Chapter 4: Modals: Multiple Choice Choose The Correct Word or Words To Complete Each Sentence

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Chapter 4: Modals


Choose the correct word or words to complete each sentence.

1. You any accidents to the lab's supervisor immediately or you won't be permitted to use
the facilities again.
a. can report c. must report
b. could have reported d. must have reported

2. As a general rule, please remember, library patrons quiet at all times.

a. can remain c. could remain
b. should remain d. has to remain

3. You your manager about your car trouble. He's very understanding.
a. would've told c. should've told
b. wouldn't have told d. shouldn't have told

4. I you yesterday. My computer wasn't working.

a. couldn't e-mail c. might have e-mailed
b. can't e-mail d. am supposed to e-mail

5. The meeting around six o'clock, but if it doesn't, I'll call you.
a. must begin c. should've begun
b. should begin d. had to begin

6. Each student in the class a topic by next Monday or the teacher will choose it.
a. could choose c. has to choose
b. would have chosen d. are supposed to choose

7. I'm not sure, but Nancy's coming today because she went home sick yesterday.
a. definitely c. probably not
b. maybe d. certainly not

8. Someone because I hear a car approaching the building.

a. can't have been coming c. had to come
b. would have come d. must be coming

9. This box is so heavy! It easy to carry it alone.

a. shouldn't have been c. wasn't supposed to be
b. can't have been d. might have been
10. Employees their uniforms at all times. Employees failing to do so will be sent home.
a. might wear c. could've worn
b. had to wear d. must wear

1 Grammar Sense 4 Test: Chapter 4 © Oxford University Press

11. Carlos at the airport by 10 A.M. for his flight, but the airline called to report a delay.
a. have to be c. were supposed to be
b. has to be d. was supposed to be

12. Ms. Parsons is furious with you. You to her now!

a. had better apologize c. had to apologize
b. must have apologized d. might have apologizing

13. Children under the age of 11 pay for a full-price ticket, but parents are encouraged to
make a donation in that amount if possible.
a. must c. have to
b. must have d. don't have to

14. Employees each other's time cards. Managers are the only ones authorized to do that.
a. shouldn't sign c. couldn't have signed
b. don't have to sign d. would have signed

Choose the correct response to complete each conversation.

15. A: Why didn't you answer the phone?

B: I was at home.
a. I must have been sleeping. c. You could've called me.
b. I have to answer the door.

16. A:
B: Yes. It was an important meeting and we accomplished a lot.
a. Would you have taken that trip to Boston?
b. Should you take that trip to Boston?
c. Did you have to take that trip to Boston?

17. A: I'm feeling terrible about the team's loss.

B: I'm sorry.
a. You could win the game. c. You should win the game.
b. You should've won the game.

18. A: Can you believe it? We could've used our books on the test!
B: I know!
a. Why didn't she let us use our books? c. Aren't you glad we had them?
b. I didn't bring mine either.

19. A: I couldn't get a signal on my cell phone last night.

a. I had the same problem. c. Why didn't you try?
b. So I must've missed your call.
20. A: We've got tickets to the symphony tonight.
a. That should be great! c. That would've been so nice.
b. That had to be interesting.

21. A: Tony never loses his temper, but he was just yelling at Amanda in the break room.
B: That's very strange.
a. He couldn't be very upset. c. He would usually shout.
b. Something must have happened.

22. A: We shouldn't have taken the train.

B: I know.
a. I'm really glad we didn't. c. Let's take the train next time.
b. We haven't moved for an hour.

23. A:
B: You're right. I'll turn on my computer and look for his message.
a. Eric might be trying to e-mail us.
b. Eric couldn't have e-mailed us.
c. Eric wasn't supposed to e-mail us.

24. A:
B: I really didn't mind. I was going to the library anyway.
a. You didn't have to return my books.
b. You must not return those books.
c. You don't have to.

Choose the correct response to each statement or question.

25. Betty: We filed the appeal last week, so we should get a court date this week.
Betty is a date to appear in court this week.
a. positive she will get c. fairly certain she will get
b. certain she will not get d. fairly certain she will not get

26. Paul: I bought an Agatha Christie novel for Sarah, but I'm afraid she might already have it.
Paul is the book.
a. certain that Sarah has c. fairly certain that Sarah has
b. certain that Sarah doesn't have d. not sure if Sarah has

27. Zack: Rob insured this package for a lot of money! It must be very valuable.
Zack is valuable.
a. certain that the package is c. fairly certain the package isn't
b. fairly certain the package is d. not sure if the package is

28. Vera: I just got rejected by my first-choice college. I couldn't be more disappointed.
Vera .
a. is very disappointed c. is not very disappointed
b. is not certain how she feels d. is certain she will feel worse
29. Bill: Cara hasn't come home yet. She might have stopped by the store.
Bill thinks Cara .
a. is definitely at the store now
b. is definitely going to the store later
c. is possibly at the store now
d. is possibly going to the store later

30. I have a suggestion. We Joe's report with Ed's to come up with a more comprehensive
a. must combine c. can combine
b. are supposed to d. can't combine


Complete each sentence using the past form of the modal and the verb in parentheses. Use
contractions when possible.

1. You (not / should / annoy) Professor Foye. He's now giving us

more homework!

2. Sarah (not / could / knock) on your door last night. She was with
us the entire time.

3. Marta (might / give) me your phone number, but I'm really not

4. Teresa (not / would / buy) anything at the bookstore without

calling me first. I get a discount on all purchases.

5. We (not / have to / do) the exercises on page 51 last night, but I

wanted the extra practice.

6. I (supposed to / work) late last night, but Carol took my shift.

7. They (must / know) you were coming. I heard your message on

their answering machine.
8. I don't know if she took your wallet. I think she (not / might / do)
it because she hasn't been in trouble lately.

9. Paul (not / could / watch TV) all weekend because my parents

were staying with us.

10. We (have to / write) two research papers for Professor Grey's class last

11. Elena (not / should / believe) everything people tell her. She is
generally too trusting.

12. I (should / keep) a copy of the original document because I can't locate
the changes in the new version.

13. Carl (must / understand) that his sister was very angry.

14. The professor's instructions (not / must / be) very precise

because a third of the class did the assignment incorrectly.

15. Akiko isn't at home. Do you think she (could / gone) to the
museum without us?


Correct the errors in the sentences. Each sentence contains one error. Use contractions when

1. Pedro must been having a meeting yesterday afternoon because I heard several voices coming from
his office.

2. I shouldn't have leaving at noon yesterday because I missed an important call at 12:15.

3. Amelia shouldn't have taken better care of her health, but she didn't like visiting the doctor.
4. The roads in our area could be repaired years ago, but the legislature refused to approve the funding.

5. Many parents feel they ought shield their children from unpleasant events.

6. The owners of the business was supposed to provide an account of expenses, but they didn't do this.

7. How long we should wait for their responses to our questions?


Write an essay using one of these topics.

1. Write two paragraphs about where you are living at the moment. In the first paragraph, describe the
things people should definitely do if they visit this area. Include details about why they should do these
things. In the second paragraph, describe things people can do if they have more time to spend in the

2. Write two paragraphs about the appropriate role of friends as advisors in our lives. In the first
paragraph, give your general opinion. In the second paragraph, describe a situation when you did or
did not listen to a friend's advice. Was this the right decision? What might you have done differently?

3. Write two paragraphs about the extent to which public figures, such as actors, athletes or politicians,
should expect their personal lives to remain private. In the first paragraph, describe the ideal balance
between the media's right to report, the public's right to know and the public figure's right to privacy.
In the second paragraph, describe a scandal involving a public figure. Include your opinion about what
should or should not have been reported and why.
Chapter 4: Answer Key


1. C
2. B
3. C
4. A
5. B
6. C
7. C
8. D
9. B
10. D
11. D
12. A
13. D
14. A
15. A
16. C
17. B
18. B
19. A
20. A
21. B
22. B
23. A
24. A
25. C
26. D
27. A
28. A
29. C
30. C


1. shouldn't have annoyed

2. couldn't have knocked
3. might have given
4. wouldn't have bought
5. didn't have to do
6. was supposed to work
7. must have known
8. might not have done
9. couldn't watch TV
10. had to write
11. shouldn't believe
12. should've kept
13. must have understood
14. must not have been
15. could have gone


1. Pedro must have been having a meeting yesterday afternoon because I heard several voices coming
from his office.
2. I shouldn't have left at noon yesterday because I missed an important call at 12:15.
3. Amelia should have taken better care of her health, but she didn't like visiting the doctor.
4. The roads in our area could've been repaired years ago, but the legislature refused to approved
the funding.
5. Many parents feel they ought to shield their children from unpleasant events.
6. The owners of the business were supposed to provide an account of expenses, but they didn't do this.
7. How long should we wait for their responses to our questions?

1. Answers will vary.
2. Answers will vary.

3. Answers will vary.

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