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Kristina Peters
FRIDAY, MAY 1, 2009

Campus | Event
campus briefs
Rain does not stop Spring Fling Final concert of year
for Wind Symphony
The EIU Wind Symphony will
By Doug T. Graham present its final concert of the
Staff Reporter spring semester at 2 p.m. Sun-
day in the Dvorak Concert Hall
Rainy weather could not put a of the Doudna Fine Arts Center.
damper on the Spring Fling festival, The concert will be conducted
hosted by the University Board, which by Milton Allen and special
relocated from the Library Quad to guest conductor John Daum,
the Martin Luther King Jr., Universi- the conductor of the Charles-
ty Union. ton Community Band.
The theme of Spring Fling 2009 Other highlights will be video
was “Wild Safari.” clips and music from the Emmy
The Bridge Lounge became dense Award winning film “Scenes
as a jungle on account of all the activi- from the Louve.” For those
ties reassigned. who love the great American
A giant inflatable chair shared the past-time baseball, the Wind
lounge with tables giving out freebies Symphony will be a musical
like “Wild Safari” T-shirts, personal- performance of Ernest Thayer’s
ized photo key chains and “Spin Art classic poem “Casey at the
Frisbees” that spun on a wheel while Bat” narrated by Jeffrey Lynch,
students dropped paint on them. associate dean of the College
The star of the bridge lounge was of Arts and Humanities. In ad-
the exotic animal petting zoo provid- dition, the concert will feature
ed by Animal Rentals Inc. in Chicago. the premiere of a major new
Mr. Adam Monk, a diapered three- work for wind band, “Ecstatic
year-old Cebus Monkey, was passed Waters” composed by Steven
from shoulder to shoulder. Bryant.
The EIU Wind Symphony Con-
Two Burmese Pythons were
cert is free of charge.
draped around consenting students
for photo opportunities.
The joke, “Careful! He already bit Textbook Rental hours
one person today,” was repeated by expand for returns
student handlers to spook those who Hours for Textbook Rental
tried to squeeze by the snake in the Services will change during
crowded lounge. finals week. Textbook Rental
The closest the room came to will be open 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
clearing was when animal handler Monday; 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Tues-
Mark Szafran brought Purse, the baby day, Wednesday and Thursday;
American Alligator, out of her cage. and 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday.
Szafran told students the four-foot During textbook returns,
Karolina Strack | The Daily Eastern News
long Purse would one day grow to be unattended vehicles parked on
Brittany Roel, a senior early childhood education major, pours paint onto a frisbee to make her own paint splat- Fourth Street will be ticketed
more than eight feet long from nose
ter design during Spring Fling Thursday afternoon in the Bridge Lounge of the Martin Luther King Jr. University and/or towed by the Charles-
to tail. When asked by a student if
Union. ton Police Department. Attend-
Purse would bite off fingers that got
too close, Szafran nodded gravely. apparel, a grill set and a 31.5-inch to this rock paper scissors thing and and the inflatable rat race were can- ed vehicles can be parked on
The University Board provided HDTV. he won,” Jones said. celed because of the weather. the east side of Fourth Street
free food from Joey’s Place, who set up Ashley Jones, a sophomore biolog- Hodgeman described his winning “The ground was just too wet, and while returning textbooks.
grills outside under the bridge of the ical sciences major, and Dave Hodge- strategy. the sidewalks and the concrete space Deadline to return textbooks
Union. Joey’s Place brought 500 ham- man, a junior sociology major, both “I just threw rock every time,” he wasn’t big enough to improvise and is 3 p.m. May 8.
burgers, hotdogs, bags of chips and went head to head in a game of Rock said. bring those indoors,” Brinker said
cases of Coke and Diet Pepsi. They Paper Scissors to determine the win- Special events coordinator Otis Since the obstacle course was larg- —CompiledbyNewsEditorMatt
started serving at noon, and by 1:30 ner of a bingo round with a pool set Seawood, a senior family and con- er than the Grand Ballroom, it had Hopf
p.m. the line for food went across the for a prize. sumer science major, met with Ceci nowhere else it could be set up.
street. By 2:30 p.m., no food was left. “I called (bingo) first, but appar- Brinker, director of Student Life, at
Bingo was played in the vend-
ing lounge for prizes such as Eastern
ently, he has a broken leg so he didn’t
get to call it in time, so then we went
8:30 a.m. to decide where to relocate
the event to. The rock climbing wall
Doug T. Graham can be reached at
581-7942 or
on campus
State | Universities today

New bills in Assembly to help protect faculty Event | “Slumdog Mil-

lionaire” screening
By STEPHEN DI BENEDETTO The bills, sponsored by Rep. Nao- the legislation. ty is healthy in a college or universi- Time | 7 p.m
Staff Reporter mi Jakobsson, D-Champaign, would As of Wednesday, the Senate High- ty,” Wandling said. “Besides, anyone
clarify that a university could not pro- er Education Committee approved who understands how a university Location | Buzzard Hall
The controversy between the Uni- hibit a faculty member from display- both pieces of legislation. Prior, both works knows that a particular faculty Auditorium
versity of Illinois faculty and the uni- ing political paraphernalia, such as a bills passed the House unanimously. member’s political activism or polit-
versity’s Ethics Office during the pres- campaign button or bumper sticker. Charles Delman, president of East- ical affiliations do not represent the
idential campaign managed to spark The pieces of legislation also bars ern’s chapter of University Profession- official stance or position of the insti-
reaction from Illinois legislators. the university from prohibiting a fac- als of Illinois, the faculty union on tution.”
But Eastern President Bill Perry
said faculty, and even students, should
ulty member from attending a politi-
cal rally as long as they are not on uni-
campus, said the details of the memo
seemed to be an outrageous infringe-
He said he supports the legislation,
even though the U of I administration
not fret about a repeat incident at versity time. The bills also clarify that ment of people’s civil rights. He said retreated from the original conditions A green Pontiac was reported
Eastern’s campus. faculty members have a right to com- the two bills clarify the situation. of the memo. damaged on Tuesday, while
parked near Greek court, the Uni-
On Sept. 18, the U of I’s Ethics municate their views with any branch Delman said anyone representing The bills are necessary to prevent
versity Police Department said.
Office sent out a memo to all facul- of government without needing prior a university has a responsibility not to further misunderstandings, Wandling
ty members about campaigning and review from university administrators. misrepresent the official stances of the said.
Robert Flores, 24, of Charleston,
promoting a presidential candidate. Perry said the university has not university. However, faculty members Many other department chairs
was charged with driving under
The letter was interpreted as the uni- had any serious issue with faculty have a right to express their personal contacted for the story did not
the influence of alcohol and a
versity forbidding any type of expres- expression. He said the university pro- opinion as long as they identify it as respond to inquiries.
blood alcohol content more than
sion for a particular candidate. motes freedom of speech. such, he said. Nick Yelverton, legislative director .08 after a 1:48 a.m. Wednesday
“Free speech is free speech, and we “I’m a strong supporter of free- “I think people should speak out if of the Illinois Federation of Teachers, arrest at Fourth Street and Grant
are not going to abridge it,” Perry said dom of speech, and it’s a constitution- they are in disagreement with univer- a larger union group that encompass- Avenue, police said.
about Eastern’s stance on the issue of al right,” he said. “Your constitution- sity policy, and that speech should be es UPI, said situations like the one at
faculty expression. al rights stay with you when you are protected,” Delman said. “It is as sim- U of I are, unfortunately, frequent.
The reaction at U of I prompted on campus.” ple as that.” He said the U of I administration
U of I’s President B. Joseph White to Jakobsson said she was surprised Richard Wandling, chair of the meant well, but he disagreed with how Comments, Corrections, OR
issue a retraction, stating faculty were by the stipulations contained in the political science department, said he they went about stating their policy. events
allowed to promote a candidate as memo sent out to U of I faculty on is not concerned that opinions of fac- He said the IFT supports both To report any errors, local events
long as they were not doing it on uni- Sept. 18. She said the two bills are ulty would be construed as represent- bills because members of UPI have an or general suggestions for future
versity time or representing an official designed to encompass all Illinois ing the university as an institution. He obvious right to free speech. editions please contact our Edi-
stance of the institution. public universities and community said any quality university would have “This legislation cleared up any tor in Chief, Kristina Peters, via:
Legislators also reacted. Two bills colleges, not just U of I. faculty with a diverse range of politi- ambiguity,” Yelverton said. Phone | 581-7936,
are currently in the General Assembly, “It seemed to me our statues need- cal ideologies, including liberal, con- E-mail |
which are intended to prevent a simi- ed to be clarified,” Jakobsson said servative and even socialist. StephenDiBenedettocanbereached Office visit | 1811 Buzzard Hall
lar incident from happening again. about what provoked her to sponsor “Open expression of this diversi- at 581-7942 or at

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