Intro To Legal Profession Assignment

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Intro to Legal Profession Assignment No.

1. Why did you take up Law?

I am on my second try on one of the most demanding professions in the Philippines.

2014, I was enrolled in the University of San Agustin; I did not last long. By the end of the
midterms of my 1st-year 2nd semester, I gave up.

Although the reason for my withdrawal from the college was financial incapacity, I
realized that I was not dedicated enough to pursue the career. As an after-thought through
these past few years, I let go of my dream of becoming a lawyer at that time because my heart
was in it. After I lost my means (financially) of getting through the college, I gave up quickly.

Looking back, I enrolled at that time because, one, I wanted to look good and smart. I
wanted to create an image that I was somehow progressing and moving forward in my life. I
wanted to impress my friends and relatives; two, and I tried to avoid the reality that as a college
graduate, I have to work and earn for myself. Although I had been working for myself through
my undergraduate years, I was envious of the students who did not have to worry and work for
their own schooling. By that, I immediately accepted the offer of a relative to finance my law
school with these in my mind: allowance but no work- easy life.

I was wrong. The amount of effort I have to exert to survive the first semester is
inexplicable. I was merely getting by; barely passing my subjects. Then, there came a sad, bitter
news that the one who offered to aid my studies will never be able to do so.

I tried to survive the second semester using my savings, but it was not enough. I was
having a hard time looking for a decent job to pay for my school and living expenses. Eventually,
I chose the easier decision that time – to withdraw myself from the college of law.

Now six years have passed, and the idea of returning to law school keeps coming back.
Perhaps, I was waiting for any signs to proceed- to place myself on this road again. I found my
inspiration from my former classmate (who are now new lawyers). It is not about being envious
of the prestige they have attained. Right now, I wanted to help those who cannot afford to
defend their rights. This sound too cheesy but I have seen enough corruption, injustice,
unfairness in this country; Being an example is no longer enough. I have to be there, behind that
Supreme Court sacred bar, taking an oath to be an instrument of justice and truth.
2. What do you expect to learn from this course, Legal profession?

I wanted to see the difference in how the Legal Profession is portrayed in entertainment media
from the actual practice. I want to know the responsibilities that one must carry upon acquiring the
privileges, opportunities of this noble profession.

Once, a physician told me that the path to being a lawyer is too dark; that the subjectivity of the
statutes and laws make it prone to interpretations advantageous to those who are already in power.
Unlike science, which sticks to the proven facts, the law is always subjected to different interpretations.
Knowing the dark stigma of law practice, I wanted to weigh my principle against the actual practices of
the profession. I have to see if I need to sacrifice my principles in order to effectively practice law., with
questions like: Am I allowed to decline “guilty clients because I abhor aiding “criminals”.

3. Define practice of law

Court hearing, cross examinations, the sound of the gavel – these are the things that I can
imagine whenever I hear the words “practice of law”.

The practice of law is defined as the application of statutes, legal principles, and judgment with
regards to objectives and circumstances. (ABA GROUP). It is also presumed that the practice of law
involves conduct done in course of the legal proceeding such as counseling, representation, drafting
legal papers, etc.

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