sentence)
+ word.list <- str_split(sentence, '\\s+')
+ words <- unlist(word.list)
+ pos.matches <- match(words, pos.words)
+ neg.matches <- match(words, neg.words)
+ pos.matches <- !
+ neg.matches <- !
+ score <- sum(pos.matches) - sum(neg.matches)
+ return(score)
+ }, pos.words, neg.words, .progress=.progress)
+ scores.df <- data.frame(score=scores, text=sentences)
+ return(scores.df)
+ }

# creating scores file

> if(isTRUE(debug)) print("Creating scores file...")
> pos <- scan('positive-words.txt', what='character', comment.char=';') # folder with
positive dictionary
> neg <- scan('negative-words.txt', what='character', comment.char=';') # folder with
negative dictionary
> pos.words <- c(pos, 'upgrade')
> neg.words <- c(neg, 'wtf', 'wait', 'waiting', 'epicfail')
> Dataset <- stack

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32 Informatica Economică vol. 22, no. 1/2018

> Dataset$text <- as.factor(Dataset$text)

> scores <- score.sentiment(Dataset$text, pos.words, neg.words, .progress='text')
> write.csv(scores, file=paste("sajeebwazed",'_scores.csv'), row.names=TRUE) # save
evaluation results into the file
> if(isTRUE(debug)) print("Creating stack file...")

# total evaluation: positive / negative / neutral

> if(isTRUE(debug)) print("Performing Sentiment Analysis...")
> stat <- scores
> stat$created <- stack$created
> stat$created <- as.Date(stat$created)
> stat <- mutate(stat, tweet=ifelse(stat$score > 0, 'positive', ifelse(stat$score <
0, 'negative', 'neutral')))
> by.tweet <- group_by(stat, tweet, created)
> by.tweet <- summarise(by.tweet, number=n())
> write.csv(by.tweet, file=paste("sajeebwazed",'_opin.csv'), row.names=TRUE)
> if(isTRUE(debug)) print("Done.")

# create chart
> if(isTRUE(debug)) print("Creating chart/plot...")
> ggplot(by.tweet, aes(created, number)) + geom_line(aes(group=tweet, color=tweet),
size=2) +
+ geom_point(aes(group=tweet, color=tweet), size=4) +
+ theme(text = element_text(size=18), axis.text.x = element_text(angle=90,
vjust=1)) +
+ # stat_summary(fun.y = 'sum', fun.ymin='sum', fun.ymax='sum', colour = 'yellow',
size=2, geom = 'line') +
+ ggtitle("sajeebwazed")
> ggsave(file=paste("sajeebwazed",'_plot.jpeg'))
> if(isTRUE(debug)) print("Done.")


9 Word cloud analysis using R got unstructured data of 200 tweets. Then
For generating word cloud using R, we used we analyzed the data using R and create a
twitter account of famous Bangladeshi po- word cloud visualization to figure out the
litical and ruling party Awami League. The importance of each words used in
twitter account id of Bangladesh Awami “albd1971” twitter account.
League is “albd1971” which we used to get 10 Model code on R for twitter word
tweets. To analyze the twitter word cloud cloud analysis
analysis to find out the frequently used Here, we cultivated and nurtured different
words by a twitter user, we have to get twit- source codes from GitHub, r-bloggers, and
ter authentication from twitter like we have stackoverflow [34-36] in order to create the
used in twitter sentiment analysis. Then us- word cloud using R.
ing R packages, we pulled 200 tweets of
Bangladesh Awami League party and we

# installing packages

# importing installed libraries


# Twitter developer account authentication

> api_key <- "XXXXXX"
> api_secret <- "XXXXXXXXXX"
> access_token <- "XXXXXXXXXXX"
DOI: 10.12948/issn14531305/22.1.2018.03
Informatica Economică vol. 22, no. 1/2018 33

> access_token_secret <- "XXXXXXXXXXXX"

> setup_twitter_oauth(api_key,api_secret,access_token,access_token_secret)

# storing tweets

# displaying tweets

# transform tweets to data frame


# build a corpus

# using tm to remove unwanted data

myCorpus <- Corpus(VectorSource(myCorpus))

myCorpus <- tm_map(myCorpus,removePunctuation)

myCorpus <- tm_map(myCorpus,removeNumbers)

myCorpus <- tm_map(myCorpus, PlainTextDocument)

myCorpus <- tm_map(myCorpus,tolower)

myStopwords <- c(stopwords('english'))

myCorpus <- tm_map(myCorpus,removeWords,myStopwords)

myCorpus <- Corpus(VectorSource(myCorpus))

myTdm <- TermDocumentMatrix( myCorpus,control=list( wordLengths = c(1,Inf) ) )

findFreqTerms(myTdm, lowfreq=20)

# Word Cloud


Output and explanation of Twitter senti- After the twitter analysis on R, it generated
ment analysis and twitter word cloud the following chart which shows the posi-
analysis tive, neutral and negative sentiments the
user used in his twitter account.

Fig. 3. Sentiment analysis output for the twitter account “sajeebwazed”

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34 Informatica Economică vol. 22, no. 1/2018

We can see from December 08, 2017 to De- After the twitter analysis and generating a
cember 14, 2017, the user used more than 60 word cloud on R, the following word cloud is
neutral words, almost 40 positive words and generated. It shows thee words that are fre-
almost 10 negative words in his tweets. So, we quently used in the twitter account of Bangla-
can easily determine the users’ sentiment that desh Awami League.
he is thinking neutral, positive or negative.

Figure 4: Word cloud generated after text analysis from “albd1971” twitter account

After the word cloud analysis, we can see the 11 Limitations of twitter sentiment analysis
user “albd1971” used “seikhhasina” most fre- and word cloud analysis
quently as the prime minister of Bangladesh There are limitations in twitter sentiment anal-
and the leader of the Bangladesh Awami ysis. First of all, the twitter search API can
League party is Seikh Hasina. The other most only get user tweets a maximum of 7 days,
frequently used words by this user are “govt”, which is a limitation for the predictive analy-
“hpm” meaning honorable prime minister, sis. Also, the twitter sentiment is not effective
“power”, “Dhaka”, “infrastructure”, “march- for detecting sarcasm, it will detect it as a neg-
ing” and so on. So, we can clearly get a visual ative sentiment. The code is only limited to
understand of what actually is going on in the query only 1500 tweets at a time without au-
user’s mind by looking at those frequently thenticating via oath. Also giving hashtag un-
used words. der wrong category will also give positive,
negative or neutral results

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Informatica Economică vol. 22, no. 1/2018 35

Figure 5: Collected stack file (unstructured data) from the twitter account “sajeebwazed”

Twitter word cloud analysis also has some cloud we generated, there is one term “roh-
limitations. In such data visualization like ingycrisis”. This is a major issue for Bangla-
word cloud, the main downside is that we lose desh in recent times. It is a continuous issue
context. We cannot differentiate between pos- that has exhausted Bangladesh-Myanmar re-
itive and negative words. In word cloud anal- lationship since 1970 [37]. So, in this context,
ysis, we basically lose the ability to derive the it is difficult to learnt whether “rohingyac-
meaning from it. For example, from the word risis” used in positive or negative reference.

Figure 6: Word cloud generating from “albd1971” using twitter.

Generated word clouds need to be used care-

fully but they present a quick and easy way of
data visualization.
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36 Informatica Economică vol. 22, no. 1/2018

12 Challenges and conclusions [5] A. Esuli and F. Sebastiani, "SentiWord-

The social networking scene is huge and Net: a high-coverage lexical resource for
evolving. Indeed, even as some online net- opinion mining," Evaluation, pp. 1-26,
working sites detonate into utilization, rapidly 2007.
turning into everyday tools, new stages are go- [6] V. Hatzivassiloglou and K. R. McKeown,
ing along with them continually. By and large, "Predicting the semantic orientation of ad-
there are dozens of destinations with no less jectives," in Proceedings of the eighth
than one hundred thousand enlisted clients, conference on European chapter of the
and numerous more special guests—including Association for Computational Linguis-
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Ahmed Imran Kabir has graduated from the college of Business with a Mas-
ter of Science in Business Analytics/ Data Science from Texas A&M Univer-
sity- Commerce, United States in 2017. He is now a doctoral candidate in the
Department of Business and Accountancy, University of Malaya, Malaysia.
His work focuses on healthcare analytics, business intelligence, text mining,
and big data software.

Ridoan Karim has graduated from the Department of Law with a Master of
Comparative Law from International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) in
2016. He is now a doctoral candidate in the Department of Law; University of
Malaya, Malaysia. His work focuses of nuclear regulations, data protection
law, block chain technology. He worked as an adjunct lecturer at East Delta
University, Bangladesh in the Fall semester 2016.

Shah Newaz currently studies at the Faculty of Business and Accountancy,

University of Malaya. Shah likes to do research in Manufacturing, Supply
chain management and Business Administration. Their most recent publica-
tion is 'A Cross-Dock Model to Replace Traditional Supply Chain of Vegeta-
ble Industry through Eliminating Bottlenecks: Bangladesh Perspective'.

Muhammad Istiaque Hossain has graduated from the Department of Busi-

ness and Law with a Master of Professional Accounting from Central Queens-
land University, Australia. His work focuses on financial analytics, data secu-
rity in online banking and CSR activities and the financial performance of the

DOI: 10.12948/issn14531305/22.1.2018.03

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